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Package description

What is @vue/compiler-dom?

The @vue/compiler-dom package is part of the Vue.js ecosystem, specifically designed for compiling Vue template syntax into render functions directly in the browser or on the server. It is a core utility for Vue's template compilation, enabling developers to pre-compile templates or compile them on the fly, optimizing performance and enhancing the development experience with Vue.js applications.

What are @vue/compiler-dom's main functionalities?

Compiling Template Strings

This feature allows developers to compile Vue template strings into render functions. The compiled code can then be used to render Vue components dynamically. This is particularly useful for applications that need to compile templates on the fly, such as those that receive template code from a server.

import { compile } from '@vue/compiler-dom';
const { code } = compile('<div>{{ message }}</div>');

Parsing Template Options

The package provides functionality to parse template strings into Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs). This is useful for tools and libraries that need to analyze or manipulate Vue templates at a syntactic level, enabling advanced use cases like static analysis, linting, and custom transformations.

import { parse, baseParse } from '@vue/compiler-dom';
const ast = baseParse('<div>{{ message }}</div>');

Transforming AST Nodes

After parsing a template into an AST, @vue/compiler-dom allows developers to apply transformations to the AST nodes. This feature is powerful for creating custom directives or modifying the behavior of existing ones, enabling a high degree of customization and optimization for Vue applications.

import { transform } from '@vue/compiler-dom';
transform(ast, {
  nodeTransforms: [/* array of node transform functions */]

Other packages similar to @vue/compiler-dom



3.3.9 (2023-11-25)

Bug Fixes

  • compiler-core: avoid rewriting scope variables in inline for loops (#7245) (a2d810e), closes #7238
  • compiler-core: fix resolveParserPlugins decorators check (#9566) (9d0eba9), closes #9560
  • compiler-sfc: consistently escape type-only prop names (#8654) (3e08d24), closes #8635 #8910 vitejs/vite-plugin-vue#184
  • compiler-sfc: malformed filename on windows using path.posix.join() (#9478) (f18a174), closes #8671 #9583 #9446 #9473
  • compiler-sfc: support :is and :where selector in scoped css rewrite (#8929) (3227e50)
  • compiler-sfc: support resolve extends interface for defineEmits (#8470) (9e1b74b), closes #8465
  • hmr/transition: fix kept-alive component inside transition disappearing after hmr (#7126) (d11e978), closes #7121
  • hydration: force hydration for v-bind with .prop modifier (364f319), closes #7490
  • hydration: properly hydrate indeterminate prop (34b5a5d), closes #7476
  • reactivity: clear method on readonly collections should return undefined (#7316) (657476d)
  • reactivity: onCleanup also needs to be cleaned (#8655) (73fd810), closes #5151 #7695
  • ssr: hydration __vnode missing for devtools (#9328) (5156ac5)
  • types: allow falsy value types in StyleValue (#7954) (17aa92b), closes #7955
  • types: defineCustomElement using defineComponent return type with emits (#7937) (5d932a8), closes #7782
  • types: fix unref and toValue when input union type contains ComputedRef (#8748) (176d476), closes #8747 #8857
  • types: fix instance type when props type is incompatible with setup returned type (#7338) (0e1e8f9), closes #5885
  • types: fix shallowRef return type with union value type (#7853) (7c44800), closes #7852
  • types: more precise types for class bindings (#8012) (46e3374)
  • types: remove optional properties from defineProps return type (#6421) (94c049d), closes #6420
  • types: return type of withDefaults should be readonly (#8601) (f15debc)
  • types: revert class type restrictions (5d077c8), closes #8012
  • types: update jsx type definitions (#8607) (58e2a94)
  • types: widen ClassValue type (2424013)
  • v-model: avoid overwriting number input with same value (#7004) (40f4b77), closes #7003
  • v-model: unnecessary value binding error should apply to dynamic instead of static binding (2859b65), closes #3596






Last updated on 25 Nov 2023

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