This package is intended to provide consistent menu styling for use
across Zendesk products. Menus can be used along with
to apply an arrow indicator along the menu's border.
npm install @zendeskgarden/css-menus
Once installed, menu CSS can be accessed via postcss-import
@import '@zendeskgarden/css-menus';
Menu CSS provides styling for the following basic structure (W3
<ul aria-hidden="true" class="c-menu" role="menu">
<li class="c-menu__item" role="menuitem">Item</li>
<li aria-disabled="true" class="c-menu__item is-disabled" role="menuitem">Disabled Item</li>
<li class="c-menu__separator" role="separator"></li>
<li class="c-menu__item" role="menuitem">Another Item</li>
The former usage pattern is common when a menu is offering a list of
options (i.e. a <select>
dropdown). The component CSS also supports
a menu that presents a list of navigation actions (W3
<nav aria-hidden="true" class="c-menu" role="menu">
<a class="c-menu__item" href="/one">Link One</a>
<a class="c-menu__item" href="/two">Link Two</a>
<span class="c-menu__separator"></span>
<a class="c-menu__item" href="/three">Link Three</a>
See for a variety
of menu item classes, including modifications for: headers,
add/next/previous, metadata, RTL, etc.
Use .is-open
to apply easing animations to the menu (and
it's arrow, if included) when a menu is shown.
<ul aria-hidden="false" class="c-arrow c-arrow--t c-menu c-menu--down is-open" role="menu">
The modifier determines the movement (up, down, right, left) of the menu
animation. Remove .is-open
to ease hiding the menu.
See the
component for show/hide behavior, positioning, and keyboard