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@vue/devtools-ui - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 7.0.27 to 7.1.0


// @unocss-include
import { Dropdown as xe, VClosePopper as _e, Tooltip as ze } from "floating-vue";
import { VTooltip as _o } from "floating-vue";
import { openBlock as p, createElementBlock as $, createElementVNode as b, defineComponent as T, useAttrs as je, computed as _, useSlots as Ce, createBlock as M, resolveDynamicComponent as Ve, mergeProps as q, withCtx as y, renderSlot as w, unref as k, createCommentVNode as E, normalizeClass as V, ref as B, watch as R, customRef as Se, isRef as Q, getCurrentScope as Ie, onScopeDispose as He, toRef as Je, readonly as Be, onMounted as Y, nextTick as Z, getCurrentInstance as de, shallowRef as Ue, watchEffect as X, normalizeProps as ce, guardReactiveProps as fe, Teleport as Te, createVNode as W, Transition as pe, normalizeStyle as me, createTextVNode as I, toDisplayString as H, withDirectives as ve, vModelDynamic as Ge, provide as Ke, createSlots as De, inject as Ye, Fragment as be, renderList as ye, withModifiers as Xe, h as qe, render as we } from "vue";
const ge = (e, o) => {
import { Dropdown as He, VClosePopper as Ve, Tooltip as Je } from "floating-vue";
import { VTooltip as Wn } from "floating-vue";
import { openBlock as g, createElementBlock as S, createElementVNode as b, defineComponent as O, useAttrs as Ue, computed as k, useSlots as Be, createBlock as j, resolveDynamicComponent as Ae, mergeProps as Q, withCtx as h, renderSlot as w, unref as _, createCommentVNode as E, normalizeClass as B, ref as D, watch as F, customRef as De, isRef as Z, getCurrentScope as Ke, onScopeDispose as Ge, toRef as Ye, readonly as Oe, onMounted as Y, nextTick as ee, getCurrentInstance as de, shallowRef as qe, watchEffect as X, normalizeProps as fe, guardReactiveProps as pe, Teleport as Me, createVNode as x, Transition as me, normalizeStyle as ve, createTextVNode as I, toDisplayString as H, withDirectives as ge, vModelDynamic as Xe, provide as Qe, createSlots as Te, inject as Ze, Fragment as we, renderList as _e, withModifiers as et, h as tt, render as $e } from "vue";
const ye = (e, n) => {
const t = e.__vccOpts || e;
for (const [a, n] of o)
t[a] = n;
for (const [u, r] of n)
t[u] = r;
return t;
}, Qe = {}, Ze = { class: "h-3 w-3 $ui-inline-fcc" }, et = /* @__PURE__ */ b("svg", {
}, nt = {}, ot = { class: "h-3 w-3 $ui-inline-fcc" }, rt = /* @__PURE__ */ b("svg", {
class: "animate-spin",

@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ xmlns: "",

], -1), tt = [
], -1), at = [
function ot(e, o) {
return p(), $("div", Ze, tt);
function lt(e, n) {
return g(), S("div", ot, at);
const Oe = /* @__PURE__ */ ge(Qe, [["render", ot]]), nt = { key: 2 }, K = /* @__PURE__ */ T({
const je = /* @__PURE__ */ ye(nt, [["render", lt]]), st = { key: 2 }, G = /* @__PURE__ */ O({
inheritAttrs: !1,

@@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ __name: "Button",

emits: ["click"],
setup(e, { emit: o }) {
const t = e, a = o, n = je(), l = _(() => ? "router-link" : n.href ? "a" : "button"), r = _(() => t.loading || t.disabled);
function s(u) {
if (r.value) {
u.preventDefault(), u.stopPropagation(), u.stopImmediatePropagation();
setup(e, { emit: n }) {
const t = e, u = n, r = Ue(), l = k(() => ? "router-link" : r.href ? "a" : "button"), a = k(() => t.loading || t.disabled);
function i(o) {
if (a.value) {
o.preventDefault(), o.stopPropagation(), o.stopImmediatePropagation();
a("click", u);
u("click", o);
const i = {
const s = {
common: {

@@ -97,34 +97,34 @@ default: "active:bg-primary-100-darker dark:active:bg-gray-800-darker",

}, c = Ce(), d = _(() => t.flat ? i.flat[t.type] : t.outlined ? i.outlined[t.type] : i.normal[t.type]);
return (u, f) => (p(), M(Ve(l.value), q(u.$attrs, {
}, c = Be(), f = k(() => t.flat ? s.flat[t.type] : t.outlined ? s.outlined[t.type] : s.normal[t.type]);
return (o, d) => (g(), j(Ae(l.value), Q(o.$attrs, {
role: "button",
"aria-disabled": r.value,
"aria-disabled": a.value,
class: ["$ui-base $ui-inline-fcc inline-flex cursor-pointer select-none gap1.25 py-0 no-underline $ui-transition", [
"rounded-full": t.round === "full",
"$ui-base-br": t.round === "normal",
"opacity-50 cursor-not-allowed": r.value,
"opacity-50 cursor-not-allowed": a.value,
"bg-transparent": t.flat || t.outlined
u.outlined ? "b-1 $ui-border-base active:ring-3 shadow-sm" : "border-none",
u.size === "mini" ? "px1 text-3 h5.5" : "px3.5 text-3.5 h8",
o.outlined ? "b-1 $ui-border-base active:ring-3 shadow-sm" : "border-none",
o.size === "mini" ? "px1 text-3 h5.5" : "px3.5 text-3.5 h8",
onClickCapture: s
onClickCapture: i
}), {
default: y(() => [
u.loading ? (p(), M(Oe, {
default: h(() => [
o.loading ? (g(), j(je, {
key: 0,
class: "mt0.5 h-full w3"
})) : w(u.$slots, "icon", {
})) : w(o.$slots, "icon", {
key: 1,
class: "h-full w3 $ui-inline-fcc"
k(c).default ? (p(), $("div", nt, [
w(u.$slots, "default")
_(c).default ? (g(), S("div", st, [
w(o.$slots, "default")
])) : E("", !0),
w(u.$slots, "icon-right")
w(o.$slots, "icon-right")

@@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ _: 3

}), rt = {}, at = { class: "mx-0.5 $ui-base inline-block select-none whitespace-nowrap rounded px-1.5 py-0.5 text-xs" };
function lt(e, o) {
return p(), $("span", at, [
}), it = {}, ut = { class: "mx-0.5 $ui-base inline-block select-none whitespace-nowrap rounded px-1.5 py-0.5 text-xs" };
function ct(e, n) {
return g(), S("span", ut, [
w(e.$slots, "default")
const io = /* @__PURE__ */ ge(rt, [["render", lt]]), ue = /* @__PURE__ */ T({
const Cn = /* @__PURE__ */ ye(it, [["render", ct]]), ce = /* @__PURE__ */ O({
__name: "Icon",

@@ -149,38 +149,38 @@ props: {

setup(e) {
return (o, t) => (p(), M(Ve(o.inline ? "span" : "div"), {
class: V(["$ui-base", [o.icon, o.action ? "cursor-pointer hover:op50" : ""]])
return (n, t) => (g(), j(Ae(n.inline ? "span" : "div"), {
class: B(["$ui-base", [n.icon, n.action ? "cursor-pointer hover:op50" : ""]])
}, null, 8, ["class"]));
function le(e) {
return Ie() ? (He(e), !0) : !1;
function se(e) {
return Ke() ? (Ge(e), !0) : !1;
function st(e, o, { enumerable: t = !1, unwrap: a = !0 } = {}) {
for (const [n, l] of Object.entries(o))
n !== "value" && (Q(l) && a ? Object.defineProperty(e, n, {
function dt(e, n, { enumerable: t = !1, unwrap: u = !0 } = {}) {
for (const [r, l] of Object.entries(n))
r !== "value" && (Z(l) && u ? Object.defineProperty(e, r, {
get() {
return l.value;
set(r) {
l.value = r;
set(a) {
l.value = a;
enumerable: t
}) : Object.defineProperty(e, n, { value: l, enumerable: t }));
}) : Object.defineProperty(e, r, { value: l, enumerable: t }));
return e;
function N(e) {
return typeof e == "function" ? e() : k(e);
return typeof e == "function" ? e() : _(e);
const Me = typeof window < "u" && typeof document < "u";
const Pe = typeof window < "u" && typeof document < "u";
typeof WorkerGlobalScope < "u" && globalThis instanceof WorkerGlobalScope;
const it = (e) => typeof e < "u", ut = Object.prototype.toString, dt = (e) => === "[object Object]", re = () => {
}, ke = /* @__PURE__ */ ct();
function ct() {
var e, o;
return Me && ((e = window == null ? void 0 : window.navigator) == null ? void 0 : e.userAgent) && (/iP(ad|hone|od)/.test(window.navigator.userAgent) || ((o = window == null ? void 0 : window.navigator) == null ? void 0 : o.maxTouchPoints) > 2 && /iPad|Macintosh/.test(window == null ? void 0 : window.navigator.userAgent));
const ft = (e) => typeof e < "u", pt = Object.prototype.toString, mt = (e) => === "[object Object]", ae = () => {
}, ke = /* @__PURE__ */ vt();
function vt() {
var e, n;
return Pe && ((e = window == null ? void 0 : window.navigator) == null ? void 0 : e.userAgent) && (/iP(ad|hone|od)/.test(window.navigator.userAgent) || ((n = window == null ? void 0 : window.navigator) == null ? void 0 : n.maxTouchPoints) > 2 && /iPad|Macintosh/.test(window == null ? void 0 : window.navigator.userAgent));
function Ae(e, o) {
function t(...a) {
return new Promise((n, l) => {
Promise.resolve(e(() => o.apply(this, a), { fn: o, thisArg: this, args: a })).then(n).catch(l);
function Ee(e, n) {
function t(...u) {
return new Promise((r, l) => {
Promise.resolve(e(() => n.apply(this, u), { fn: n, thisArg: this, args: u })).then(r).catch(l);

@@ -190,82 +190,82 @@ }

const Ee = (e) => e();
function ft(e, o = {}) {
let t, a, n = re;
const l = (s) => {
clearTimeout(s), n(), n = re;
const Ne = (e) => e();
function gt(e, n = {}) {
let t, u, r = ae;
const l = (i) => {
clearTimeout(i), r(), r = ae;
return (s) => {
const i = N(e), c = N(o.maxWait);
return t && l(t), i <= 0 || c !== void 0 && c <= 0 ? (a && (l(a), a = null), Promise.resolve(s())) : new Promise((d, u) => {
n = o.rejectOnCancel ? u : d, c && !a && (a = setTimeout(() => {
t && l(t), a = null, d(s());
return (i) => {
const s = N(e), c = N(n.maxWait);
return t && l(t), s <= 0 || c !== void 0 && c <= 0 ? (u && (l(u), u = null), Promise.resolve(i())) : new Promise((f, o) => {
r = n.rejectOnCancel ? o : f, c && !u && (u = setTimeout(() => {
t && l(t), u = null, f(i());
}, c)), t = setTimeout(() => {
a && l(a), a = null, d(s());
}, i);
u && l(u), u = null, f(i());
}, s);
function pt(e = Ee) {
const o = B(!0);
function yt(e = Ne) {
const n = D(!0);
function t() {
o.value = !1;
n.value = !1;
function a() {
o.value = !0;
function u() {
n.value = !0;
const n = (...l) => {
o.value && e(...l);
const r = (...l) => {
n.value && e(...l);
return { isActive: Be(o), pause: t, resume: a, eventFilter: n };
return { isActive: Oe(n), pause: t, resume: u, eventFilter: r };
function mt(e) {
function bt(e) {
return e || de();
function Ne(...e) {
function xe(...e) {
if (e.length !== 1)
return Je(...e);
const o = e[0];
return typeof o == "function" ? Be(Se(() => ({ get: o, set: re }))) : B(o);
return Ye(...e);
const n = e[0];
return typeof n == "function" ? Oe(De(() => ({ get: n, set: ae }))) : D(n);
function vt(e, o = 200, t = {}) {
return Ae(
ft(o, t),
function ht(e, n = 200, t = {}) {
return Ee(
gt(n, t),
function gt(e, o = 200, t = {}) {
const a = B(e.value), n = vt(() => {
a.value = e.value;
}, o, t);
return R(e, () => n()), a;
function wt(e, n = 200, t = {}) {
const u = D(e.value), r = ht(() => {
u.value = e.value;
}, n, t);
return F(e, () => r()), u;
function ht(e, o = {}) {
let t = e, a, n;
const l = Se((f, m) => (a = f, n = m, {
function _t(e, n = {}) {
let t = e, u, r;
const l = De((d, m) => (u = d, r = m, {
get() {
return r();
return a();
set(g) {
set(p) {
function r(f = !0) {
return f && a(), t;
function a(d = !0) {
return d && u(), t;
function s(f, m = !0) {
var g, h;
if (f === t)
function i(d, m = !0) {
var p, v;
if (d === t)
const D = t;
((g = o.onBeforeChange) == null ? void 0 :, f, D)) !== !1 && (t = f, (h = o.onChanged) == null ||, f, D), m && n());
const $ = t;
((p = n.onBeforeChange) == null ? void 0 :, d, $)) !== !1 && (t = d, (v = n.onChanged) == null ||, d, $), m && r());
return st(
return dt(
get: r,
set: s,
untrackedGet: () => r(!1),
silentSet: (f) => s(f, !1),
peek: () => r(!1),
lay: (f) => s(f, !1)
get: a,
set: i,
untrackedGet: () => a(!1),
silentSet: (d) => i(d, !1),
peek: () => a(!1),
lay: (d) => i(d, !1)

@@ -275,69 +275,69 @@ { enumerable: !0 }

function bt(e, o, t = {}) {
function $t(e, n, t = {}) {
const {
eventFilter: a = Ee,
eventFilter: u = Ne,
} = t;
return R(
return F(
function yt(e, o, t = {}) {
function kt(e, n, t = {}) {
const {
eventFilter: a,
} = t, { eventFilter: l, pause: r, resume: s, isActive: i } = pt(a);
return { stop: bt(
eventFilter: u,
} = t, { eventFilter: l, pause: a, resume: i, isActive: s } = yt(u);
return { stop: $t(
eventFilter: l
), pause: r, resume: s, isActive: i };
), pause: a, resume: i, isActive: s };
function he(e, o = !0, t) {
mt() ? Y(e, t) : o ? e() : Z(e);
function be(e, n = !0, t) {
bt() ? Y(e, t) : n ? e() : ee(e);
function wt(e = !1, o = {}) {
function St(e = !1, n = {}) {
const {
truthyValue: t = !0,
falsyValue: a = !1
} = o, n = Q(e), l = B(e);
function r(s) {
falsyValue: u = !1
} = n, r = Z(e), l = D(e);
function a(i) {
if (arguments.length)
return l.value = s, l.value;
return l.value = i, l.value;
const i = N(t);
return l.value = l.value === i ? N(a) : i, l.value;
const s = N(t);
return l.value = l.value === s ? N(u) : s, l.value;
return n ? r : [l, r];
return r ? a : [l, a];
function j(e) {
var o;
function z(e) {
var n;
const t = N(e);
return (o = t == null ? void 0 : t.$el) != null ? o : t;
return (n = t == null ? void 0 : t.$el) != null ? n : t;
const J = Me ? window : void 0;
function ae(...e) {
let o, t, a, n;
if (typeof e[0] == "string" || Array.isArray(e[0]) ? ([t, a, n] = e, o = J) : [o, t, a, n] = e, !o)
return re;
Array.isArray(t) || (t = [t]), Array.isArray(a) || (a = [a]);
const l = [], r = () => {
l.forEach((d) => d()), l.length = 0;
}, s = (d, u, f, m) => (d.addEventListener(u, f, m), () => d.removeEventListener(u, f, m)), i = R(
() => [j(o), N(n)],
([d, u]) => {
if (r(), !d)
const J = Pe ? window : void 0;
function le(...e) {
let n, t, u, r;
if (typeof e[0] == "string" || Array.isArray(e[0]) ? ([t, u, r] = e, n = J) : [n, t, u, r] = e, !n)
return ae;
Array.isArray(t) || (t = [t]), Array.isArray(u) || (u = [u]);
const l = [], a = () => {
l.forEach((f) => f()), l.length = 0;
}, i = (f, o, d, m) => (f.addEventListener(o, d, m), () => f.removeEventListener(o, d, m)), s = F(
() => [z(n), N(r)],
([f, o]) => {
if (a(), !f)
const f = dt(u) ? { ...u } : u;
const d = mt(o) ? { ...o } : o;
...t.flatMap((m) => => s(d, m, g, f)))
...t.flatMap((m) => => i(f, m, p, d)))

@@ -347,57 +347,57 @@ },

), c = () => {
i(), r();
s(), a();
return le(c), c;
return se(c), c;
function kt(e) {
return typeof e == "function" ? e : typeof e == "string" ? (o) => o.key === e : Array.isArray(e) ? (o) => e.includes(o.key) : () => !0;
function Ct(e) {
return typeof e == "function" ? e : typeof e == "string" ? (n) => n.key === e : Array.isArray(e) ? (n) => e.includes(n.key) : () => !0;
function Pe(...e) {
let o, t, a = {};
e.length === 3 ? (o = e[0], t = e[1], a = e[2]) : e.length === 2 ? typeof e[1] == "object" ? (o = !0, t = e[0], a = e[1]) : (o = e[0], t = e[1]) : (o = !0, t = e[0]);
function Le(...e) {
let n, t, u = {};
e.length === 3 ? (n = e[0], t = e[1], u = e[2]) : e.length === 2 ? typeof e[1] == "object" ? (n = !0, t = e[0], u = e[1]) : (n = e[0], t = e[1]) : (n = !0, t = e[0]);
const {
target: n = J,
target: r = J,
eventName: l = "keydown",
passive: r = !1,
dedupe: s = !1
} = a, i = kt(o);
return ae(n, l, (d) => {
d.repeat && N(s) || i(d) && t(d);
}, r);
passive: a = !1,
dedupe: i = !1
} = u, s = Ct(n);
return le(r, l, (f) => {
f.repeat && N(i) || s(f) && t(f);
}, a);
function $t() {
const e = B(!1), o = de();
return o && Y(() => {
function Vt() {
const e = D(!1), n = de();
return n && Y(() => {
e.value = !0;
}, o), e;
}, n), e;
function We(e) {
const o = $t();
return _(() => (o.value, !!e()));
const n = Vt();
return k(() => (n.value, !!e()));
function _t(e, o = {}) {
const { window: t = J } = o, a = We(() => t && "matchMedia" in t && typeof t.matchMedia == "function");
let n;
const l = B(!1), r = (c) => {
function Bt(e, n = {}) {
const { window: t = J } = n, u = We(() => t && "matchMedia" in t && typeof t.matchMedia == "function");
let r;
const l = D(!1), a = (c) => {
l.value = c.matches;
}, s = () => {
n && ("removeEventListener" in n ? n.removeEventListener("change", r) : n.removeListener(r));
}, i = X(() => {
a.value && (s(), n = t.matchMedia(N(e)), "addEventListener" in n ? n.addEventListener("change", r) : n.addListener(r), l.value = n.matches);
}, i = () => {
r && ("removeEventListener" in r ? r.removeEventListener("change", a) : r.removeListener(a));
}, s = X(() => {
u.value && (i(), r = t.matchMedia(N(e)), "addEventListener" in r ? r.addEventListener("change", a) : r.addListener(a), l.value = r.matches);
return le(() => {
i(), s(), n = void 0;
return se(() => {
s(), i(), r = void 0;
}), l;
function Ct(e) {
function At(e) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e));
const te = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : typeof self < "u" ? self : {}, oe = "__vueuse_ssr_handlers__", Vt = /* @__PURE__ */ St();
function St() {
return oe in te || (te[oe] = te[oe] || {}), te[oe];
const ne = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : typeof self < "u" ? self : {}, oe = "__vueuse_ssr_handlers__", Dt = /* @__PURE__ */ Ot();
function Ot() {
return oe in ne || (ne[oe] = ne[oe] || {}), ne[oe];
function Fe(e, o) {
return Vt[e] || o;
function Fe(e, n) {
return Dt[e] || n;
function Bt(e) {
function Mt(e) {
return e == null ? "any" : e instanceof Set ? "set" : e instanceof Map ? "map" : e instanceof Date ? "date" : typeof e == "boolean" ? "boolean" : typeof e == "string" ? "string" : typeof e == "object" ? "object" : Number.isNaN(e) ? "any" : "number";

@@ -438,44 +438,44 @@ }

}, $e = "vueuse-storage";
function Dt(e, o, t, a = {}) {
var n;
}, Se = "vueuse-storage";
function jt(e, n, t, u = {}) {
var r;
const {
flush: l = "pre",
deep: r = !0,
listenToStorageChanges: s = !0,
writeDefaults: i = !0,
deep: a = !0,
listenToStorageChanges: i = !0,
writeDefaults: s = !0,
mergeDefaults: c = !1,
shallow: d,
window: u = J,
eventFilter: f,
onError: m = (v) => {
shallow: f,
window: o = J,
eventFilter: d,
onError: m = (y) => {
initOnMounted: g
} = a, h = (d ? Ue : B)(typeof o == "function" ? o() : o);
initOnMounted: p
} = u, v = (f ? qe : D)(typeof n == "function" ? n() : n);
if (!t)
try {
t = Fe("getDefaultStorage", () => {
var v;
return (v = J) == null ? void 0 : v.localStorage;
var y;
return (y = J) == null ? void 0 : y.localStorage;
} catch (v) {
} catch (y) {
if (!t)
return h;
const D = N(o), x = Bt(D), P = (n = a.serializer) != null ? n : Tt[x], { pause: S, resume: C } = yt(
() => L(h.value),
{ flush: l, deep: r, eventFilter: f }
return v;
const $ = N(n), V = Mt($), T = (r = u.serializer) != null ? r : Tt[V], { pause: A, resume: C } = kt(
() => W(v.value),
{ flush: l, deep: a, eventFilter: d }
u && s && he(() => {
ae(u, "storage", F), ae(u, $e, ee), g && F();
}), g || F();
function A(v, O) {
u && u.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent($e, {
o && i && be(() => {
le(o, "storage", L), le(o, Se, te), p && L();
}), p || L();
function P(y, M) {
o && o.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(Se, {
detail: {
key: e,
oldValue: v,
newValue: O,
oldValue: y,
newValue: M,
storageArea: t

@@ -485,39 +485,39 @@ }

function L(v) {
function W(y) {
try {
const O = t.getItem(e);
if (v == null)
A(O, null), t.removeItem(e);
const M = t.getItem(e);
if (y == null)
P(M, null), t.removeItem(e);
else {
const z = P.write(v);
O !== z && (t.setItem(e, z), A(O, z));
const R = T.write(y);
M !== R && (t.setItem(e, R), P(M, R));
} catch (O) {
} catch (M) {
function G(v) {
const O = v ? v.newValue : t.getItem(e);
if (O == null)
return i && D != null && t.setItem(e, P.write(D)), D;
if (!v && c) {
const z =;
return typeof c == "function" ? c(z, D) : x === "object" && !Array.isArray(z) ? { ...D, ...z } : z;
function K(y) {
const M = y ? y.newValue : t.getItem(e);
if (M == null)
return s && $ != null && t.setItem(e, T.write($)), $;
if (!y && c) {
const R =;
return typeof c == "function" ? c(R, $) : V === "object" && !Array.isArray(R) ? { ...$, ...R } : R;
} else
return typeof O != "string" ? O :;
return typeof M != "string" ? M :;
function F(v) {
if (!(v && v.storageArea !== t)) {
if (v && v.key == null) {
h.value = D;
function L(y) {
if (!(y && y.storageArea !== t)) {
if (y && y.key == null) {
v.value = $;
if (!(v && v.key !== e)) {
if (!(y && y.key !== e)) {
try {
(v == null ? void 0 : v.newValue) !== P.write(h.value) && (h.value = G(v));
} catch (O) {
(y == null ? void 0 : y.newValue) !== T.write(v.value) && (v.value = K(y));
} catch (M) {
} finally {
v ? Z(C) : C();
y ? ee(C) : C();

@@ -527,23 +527,23 @@ }

function ee(v) {
function te(y) {
return h;
return v;
function Ot(e) {
return _t("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)", e);
function Pt(e) {
return Bt("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)", e);
function Mt(e = {}) {
function Et(e = {}) {
const {
selector: o = "html",
selector: n = "html",
attribute: t = "class",
initialValue: a = "auto",
window: n = J,
initialValue: u = "auto",
window: r = J,
storage: l,
storageKey: r = "vueuse-color-scheme",
listenToStorageChanges: s = !0,
storageRef: i,
storageKey: a = "vueuse-color-scheme",
listenToStorageChanges: i = !0,
storageRef: s,
emitAuto: c,
disableTransition: d = !0
} = e, u = {
disableTransition: f = !0
} = e, o = {
auto: "",

@@ -553,130 +553,130 @@ light: "light",

...e.modes || {}
}, f = Ot({ window: n }), m = _(() => f.value ? "dark" : "light"), g = i || (r == null ? Ne(a) : Dt(r, a, l, { window: n, listenToStorageChanges: s })), h = _(() => g.value === "auto" ? m.value : g.value), D = Fe(
}, d = Pt({ window: r }), m = k(() => d.value ? "dark" : "light"), p = s || (a == null ? xe(u) : jt(a, u, l, { window: r, listenToStorageChanges: i })), v = k(() => p.value === "auto" ? m.value : p.value), $ = Fe(
(C, A, L) => {
const G = typeof C == "string" ? n == null ? void 0 : n.document.querySelector(C) : j(C);
if (!G)
(C, P, W) => {
const K = typeof C == "string" ? r == null ? void 0 : r.document.querySelector(C) : z(C);
if (!K)
let F;
if (d && (F = n.document.createElement("style"), F.appendChild(document.createTextNode("*,*::before,*::after{-webkit-transition:none!important;-moz-transition:none!important;-o-transition:none!important;-ms-transition:none!important;transition:none!important}")), n.document.head.appendChild(F)), A === "class") {
const ee = L.split(/\s/g);
Object.values(u).flatMap((v) => (v || "").split(/\s/g)).filter(Boolean).forEach((v) => {
ee.includes(v) ? G.classList.add(v) : G.classList.remove(v);
let L;
if (f && (L = r.document.createElement("style"), L.appendChild(document.createTextNode("*,*::before,*::after{-webkit-transition:none!important;-moz-transition:none!important;-o-transition:none!important;-ms-transition:none!important;transition:none!important}")), r.document.head.appendChild(L)), P === "class") {
const te = W.split(/\s/g);
Object.values(o).flatMap((y) => (y || "").split(/\s/g)).filter(Boolean).forEach((y) => {
te.includes(y) ? K.classList.add(y) : K.classList.remove(y);
} else
G.setAttribute(A, L);
d && (n.getComputedStyle(F).opacity, document.head.removeChild(F));
K.setAttribute(P, W);
f && (r.getComputedStyle(L).opacity, document.head.removeChild(L));
function x(C) {
var A;
D(o, t, (A = u[C]) != null ? A : C);
function V(C) {
var P;
$(n, t, (P = o[C]) != null ? P : C);
function P(C) {
e.onChanged ? e.onChanged(C, x) : x(C);
function T(C) {
e.onChanged ? e.onChanged(C, V) : V(C);
R(h, P, { flush: "post", immediate: !0 }), he(() => P(h.value));
const S = _({
F(v, T, { flush: "post", immediate: !0 }), be(() => T(v.value));
const A = k({
get() {
return c ? g.value : h.value;
return c ? p.value : v.value;
set(C) {
g.value = C;
p.value = C;
try {
return Object.assign(S, { store: g, system: m, state: h });
return Object.assign(A, { store: p, system: m, state: v });
} catch {
return S;
return A;
function At(e, o, t = {}) {
const { window: a = J, ...n } = t;
function Nt(e, n, t = {}) {
const { window: u = J, ...r } = t;
let l;
const r = We(() => a && "ResizeObserver" in a), s = () => {
const a = We(() => u && "ResizeObserver" in u), i = () => {
l && (l.disconnect(), l = void 0);
}, i = _(() => Array.isArray(e) ? => j(u)) : [j(e)]), c = R(
(u) => {
if (s(), r.value && a) {
l = new ResizeObserver(o);
for (const f of u)
f && l.observe(f, n);
}, s = k(() => Array.isArray(e) ? => z(o)) : [z(e)]), c = F(
(o) => {
if (i(), a.value && u) {
l = new ResizeObserver(n);
for (const d of o)
d && l.observe(d, r);
{ immediate: !0, flush: "post" }
), d = () => {
s(), c();
), f = () => {
i(), c();
return le(d), {
isSupported: r,
stop: d
return se(f), {
isSupported: a,
stop: f
function Et(e, o = { width: 0, height: 0 }, t = {}) {
const { window: a = J, box: n = "content-box" } = t, l = _(() => {
var u, f;
return (f = (u = j(e)) == null ? void 0 : u.namespaceURI) == null ? void 0 : f.includes("svg");
}), r = B(o.width), s = B(o.height), { stop: i } = At(
function xt(e, n = { width: 0, height: 0 }, t = {}) {
const { window: u = J, box: r = "content-box" } = t, l = k(() => {
var o, d;
return (d = (o = z(e)) == null ? void 0 : o.namespaceURI) == null ? void 0 : d.includes("svg");
}), a = D(n.width), i = D(n.height), { stop: s } = Nt(
([u]) => {
const f = n === "border-box" ? u.borderBoxSize : n === "content-box" ? u.contentBoxSize : u.devicePixelContentBoxSize;
if (a && l.value) {
const m = j(e);
([o]) => {
const d = r === "border-box" ? o.borderBoxSize : r === "content-box" ? o.contentBoxSize : o.devicePixelContentBoxSize;
if (u && l.value) {
const m = z(e);
if (m) {
const g = a.getComputedStyle(m);
r.value = Number.parseFloat(g.width), s.value = Number.parseFloat(g.height);
const p = u.getComputedStyle(m);
a.value = Number.parseFloat(p.width), i.value = Number.parseFloat(p.height);
} else if (f) {
const m = Array.isArray(f) ? f : [f];
r.value = m.reduce((g, { inlineSize: h }) => g + h, 0), s.value = m.reduce((g, { blockSize: h }) => g + h, 0);
} else if (d) {
const m = Array.isArray(d) ? d : [d];
a.value = m.reduce((p, { inlineSize: v }) => p + v, 0), i.value = m.reduce((p, { blockSize: v }) => p + v, 0);
} else
r.value = u.contentRect.width, s.value = u.contentRect.height;
a.value = o.contentRect.width, i.value = o.contentRect.height;
he(() => {
const u = j(e);
u && (r.value = "offsetWidth" in u ? u.offsetWidth : o.width, s.value = "offsetHeight" in u ? u.offsetHeight : o.height);
be(() => {
const o = z(e);
o && (a.value = "offsetWidth" in o ? o.offsetWidth : n.width, i.value = "offsetHeight" in o ? o.offsetHeight : n.height);
const c = R(
() => j(e),
(u) => {
r.value = u ? o.width : 0, s.value = u ? o.height : 0;
const c = F(
() => z(e),
(o) => {
a.value = o ? n.width : 0, i.value = o ? n.height : 0;
function d() {
i(), c();
function f() {
s(), c();
return {
width: r,
height: s,
stop: d
width: a,
height: i,
stop: f
function se(e) {
function ie(e) {
return typeof Window < "u" && e instanceof Window ? e.document.documentElement : typeof Document < "u" && e instanceof Document ? e.documentElement : e;
function Le(e) {
const o = window.getComputedStyle(e);
if (o.overflowX === "scroll" || o.overflowY === "scroll" || o.overflowX === "auto" && e.clientWidth < e.scrollWidth || o.overflowY === "auto" && e.clientHeight < e.scrollHeight)
function Re(e) {
const n = window.getComputedStyle(e);
if (n.overflowX === "scroll" || n.overflowY === "scroll" || n.overflowX === "auto" && e.clientWidth < e.scrollWidth || n.overflowY === "auto" && e.clientHeight < e.scrollHeight)
return !0;
const t = e.parentNode;
return !t || t.tagName === "BODY" ? !1 : Le(t);
return !t || t.tagName === "BODY" ? !1 : Re(t);
function Nt(e) {
const o = e || window.event, t =;
return Le(t) ? !1 : o.touches.length > 1 ? !0 : (o.preventDefault && o.preventDefault(), !1);
function Lt(e) {
const n = e || window.event, t =;
return Re(t) ? !1 : n.touches.length > 1 ? !0 : (n.preventDefault && n.preventDefault(), !1);
const ne = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
function Pt(e, o = !1) {
const t = B(o);
let a = null;
R(Ne(e), (r) => {
const s = se(N(r));
if (s) {
const i = s;
ne.get(i) || ne.set(i,, t.value && ( = "hidden");
const re = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
function Wt(e, n = !1) {
const t = D(n);
let u = null;
F(xe(e), (a) => {
const i = ie(N(a));
if (i) {
const s = i;
re.get(s) || re.set(s,, t.value && ( = "hidden");

@@ -686,67 +686,249 @@ }, {

const n = () => {
const r = se(N(e));
!r || t.value || (ke && (a = ae(
const r = () => {
const a = ie(N(e));
!a || t.value || (ke && (u = le(
(s) => {
(i) => {
{ passive: !1 }
)), = "hidden", t.value = !0);
)), = "hidden", t.value = !0);
}, l = () => {
var r;
const s = se(N(e));
!s || !t.value || (ke && (a == null || a()), = (r = ne.get(s)) != null ? r : "", ne.delete(s), t.value = !1);
var a;
const i = ie(N(e));
!i || !t.value || (ke && (u == null || u()), = (a = re.get(i)) != null ? a : "", re.delete(i), t.value = !1);
return le(l), _({
return se(l), k({
get() {
return t.value;
set(r) {
r ? n() : l();
set(a) {
a ? r() : l();
function U(e, o, t, a = {}) {
var n, l, r;
function U(e, n, t, u = {}) {
var r, l, a;
const {
clone: s = !1,
passive: i = !1,
clone: i = !1,
passive: s = !1,
eventName: c,
deep: d = !1,
defaultValue: u,
shouldEmit: f
} = a, m = de(), g = t || (m == null ? void 0 : m.emit) || ((n = m == null ? void 0 : m.$emit) == null ? void 0 : n.bind(m)) || ((r = (l = m == null ? void 0 : m.proxy) == null ? void 0 : l.$emit) == null ? void 0 : r.bind(m == null ? void 0 : m.proxy));
let h = c;
o || (o = "modelValue"), h = h || `update:${o.toString()}`;
const D = (S) => s ? typeof s == "function" ? s(S) : Ct(S) : S, x = () => it(e[o]) ? D(e[o]) : u, P = (S) => {
f ? f(S) && g(h, S) : g(h, S);
deep: f = !1,
defaultValue: o,
shouldEmit: d
} = u, m = de(), p = t || (m == null ? void 0 : m.emit) || ((r = m == null ? void 0 : m.$emit) == null ? void 0 : r.bind(m)) || ((a = (l = m == null ? void 0 : m.proxy) == null ? void 0 : l.$emit) == null ? void 0 : a.bind(m == null ? void 0 : m.proxy));
let v = c;
n || (n = "modelValue"), v = v || `update:${n.toString()}`;
const $ = (A) => i ? typeof i == "function" ? i(A) : At(A) : A, V = () => ft(e[n]) ? $(e[n]) : o, T = (A) => {
d ? d(A) && p(v, A) : p(v, A);
if (i) {
const S = x(), C = B(S);
let A = !1;
return R(
() => e[o],
(L) => {
A || (A = !0, C.value = D(L), Z(() => A = !1));
if (s) {
const A = V(), C = D(A);
let P = !1;
return F(
() => e[n],
(W) => {
P || (P = !0, C.value = $(W), ee(() => P = !1));
), R(
), F(
(L) => {
!A && (L !== e[o] || d) && P(L);
(W) => {
!P && (W !== e[n] || f) && T(W);
{ deep: d }
{ deep: f }
), C;
} else
return _({
return k({
get() {
return x();
return V();
set(S) {
set(A) {
const Wt = { class: "$ui-dark-toggle-vtr" }, uo = /* @__PURE__ */ T({
var Ft = Object.create, ze = Object.defineProperty, Rt = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, he = Object.getOwnPropertyNames, zt = Object.getPrototypeOf, It = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, Ht = (e, n) => function() {
return e && (n = (0, e[he(e)[0]])(e = 0)), n;
}, Jt = (e, n) => function() {
return n || (0, e[he(e)[0]])((n = { exports: {} }).exports, n), n.exports;
}, Ut = (e, n, t, u) => {
if (n && typeof n == "object" || typeof n == "function")
for (let r of he(n))
!, r) && r !== t && ze(e, r, { get: () => n[r], enumerable: !(u = Rt(n, r)) || u.enumerable });
return e;
}, Kt = (e, n, t) => (t = e != null ? Ft(zt(e)) : {}, Ut(
// If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM
// file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel-
// compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set
// "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility.
n || !e || !e.__esModule ? ze(t, "default", { value: e, enumerable: !0 }) : t,
)), q = Ht({
"../../node_modules/.pnpm/tsup@8.0.2_postcss@8.4.38_typescript@5.4.5/node_modules/tsup/assets/esm_shims.js"() {
}), Gt = Jt({
"../../node_modules/.pnpm/rfdc@1.3.1/node_modules/rfdc/index.js"(e, n) {
q(), n.exports = u;
function t(l) {
return l instanceof Buffer ? Buffer.from(l) : new l.constructor(l.buffer.slice(), l.byteOffset, l.length);
function u(l) {
if (l = l || {}, l.circles)
return r(l);
return l.proto ? s : i;
function a(c, f) {
for (var o = Object.keys(c), d = new Array(o.length), m = 0; m < o.length; m++) {
var p = o[m], v = c[p];
typeof v != "object" || v === null ? d[p] = v : v instanceof Date ? d[p] = new Date(v) : ArrayBuffer.isView(v) ? d[p] = t(v) : d[p] = f(v);
return d;
function i(c) {
if (typeof c != "object" || c === null)
return c;
if (c instanceof Date)
return new Date(c);
if (Array.isArray(c))
return a(c, i);
if (c instanceof Map)
return new Map(a(Array.from(c), i));
if (c instanceof Set)
return new Set(a(Array.from(c), i));
var f = {};
for (var o in c)
if (, o) !== !1) {
var d = c[o];
typeof d != "object" || d === null ? f[o] = d : d instanceof Date ? f[o] = new Date(d) : d instanceof Map ? f[o] = new Map(a(Array.from(d), i)) : d instanceof Set ? f[o] = new Set(a(Array.from(d), i)) : ArrayBuffer.isView(d) ? f[o] = t(d) : f[o] = i(d);
return f;
function s(c) {
if (typeof c != "object" || c === null)
return c;
if (c instanceof Date)
return new Date(c);
if (Array.isArray(c))
return a(c, s);
if (c instanceof Map)
return new Map(a(Array.from(c), s));
if (c instanceof Set)
return new Set(a(Array.from(c), s));
var f = {};
for (var o in c) {
var d = c[o];
typeof d != "object" || d === null ? f[o] = d : d instanceof Date ? f[o] = new Date(d) : d instanceof Map ? f[o] = new Map(a(Array.from(d), s)) : d instanceof Set ? f[o] = new Set(a(Array.from(d), s)) : ArrayBuffer.isView(d) ? f[o] = t(d) : f[o] = s(d);
return f;
function r(l) {
var a = [], i = [];
return l.proto ? f : c;
function s(o, d) {
for (var m = Object.keys(o), p = new Array(m.length), v = 0; v < m.length; v++) {
var $ = m[v], V = o[$];
if (typeof V != "object" || V === null)
p[$] = V;
else if (V instanceof Date)
p[$] = new Date(V);
else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(V))
p[$] = t(V);
else {
var T = a.indexOf(V);
T !== -1 ? p[$] = i[T] : p[$] = d(V);
return p;
function c(o) {
if (typeof o != "object" || o === null)
return o;
if (o instanceof Date)
return new Date(o);
if (Array.isArray(o))
return s(o, c);
if (o instanceof Map)
return new Map(s(Array.from(o), c));
if (o instanceof Set)
return new Set(s(Array.from(o), c));
var d = {};
a.push(o), i.push(d);
for (var m in o)
if (, m) !== !1) {
var p = o[m];
if (typeof p != "object" || p === null)
d[m] = p;
else if (p instanceof Date)
d[m] = new Date(p);
else if (p instanceof Map)
d[m] = new Map(s(Array.from(p), c));
else if (p instanceof Set)
d[m] = new Set(s(Array.from(p), c));
else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(p))
d[m] = t(p);
else {
var v = a.indexOf(p);
v !== -1 ? d[m] = i[v] : d[m] = c(p);
return a.pop(), i.pop(), d;
function f(o) {
if (typeof o != "object" || o === null)
return o;
if (o instanceof Date)
return new Date(o);
if (Array.isArray(o))
return s(o, f);
if (o instanceof Map)
return new Map(s(Array.from(o), f));
if (o instanceof Set)
return new Set(s(Array.from(o), f));
var d = {};
a.push(o), i.push(d);
for (var m in o) {
var p = o[m];
if (typeof p != "object" || p === null)
d[m] = p;
else if (p instanceof Date)
d[m] = new Date(p);
else if (p instanceof Map)
d[m] = new Map(s(Array.from(p), f));
else if (p instanceof Set)
d[m] = new Set(s(Array.from(p), f));
else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(p))
d[m] = t(p);
else {
var v = a.indexOf(p);
v !== -1 ? d[m] = i[v] : d[m] = f(p);
return a.pop(), i.pop(), d;
var Ce = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : {};
typeof < "u" &&;
typeof navigator < "u" && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().includes("electron");
var Yt = Kt(Gt(), 1);
(0, Yt.default)({ circles: !0 });
var qt = "__vue-devtools-theme__";
function Xt(e = {}) {
const n = Et({
storageKey: qt
return {
colorMode: n,
isDark: k(() => n.value === "dark")
const Qt = { class: "$ui-dark-toggle-vtr" }, Vn = /* @__PURE__ */ O({
__name: "DarkToggle",

@@ -759,35 +941,35 @@ props: {

setup(e) {
const o = e, t = U(o, "isDark"), a = Mt({
const n = e, t = U(n, "isDark"), { colorMode: u } = Xt({
initialValue: t.value ? "dark" : "light",
onChanged: (s) => {
t.value = s === "dark";
onChanged: (i) => {
t.value = i === "dark";
}), n = _({
get: () => a.value === "dark",
set: (s) => a.value = s ? "dark" : "light"
}), r = k({
get: () => u.value === "dark",
set: (i) => u.value = i ? "dark" : "light"
}), l = document.startViewTransition && !window.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)").matches;
function r(s) {
if (!l || !s || !o.animation) {
n.value = !n.value;
function a(i) {
if (!l || !i || !n.animation) {
r.value = !r.value;
const i = s.clientX, c = s.clientY, d = Math.hypot(
Math.max(i, innerWidth - i),
const s = i.clientX, c = i.clientY, f = Math.hypot(
Math.max(s, innerWidth - s),
Math.max(c, innerHeight - c)
document.startViewTransition(async () => {
n.value = !n.value, await Z();
r.value = !r.value, await ee();
}).ready.then(() => {
const f = [
`circle(0px at ${i}px ${c}px)`,
`circle(${d}px at ${i}px ${c}px)`
const d = [
`circle(0px at ${s}px ${c}px)`,
`circle(${f}px at ${s}px ${c}px)`
clipPath: n.value ? [...f].reverse() : f
clipPath: r.value ? [...d].reverse() : d
duration: o.animationDuration,
duration: n.animationDuration,
easing: "ease-in",
pseudoElement: n.value ? "::view-transition-old(root)" : "::view-transition-new(root)"
pseudoElement: r.value ? "::view-transition-old(root)" : "::view-transition-new(root)"

@@ -797,13 +979,13 @@ );

return (s, i) => (p(), $("span", Wt, [
w(s.$slots, "default", ce(fe({ mode: k(a), isDark: n.value, toggle: r })))
return (i, s) => (g(), S("span", Qt, [
w(i.$slots, "default", fe(pe({ mode: _(u), isDark: r.value, toggle: a })))
}), Ft = {}, Lt = { class: "$ui-base border $ui-border-base rounded shadow-sm" };
function Rt(e, o) {
return p(), $("div", Lt, [
}), Zt = {}, en = { class: "$ui-base border $ui-border-base rounded shadow-sm" };
function tn(e, n) {
return g(), S("div", en, [
w(e.$slots, "default")
const co = /* @__PURE__ */ ge(Ft, [["render", Rt]]), Re = /* @__PURE__ */ T({
const Bn = /* @__PURE__ */ ye(Zt, [["render", tn]]), Ie = /* @__PURE__ */ O({
__name: "Overlay",

@@ -815,14 +997,14 @@ props: {

setup(e) {
return (o, t) => (p(), $("div", {
class: V(["fixed left-0 top-0 $ui-z-max h-full w-full $ui-fcc transition-opacity transition-duration-300 $ui-bg-base", [
o.dim ? "bg-opacity-50!" : "bg-opacity-0!",
o.blur ? "backdrop-blur-sm" : ""
return (n, t) => (g(), S("div", {
class: B(["fixed left-0 top-0 $ui-z-max h-full w-full $ui-fcc transition-opacity transition-duration-300 $ui-bg-base", [
n.dim ? "bg-opacity-50!" : "bg-opacity-0!",
n.blur ? "backdrop-blur-sm" : ""
}, [
w(o.$slots, "default")
w(n.$slots, "default")
], 2));
}), xt = { class: "h7.5 w-full $ui-fbc" }, zt = { class: "text-4.5" }, jt = /* @__PURE__ */ b("div", { class: "i-carbon-close" }, null, -1), It = [
], Ht = { class: "content transition-all transition-duration-300" }, Jt = { class: "footer h8 w-full transition-all transition-duration-300 delay-250" }, Ut = { class: "$ui-fcc" }, Gt = /* @__PURE__ */ T({
}), nn = { class: "h7.5 w-full $ui-fbc" }, on = { class: "text-4.5" }, rn = /* @__PURE__ */ b("div", { class: "i-carbon-close" }, null, -1), an = [
], ln = { class: "content transition-all transition-duration-300" }, sn = { class: "footer h8 w-full transition-all transition-duration-300 delay-250" }, un = { class: "$ui-fcc" }, cn = /* @__PURE__ */ O({
__name: "Dialog",

@@ -841,19 +1023,19 @@ props: {

emits: ["close", "update:modelValue"],
setup(e, { emit: o }) {
const t = e, n = U(t, "modelValue", o, { passive: !0 }), l = Pt(() => window.document.documentElement);
setup(e, { emit: n }) {
const t = e, r = U(t, "modelValue", n, { passive: !0 }), l = Wt(() => window.document.documentElement);
X(() => {
n.value ? l.value = !0 : l.value = !1;
r.value ? l.value = !0 : l.value = !1;
function r() {
n.value && t.autoClose && (n.value = !1);
function a() {
r.value && t.autoClose && (r.value = !1);
Pe("Escape", () => {
Le("Escape", () => {
const s = B(!1);
return Y(() => s.value = !0), (i, c) => s.value || i.mountTo === "body" ? (p(), M(Te, {
const i = D(!1);
return Y(() => i.value = !0), (s, c) => i.value || s.mountTo === "body" ? (g(), j(Me, {
key: 0,
to: i.mountTo
to: s.mountTo
}, [
W(pe, {
x(me, {
"enter-from-class": "opacity-0 [&_.modal]:scale-95 [&_.content,&_.footer]:translate-y--2.5 [&_.content,&_.footer]:opacity-0",

@@ -864,12 +1046,12 @@ "enter-to-class": "opacity-100 [&_.modal]:scale-100",

}, {
default: y(() => [
k(n) ? (p(), M(Re, {
default: h(() => [
_(r) ? (g(), j(Ie, {
key: 0,
dim: i.dim,
blur: i.blur
dim: s.dim,
blur: s.blur
}, {
default: y(() => [
default: h(() => [
b("div", {
class: "modal relative grid grid-rows-[1.875rem_1fr_2.5rem] $ui-base max-h-[calc(100vh-6.25rem)] max-w-[calc(100vw-6.25rem)] min-h-6.25rem min-w-12.5rem gap-2.5 rounded-md bg-white px6 py4.5 color-gray-800 shadow-2xl transition-transform transition-duration-300 dark:bg-gray-900 dark:color-gray-200",
style: me({
style: ve({
width: t.width,

@@ -879,26 +1061,26 @@ height: t.height

}, [
b("div", xt, [
b("div", zt, [
w(i.$slots, "title", {}, () => [
b("div", nn, [
b("div", on, [
w(s.$slots, "title", {}, () => [
I(H(t.title), 1)
i.closable ? (p(), $("div", {
s.closable ? (g(), S("div", {
key: 0,
class: "h6 w6 $ui-fcc cursor-pointer rounded-full transition-colors hover:bg-primary-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-700",
onClick: r
}, It)) : E("", !0)
onClick: a
}, an)) : E("", !0)
b("div", Ht, [
w(i.$slots, "default")
b("div", ln, [
w(s.$slots, "default")
b("div", Jt, [
w(i.$slots, "footer", {}, () => [
w(i.$slots, "footer", {}, () => [
b("div", Ut, [
W(K, {
b("div", sn, [
w(s.$slots, "footer", {}, () => [
w(s.$slots, "footer", {}, () => [
b("div", un, [
x(G, {
type: "primary",
onClick: r
onClick: a
}, {
default: y(() => [
default: h(() => [
I(" close ")

@@ -921,6 +1103,6 @@ ]),

}), Kt = ["type", "placeholder", "disabled"], Yt = {
}), dn = ["type", "placeholder", "disabled"], fn = {
key: 3,
class: "pointer-events-none absolute bottom--0.25 left-50% right-50% z-9999 h-0.75 bg-primary-500 opacity-0 transition-all duration-240 group-[&.focused]:left-0 group-[&.focused]:right-0 group-[&.focused]:opacity-100 group-[&.accent.focused]:bg-accent-500"
}, ie = "transition-colors $ui-fcc color-gray-500 dark:color-gray-300 group-[&.focused]:color-primary-500; group-[&.accent.focused]:color-accent-500", Xt = /* @__PURE__ */ T({
}, ue = "transition-colors $ui-fcc color-gray-500 dark:color-gray-300 group-[&.focused]:color-primary-500; group-[&.accent.focused]:color-accent-500", pn = /* @__PURE__ */ O({
__name: "Input",

@@ -941,67 +1123,67 @@ props: {

emits: ["update:modelValue", "updateFocused", "keyTab"],
setup(e, { emit: o }) {
const t = e, a = o, n = U(t, "modelValue", a), l = gt(_(() => t.loading), t.loadingDebounceTime), r = ht(!1, {
onChanged(u) {
a("updateFocused", u);
setup(e, { emit: n }) {
const t = e, u = n, r = U(t, "modelValue", u), l = wt(k(() => t.loading), t.loadingDebounceTime), a = _t(!1, {
onChanged(o) {
u("updateFocused", o);
}), s = _(() => t.variant === "flat" || t.variant === "warning" || t.disabled || t.readonly), i = _(() => t.disabled || l.value), c = B();
let d = !1;
}), i = k(() => t.variant === "flat" || t.variant === "warning" || t.disabled || t.readonly), s = k(() => t.disabled || l.value), c = D();
let f = !1;
return X(() => {
l.value && r.value ? d = !0 : !l.value && d && (d = !1, Z(() => {
r.value = !0;
l.value && a.value ? f = !0 : !l.value && f && (f = !1, ee(() => {
a.value = !0;
}), Y(() => {
t.autoFocus && (r.value = !0);
t.autoFocus && (a.value = !0);
}), X(() => {
var u;
r.value && ((u = c.value) == null || u.focus());
}), (u, f) => (p(), $("div", {
class: V(["group relative w-50 w-auto flex items-center justify-between gap-0.5 overflow-hidden b-1 rounded-1 px3 py-0.75 color-gray-800 dark:color-gray-100", [
var o;
a.value && ((o = c.value) == null || o.focus());
}), (o, d) => (g(), S("div", {
class: B(["group relative w-50 w-auto flex items-center justify-between gap-0.5 overflow-hidden b-1 rounded-1 px3 py-0.75 color-gray-800 dark:color-gray-100", [
"border-none bg-transparent group": u.variant === "flat",
"cursor-not-allowed opacity-50": i.value,
accent: u.variant === "accent",
focused: k(r)
"border-none bg-transparent group": o.variant === "flat",
"cursor-not-allowed opacity-50": s.value,
accent: o.variant === "accent",
focused: _(a)
u.variant === "warning" ? "border-warning-500 dark:border-warning-300" : "border-primary-100 dark:border-gray-700"
o.variant === "warning" ? "border-warning-500 dark:border-warning-300" : "border-primary-100 dark:border-gray-700"
onClick: f[2] || (f[2] = () => {
r.value = !0;
onClick: d[2] || (d[2] = () => {
a.value = !0;
}, [
u.leftIcon ? (p(), $("div", {
o.leftIcon ? (g(), S("div", {
key: 0,
class: V(ie)
class: B(ue)
}, [
W(ue, { icon: u.leftIcon }, null, 8, ["icon"])
x(ce, { icon: o.leftIcon }, null, 8, ["icon"])
])) : E("", !0),
ve(b("input", {
ge(b("input", {
ref_key: "inputRef",
ref: c,
"onUpdate:modelValue": f[0] || (f[0] = (m) => Q(n) ? n.value = m : null),
"onUpdate:modelValue": d[0] || (d[0] = (m) => Z(r) ? r.value = m : null),
class: "$ui-base w-full bg-transparent color-inherit outline-none placeholder-color-gray-500 dark:placeholder-gray-300",
type: u.type,
placeholder: u.placeholder,
disabled: i.value || u.readonly,
onBlur: f[1] || (f[1] = (m) => r.value = !1)
}, null, 40, Kt), [
[Ge, k(n)]
type: o.type,
placeholder: o.placeholder,
disabled: s.value || o.readonly,
onBlur: d[1] || (d[1] = (m) => a.value = !1)
}, null, 40, dn), [
[Xe, _(r)]
k(l) ? (p(), $("div", {
_(l) ? (g(), S("div", {
key: 1,
class: V(ie)
class: B(ue)
}, [
])) : u.rightIcon ? (p(), $("div", {
])) : o.rightIcon ? (g(), S("div", {
key: 2,
class: V(ie)
class: B(ue)
}, [
W(ue, { icon: u.rightIcon }, null, 8, ["icon"])
x(ce, { icon: o.rightIcon }, null, 8, ["icon"])
])) : E("", !0),
s.value ? E("", !0) : (p(), $("div", Yt))
i.value ? E("", !0) : (g(), S("div", fn))
], 2));
}), qt = { class: "$ui-base" }, fo = /* @__PURE__ */ T({
}), mn = { class: "$ui-base" }, An = /* @__PURE__ */ O({
__name: "FormField",

@@ -1016,4 +1198,4 @@ props: {

emits: ["update:modelValue"],
setup(e, { emit: o }) {
const t = e, n = U(t, "modelValue", o), l = B(!1), r = _(() => t.message && t.message.length && t.showMessage), s = {
setup(e, { emit: n }) {
const t = e, r = U(t, "modelValue", n), l = D(!1), a = k(() => t.message && t.message.length && t.showMessage), i = {
normal: "color-gray-600 dark:color-gray-400",

@@ -1023,3 +1205,3 @@ warning: "color-warning-500 dark:color-warning-200",

success: "color-primary-700 dark:color-primary-500"
}, i = {
}, s = {
warning: "i-bx:bxs-error",

@@ -1029,25 +1211,25 @@ danger: "i-ic-round-error",

return (c, d) => (p(), $("div", qt, [
W(Xt, {
modelValue: k(n),
"onUpdate:modelValue": d[0] || (d[0] = (u) => Q(n) ? n.value = u : null),
return (c, f) => (g(), S("div", mn, [
x(pn, {
modelValue: _(r),
"onUpdate:modelValue": f[0] || (f[0] = (o) => Z(r) ? r.value = o : null),
placeholder: c.placeholder,
onUpdateFocused: d[1] || (d[1] = (u) => l.value = u)
onUpdateFocused: f[1] || (f[1] = (o) => l.value = o)
}, null, 8, ["modelValue", "placeholder"]),
b("div", {
class: V(["mt2 $ui-base text-3.5", [
class: B(["mt2 $ui-base text-3.5", [
{ "opacity-65": !l.value }
}, [
c.status !== "normal" && r.value ? (p(), M(ue, {
c.status !== "normal" && a.value ? (g(), j(ce, {
key: 0,
inline: "",
icon: i[c.status]
icon: s[c.status]
}, null, 8, ["icon"])) : E("", !0),
I(" " + H(r.value ? c.message : ""), 1)
I(" " + H(a.value ? c.message : ""), 1)
], 2)
}), Qt = { class: "overflow-hidden rounded-lg shadow-lg" }, Zt = /* @__PURE__ */ b("div", { class: "p2 opacity-40" }, " Empty... ", -1), eo = /* @__PURE__ */ T({
}), vn = { class: "overflow-hidden rounded-lg shadow-lg" }, gn = /* @__PURE__ */ b("div", { class: "p2 opacity-40" }, " Empty... ", -1), yn = /* @__PURE__ */ O({
__name: "Dropdown",

@@ -1067,4 +1249,4 @@ props: {

setup(e) {
const o = e;
return Ke("$ui-dropdown-disabled", _(() => o.disabled)), (t, a) => (p(), M(k(xe), {
const n = e;
return Qe("$ui-dropdown-disabled", k(() => n.disabled)), (t, u) => (g(), j(_(He), {
disabled: t.disabled,

@@ -1077,24 +1259,24 @@ class: "inline-block w-auto",

skidding: t.skidding,
"onUpdate:shown": a[0] || (a[0] = (n) => t.$emit("update:visible", n)),
onClick: a[1] || (a[1] = (n) => {
"onUpdate:shown": u[0] || (u[0] = (r) => t.$emit("update:visible", r)),
onClick: u[1] || (u[1] = (r) => {
}, {
popper: y(({ hide: n }) => [
b("div", Qt, [
w(t.$slots, "popper", ce(fe({ hide: n })), () => [
popper: h(({ hide: r }) => [
b("div", vn, [
w(t.$slots, "popper", fe(pe({ hide: r })), () => [
default: y(() => [
default: h(() => [
w(t.$slots, "default", {}, () => [
W(K, q({
x(G, Q({
disabled: t.disabled
}, { class: t.buttonClass }), De({
icon: y(() => [
}, { class: t.buttonClass }), Te({
icon: h(() => [
w(t.$slots, "button-icon")
"icon-right": y(() => [
"icon-right": h(() => [
w(t.$slots, "button-icon-right")

@@ -1106,3 +1288,3 @@ ]),

name: "default",
fn: y(() => [
fn: h(() => [
I(H(t.label), 1)

@@ -1118,3 +1300,3 @@ ]),

}), po = /* @__PURE__ */ T({
}), Dn = /* @__PURE__ */ O({
__name: "DropdownButton",

@@ -1132,22 +1314,22 @@ props: {

setup(e) {
const o = e, t = Ye("$ui-dropdown-disabled", void 0);
return (a, n) => ve((p(), M(K, q({
const n = e, t = Ze("$ui-dropdown-disabled", void 0);
return (u, r) => ge((g(), j(G, Q({
round: !1
}, {
disabled: k(t),
disabled: _(t),
class: "w-full justify-start transition-colors not-action:bg-transparent!"
}), {
icon: y(() => [
w(a.$slots, "icon")
icon: h(() => [
w(u.$slots, "icon")
default: y(() => [
w(a.$slots, "default")
default: h(() => [
w(u.$slots, "default")
_: 3
}, 16, ["disabled"])), [
}), to = { class: "$ui-fec gap2.5" }, mo = /* @__PURE__ */ T({
}), bn = { class: "$ui-fec gap2.5" }, On = /* @__PURE__ */ O({
__name: "Confirm",

@@ -1166,39 +1348,39 @@ props: {

emits: ["update:modelValue", "confirm", "cancel", "close"],
setup(e, { emit: o }) {
const t = e, a = o, n = U(t, "modelValue", a);
setup(e, { emit: n }) {
const t = e, u = n, r = U(t, "modelValue", u);
X(() => {
n.value || a("close");
r.value || u("close");
function l(r = !1) {
(t.autoClose || r) && (n.value = !1);
function l(a = !1) {
(t.autoClose || a) && (r.value = !1);
return (r, s) => (p(), M(Gt, {
modelValue: k(n),
"onUpdate:modelValue": s[2] || (s[2] = (i) => Q(n) ? n.value = i : null),
width: r.width,
height: r.height,
title: r.title,
return (a, i) => (g(), j(cn, {
modelValue: _(r),
"onUpdate:modelValue": i[2] || (i[2] = (s) => Z(r) ? r.value = s : null),
width: a.width,
height: a.height,
title: a.title,
closable: !1
}, {
footer: y(() => [
b("div", to, [
W(K, {
onClick: s[0] || (s[0] = () => {
a("cancel"), l(!0);
footer: h(() => [
b("div", bn, [
x(G, {
onClick: i[0] || (i[0] = () => {
u("cancel"), l(!0);
}, {
default: y(() => [
I(H(r.cancelText), 1)
default: h(() => [
I(H(a.cancelText), 1)
_: 1
W(K, {
loading: r.loading,
x(G, {
loading: a.loading,
type: "primary",
onClick: s[1] || (s[1] = () => {
a("confirm"), l();
onClick: i[1] || (i[1] = () => {
u("confirm"), l();
}, {
default: y(() => [
I(H(r.confirmText), 1)
default: h(() => [
I(H(a.confirmText), 1)

@@ -1209,5 +1391,5 @@ _: 1

default: y(() => [
w(r.$slots, "default", { class: "h-auto w-auto" }, () => [
I(H(r.content), 1)
default: h(() => [
w(a.$slots, "default", { class: "h-auto w-auto" }, () => [
I(H(a.content), 1)

@@ -1218,3 +1400,3 @@ ]),

}), oo = { class: "m1 min-w-35 w-auto flex flex-col" }, no = ["onClick"], ro = /* @__PURE__ */ b("div", { class: "i-mdi-chevron-down" }, null, -1), vo = /* @__PURE__ */ T({
}), hn = { class: "m1 min-w-35 w-auto flex flex-col" }, wn = ["onClick"], _n = /* @__PURE__ */ b("div", { class: "i-mdi-chevron-down" }, null, -1), Mn = /* @__PURE__ */ O({
__name: "Select",

@@ -1232,56 +1414,56 @@ props: {

emits: ["update:modelValue"],
setup(e, { emit: o }) {
const t = e, a = o, n = Ce(), l = _({
setup(e, { emit: n }) {
const t = e, u = n, r = Be(), l = k({
get: () => t.modelValue,
set: (i) => a("update:modelValue", i)
}), r = _(() => {
const i = t.options.find((c) => c.value === l.value);
return i != null && i.label ? t.labelRenderer(i.label) : t.placeholder;
set: (s) => u("update:modelValue", s)
}), a = k(() => {
const s = t.options.find((c) => c.value === l.value);
return s != null && s.label ? t.labelRenderer(s.label) : t.placeholder;
function s(i) {
t.multiple ? l.value = l.value.includes(i.value) ? l.value.filter((c) => c !== i.value) : [...l.value, i.value] : l.value = i.value;
function i(s) {
t.multiple ? l.value = l.value.includes(s.value) ? l.value.filter((c) => c !== s.value) : [...l.value, s.value] : l.value = s.value;
return (i, c) => (p(), M(eo, q({ label: r.value }, {
buttonProps: i.buttonProps,
disabled: i.disabled
}), De({
popper: y(() => [
b("div", oo, [
k(n).item ? (p(!0), $(be, { key: 0 }, ye(i.options, (d) => (p(), $("div", {
key: d.value,
return (s, c) => (g(), j(yn, Q({ label: a.value }, {
buttonProps: s.buttonProps,
disabled: s.disabled
}), Te({
popper: h(() => [
b("div", hn, [
_(r).item ? (g(!0), S(we, { key: 0 }, _e(s.options, (f) => (g(), S("div", {
key: f.value,
class: "cursor-pointer",
onClick: (u) => s(d)
onClick: (o) => i(f)
}, [
w(i.$slots, "item", ce(fe({
item: d,
active: i.multiple ? l.value.includes(d.value) : d.value === l.value,
disabled: i.disabled
w(s.$slots, "item", fe(pe({
item: f,
active: s.multiple ? l.value.includes(f.value) : f.value === l.value,
disabled: s.disabled
], 8, no))), 128)) : (p(!0), $(be, { key: 1 }, ye(i.options, (d) => ve((p(), M(K, {
key: d.value,
disabled: i.disabled,
], 8, wn))), 128)) : (g(!0), S(we, { key: 1 }, _e(s.options, (f) => ge((g(), j(G, {
key: f.value,
disabled: s.disabled,
round: "normal",
class: V(["flex-[auto_1_1] not-hover:[&:not(.active)]:bg-transparent!", {
active: i.multiple ? l.value.includes(d.value) : d.value === l.value
class: B(["flex-[auto_1_1] not-hover:[&:not(.active)]:bg-transparent!", {
active: s.multiple ? l.value.includes(f.value) : f.value === l.value
onClick: (u) => s(d)
onClick: (o) => i(f)
}, {
default: y(() => [
I(H(d.label), 1)
default: h(() => [
I(H(f.label), 1)
_: 2
}, 1032, ["disabled", "class", "onClick"])), [
[k(_e), i.autoClose]
[_(Ve), s.autoClose]
])), 128))
"button-icon-right": y(() => [
"button-icon-right": h(() => [
_: 2
}, [
k(n).button ? {
_(r).button ? {
name: "default",
fn: y(() => [
w(i.$slots, "button")
fn: h(() => [
w(s.$slots, "button")

@@ -1292,3 +1474,3 @@ key: "0"

}), go = /* @__PURE__ */ T({
}), Tn = /* @__PURE__ */ O({
__name: "Switch",

@@ -1300,21 +1482,21 @@ props: {

emits: ["update:modelValue"],
setup(e, { emit: o }) {
const n = U(e, "modelValue", o), l = wt(n);
return (r, s) => (p(), $("div", {
class: V([[
r.disabled ? "cursor-not-allowed" : "cursor-pointer"
setup(e, { emit: n }) {
const r = U(e, "modelValue", n), l = St(r);
return (a, i) => (g(), S("div", {
class: B([[
a.disabled ? "cursor-not-allowed" : "cursor-pointer"
], "$ui-base $ui-if-sc cursor-pointer select-none gap1.25 vertical-mid text-3.5"]),
role: "checkbox",
onClick: s[0] || (s[0] = (i) => !r.disabled && k(l)())
onClick: i[0] || (i[0] = (s) => !a.disabled && _(l)())
}, [
w(r.$slots, "default"),
w(a.$slots, "default"),
b("div", {
class: V([{
selected: k(n)
class: B([{
selected: _(r)
}, "group relative $ui-base h4 w8 rounded-2 bg-primary-100 transition-colors dark:bg-gray-700 [&.selected]:bg-primary-500!"])
}, [
b("div", {
class: V(["h4 w4 rounded-full bg-primary-800 transition-transform group-[&.selected]:transform-translate-x-4 dark:bg-white", [
{ "group-hover:opacity-75 group-active:scale-85": !r.disabled },
{ "opacity-65": r.disabled }
class: B(["h4 w4 rounded-full bg-primary-800 transition-transform group-[&.selected]:transform-translate-x-4 dark:bg-white", [
{ "group-hover:opacity-75 group-active:scale-85": !a.disabled },
{ "opacity-65": a.disabled }

@@ -1325,3 +1507,3 @@ }, null, 2)

}), ho = /* @__PURE__ */ T({
}), jn = /* @__PURE__ */ O({
__name: "Checkbox",

@@ -1333,13 +1515,13 @@ props: {

emits: ["update:modelValue"],
setup(e, { emit: o }) {
const n = U(e, "modelValue", o);
return (l, r) => (p(), $("div", {
class: V(["relative $ui-base h5 w5 $ui-inline-fcc cursor-pointer border-0.125rem rounded-1.25 transition-colors duration-200 ease-in-out", [
k(n) ? l.variant === "normal" ? "bg-primary-500 border-primary-200 dark:border-primary-100" : "bg-accent-500 border-accent-200 dark:border-accent-100" : ""
setup(e, { emit: n }) {
const r = U(e, "modelValue", n);
return (l, a) => (g(), S("div", {
class: B(["relative $ui-base h5 w5 $ui-inline-fcc cursor-pointer border-0.125rem rounded-1.25 transition-colors duration-200 ease-in-out", [
_(r) ? l.variant === "normal" ? "bg-primary-500 border-primary-200 dark:border-primary-100" : "bg-accent-500 border-accent-200 dark:border-accent-100" : ""
onClick: r[0] || (r[0] = (s) => n.value = !k(n))
onClick: a[0] || (a[0] = (i) => r.value = !_(r))
}, [
b("div", {
class: V([[
k(n) ? "opacity-100" : "opacity-0"
class: B([[
_(r) ? "opacity-100" : "opacity-0"
], "h-60% w-35% transform-translate-y--0.25 transform-rotate-45 border-width-[0_0.125rem_0.125rem_0] border-white border-solid transition-opacity duration-200 ease-in-out"])

@@ -1349,3 +1531,3 @@ }, null, 2)

}), bo = /* @__PURE__ */ T({
}), Pn = /* @__PURE__ */ O({
__name: "Drawer",

@@ -1366,4 +1548,4 @@ props: {

emits: ["update:modelValue", "close"],
setup(e, { emit: o }) {
const t = e, a = o, { height: n } = Et(() => typeof == "string" ? document.querySelector( :, void 0, { box: "border-box" }), l = U(t, "modelValue", a), r = {
setup(e, { emit: n }) {
const t = e, u = n, { height: r } = xt(() => typeof == "string" ? document.querySelector( :, void 0, { box: "border-box" }), l = U(t, "modelValue", u), a = {
left: {

@@ -1386,18 +1568,18 @@ class: "left-0 h-full b-r",

Pe("Escape", () => {
Le("Escape", () => {
t.closable && (l.value = !1);
const s = _(() => r[t.placement]), i = B(!1);
return Y(() => i.value = !0), (c, d) => i.value || c.mountTo === "body" ? (p(), M(Te, {
const i = k(() => a[t.placement]), s = D(!1);
return Y(() => s.value = !0), (c, f) => s.value || c.mountTo === "body" ? (g(), j(Me, {
key: 0,
to: c.mountTo
}, [
W(pe, {
"enter-from-class": `${s.value.transition}`,
"leave-to-class": `${s.value.transition}`
x(me, {
"enter-from-class": `${i.value.transition}`,
"leave-to-class": `${i.value.transition}`
}, {
default: y(() => [
k(l) ? (p(), M(Re, {
default: h(() => [
_(l) ? (g(), j(Ie, {
key: 0,
class: V({
class: B({
"pointer-events-none": c.permanent

@@ -1407,18 +1589,18 @@ }),

blur: c.blur,
onClick: d[2] || (d[2] = (u) => c.closeOutside && c.closable && (l.value = !1))
onClick: f[2] || (f[2] = (o) => c.closeOutside && c.closable && (l.value = !1))
}, {
default: y(() => [
default: h(() => [
b("div", {
class: V([[s.value.class, c.contentClass ?? "", c.contentBlur ? "$ui-glass-effect" : "$ui-bg-base"], "drawer pointer-events-auto absolute min-w-25 of-auto $ui-border-base transition-transform transition-duration-300"]),
style: me({
top: c.placement === "bottom" ? "auto" : `${k(n)}px`,
height: ["top", "bottom"].includes(c.placement) ? "auto" : `calc(100% - ${k(n)}px)`
class: B([[i.value.class, c.contentClass ?? "", c.contentBlur ? "$ui-glass-effect" : "$ui-bg-base"], "drawer pointer-events-auto absolute min-w-25 of-auto $ui-border-base transition-transform transition-duration-300"]),
style: ve({
top: c.placement === "bottom" ? "auto" : `${_(r)}px`,
height: ["top", "bottom"].includes(c.placement) ? "auto" : `calc(100% - ${_(r)}px)`
onClick: d[1] || (d[1] = Xe(() => {
onClick: f[1] || (f[1] = et(() => {
}, ["stop"]))
}, [
c.closable ? (p(), $("div", {
c.closable ? (g(), S("div", {
key: 0,
class: "i-carbon-close absolute right-1.5 top-1.5 $ui-z-max cursor-pointer p1 text-lg $ui-text",
onClick: d[0] || (d[0] = (u) => l.value = !1)
onClick: f[0] || (f[0] = (o) => l.value = !1)
})) : E("", !0),

@@ -1435,3 +1617,3 @@ w(c.$slots, "default")

}), ao = /* @__PURE__ */ T({
}), $n = /* @__PURE__ */ O({
__name: "Notification",

@@ -1447,3 +1629,3 @@ props: {

setup(e) {
const o = e, t = {
const n = e, t = {
success: "i-carbon-checkmark",

@@ -1453,3 +1635,3 @@ info: "i-material-symbols-light-info",

error: "i-carbon-close"
}, a = {
}, u = {
success: "text-primary-500 border-primary-200 dark:text-primary-200 dark:border-primary-500",

@@ -1459,36 +1641,36 @@ info: "text-blue-4 border-blue-2 dark:text-blue-2 dark:border-blue-4",

error: "text-red-4 border-red-2 dark:border-red-4"
}, n = B(!1);
}, r = D(!1);
Y(() => {
n.value = !0, setTimeout(() => {
n.value = !1;
}, o.duration);
r.value = !0, setTimeout(() => {
r.value = !1;
}, n.duration);
const l = _(() => o.placement.startsWith("top") ? "translate-y--300%" : "translate-y-300%");
return (r, s) => (p(), $("div", {
class: V(["fixed left-0 right-0 $ui-z-max-override text-center", [
{ "top-0": r.placement.startsWith("top") },
{ "bottom-0": r.placement.startsWith("bottom") }
const l = k(() => n.placement.startsWith("top") ? "translate-y--300%" : "translate-y-300%");
return (a, i) => (g(), S("div", {
class: B(["fixed left-0 right-0 $ui-z-max-override text-center", [
{ "top-0": a.placement.startsWith("top") },
{ "bottom-0": a.placement.startsWith("bottom") }
}, [
W(pe, {
x(me, {
"enter-from-class": l.value,
"leave-to-class": l.value,
onAfterLeave: s[0] || (s[0] = () => {
var i;
n.value || (i = r.onClose) == null ||;
onAfterLeave: i[0] || (i[0] = () => {
var s;
r.value || (s = a.onClose) == null ||;
}, {
default: y(() => [
n.value ? (p(), $("div", {
default: h(() => [
r.value ? (g(), S("div", {
key: 0,
class: "flex transition-all duration-300",
style: me({ justifyContent: r.placement.includes("right") ? "right" : r.placement.includes("left") ? "left" : "center" })
style: ve({ justifyContent: a.placement.includes("right") ? "right" : a.placement.includes("left") ? "left" : "center" })
}, [
b("div", {
class: V(["m3 flex-inline items-center gap2 b-1 b-1 rounded px4 py1 shadow transition-all duration-300 $ui-bg-base", [r.classes, a[r.type]]])
class: B(["m3 flex-inline items-center gap2 b-1 b-1 rounded px4 py1 shadow transition-all duration-300 $ui-bg-base", [a.classes, u[a.type]]])
}, [
b("div", {
class: V(t[r.type])
class: B(t[a.type])
}, null, 2),
b("div", null, H(r.message), 1)
b("div", null, H(a.message), 1)
], 2)

@@ -1501,3 +1683,3 @@ ], 4)) : E("", !0)

}), yo = /* @__PURE__ */ T({
}), En = /* @__PURE__ */ O({
__name: "Tooltip",

@@ -1513,11 +1695,11 @@ props: {

setup(e) {
return (o, t) => (p(), M(k(ze), q({
disabled: o.disabled,
placement: o.placement
}, o.$attrs), {
popper: y(() => [
w(o.$slots, "popper")
return (n, t) => (g(), j(_(Je), Q({
disabled: n.disabled,
placement: n.placement
}, n.$attrs), {
popper: h(() => [
w(n.$slots, "popper")
default: y(() => [
w(o.$slots, "default")
default: h(() => [
w(n.$slots, "default")

@@ -1528,37 +1710,37 @@ _: 3

function wo(e) {
const o = document.createElement("div");
o.classList.add("$ui-z-max-override", "fixed"), document.body.appendChild(o);
function Nn(e) {
const n = document.createElement("div");
n.classList.add("$ui-z-max-override", "fixed"), document.body.appendChild(n);
const t = e.onClose;
function a() {
we(null, o);
function u() {
$e(null, n);
e.onClose = () => {
a(), t == null || t(), document.body.removeChild(o);
u(), t == null || t(), document.body.removeChild(n);
const n = qe(ao, e);
we(n, o);
const r = tt($n, e);
$e(r, n);
export {
_o as VTooltip,
io as VueBadge,
K as VueButton,
co as VueCard,
ho as VueCheckbox,
mo as VueConfirm,
uo as VueDarkToggle,
Gt as VueDialog,
bo as VueDrawer,
eo as VueDropdown,
po as VueDropdownButton,
fo as VueFormField,
ue as VueIcon,
Xt as VueInput,
Oe as VueLoadingIndicator,
ao as VueNotification,
Re as VueOverlay,
vo as VueSelect,
go as VueSwitch,
yo as VueTooltip,
wo as showVueNotification
Wn as VTooltip,
Cn as VueBadge,
G as VueButton,
Bn as VueCard,
jn as VueCheckbox,
On as VueConfirm,
Vn as VueDarkToggle,
cn as VueDialog,
Pn as VueDrawer,
yn as VueDropdown,
Dn as VueDropdownButton,
An as VueFormField,
ce as VueIcon,
pn as VueInput,
je as VueLoadingIndicator,
$n as VueNotification,
Ie as VueOverlay,
Mn as VueSelect,
Tn as VueSwitch,
En as VueTooltip,
Nn as showVueNotification

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

declare const _default: __VLS_WithTemplateSlots<import('vue').DefineComponent<{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, import("vue").PublicProps, Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}, {}>, {
declare const _default: __VLS_WithTemplateSlots<import('vue').DefineComponent<{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, import('vue').PublicProps, Readonly<import('vue').ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}, {}>, {
default?(_: {}): any;

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ }>;

@@ -19,5 +19,5 @@ export interface ButtonProps {

outlined: boolean;
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, {
click: (e: MouseEvent) => void;
}, string, import("vue").PublicProps, Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<ButtonProps>, {
}, string, import('vue').PublicProps, Readonly<import('vue').ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<ButtonProps>, {
type: string;

@@ -24,0 +24,0 @@ round: string;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

declare const _default: __VLS_WithTemplateSlots<import('vue').DefineComponent<{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, import("vue").PublicProps, Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}, {}>, {
declare const _default: __VLS_WithTemplateSlots<import('vue').DefineComponent<{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, import('vue').PublicProps, Readonly<import('vue').ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}, {}>, {
default?(_: {}): any;

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ }>;

@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ declare const _default: import('vue').DefineComponent<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{

variant: string;
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, {
"update:modelValue": (value: boolean) => void;
}, string, import("vue").PublicProps, Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{
}, string, import('vue').PublicProps, Readonly<import('vue').ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{
modelValue: boolean;

@@ -11,0 +11,0 @@ variant?: "accent" | "normal" | undefined;

@@ -19,3 +19,3 @@ declare const _default: __VLS_WithTemplateSlots<import('vue').DefineComponent<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{

autoClose: boolean;
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, {
"update:modelValue": (value: boolean) => void;

@@ -25,3 +25,3 @@ close: () => void;

cancel: () => void;
}, string, import("vue").PublicProps, Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{
}, string, import('vue').PublicProps, Readonly<import('vue').ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{
modelValue: boolean;

@@ -28,0 +28,0 @@ content: string;

@@ -14,3 +14,3 @@ /**

animationDuration: number;
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, import("vue").PublicProps, Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, import('vue').PublicProps, Readonly<import('vue').ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{
isDark?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -29,3 +29,3 @@ animation?: boolean | undefined;

default?(_: {
mode: import('@vueuse/core').BasicColorSchema;
mode: "auto" | "light" | "dark";
isDark: boolean;

@@ -32,0 +32,0 @@ toggle: typeof toggle;

@@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ import { OverlayProps } from "./Overlay";

mountTo: string;
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, {
close: () => void;
"update:modelValue": (value: boolean) => void;
}, string, import("vue").PublicProps, Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{
}, string, import('vue').PublicProps, Readonly<import('vue').ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{
modelValue?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -25,0 +25,0 @@ autoClose?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -20,6 +20,6 @@ import { OverlayProps } from "./Overlay";

contentBlur: boolean;
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, {
"update:modelValue": (modelValue: boolean) => void;
close: () => void;
}, string, import("vue").PublicProps, Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{
}, string, import('vue').PublicProps, Readonly<import('vue').ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{
modelValue: boolean;

@@ -26,0 +26,0 @@ mountTo?: string | HTMLElement | undefined;

@@ -63,3 +63,3 @@ import { ButtonProps } from "./Button";

emit: (evt: "update:visible", value: boolean) => void;
}>) => import('vue').VNode<import("vue").RendererNode, import("vue").RendererElement, {
}>) => import('vue').VNode<import('vue').RendererNode, import('vue').RendererElement, {
[key: string]: any;

@@ -66,0 +66,0 @@ }> & {

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ import { ButtonProps } from "./Button";

keepOpen: boolean;
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, import("vue").PublicProps, Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<ButtonProps & {
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, import('vue').PublicProps, Readonly<import('vue').ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<ButtonProps & {
keepOpen?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@ }>, {

@@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ declare const _default: import('vue').DefineComponent<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{

status: string;
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, {
"update:modelValue": (value: string) => void;
}, string, import("vue").PublicProps, Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{
}, string, import('vue').PublicProps, Readonly<import('vue').ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{
modelValue: string;

@@ -16,0 +16,0 @@ status?: "danger" | "warning" | "success" | "normal" | undefined;

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ declare const _default: import('vue').DefineComponent<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{

action: boolean;
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, import("vue").PublicProps, Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, import('vue').PublicProps, Readonly<import('vue').ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{
icon?: string | undefined;

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@ inline?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ declare const _default: import('vue').DefineComponent<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{

readonly: boolean;
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, {
"update:modelValue": (value: string) => void;
updateFocused: (value: boolean) => void;
keyTab: (e: KeyboardEvent) => void;
}, string, import("vue").PublicProps, Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{
}, string, import('vue').PublicProps, Readonly<import('vue').ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{
modelValue: string;

@@ -32,0 +32,0 @@ placeholder?: string | undefined;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

declare const _default: import('vue').DefineComponent<{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, import("vue").PublicProps, Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}, {}>;
declare const _default: import('vue').DefineComponent<{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, import('vue').PublicProps, Readonly<import('vue').ExtractPropTypes<{}>>, {}, {}>;
export default _default;

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ import { VueNotificationOptions } from '../composables/notification';

duration: number;
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, import("vue").PublicProps, Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<VueNotificationOptions>, {
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, import('vue').PublicProps, Readonly<import('vue').ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_WithDefaults<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<VueNotificationOptions>, {
placement: string;

@@ -15,3 +15,3 @@ type: string;

duration: number;
placement: import("../composables/notification").VueNotificationPlacement;
placement: import('../composables/notification').VueNotificationPlacement;
}, {}>;

@@ -18,0 +18,0 @@ export default _default;

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ export interface OverlayProps {

declare const _default: __VLS_WithTemplateSlots<import('vue').DefineComponent<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<OverlayProps>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, import("vue").PublicProps, Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<OverlayProps>>>, {}, {}>, {
declare const _default: __VLS_WithTemplateSlots<import('vue').DefineComponent<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<OverlayProps>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, import('vue').PublicProps, Readonly<import('vue').ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<OverlayProps>>>, {}, {}>, {
default?(_: {}): any;

@@ -8,0 +8,0 @@ }>;

@@ -79,3 +79,3 @@ import { ButtonProps } from "./Button";

emit: (evt: "update:modelValue", value: M extends true ? Value[] : Value) => void;
}>) => import('vue').VNode<import("vue").RendererNode, import("vue").RendererElement, {
}>) => import('vue').VNode<import('vue').RendererNode, import('vue').RendererElement, {
[key: string]: any;

@@ -82,0 +82,0 @@ }> & {

declare const _default: __VLS_WithTemplateSlots<import('vue').DefineComponent<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{
modelValue: boolean;
disabled?: boolean | undefined;
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {
}>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, {
"update:modelValue": (value: boolean) => void;
}, string, import("vue").PublicProps, Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{
}, string, import('vue').PublicProps, Readonly<import('vue').ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<{
modelValue: boolean;

@@ -8,0 +8,0 @@ disabled?: boolean | undefined;

import { FloatingVueCommonProps } from '../types';
declare const _default: __VLS_WithTemplateSlots<import('vue').DefineComponent<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<FloatingVueCommonProps>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, import("vue").PublicProps, Readonly<import("vue").ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<FloatingVueCommonProps>>>, {}, {}>, {
declare const _default: __VLS_WithTemplateSlots<import('vue').DefineComponent<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<FloatingVueCommonProps>, {}, unknown, {}, {}, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, import('vue').ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, import('vue').PublicProps, Readonly<import('vue').ExtractPropTypes<__VLS_TypePropsToRuntimeProps<FloatingVueCommonProps>>>, {}, {}>, {
default?(_: {}): any;

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ popper?(_: {}): any;

"name": "@vue/devtools-ui",
"type": "module",
"version": "7.0.27",
"version": "7.1.0",
"author": "webfansplz",

@@ -37,13 +37,14 @@ "license": "MIT",

"colord": "^2.9.3",
"focus-trap": "^7.5.4"
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"@vue/devtools-shared": "7.1.0"
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"@types/node": "^20.12.5",
"@unocss/reset": "^0.59.0",
"@histoire/plugin-vue": "^0.17.17",
"@types/node": "^20.12.7",
"@unocss/reset": "^0.59.4",
"@vitejs/plugin-vue": "^5.0.4",
"floating-vue": "5.2.2",
"histoire": "^0.17.15",
"unocss": "^0.59.0",
"vite-plugin-dts": "^3.8.1"
"histoire": "^0.17.17",
"unocss": "^0.59.4",
"vite-plugin-dts": "^3.8.3"

@@ -50,0 +51,0 @@ "scripts": {

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