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@vue/language-core - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.1.5 to 2.1.6




@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

export declare function generateGlobalTypes(mode: 'global' | 'local', lib: string, target: number, strictTemplates: boolean): string;
export declare function generateGlobalTypes(lib: string, target: number, strictTemplates: boolean): string;

@@ -5,138 +5,136 @@ "use strict";

const shared_1 = require("../utils/shared");
const common_1 = require("./common");
function generateGlobalTypes(mode, lib, target, strictTemplates) {
function generateGlobalTypes(lib, target, strictTemplates) {
const fnPropsType = `(K extends { $props: infer Props } ? Props : any)${strictTemplates ? '' : ' & Record<string, unknown>'}`;
let str = '';
let globalComponentsType;
if (mode === 'global') {
str += `// @ts-nocheck${common_1.newLine}`;
str += `export {}${common_1.endOfLine}`;
str += `declare module '${lib}' {${common_1.newLine}`;
str += ` export interface GlobalComponents { }${common_1.newLine}`;
str += `}${common_1.newLine}`;
str += `declare global {${common_1.newLine}`;
globalComponentsType = `import('${lib}').GlobalComponents`;
let text = ``;
if (target < 3.5) {
text += `
; declare module '${lib}' {
export interface GlobalComponents { }
export interface GlobalDirectives { }
else {
str += `const __VLS_globalComponents = { ...{} as import('${lib}').GlobalComponents }${common_1.endOfLine}`;
globalComponentsType = `void extends typeof __VLS_globalComponents ? {} : typeof __VLS_globalComponents`;
str += `
const __VLS_intrinsicElements: __VLS_IntrinsicElements;
const __VLS_directiveBindingRestFields = { instance: null, oldValue: null, modifiers: null as any, dir: null as any };
text += `
; declare global {
const __VLS_intrinsicElements: __VLS_IntrinsicElements;
const __VLS_directiveBindingRestFields: { instance: null, oldValue: null, modifiers: any, dir: any };
const __VLS_unref: typeof import('${lib}').unref;
type __VLS_IntrinsicElements = ${(target >= 3.3
const __VLS_nativeElements = {
...{} as SVGElementTagNameMap,
...{} as HTMLElementTagNameMap,
type __VLS_IntrinsicElements = ${(target >= 3.3
? `import('${lib}/jsx-runtime').JSX.IntrinsicElements;`
: `globalThis.JSX.IntrinsicElements;`)}
type __VLS_Element = ${(target >= 3.3
type __VLS_Element = ${(target >= 3.3
? `import('${lib}/jsx-runtime').JSX.Element;`
: `globalThis.JSX.Element;`)}
type __VLS_GlobalComponents = ${(target >= 3.5
? globalComponentsType
: `(${globalComponentsType}) & Pick<typeof import('${lib}'), 'Transition' | 'TransitionGroup' | 'KeepAlive' | 'Suspense' | 'Teleport'>;`)}
type __VLS_IsAny<T> = 0 extends 1 & T ? true : false;
type __VLS_PickNotAny<A, B> = __VLS_IsAny<A> extends true ? B : A;
type __VLS_unknownDirective = (arg1: unknown, arg2: unknown, arg3: unknown, arg4: unknown) => void;
type __VLS_WithComponent<N0 extends string, LocalComponents, N1 extends string, N2 extends string, N3 extends string> =
N1 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N1 extends N0 ? Pick<LocalComponents, N0 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: LocalComponents[N1] } :
N2 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N2 extends N0 ? Pick<LocalComponents, N0 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: LocalComponents[N2] } :
N3 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N3 extends N0 ? Pick<LocalComponents, N0 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: LocalComponents[N3] } :
N1 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N1 extends N0 ? Pick<__VLS_GlobalComponents, N0 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: __VLS_GlobalComponents[N1] } :
N2 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N2 extends N0 ? Pick<__VLS_GlobalComponents, N0 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: __VLS_GlobalComponents[N2] } :
N3 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N3 extends N0 ? Pick<__VLS_GlobalComponents, N0 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: __VLS_GlobalComponents[N3] } :
${strictTemplates ? '{}' : '{ [K in N0]: unknown }'}
type __VLS_FunctionalComponentProps<T, K> =
'__ctx' extends keyof __VLS_PickNotAny<K, {}> ? K extends { __ctx?: { props?: infer P } } ? NonNullable<P> : never
: T extends (props: infer P, ...args: any) => any ? P :
type __VLS_IsFunction<T, K> = K extends keyof T
? __VLS_IsAny<T[K]> extends false
? unknown extends T[K]
? false
: true
: false
: false;
// fix
type __VLS_UnionToIntersection<U> = (U extends unknown ? (arg: U) => unknown : never) extends ((arg: infer P) => unknown) ? P : never;
type __VLS_OverloadUnionInner<T, U = unknown> = U & T extends (...args: infer A) => infer R
? U extends T
? never
: __VLS_OverloadUnionInner<T, Pick<T, keyof T> & U & ((...args: A) => R)> | ((...args: A) => R)
: never;
type __VLS_OverloadUnion<T> = Exclude<
__VLS_OverloadUnionInner<(() => never) & T>,
T extends () => never ? never : () => never
type __VLS_ConstructorOverloads<T> = __VLS_OverloadUnion<T> extends infer F
? F extends (event: infer E, ...args: infer A) => any
? { [K in E & string]: (...args: A) => void; }
: never
: never;
type __VLS_NormalizeEmits<T> = __VLS_PrettifyGlobal<
__VLS_ConstructorOverloads<T> & {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends any[] ? { (...args: T[K]): void } : never
type __VLS_PrettifyGlobal<T> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K]; } & {};
type __VLS_GlobalComponents = ${(target >= 3.5
? `import('${lib}').GlobalComponents;`
: `import('${lib}').GlobalComponents & Pick<typeof import('${lib}'), 'Transition' | 'TransitionGroup' | 'KeepAlive' | 'Suspense' | 'Teleport'>;`)}
type __VLS_GlobalDirectives = import('${lib}').GlobalDirectives;
type __VLS_IsAny<T> = 0 extends 1 & T ? true : false;
type __VLS_PickNotAny<A, B> = __VLS_IsAny<A> extends true ? B : A;
type __VLS_unknownDirective = (arg1: unknown, arg2: unknown, arg3: unknown, arg4: unknown) => void;
type __VLS_WithComponent<N0 extends string, LocalComponents, N1 extends string, N2 extends string, N3 extends string> =
N1 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N1 extends N0 ? Pick<LocalComponents, N0 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: LocalComponents[N1] } :
N2 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N2 extends N0 ? Pick<LocalComponents, N0 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: LocalComponents[N2] } :
N3 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N3 extends N0 ? Pick<LocalComponents, N0 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: LocalComponents[N3] } :
N1 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N1 extends N0 ? Pick<__VLS_GlobalComponents, N0 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: __VLS_GlobalComponents[N1] } :
N2 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N2 extends N0 ? Pick<__VLS_GlobalComponents, N0 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: __VLS_GlobalComponents[N2] } :
N3 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N3 extends N0 ? Pick<__VLS_GlobalComponents, N0 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: __VLS_GlobalComponents[N3] } :
${strictTemplates ? '{}' : '{ [K in N0]: unknown }'}
type __VLS_FunctionalComponentProps<T, K> =
'__ctx' extends keyof __VLS_PickNotAny<K, {}> ? K extends { __ctx?: { props?: infer P } } ? NonNullable<P> : never
: T extends (props: infer P, ...args: any) => any ? P :
type __VLS_IsFunction<T, K> = K extends keyof T
? __VLS_IsAny<T[K]> extends false
? unknown extends T[K]
? false
: true
: false
: false;
// fix
type __VLS_UnionToIntersection<U> = (U extends unknown ? (arg: U) => unknown : never) extends ((arg: infer P) => unknown) ? P : never;
type __VLS_OverloadUnionInner<T, U = unknown> = U & T extends (...args: infer A) => infer R
? U extends T
? never
: __VLS_OverloadUnionInner<T, Pick<T, keyof T> & U & ((...args: A) => R)> | ((...args: A) => R)
: never;
type __VLS_OverloadUnion<T> = Exclude<
__VLS_OverloadUnionInner<(() => never) & T>,
T extends () => never ? never : () => never
type __VLS_ConstructorOverloads<T> = __VLS_OverloadUnion<T> extends infer F
? F extends (event: infer E, ...args: infer A) => any
? { [K in E & string]: (...args: A) => void; }
: never
: never;
type __VLS_NormalizeEmits<T> = __VLS_PrettifyGlobal<
__VLS_ConstructorOverloads<T> & {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends any[] ? { (...args: T[K]): void } : never
type __VLS_PrettifyGlobal<T> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K]; } & {};
function __VLS_getVForSourceType(source: number): [number, number, number][];
function __VLS_getVForSourceType(source: string): [string, number, number][];
function __VLS_getVForSourceType<T extends any[]>(source: T): [
item: T[number],
key: number,
index: number,
function __VLS_getVForSourceType<T extends { [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<any> }>(source: T): [
item: T extends { [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<infer T1> } ? T1 : never,
key: number,
index: undefined,
// #3845
function __VLS_getVForSourceType<T extends number | { [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<any> }>(source: T): [
item: number | (Exclude<T, number> extends { [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<infer T1> } ? T1 : never),
key: number,
index: undefined,
function __VLS_getVForSourceType<T>(source: T): [
item: T[keyof T],
key: keyof T,
index: number,
// @ts-ignore
function __VLS_getSlotParams<T>(slot: T): Parameters<__VLS_PickNotAny<NonNullable<T>, (...args: any[]) => any>>;
// @ts-ignore
function __VLS_getSlotParam<T>(slot: T): Parameters<__VLS_PickNotAny<NonNullable<T>, (...args: any[]) => any>>[0];
function __VLS_directiveAsFunction<T extends import('${lib}').Directive>(dir: T): T extends (...args: any) => any
? T | __VLS_unknownDirective
: NonNullable<(T & Record<string, __VLS_unknownDirective>)['created' | 'beforeMount' | 'mounted' | 'beforeUpdate' | 'updated' | 'beforeUnmount' | 'unmounted']>;
function __VLS_withScope<T, K>(ctx: T, scope: K): ctx is T & K;
function __VLS_makeOptional<T>(t: T): { [K in keyof T]?: T[K] };
function __VLS_nonNullable<T>(t: T): T extends null | undefined ? never : T;
function __VLS_asFunctionalComponent<T, K = T extends new (...args: any) => any ? InstanceType<T> : unknown>(t: T, instance?: K):
T extends new (...args: any) => any
? (props: ${fnPropsType}, ctx?: any) => __VLS_Element & { __ctx?: {
attrs?: any,
slots?: K extends { ${(0, shared_1.getSlotsPropertyName)(target)}: infer Slots } ? Slots : any,
emit?: K extends { $emit: infer Emit } ? Emit : any
} & { props?: ${fnPropsType}; expose?(exposed: K): void; } }
: T extends () => any ? (props: {}, ctx?: any) => ReturnType<T>
: T extends (...args: any) => any ? T
: (_: {}${strictTemplates ? '' : ' & Record<string, unknown>'}, ctx?: any) => { __ctx?: { attrs?: any, expose?: any, slots?: any, emit?: any, props?: {}${strictTemplates ? '' : ' & Record<string, unknown>'} } };
function __VLS_elementAsFunction<T>(tag: T, endTag?: T): (_: T${strictTemplates ? '' : ' & Record<string, unknown>'}) => void;
function __VLS_functionalComponentArgsRest<T extends (...args: any) => any>(t: T): 2 extends Parameters<T>['length'] ? [any] : [];
function __VLS_pickFunctionalComponentCtx<T, K>(comp: T, compInstance: K): NonNullable<__VLS_PickNotAny<
'__ctx' extends keyof __VLS_PickNotAny<K, {}> ? K extends { __ctx?: infer Ctx } ? Ctx : never : any
, T extends (props: any, ctx: infer Ctx) => any ? Ctx : any
function __VLS_normalizeSlot<S>(s: S): S extends () => infer R ? (props: {}) => R : S;
function __VLS_tryAsConstant<const T>(t: T): T;
function __VLS_getVForSourceType(source: number): [number, number, number][];
function __VLS_getVForSourceType(source: string): [string, number, number][];
function __VLS_getVForSourceType<T extends any[]>(source: T): [
item: T[number],
key: number,
index: number,
function __VLS_getVForSourceType<T extends { [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<any> }>(source: T): [
item: T extends { [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<infer T1> } ? T1 : never,
key: number,
index: undefined,
// #3845
function __VLS_getVForSourceType<T extends number | { [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<any> }>(source: T): [
item: number | (Exclude<T, number> extends { [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<infer T1> } ? T1 : never),
key: number,
index: undefined,
function __VLS_getVForSourceType<T>(source: T): [
item: T[keyof T],
key: keyof T,
index: number,
// @ts-ignore
function __VLS_getSlotParams<T>(slot: T): Parameters<__VLS_PickNotAny<NonNullable<T>, (...args: any[]) => any>>;
// @ts-ignore
function __VLS_getSlotParam<T>(slot: T): Parameters<__VLS_PickNotAny<NonNullable<T>, (...args: any[]) => any>>[0];
function __VLS_directiveAsFunction<T extends import('${lib}').Directive>(dir: T): T extends (...args: any) => any
? T | __VLS_unknownDirective
: NonNullable<(T & Record<string, __VLS_unknownDirective>)['created' | 'beforeMount' | 'mounted' | 'beforeUpdate' | 'updated' | 'beforeUnmount' | 'unmounted']>;
function __VLS_withScope<T, K>(ctx: T, scope: K): ctx is T & K;
function __VLS_makeOptional<T>(t: T): { [K in keyof T]?: T[K] };
function __VLS_nonNullable<T>(t: T): T extends null | undefined ? never : T;
function __VLS_asFunctionalComponent<T, K = T extends new (...args: any) => any ? InstanceType<T> : unknown>(t: T, instance?: K):
T extends new (...args: any) => any
? (props: ${fnPropsType}, ctx?: any) => __VLS_Element & { __ctx?: {
attrs?: any,
slots?: K extends { ${(0, shared_1.getSlotsPropertyName)(target)}: infer Slots } ? Slots : any,
emit?: K extends { $emit: infer Emit } ? Emit : any
} & { props?: ${fnPropsType}; expose?(exposed: K): void; } }
: T extends () => any ? (props: {}, ctx?: any) => ReturnType<T>
: T extends (...args: any) => any ? T
: (_: {}${strictTemplates ? '' : ' & Record<string, unknown>'}, ctx?: any) => { __ctx?: { attrs?: any, expose?: any, slots?: any, emit?: any, props?: {}${strictTemplates ? '' : ' & Record<string, unknown>'} } };
function __VLS_elementAsFunction<T>(tag: T, endTag?: T): (_: T${strictTemplates ? '' : ' & Record<string, unknown>'}) => void;
function __VLS_functionalComponentArgsRest<T extends (...args: any) => any>(t: T): 2 extends Parameters<T>['length'] ? [any] : [];
function __VLS_pickFunctionalComponentCtx<T, K>(comp: T, compInstance: K): NonNullable<__VLS_PickNotAny<
'__ctx' extends keyof __VLS_PickNotAny<K, {}> ? K extends { __ctx?: infer Ctx } ? Ctx : never : any
, T extends (props: any, ctx: infer Ctx) => any ? Ctx : any
function __VLS_normalizeSlot<S>(s: S): S extends () => infer R ? (props: {}) => R : S;
function __VLS_tryAsConstant<const T>(t: T): T;
if (mode === 'global') {
str += `}${common_1.newLine}`;
return str;
return text;

@@ -40,3 +40,3 @@ "use strict";

if ( >= 3.5 && scriptSetupRanges.templateRefs.length) {
yield `__typeRefs: {} as __VLS_Refs,${common_1.newLine}`;
yield `__typeRefs: {} as __VLS_TemplateResult['refs'],${common_1.newLine}`;

@@ -108,19 +108,23 @@ yield `})`;

function* generatePropsOption(options, ctx, scriptSetup, scriptSetupRanges, hasEmitsOption, inheritAttrs) {
const optionExpCodes = [];
const typeOptionExpCodes = [];
const codes = [];
if (ctx.generatedPropsType) {
`{} as `,
scriptSetupRanges.props.withDefaults?.arg ? `${ctx.localTypes.WithDefaults}<` : '',
scriptSetupRanges.props.withDefaults?.arg ? `, typeof __VLS_withDefaultsArg>` : '',
typeOptionExpCodes.push(`{} as __VLS_PublicProps`);
optionExp: [
`{} as `,
scriptSetupRanges.props.withDefaults?.arg ? `${ctx.localTypes.WithDefaults}<` : '',
scriptSetupRanges.props.withDefaults?.arg ? `, typeof __VLS_withDefaultsArg>` : '',
typeOptionExp: `{} as __VLS_PublicProps`,
if (scriptSetupRanges.props.define?.arg) {
const { arg } = scriptSetupRanges.props.define;
optionExpCodes.push((0, common_1.generateSfcBlockSection)(scriptSetup, arg.start, arg.end, index_1.codeFeatures.navigation));
optionExp: (0, common_1.generateSfcBlockSection)(scriptSetup, arg.start, arg.end, index_1.codeFeatures.navigation),
typeOptionExp: undefined,
if (inheritAttrs && options.templateCodegen?.inheritedAttrVars.size) {
let attrsType = `typeof __VLS_templateResult['attrs']`;
let attrsType = `__VLS_TemplateResult['attrs']`;
if (hasEmitsOption) {

@@ -131,24 +135,23 @@ attrsType = `Omit<${attrsType}, \`on\${string}\`>`;

const optionType = `${ctx.localTypes.TypePropsToOption}<${propsType}>`;
if (optionExpCodes.length) {
optionExpCodes.unshift(`{} as ${optionType}`);
else {
// workaround for
optionExpCodes.unshift(`{} as keyof ${propsType} extends never ? never: ${optionType}`);
typeOptionExpCodes.unshift(`{} as ${attrsType}`);
optionExp: codes.length
? `{} as ${optionType}`
// workaround for
: `{} as keyof ${propsType} extends never ? never: ${optionType}`,
typeOptionExp: `{} as ${attrsType}`,
const useTypeOption = >= 3.5 && typeOptionExpCodes.length;
const useOption = (!useTypeOption || scriptSetupRanges.props.withDefaults) && optionExpCodes.length;
const useTypeOption = >= 3.5 && codes.every(code => code.typeOptionExp);
const useOption = !useTypeOption || scriptSetupRanges.props.withDefaults;
if (useTypeOption) {
if (typeOptionExpCodes.length === 1) {
if (codes.length === 1) {
yield `__typeProps: `;
yield typeOptionExpCodes[0];
yield codes[0].typeOptionExp;
yield `,${common_1.newLine}`;
else if (typeOptionExpCodes.length >= 2) {
else if (codes.length >= 2) {
yield `__typeProps: {${common_1.newLine}`;
for (const code of typeOptionExpCodes) {
for (const { typeOptionExp } of codes) {
yield `...`;
yield code;
yield typeOptionExp;
yield `,${common_1.newLine}`;

@@ -160,12 +163,12 @@ }

if (useOption) {
if (optionExpCodes.length === 1) {
if (codes.length === 1) {
yield `props: `;
yield optionExpCodes[0];
yield codes[0].optionExp;
yield `,${common_1.newLine}`;
else if (optionExpCodes.length >= 2) {
else if (codes.length >= 2) {
yield `props: {${common_1.newLine}`;
for (const code of optionExpCodes) {
for (const { optionExp } of codes) {
yield `...`;
yield code;
yield optionExp;
yield `,${common_1.newLine}`;

@@ -172,0 +175,0 @@ }

@@ -28,2 +28,3 @@ import type { Mapping } from '@volar/language-core';

edited: boolean;
appendGlobalTypes: boolean;
getGeneratedLength: () => number;

@@ -30,0 +31,0 @@ linkedCodeMappings: Mapping[];

@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ "use strict";

const common_1 = require("../common");
const globalTypes_1 = require("../globalTypes");
const context_1 = require("./context");
const componentSelf_1 = require("./componentSelf");
const scriptSetup_1 = require("./scriptSetup");
const src_1 = require("./src");
const styleModulesType_1 = require("./styleModulesType");
const template_1 = require("./template");
const globalTypes_1 = require("../globalTypes");
exports.codeFeatures = {

@@ -36,3 +38,3 @@ all: {

const ctx = (0, context_1.createScriptCodegenContext)(options);
if (options.vueCompilerOptions.__setupedGlobalTypes?.()) {
if (options.vueCompilerOptions.__setupedGlobalTypes) {
yield `/// <reference types=".vue-global-types/${options.vueCompilerOptions.lib}_${}_${options.vueCompilerOptions.strictTemplates}.d.ts" />${common_1.newLine}`;

@@ -96,3 +98,4 @@ }

yield `__VLS_template = () => {`;
yield* (0, template_1.generateTemplate)(options, ctx, true);
const templateCodegenCtx = yield* (0, template_1.generateTemplate)(options, ctx, true);
yield* (0, componentSelf_1.generateComponentSelf)(options, ctx, templateCodegenCtx);
yield `},${common_1.newLine}`;

@@ -118,4 +121,9 @@ yield (0, common_1.generateSfcBlockSection)(options.sfc.script, classBlockEnd, options.sfc.script.content.length, exports.codeFeatures.all);

if (!ctx.generatedTemplate) {
yield* (0, template_1.generateTemplate)(options, ctx, false);
yield `function __VLS_template() {${common_1.newLine}`;
const templateCodegenCtx = yield* (0, template_1.generateTemplate)(options, ctx, false);
yield `}${common_1.endOfLine}`;
yield* (0, componentSelf_1.generateComponentSelf)(options, ctx, templateCodegenCtx);
// #4788
yield* (0, styleModulesType_1.generateStyleModulesType)(options, ctx);
if (options.edited) {

@@ -125,4 +133,4 @@ yield `type __VLS_IntrinsicElementsCompletion = __VLS_IntrinsicElements${common_1.endOfLine}`;

yield* ctx.localTypes.generate([...ctx.localTypes.getUsedNames()]);
if (!options.vueCompilerOptions.__setupedGlobalTypes?.()) {
yield (0, globalTypes_1.generateGlobalTypes)('local', options.vueCompilerOptions.lib,, options.vueCompilerOptions.strictTemplates);
if (options.appendGlobalTypes) {
yield (0, globalTypes_1.generateGlobalTypes)(options.vueCompilerOptions.lib,, options.vueCompilerOptions.strictTemplates);

@@ -129,0 +137,0 @@ if (options.sfc.scriptSetup) {

@@ -8,2 +8,3 @@ "use strict";

const index_1 = require("./index");
const componentSelf_1 = require("./componentSelf");
const template_1 = require("./template");

@@ -61,3 +62,3 @@ function* generateScriptSetupImports(scriptSetup, scriptSetupRanges) {

+ ` attrs: any,${common_1.newLine}`
+ ` slots: __VLS_Slots,${common_1.newLine}`
+ ` slots: __VLS_TemplateResult['slots'],${common_1.newLine}`
+ ` emit: ${emitTypes.length ? emitTypes.join(' & ') : `{}`},${common_1.newLine}`

@@ -228,5 +229,5 @@ + ` }${common_1.endOfLine}`;

(0, common_1.generateSfcBlockSection)(scriptSetup, define.arg.start, define.arg.end, index_1.codeFeatures.navigation),
`], keyof __VLS_Refs>`
`], keyof __VLS_TemplateResult['refs']>`

@@ -266,6 +267,7 @@ define.arg.start - 1,

yield* generateModelEmits(options, scriptSetup, scriptSetupRanges);
yield* generateStyleModules(options, ctx);
yield* (0, template_1.generateTemplate)(options, ctx, false);
yield `type __VLS_Refs = typeof __VLS_templateResult['refs']${common_1.endOfLine}`;
yield `type __VLS_Slots = typeof __VLS_templateResult['slots']${common_1.endOfLine}`;
yield `function __VLS_template() {${common_1.newLine}`;
const templateCodegenCtx = yield* (0, template_1.generateTemplate)(options, ctx, false);
yield `}${common_1.endOfLine}`;
yield* (0, componentSelf_1.generateComponentSelf)(options, ctx, templateCodegenCtx);
yield `type __VLS_TemplateResult = ReturnType<typeof __VLS_template>${common_1.endOfLine}`;
if (syntax) {

@@ -277,3 +279,3 @@ if (!options.vueCompilerOptions.skipTemplateCodegen && (options.templateCodegen?.hasSlot || scriptSetupRanges?.slots.define)) {

yield `${syntax} `;
yield `{} as ${ctx.localTypes.WithTemplateSlots}<typeof __VLS_component, __VLS_Slots>${common_1.endOfLine}`;
yield `{} as ${ctx.localTypes.WithTemplateSlots}<typeof __VLS_component, __VLS_TemplateResult['slots']>${common_1.endOfLine}`;

@@ -411,31 +413,2 @@ else {

function* generateStyleModules(options, ctx) {
const styles = options.sfc.styles.filter(style => style.module);
if (!styles.length) {
yield `type __VLS_StyleModules = {${common_1.newLine}`;
for (let i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
const style = styles[i];
const { name, offset } = style.module;
if (offset) {
yield [
offset + 1,
else {
yield name;
yield `: Record<string, string> & ${ctx.localTypes.PrettifyLocal}<{}`;
for (const className of style.classNames) {
yield* (0, template_1.generateCssClassProperty)(i, className.text, className.offset, 'string', false);
yield `>${common_1.endOfLine}`;
yield `}`;
yield common_1.endOfLine;
function* generateDefinePropType(scriptSetup, propName, localName, defineProp) {

@@ -442,0 +415,0 @@ if (defineProp.type) {

import type { Code } from '../../types';
import { TemplateCodegenContext } from '../template/context';
import type { ScriptCodegenContext } from './context';
import { type ScriptCodegenOptions } from './index';
export declare function generateTemplateCtx(options: ScriptCodegenOptions, isClassComponent: boolean): Generator<Code>;
export declare function generateTemplateComponents(options: ScriptCodegenOptions): Generator<Code>;
export declare function generateTemplate(options: ScriptCodegenOptions, ctx: ScriptCodegenContext, isClassComponent: boolean): Generator<Code>;
export declare function generateTemplateDirectives(options: ScriptCodegenOptions): Generator<Code>;
export declare function generateTemplate(options: ScriptCodegenOptions, ctx: ScriptCodegenContext, isClassComponent: boolean): Generator<Code, TemplateCodegenContext>;
export declare function generateCssClassProperty(styleIndex: number, classNameWithDot: string, offset: number, propertyType: string, optional: boolean): Generator<Code>;
export declare function getTemplateUsageVars(options: ScriptCodegenOptions, ctx: ScriptCodegenContext): Set<string>;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.generateTemplateCtx = generateTemplateCtx;
exports.generateTemplateComponents = generateTemplateComponents;
exports.generateTemplateDirectives = generateTemplateDirectives;
exports.generateTemplate = generateTemplate;

@@ -14,50 +13,24 @@ exports.generateCssClassProperty = generateCssClassProperty;

const index_1 = require("./index");
const internalComponent_1 = require("./internalComponent");
function* generateTemplateCtx(options, isClassComponent) {
const baseExps = [];
const extraExps = [];
const exps = [];
if (isClassComponent) {
else {
baseExps.push(`{} as InstanceType<__VLS_PickNotAny<typeof __VLS_internalComponent, new () => {}>>`);
exps.push(`{} as InstanceType<__VLS_PickNotAny<typeof __VLS_self, new () => {}>>`);
if (options.vueCompilerOptions.petiteVueExtensions.some(ext => options.fileBaseName.endsWith(ext))) {
if (options.sfc.styles.some(style => style.module)) {
extraExps.push(`{} as __VLS_StyleModules`);
exps.push(`{} as __VLS_StyleModules`);
if (options.scriptSetupRanges?.templateRefs.length) {
let exp = `{} as import('${options.vueCompilerOptions.lib}').UnwrapRef<{${common_1.newLine}`;
for (const { name } of options.scriptSetupRanges.templateRefs) {
if (name) {
exp += `${name}: typeof ${name}${common_1.newLine}`;
exp += `}>${common_1.newLine}`;
yield `const __VLS_ctxBase = `;
if (baseExps.length === 1) {
yield baseExps[0];
yield common_1.endOfLine;
else {
yield `{${common_1.newLine}`;
for (const exp of baseExps) {
yield `...`;
yield exp;
yield `,${common_1.newLine}`;
yield `}${common_1.endOfLine}`;
yield `const __VLS_ctx = `;
if (extraExps.length === 0) {
yield `__VLS_ctxBase${common_1.endOfLine}`;
if (exps.length === 1) {
yield exps[0];
yield `${common_1.endOfLine}`;
else {
yield `{${common_1.newLine}`;
yield `...__VLS_ctxBase,${common_1.newLine}`;
for (const exp of extraExps) {
for (const exp of exps) {
yield `...`;

@@ -87,8 +60,7 @@ yield exp;

else if (options.sfc.scriptSetup) {
yield `let __VLS_name!: '${options.scriptSetupRanges? ?? options.fileBaseName.substring(0, options.fileBaseName.lastIndexOf('.'))}'${common_1.endOfLine}`;
nameType = 'typeof __VLS_name';
nameType = `'${options.scriptSetupRanges? ?? options.fileBaseName.substring(0, options.fileBaseName.lastIndexOf('.'))}'`;
if (nameType) {
exps.push(`{} as {
[K in ${nameType}]: typeof __VLS_internalComponent
[K in ${nameType}]: typeof __VLS_self
& (new () => {

@@ -99,4 +71,4 @@ ${(0, shared_1.getSlotsPropertyName)(}: typeof ${options.scriptSetupRanges?.slots?.name ?? '__VLS_slots'}

exps.push(`{} as NonNullable<typeof __VLS_internalComponent extends { components: infer C } ? C : {}>`);
exps.push(`{} as NonNullable<typeof __VLS_self extends { components: infer C } ? C : {}>`);
yield `const __VLS_localComponents = {${common_1.newLine}`;

@@ -109,23 +81,38 @@ for (const type of exps) {

yield `}${common_1.endOfLine}`;
yield `let __VLS_components: typeof __VLS_localComponents & __VLS_GlobalComponents${common_1.endOfLine}`;
yield `let __VLS_components!: typeof __VLS_localComponents & __VLS_GlobalComponents${common_1.endOfLine}`;
function* generateTemplate(options, ctx, isClassComponent) {
ctx.generatedTemplate = true;
if (!options.vueCompilerOptions.skipTemplateCodegen) {
const templateCodegenCtx = (0, context_1.createTemplateCodegenContext)({
scriptSetupBindingNames: new Set(),
edited: options.edited,
yield* generateTemplateCtx(options, isClassComponent);
yield* generateTemplateComponents(options);
yield* generateTemplateBody(options, templateCodegenCtx);
yield* (0, internalComponent_1.generateInternalComponent)(options, ctx, templateCodegenCtx);
function* generateTemplateDirectives(options) {
const exps = [];
if (options.sfc.script && options.scriptRanges?.exportDefault?.directivesOption) {
const { directivesOption } = options.scriptRanges.exportDefault;
options.sfc.script.content.substring(directivesOption.start, directivesOption.end),
else {
const templateUsageVars = [...getTemplateUsageVars(options, ctx)];
yield `// @ts-ignore${common_1.newLine}`;
yield `[${templateUsageVars.join(', ')}]${common_1.newLine}`;
yield `const __VLS_templateResult { slots: {}, refs: {}, attrs: {} }${common_1.endOfLine}`;
exps.push(`{} as NonNullable<typeof __VLS_self extends { directives: infer D } ? D : {}>`);
yield `const __VLS_localDirectives = {${common_1.newLine}`;
for (const type of exps) {
yield `...`;
yield type;
yield `,${common_1.newLine}`;
yield `}${common_1.endOfLine}`;
yield `let __VLS_directives!: typeof __VLS_localDirectives & __VLS_GlobalDirectives${common_1.endOfLine}`;
function* generateTemplate(options, ctx, isClassComponent) {
ctx.generatedTemplate = true;
const templateCodegenCtx = (0, context_1.createTemplateCodegenContext)({
scriptSetupBindingNames: new Set(),
edited: options.edited,
yield* generateTemplateCtx(options, isClassComponent);
yield* generateTemplateComponents(options);
yield* generateTemplateDirectives(options);
yield* generateTemplateBody(options, templateCodegenCtx);
return templateCodegenCtx;
function* generateTemplateBody(options, templateCodegenCtx) {

@@ -164,10 +151,10 @@ const firstClasses = new Set();

yield `const __VLS_slots = {}${common_1.endOfLine}`;
yield `const $refs = {}${common_1.endOfLine}`;
yield `const __VLS_inheritedAttrs = {}${common_1.endOfLine}`;
yield `const $refs = {}${common_1.endOfLine}`;
yield `const __VLS_inheritedAttrs = {}${common_1.endOfLine}`;
yield `const __VLS_templateResult = {`;
yield `slots: ${options.scriptSetupRanges? ?? '__VLS_slots'},${common_1.newLine}`;
yield `refs: $refs,${common_1.newLine}`;
yield `attrs: {} as Partial<typeof __VLS_inheritedAttrs>,${common_1.newLine}`;
yield `return {${common_1.newLine}`;
yield ` slots: ${options.scriptSetupRanges? ?? '__VLS_slots'},${common_1.newLine}`;
yield ` refs: $refs,${common_1.newLine}`;
yield ` attrs: {} as Partial<typeof __VLS_inheritedAttrs>,${common_1.newLine}`;
yield `}${common_1.endOfLine}`;

@@ -207,3 +194,3 @@ }

for (const cssBind of style.cssVars) {
for (const [segment, offset, onlyError] of (0, interpolation_1.forEachInterpolationSegment)(options.ts, ctx, cssBind.text, cssBind.offset, options.ts.createSourceFile('/a.txt', cssBind.text, 99))) {
for (const [segment, offset, onlyError] of (0, interpolation_1.forEachInterpolationSegment)(options.ts, undefined, ctx, cssBind.text, cssBind.offset, options.ts.createSourceFile('/a.txt', cssBind.text, 99))) {
if (offset === undefined) {

@@ -210,0 +197,0 @@ yield segment;

@@ -44,2 +44,3 @@ import type * as CompilerDOM from '@vue/compiler-dom';

inheritedAttrVars: Set<unknown>;
templateRefs: Map<string, [string, number]>;
singleRootNode: CompilerDOM.ElementNode | undefined;

@@ -46,0 +47,0 @@ accessExternalVariable(name: string, offset?: number): void;

@@ -98,2 +98,3 @@ "use strict";

const inlayHints = [];
const templateRefs = new Map();
return {

@@ -112,2 +113,3 @@ slots,

inheritedAttrVars: new Set(),
singleRootNode: undefined,

@@ -114,0 +116,0 @@ accessExternalVariable(name, offset) {

@@ -156,5 +156,5 @@ "use strict";

const varName = ctx.getInternalVariable();
options.templateRefNames.set(refName, [varName, offset]);
ctx.templateRefs.set(refName, [varName, offset]);
yield `var ${varName} = {} as (Parameters<typeof ${var_defineComponentCtx}['expose']>[0] | null)`;
yield `var ${varName} = {} as (Parameters<NonNullable<typeof ${var_defineComponentCtx}['expose']>>[0] | null)`;
if (node.codegenNode?.type === CompilerDOM.NodeTypes.VNODE_CALL

@@ -212,3 +212,3 @@ && node.codegenNode.props?.type === CompilerDOM.NodeTypes.JS_OBJECT_EXPRESSION

if (refName) {
options.templateRefNames.set(refName, [`__VLS_intrinsicElements['${node.tag}']`, offset]);
ctx.templateRefs.set(refName, [`__VLS_nativeElements['${node.tag}']`, offset]);

@@ -365,3 +365,3 @@ const slotDir = node.props.find(p => p.type === CompilerDOM.NodeTypes.DIRECTIVE && === 'slot');

const [content, startOffset] = normalizeAttributeValue(prop.value);
yield `// @ts-ignore${common_1.newLine}`;
yield `// @ts-ignore navigation for \`const ${content} = ref()\`${common_1.newLine}`;
yield `__VLS_ctx`;

@@ -368,0 +368,0 @@ yield* (0, propertyAccess_1.generatePropertyAccess)(options, ctx, content, startOffset, ctx.codeFeatures.navigation, prop.value.loc);

@@ -24,3 +24,3 @@ "use strict";

yield* (0, common_1.wrapWith)(prop.loc.start.offset, prop.loc.end.offset, ctx.codeFeatures.verification, `__VLS_directiveAsFunction(__VLS_ctx.`, ...(0, camelized_1.generateCamelized)('v-' +, prop.loc.start.offset, {
yield* (0, common_1.wrapWith)(prop.loc.start.offset, prop.loc.end.offset, ctx.codeFeatures.verification, `__VLS_directiveAsFunction(__VLS_directives.`, ...(0, camelized_1.generateCamelized)('v-' +, prop.loc.start.offset, {

@@ -27,0 +27,0 @@ verification: false,

@@ -139,3 +139,6 @@ "use strict";

let result = true;
if (ast.statements.length === 1) {
if (ast.statements.length === 0) {
result = false;
else if (ast.statements.length === 1) {
ts.forEachChild(ast, child_1 => {

@@ -142,0 +145,0 @@ if (ts.isExpressionStatement(child_1)) {

@@ -102,3 +102,3 @@ "use strict";

}, prop.loc.name_2 ?? (prop.loc.name_2 = {}), shouldCamelize)
: (0, common_1.wrapWith)(prop.loc.start.offset, prop.loc.start.offset + 'v-model'.length, ctx.codeFeatures.verification, propName)), `: (`, ...genereatePropExp(options, ctx, prop, prop.exp, ctx.codeFeatures.all, prop.arg?.loc.start.offset === prop.exp?.loc.start.offset, enableCodeFeatures), `)`);
: (0, common_1.wrapWith)(prop.loc.start.offset, prop.loc.start.offset + 'v-model'.length, ctx.codeFeatures.verification, propName)), `: (`, ...generatePropExp(options, ctx, prop, prop.exp, ctx.codeFeatures.all, prop.arg?.loc.start.offset === prop.exp?.loc.start.offset, enableCodeFeatures), `)`);
if (!enableCodeFeatures) {

@@ -130,18 +130,5 @@ yield (0, muggle_string_1.toString)([]);

const codeInfo = ctx.codeFeatures.withoutHighlightAndCompletion;
const codes = (0, common_1.conditionWrapWith)(enableCodeFeatures, prop.loc.start.offset, prop.loc.end.offset, ctx.codeFeatures.verification, ...(0, objectProperty_1.generateObjectProperty)(options, ctx,, prop.loc.start.offset, shouldCamelize
const codeInfo = shouldCamelize
? {
verification: options.vueCompilerOptions.strictTemplates
? codeInfo.verification
: {
shouldReport(_source, code) {
if (String(code) === '2353' || String(code) === '2561') {
return false;
return typeof codeInfo.verification === 'object'
? codeInfo.verification.shouldReport?.(_source, code) ?? true
: true;
navigation: ctx.codeFeatures.withoutHighlightAndCompletion.navigation

@@ -154,3 +141,19 @@ ? {

: ctx.codeFeatures.withoutHighlightAndCompletion, prop.loc.name_1 ?? (prop.loc.name_1 = {}), shouldCamelize), `: (`, ...(prop.value
: {
if (!options.vueCompilerOptions.strictTemplates) {
const verification = codeInfo.verification;
codeInfo.verification = {
shouldReport(_source, code) {
if (String(code) === '2353' || String(code) === '2561') {
return false;
return typeof verification === 'object'
? verification.shouldReport?.(_source, code) ?? true
: true;
const codes = (0, common_1.conditionWrapWith)(enableCodeFeatures, prop.loc.start.offset, prop.loc.end.offset, ctx.codeFeatures.verification, ...(0, objectProperty_1.generateObjectProperty)(options, ctx,, prop.loc.start.offset, codeInfo, prop.loc.name_1 ?? (prop.loc.name_1 = {}), shouldCamelize), `: (`, ...(prop.value
? generateAttrValue(prop.value, ctx.codeFeatures.all)

@@ -188,3 +191,9 @@ : [`true`]), `)`);

function* genereatePropExp(options, ctx, prop, exp, features, isShorthand, enableCodeFeatures) {
function* generatePropExp(options, ctx, prop, exp, features, isShorthand, enableCodeFeatures) {
if (isShorthand && features.completion) {
features = {
completion: undefined,
if (exp && exp.constType !== CompilerDOM.ConstantTypes.CAN_STRINGIFY) { // style='z-index: 2' will compile to {'z-index':'2'}

@@ -191,0 +200,0 @@ if (!isShorthand) { // vue 3.4+

@@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ import * as CompilerDOM from '@vue/compiler-dom';

template: NonNullable<Sfc['template']>;
edited: boolean;
scriptSetupBindingNames: Set<string>;
scriptSetupImportComponentNames: Set<string>;
edited: boolean;
templateRefNames: Map<string, [varName: string, offset: number]>;
templateRefNames: Set<string>;
hasDefineSlots?: boolean;

@@ -16,0 +16,0 @@ slotsAssignName?: string;

@@ -38,3 +38,3 @@ "use strict";

yield `const __VLS_refs = {${common_1.newLine}`;
for (const [name, [varName, offset]] of options.templateRefNames) {
for (const [name, [varName, offset]] of ctx.templateRefs) {
yield* (0, stringLiteralKey_1.generateStringLiteralKey)(name, offset, ctx.codeFeatures.navigationAndCompletion);

@@ -44,3 +44,3 @@ yield `: ${varName},${common_1.newLine}`;

yield `}${common_1.endOfLine}`;
yield `declare var $refs: typeof __VLS_refs${common_1.endOfLine}`;
yield `var $refs!: typeof __VLS_refs${common_1.endOfLine}`;

@@ -47,0 +47,0 @@ function* generateSlotsType() {

@@ -6,2 +6,2 @@ import type * as ts from 'typescript';

export declare function generateInterpolation(options: TemplateCodegenOptions, ctx: TemplateCodegenContext, _code: string, astHolder: any, start: number | undefined, data: VueCodeInformation | ((offset: number) => VueCodeInformation) | undefined, prefix: string, suffix: string): Generator<Code>;
export declare function forEachInterpolationSegment(ts: typeof import('typescript'), ctx: TemplateCodegenContext, code: string, offset: number | undefined, ast: ts.SourceFile): Generator<[fragment: string, offset: number | undefined, isJustForErrorMapping?: boolean]>;
export declare function forEachInterpolationSegment(ts: typeof import('typescript'), templateRefNames: Set<string> | undefined, ctx: TemplateCodegenContext, code: string, offset: number | undefined, ast: ts.SourceFile): Generator<[fragment: string, offset: number | undefined, errorMappingOnly?: boolean]>;

@@ -12,3 +12,3 @@ "use strict";

const vars = [];
for (let [section, offset, onlyError] of forEachInterpolationSegment(options.ts, ctx, code, start !== undefined ? start - prefix.length : undefined, ast)) {
for (let [section, offset, onlyError] of forEachInterpolationSegment(options.ts, options.templateRefNames, ctx, code, start !== undefined ? start - prefix.length : undefined, ast)) {
if (offset === undefined) {

@@ -52,3 +52,3 @@ yield section;

function* forEachInterpolationSegment(ts, ctx, code, offset, ast) {
function* forEachInterpolationSegment(ts, templateRefNames, ctx, code, offset, ast) {
let ctxVars = [];

@@ -89,17 +89,16 @@ const varCb = (id, isShorthand) => {

for (let i = 0; i < ctxVars.length - 1; i++) {
// fix
// fix
yield ['', ctxVars[i + 1].offset, true];
yield ['__VLS_ctx.', undefined];
if (ctxVars[i + 1].isShorthand) {
yield [code.substring(ctxVars[i].offset, ctxVars[i + 1].offset + ctxVars[i + 1].text.length), ctxVars[i].offset];
const curVar = ctxVars[i];
const nextVar = ctxVars[i + 1];
yield* generateVar(code, templateRefNames, curVar, nextVar);
if (nextVar.isShorthand) {
yield [code.substring(curVar.offset + curVar.text.length, nextVar.offset + nextVar.text.length), curVar.offset + curVar.text.length];
yield [': ', undefined];
else {
yield [code.substring(ctxVars[i].offset, ctxVars[i + 1].offset), ctxVars[i].offset];
yield [code.substring(curVar.offset + curVar.text.length, nextVar.offset), curVar.offset + curVar.text.length];
yield ['', ctxVars[ctxVars.length - 1].offset, true];
yield ['__VLS_ctx.', undefined];
yield [code.substring(ctxVars[ctxVars.length - 1].offset), ctxVars[ctxVars.length - 1].offset];
const lastVar =;
yield* generateVar(code, templateRefNames, lastVar);
yield [code.substring(lastVar.offset + lastVar.text.length), lastVar.offset + lastVar.text.length];

@@ -110,2 +109,17 @@ else {

function* generateVar(code, templateRefNames, curVar, nextVar = curVar) {
// fix
// fix
yield ['', nextVar.offset, true];
const isTemplateRef = templateRefNames?.has(curVar.text) ?? false;
if (isTemplateRef) {
yield [`__VLS_unref(`, undefined];
yield [code.substring(curVar.offset, curVar.offset + curVar.text.length), curVar.offset];
yield [`)`, undefined];
else {
yield [`__VLS_ctx.`, undefined];
yield [code.substring(curVar.offset, curVar.offset + curVar.text.length), curVar.offset];
function walkIdentifiers(ts, node, ast, cb, ctx, blockVars = [], isRoot = true) {

@@ -112,0 +126,0 @@ if (ts.isIdentifier(node)) {

@@ -12,2 +12,3 @@ import type { TextRange } from '../types';

componentsOptionNode: ts.ObjectLiteralExpression | undefined;
directivesOption: TextRange | undefined;
nameOption: TextRange | undefined;

@@ -14,0 +15,0 @@ inheritAttrsOption: string | undefined;

@@ -27,2 +27,3 @@ "use strict";

let componentsOptionNode;
let directivesOptionNode;
let nameOptionNode;

@@ -36,6 +37,9 @@ let inheritAttrsOption;

if (name === 'name') {
else if (name === 'directives' && ts.isObjectLiteralExpression(node.initializer)) {
directivesOptionNode = node.initializer;
else if (name === 'name') {
nameOptionNode = node.initializer;
if (name === 'inheritAttrs') {
else if (name === 'inheritAttrs') {
inheritAttrsOption = (0, scriptSetupRanges_1.getNodeText)(ts, node.initializer, ast);

@@ -52,2 +56,3 @@ }

componentsOptionNode: withNode ? componentsOptionNode : undefined,
directivesOption: directivesOptionNode ? _getStartEnd(directivesOptionNode) : undefined,
nameOption: nameOptionNode ? _getStartEnd(nameOptionNode) : undefined,

@@ -54,0 +59,0 @@ inheritAttrsOption,

@@ -299,3 +299,3 @@ "use strict";

else if (vueCompilerOptions.macros.templateRef.includes(callText) && node.arguments.length && !node.typeArguments?.length) {
else if (vueCompilerOptions.composibles.useTemplateRef.includes(callText) && node.arguments.length && !node.typeArguments?.length) {
const define = parseDefineFunction(node);

@@ -302,0 +302,0 @@ define.arg = _getStartEnd(node.arguments[0]);

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ "use strict";

getEmbeddedCodes(_fileName, sfc) {
if (sfc.template) {
if (sfc.template?.lang === 'html') {
return [{

@@ -18,3 +18,3 @@ id: 'template',

resolveEmbeddedCode(_fileName, sfc, embeddedFile) {
if ( === 'template' && sfc.template) {
if ( === 'template' && sfc.template?.lang === 'html') {

@@ -21,0 +21,0 @@ sfc.template.content,

@@ -11,2 +11,3 @@ import type { Mapping } from '@volar/language-core';

componentsOptionNode: import("typescript").ObjectLiteralExpression | undefined;
directivesOption: import("../types").TextRange | undefined;
nameOption: import("../types").TextRange | undefined;

@@ -147,2 +148,3 @@ inheritAttrsOption: string | undefined;

inheritedAttrVars: Set<unknown>;
templateRefs: Map<string, [string, number]>;
singleRootNode: import("@vue/compiler-dom").ElementNode | undefined;

@@ -149,0 +151,0 @@ accessExternalVariable(name: string, offset?: number): void;

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ "use strict";

const computeds_1 = require("computeds");
const path = require("path-browserify");
const path_browserify_1 = require("path-browserify");
const script_1 = require("../codegen/script");

@@ -14,2 +14,3 @@ const template_1 = require("../codegen/template");

const plugin = ctx => {
let appendedGlobalTypes = false;
return {

@@ -43,3 +44,8 @@ version: 2.1,

if (!exports.tsCodegen.has(sfc)) {
exports.tsCodegen.set(sfc, createTsx(fileName, sfc, ctx));
let appendGlobalTypes = false;
if (!ctx.vueCompilerOptions.__setupedGlobalTypes && !appendedGlobalTypes) {
appendGlobalTypes = true;
appendedGlobalTypes = true;
exports.tsCodegen.set(sfc, createTsx(fileName, sfc, ctx, appendGlobalTypes));

@@ -50,3 +56,3 @@ return exports.tsCodegen.get(sfc);

exports.default = plugin;
function createTsx(fileName, _sfc, ctx) {
function createTsx(fileName, _sfc, ctx, appendGlobalTypes) {
const ts = ctx.modules.typescript;

@@ -66,3 +72,3 @@ const lang = (0, computeds_1.computed)(() => {

const generatedTemplate = (0, computeds_1.computed)(() => {
if (!_sfc.template) {
if (ctx.vueCompilerOptions.skipTemplateCodegen || !_sfc.template) {

@@ -79,3 +85,3 @@ }

scriptSetupImportComponentNames: scriptSetupImportComponentNames(),
templateRefNames: new Map(),
templateRefNames: templateRefNames(),
hasDefineSlots: hasDefineSlots(),

@@ -97,3 +103,2 @@ slotsAssignName: slotsAssignName(),

const hasDefineSlots = (0, computeds_1.computed)(() => !!scriptSetupRanges()?.slots.define);
const scriptSetupBindingNames = (0, computeds_1.computed)(oldNames => {

@@ -114,3 +119,3 @@ const newNames = new Set();

const newNames = scriptSetupRanges()?.importComponentNames ?? new Set();
if (newNames && oldNames && twoSetsEqual(newNames, oldNames)) {
if (oldNames && twoSetsEqual(newNames, oldNames)) {
return oldNames;

@@ -120,2 +125,12 @@ }

const templateRefNames = (0, computeds_1.computed)(oldNames => {
const newNames = new Set(scriptSetupRanges()?.templateRefs
.map(({ name }) => name)
.filter(name => name !== undefined));
if (oldNames && twoSetsEqual(newNames, oldNames)) {
return oldNames;
return newNames;
const hasDefineSlots = (0, computeds_1.computed)(() => !!scriptSetupRanges()?.slots.define);
const slotsAssignName = (0, computeds_1.computed)(() => scriptSetupRanges()?;

@@ -130,7 +145,6 @@ const propsAssignName = (0, computeds_1.computed)(() => scriptSetupRanges()?;

const linkedCodeMappings = [];
const _template = generatedTemplate();
let generatedLength = 0;
const codegen = (0, script_1.generateScript)({
fileBaseName: path.basename(fileName),
fileBaseName: path_browserify_1.posix.basename(fileName),
sfc: _sfc,

@@ -140,3 +154,3 @@ lang: lang(),

scriptSetupRanges: scriptSetupRanges(),
templateCodegen: _template,
templateCodegen: generatedTemplate(),
compilerOptions: ctx.compilerOptions,

@@ -147,2 +161,3 @@ vueCompilerOptions: ctx.vueCompilerOptions,


@@ -149,0 +164,0 @@ fileEditTimes.set(fileName, (fileEditTimes.get(fileName) ?? 0) + 1);

@@ -39,6 +39,6 @@ import type { CodeInformation } from '@volar/language-core';

withDefaults: string[];
templateRef: string[];
composibles: {
useCssModule: string[];
useTemplateRef: string[];

@@ -49,3 +49,3 @@ plugins: VueLanguagePlugin[];

experimentalModelPropName: Record<string, Record<string, boolean | Record<string, string> | Record<string, string>[]>>;
__setupedGlobalTypes?: () => boolean;
__setupedGlobalTypes?: boolean;
__test?: boolean;

@@ -52,0 +52,0 @@ }

@@ -6,4 +6,10 @@ import type * as ts from 'typescript';

export declare function createParsedCommandLineByJson(ts: typeof import('typescript'), parseConfigHost: ts.ParseConfigHost, rootDir: string, json: any, configFileName?: string): ParsedCommandLine;
export declare function createParsedCommandLine(ts: typeof import('typescript'), parseConfigHost: ts.ParseConfigHost, tsConfigPath: string): ParsedCommandLine;
export declare function createParsedCommandLineByJson(ts: typeof import('typescript'), parseConfigHost: ts.ParseConfigHost & {
writeFile?(path: string, data: string): void;
}, rootDir: string, json: any, configFileName?: string, skipGlobalTypesSetup?: boolean): ParsedCommandLine;
export declare function createParsedCommandLine(ts: typeof import('typescript'), parseConfigHost: ts.ParseConfigHost, tsConfigPath: string, skipGlobalTypesSetup?: boolean): ParsedCommandLine;
export declare function resolveVueCompilerOptions(vueOptions: Partial<VueCompilerOptions>): VueCompilerOptions;
export declare function setupGlobalTypes(rootDir: string, vueOptions: VueCompilerOptions, host: {
fileExists(path: string): boolean;
writeFile?(path: string, data: string): void;
}): boolean;

@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ "use strict";

exports.resolveVueCompilerOptions = resolveVueCompilerOptions;
exports.setupGlobalTypes = setupGlobalTypes;
const shared_1 = require("@vue/shared");
const path = require("path-browserify");
const path_browserify_1 = require("path-browserify");
const languagePlugin_1 = require("../languagePlugin");
function createParsedCommandLineByJson(ts, parseConfigHost, rootDir, json, configFileName = rootDir + '/jsconfig.json') {
const globalTypes_1 = require("../codegen/globalTypes");
function createParsedCommandLineByJson(ts, parseConfigHost, rootDir, json, configFileName = rootDir + '/jsconfig.json', skipGlobalTypesSetup = false) {
const proxyHost = proxyParseConfigHostForExtendConfigPaths(parseConfigHost);

@@ -24,2 +26,8 @@ ts.parseJsonConfigFileContent(json,, rootDir, {}, configFileName);

const resolvedVueOptions = resolveVueCompilerOptions(vueOptions);
if (skipGlobalTypesSetup) {
resolvedVueOptions.__setupedGlobalTypes = true;
else {
resolvedVueOptions.__setupedGlobalTypes = setupGlobalTypes(rootDir, resolvedVueOptions, parseConfigHost);
const parsed = ts.parseJsonConfigFileContent(json,, rootDir, {}, configFileName, undefined, (0, languagePlugin_1.getAllExtensions)(resolvedVueOptions)

@@ -40,7 +48,7 @@ .map(extension => ({

function createParsedCommandLine(ts, parseConfigHost, tsConfigPath) {
function createParsedCommandLine(ts, parseConfigHost, tsConfigPath, skipGlobalTypesSetup = false) {
try {
const proxyHost = proxyParseConfigHostForExtendConfigPaths(parseConfigHost);
const config = ts.readJsonConfigFile(tsConfigPath,;
ts.parseJsonSourceFileConfigFileContent(config,, path.dirname(tsConfigPath), {}, tsConfigPath);
ts.parseJsonSourceFileConfigFileContent(config,, path_browserify_1.posix.dirname(tsConfigPath), {}, tsConfigPath);
let vueOptions = {};

@@ -57,3 +65,9 @@ for (const extendPath of proxyHost.extendConfigPaths.reverse()) {

const resolvedVueOptions = resolveVueCompilerOptions(vueOptions);
const parsed = ts.parseJsonSourceFileConfigFileContent(config,, path.dirname(tsConfigPath), {}, tsConfigPath, undefined, (0, languagePlugin_1.getAllExtensions)(resolvedVueOptions)
if (skipGlobalTypesSetup) {
resolvedVueOptions.__setupedGlobalTypes = true;
else {
resolvedVueOptions.__setupedGlobalTypes = setupGlobalTypes(path_browserify_1.posix.dirname(tsConfigPath), resolvedVueOptions, parseConfigHost);
const parsed = ts.parseJsonSourceFileConfigFileContent(config,, path_browserify_1.posix.dirname(tsConfigPath), {}, tsConfigPath, undefined, (0, languagePlugin_1.getAllExtensions)(resolvedVueOptions)
.map(extension => ({

@@ -104,3 +118,3 @@ extension: extension.slice(1),

function getPartialVueCompilerOptions(ts, tsConfigSourceFile) {
const folder = path.dirname(tsConfigSourceFile.fileName);
const folder = path_browserify_1.posix.dirname(tsConfigSourceFile.fileName);
const obj = ts.convertToObject(tsConfigSourceFile, []);

@@ -189,7 +203,8 @@ const rawOptions = obj?.vueCompilerOptions ?? {};

withDefaults: ['withDefaults'],
templateRef: ['templateRef', 'useTemplateRef'],
composibles: {
useCssModule: ['useCssModule']
useCssModule: ['useCssModule'],
useTemplateRef: ['useTemplateRef', 'templateRef'],

@@ -214,2 +229,24 @@ plugins: vueOptions.plugins ?? [],

function setupGlobalTypes(rootDir, vueOptions, host) {
if (!host.writeFile) {
return false;
try {
let dir = rootDir;
while (!host.fileExists(path_browserify_1.posix.join(dir, 'node_modules', vueOptions.lib, 'package.json'))) {
const parentDir = path_browserify_1.posix.dirname(dir);
if (dir === parentDir) {
throw 0;
dir = parentDir;
const globalTypesPath = path_browserify_1.posix.join(dir, 'node_modules', '.vue-global-types', `${vueOptions.lib}_${}_${vueOptions.strictTemplates}.d.ts`);
const globalTypesContents = `// @ts-nocheck\nexport {};\n` + (0, globalTypes_1.generateGlobalTypes)(vueOptions.lib,, vueOptions.strictTemplates);
host.writeFile(globalTypesPath, globalTypesContents);
return true;
catch {
return false;
"name": "@vue/language-core",
"version": "2.1.5",
"version": "2.1.6",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -39,3 +39,3 @@ "files": [

"gitHead": "a95b51ac0b0db8825f77fbba37e29932b5be61e4"
"gitHead": "fd61953ce9eb924eeaf4df0bf8d2237267321194"
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