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autolinker - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.16.0 to 0.17.0



* Autolinker.js
* 0.16.0
* 0.17.0

@@ -10,2 +10,2 @@ * Copyright(c) 2015 Gregory Jacobs <>

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"+b:"",["<",a,b,">",this.getInnerHtml(),"</",a,">"].join("")},buildAttrsStr:function(){if(!this.attrs)return"";var a=this.getAttrs(),b=[];for(var c in a)a.hasOwnProperty(c)&&b.push(c+'="'+a[c]+'"');return b.join(" ")}}),a.AnchorTagBuilder=a.Util.extend(Object,{constructor:function(b){a.Util.assign(this,b)},build:function(b){var c=new a.HtmlTag({tagName:"a",attrs:this.createAttrs(b.getType(),b.getAnchorHref()),innerHtml:this.processAnchorText(b.getAnchorText())});return c},createAttrs:function(a,b){var c={href:b},d=this.createCssClass(a);return d&&(c["class"]=d),this.newWindow&&("_blank"),c},createCssClass:function(a){var b=this.className;return b?b+" "+b+"-"+a:""},processAnchorText:function(a){return a=this.doTruncate(a)},doTruncate:function(b){return a.Util.ellipsis(b,this.truncate||Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)}}),a.htmlParser.HtmlParser=a.Util.extend(Object,{htmlRegex:function(){var a=/[0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z:]*/,b=/[^\s\0"'>\/=\x01-\x1F\x7F]+/,c=/(?:"[^"]*?"|'[^']*?'|[^'"=<>`\s]+)/,d=b.source+"(?:\\s*=\\s*"+c.source+")?";return new RegExp(["(?:","<(!DOCTYPE)","(?:","\\s+","(?:",d,"|",c.source+")",")*",">",")","|","(?:","<(/)?","("+a.source+")","(?:","\\s+",d,")*","\\s*/?",">",")"].join(""),"gi")}(),htmlCharacterEntitiesRegex:/(&nbsp;|&#160;|&lt;|&#60;|&gt;|&#62;|&quot;|&#34;|&#39;)/gi,parse:function(a){for(var b,c,d=this.htmlRegex,e=0,f=[];null!==(b=d.exec(a));){var g=b[0],h=b[1]||b[3],i=!!b[2],j=a.substring(e,b.index);j&&(c=this.parseTextAndEntityNodes(j),f.push.apply(f,c)),f.push(this.createElementNode(g,h,i)),e=b.index+g.length}if(e<a.length){var k=a.substring(e);k&&(c=this.parseTextAndEntityNodes(k),f.push.apply(f,c))}return f},parseTextAndEntityNodes:function(b){for(var c=[],d=a.Util.splitAndCapture(b,this.htmlCharacterEntitiesRegex),e=0,f=d.length;f>e;e+=2){var g=d[e],h=d[e+1];g&&c.push(this.createTextNode(g)),h&&c.push(this.createEntityNode(h))}return c},createElementNode:function(b,c,d){return new a.htmlParser.ElementNode({text:b,tagName:c.toLowerCase(),closing:d})},createEntityNode:function(b){return new a.htmlParser.EntityNode({text:b})},createTextNode:function(b){return new a.htmlParser.TextNode({text:b})}}),a.htmlParser.HtmlNode=a.Util.extend(Object,{text:"",constructor:function(b){a.Util.assign(this,b)},getType:a.Util.abstractMethod,getText:function(){return this.text}}),a.htmlParser.ElementNode=a.Util.extend(a.htmlParser.HtmlNode,{tagName:"",closing:!1,getType:function(){return"element"},getTagName:function(){return this.tagName},isClosing:function(){return this.closing}}),a.htmlParser.EntityNode=a.Util.extend(a.htmlParser.HtmlNode,{getType:function(){return"entity"}}),a.htmlParser.TextNode=a.Util.extend(a.htmlParser.HtmlNode,{getType:function(){return"text"}}),a.matchParser.MatchParser=a.Util.extend(Object,{urls:!0,email:!0,twitter:!0,phone:!0,hashtag:!1,stripPrefix:!0,matcherRegex:function(){var a=/(^|[^\w])@(\w{1,15})/,b=/(^|[^\w])#(\w{1,15})/,c=/(?:[\-;:&=\+\$,\w\.]+@)/,d=/(?:\+?\d{1,3}[-\s.])?\(?\d{3}\)?[-\s.]?\d{3}[-\s.]\d{4}/,e=/(?:[A-Za-z][-.+A-Za-z0-9]+:(?![A-Za-z][-.+A-Za-z0-9]+:\/\/)(?!\d+\/?)(?:\/\/)?)/,f=/(?:www\.)/,g=/[A-Za-z0-9\.\-]*[A-Za-z0-9\-]/,h=/\.(?:international|construction|contractors|enterprises|photography|productions|foundation|immobilien|industries|management|properties|technology|christmas|community|directory|education|equipment|institute|marketing|solutions|vacations|bargains|boutique|builders|catering|cleaning|clothing|computer|democrat|diamonds|graphics|holdings|lighting|partners|plumbing|supplies|training|ventures|academy|careers|company|cruises|domains|exposed|flights|florist|gallery|guitars|holiday|kitchen|neustar|okinawa|recipes|rentals|reviews|shiksha|singles|support|systems|agency|berlin|camera|center|coffee|condos|dating|estate|events|expert|futbol|kaufen|luxury|maison|monash|museum|nagoya|photos|repair|report|social|supply|tattoo|tienda|travel|viajes|villas|vision|voting|voyage|actor|build|cards|cheap|codes|dance|email|glass|house|mango|ninja|parts|photo|shoes|solar|today|tokyo|tools|watch|works|aero|arpa|asia|best|bike|blue|buzz|camp|club|cool|coop|farm|fish|gift|guru|info|jobs|kiwi|kred|land|limo|link|menu|mobi|moda|name|pics|pink|post|qpon|rich|ruhr|sexy|tips|vote|voto|wang|wien|wiki|zone|bar|bid|biz|cab|cat|ceo|com|edu|gov|int|kim|mil|net|onl|org|pro|pub|red|tel|uno|wed|xxx|xyz|ac|ad|ae|af|ag|ai|al|am|an|ao|aq|ar|as|at|au|aw|ax|az|ba|bb|bd|be|bf|bg|bh|bi|bj|bm|bn|bo|br|bs|bt|bv|bw|by|bz|ca|cc|cd|cf|cg|ch|ci|ck|cl|cm|cn|co|cr|cu|cv|cw|cx|cy|cz|de|dj|dk|dm|do|dz|ec|ee|eg|er|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fk|fm|fo|fr|ga|gb|gd|ge|gf|gg|gh|gi|gl|gm|gn|gp|gq|gr|gs|gt|gu|gw|gy|hk|hm|hn|hr|ht|hu|id|ie|il|im|in|io|iq|ir|is|it|je|jm|jo|jp|ke|kg|kh|ki|km|kn|kp|kr|kw|ky|kz|la|lb|lc|li|lk|lr|ls|lt|lu|lv|ly|ma|mc|md|me|mg|mh|mk|ml|mm|mn|mo|mp|mq|mr|ms|mt|mu|mv|mw|mx|my|mz|na|nc|ne|nf|ng|ni|nl|no|np|nr|nu|nz|om|pa|pe|pf|pg|ph|pk|pl|pm|pn|pr|ps|pt|pw|py|qa|re|ro|rs|ru|rw|sa|sb|sc|sd|se|sg|sh|si|sj|sk|sl|sm|sn|so|sr|st|su|sv|sx|sy|sz|tc|td|tf|tg|th|tj|tk|tl|tm|tn|to|tp|tr|tt|tv|tw|tz|ua|ug|uk|us|uy|uz|va|vc|ve|vg|vi|vn|vu|wf|ws|ye|yt|za|zm|zw)\b/,i=/[\-A-Za-z0-9+&@#\/%=~_()|'$*\[\]?!:,.;]*[\-A-Za-z0-9+&@#\/%=~_()|'$*\[\]]/;return new RegExp(["(",a.source,")","|","(",c.source,g.source,h.source,")","|","(","(?:","(",e.source,g.source,")","|","(?:","(.?//)?",f.source,g.source,")","|","(?:","(.?//)?",g.source,h.source,")",")","(?:"+i.source+")?",")","|","(",d.source,")","|","(",b.source,")"].join(""),"gi")}(),charBeforeProtocolRelMatchRegex:/^(.)?\/\//,constructor:function(b){a.Util.assign(this,b),this.matchValidator=new a.MatchValidator},replace:function(a,b,c){var d=this;return a.replace(this.matcherRegex,function(a,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p){var q=d.processCandidateMatch(a,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p);if(q){var,q.match);return q.prefixStr+r+q.suffixStr}return a})},processCandidateMatch:function(b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n){var o,p=i||j,q="",r="";if(g&&!this.urls||f&&!||k&&!||c&&!this.twitter||l&&!this.hashtag||!this.matchValidator.isValidMatch(g,h,p))return null;if(this.matchHasUnbalancedClosingParen(b)&&(b=b.substr(0,b.length-1),r=")"),f)o=new a.match.Email({matchedText:b,email:f});else if(c)d&&(q=d,b=b.slice(1)),o=new a.match.Twitter({matchedText:b,twitterHandle:e});else if(k){var s=b.replace(/\D/g,"");o=new a.match.Phone({matchedText:b,number:s})}else if(l)m&&(q=m,b=b.slice(1)),o=new a.match.Hashtag({matchedText:b,serviceName:this.hashtag,hashtag:n});else{if(p){var t=p.match(this.charBeforeProtocolRelMatchRegex)[1]||"";t&&(q=t,b=b.slice(1))}o=new a.match.Url({matchedText:b,url:b,protocolUrlMatch:!!h,protocolRelativeMatch:!!p,stripPrefix:this.stripPrefix})}return{prefixStr:q,suffixStr:r,match:o}},matchHasUnbalancedClosingParen:function(a){var b=a.charAt(a.length-1);if(")"===b){var c=a.match(/\(/g),d=a.match(/\)/g),e=c&&c.length||0,f=d&&d.length||0;if(f>e)return!0}return!1}}),a.MatchValidator=a.Util.extend(Object,{invalidProtocolRelMatchRegex:/^[\w]\/\//,hasFullProtocolRegex:/^[A-Za-z][-.+A-Za-z0-9]+:\/\//,uriSchemeRegex:/^[A-Za-z][-.+A-Za-z0-9]+:/,hasWordCharAfterProtocolRegex:/:[^\s]*?[A-Za-z]/,isValidMatch:function(a,b,c){return b&&!this.isValidUriScheme(b)||this.urlMatchDoesNotHaveProtocolOrDot(a,b)||this.urlMatchDoesNotHaveAtLeastOneWordChar(a,b)||this.isInvalidProtocolRelativeMatch(c)?!1:!0},isValidUriScheme:function(a){var b=a.match(this.uriSchemeRegex)[0].toLowerCase();return"javascript:"!==b&&"vbscript:"!==b},urlMatchDoesNotHaveProtocolOrDot:function(a,b){return!(!a||b&&this.hasFullProtocolRegex.test(b)||-1!==a.indexOf("."))},urlMatchDoesNotHaveAtLeastOneWordChar:function(a,b){return a&&b?!this.hasWordCharAfterProtocolRegex.test(a):!1},isInvalidProtocolRelativeMatch:function(a){return!!a&&this.invalidProtocolRelMatchRegex.test(a)}}),a.match.Match=a.Util.extend(Object,{constructor:function(b){a.Util.assign(this,b)},getType:a.Util.abstractMethod,getMatchedText:function(){return this.matchedText},getAnchorHref:a.Util.abstractMethod,getAnchorText:a.Util.abstractMethod}),a.match.Email=a.Util.extend(a.match.Match,{getType:function(){return"email"},getEmail:function(){return},getAnchorHref:function(){return"mailto:"},getAnchorText:function(){return}}),a.match.Hashtag=a.Util.extend(a.match.Match,{getType:function(){return"hashtag"},getHashtag:function(){return this.hashtag},getAnchorHref:function(){var a=this.serviceName,b=this.hashtag;switch(a){case"twitter":return""+b;case"facebook":return""+b;default:throw new Error("Unknown service name to point hashtag to: ",a)}},getAnchorText:function(){return"#"+this.hashtag}}),a.match.Phone=a.Util.extend(a.match.Match,{getType:function(){return"phone"},getNumber:function(){return this.number},getAnchorHref:function(){return"tel:"+this.number},getAnchorText:function(){return this.matchedText}}),a.match.Twitter=a.Util.extend(a.match.Match,{getType:function(){return"twitter"},getTwitterHandle:function(){return this.twitterHandle},getAnchorHref:function(){return""+this.twitterHandle},getAnchorText:function(){return"@"+this.twitterHandle}}),a.match.Url=a.Util.extend(a.match.Match,{urlPrefixRegex:/^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?/i,protocolRelativeRegex:/^\/\//,protocolPrepended:!1,getType:function(){return"url"},getUrl:function(){var a=this.url;return this.protocolRelativeMatch||this.protocolUrlMatch||this.protocolPrepended||(a=this.url="http://"+a,this.protocolPrepended=!0),a},getAnchorHref:function(){var a=this.getUrl();return a.replace(/&amp;/g,"&")},getAnchorText:function(){var a=this.getUrl();return this.protocolRelativeMatch&&(a=this.stripProtocolRelativePrefix(a)),this.stripPrefix&&(a=this.stripUrlPrefix(a)),a=this.removeTrailingSlash(a)},stripUrlPrefix:function(a){return a.replace(this.urlPrefixRegex,"")},stripProtocolRelativePrefix:function(a){return a.replace(this.protocolRelativeRegex,"")},removeTrailingSlash:function(a){return"/"===a.charAt(a.length-1)&&(a=a.slice(0,-1)),a}}),a});

@@ -68,2 +68,3 @@ /*global require, module */


@@ -70,0 +71,0 @@ 'src/match/Twitter.js',

"name": "autolinker",
"version": "0.16.0",
"version": "0.17.0",
"description": "Utility to automatically link the URLs, email addresses, and Twitter handles in a given block of text/HTML",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "dist/Autolinker.js",

@@ -18,2 +18,3 @@ # Autolinker.js

- Will autolink Twitter handles.
- Will autolink hashtags.
- Will properly handle HTML input. The utility will not change the `href`

@@ -99,11 +100,18 @@ attribute inside anchor (&lt;a&gt;) tags (or any other tag/attribute for that

- [newWindow](!/api/Autolinker-cfg-newWindow) : Boolean<br />
`true` to have the links should open in a new window when clicked, `false` otherwise. Defaults to `true`.<br /><br />
`true` to have the links should open in a new window when clicked, `false`
otherwise. Defaults to `true`.<br /><br />
- [stripPrefix](!/api/Autolinker-cfg-stripPrefix) : Boolean<br />
`true` to have the 'http://' or 'https://' and/or the 'www.' stripped from the beginning of links, `false` otherwise. Defaults to `true`.<br /><br />
`true` to have the 'http://' or 'https://' and/or the 'www.' stripped from the
beginning of links, `false` otherwise. Defaults to `true`.<br /><br />
- [truncate](!/api/Autolinker-cfg-truncate) : Number<br />
A number for how many characters long URLs/emails/twitter handles should be truncated to inside the text of a link. If the URL/email/twitter is over the number of characters, it will be truncated to this length by replacing the end of the string with a two period ellipsis ('..').<br /><br />
Example: a url like '' truncated to 25 characters may look like this: ''<br /><br />
A number for how many characters long URLs/emails/Twitter handles/Twitter
hashtags should be truncated to inside the text of a link. If the match is
over the number of characters, it will be truncated to this length by
replacing the end of the string with a two period ellipsis ('..').<br /><br />
Example: a url like '' truncated
to 25 characters may look like this: ''<br /><br />
- [className](!/api/Autolinker-cfg-className) : String<br />
A CSS class name to add to the generated anchor tags. This class will be added to all links, as well as this class
plus "url"/"email"/"twitter" suffixes for styling url/email/twitter links differently.
A CSS class name to add to the generated anchor tags. This class will be added
to all links, as well as this class plus "url"/"email"/"phone"/"twitter"/"hashtag"
suffixes for styling url/email/phone/twitter/hashtag links differently.

@@ -113,16 +121,28 @@ For example, if this config is provided as "myLink", then:

1) URL links will have the CSS classes: "myLink myLink-url"<br />
2) Email links will have the CSS classes: "myLink myLink-email", and<br />
3) Twitter links will have the CSS classes: "myLink myLink-twitter"<br />
2) Email links will have the CSS classes: "myLink myLink-email"<br />
3) Phone links will have the CSS classes: "myLink myLink-phone"<br />
4) Twitter links will have the CSS classes: "myLink myLink-twitter"<br />
5) Hashtag links will have the CSS classes: "myLink myLink-hashtag"<br />
- [urls](!/api/Autolinker-cfg-urls) : Boolean<br />
`true` to have URLs auto-linked, `false` to skip auto-linking of URLs. Defaults to `true`.<br />
`true` to have URLs auto-linked, `false` to skip auto-linking of URLs.
Defaults to `true`.<br />
- [email](!/api/Autolinker-cfg-email) : Boolean<br />
`true` to have email addresses auto-linked, `false` to skip auto-linking of email addresses. Defaults to `true`.<br /><br />
`true` to have email addresses auto-linked, `false` to skip auto-linking of
email addresses. Defaults to `true`.<br /><br />
- [phone](!/api/Autolinker-cfg-phone) : Boolean<br />
`true` to have phone numbers auto-linked, `false` to skip auto-linking of phone numbers. Defaults to `true`.<br /><br />
`true` to have phone numbers auto-linked, `false` to skip auto-linking of
phone numbers. Defaults to `true`.<br /><br />
- [twitter](!/api/Autolinker-cfg-twitter) : Boolean<br />
`true` to have Twitter handles auto-linked, `false` to skip auto-linking of Twitter handles. Defaults to `true`.<br /><br />
`true` to have Twitter handles auto-linked, `false` to skip auto-linking of
Twitter handles. Defaults to `true`.<br /><br />
- [hashtag](!/api/Autolinker-cfg-hashtag) : Boolean/String<br />
A string for the service name to have hashtags auto-linked to. Supported
values at this time are 'twitter' and 'facebook'. Pass `false` to skip
auto-linking of hashtags. Defaults to `false`.<br /><br />
- [replaceFn](!/api/Autolinker-cfg-replaceFn) : Function<br />
A function to use to programmatically make replacements of matches in the input string, one at a time. See the section
<a href="#custom-replacement-function">Custom Replacement Function</a> for more details.
A function to use to programmatically make replacements of matches in the
input string, one at a time. See the section
<a href="#custom-replacement-function">Custom Replacement Function</a> for
more details.

@@ -175,4 +195,4 @@

A custom replacement function ([replaceFn](!/api/Autolinker-cfg-replaceFn))
may be provided to replace url/email/twitter matches on an individual basis,
based on the return from this function.
may be provided to replace url/email/phone/Twitter handle/hashtag matches on an
individual basis, based on the return from this function.

@@ -182,3 +202,3 @@ Full example, for purposes of documenting the API:

var input = "..."; // string with URLs, Email Addresses, and Twitter Handles
var input = "..."; // string with URLs, Email Addresses, Twitter Handles, and Hashtags

@@ -217,5 +237,5 @@ var linkedText = input, {

var phoneNumber = match.getPhoneNumber();
console.log( twitterHandle );
console.log( phoneNumber );
return '<a href="">' + twitterHandle + '</a>';
return '<a href="">' + phoneNumber + '</a>';

@@ -227,2 +247,8 @@ case 'twitter' :

return '<a href="">' + twitterHandle + '</a>';
case 'hashtag' :
var hashtag = match.getHashtag();
console.log( hashtag );
return '<a href="">' + hashtag + '</a>';

@@ -229,0 +255,0 @@ }

@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ /*global Autolinker */

* @extends Object
* Builds anchor (&lt;a&gt;) tags for the Autolinker utility when a match is found.
* Normally this class is instantiated, configured, and used internally by an {@link Autolinker} instance, but may
* Normally this class is instantiated, configured, and used internally by an {@link Autolinker} instance, but may
* actually be retrieved in a {@link Autolinker#replaceFn replaceFn} to create {@link Autolinker.HtmlTag HtmlTag} instances
* which may be modified before returning from the {@link Autolinker#replaceFn replaceFn}. For example:
* var html = "Test", {

@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ * replaceFn : function( autolinker, match ) {

* tag.setAttr( 'rel', 'nofollow' );
* return tag;
* }
* } );
* // generated html:

@@ -29,3 +29,3 @@ * // Test <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>

Autolinker.AnchorTagBuilder = Autolinker.Util.extend( Object, {

@@ -35,3 +35,3 @@ * @cfg {Boolean} newWindow


@@ -41,3 +41,3 @@ * @cfg {Number} truncate


@@ -47,4 +47,4 @@ * @cfg {String} className


@@ -57,9 +57,10 @@ * @constructor

* Generates the actual anchor (&lt;a&gt;) tag to use in place of the matched URL/email/Twitter text,
* via its `match` object.
* @param {Autolinker.match.Match} match The Match instance to generate an anchor tag from.
* Generates the actual anchor (&lt;a&gt;) tag to use in place of the
* matched text, via its `match` object.
* @param {Autolinker.match.Match} match The Match instance to generate an
* anchor tag from.
* @return {Autolinker.HtmlTag} The HtmlTag instance for the anchor tag.

@@ -73,14 +74,16 @@ */

} );
return tag;
* Creates the Object (map) of the HTML attributes for the anchor (&lt;a&gt;) tag being generated.
* Creates the Object (map) of the HTML attributes for the anchor (&lt;a&gt;)
* tag being generated.
* @protected
* @param {"url"/"email"/"twitter"} matchType The type of match that an anchor tag is being generated for.
* @param {"url"/"email"/"phone"/"twitter"/"hashtag"} matchType The type of
* match that an anchor tag is being generated for.
* @param {String} href The href for the anchor tag.
* @return {Object} A key/value Object (map) of the anchor tag's attributes.
* @return {Object} A key/value Object (map) of the anchor tag's attributes.

@@ -91,3 +94,3 @@ createAttrs : function( matchType, anchorHref ) {

var cssClass = this.createCssClass( matchType );

@@ -100,31 +103,35 @@ if( cssClass ) {

return attrs;
* Creates the CSS class that will be used for a given anchor tag, based on the `matchType` and the {@link #className}
* config.
* Creates the CSS class that will be used for a given anchor tag, based on
* the `matchType` and the {@link #className} config.
* @private
* @param {"url"/"email"/"twitter"} matchType The type of match that an anchor tag is being generated for.
* @return {String} The CSS class string for the link. Example return: "myLink myLink-url". If no {@link #className}
* was configured, returns an empty string.
* @param {"url"/"email"/"phone"/"twitter"/"hashtag"} matchType The type of
* match that an anchor tag is being generated for.
* @return {String} The CSS class string for the link. Example return:
* "myLink myLink-url". If no {@link #className} was configured, returns
* an empty string.
createCssClass : function( matchType ) {
var className = this.className;
if( !className )
if( !className )
return "";
return className + " " + className + "-" + matchType; // ex: "myLink myLink-url", "myLink myLink-email", or "myLink myLink-twitter"
return className + " " + className + "-" + matchType; // ex: "myLink myLink-url", "myLink myLink-email", "myLink myLink-phone", "myLink myLink-twitter", or "myLink myLink-hashtag"
* Processes the `anchorText` by truncating the text according to the {@link #truncate} config.
* Processes the `anchorText` by truncating the text according to the
* {@link #truncate} config.
* @private
* @param {String} anchorText The anchor tag's text (i.e. what will be displayed).
* @param {String} anchorText The anchor tag's text (i.e. what will be
* displayed).
* @return {String} The processed `anchorText`.

@@ -134,11 +141,13 @@ */

anchorText = this.doTruncate( anchorText );
return anchorText;
* Performs the truncation of the `anchorText`, if the `anchorText` is longer than the {@link #truncate} option.
* Truncates the text to 2 characters fewer than the {@link #truncate} option, and adds ".." to the end.
* Performs the truncation of the `anchorText`, if the `anchorText` is
* longer than the {@link #truncate} option. Truncates the text to 2
* characters fewer than the {@link #truncate} option, and adds ".." to the
* end.
* @private

@@ -151,3 +160,3 @@ * @param {String} text The anchor tag's text (i.e. what will be displayed).

} );

@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ /**

* Utility class used to process a given string of text, and wrap the URLs, email addresses, phone #s, and Twitter handles in
* Utility class used to process a given string of text, and wrap the matches in
* the appropriate anchor (&lt;a&gt;) tags to turn them into links.
* Any of the configuration options may be provided in an Object (map) provided to the Autolinker constructor, which
* will configure how the {@link #link link()} method will process the links.
* Any of the configuration options may be provided in an Object (map) provided
* to the Autolinker constructor, which will configure how the {@link #link link()}
* method will process the links.

@@ -35,8 +36,10 @@ * For example:

* If the configuration options do not provide enough flexibility, a {@link #replaceFn} may be provided to fully customize
* the output of Autolinker. This function is called once for each URL/Email/Phone#/Twitter handle match that is encountered.
* If the configuration options do not provide enough flexibility, a {@link #replaceFn}
* may be provided to fully customize the output of Autolinker. This function is
* called once for each URL/Email/Phone#/Twitter Handle/Hashtag match that is
* encountered.
* For example:
* var input = "..."; // string with URLs, Email Addresses, Phone #s, and Twitter Handles
* var input = "..."; // string with URLs, Email Addresses, Phone #s, Twitter Handles, and Hashtags

@@ -73,2 +76,8 @@ * var linkedText = input, {

* case 'phone' :
* var phoneNumber = match.getPhoneNumber();
* console.log( phoneNumber );
* return '<a href="">' + phoneNumber + '</a>';
* case 'twitter' :

@@ -79,2 +88,8 @@ * var twitterHandle = match.getTwitterHandle();

* return '<a href="">' + twitterHandle + '</a>';
* case 'hashtag' :
* var hashtag = match.getHashtag();
* console.log( hashtag );
* return '<a href="">' + hashtag + '</a>';
* }

@@ -98,2 +113,8 @@ * }

Autolinker.Util.assign( this, cfg ); // assign the properties of `cfg` onto the Autolinker instance. Prototype properties will be used for missing configs.
// Validate the value of the `hashtag` cfg.
var hashtag = this.hashtag;
if( hashtag !== false && hashtag !== 'twitter' && hashtag !== 'facebook' ) {
throw new Error( "invalid `hashtag` cfg - see docs" );

@@ -133,2 +154,15 @@

* @cfg {Boolean/String} hashtag
* A string for the service name to have hashtags (ex: "#myHashtag")
* auto-linked to. The currently-supported values are:
* - 'twitter'
* - 'facebook'
* Pass `false` to skip auto-linking of hashtags.
hashtag : false,
* @cfg {Boolean} newWindow

@@ -143,4 +177,4 @@ *

* `true` if 'http://' or 'https://' and/or the 'www.' should be stripped from the beginning of URL links' text,
* `false` otherwise.
* `true` if 'http://' or 'https://' and/or the 'www.' should be stripped
* from the beginning of URL links' text, `false` otherwise.

@@ -152,4 +186,4 @@ stripPrefix : true,

* A number for how many characters long URLs/emails/phone#s/twitter handles should be truncated to inside the text of
* a link. If the URL/email/phone#/twitter is over this number of characters, it will be truncated to this length by
* A number for how many characters long matched text should be truncated to inside the text of
* a link. If the matched text is over this number of characters, it will be truncated to this length by
* adding a two period ellipsis ('..') to the end of the string.

@@ -166,3 +200,3 @@ *

* A CSS class name to add to the generated links. This class will be added to all links, as well as this class
* plus url/email/twitter suffixes for styling url/email/twitter links differently.
* plus match suffixes for styling url/email/phone/twitter/hashtag links differently.

@@ -175,2 +209,3 @@ * For example, if this config is provided as "myLink", then:

* - Phone links will have the CSS classes: "myLink myLink-phone"
* - Hashtag links will have the CSS classes: "myLink myLink-hashtag"

@@ -182,3 +217,3 @@ className : "",

* A function to individually process each URL/Email/Twitter/Phone match found in the input string.
* A function to individually process each match found in the input string.

@@ -192,4 +227,3 @@ * See the class's description for usage.

* @cfg {Autolinker.match.Match} replaceFn.match The Match instance which can be used to retrieve information about the
* {@link Autolinker.match.Url URL}/{@link Autolinker.match.Email email}/{@link Autolinker.match.Phone phone}/{@link Autolinker.match.Twitter Twitter}
* match that the `replaceFn` is currently processing.
* match that the `replaceFn` is currently processing. See {@link Autolinker.match.Match} subclasses for details.

@@ -211,3 +245,3 @@

* The MatchParser instance used to find URL/email/Twitter matches in the text nodes of an input string passed to
* The MatchParser instance used to find matches in the text nodes of an input string passed to
* {@link #link}. This is lazily instantiated in the {@link #getMatchParser} method.

@@ -221,3 +255,3 @@ */

* The AnchorTagBuilder instance used to build the URL/email/phone/Twitter replacement anchor tags. This is lazily instantiated
* The AnchorTagBuilder instance used to build match replacement anchor tags. Note: this is lazily instantiated
* in the {@link #getTagBuilder} method.

@@ -228,14 +262,19 @@ */

* Automatically links URLs, email addresses, phone numbers, and Twitter handles found in the given chunk of HTML.
* Does not link URLs found within HTML tags.
* Automatically links URLs, Email addresses, Phone numbers, Twitter
* handles, and Hashtags found in the given chunk of HTML. Does not link
* URLs found within HTML tags.
* For instance, if given the text: `You should go to`, then the result
* will be `You should go to &lt;a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;`
* For instance, if given the text: `You should go to`,
* then the result will be `You should go to
* &lt;a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;`
* This method finds the text around any HTML elements in the input `textOrHtml`, which will be the text that is processed.
* Any original HTML elements will be left as-is, as well as the text that is already wrapped in anchor (&lt;a&gt;) tags.
* This method finds the text around any HTML elements in the input
* `textOrHtml`, which will be the text that is processed. Any original HTML
* elements will be left as-is, as well as the text that is already wrapped
* in anchor (&lt;a&gt;) tags.
* @param {String} textOrHtml The HTML or text to link URLs, email addresses, phone numbers, and Twitter handles within (depending on if
* the {@link #urls}, {@link #email}, {@link #phone}, and {@link #twitter} options are enabled).
* @return {String} The HTML, with URLs/emails/phone#s/Twitter handles automatically linked.
* @param {String} textOrHtml The HTML or text to autolink matches within
* (depending on if the {@link #urls}, {@link #email}, {@link #phone},
* {@link #twitter}, and {@link #hashtags} options are enabled).
* @return {String} The HTML, with matches automatically linked.

@@ -286,6 +325,6 @@ link : function( textOrHtml ) {

* Process the text that lies in between HTML tags, performing the anchor tag replacements for matched
* URLs/emails/phone#s/Twitter handles, and returns the string with the replacements made.
* Process the text that lies in between HTML tags, performing the anchor tag replacements for
* the matches, and returns the string with the replacements made.
* This method does the actual wrapping of URLs/emails/phone#s/Twitter handles with anchor tags.
* This method does the actual wrapping of matches with anchor tags.

@@ -297,3 +336,3 @@ * @private

linkifyStr : function( str ) {
return this.getMatchParser().replace( str, this.createMatchReturnVal, this );
return this.getMatchParser().replace( str, this.createMatchReturnVal, this );

@@ -366,6 +405,7 @@

matchParser = this.matchParser = new Autolinker.matchParser.MatchParser( {
urls : this.urls,
email :,
twitter : this.twitter,
urls : this.urls,
email :,
twitter : this.twitter,
phone :,
hashtag : this.hashtag,
stripPrefix : this.stripPrefix

@@ -418,4 +458,5 @@ } );

* Automatically links URLs, email addresses, and Twitter handles found in the given chunk of HTML.
* Does not link URLs found within HTML tags.
* Automatically links URLs, Email addresses, Phone Numbers, Twitter handles,
* and Hashtags found in the given chunk of HTML. Does not link URLs found
* within HTML tags.

@@ -431,7 +472,7 @@ * For instance, if given the text: `You should go to`, then the result

* @static
* @param {String} textOrHtml The HTML or text to find URLs, email addresses, phone #s, and Twitter handles within (depending on if
* the {@link #urls}, {@link #email}, and {@link #twitter} options are enabled).
* @param {String} textOrHtml The HTML or text to find matches within (depending on if
* the {@link #urls}, {@link #email}, {@link #phone}, {@link #twitter}, and {@link #hashtags} options are enabled).
* @param {Object} [options] Any of the configuration options for the Autolinker class, specified in an Object (map).
* See the class description for an example call.
* @return {String} The HTML text, with URLs automatically linked
* @return {String} The HTML text, with matches automatically linked.

@@ -447,2 +488,2 @@ = function( textOrHtml, options ) {

Autolinker.htmlParser = {};
Autolinker.matchParser = {};
Autolinker.matchParser = {};

@@ -7,9 +7,8 @@ /*global Autolinker */

* Used by Autolinker to parse {@link #urls URLs}, {@link #emails email addresses},
* and {@link #twitter Twitter handles}, given an input string of text.
* Used by Autolinker to parse potential matches, given an input string of text.
* The MatchParser is fed a non-HTML string in order to search out URLs, email
* addresses and Twitter handles. Autolinker first uses the {@link HtmlParser}
* to "walk around" HTML tags, and then the text around the HTML tags is passed
* into the MatchParser in order to find the actual matches.
* The MatchParser is fed a non-HTML string in order to search for matches.
* Autolinker first uses the {@link HtmlParser} to "walk around" HTML tags,
* and then the text around the HTML tags is passed into the MatchParser in
* order to find the actual matches.

@@ -20,5 +19,3 @@ Autolinker.matchParser.MatchParser = Autolinker.Util.extend( Object, {

* @cfg {Boolean} urls
* `true` if miscellaneous URLs should be automatically linked, `false` if
* they should not.
* @inheritdoc Autolinker#urls

@@ -29,5 +26,3 @@ urls : true,

* @cfg {Boolean} email
* `true` if email addresses should be automatically linked, `false` if they
* should not.
* @inheritdoc Autolinker#email

@@ -38,5 +33,3 @@ email : true,

* @cfg {Boolean} twitter
* `true` if Twitter handles ("@example") should be automatically linked,
* `false` if they should not.
* @inheritdoc Autolinker#twitter

@@ -47,5 +40,3 @@ twitter : true,

* @cfg {Boolean} phone
* `true` if Phone numbers ("(555)555-5555") should be automatically linked,
* `false` if they should not.
* @inheritdoc Autolinker#phone

@@ -55,9 +46,10 @@ phone: true,

* @cfg {Boolean/String} hashtag
* @inheritdoc Autolinker#hashtag
hashtag : false,
* @cfg {Boolean} stripPrefix
* `true` if 'http://' or 'https://' and/or the 'www.' should be stripped
* from the beginning of URL links' text in {@link Autolinker.match.Url URL matches},
* `false` otherwise.
* TODO: Handle this before a URL Match object is instantiated.
* @inheritdoc Autolinker#stripPrefix

@@ -71,4 +63,4 @@ stripPrefix : true,

* The regular expression that matches URLs, email addresses, phone #s, and
* Twitter handles.
* The regular expression that matches URLs, email addresses, phone #s,
* Twitter handles, and Hashtags.

@@ -106,11 +98,23 @@ * This regular expression has the following capturing groups:

* next 3 groups give segments of the phone number.
* 10. Group that is used to determine if there is a Hashtag match
* (i.e. \#someHashtag). Simply check for its existence to determine if
* there is a Hashtag match. The next couple of capturing groups give
* information about the Hashtag match.
* 11. The whitespace character before the #sign in a Hashtag handle. This
* is needed because there are no look-behinds in JS regular
* expressions, and can be used to reconstruct the original string in a
* replace().
* 12. The Hashtag itself in a Hashtag match. If the match is
* '#someHashtag', the hashtag is 'someHashtag'.
matcherRegex : (function() {
var twitterRegex = /(^|[^\w])@(\w{1,15})/, // For matching a twitter handle. Ex: @gregory_jacobs
var twitterRegex = /(^|[^\w])@(\w{1,15})/, // For matching a twitter handle. Ex: @gregory_jacobs
emailRegex = /(?:[\-;:&=\+\$,\w\.]+@)/, // something@ for email addresses (a.k.a. local-part)
hashtagRegex = /(^|[^\w])#(\w{1,15})/, // For matching a Hashtag. Ex: #games
emailRegex = /(?:[\-;:&=\+\$,\w\.]+@)/, // something@ for email addresses (a.k.a. local-part)
phoneRegex = /(?:\+?\d{1,3}[-\s.])?\(?\d{3}\)?[-\s.]?\d{3}[-\s.]\d{4}/, // ex: (123) 456-7890, 123 456 7890, 123-456-7890, etc.
protocolRegex = /(?:[A-Za-z][-.+A-Za-z0-9]+:(?![A-Za-z][-.+A-Za-z0-9]+:\/\/)(?!\d+\/?)(?:\/\/)?)/, // match protocol, allow in format "http://" or "mailto:". However, do not match the first part of something like 'link:' (i.e. don't match "link:"). Also, make sure we don't interpret '' as if '' was a protocol here (i.e. ignore a trailing port number in this regex)
wwwRegex = /(?:www\.)/, // starting with 'www.'
domainNameRegex = /[A-Za-z0-9\.\-]*[A-Za-z0-9\-]/, // anything looking at all like a domain, non-unicode domains, not ending in a period
wwwRegex = /(?:www\.)/, // starting with 'www.'
domainNameRegex = /[A-Za-z0-9\.\-]*[A-Za-z0-9\-]/, // anything looking at all like a domain, non-unicode domains, not ending in a period
tldRegex = /\.(?:international|construction|contractors|enterprises|photography|productions|foundation|immobilien|industries|management|properties|technology|christmas|community|directory|education|equipment|institute|marketing|solutions|vacations|bargains|boutique|builders|catering|cleaning|clothing|computer|democrat|diamonds|graphics|holdings|lighting|partners|plumbing|supplies|training|ventures|academy|careers|company|cruises|domains|exposed|flights|florist|gallery|guitars|holiday|kitchen|neustar|okinawa|recipes|rentals|reviews|shiksha|singles|support|systems|agency|berlin|camera|center|coffee|condos|dating|estate|events|expert|futbol|kaufen|luxury|maison|monash|museum|nagoya|photos|repair|report|social|supply|tattoo|tienda|travel|viajes|villas|vision|voting|voyage|actor|build|cards|cheap|codes|dance|email|glass|house|mango|ninja|parts|photo|shoes|solar|today|tokyo|tools|watch|works|aero|arpa|asia|best|bike|blue|buzz|camp|club|cool|coop|farm|fish|gift|guru|info|jobs|kiwi|kred|land|limo|link|menu|mobi|moda|name|pics|pink|post|qpon|rich|ruhr|sexy|tips|vote|voto|wang|wien|wiki|zone|bar|bid|biz|cab|cat|ceo|com|edu|gov|int|kim|mil|net|onl|org|pro|pub|red|tel|uno|wed|xxx|xyz|ac|ad|ae|af|ag|ai|al|am|an|ao|aq|ar|as|at|au|aw|ax|az|ba|bb|bd|be|bf|bg|bh|bi|bj|bm|bn|bo|br|bs|bt|bv|bw|by|bz|ca|cc|cd|cf|cg|ch|ci|ck|cl|cm|cn|co|cr|cu|cv|cw|cx|cy|cz|de|dj|dk|dm|do|dz|ec|ee|eg|er|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fk|fm|fo|fr|ga|gb|gd|ge|gf|gg|gh|gi|gl|gm|gn|gp|gq|gr|gs|gt|gu|gw|gy|hk|hm|hn|hr|ht|hu|id|ie|il|im|in|io|iq|ir|is|it|je|jm|jo|jp|ke|kg|kh|ki|km|kn|kp|kr|kw|ky|kz|la|lb|lc|li|lk|lr|ls|lt|lu|lv|ly|ma|mc|md|me|mg|mh|mk|ml|mm|mn|mo|mp|mq|mr|ms|mt|mu|mv|mw|mx|my|mz|na|nc|ne|nf|ng|ni|nl|no|np|nr|nu|nz|om|pa|pe|pf|pg|ph|pk|pl|pm|pn|pr|ps|pt|pw|py|qa|re|ro|rs|ru|rw|sa|sb|sc|sd|se|sg|sh|si|sj|sk|sl|sm|sn|so|sr|st|su|sv|sx|sy|sz|tc|td|tf|tg|th|tj|tk|tl|tm|tn|to|tp|tr|tt|tv|tw|tz|ua|ug|uk|us|uy|uz|va|vc|ve|vg|vi|vn|vu|wf|ws|ye|yt|za|zm|zw)\b/, // match our known top level domains (TLDs)

@@ -172,2 +176,10 @@

'(', // *** Capturing group $10, which can be used to check for a Hashtag match. Use group $12 for the actual Hashtag though. $11 may be used to reconstruct the original string in a replace()
// *** Capturing group $11, which matches the whitespace character before the '#' sign (needed because of no lookbehinds), and
// *** Capturing group $12, which matches the actual Hashtag

@@ -210,5 +222,4 @@ ].join( "" ), 'gi' );

* Parses the input `text` to search for URLs/emails/Twitter handles, and
* calls the `replaceFn` to allow replacements of the matches. Returns the
* `text` with matches replaced.
* Parses the input `text` to search for matches, and calls the `replaceFn`
* to allow replacements of the matches. Returns the `text` with matches replaced.

@@ -226,7 +237,7 @@ * @param {String} text The text to search and repace matches in.

return text.replace( this.matcherRegex, function( matchStr, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9 ) {
var matchDescObj = me.processCandidateMatch( matchStr, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9 ); // "match description" object
return text.replace( this.matcherRegex, function( matchStr, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12 ) {
var matchDescObj = me.processCandidateMatch( matchStr, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12 ); // "match description" object
// Return out with no changes for match types that are disabled (url,
// email, phone, twitter), or for matches that are invalid (false
// email, phone, etc.), or for matches that are invalid (false
// positives from the matcherRegex, which can't use look-behinds

@@ -249,30 +260,53 @@ // since they are unavailable in JS).

* Not all matches found by the regex are actual URL/email/Twitter matches, as determined by the {@link #matchValidator}. In
* this case, the method returns `null`. Otherwise, a valid Object with `prefixStr`, `match`, and `suffixStr` is returned.
* Not all matches found by the regex are actual URL/Email/Phone/Twitter/Hashtag
* matches, as determined by the {@link #matchValidator}. In this case, the
* method returns `null`. Otherwise, a valid Object with `prefixStr`,
* `match`, and `suffixStr` is returned.
* @private
* @param {String} matchStr The full match that was found by the {@link #matcherRegex}.
* @param {String} twitterMatch The matched text of a Twitter handle, if the match is a Twitter match.
* @param {String} twitterHandlePrefixWhitespaceChar The whitespace char before the @ sign in a Twitter handle match. This
* is needed because of no lookbehinds in JS regexes, and is need to re-include the character for the anchor tag replacement.
* @param {String} twitterHandle The actual Twitter user (i.e the word after the @ sign in a Twitter match).
* @param {String} emailAddressMatch The matched email address for an email address match.
* @param {String} matchStr The full match that was found by the
* {@link #matcherRegex}.
* @param {String} twitterMatch The matched text of a Twitter handle, if the
* match is a Twitter match.
* @param {String} twitterHandlePrefixWhitespaceChar The whitespace char
* before the @ sign in a Twitter handle match. This is needed because of
* no lookbehinds in JS regexes, and is need to re-include the character
* for the anchor tag replacement.
* @param {String} twitterHandle The actual Twitter user (i.e the word after
* the @ sign in a Twitter match).
* @param {String} emailAddressMatch The matched email address for an email
* address match.
* @param {String} urlMatch The matched URL string for a URL match.
* @param {String} protocolUrlMatch The match URL string for a protocol match. Ex: ''. This is used to match
* something like 'http://localhost', where we won't double check that the domain name has at least one '.' in it.
* @param {String} wwwProtocolRelativeMatch The '//' for a protocol-relative match from a 'www' url, with the character that
* @param {String} protocolUrlMatch The match URL string for a protocol
* match. Ex: ''. This is used to match something like
* 'http://localhost', where we won't double check that the domain name
* has at least one '.' in it.
* @param {String} wwwProtocolRelativeMatch The '//' for a protocol-relative
* match from a 'www' url, with the character that comes before the '//'.
* @param {String} tldProtocolRelativeMatch The '//' for a protocol-relative
* match from a TLD (top level domain) match, with the character that
* comes before the '//'.
* @param {String} tldProtocolRelativeMatch The '//' for a protocol-relative match from a TLD (top level domain) match, with
* the character that comes before the '//'.
* @param {String} phoneMatch The matched text of a phone number
* @param {String} hashtagMatch The matched text of a Twitter
* Hashtag, if the match is a Hashtag match.
* @param {String} hashtagPrefixWhitespaceChar The whitespace char
* before the # sign in a Hashtag match. This is needed because of no
* lookbehinds in JS regexes, and is need to re-include the character for
* the anchor tag replacement.
* @param {String} hashtag The actual Hashtag (i.e the word
* after the # sign in a Hashtag match).
* @return {Object} A "match description object". This will be `null` if the match was invalid, or if a match type is disabled.
* Otherwise, this will be an Object (map) with the following properties:
* @return {String} return.prefixStr The char(s) that should be prepended to the replacement string. These are char(s) that
* were needed to be included from the regex match that were ignored by processing code, and should be re-inserted into
* the replacement stream.
* @return {String} return.suffixStr The char(s) that should be appended to the replacement string. These are char(s) that
* were needed to be included from the regex match that were ignored by processing code, and should be re-inserted into
* the replacement stream.
* @return {Autolinker.match.Match} return.match The Match object that represents the match that was found.
* @return {Object} A "match description object". This will be `null` if the
* match was invalid, or if a match type is disabled. Otherwise, this will
* be an Object (map) with the following properties:
* @return {String} return.prefixStr The char(s) that should be prepended to
* the replacement string. These are char(s) that were needed to be
* included from the regex match that were ignored by processing code, and
* should be re-inserted into the replacement stream.
* @return {String} return.suffixStr The char(s) that should be appended to
* the replacement string. These are char(s) that were needed to be
* included from the regex match that were ignored by processing code, and
* should be re-inserted into the replacement stream.
* @return {Autolinker.match.Match} return.match The Match object that
* represents the match that was found.

@@ -282,3 +316,5 @@ processCandidateMatch : function(

emailAddressMatch, urlMatch, protocolUrlMatch, wwwProtocolRelativeMatch,
tldProtocolRelativeMatch, phoneMatch ) {
tldProtocolRelativeMatch, phoneMatch, hashtagMatch,
hashtagPrefixWhitespaceChar, hashtag
) {
// Note: The `matchStr` variable wil be fixed up to remove characters that are no longer needed (which will

@@ -290,9 +326,13 @@ // be added to `prefixStr` and `suffixStr`).

prefixStr = "", // A string to use to prefix the anchor tag that is created. This is needed for the Twitter handle match
suffixStr = ""; // A string to suffix the anchor tag that is created. This is used if there is a trailing parenthesis that should not be auto-linked.
prefixStr = "", // A string to use to prefix the anchor tag that is created. This is needed for the Twitter and Hashtag matches.
suffixStr = ""; // A string to suffix the anchor tag that is created. This is used if there is a trailing parenthesis that should not be auto-linked.
// Return out with `null` for match types that are disabled (url, email, twitter), or for matches that are
// Return out with `null` for match types that are disabled (url, email, twitter, hashtag), or for matches that are
// invalid (false positives from the matcherRegex, which can't use look-behinds since they are unavailable in JS).
( twitterMatch && !this.twitter ) || ( emailAddressMatch && ! ) || ( urlMatch && !this.urls ) || (phoneMatch && ! ||
( urlMatch && !this.urls ) ||
( emailAddressMatch && ! ) ||
( phoneMatch && ! ) ||
( twitterMatch && !this.twitter ) ||
( hashtagMatch && !this.hashtag ) ||
!this.matchValidator.isValidMatch( urlMatch, protocolUrlMatch, protocolRelativeMatch )

@@ -322,3 +362,3 @@ ) {

} else if ( phoneMatch ) {
} else if( phoneMatch ) {
// remove non-numeric values from phone number string

@@ -328,2 +368,11 @@ var cleanNumber = matchStr.replace( /\D/g, '' );

} else if( hashtagMatch ) {
// fix up the `matchStr` if there was a preceding whitespace char, which was needed to determine the match
// itself (since there are no look-behinds in JS regexes)
if( hashtagPrefixWhitespaceChar ) {
prefixStr = hashtagPrefixWhitespaceChar;
matchStr = matchStr.slice( 1 ); // remove the prefixed whitespace char from the match
match = new Autolinker.match.Hashtag( { matchedText: matchStr, serviceName: this.hashtag, hashtag: hashtag } );
} else { // url match

@@ -342,7 +391,7 @@ // If it's a protocol-relative '//' match, remove the character before the '//' (which the matcherRegex needed

match = new Autolinker.match.Url( {
matchedText : matchStr,
url : matchStr,
protocolUrlMatch : !!protocolUrlMatch,
matchedText : matchStr,
url : matchStr,
protocolUrlMatch : !!protocolUrlMatch,
protocolRelativeMatch : !!protocolRelativeMatch,
stripPrefix : this.stripPrefix
stripPrefix : this.stripPrefix
} );

@@ -391,2 +440,2 @@ }

} );
} );

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