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@zoralabs/zdk-alpha - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.2 to 0.0.3




@@ -0,1 +1,4 @@

export declare const registry: {
query: (queryName: any, variables: any) => void;
export declare const handlers: import("msw").GraphQLHandler<import("msw").GraphQLRequest<import("msw").GraphQLVariables>>[];


"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.handlers = void 0;
exports.handlers = exports.registry = void 0;
const msw_1 = require("msw");
const queries_sdk_1 = require("../src/queries/queries-sdk");
const response_1 = require("./response");
const handleGenericQuery = async (req, res, ctx) => {
var _a, _b;
const server = (0, response_1.makeServer)({}, {});
const server = (0, response_1.makeServer)({}, {});
exports.registry = {
query: (queryName, variables) => {
console.log('registered query variables', { queryName, variables });
const handleGenericQuery = (queryName) => (async (req, res, ctx) => {
var _a, _b, _c;
const serverResp = await server.query((_a = req.body) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.query, (_b = req.body) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.variables);
return res(;
exports.registry.query(queryName, (_c = req.body) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.variables);
return res(;
// @ts-ignore
const queries = Object.keys((0, queries_sdk_1.getSdk)(null, null));
exports.handlers = => msw_1.graphql.query(queryName, handleGenericQuery));
exports.handlers = => msw_1.graphql.query(queryName, handleGenericQuery(queryName)));

@@ -6,3 +6,2 @@ "use strict";

const handlers_1 = require("./handlers");
// This configures a request mocking server with the given request handlers.
exports.server = (0, node_1.setupServer)(...handlers_1.handlers);
import { GraphQLClient } from 'graphql-request';
import * as Dom from 'graphql-request/dist/types.dom';
export declare type Maybe<T> = T | null;
export declare type InputMaybe<T> = Maybe<T>;
export declare type Exact<T extends {

@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ [key: string]: unknown;

__typename?: 'Collection';
name: Scalars['String'];
address: Scalars['String'];
description: Scalars['String'];
name: Scalars['String'];
symbol: Scalars['String'];
totalSupply?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
symbol: Scalars['String'];

@@ -49,8 +50,8 @@ export declare type CollectionConnection = {

export declare enum CollectionSortKey {
Name = "NAME",
Created = "CREATED"
Created = "CREATED",
Name = "NAME"
export declare type CollectionSortKeySortInput = {
sortDirection: SortDirection;
sortKey: CollectionSortKey;
sortDirection: SortDirection;

@@ -68,9 +69,9 @@ export declare type Event = Transfer | V2AuctionEvent | V3AskEvent;

export declare type EventSortKeySortInput = {
sortDirection: SortDirection;
sortKey: EventSortKey;
sortDirection: SortDirection;
export declare type MediaEncoding = {
__typename?: 'MediaEncoding';
large: Scalars['String'];
original: Scalars['String'];
large: Scalars['String'];
poster: Scalars['String'];

@@ -81,9 +82,9 @@ preview: Scalars['String'];

export declare enum MediaType {
Animation = "ANIMATION",
Audio = "AUDIO",
Html = "HTML",
Image = "IMAGE",
Animation = "ANIMATION",
Text = "TEXT",
Html = "HTML",
Video = "VIDEO",
Audio = "AUDIO",
Unknown = "UNKNOWN"
Unknown = "UNKNOWN",
Video = "VIDEO"

@@ -103,8 +104,8 @@ export declare type MintContext = {

__typename?: 'NetworkInfo';
chain: Chain;
network: Network;
chain: Chain;
export declare type NetworkInput = {
chain: Chain;
network: Network;
chain: Chain;

@@ -126,29 +127,29 @@ export declare type PageInfo = {

events: EventConnection;
/** Get a single token by address and id */
token?: Maybe<Token>;
/** Get tokens by addresses */
tokens: TokenConnection;
/** Get a single token by address and id */
token?: Maybe<Token>;
export declare type RootQueryCollectionsArgs = {
addresses?: InputMaybe<Array<Scalars['String']>>;
network: NetworkInput;
pagination: PaginationInput;
sort: CollectionSortKeySortInput;
network: NetworkInput;
addresses?: Maybe<Array<Scalars['String']>>;
export declare type RootQueryEventsArgs = {
token: TokenInput;
network: NetworkInput;
pagination: PaginationInput;
sort: EventSortKeySortInput;
token: TokenInput;
export declare type RootQueryTokenArgs = {
network: NetworkInput;
token: TokenInput;
export declare type RootQueryTokensArgs = {
addresses?: InputMaybe<Array<Scalars['String']>>;
network: NetworkInput;
pagination: PaginationInput;
sort: TokenSortKeySortInput;
addresses?: Maybe<Array<Scalars['String']>>;
export declare type RootQueryTokenArgs = {
token: TokenInput;
network: NetworkInput;
export declare enum SortDirection {

@@ -160,29 +161,29 @@ Asc = "ASC",

__typename?: 'Token';
attributes?: Maybe<Array<TokenAttribute>>;
content?: Maybe<TokenContentMedia>;
description?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
image?: Maybe<TokenContentMedia>;
lastRefreshTime?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
metadata?: Maybe<Scalars['JSONScalar']>;
mintInfo: MintContext;
minter?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
name?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
networkInfo: NetworkInfo;
owner: Scalars['String'];
tokenAddress: Scalars['String'];
tokenContract: TokenContract;
tokenId: Scalars['String'];
mintInfo: MintContext;
networkInfo: NetworkInfo;
tokenUrl: Scalars['String'];
tokenUrlMimeType?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
content?: Maybe<TokenContentMedia>;
image?: Maybe<TokenContentMedia>;
owner: Scalars['String'];
tokenContract: TokenContract;
name?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
description?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
metadata?: Maybe<Scalars['JSONScalar']>;
attributes?: Maybe<Array<TokenAttribute>>;
minter?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
lastRefreshTime?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
export declare type TokenAttribute = {
__typename?: 'TokenAttribute';
traitType: Scalars['String'];
displayType?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
maxValue?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
name?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
value?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
role?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
displayType?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
maxValue?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
shares?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
traitCount?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
shares?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
traitType: Scalars['String'];
value?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;

@@ -197,21 +198,21 @@ export declare type TokenConnection = {

__typename?: 'TokenContentMedia';
mediaEncoding?: Maybe<MediaEncoding>;
mediaType?: Maybe<MediaType>;
url?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
mimeType?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
size?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
mediaEncoding?: Maybe<MediaEncoding>;
url?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
export declare type TokenContract = {
__typename?: 'TokenContract';
tokenAddress: Scalars['String'];
chain: Scalars['Int'];
name: Scalars['String'];
symbol: Scalars['String'];
totalSupply?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
schema: Scalars['String'];
creator: Scalars['String'];
description: Scalars['String'];
creator: Scalars['String'];
externalUrl: Scalars['String'];
iconUrl: Scalars['String'];
name: Scalars['String'];
network: Scalars['String'];
schema: Scalars['String'];
symbol: Scalars['String'];
tokenAddress: Scalars['String'];
totalSupply?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;

@@ -226,10 +227,10 @@ export declare type TokenInput = {

export declare type TokenSortKeySortInput = {
sortDirection: SortDirection;
sortKey: TokenSortKey;
sortDirection: SortDirection;
export declare type Transfer = {
__typename?: 'Transfer';
address: Scalars['String'];
fromAddress: Scalars['String'];
toAddress: Scalars['String'];
address: Scalars['String'];
tokenId: Scalars['String'];

@@ -243,5 +244,5 @@ };

__typename?: 'V2AuctionBidEventProperties';
extended: Scalars['Boolean'];
firstBid: Scalars['Boolean'];
sender: Scalars['String'];
firstBid: Scalars['Boolean'];
extended: Scalars['Boolean'];
value: Scalars['Int'];

@@ -256,3 +257,2 @@ };

auctionCurrency: Scalars['String'];
tokenOwner: Scalars['String'];
curator: Scalars['String'];

@@ -262,2 +262,3 @@ curatorFeePercentage: Scalars['Int'];

reservePrice: Scalars['Int'];
tokenOwner: Scalars['String'];

@@ -270,27 +271,27 @@ export declare type V2AuctionDurationExtendedEventProperties = {

__typename?: 'V2AuctionEndedEventProperties';
amount: Scalars['Int'];
auctionCurrency: Scalars['String'];
curator: Scalars['String'];
curatorFee: Scalars['Int'];
tokenOwner: Scalars['String'];
curator: Scalars['String'];
winner: Scalars['String'];
auctionCurrency: Scalars['String'];
amount: Scalars['Int'];
curatorFee: Scalars['Int'];
export declare type V2AuctionEvent = {
__typename?: 'V2AuctionEvent';
eventType: V2AuctionEventType;
address: Scalars['String'];
auctionId: Scalars['Int'];
collectionAddress: Scalars['String'];
eventType: V2AuctionEventType;
properties: V2AuctionEventProperties;
tokenId: Scalars['Int'];
properties: V2AuctionEventProperties;
export declare type V2AuctionEventProperties = V2AuctionBidEventProperties | V2AuctionCreatedEventProperties | V2AuctionCanceledEventProperties | V2AuctionDurationExtendedEventProperties | V2AuctionEndedEventProperties | V2AuctionReservePriceUpdatedEventProperties | V2AuctionApprovalUpdatedEventProperties;
export declare type V2AuctionEventProperties = V2AuctionApprovalUpdatedEventProperties | V2AuctionBidEventProperties | V2AuctionCanceledEventProperties | V2AuctionCreatedEventProperties | V2AuctionDurationExtendedEventProperties | V2AuctionEndedEventProperties | V2AuctionReservePriceUpdatedEventProperties;
export declare enum V2AuctionEventType {
V2AuctionCreated = "V2_AUCTION_CREATED",
V2AuctionCanceled = "V2_AUCTION_CANCELED",
V2AuctionReservePriceUpdated = "V2_AUCTION_RESERVE_PRICE_UPDATED",
V2AuctionBid = "V2_AUCTION_BID",
V2AucionDurationExtended = "V2_AUCION_DURATION_EXTENDED",
V2AuctionApprovalUpdated = "V2_AUCTION_APPROVAL_UPDATED",
V2AuctionEnded = "V2_AUCTION_ENDED"
V2AuctionBid = "V2_AUCTION_BID",
V2AuctionCanceled = "V2_AUCTION_CANCELED",
V2AuctionCreated = "V2_AUCTION_CREATED",
V2AuctionEnded = "V2_AUCTION_ENDED",
V2AuctionReservePriceUpdated = "V2_AUCTION_RESERVE_PRICE_UPDATED"

@@ -303,48 +304,48 @@ export declare type V2AuctionReservePriceUpdatedEventProperties = {

__typename?: 'V3AskCanceledEventProperties';
seller: Scalars['String'];
sellerFundsRecipient: Scalars['String'];
askCurrency: Scalars['String'];
askPrice: Scalars['Int'];
findersFeeBps: Scalars['Int'];
seller: Scalars['String'];
sellerFundsRecipient: Scalars['String'];
export declare type V3AskCreatedEventProperties = {
__typename?: 'V3AskCreatedEventProperties';
seller: Scalars['String'];
sellerFundsRecipient: Scalars['String'];
askCurrency: Scalars['String'];
askPrice: Scalars['Int'];
findersFeeBps: Scalars['Int'];
seller: Scalars['String'];
sellerFundsRecipient: Scalars['String'];
export declare type V3AskEvent = {
__typename?: 'V3AskEvent';
eventType: V3AskEventType;
address: Scalars['String'];
collectionAddress: Scalars['String'];
eventType: V3AskEventType;
properties: V3AskEventProperties;
tokenId: Scalars['Int'];
properties: V3AskEventProperties;
export declare type V3AskEventProperties = V3AskCreatedEventProperties | V3AskCanceledEventProperties | V3AskPriceUpdatedEventProperties | V3AskFilledEventProperties;
export declare type V3AskEventProperties = V3AskCanceledEventProperties | V3AskCreatedEventProperties | V3AskFilledEventProperties | V3AskPriceUpdatedEventProperties;
export declare enum V3AskEventType {
V3AskCanceled = "V3_ASK_CANCELED",
V3AskCreated = "V3_ASK_CREATED",
V3AskCanceled = "V3_ASK_CANCELED",
V3AskPriceUpdated = "V3_ASK_PRICE_UPDATED",
V3AskFilled = "V3_ASK_FILLED"
V3AskFilled = "V3_ASK_FILLED",
V3AskPriceUpdated = "V3_ASK_PRICE_UPDATED"
export declare type V3AskFilledEventProperties = {
__typename?: 'V3AskFilledEventProperties';
seller: Scalars['String'];
sellerFundsRecipient: Scalars['String'];
askCurrency: Scalars['String'];
askPrice: Scalars['Int'];
findersFeeBps: Scalars['Int'];
buyer: Scalars['String'];
finder: Scalars['String'];
findersFeeBps: Scalars['Int'];
seller: Scalars['String'];
sellerFundsRecipient: Scalars['String'];
export declare type V3AskPriceUpdatedEventProperties = {
__typename?: 'V3AskPriceUpdatedEventProperties';
seller: Scalars['String'];
sellerFundsRecipient: Scalars['String'];
askCurrency: Scalars['String'];
askPrice: Scalars['Int'];
findersFeeBps: Scalars['Int'];
seller: Scalars['String'];
sellerFundsRecipient: Scalars['String'];

@@ -366,29 +367,88 @@ export declare const CollectionFragmentFragmentDoc: import("graphql").DocumentNode;

export declare type Sdk = ReturnType<typeof getSdk>;
export declare type CollectionFragmentFragment = ({
export declare type CollectionFragmentFragment = {
__typename?: 'Collection';
} & Pick<Collection, 'name' | 'symbol' | 'address' | 'totalSupply'>);
export declare type TokenSummaryFragmentFragment = ({
name: string;
symbol: string;
address: string;
totalSupply?: number | null;
export declare type TokenSummaryFragmentFragment = {
__typename?: 'Token';
} & Pick<Token, 'minter' | 'tokenId' | 'tokenUrl' | 'tokenAddress' | 'lastRefreshTime' | 'name' | 'description'> & {
mintInfo: ({
minter?: string | null;
tokenId: string;
tokenUrl: string;
tokenAddress: string;
lastRefreshTime?: number | null;
owner: string;
name?: string | null;
description?: string | null;
mintInfo: {
__typename?: 'MintContext';
} & Pick<MintContext, 'blockTimestamp' | 'blockNumber' | 'transactionHash'>);
image?: Maybe<({
blockTimestamp: any;
blockNumber: number;
transactionHash: string;
image?: {
__typename?: 'TokenContentMedia';
} & Pick<TokenContentMedia, 'size' | 'mimeType' | 'mediaType'> & {
mediaEncoding?: Maybe<({
size?: string | null;
mimeType?: string | null;
mediaType?: MediaType | null;
mediaEncoding?: {
__typename?: 'MediaEncoding';
} & Pick<MediaEncoding, 'preview' | 'original'>)>;
content?: Maybe<({
preview: string;
original: string;
} | null;
} | null;
content?: {
__typename?: 'TokenContentMedia';
} & Pick<TokenContentMedia, 'size' | 'mimeType' | 'mediaType'> & {
mediaEncoding?: Maybe<({
size?: string | null;
mimeType?: string | null;
mediaType?: MediaType | null;
mediaEncoding?: {
__typename?: 'MediaEncoding';
} & Pick<MediaEncoding, 'preview' | 'original'>)>;
export declare type TokenFullFragmentFragment = ({
preview: string;
original: string;
} | null;
} | null;
export declare type TokenFullFragmentFragment = {
__typename?: 'Token';
} & Pick<Token, 'metadata'> & TokenSummaryFragmentFragment);
metadata?: any | null;
minter?: string | null;
tokenId: string;
tokenUrl: string;
tokenAddress: string;
lastRefreshTime?: number | null;
owner: string;
name?: string | null;
description?: string | null;
mintInfo: {
__typename?: 'MintContext';
blockTimestamp: any;
blockNumber: number;
transactionHash: string;
image?: {
__typename?: 'TokenContentMedia';
size?: string | null;
mimeType?: string | null;
mediaType?: MediaType | null;
mediaEncoding?: {
__typename?: 'MediaEncoding';
preview: string;
original: string;
} | null;
} | null;
content?: {
__typename?: 'TokenContentMedia';
size?: string | null;
mimeType?: string | null;
mediaType?: MediaType | null;
mediaEncoding?: {
__typename?: 'MediaEncoding';
preview: string;
original: string;
} | null;
} | null;
export declare type CollectionsQueryVariables = Exact<{

@@ -400,16 +460,21 @@ network: NetworkInput;

export declare type CollectionsQuery = ({
export declare type CollectionsQuery = {
__typename?: 'RootQuery';
} & {
collections: ({
collections: {
__typename?: 'CollectionConnection';
} & Pick<CollectionConnection, 'totalCount'> & {
pageInfo: ({
totalCount: number;
pageInfo: {
__typename?: 'PageInfo';
} & Pick<PageInfo, 'limit' | 'offset'>);
nodes: Array<({
limit: number;
offset: number;
nodes: Array<{
__typename?: 'Collection';
} & CollectionFragmentFragment)>;
name: string;
symbol: string;
address: string;
totalSupply?: number | null;
export declare type TokensQueryVariables = Exact<{

@@ -421,16 +486,54 @@ network: NetworkInput;

export declare type TokensQuery = ({
export declare type TokensQuery = {
__typename?: 'RootQuery';
} & {
tokens: ({
tokens: {
__typename?: 'TokenConnection';
} & Pick<TokenConnection, 'totalCount'> & {
pageInfo: ({
totalCount: number;
pageInfo: {
__typename?: 'PageInfo';
} & Pick<PageInfo, 'limit' | 'offset'>);
nodes: Array<({
limit: number;
offset: number;
nodes: Array<{
__typename?: 'Token';
} & TokenFullFragmentFragment)>;
metadata?: any | null;
minter?: string | null;
tokenId: string;
tokenUrl: string;
tokenAddress: string;
lastRefreshTime?: number | null;
owner: string;
name?: string | null;
description?: string | null;
mintInfo: {
__typename?: 'MintContext';
blockTimestamp: any;
blockNumber: number;
transactionHash: string;
image?: {
__typename?: 'TokenContentMedia';
size?: string | null;
mimeType?: string | null;
mediaType?: MediaType | null;
mediaEncoding?: {
__typename?: 'MediaEncoding';
preview: string;
original: string;
} | null;
} | null;
content?: {
__typename?: 'TokenContentMedia';
size?: string | null;
mimeType?: string | null;
mediaType?: MediaType | null;
mediaEncoding?: {
__typename?: 'MediaEncoding';
preview: string;
original: string;
} | null;
} | null;
export declare type TokenQueryVariables = Exact<{

@@ -440,9 +543,45 @@ network: NetworkInput;

export declare type TokenQuery = ({
export declare type TokenQuery = {
__typename?: 'RootQuery';
} & {
token?: Maybe<({
token?: {
__typename?: 'Token';
} & TokenFullFragmentFragment)>;
metadata?: any | null;
minter?: string | null;
tokenId: string;
tokenUrl: string;
tokenAddress: string;
lastRefreshTime?: number | null;
owner: string;
name?: string | null;
description?: string | null;
mintInfo: {
__typename?: 'MintContext';
blockTimestamp: any;
blockNumber: number;
transactionHash: string;
image?: {
__typename?: 'TokenContentMedia';
size?: string | null;
mimeType?: string | null;
mediaType?: MediaType | null;
mediaEncoding?: {
__typename?: 'MediaEncoding';
preview: string;
original: string;
} | null;
} | null;
content?: {
__typename?: 'TokenContentMedia';
size?: string | null;
mimeType?: string | null;
mediaType?: MediaType | null;
mediaEncoding?: {
__typename?: 'MediaEncoding';
preview: string;
original: string;
} | null;
} | null;
} | null;
export declare type TokensSummaryQueryVariables = Exact<{

@@ -454,15 +593,52 @@ network: NetworkInput;

export declare type TokensSummaryQuery = ({
export declare type TokensSummaryQuery = {
__typename?: 'RootQuery';
} & {
tokens: ({
tokens: {
__typename?: 'TokenConnection';
} & Pick<TokenConnection, 'totalCount'> & {
pageInfo: ({
totalCount: number;
pageInfo: {
__typename?: 'PageInfo';
} & Pick<PageInfo, 'limit' | 'offset'>);
nodes: Array<({
limit: number;
offset: number;
nodes: Array<{
__typename?: 'Token';
} & TokenSummaryFragmentFragment)>;
minter?: string | null;
tokenId: string;
tokenUrl: string;
tokenAddress: string;
lastRefreshTime?: number | null;
owner: string;
name?: string | null;
description?: string | null;
mintInfo: {
__typename?: 'MintContext';
blockTimestamp: any;
blockNumber: number;
transactionHash: string;
image?: {
__typename?: 'TokenContentMedia';
size?: string | null;
mimeType?: string | null;
mediaType?: MediaType | null;
mediaEncoding?: {
__typename?: 'MediaEncoding';
preview: string;
original: string;
} | null;
} | null;
content?: {
__typename?: 'TokenContentMedia';
size?: string | null;
mimeType?: string | null;
mediaType?: MediaType | null;
mediaEncoding?: {
__typename?: 'MediaEncoding';
preview: string;
original: string;
} | null;
} | null;

@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ "use strict";

(function (CollectionSortKey) {
CollectionSortKey["Created"] = "CREATED";
CollectionSortKey["Name"] = "NAME";
CollectionSortKey["Created"] = "CREATED";
})(CollectionSortKey = exports.CollectionSortKey || (exports.CollectionSortKey = {}));

@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ var EventSortKey;

(function (MediaType) {
MediaType["Animation"] = "ANIMATION";
MediaType["Audio"] = "AUDIO";
MediaType["Html"] = "HTML";
MediaType["Image"] = "IMAGE";
MediaType["Animation"] = "ANIMATION";
MediaType["Text"] = "TEXT";
MediaType["Html"] = "HTML";
MediaType["Unknown"] = "UNKNOWN";
MediaType["Video"] = "VIDEO";
MediaType["Audio"] = "AUDIO";
MediaType["Unknown"] = "UNKNOWN";
})(MediaType = exports.MediaType || (exports.MediaType = {}));

@@ -51,16 +51,16 @@ var Network;

(function (V2AuctionEventType) {
V2AuctionEventType["V2AuctionCreated"] = "V2_AUCTION_CREATED";
V2AuctionEventType["V2AuctionCanceled"] = "V2_AUCTION_CANCELED";
V2AuctionEventType["V2AuctionReservePriceUpdated"] = "V2_AUCTION_RESERVE_PRICE_UPDATED";
V2AuctionEventType["V2AuctionBid"] = "V2_AUCTION_BID";
V2AuctionEventType["V2AucionDurationExtended"] = "V2_AUCION_DURATION_EXTENDED";
V2AuctionEventType["V2AuctionApprovalUpdated"] = "V2_AUCTION_APPROVAL_UPDATED";
V2AuctionEventType["V2AuctionBid"] = "V2_AUCTION_BID";
V2AuctionEventType["V2AuctionCanceled"] = "V2_AUCTION_CANCELED";
V2AuctionEventType["V2AuctionCreated"] = "V2_AUCTION_CREATED";
V2AuctionEventType["V2AuctionEnded"] = "V2_AUCTION_ENDED";
V2AuctionEventType["V2AuctionReservePriceUpdated"] = "V2_AUCTION_RESERVE_PRICE_UPDATED";
})(V2AuctionEventType = exports.V2AuctionEventType || (exports.V2AuctionEventType = {}));
var V3AskEventType;
(function (V3AskEventType) {
V3AskEventType["V3AskCanceled"] = "V3_ASK_CANCELED";
V3AskEventType["V3AskCreated"] = "V3_ASK_CREATED";
V3AskEventType["V3AskCanceled"] = "V3_ASK_CANCELED";
V3AskEventType["V3AskFilled"] = "V3_ASK_FILLED";
V3AskEventType["V3AskPriceUpdated"] = "V3_ASK_PRICE_UPDATED";
V3AskEventType["V3AskFilled"] = "V3_ASK_FILLED";
})(V3AskEventType = exports.V3AskEventType || (exports.V3AskEventType = {}));

@@ -87,2 +87,3 @@ exports.CollectionFragmentFragmentDoc = (0, graphql_tag_1.default) `


@@ -89,0 +90,0 @@ description

import { Chain, getSdk, Network, TokenSortKeySortInput } from './queries/queries-sdk';
export { Chain as ZDKChain, Network as ZDKNetwork };
declare type OverrideNetworkOptions = {
export declare type OverrideNetworkOptions = {
network?: Network;
chain?: Chain;
declare type OverridePaginationOptions = {
export declare type OverridePaginationOptions = {
limit?: number;
offset?: number;
interface ListOptions<SortInput> {
export interface ListOptions<SortInput> {
network?: OverrideNetworkOptions;

@@ -13,0 +13,0 @@ pagination?: OverridePaginationOptions;

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ZDK = exports.ZDKNetwork = exports.ZDKChain = void 0;
// import axios from 'axios';
const graphql_request_1 = require("graphql-request");

@@ -6,0 +5,0 @@ const queries_sdk_1 = require("./queries/queries-sdk");

"name": "@zoralabs/zdk-alpha",
"version": "0.0.2",
"version": "0.0.3",
"description": "ZDK alpha for fetching data from graphql api",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "repository": "",

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