A naive, stateless, ladder-like skill algorithm intended for use in foosball, but might also work for other games where two teams are opposed, such as Counter-Strike or table tennis.
Accolade is based on the following principles:
is the currency in question.- Each players begins with a mediocre fame value (default
initialFame: 50
). - There is an absolute floor (default
minFame: 1
) and ceiling (default minFame: 100
) fame value. - When competing, each participant bets a percentage of their fame (default
betSizePercentage: 10
). - Winners divide the pot, losers forfeit their fame.
- A competitor with 1 fame can't go lower, and thereby risks nothing by competing. Likewise, a competitor with 100 fame can't go higher and can only hope to keep the same position.
- If one winner can't receive all fame gained from a match, her team mates receive the overflow.
- If none of the winners are able to absorb all the fame (due to maxed out values), the fame is transferred back to the loosers.
Accolade assumes the first team in the list (matchData.teams
) are the winners and returns teams and players in the same order, with fame adjusted according to the internal algorithm.
npm install accolade
import Accolade from 'accolade'
const accolade = Accolade() // pass your own config object to override config/defaultConfig.js
const matchData = {
teams: [
{id: 1, fame: 50},
{id: 2, fame: 89}
{id: 3, fame: 71},
{id: 4, fame: 40}
const match = accolade.createMatch(matchData)
match.quality() // get pre-match betSize for each player
match.rate() // calculate match result -> change in fame
MIT-licensed. See LICENSE.