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A declarative way to build 3D/VR/AR/XR apps that scale. Built with tooling web developers will love, using conventions that game developers and creative coders will find straightforward familiar.

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Armada Engine

A data driven game engine, built on three.js


git clone
cd armada
yarn install
cp .env.https .env

// This will build the library and examples, and launch a server on
// NOTE: ONLY works with HTTPS right now, will not work
yarn run dev

// To run the server, open another terminal window and run
yarn run dev-server

What is a behavior?

A behavior is nothing more than a function that follows a specific interface. The interface for a behavior looks like this

interface Behavior {
  (entity: Entity, args?: any, delta?: number, entityOut?: Entity, time?: number): void

What does a behavior look like?

A behavior that follows this interface looks like this:

const handleMouseMovement: Behavior = (entity: Entity, args: { event: MouseEvent }): void => {
  input = getComponent(entity, Input) as Input
  _value[0] = (args.event.clientX / window.innerWidth) * 2 - 1
  _value[1] = (args.event.clientY / window.innerHeight) * -2 + 1
  // Set type to TWOD (two-dimensional axis) and value to a normalized -1, 1 on X and Y["mousePosition"], {
    type: InputType.TWODIM,
    value: _value

Systems, with regard to behaviors

Systems in Armada hold very little game logic. Instead, systems are fundamentally concerned with ordering and execution of behaviors, most of which can be expressed as a static function. Behaviors are impure by nature-- they are always concerned with reading data from components and applying transformations on it. Systems process maps, which can be expressed as JSON, JS objects and eventually as node graphs with as node editor.

Behaviors contain all of the game logic. In this way a user can completely modify and build their own application from Armada by building and mapping behaviors.

The takeaway here is this:

  1. One system should be in charge the entire concern -- input system, physics system, networking system, etc.
  2. Systems are concerned with the order and execution of behaviors
  3. Behaviors are functions that transform data on components attached to entities

How do systems process behaviors?

Let's take a look at the input system to see what's going on. To simplify, we'll just pick out the part that cares about button input:

// this is called in execute() every frame
    this.queryResults.inputs.results.forEach(entity => handleInput(entity, args: { delta }))

// where the magic happens
export const handleInput: Behavior = (entity: Entity, delta: number): void => {
  getComponent(entity, Input).data.forEach((value: InputValue<NumericalType>, key: InputAlias) => {
    // If the input is a button
    if (value.type === InputType.BUTTON) { 
    // If the input exists on the input map (otherwise ignore it)
      if (input.schema.inputButtonBehaviors[key] && input.schema.inputButtonBehaviors[key][value.value as number]) { 
        // If the lifecycle hasn't been set or just started (so we don't keep spamming repeatedly)
        if (value.lifecycleState === undefined || value.lifecycleState === LifecycleValue.STARTED) {
          // Set the value of the input to continued to debounce
, {
            type: value.type,
            value: value.value as Binary,
            lifecycleState: LifecycleValue.CONTINUED
          // Call the behavior with args
          input.schema.inputButtonBehaviors[key][value.value as number].behavior(
            input.schema.inputButtonBehaviors[key][value.value as number].args,
      // More code for axes, etc...

Note that when an Input component is added to an entity, we bind a DOM event to that InputComponent (so a user could theoretically control multiple inputs), and we unbind when the component is destroyed. The code for that is also in the system:

      // Bind DOM events to event behavior
      Object.keys(this._inputComponent.schema.eventBindings)?.forEach((key: string) => {
        document.addEventListener(key, e => {
          this._inputComponent.schema.eventBindings[key].behavior(entity, { event: e, ...this._inputComponent.schema.eventBindings[key].args })
How did our system know to bind an DOM event (key press, mouse move, button push, etc) to a specific behavior?

When we construct our Input component, we pass an InputSchema to it which contains everything the system needs to know about how to respond to input. This input schema follows an interface, which you can find at src/input/interfaces/InputSchema. You can construct your own input schema, and we advise using the DefaultInputSchema template as a guide (found in src/input/defaults/DefaultInputSchema)

Here are the event bindings from DefaultInputSchema that tell the InputSystem how to bind the DOM event to the behavior:

  eventBindings: {
    // Keys
    ["keyup"]: {
      behavior: handleKey,
      args: {
        value: BinaryValue.OFF
    ["keydown"]: {
      behavior: handleKey,
      args: {
        value: BinaryValue.ON

The handleKey behavior does what it says on the box. You can find the source code at src/input/DesktopInputBehaviors.

Behavior Components

The behavior pattern has a matching component pattern which accepts a schema and a data map. The schema

How to add a new behavior

A behavior is just a function that implements the Behavior interface. You can find the Behavior interface itself at src/common/interfaces/Behavior.

Let's make a behavior.

export const myBehavior: Behavior = (entity: Entity, args: { myArgs }): void => {
  const myComponent = getComponent(entity, MyComponent)
  myComponent.value = myArgs.someArg

That's really all there is to the behavior part. Now we can add it do a schema. As each behavior-oriented system has it's own schema, you should consult the interface as well as the default implementations for each type. Again, we will focus on the input system, and bind an event:

  eventBindings: {
    // DOM event triggers when right-click is pressed or long-press to open contextual menu
    ["contextmenu"]: {
      behavior: myBehavior
      // args are optional, if we wanted this behavior to be reusable we can pass an arg
      args: "contextmenu"

So every time someone tries to open the context menu on your site (i.e. right-click) your behavior is triggered. This same pattern can be extended to states, network messages, and potentially even fireworks and cars.

Singleton Behaviors

A SingletonBehavior can be constructed that maps data from one entity to others, but this is rare -- in this case the behavior interface accepts an entityIn and entityOut. See the argument overloads to the Behavior interface. More often, though, you'll set your singleton components to be accessible globally so you only need to worry about the entityIn argument as the entity which the data transformation is being applied to.

Note: Schema are Mutable

One of the benefits of using a schema system is that the values are not hardcoded, so you can easily remap the values. This enables flexibility such as allowing a user to redefine their input map and bind a key to another action. You can add behaviors to your schema or modify the mappings after initialization.

State and State Groups

A lot of things in games and spatial applications can be represented by state. The concept for BECS came from trying to tackle some of the issues that many ECS systems have with managing state, especially grouped and overlapping states. The idea of using a schema to map transformation data is borrowed from the idea of State Tables and State Diagrams.

States define what something currently is. For example, the character could be jumping -- in which case you are likely to find the "jumping" state attached to the actor. Concretely, there is a jump() behavior mapped to the DefaultStateSchema.

const jump: Behavior = (entity: Entity): void => {
  // Add the state to the entity (setState is also a behavior)
  setState(entity, { state: DefaultStateTypes.JUMPING })
  actor = getMutableComponent(entity, CharacterComponent)
  // Set actor's jump time to 0 -- jump will end when t increments to jump length
  actor.jump.t = 0

This function adds a state to the State component's .data field. States can trigger a behavior on entry or exit -- these are knows as "transitions" in finite state machine design. States can also execute logic every frame while active. We control this just like input, by defining our mapping on the StateSchema and initialization our State component with it. Concretely, this is what the jumping state mapping in the DefaultStateSchema looks like:

    [DefaultStateTypes.JUMPING]: { group: DefaultStateGroups.MOVEMENT_MODIFIERS, onUpdate: { behavior: jumpingBehavior } },

Jumping doesn't currently have entry or exit transitions, but does perform the jumping behavior every time the State system executes. The jumping state is removed by the jumping behavior when the actor's jump time exceeds the jump duration. In a more complex scenario, the user's jumping state might get removed by landing back on ground or transitioning to another state, otherwise the jumping state would transition into falling. In this case, however, when jumping is over, we remove the state.

export const jumping: Behavior = (entity: Entity, args, delta: number): void => {
  transform = getComponent<TransformComponent>(entity, TransformComponent)
  actor = getMutableComponent(entity, CharacterComponent)
  actor.jump.t += delta
  if (actor.jump.t < actor.jump.duration) {
    transform.velocity[1] = transform.velocity[1] + Math.cos((actor.jump.t / actor.jump.duration) * Math.PI)
    console.log("Jumping: " + actor.jump.t)
  removeState(entity, { state: DefaultStateTypes.JUMPING })

State Groups

Typically you will want to group states together as they are related, transition into each other and are often mutually exclusive. For example, you will want to know that if your character jumps, the crouching state will be overriden and removed until the character stops jumping (unless you're making a crouch jump game, more power to you!) By defining state groups, we can relate states to each other. You can find the interface that defines state groups in the StateSchema at src/state/defaults/interfaces/DefaultStateSchema

  groups: {
    [DefaultStateGroups.MOVEMENT]: {
      exclusive: true,
      default: DefaultStateTypes.IDLE,
      states: [DefaultStateTypes.IDLE, DefaultStateTypes.MOVING]
    [DefaultStateGroups.MOVEMENT_MODIFIERS]: {
      exclusive: true,
      states: [DefaultStateTypes.CROUCHING, DefaultStateTypes.SPRINTING, DefaultStateTypes.JUMPING]

The DefaultStateSchema defines two groups, MOVEMENT and MOVEMENT_MODIFIERS. Both are exclusive, so any time a state is added it will transition over the existing state unless blocked. For example:

  states: {
    [DefaultStateTypes.JUMPING]: { group: DefaultStateGroups.MOVEMENT_MODIFIERS, onUpdate: { behavior: jumpingBehavior } },
    [DefaultStateTypes.CROUCHING]: { group: DefaultStateGroups.MOVEMENT_MODIFIERS, blockedBy: DefaultStateTypes.JUMPING },
...  }

In the DefaultStateSchema example, CROUCHING is blockedBy JUMPING, so the character can't crouch mid-air. The job of the state system is to ensure that these rules are respected and that changes in state have the appropriate side effects on other states.

How to add a state and state group

Let's say we wanted to make a hunger system for our a monster in our game that the player must feed. So we will define a state group

const StateGroups = {
  HUNGER: 0 // value should be unique but can be anything, numbers are easy to send over the network

Now we will define a StateSchema

const MyStateSchema: StateSchema = {
  groups: {
    [StateGroups.HUNGER]: {
      exclusive: true,
      default: "FULL",
      states: ["FULL", "HUNGRY", "STARVING" ]
  states: {
    ["FULL"]: { group: StateGroups.HUNGER, onUpdate: { behavior: hungerBehavior, args: { type: "FULL" } } },
    ["HUNGRY"]: { group: StateGroups.HUNGER, onUpdate: { behavior: hungerBehavior, args: { type: "HUNGRY" } } },
    ["STARVING"]: { group: StateGroups.HUNGER, onUpdate: { behavior: hungerBehavior, args: { type: "STARVING"} } },

The states are mutually exclusive, and while they all execute the same behavior, they pass a different argument. We can assume the hungerBehavior decreases some "fullness" value on a component, and issues different warnings to the player based on the current type. You can then use this state elsewhere, for example you could program your movement behavior to check if the entity is hungry and slow movement speed on "hungry" or "starving".

Other systems can map to state

Behaviors allow us to make data transformations on a component, or between components. For example, when we press the "w" key, that issues the action "forward", which adds the state "moving" and removes the "idle" state if it's currently in the state queue.

So what system should I put something in?

If the player presses, touches, shakes or rotates something with their head, this should be managed by the InputSystem. If you want something to happen every frame when a component is attached, consider adding it as a Subscription. If you want something to happen when ____ is _____, that should probably be framed as a State, especially if it interacts or transitions to other states.

What if I wanted to do a "classic" system and integrate Armada?

Yes! Great! Each system in Armada has it's own initialization call, so you can add your own systems and order them however you like. Mix and match!

!!!! How networking works !!!! Unreliable vs reliable messaging

Defaults are overridable

All of the defaults have been provided so that the library works out of the box, and to give you an example of best practice. However, every default is designed to be overriden. Create your own defaults and pass them in when you construct your Behavior Components.

You can have multiple of each schema type

Consider making one schema for each type of entity you plan on creating. All of the monsters in your game can probably be constructed from a shared schema. Schema are passed by reference, so if you alter the schema on a component make sure that it's not being referenced by other components, or be prepared to handle the side effects.

On singleton components - a design note

Some systems -- for example, the network system -- use a singleton component to store data. Singleton components can be initialized by the system they are attached to, and should set a static reference to themselves on creation so that they are accessible everywhere without a getComponent query. You can store data, especially temp variables, on systems, if they rarely change, are only changed onAdded/onRemoved, and typically are a singleton. It is always better to query for all of the entities that match the component pattern over keeping and updating a list on the system.


Networking is currently under development. Our default Transport uses and Mediasoup acting as an SFU to handing voice and video, as well as unreliable messaging over data channels.


We haven't finished these parts: Prefab definition and creation Switching from player to car !!!! Adding a message type !!!! Sending a message !!!! Linking message type to behavior map

How to use

import { World } from '../ecs/classes/World'
import { initializeInput } from '@xr3ngine/engine'

const world = new World()

const options = {
  debug: true

initializeInput(world, options)


You can override the input mappings per device Input mappings map device input to abstract, cross-platform input

      import { initializeInputSystems } from "../dist/engine.module.js"

      const Input = {
        SCREENXY: 0

      const Actions = {
        PRIMARY: 0,
        SECONDARY: 0,
        FORWARD: 2,
        BACKWARD: 3,
        LEFT: 6,
        RIGHT: 7

      const inputSchema = {
        mouse: {
          input: {
            0: Actions.PRIMARY
          input: {
            mousePosition: Input.SCREENXY
        keyboard: {
          input: {
            w: Actions.FORWARD,
            a: Actions.LEFT,
            s: Actions.RIGHT,
            d: Actions.BACKWARD
        actionMap: {
          [Actions.FORWARD]: { opposes: [Actions.BACKWARD] },
          [Actions.BACKWARD]: { opposes: [Actions.FORWARD] },
          [Actions.LEFT]: { opposes: [Actions.RIGHT] },
          [Actions.RIGHT]: { opposes: [Actions.LEFT] }

      // Test input
      const inputOptions = {
        mouse: true,
        keyboard: true,
        touchscreen: true,
        gamepad: true,
        debug: true

      const world = new World()
      initializeInputSystems(world, inputOptions, inputSchema)

To Build

npm run build

This will open up the rollup dev server on port 10001 You can see input in the console


Errors on npm install

‘MSBuild’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file (on mediasoup installation) and MSB5011: Parent project GUID not found in "mediasoup-worker" project dependency section.

One of our dependencies requires Python2 and Visual Studio >= 2015 for installation (build of worker binaries)

node version >= v8.6.0
python version 2
python version 3 will be supported once GYP project fixes this issue
Visual Studio >= 2015

Append the path of MSBuild.exe folder to the Windows PATH environment variable (e.g. “C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin”). Create a new Windows environment variable GYP_MSVS_VERSION with the version of Visual Studio as value (e.g. “2017” for Visual Studio 2017).

More recent instructions could be here:

Build - Bad character escape sequence (utf-8-validate)

add "utf-8-validate" to externals in server section in file rollup.config.js

Run dev-server - path.resolve is not a function

add "path" to externals in server section in file rollup.config.js and rebuild server


Package last updated on 05 May 2021

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