4.0.0-alpha.1 (2020-07-18)
Bug Fixes
- added check for cross-fields extraction on unsupported schema (0ff1bad)
- added errorMessage prop to the field type (f1553d0)
- added single error message prop to the provider slot props (bc97d0c)
- added unwrap util function (121bffc)
- adjust the useField options to be less strict (7ea8263)
- check if a form is present before accessing its schema (3656181)
- debouncing not working correctly and move it to hoc only (86280a1)
- ensure we unwrap the field id if it was reactive (7f91e93)
- initial validation not respecting the config opts (2443d44)
- localization default fallback not being interpolated correctly (165e89c)
- no clue why this isn't building (0d3e7fd)
- only add novalidate attr if the rendered element is form (3638cea)
- param mapping causing target names to resolve incorrectly (fb77dc6)
- set pending back to false earlier in the cycle (a4237a2)
- temporary fix for the unamed import issue with vue-beta 4 (62d27e9)
- unwrap flags before sending them to the observer slot (19f7886)
- use the proper model event name (5704db8)
- watch target fields once they change (a4184b0)
- adapt the changes from the v3 master branch (2301c5a)
- add name resolution from v3 (ba77fdd)
- add native submit alternative to handleSubmit (bc00888)
- added 'as' prop to the validation provider (5c8ae9c)
- added alert role to the error message (714abfe)
- added aria and a11y improvements (ca74f16)
- added built-in support for yup validation schema (e436b75)
- added ErrorMessage component (9570412)
- added support for custom components (c661c7e)
- added useField and useForm hooks (c1e9007)
- allow the as prop to be a component definition (29790d4)
- allow the observer to render forms and handle submit events (9e0d59b)
- allow validation schema to accept other expressions (ddeeaea)
- change default field value to undefiend (00c8754)
- deprecate names option on validate API (fe90820)
- deprecate the 'required' flag (283caa0)
- enable interaction modes and localization APIs (8486aaf)
- expose errorMessage prop on useField and Provider (04eecaa)
- expose the form values and pass them to the handleSubmit (de51155)
- hook up the provider with new observer implementation (4d18a65)
- implement bails for useField and ValidationProvider (486babd)
- implement initial values (8239130)
- implement validation debounce (e294409)
- implemented disabled prop (88bf28e)
- make rules watchable (90530cd)
- make the as prop take priority to determine what to render (d5a033f)
- new field binding object (a58a84b)
- new handleSubmit signature (63cbeaf)
- only export the provider for now (0bf3efe)
- remove vid from fields (1b9bded)
- support immediate validation (42cd6ed)
- support inline rules as functions (3c74681)
- support yup validation schemas on field-level (0802512)
- updated vnode utils to handle Vue 3 VNode API (29a4fe8)
- use defineComponent to type Provider and Observer definitions (80980cf)
- validate yup form schemas using object validation (bf216dd)
- validation schema support (523824a)
- working draft for the vprovider with composition api (b830054)