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@zag-js/rect-utils - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.0-dev-20220413091534 to 0.0.0-dev-20220413174154




@@ -6,1 +6,2 @@ declare type Key = keyof CSSStyleDeclaration | (string & {});

export {};

@@ -13,1 +13,2 @@ import { Rect } from "./rect";


@@ -7,1 +7,2 @@ export * from "./rect";

export * from "./polygon";

@@ -1,2 +0,247 @@

var d=Object.defineProperty;var X=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;var Y=Object.getOwnPropertyNames;var I=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;var W=(t,e)=>{for(var n in e)d(t,n,{get:e[n],enumerable:!0})},C=(t,e,n,o)=>{if(e&&typeof e=="object"||typeof e=="function")for(let i of Y(e))!,i)&&i!==n&&d(t,i,{get:()=>e[i],enumerable:!(o=X(e,i))||o.enumerable});return t};var j=t=>C(d({},"__esModule",{value:!0}),t);var J={};W(J,{Rect:()=>r,closest:()=>H,debugPolygon:()=>G,distance:()=>R,expand:()=>F,getElementRect:()=>K,getEventPoint:()=>V,inset:()=>f,isSymmetric:()=>P,relativeToNode:()=>B,shift:()=>D,shrink:()=>$,withinPolygon:()=>q});module.exports=j(J);var a=(t,e)=>({x:t,y:e}),r=class{constructor(e){this.v=e}static create(e){return new r(e)}set(e){return new r(Object.assign({},this.v,e))}clone(){return new r(this.v)}get x(){return this.v.x}get y(){return this.v.y}get width(){return this.v.width}get height(){return this.v.height}get minX(){return this.v.x}get midX(){return this.v.x+this.v.width/2}get maxX(){return this.v.x+this.v.width}get minY(){return this.v.y}get midY(){return this.v.y+this.v.height/2}get maxY(){return this.v.y+this.v.height}get center(){return a(this.midX,this.midY)}get centers(){let e=a(this.midX,this.minY),n=a(this.maxX,this.midY),o=a(this.midX,this.maxY),i=a(this.minX,this.midY);return{top:e,right:n,bottom:o,left:i}}get corners(){let e=a(this.minX,this.minY),n=a(this.maxX,this.minY),o=a(this.maxX,this.maxY),i=a(this.minX,this.maxY);return{top:e,right:n,bottom:o,left:i}}get edges(){let e=this.corners,n=[,e.right],o=[e.right,e.bottom],i=[e.left,e.bottom],c=[,e.left];return{top:n,right:o,bottom:i,left:c}}};var b=new WeakMap;function v(t){var n;if(!t)return{};let e=b.get(t);return e||(e=((n=t==null?void 0:t.ownerDocument.defaultView)!=null?n:window).getComputedStyle(t),b.set(t,e)),e}function K(t,e={}){return r.create(k(t,e))}function k(t,e={}){let{excludeScrollbar:n=!1,excludeBorders:o=!1}=e,{x:i,y:c,width:u,height:l}=t.getBoundingClientRect(),s={x:i,y:c,width:u,height:l},p=v(t),{borderLeftWidth:h,borderTopWidth:y,borderRightWidth:S,borderBottomWidth:A}=p,g=w(h,S),x=w(y,A);if(o&&(s.width-=g,s.height-=x,s.x+=m(h),s.y+=m(y)),n){let M=t.offsetWidth-t.clientWidth-g,T=t.offsetHeight-t.clientHeight-x;s.width-=M,s.height-=T}return s}var m=t=>parseFloat(t.replace("px","")),w=(...t)=>t.reduce((e,n)=>e+(n?m(n):0),0);var nt=(()=>{let t=0;return()=>(t++,t.toString(36))})();var L=t=>Array.isArray(t);var O=t=>!(t==null||typeof t!="object"||L(t));var E=t=>O(t)&&"touches"in t;function R(t,e={x:0,y:0}){return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(t.x-e.x,2)+Math.pow(t.y-e.y,2))}function H(...t){return e=>{let>R(i,e)),o=Math.min.apply(Math,n);return t[n.indexOf(o)]}}var N={pageX:0,pageY:0,clientX:0,clientY:0};function V(t,e="page"){let n=E(t)?t.touches[0]||t.changedTouches[0]||N:t;return{x:n[`${e}X`],y:n[`${e}Y`]}}function B(t,e){let n=t.x-e.offsetLeft-e.clientLeft+e.scrollLeft,o=t.y-e.offsetTop-e.clientTop+e.scrollTop;return{point:{x:n,y:o},progress:{x:n/e.offsetWidth,y:o/e.offsetHeight}}}var P=t=>"dx"in t||"dy"in t;function f(t,e){let n=P(e)?{left:e.dx,right:e.dx,top:e.dy,bottom:e.dy}:e,{top:o=0,right:i=0,bottom:c=0,left:u=0}=n;return r.create({x:t.x+u,y:t.y+o,width:t.width-u-i,height:t.height-o-c})}function F(t,e){let n=typeof e=="number"?{dx:-e,dy:-e}:e;return f(t,n)}function $(t,e){let n=typeof e=="number"?{dx:-e,dy:-e}:e;return f(t,n)}function D(t,e){let{x:n=0,y:o=0}=e;return r.create({x:t.x+n,y:t.y+o,width:t.width,height:t.height})}function q(t,e){let{x:n,y:o}=e,i=!1;for(let c=0,u=t.length-1;c<t.length;u=c++){let l=t[c].x,s=t[c].y,p=t[u].x,h=t[u].y;s>o!=h>o&&n<(p-l)*(o-s)/(h-s)+l&&(i=!i)}return i}function z(){let t="debug-polygon",e=document.getElementById(t);if(e)return e;let n=document.createElementNS("","svg");Object.assign(,{top:"0",left:"0",width:"100%",height:"100%",opacity:"0.15",position:"fixed",pointerEvents:"none"});let o=document.createElementNS("","polygon");return o.setAttribute("id",t),o.setAttribute("points","0,0 0,0"),n.appendChild(o),document.body.appendChild(n),o}function G(t){let e=z(),>`${o.x},${o.y}`).join(" ");e.setAttribute("points",n)}
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
// src/index.ts
var src_exports = {};
__export(src_exports, {
Rect: () => Rect,
closest: () => closest,
debugPolygon: () => debugPolygon,
distance: () => distance,
expand: () => expand,
getElementRect: () => getElementRect,
getEventPoint: () => getEventPoint,
inset: () => inset,
isSymmetric: () => isSymmetric,
relativeToNode: () => relativeToNode,
shift: () => shift,
shrink: () => shrink,
withinPolygon: () => withinPolygon
module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports);
// src/rect.ts
var point = (x, y) => ({ x, y });
var Rect = class {
constructor(v) {
this.v = v;
static create(v) {
return new Rect(v);
set(n) {
return new Rect(Object.assign({}, this.v, n));
clone() {
return new Rect(this.v);
get x() {
return this.v.x;
get y() {
return this.v.y;
get width() {
return this.v.width;
get height() {
return this.v.height;
get minX() {
return this.v.x;
get midX() {
return this.v.x + this.v.width / 2;
get maxX() {
return this.v.x + this.v.width;
get minY() {
return this.v.y;
get midY() {
return this.v.y + this.v.height / 2;
get maxY() {
return this.v.y + this.v.height;
get center() {
return point(this.midX, this.midY);
get centers() {
const top = point(this.midX, this.minY);
const right = point(this.maxX, this.midY);
const bottom = point(this.midX, this.maxY);
const left = point(this.minX, this.midY);
return { top, right, bottom, left };
get corners() {
const top = point(this.minX, this.minY);
const right = point(this.maxX, this.minY);
const bottom = point(this.maxX, this.maxY);
const left = point(this.minX, this.maxY);
return { top, right, bottom, left };
get edges() {
const c = this.corners;
const top = [, c.right];
const right = [c.right, c.bottom];
const bottom = [c.left, c.bottom];
const left = [, c.left];
return { top, right, bottom, left };
// src/computed-style.ts
var styleCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
function getComputedStyle(el) {
var _a;
if (!el)
return {};
let style = styleCache.get(el);
if (!style) {
const win = (_a = el == null ? void 0 : el.ownerDocument.defaultView) != null ? _a : window;
style = win.getComputedStyle(el);
styleCache.set(el, style);
return style;
// src/from-element.ts
function getElementRect(el, opts = {}) {
return Rect.create(getClientRect(el, opts));
function getClientRect(el, opts = {}) {
const { excludeScrollbar = false, excludeBorders = false } = opts;
const { x, y, width, height } = el.getBoundingClientRect();
const r = { x, y, width, height };
const style = getComputedStyle(el);
const { borderLeftWidth, borderTopWidth, borderRightWidth, borderBottomWidth } = style;
const borderXWidth = sum(borderLeftWidth, borderRightWidth);
const borderYWidth = sum(borderTopWidth, borderBottomWidth);
if (excludeBorders) {
r.width -= borderXWidth;
r.height -= borderYWidth;
r.x += px(borderLeftWidth);
r.y += px(borderTopWidth);
if (excludeScrollbar) {
const scrollbarWidth = el.offsetWidth - el.clientWidth - borderXWidth;
const scrollbarHeight = el.offsetHeight - el.clientHeight - borderYWidth;
r.width -= scrollbarWidth;
r.height -= scrollbarHeight;
return r;
var px = (v) => parseFloat(v.replace("px", ""));
var sum = (...vals) => vals.reduce((sum2, v) => sum2 + (v ? px(v) : 0), 0);
// ../core/src/guard.ts
var isArray = (v) => Array.isArray(v);
var isObject = (v) => !(v == null || typeof v !== "object" || isArray(v));
var isTouchEvent = (v) => isObject(v) && "touches" in v;
// src/point.ts
function distance(a, b = { x: 0, y: 0 }) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a.x - b.x, 2) + Math.pow(a.y - b.y, 2));
function closest(...pts) {
return (a) => {
const ds = => distance(b, a));
const c = Math.min.apply(Math, ds);
return pts[ds.indexOf(c)];
var fallback = { pageX: 0, pageY: 0, clientX: 0, clientY: 0 };
function getEventPoint(e, t = "page") {
const p = isTouchEvent(e) ? e.touches[0] || e.changedTouches[0] || fallback : e;
return { x: p[`${t}X`], y: p[`${t}Y`] };
function relativeToNode(p, el) {
const dx = p.x - el.offsetLeft - el.clientLeft + el.scrollLeft;
const dy = p.y - el.offsetTop - el.clientTop + el.scrollTop;
return {
point: { x: dx, y: dy },
progress: { x: dx / el.offsetWidth, y: dy / el.offsetHeight }
// src/operations.ts
var isSymmetric = (v) => "dx" in v || "dy" in v;
function inset(r, i) {
const v = isSymmetric(i) ? { left: i.dx, right: i.dx, top: i.dy, bottom: i.dy } : i;
const { top = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0, left = 0 } = v;
return Rect.create({ x: r.x + left, y: r.y + top, width: r.width - left - right, height: r.height - top - bottom });
function expand(r, v) {
const value = typeof v === "number" ? { dx: -v, dy: -v } : v;
return inset(r, value);
function shrink(r, v) {
const value = typeof v === "number" ? { dx: -v, dy: -v } : v;
return inset(r, value);
function shift(r, o) {
const { x = 0, y = 0 } = o;
return Rect.create({ x: r.x + x, y: r.y + y, width: r.width, height: r.height });
// src/polygon.ts
function withinPolygon(polygon, point2) {
const { x, y } = point2;
let c = false;
for (let i = 0, j = polygon.length - 1; i < polygon.length; j = i++) {
const xi = polygon[i].x;
const yi = polygon[i].y;
const xj = polygon[j].x;
const yj = polygon[j].y;
if (yi > y !== yj > y && x < (xj - xi) * (y - yi) / (yj - yi) + xi) {
c = !c;
return c;
function createPolygonElement() {
const id = "debug-polygon";
const existingPolygon = document.getElementById(id);
if (existingPolygon) {
return existingPolygon;
const svg = document.createElementNS("", "svg");
Object.assign(, {
top: "0",
left: "0",
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
opacity: "0.15",
position: "fixed",
pointerEvents: "none"
const polygon = document.createElementNS("", "polygon");
polygon.setAttribute("id", id);
polygon.setAttribute("points", "0,0 0,0");
return polygon;
function debugPolygon(polygon) {
const el = createPolygonElement();
const points = => `${point2.x},${point2.y}`).join(" ");
el.setAttribute("points", points);

@@ -8,1 +8,2 @@ import { Rect } from "./rect";

export declare function shift(r: Rect, o: Partial<Point>): Rect;

@@ -16,1 +16,2 @@ import { Point } from "./types";

export {};
import { Point } from "./types";
export declare function withinPolygon(polygon: Point[], point: Point): boolean;
export declare function debugPolygon(polygon: Point[]): void;

@@ -65,1 +65,2 @@ import { RectEdge, RectValue } from "./types";


@@ -31,1 +31,2 @@ export declare type Point = {



"name": "@zag-js/rect-utils",
"version": "0.0.0-dev-20220413091534",
"version": "0.0.0-dev-20220413174154",
"description": "",

@@ -19,3 +19,3 @@ "keywords": [

"files": [

@@ -29,4 +29,13 @@ "publishConfig": {

"dependencies": {
"@zag-js/utils": "^0.0.0-dev-20220413091534"
"@zag-js/utils": "^0.0.0-dev-20220413174154"
"scripts": {
"build:fast": "zag build",
"start": "zag build --watch",
"build": "zag build --prod",
"test": "jest --config ../../../jest.config.js --rootDir . --passWithNoTests",
"lint": "eslint src --ext .ts,.tsx",
"test:ci": "yarn test --ci --runInBand",
"test:watch": "yarn test --watch --updateSnapshot"

@@ -13,6 +13,6 @@ # @zag-js/geometry

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Yes please! See the [contributing guidelines]( for details.
## Licence
This project is licensed under the terms of the [MIT license](
This project is licensed under the terms of the [MIT license](

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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