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athro - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.5.4 to 2.0.0



"name": "athro",
"version": "1.5.4",
"description": "A library for javascript which contains basic datastructures, algorithms and some generic functionalities which a developer needs",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "arneeshaima",
"version": "2.0.0",
"description": "A datastructures and algorithms library for TS/JS",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"module": "dist/index.mjs",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
"license": "ISC",
"devDependencies": {
"@types/node": "16.11.22",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^5.11.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^5.11.0",
"eslint": "^8.8.0",
"eslint-config-next": "^12.0.10",
"eslint-config-prettier": "^8.3.0",
"eslint-plugin-prettier": "^4.0.0",
"husky": "^4.3.8",
"lint-staged": "^12.3.3",
"prettier": "^2.5.1",
"ts-node": "10.4.0",
"tsup": "^6.6.3",
"typescript": "4.5.5",
"vitest": "^0.29.2"
"husky": {
"hooks": {
"pre-commit": "lint-staged"
"lint-staged": {
"*.{js,ts}": [
"eslint --cache --fix"
"keywords": [
"data structures",

@@ -28,5 +54,2 @@ "queue",


@@ -49,4 +72,11 @@ "sorting",

"author": "arneeshaima",
"license": "ISC"
"scripts": {
"dev-history": "ts-node src/index.ts",
"test:ci": "vitest run",
"test": "vitest run",
"test-with-coverage": "vitest run --coverage",
"lint-eslint": "eslint --fix",
"build": "tsup src/index.ts --format cjs,esm --dts",
"lint": "tsc"
<h1 align="center">
athro - core
<p align="center">
The source code for <a href="" target="_blank"><b>athro</b></a>.
# Data Structures | Algorithms | Generics
<!-- ![alt text]( -->
A library for javascript which contains basic data structures, algorithms and some generic functions which a developer needs.
**Recent Updates:** Singly Linked List, Doubly Linked List, Queue, Stack, Binary Search Tree and Tree Traversals.
**Note:** Kindly keep updating the library every now and then as I am frequently adding new stuff to the library.
You can Update the library in your project by running the following command in the directory of your project which contains the file - package.json :
npm update athro;
## Functionalities
This sections explains the functionalities provided by this library. This library can be used along with any other javascript framework/library such as Angular, React, Vue etc.
**Note:** All the imports mentioned in the sections below follow **Javascript ES6 Format**. If you want to use this library inside frameworks which still use **CommonJS** and do not support ES6 import/export you can use the library's functions in the traditional way - For Example:
var athro = require("athro");
### Searching
Searching functionalities inbuilt in this library are:
#### Binary Search
Pass the array of numbers/string along with the element which
needs to be found
import { binarySearch } from 'athro';
* **Syntax** - *params: binarySearch(array,element)*
#### Linear Search
Pass the array of numbers/string along with the element which
needs to be found
import { linearSearch } from 'athro';
* **Syntax** - *params: linearSearch(array,element)*
### Sorting
Sorting functionalities inbuilt in this library are:
#### Bubble Sort
Pass the array of numbers/strings which needs to be sorted
import { bubbleSort } from 'athro';
* **Syntax** - *params: bubbleSort(array)*
#### Selection Sort
Pass the array of numbers/strings which needs to be sorted
import { selectionSort } from 'athro';
* **Syntax** - *params: selectionSort(array)*
#### Insertion Sort
Pass the array of numbers/strings which needs to be sorted
import { insertionSort } from 'athro';
* **Syntax** - *params: insertionSort(array)*
#### Merge Sort
Pass the array of numbers/strings which needs to be sorted
import { mergeSort } from 'athro';
* **Syntax** - *params: mergeSort(array)*
#### Quick Sort
Pass the array of numbers/strings which needs to be sorted
import { quickSort } from 'athro';
* **Syntax** - *params: quickSort(array)*
### Data Structures
Some famous useful data structure:
#### Singly Linked List
Usage: import and use the class through its instance methods
import { SinglyLinkedList } from 'athro';
var list = new SinglyLinkedList();
| Methods | Usage | Syntax |
| :---: | :-: | :-: |
| insert | Add item to SLL | list.insert(index,value) |
| remove | Remove item from SLL | list.remove(index) |
| get | Get item from SLL | list.get(index) |
| set | Update value of item in SLL | list.set(index,value) |
| reverse | Reverse the entire SLL | list.reverse() |
#### Doubly Linked List
Usage: import and use the class through its instance methods
import { DoublyLinkedList } from 'athro';
var list = new DoublyLinkedList();
| Methods | Usage | Syntax |
| :---: | :-: | :-: |
| insert | Add item to DLL | list.insert(index,value) |
| remove | Remove item from DLL | list.remove(index) |
| get | Get item from DLL | list.get(index) |
| set | Update value of item in DLL | list.set(index,value) |
#### Queue
Usage: import and use the class through its instance methods.
FIFO : Insert from "Rear" extract from "Front"
import { Queue } from 'athro';
var queue = new Queue();
| Methods | Usage | Syntax |
| :---: | :-: | :-: |
| enqueue | Enqueue an item in the Queue from the rear | queue.enqueue(value) |
| dequeue | Dequeue an item from front of the Queue | queue.dequeue() |
| peek | View the item at front of Queue | queue.peek() |
| isEmpty | Check if the Queue is empty | queue.isEmpty() |
#### Stack
Usage: import and use the class through its instance methods.
LIFO Datastructure
import { Stack } from 'athro';
var stack = new Stack();
| Methods | Usage | Syntax |
| :---: | :-: | :-: |
| push | Add an item to top of Stack | stack.push(value) |
| pop | Pop an item from top of stack | stack.pop() |
| top | View the item at top of Stack | |
| isEmpty | Check if the Stack is empty | stack.isEmpty() |
#### Binary Search Tree
Usage: import and use the class through its instance methods.
import { BinarySearchTree } from 'athro';
var tree = new BinarySearchTree();
| Methods | Usage | Syntax |
| :---: | :-: | :-: |
| insert | Add an item to the BST | tree.insert(value) |
| find | Find an item in the BST | tree.find(value) |
### Tree Traversal
Some famous tree traversals:
#### Breadth First Search
Get the nodes of tree breadth/level wise
import { bfs } from 'athro';
* **Syntax** - *params: bfs(root)*
#### Depth First Search - In Order
Get the nodes of tree as per DFS in order format
import { inOrder } from 'athro';
* **Syntax** - *params: inOrder(root)*
#### Depth First Search - Pre Order
Get the nodes of tree as per DFS pre order format
import { preOrder } from 'athro';
* **Syntax** - *params: preOrder(root)*
#### Depth First Search - Post Order
Get the nodes of tree as per DFS post order format
import { postOrder } from 'athro';
* **Syntax** - *params: postOrder(root)*
### Generics
Some generic functions which are often useful while development - saves time:
#### Title Case
Pass a string to convert to title case i.e "hello world => Hello World"
import { titleCase } from 'athro';
* **Syntax** - *params: titleCase(array)*
#### Decimal Handler
Pass a decimal/floating point number and decimal places upto which you want to round it to
import { handleDecimal } from 'athro';
* **Syntax** - *params: handleDecimal(number,decimal)*
#### Beautify Date
Pass date object to convert it to -> sample : Jan 21 2020 format (Month Day Year)
import { beautifyDate } from 'athro';
* **Syntax** - *params: beautifyDate(date)*
#### Beautify Number
Pass number to convert to to a much more readable format -> sample : 10186438.12 gets converted to 10,186,438
import { beautifyNumber } from 'athro';
* **Syntax** - *params: beautifyNumber(number)*
#### Currency Symbol
Pass currency code to return the symbol for the currency -> sample : USD gets converted to $
import { currencySymbol } from 'athro';
* **Syntax** - *params: currencySymbol(code)*
#### Array Remove Duplicates
Pass an array to the function and duplicates values would be removed from the array that is returned.
import { arrayRemoveDuplicates } from 'athro';
* **Syntax** - *params: arrayRemoveDuplicates(array)*
#### Array Difference
Pass two arrays to the function and their difference is returned -> sample : pass ([1,2,6,9,4,3],[1,2,6,3]) returned array is [9,4].
import { arrayDifference } from 'athro';
* **Syntax** - *params: arrayDifference(array1,array2)*
#### Count Occurrences
Pass an array and an element to count the occurrences of that element in the array.
import { countOccurrences } from 'athro';
* **Syntax** - *params: countOccurrences(array,element)*
#### Bifurcate Array
Pass an array and a bifurcation function by which the array is supposed to be converted into two separate arrays.
sample -> passing (['chair', 'chart', 'chin', 'king'], x => x[0] === 'c') returns [ ['chair', 'chart', 'chin'], ['king'] ]
import { bifurcateArray } from 'athro';
* **Syntax** - *params: bifurcateArray(array,fn)*
## Author
* **Arneesh Aima** - *MySocials* - [LinkedIn](
Experienced Full Stack/ML Engineer and passionate Blogger.
Highly skilled in Computer Vision, NLP, Statistical Analysis,
ReactJS, NodeJS, ELK Stack, Kubernetes.
Follow Me On Medium [MyMedium]( for exciting Tech Blogs .
### Links
- Visit the project on **[npm](**
- Visit the project on **[github](**
- Visit the project's site **[athro](**

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