Statistics module for haxe. Generates AS3 and JS.
This API solves generic issues with handling game statitics.
- Number of victories and defeats
- Longuest / current winning spree (number of succecutive victories)
- User leveling
Import/require the package
From javascript.
var alkindi = require("alkindi");
From actionscript.
import alkindi.Alkindi;
Add a game to player's stats. This function actually doesn't change any object. It just takes an initial state, do some computation and return the list changes to perform (refered to as "outcome").
addGame: LevelUpdateFunction -> LevelDecayFunction -> Array<PlayerArchive> -> Game -> Array<PlayerGameOutcome>
Note: if the added game is already in the player archive: outcome will be an empty array.
Usage from javascript:
var outcomes = alkindi.addGame(myUpdate, myDecay, archives, game);
Usage from actionscript:
var outcomes:Array = Alkindi.addGame(myUpdate, myDecay, archives, game);
See also: LevelDecayFunction, LevelUpdateFunction, PlayerArchive, Game,
Compute a player' statistics from her archive of games.
Statistics include victories
, defeats
, levels
, winningSprees
. Each of those elements are arrays of DateValue
(timestamp + value).
archive: PlayerArchive -> PlayerStats
Usage from javascript:
var stats = alkindi.getPlayerStats(archives);
Usage from actionscript:
var stats:Object = Alkindi.getPlayerStats(archives);
See also: PlayerArchive, PlayerStats, DateValue
Level functions
Level reflects experience in the game. Each defeat of victory will change level points. Level points will decay over time while not playing. A global ranking could just be the list of players ordered by level points (but this is not managed by this library).
Defines how Level updates while playing
typedef LevelUpdateFunction = Array<PlayerScoreAndLevel> -> Username -> LevelUpdate;
To define your own.
In javascript.
function myUpdate(players, username) {
return { "newLevel": players.find(username).level + 10 }
In actionscript.
function myUpdate(players:Array, username:String):Object {
return { newLevel: players.find(username).level + 10 }
See also: PlayerScoreAndLevel, LevelUpdate
Define how Level decays while not playing.
Player's level will decay from start date to end date, from given Level to the returned LevelUpdate.
typedef LevelDecayFunction = Timestamp -> Timestamp -> Level -> LevelUpdate;
To define your own.
In javascript.
function myDecay(t0, t1, level) {
return { "newLevel": Math.round(level - (t1 - t0) / 3600) }
In actionscript.
function myDecay(t0:Number, t1:Number, level:int):int {
return { newLevel: Math.round(level - (t1 - t0) / 3600) }
See also: LevelUpdate
typedef LevelUpdate = {
newLevel: Int
Featured level functions
Alkindi features a number of level update/decay functions, they're free to use!
This level function will increase level
points for the player(s) with the best score
for other players
Usage from javascript.
var outcomes = alkindi.addGame(alkindi.simpleLevelUpdate, myDecay, archives, game);
Usage from actionscript.
var outcomes:Array = Alkindi.addGame(Alkindi.simpleLevelUpdate, myDecay, archives, game);
Level decreases 1 point per day, but won't go below 0.
Usage from javascript.
var outcomes = alkindi.addGame(myUpdate, alkindi.simpleLevelDecay, archives, game);
Usage from actionscript.
var outcomes:Array = Alkindi.addGame(myUpdate, Alkindi.simpleLevelDecay, archives, game);
This strategy will increase level
For the winner, by:
K(t) * w + 0.01 * d
1 if the above is less than 1.
with: w = max(30 - r, 1)
d is the difference of levels with the strongest player.
(0 for the best player, positive integers for others)
r is the number of repetitions of this game. A repetition is a game featuring exactly all of the same players.
K(t) is a coefficient that increases with time.
K(t) = 2 ^ (t / M)
with T0 being the beginning of times (see Alkindi.TRIPOCH)
This coefficient allow to give more weight to recent games than older games.
The magic numbers are such as K(t + 1month) ~= K(t) * 2
For the loosers, by:
0 for the strongest players
K(t) * l for others
with: l = max(7 - r, 0)
K(t) and r defined as for winners
Usage from javascript.
var outcomes = alkindi.addGame(alkindi.relativeLevelUpdate, myDecay, archives, game);
Usage from actionscript.
var outcomes:Array = Alkindi.addGame(Alkindi.relativeLevelUpdate, myDecay, archives, game);
Basic Types
typedef Score = Int;
typedef Level = Int;
typedef Username = String;
typedef Timestamp = Float;
typedef GameId = String;
Games archives
typedef PlayerArchive = {
username: String,
games: Array<GameOutcome>
See also: GameOutcome
typedef GameOutcome = {
game: Game,
outcome: LevelUpdate
See also: LevelUpdate, Game
Games and players
typedef Game = {
date: Timestamp,
id: String,
players: Array<PlayerScore>
typedef PlayerScore = {
username: String,
score: Int
typedef PlayerScoreAndLevel = {
username: String,
score: Int,
level: Int
typedef PlayerGameOutcome = {
username: String,
game: GameOutcome,
See also: GameOutcome
typedef PlayerStats = {
username: String,
victories: Array<DateValue>,
defeats: Array<DateValue>,
levels: Array<DateValue>,
winningSprees: Array<DateValue>
: Number of victories over time.
: Number of defeats over time.
: Player level over time.
: Succecutive victories over time.
typedef DateValue = {
date: Timestamp,
value: Int
To use the library from javascript, run in your terminal:
npm install alkindi
Then in your javascript:
var alkindi = require("alkindi");
var archives = [{
username: "sousou",
games: [{
outcome: { "newLevel": 50 },
game: {
date: 1981,
id: "mummy",
players: [{
username: "sousou",
score: 20
}, {
username: "oreo",
score: 35
}, {
username: "jeko",
games: []
var game = {
id: "dummy",
date: 1991,
players: [{
username: "jeko",
score: 21
}, {
username: "sousou",
score: 20
var outcomes = alkindi.addGame(
archives, game);
Build the library
The build system uses no tools or dependencies that aren't in a docker image, except for make. Only have docker installed and type one of the commands below, it shouldn't bother with any missing dependencies.
If you find it more conveniant, you can use locally installed haxe by setting:
export dhaxe=/path/to/haxe
Javascript output can be generated by typing:
make js
This gonna generate a file called bin/alkindi.js
Actionscript output can be generated by typing:
make swc
This gonna generate a file called bin/alkindi.swc
or to generate actionscript files:
make a3
Run tests
To run unit tests:
make test