Converts a string to title case APA (default) or Chicago style
is a Node.js package that converts a string to APA or Chicago-style title case. APA follows the first letter of each major word capitalized while Chicago capitalizes every word except for short conjunctions and prepositions.
You can install title-case
using npm:
npm install apa-title-case
Alternatively, you can also install it using yarn:
yarn add apa-title-case
After installing the package, you can use it in your code by importing it:
const toTitleCase = require('apa-title-case');
Or if you're using ES6 syntax:
import { toTitleCase } from 'apa-title-case';
String.prototype.toTitleCase(style, options);
: short conjunctions that should not be capitalized, such as "and", "but", and "if"articles
: articles that should not be capitalized, such as "a", "an", and "the".shortPrepositions
: short prepositions that should not be capitalized, such as "of", "to", and "by".neverCapitalized
: words that should never be capitalized, such as "etc.", "i.e.", and "vs.".
Return value
A new string with the original string converted to title case.
const input = "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
const output = input.toTitleCase();
const input = "to be or not to be";
const output = input.toTitleCase();
const input = "the name of the musical is The Musical";
const output = input.toTitleCase( { neverCapitalized: ["The Musical"] });
const input = "the quick rabbit together with the brown fox jumped over the dog";
const output = input.toTitleCase({ style: "chicago" });
npm test
✓ throws TypeError if input is not a string (3 ms)
✓ throws TypeError if options is not an object (3 ms)
✓ capitalizes the first letter of each word in a sentence
✓ capitalizes the first letter of the first word in a sentence (2 ms)
✓ handles hyphenated words and last words in a sentence
✓ capitalizes the first word of a sentence
✓ capitalizes all significant words in a sentence
✓ excludes specific words from capitalization
✓ capitalizes significant words with Chicago style
✓ does not modify already capitalized words (1 ms)
✓ returns an empty string for empty input
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 11 passed, 11 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 0.134 s, estimated 1 s
- The toTitleCase() function correctly capitalizes the first letter of each word in a string, while handling various exceptions and rules.
- The function supports several optional configuration options, such as specifying words that should never be capitalized, short conjunctions that should not be capitalized, and short prepositions that should not be capitalized.
- The function also supports two style options: APA style and Chicago style.
- The function is optimized to improve performance by memoizing capitalized versions of words and avoiding unnecessary work when checking for ignored words, intentionally uppercase words, URLs, hashtags, and handles.
- The function correctly handles multi-word small words and hyphenated words, as well as non-ASCII characters.
- The function includes unit tests to ensure proper functionality and prevent regressions.