What is @wdio/utils?
The @wdio/utils package is part of the WebdriverIO ecosystem, which provides utility functions to enhance and simplify the development of automated testing scripts for web applications. It includes various helper functions and utilities that are used internally by other WebdriverIO packages but can also be useful in custom test scripts.
What are @wdio/utils's main functionalities?
Test Framework Adapters
This feature allows the integration of different test frameworks with WebdriverIO. The code sample demonstrates how to use the adapterFactory function to create an instance of a Jasmine test framework adapter.
const { adapterFactory } = require('@wdio/utils');
const JasmineAdapter = adapterFactory('jasmine');
Logger Utility
The Logger utility provides a way to create custom loggers for different parts of your test suite. The code sample shows how to create a logger and log an informational message.
const { getLogger } = require('@wdio/utils');
const logger = getLogger('myCustomLogger');
logger.info('This is an info message');
Test Hooks
This feature provides hooks that can be used to perform actions at various stages of the test lifecycle. The code sample illustrates how to define actions to be performed before and after a test.
const { testHook } = require('@wdio/utils');
testHook.before(() => console.log('Before test hook'));
testHook.after(() => console.log('After test hook'));
Other packages similar to @wdio/utils
Selenium WebDriver is a browser automation library. While it also supports browser control for testing purposes, it does not provide the same level of integration with testing frameworks or the utility functions that @wdio/utils offers.
Protractor is an end-to-end test framework for Angular and AngularJS applications. It is built on top of WebDriverJS and includes test-specific features that are similar to @wdio/utils, but it is specifically tailored for Angular applications.
A WDIO helper utility to provide a repl interface WebdriverIO