We Got POP LTD Style guide

Getting started
This repository makes use of Yarn. Please ensure this is installed before getting started.
First step is to install the dependencies. This can be done via:
yarn install
To run the development server run:
yarn dev
This will launch the dev sever on http://localhost:1234.
Hot reload is active by default. The development server and production builder is managed by Parcel.
Code layout
The root of the app is located in index.js
(and the correspdoning index.html
CSS that is meant to be exported is located in the css
Individual pages are locationd in the pages
folder. There is a separte css
folder, for page specific styling, which is not considered to be part of the POP style guide.
Code is auto formated on commit, and makes use of Prettier to format JS, CSS and Markdown files.
This can be triggered before commit with:
yarn format
or for a specific filetype:
yarn format:<js|css|md>
Publishing can be done by running npm publish