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@vue/language-core - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.0.7 to 2.0.10




@@ -8,2 +8,3 @@ "use strict";

const utils_1 = require("./utils");
const globalTypes_1 = require("./globalTypes");
function* generate(ts, fileName, script, scriptSetup, styles, // TODO: computed it

@@ -43,3 +44,14 @@ lang, scriptRanges, scriptSetupRanges, templateCodegen, compilerOptions, vueCompilerOptions, globalTypesHolder, getGeneratedLength, linkedCodeMappings = [], codegenStack) {

const bypassDefineComponent = lang === 'js' || lang === 'jsx';
const _ = codegenStack ? utils_1.withStack : (code) => [code, ''];
const _ = (code) => {
if (typeof code !== 'string') {
code[3].structure = false;
code[3].format = false;
if (!codegenStack) {
return [code, ''];
else {
return [code, (0, utils_1.getStack)()];
const helperTypes = {

@@ -144,3 +156,3 @@ OmitKeepDiscriminatedUnion: {

if (globalTypesHolder === fileName) {
yield* generateGlobalHelperTypes();
yield _((0, globalTypes_1.generateGlobalTypes)(vueCompilerOptions));

@@ -155,129 +167,2 @@ yield* generateLocalHelperTypes();

function* generateGlobalHelperTypes() {
const fnPropsType = `(K extends { $props: infer Props } ? Props : any)${vueCompilerOptions.strictTemplates ? '' : ' & Record<string, unknown>'}`;
yield _(`
; declare global {
// @ts-ignore
type __VLS_IntrinsicElements = __VLS_PickNotAny<import('vue/jsx-runtime').JSX.IntrinsicElements, __VLS_PickNotAny<JSX.IntrinsicElements, Record<string, any>>>;
// @ts-ignore
type __VLS_Element = __VLS_PickNotAny<import('vue/jsx-runtime').JSX.Element, JSX.Element>;
// @ts-ignore
type __VLS_GlobalComponents = ${[
`__VLS_PickNotAny<import('vue').GlobalComponents, {}>`,
`__VLS_PickNotAny<import('@vue/runtime-core').GlobalComponents, {}>`,
`__VLS_PickNotAny<import('@vue/runtime-dom').GlobalComponents, {}>`,
`Pick<typeof import('${vueCompilerOptions.lib}'), 'Transition' | 'TransitionGroup' | 'KeepAlive' | 'Suspense' | 'Teleport'>`
].join(' & ')};
type __VLS_IsAny<T> = 0 extends 1 & T ? true : false;
type __VLS_PickNotAny<A, B> = __VLS_IsAny<A> extends true ? B : A;
const __VLS_intrinsicElements: __VLS_IntrinsicElements;
// v-for
function __VLS_getVForSourceType(source: number): [number, number, number][];
function __VLS_getVForSourceType(source: string): [string, number, number][];
function __VLS_getVForSourceType<T extends any[]>(source: T): [
item: T[number],
key: number,
index: number,
function __VLS_getVForSourceType<T extends { [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<any> }>(source: T): [
item: T extends { [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<infer T1> } ? T1 : never,
key: number,
index: undefined,
// #3845
function __VLS_getVForSourceType<T extends number | { [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<any> }>(source: T): [
item: number | (Exclude<T, number> extends { [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<infer T1> } ? T1 : never),
key: number,
index: undefined,
function __VLS_getVForSourceType<T>(source: T): [
item: T[keyof T],
key: keyof T,
index: number,
// @ts-ignore
function __VLS_getSlotParams<T>(slot: T): Parameters<__VLS_PickNotAny<NonNullable<T>, (...args: any[]) => any>>;
// @ts-ignore
function __VLS_getSlotParam<T>(slot: T): Parameters<__VLS_PickNotAny<NonNullable<T>, (...args: any[]) => any>>[0];
function __VLS_directiveFunction<T>(dir: T):
T extends import('${vueCompilerOptions.lib}').ObjectDirective<infer E, infer V> | import('${vueCompilerOptions.lib}').FunctionDirective<infer E, infer V> ? (value: V) => void
: T;
function __VLS_withScope<T, K>(ctx: T, scope: K): ctx is T & K;
function __VLS_makeOptional<T>(t: T): { [K in keyof T]?: T[K] };
type __VLS_SelfComponent<N, C> = string extends N ? {} : N extends string ? { [P in N]: C } : {};
type __VLS_WithComponent<N0 extends string, LocalComponents, N1 extends string, N2 extends string, N3 extends string> =
N1 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N1 extends N0 ? Pick<LocalComponents, N0 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: LocalComponents[N1] } :
N2 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N2 extends N0 ? Pick<LocalComponents, N0 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: LocalComponents[N2] } :
N3 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N3 extends N0 ? Pick<LocalComponents, N0 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: LocalComponents[N3] } :
N1 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N1 extends N0 ? Pick<__VLS_GlobalComponents, N0 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: __VLS_GlobalComponents[N1] } :
N2 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N2 extends N0 ? Pick<__VLS_GlobalComponents, N0 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: __VLS_GlobalComponents[N2] } :
N3 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N3 extends N0 ? Pick<__VLS_GlobalComponents, N0 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: __VLS_GlobalComponents[N3] } :
${vueCompilerOptions.strictTemplates ? '{}' : '{ [K in N0]: unknown }'}
type __VLS_FillingEventArg_ParametersLength<E extends (...args: any) => any> = __VLS_IsAny<Parameters<E>> extends true ? -1 : Parameters<E>['length'];
type __VLS_FillingEventArg<E> = E extends (...args: any) => any ? __VLS_FillingEventArg_ParametersLength<E> extends 0 ? ($event?: undefined) => ReturnType<E> : E : E;
function __VLS_asFunctionalComponent<T, K = T extends new (...args: any) => any ? InstanceType<T> : unknown>(t: T, instance?: K):
T extends new (...args: any) => any
? (props: ${fnPropsType}, ctx?: any) => __VLS_Element & { __ctx?: {
attrs?: any,
slots?: K extends { ${(0, shared_1.getSlotsPropertyName)(}: infer Slots } ? Slots : any,
emit?: K extends { $emit: infer Emit } ? Emit : any
} & { props?: ${fnPropsType}; expose?(exposed: K): void; } }
: T extends () => any ? (props: {}, ctx?: any) => ReturnType<T>
: T extends (...args: any) => any ? T
: (_: {}${vueCompilerOptions.strictTemplates ? '' : ' & Record<string, unknown>'}, ctx?: any) => { __ctx?: { attrs?: any, expose?: any, slots?: any, emit?: any, props?: {}${vueCompilerOptions.strictTemplates ? '' : ' & Record<string, unknown>'} } };
function __VLS_elementAsFunctionalComponent<T>(t: T): (_: T${vueCompilerOptions.strictTemplates ? '' : ' & Record<string, unknown>'}, ctx?: any) => { __ctx?: { attrs?: any, expose?: any, slots?: any, emit?: any, props?: T${vueCompilerOptions.strictTemplates ? '' : ' & Record<string, unknown>'} } };
function __VLS_functionalComponentArgsRest<T extends (...args: any) => any>(t: T): Parameters<T>['length'] extends 2 ? [any] : [];
function __VLS_pickEvent<E1, E2>(emitEvent: E1, propEvent: E2): __VLS_FillingEventArg<
> | undefined;
function __VLS_pickFunctionalComponentCtx<T, K>(comp: T, compInstance: K): __VLS_PickNotAny<
'__ctx' extends keyof __VLS_PickNotAny<K, {}> ? K extends { __ctx?: infer Ctx } ? Ctx : never : any
, T extends (props: any, ctx: infer Ctx) => any ? Ctx : any
type __VLS_FunctionalComponentProps<T, K> =
'__ctx' extends keyof __VLS_PickNotAny<K, {}> ? K extends { __ctx?: { props?: infer P } } ? NonNullable<P> : never
: T extends (props: infer P, ...args: any) => any ? P :
type __VLS_AsFunctionOrAny<F> = unknown extends F ? any : ((...args: any) => any) extends F ? F : any;
function __VLS_normalizeSlot<S>(s: S): S extends () => infer R ? (props: {}) => R : S;
* emit
// fix
type __VLS_UnionToIntersection<U> = (U extends unknown ? (arg: U) => unknown : never) extends ((arg: infer P) => unknown) ? P : never;
type __VLS_OverloadUnionInner<T, U = unknown> = U & T extends (...args: infer A) => infer R
? U extends T
? never
: __VLS_OverloadUnionInner<T, Pick<T, keyof T> & U & ((...args: A) => R)> | ((...args: A) => R)
: never;
type __VLS_OverloadUnion<T> = Exclude<
__VLS_OverloadUnionInner<(() => never) & T>,
T extends () => never ? never : () => never
type __VLS_ConstructorOverloads<T> = __VLS_OverloadUnion<T> extends infer F
? F extends (event: infer E, ...args: infer A) => any
? { [K in E & string]: (...args: A) => void; }
: never
: never;
type __VLS_NormalizeEmits<T> = __VLS_PrettifyGlobal<
__VLS_ConstructorOverloads<T> & {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends any[] ? { (...args: T[K]): void } : never
type __VLS_PrettifyGlobal<T> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K]; } & {};
function* generateLocalHelperTypes() {

@@ -706,2 +591,14 @@ let shouldCheck = true;

if (defineProp.modifierType) {
let propModifierName = 'modelModifiers';
if ( {
propModifierName = `${scriptSetup.content.substring( + 1, - 1)}Modifiers`;
const modifierType = scriptSetup.content.substring(defineProp.modifierType.start, defineProp.modifierType.end);
const start = getGeneratedLength();
definePropMirrors.set(propModifierName, start);
yield _(propModifierName);
yield _(`: `);
yield _(`import('${vueCompilerOptions.lib}').PropType<Record<${modifierType}, true>>,\n`);

@@ -708,0 +605,0 @@ yield _(`};\n`);

import * as CompilerDOM from '@vue/compiler-dom';
import type * as ts from 'typescript';
import type { Code, Sfc, VueCompilerOptions } from '../types';
export declare function generate(ts: typeof import('typescript'), compilerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions, vueCompilerOptions: VueCompilerOptions, template: NonNullable<Sfc['template']>, shouldGenerateScopedClasses: boolean, stylesScopedClasses: Set<string>, hasScriptSetupSlots: boolean, slotsAssignName: string | undefined, propsAssignName: string | undefined, codegenStack: boolean): Generator<[codeType: "ts" | "tsFormat" | "inlineCss", code: Code, stack: string], {
import type { CodeAndStack, Sfc, VueCompilerOptions } from '../types';
export declare function generate(ts: typeof import('typescript'), compilerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions, vueCompilerOptions: VueCompilerOptions, template: NonNullable<Sfc['template']>, shouldGenerateScopedClasses: boolean, stylesScopedClasses: Set<string>, hasScriptSetupSlots: boolean, slotsAssignName: string | undefined, propsAssignName: string | undefined, codegenStack: boolean): Generator<CodeAndStack, {
tagOffsetsMap: Map<string, number[]>;

@@ -9,2 +9,12 @@ accessedGlobalVariables: Set<string>;

}, unknown>;
export declare function eachElementNode(node: CompilerDOM.RootNode | CompilerDOM.TemplateChildNode): Generator<CompilerDOM.ElementNode>;
export declare function createTsAst(ts: typeof import('typescript'), astHolder: any, text: string): ts.SourceFile;
export declare function isCompoundExpression(ts: typeof import('typescript'), ast: ts.SourceFile): boolean;
export declare function parseInterpolationNode(node: CompilerDOM.InterpolationNode, template: string): readonly [string, number];
export declare function parseVForNode(node: CompilerDOM.ForNode): {
leftExpressionRange: {
start: number;
end: number;
} | undefined;
leftExpressionText: string | undefined;
export declare function forEachElementNode(node: CompilerDOM.RootNode | CompilerDOM.TemplateChildNode): Generator<CompilerDOM.ElementNode>;

@@ -1,3 +0,2 @@

import type { Code, CodeAndStack, VueCodeInformation } from '../types';
export declare function withStack(code: Code): CodeAndStack;
import type { VueCodeInformation } from '../types';
export declare function getStack(): string;

@@ -4,0 +3,0 @@ export declare function disableAllFeatures(override: Partial<VueCodeInformation>): VueCodeInformation;

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.mergeFeatureSettings = exports.enableAllFeatures = exports.disableAllFeatures = exports.getStack = exports.withStack = void 0;
function withStack(code) {
return [code, getStack()];
exports.withStack = withStack;
exports.mergeFeatureSettings = exports.enableAllFeatures = exports.disableAllFeatures = exports.getStack = void 0;
// TODO: import from muggle-string

@@ -9,0 +5,0 @@ function getStack() {

import { type LanguagePlugin } from '@volar/language-core';
import type * as ts from 'typescript';
import type { VueCompilerOptions } from './types';
import type { VueCompilerOptions, VueLanguagePlugin } from './types';
import { VueGeneratedCode } from './virtualFile/vueFile';
export declare function createVueLanguagePlugin(ts: typeof import('typescript'), getFileName: (fileId: string) => string, isValidGlobalTypesHolder: (fileName: string) => boolean, compilerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions, vueCompilerOptions: VueCompilerOptions, codegenStack?: boolean): LanguagePlugin<VueGeneratedCode>;
interface _Plugin extends LanguagePlugin<VueGeneratedCode> {
getCanonicalFileName: (fileName: string) => string;
pluginContext: Parameters<VueLanguagePlugin>[0];
export declare function createVueLanguagePlugin(ts: typeof import('typescript'), getFileName: (fileId: string) => string, useCaseSensitiveFileNames: boolean, getProjectVersion: () => string, getScriptFileNames: () => string[] | Set<string>, compilerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions, vueCompilerOptions: VueCompilerOptions, codegenStack?: boolean): _Plugin;
export {};

@@ -38,3 +38,3 @@ "use strict";

function createVueLanguagePlugin(ts, getFileName, isValidGlobalTypesHolder, compilerOptions, vueCompilerOptions, codegenStack = false) {
function createVueLanguagePlugin(ts, getFileName, useCaseSensitiveFileNames, getProjectVersion, getScriptFileNames, compilerOptions, vueCompilerOptions, codegenStack = false) {
const allowLanguageIds = new Set(['vue']);

@@ -63,7 +63,19 @@ const pluginContext = {

const getCanonicalFileName = useCaseSensitiveFileNames
? (fileName) => fileName
: (fileName) => fileName.toLowerCase();
let canonicalRootFileNames = new Set();
let canonicalRootFileNamesVersion;
return {
createVirtualCode(fileId, languageId, snapshot) {
if (allowLanguageIds.has(languageId)) {
const fileName = getFileName(fileId);
if (!pluginContext.globalTypesHolder && isValidGlobalTypesHolder(fileName)) {
const projectVersion = getProjectVersion();
if (projectVersion !== canonicalRootFileNamesVersion) {
canonicalRootFileNames = new Set([...getScriptFileNames()].map(getCanonicalFileName));
canonicalRootFileNamesVersion = projectVersion;
if (!pluginContext.globalTypesHolder && canonicalRootFileNames.has(getCanonicalFileName(fileName))) {
pluginContext.globalTypesHolder = fileName;

@@ -88,21 +100,26 @@ }

disposeVirtualCode(fileId, code, files) {
const isGlobalTypesHolder = code.fileName === pluginContext.globalTypesHolder;
const fileRegistry = getFileRegistry(isGlobalTypesHolder);
if (isGlobalTypesHolder) {
pluginContext.globalTypesHolder = undefined;
const fileRegistry2 = getFileRegistry(false);
for (const [fileId, code] of fileRegistry2) {
if (isValidGlobalTypesHolder(code.fileName)) {
pluginContext.globalTypesHolder = code.fileName;
// force dirty
files?.set(fileId, code.languageId, code.snapshot);
// TODO: when global types holder deleted, move global types to another file
// disposeVirtualCode(fileId, code) {
// const isGlobalTypesHolder = code.fileName === pluginContext.globalTypesHolder;
// const fileRegistry = getFileRegistry(isGlobalTypesHolder);
// fileRegistry.delete(fileId);
// if (isGlobalTypesHolder) {
// pluginContext.globalTypesHolder = undefined;
// const fileRegistry2 = getFileRegistry(false);
// for (const [fileId, code] of fileRegistry2) {
// if (isValidGlobalTypesHolder(code.fileName)) {
// pluginContext.globalTypesHolder = code.fileName;
// fileRegistry2.delete(fileId);
// // force dirty
// files?.delete(fileId);
// files?.set(
// fileId,
// code.languageId,
// code.snapshot,
// );
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// },
typescript: {

@@ -114,4 +131,4 @@ extraFileExtensions: => ({

getScript(rootVirtualCode) {
for (const code of (0, language_core_1.forEachEmbeddedCode)(rootVirtualCode)) {
getServiceScript(root) {
for (const code of (0, language_core_1.forEachEmbeddedCode)(root)) {
if ('script_')) {

@@ -118,0 +135,0 @@ const lang ='script_'.length);

@@ -46,2 +46,3 @@ import type * as ts from 'typescript';

type: TextRange | undefined;
modifierType?: TextRange | undefined;
defaultValue: TextRange | undefined;

@@ -48,0 +49,0 @@ required: boolean;

@@ -90,2 +90,3 @@ "use strict";

type: node.typeArguments?.length ? _getStartEnd(node.typeArguments[0]) : undefined,
modifierType: node.typeArguments && node.typeArguments?.length >= 2 ? _getStartEnd(node.typeArguments[1]) : undefined,
defaultValue: undefined,

@@ -92,0 +93,0 @@ required,

@@ -12,2 +12,4 @@ "use strict";

const vue_template_html_1 = require("./plugins/vue-template-html");
const vue_template_inline_css_1 = require("./plugins/vue-template-inline-css");
const vue_template_inline_ts_1 = require("./plugins/vue-template-inline-ts");
const vue_tsx_1 = require("./plugins/vue-tsx");

@@ -21,2 +23,4 @@ const types_1 = require("./types");


@@ -23,0 +27,0 @@ vue_sfc_customblocks_1.default,

@@ -8,17 +8,43 @@ "use strict";

getEmbeddedCodes(_fileName, sfc) {
return, i) => ({
id: 'style_' + i,
lang: style.lang,
const result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < sfc.styles.length; i++) {
const style = sfc.styles[i];
if (style) {
id: 'style_' + i,
lang: style.lang,
if (style.cssVars.length) {
id: 'style_' + i + '_inline_ts',
lang: 'ts',
return result;
resolveEmbeddedCode(_fileName, sfc, embeddedFile) {
if ('style_')) {
const index = parseInt('style_'.length));
const index = parseInt('_')[1]);
const style = sfc.styles[index];
(0, utils_1.enableAllFeatures)({}),
if ('_inline_ts')) {
embeddedFile.parentCodeId = 'style_' + index;
for (const cssVar of style.cssVars) {
embeddedFile.content.push('(', [
(0, utils_1.enableAllFeatures)({}),
], ');\n');
else {
(0, utils_1.enableAllFeatures)({}),

@@ -25,0 +51,0 @@ },

@@ -56,2 +56,3 @@ import { Mapping, StackNode } from '@volar/language-core';

type: import("../types").TextRange | undefined;
modifierType?: import("../types").TextRange | undefined;
defaultValue: import("../types").TextRange | undefined;

@@ -71,6 +72,2 @@ required: boolean;

codeStacks: string[];
formatCodes: Code[];
formatCodeStacks: string[];
cssCodes: Code[];
cssCodeStacks: string[];
tagOffsetsMap: Map<string, number[]>;

@@ -77,0 +74,0 @@ accessedGlobalVariables: Set<string>;

@@ -8,3 +8,2 @@ "use strict";

const template_1 = require("../generators/template");
const utils_1 = require("../generators/utils");
const scriptRanges_1 = require("../parsers/scriptRanges");

@@ -26,6 +25,2 @@ const scriptSetupRanges_1 = require("../parsers/scriptSetupRanges");

if (sfc.template) {
files.push({ id: 'template_format', lang: 'ts' });
files.push({ id: 'template_style', lang: 'css' });
return files;

@@ -39,8 +34,2 @@ },

const [content, contentStacks] = ctx.codegenStack ? (0, language_core_1.track)([], [...tsx.codeStacks]) : [[], [...tsx.codeStacks]];
content.forEach(code => {
if (typeof code !== 'string') {
code[3].structure = false;
code[3].format = false;
embeddedFile.content = content;

@@ -51,37 +40,2 @@ embeddedFile.contentStacks = contentStacks;

else if ( === 'template_format') {
embeddedFile.parentCodeId = 'template';
const template = _tsx.generatedTemplate();
if (template) {
const [content, contentStacks] = ctx.codegenStack
? (0, language_core_1.track)([...template.formatCodes], => ({ stack, length: 1 })))
: [[...template.formatCodes], => ({ stack, length: 1 }))];
embeddedFile.content = content;
embeddedFile.contentStacks = contentStacks;
for (const style of sfc.styles) {
for (const cssVar of style.cssVars) {
(0, utils_1.enableAllFeatures)({}),
else if ( === 'template_style') {
embeddedFile.parentCodeId = 'template';
const template = _tsx.generatedTemplate();
if (template) {
const [content, contentStacks] = ctx.codegenStack
? (0, language_core_1.track)([...template.cssCodes], => ({ stack, length: 1 })))
: [[...template.cssCodes], => ({ stack, length: 1 }))];
embeddedFile.content = content;
embeddedFile.contentStacks = contentStacks;

@@ -137,30 +91,10 @@ };

const tsCodes = [];
const tsFormatCodes = [];
const inlineCssCodes = [];
const tsCodegenStacks = [];
const tsFormatCodegenStacks = [];
const inlineCssCodegenStacks = [];
const codegen = (0, template_1.generate)(ts, ctx.compilerOptions, ctx.vueCompilerOptions, _sfc.template, shouldGenerateScopedClasses(), stylesScopedClasses(), hasScriptSetupSlots(), slotsAssignName(), propsAssignName(), ctx.codegenStack);
let current =;
while (!current.done) {
const [type, code, stack] = current.value;
if (type === 'ts') {
else if (type === 'tsFormat') {
else if (type === 'inlineCss') {
const [code, stack] = current.value;
if (ctx.codegenStack) {
if (type === 'ts') {
else if (type === 'tsFormat') {
else if (type === 'inlineCss') {

@@ -173,6 +107,2 @@ current =;

codeStacks: tsCodegenStacks,
formatCodes: tsFormatCodes,
formatCodeStacks: tsFormatCodegenStacks,
cssCodes: inlineCssCodes,
cssCodeStacks: inlineCssCodegenStacks,

@@ -179,0 +109,0 @@ });

@@ -39,12 +39,3 @@ "use strict";

for (const { file, snapshot, mappings, codegenStacks } of remain) {
languageId: (0, language_core_1.resolveCommonLanguageId)(`/dummy.${file.lang}`),
linkedCodeMappings: file.linkedCodeMappings,
embeddedCodes: [],
for (const { file } of remain) {
console.error('Unable to resolve embedded: ' + file.parentCodeId + ' -> ' +;

@@ -51,0 +42,0 @@ }

"name": "@vue/language-core",
"version": "2.0.7",
"version": "2.0.10",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -15,3 +15,3 @@ "files": [

"dependencies": {
"@volar/language-core": "~2.1.3",
"@volar/language-core": "~2.2.0-alpha.5",
"@vue/compiler-dom": "^3.4.0",

@@ -38,3 +38,3 @@ "@vue/shared": "^3.4.0",

"gitHead": "4a37e8f3ebcf31ecfd2ea627f7611d5990ec5df6"
"gitHead": "a20a2ee950b63a949660b7e8faf0faed0e5bad33"

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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