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@vitest/runner - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.0.3 to 2.0.4



import { VitestRunner } from './types.js';
export { CancelReason, VitestRunnerConfig, VitestRunnerConstructor, VitestRunnerImportSource } from './types.js';
import { T as Task, F as File, d as SuiteAPI, e as TestAPI, f as SuiteCollector, g as CustomAPI, h as SuiteHooks, O as OnTestFailedHandler, i as OnTestFinishedHandler, a as Test, C as Custom, S as Suite } from './tasks-WAKtRuk9.js';
export { D as DoneCallback, E as ExtendedContext, t as Fixture, s as FixtureFn, r as FixtureOptions, u as Fixtures, v as HookCleanupCallback, H as HookListener, I as InferFixturesTypes, R as RunMode, y as RuntimeContext, B as SequenceHooks, G as SequenceSetupFiles, x as SuiteFactory, k as TaskBase, A as TaskContext, w as TaskCustomOptions, m as TaskMeta, l as TaskPopulated, n as TaskResult, o as TaskResultPack, j as TaskState, z as TestContext, p as TestFunction, q as TestOptions, U as Use } from './tasks-WAKtRuk9.js';
import { T as Task, F as File, d as SuiteAPI, e as TestAPI, f as SuiteCollector, g as CustomAPI, B as BeforeAllListener, A as AfterAllListener, h as BeforeEachListener, i as AfterEachListener, j as TaskHook, O as OnTestFailedHandler, k as OnTestFinishedHandler, a as Test, C as Custom, S as Suite, l as SuiteHooks } from './tasks-zB5uPauP.js';
export { D as DoneCallback, L as ExtendedContext, w as Fixture, v as FixtureFn, u as FixtureOptions, x as Fixtures, y as HookCleanupCallback, H as HookListener, I as InferFixturesTypes, R as RunMode, G as RuntimeContext, M as SequenceHooks, N as SequenceSetupFiles, E as SuiteFactory, n as TaskBase, K as TaskContext, z as TaskCustomOptions, p as TaskMeta, o as TaskPopulated, q as TaskResult, r as TaskResultPack, m as TaskState, J as TestContext, s as TestFunction, t as TestOptions, U as Use } from './tasks-zB5uPauP.js';
import { Awaitable } from '@vitest/utils';

@@ -13,15 +13,226 @@ export { processError } from '@vitest/utils/error';

* Creates a suite of tests, allowing for grouping and hierarchical organization of tests.
* Suites can contain both tests and other suites, enabling complex test structures.
* @param {string} name - The name of the suite, used for identification and reporting.
* @param {Function} fn - A function that defines the tests and suites within this suite.
* @example
* // Define a suite with two tests
* suite('Math operations', () => {
* test('should add two numbers', () => {
* expect(add(1, 2)).toBe(3);
* });
* test('should subtract two numbers', () => {
* expect(subtract(5, 2)).toBe(3);
* });
* });
* @example
* // Define nested suites
* suite('String operations', () => {
* suite('Trimming', () => {
* test('should trim whitespace from start and end', () => {
* expect(' hello '.trim()).toBe('hello');
* });
* });
* suite('Concatenation', () => {
* test('should concatenate two strings', () => {
* expect('hello' + ' ' + 'world').toBe('hello world');
* });
* });
* });
declare const suite: SuiteAPI;
* Defines a test case with a given name and test function. The test function can optionally be configured with test options.
* @param {string | Function} name - The name of the test or a function that will be used as a test name.
* @param {TestOptions | TestFunction} [optionsOrFn] - Optional. The test options or the test function if no explicit name is provided.
* @param {number | TestOptions | TestFunction} [optionsOrTest] - Optional. The test function or options, depending on the previous parameters.
* @throws {Error} If called inside another test function.
* @example
* // Define a simple test
* test('should add two numbers', () => {
* expect(add(1, 2)).toBe(3);
* });
* @example
* // Define a test with options
* test('should subtract two numbers', { retry: 3 }, () => {
* expect(subtract(5, 2)).toBe(3);
* });
declare const test: TestAPI;
* Creates a suite of tests, allowing for grouping and hierarchical organization of tests.
* Suites can contain both tests and other suites, enabling complex test structures.
* @param {string} name - The name of the suite, used for identification and reporting.
* @param {Function} fn - A function that defines the tests and suites within this suite.
* @example
* // Define a suite with two tests
* describe('Math operations', () => {
* test('should add two numbers', () => {
* expect(add(1, 2)).toBe(3);
* });
* test('should subtract two numbers', () => {
* expect(subtract(5, 2)).toBe(3);
* });
* });
* @example
* // Define nested suites
* describe('String operations', () => {
* describe('Trimming', () => {
* test('should trim whitespace from start and end', () => {
* expect(' hello '.trim()).toBe('hello');
* });
* });
* describe('Concatenation', () => {
* test('should concatenate two strings', () => {
* expect('hello' + ' ' + 'world').toBe('hello world');
* });
* });
* });
declare const describe: SuiteAPI;
* Defines a test case with a given name and test function. The test function can optionally be configured with test options.
* @param {string | Function} name - The name of the test or a function that will be used as a test name.
* @param {TestOptions | TestFunction} [optionsOrFn] - Optional. The test options or the test function if no explicit name is provided.
* @param {number | TestOptions | TestFunction} [optionsOrTest] - Optional. The test function or options, depending on the previous parameters.
* @throws {Error} If called inside another test function.
* @example
* // Define a simple test
* it('adds two numbers', () => {
* expect(add(1, 2)).toBe(3);
* });
* @example
* // Define a test with options
* it('subtracts two numbers', { retry: 3 }, () => {
* expect(subtract(5, 2)).toBe(3);
* });
declare const it: TestAPI;
declare function getCurrentSuite<ExtraContext = {}>(): SuiteCollector<ExtraContext>;
declare function getCurrentSuite<ExtraContext = object>(): SuiteCollector<ExtraContext>;
declare function createTaskCollector(fn: (...args: any[]) => any, context?: Record<string, unknown>): CustomAPI;
declare function beforeAll(fn: SuiteHooks['beforeAll'][0], timeout?: number): void;
declare function afterAll(fn: SuiteHooks['afterAll'][0], timeout?: number): void;
declare function beforeEach<ExtraContext = {}>(fn: SuiteHooks<ExtraContext>['beforeEach'][0], timeout?: number): void;
declare function afterEach<ExtraContext = {}>(fn: SuiteHooks<ExtraContext>['afterEach'][0], timeout?: number): void;
declare const onTestFailed: (fn: OnTestFailedHandler) => void;
declare const onTestFinished: (fn: OnTestFinishedHandler) => void;
* Registers a callback function to be executed once before all tests within the current suite.
* This hook is useful for scenarios where you need to perform setup operations that are common to all tests in a suite, such as initializing a database connection or setting up a test environment.
* **Note:** The `beforeAll` hooks are executed in the order they are defined one after another. You can configure this by changing the `sequence.hooks` option in the config file.
* @param {Function} fn - The callback function to be executed before all tests.
* @param {number} [timeout] - Optional timeout in milliseconds for the hook. If not provided, the default hook timeout from the runner's configuration is used.
* @returns {void}
* @example
* // Example of using beforeAll to set up a database connection
* beforeAll(async () => {
* await database.connect();
* });
declare function beforeAll(fn: BeforeAllListener, timeout?: number): void;
* Registers a callback function to be executed once after all tests within the current suite have completed.
* This hook is useful for scenarios where you need to perform cleanup operations after all tests in a suite have run, such as closing database connections or cleaning up temporary files.
* **Note:** The `afterAll` hooks are running in reverse order of their registration. You can configure this by changing the `sequence.hooks` option in the config file.
* @param {Function} fn - The callback function to be executed after all tests.
* @param {number} [timeout] - Optional timeout in milliseconds for the hook. If not provided, the default hook timeout from the runner's configuration is used.
* @returns {void}
* @example
* // Example of using afterAll to close a database connection
* afterAll(async () => {
* await database.disconnect();
* });
declare function afterAll(fn: AfterAllListener, timeout?: number): void;
* Registers a callback function to be executed before each test within the current suite.
* This hook is useful for scenarios where you need to reset or reinitialize the test environment before each test runs, such as resetting database states, clearing caches, or reinitializing variables.
* **Note:** The `beforeEach` hooks are executed in the order they are defined one after another. You can configure this by changing the `sequence.hooks` option in the config file.
* @param {Function} fn - The callback function to be executed before each test. This function receives an `TestContext` parameter if additional test context is needed.
* @param {number} [timeout] - Optional timeout in milliseconds for the hook. If not provided, the default hook timeout from the runner's configuration is used.
* @returns {void}
* @example
* // Example of using beforeEach to reset a database state
* beforeEach(async () => {
* await database.reset();
* });
declare function beforeEach<ExtraContext = object>(fn: BeforeEachListener<ExtraContext>, timeout?: number): void;
* Registers a callback function to be executed after each test within the current suite has completed.
* This hook is useful for scenarios where you need to clean up or reset the test environment after each test runs, such as deleting temporary files, clearing test-specific database entries, or resetting mocked functions.
* **Note:** The `afterEach` hooks are running in reverse order of their registration. You can configure this by changing the `sequence.hooks` option in the config file.
* @param {Function} fn - The callback function to be executed after each test. This function receives an `TestContext` parameter if additional test context is needed.
* @param {number} [timeout] - Optional timeout in milliseconds for the hook. If not provided, the default hook timeout from the runner's configuration is used.
* @returns {void}
* @example
* // Example of using afterEach to delete temporary files created during a test
* afterEach(async () => {
* await fileSystem.deleteTempFiles();
* });
declare function afterEach<ExtraContext = object>(fn: AfterEachListener<ExtraContext>, timeout?: number): void;
* Registers a callback function to be executed when a test fails within the current suite.
* This function allows for custom actions to be performed in response to test failures, such as logging, cleanup, or additional diagnostics.
* **Note:** The `onTestFailed` hooks are running in reverse order of their registration. You can configure this by changing the `sequence.hooks` option in the config file.
* @param {Function} fn - The callback function to be executed upon a test failure. The function receives the test result (including errors).
* @param {number} [timeout] - Optional timeout in milliseconds for the hook. If not provided, the default hook timeout from the runner's configuration is used.
* @throws {Error} Throws an error if the function is not called within a test.
* @returns {void}
* @example
* // Example of using onTestFailed to log failure details
* onTestFailed(({ errors }) => {
* console.log(`Test failed: ${}`, errors);
* });
declare const onTestFailed: TaskHook<OnTestFailedHandler>;
* Registers a callback function to be executed when the current test finishes, regardless of the outcome (pass or fail).
* This function is ideal for performing actions that should occur after every test execution, such as cleanup, logging, or resetting shared resources.
* This hook is useful if you have access to a resource in the test itself and you want to clean it up after the test finishes. It is a more compact way to clean up resources than using the combination of `beforeEach` and `afterEach`.
* **Note:** The `onTestFinished` hooks are running in reverse order of their registration. You can configure this by changing the `sequence.hooks` option in the config file.
* @param {Function} fn - The callback function to be executed after a test finishes. The function can receive parameters providing details about the completed test, including its success or failure status.
* @param {number} [timeout] - Optional timeout in milliseconds for the hook. If not provided, the default hook timeout from the runner's configuration is used.
* @throws {Error} Throws an error if the function is not called within a test.
* @returns {void}
* @example
* // Example of using onTestFinished for cleanup
* const db = await connectToDatabase();
* onTestFinished(async () => {
* await db.disconnect();
* });
declare const onTestFinished: TaskHook<OnTestFinishedHandler>;

@@ -35,2 +246,2 @@ declare function setFn(key: Test | Custom, fn: () => Awaitable<void>): void;

export { Custom, CustomAPI, File, OnTestFailedHandler, OnTestFinishedHandler, Suite, SuiteAPI, SuiteCollector, SuiteHooks, Task, Test, TestAPI, VitestRunner, afterAll, afterEach, beforeAll, beforeEach, publicCollect as collectTests, createTaskCollector, describe, getCurrentSuite, getCurrentTest, getFn, getHooks, it, onTestFailed, onTestFinished, setFn, setHooks, startTests, suite, test, updateTask };
export { AfterAllListener, AfterEachListener, BeforeAllListener, BeforeEachListener, Custom, CustomAPI, File, OnTestFailedHandler, OnTestFinishedHandler, Suite, SuiteAPI, SuiteCollector, SuiteHooks, Task, TaskHook, Test, TestAPI, VitestRunner, afterAll, afterEach, beforeAll, beforeEach, publicCollect as collectTests, createTaskCollector, describe, getCurrentSuite, getCurrentTest, getFn, getHooks, it, onTestFailed, onTestFinished, setFn, setHooks, startTests, suite, test, updateTask };



@@ -556,9 +556,17 @@ import { getSafeTimers, isObject, createDefer, isNegativeNaN, format, objDisplay, objectAttr, toArray, shuffle } from '@vitest/utils';

if (fnFirst) {
arrayOnlyCases ? suite2(
formatTitle(_name, items, idx),
() => handler(...items),
) : suite2(formatTitle(_name, items, idx), () => handler(i), options);
if (arrayOnlyCases) {
formatTitle(_name, items, idx),
() => handler(...items),
} else {
suite2(formatTitle(_name, items, idx), () => handler(i), options);
} else {
arrayOnlyCases ? suite2(formatTitle(_name, items, idx), options, () => handler(...items)) : suite2(formatTitle(_name, items, idx), options, () => handler(i));
if (arrayOnlyCases) {
suite2(formatTitle(_name, items, idx), options, () => handler(...items));
} else {
suite2(formatTitle(_name, items, idx), options, () => handler(i));

@@ -592,9 +600,17 @@ });

if (fnFirst) {
arrayOnlyCases ? test2(
formatTitle(_name, items, idx),
() => handler(...items),
) : test2(formatTitle(_name, items, idx), () => handler(i), options);
if (arrayOnlyCases) {
formatTitle(_name, items, idx),
() => handler(...items),
} else {
test2(formatTitle(_name, items, idx), () => handler(i), options);
} else {
arrayOnlyCases ? test2(formatTitle(_name, items, idx), options, () => handler(...items)) : test2(formatTitle(_name, items, idx), options, () => handler(i));
if (arrayOnlyCases) {
test2(formatTitle(_name, items, idx), options, () => handler(...items));
} else {
test2(formatTitle(_name, items, idx), options, () => handler(i));

@@ -845,3 +861,3 @@ });

...await Promise.all( => fn(...args)))
...await Promise.all( => hook(...args)))

@@ -1206,5 +1222,7 @@ } else {

(test, handler) => {
(test, handler, timeout) => {
test.onFailed || (test.onFailed = []);
withTimeout(handler, timeout ?? getDefaultHookTimeout(), true)

@@ -1214,9 +1232,11 @@ );

(test, handler) => {
(test, handler, timeout) => {
test.onFinished || (test.onFinished = []);
withTimeout(handler, timeout ?? getDefaultHookTimeout(), true)
function createTestHook(name, handler) {
return (fn) => {
return (fn, timeout) => {
const current = getCurrentTest();

@@ -1226,3 +1246,3 @@ if (!current) {

return handler(current, fn);
return handler(current, fn, timeout);

@@ -1229,0 +1249,0 @@ }

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { B as SequenceHooks, G as SequenceSetupFiles, F as File, T as Task, S as Suite, o as TaskResultPack, a as Test, C as Custom, A as TaskContext, E as ExtendedContext } from './tasks-WAKtRuk9.js';
export { g as CustomAPI, D as DoneCallback, t as Fixture, s as FixtureFn, r as FixtureOptions, u as Fixtures, v as HookCleanupCallback, H as HookListener, I as InferFixturesTypes, O as OnTestFailedHandler, i as OnTestFinishedHandler, R as RunMode, y as RuntimeContext, d as SuiteAPI, f as SuiteCollector, x as SuiteFactory, h as SuiteHooks, k as TaskBase, w as TaskCustomOptions, m as TaskMeta, l as TaskPopulated, n as TaskResult, j as TaskState, e as TestAPI, z as TestContext, p as TestFunction, q as TestOptions, U as Use } from './tasks-WAKtRuk9.js';
import { M as SequenceHooks, N as SequenceSetupFiles, F as File, T as Task, S as Suite, r as TaskResultPack, a as Test, C as Custom, K as TaskContext, L as ExtendedContext } from './tasks-zB5uPauP.js';
export { A as AfterAllListener, i as AfterEachListener, B as BeforeAllListener, h as BeforeEachListener, g as CustomAPI, D as DoneCallback, w as Fixture, v as FixtureFn, u as FixtureOptions, x as Fixtures, y as HookCleanupCallback, H as HookListener, I as InferFixturesTypes, O as OnTestFailedHandler, k as OnTestFinishedHandler, R as RunMode, G as RuntimeContext, d as SuiteAPI, f as SuiteCollector, E as SuiteFactory, l as SuiteHooks, n as TaskBase, z as TaskCustomOptions, j as TaskHook, p as TaskMeta, o as TaskPopulated, q as TaskResult, m as TaskState, e as TestAPI, J as TestContext, s as TestFunction, t as TestOptions, U as Use } from './tasks-zB5uPauP.js';
import { DiffOptions } from '@vitest/utils/diff';

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ import '@vitest/utils';

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { S as Suite, F as File, T as Task, a as Test, C as Custom } from './tasks-WAKtRuk9.js';
export { b as ChainableFunction, c as createChainable } from './tasks-WAKtRuk9.js';
import { S as Suite, F as File, T as Task, a as Test, C as Custom } from './tasks-zB5uPauP.js';
export { b as ChainableFunction, c as createChainable } from './tasks-zB5uPauP.js';
import { Arrayable } from '@vitest/utils';

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@

"name": "@vitest/runner",
"type": "module",
"version": "2.0.3",
"version": "2.0.4",
"description": "Vitest test runner",

@@ -42,3 +42,3 @@ "license": "MIT",

"pathe": "^1.1.2",
"@vitest/utils": "2.0.3"
"@vitest/utils": "2.0.4"

@@ -45,0 +45,0 @@ "scripts": {

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