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axios-cache-interceptor - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.1 to 1.1.0




@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"object"==typeof module?module.exports=t():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define([],t):"object"==typeof exports?exports.AxiosCacheInterceptor=t():e.AxiosCacheInterceptor=t()}("undefined"!=typeof self?self:this,(()=>(()=>{"use strict";var e={d:(t,a)=>{for(var r in a)e.o(a,r)&&!e.o(t,r)&&Object.defineProperty(t,r,{enumerable:!0,get:a[r]})},o:(e,t)=>,t),r:e=>{"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(e,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})}},t={};e.r(t),e.d(t,{Header:()=>i,buildKeyGenerator:()=>A,buildMemoryStorage:()=>x,buildStorage:()=>w,buildWebStorage:()=>O,canStale:()=>b,createCacheResponse:()=>f,createValidateStatus:()=>d,defaultHeaderInterpreter:()=>s,defaultKeyGenerator:()=>j,defaultRequestInterceptor:()=>g,defaultResponseInterceptor:()=>m,isExpired:()=>y,isMethodIn:()=>u,isStorage:()=>v,setupCache:()=>E,testCachePredicate:()=>h,updateCache:()=>p,updateStaleRequest:()=>l});var a=Symbol("cache-parser");function r(e){return("string"==typeof e||"number"==typeof e)&&(e=Number(e))>=0&&e<1/0}function n(e){return!0===e||"number"==typeof e||"string"==typeof e&&"false"!==e}var o=Number;const i=Object.freeze({IfModifiedSince:"if-modified-since",LastModified:"last-modified",IfNoneMatch:"if-none-match",CacheControl:"cache-control",Pragma:"pragma",ETag:"etag",Expires:"expires",Age:"age",XAxiosCacheEtag:"x-axios-cache-etag",XAxiosCacheLastModified:"x-axios-cache-last-modified",XAxiosCacheStaleIfError:"x-axios-cache-stale-if-error"}),s=e=>{if(!e)return"not enough headers";const t=e[i.CacheControl];if(t){const{noCache:s,noStore:c,mustRevalidate:d,maxAge:u,immutable:l}=function(e){var t=Object.defineProperty({},a,{enumerable:!1,value:1});if(!e||"string"!=typeof e)return t;var i=function(e){var t={},a=e.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g,"").split(",");for(var r in a){var n,o=a[r].split("=",2);t[o[0]]=null==(n=o[1])||n}return t}(e),s=i["max-age"],c=i["max-stale"],d=i["min-fresh"],u=i["s-maxage"],l=i["stale-if-error"],f=i["stale-while-revalidate"];return n(i.immutable)&&(t.immutable=!0),r(s)&&(t.maxAge=o(s)),r(c)&&(t.maxStale=o(c)),r(d)&&(t.minFresh=o(d)),n(i["must-revalidate"])&&(t.mustRevalidate=!0),n(i["must-understand"])&&(t.mustUnderstand=!0),n(i["no-cache"])&&(t.noCache=!0),n(i["no-store"])&&(t.noStore=!0),n(i["no-transform"])&&(t.noTransform=!0),n(i["only-if-cached"])&&(t.onlyIfCached=!0),n(i.private)&&(t.private=!0),n(i["proxy-revalidate"])&&(t.proxyRevalidate=!0),n(i.public)&&(t.public=!0),r(u)&&(t.sMaxAge=o(u)),r(l)&&(t.staleIfError=o(l)),r(f)&&(t.staleWhileRevalidate=o(f)),t}(String(t));if(s||c)return"dont cache";if(l)return 31536e6;if(d)return 0;if(void 0!==u){const t=e[i.Age];return t?1e3*(u-Number(t)):1e3*u}}const s=e[i.Expires];if(s){const e=Date.parse(String(s));return e>=0?e:"dont cache"}return"not enough headers"};var c=Symbol();function d(e){return e?t=>e(t)||304===t:e=>e>=200&&e<300||304===e}function u(e="get",t=[]){return e=e.toLowerCase(),t.some((t=>t===e))}function l(e,t){var a;t.headers||(t.headers={});const{etag:r,modifiedSince:n}=t.cache;if(r){const n=!0===r?null===(||void 0===a?void 0:a.headers[i.ETag]:r;n&&(t.headers[i.IfNoneMatch]=n)}n&&(t.headers[i.IfModifiedSince]=!0===n?[i.LastModified]||new Date(e.createdAt).toUTCString():n.toUTCString())}function f(e,t){return 304===e.status&&t?(e.cached=!0,,e.status=t.status,e.statusText=t.statusText,e.headers=Object.assign(Object.assign({},t.headers),e.headers),t):{,status:e.status,statusText:e.statusText,headers:e.headers}}function g(e){const t=async t=>{var a,r,n,o,s,f,g,h,p,m,v,b,y,w,x,S,C;const;if(!1===t.cache)return null===(a=e.debug)||void 0===a||,{msg:"Ignoring cache because config.cache === false",data:t}),t;if(t.cache=Object.assign(Object.assign({},e.defaults.cache),t.cache),t.cache.cacheTakeover&&(null!==(r=(b=t.headers)[y=i.CacheControl])&&void 0!==r||(b[y]="no-cache"),null!==(n=(w=t.headers)[x=i.Pragma])&&void 0!==n||(w[x]="no-cache"),null!==(o=(S=t.headers)[C=i.Expires])&&void 0!==o||(S[C]="0")),!u(t.method,t.cache.methods))return null===(s=e.debug)||void 0===s||,{msg:`Ignored because method (${t.method}) is not in cache.methods (${t.cache.methods})`}),t;let A=await,t);const j=t.cache.override;e:if("empty"===A.state||"stale"===A.state||j){if(e.waiting[I]&&!j&&(A=await,t),"empty"!==A.state)){null===(f=e.debug)||void 0===f||,{id:I,msg:"Waiting list had an deferred for this key, waiting for it to finish"});break e}return e.waiting[I]=function(){var e,t,a=new Promise((function(a,r){e=a,t=r}));return a.resolve=e,a.reject=t,a[c]=1,a}(),e.waiting[I].catch((()=>{})),await,{state:"loading",previous:j?"stale":"empty":A.state,,createdAt:j&&!A.createdAt?},t),"stale"===A.state&&(l(A,t),null===(g=e.debug)||void 0===g||,{id:I,msg:"Updated stale request"})),t.validateStatus=d(t.validateStatus),null===(h=e.debug)||void 0===h||,{id:I,msg:"Sending request, waiting for response",data:{overrideCache:j,state:A.state}}),t}let E;if("loading"===A.state){const a=e.waiting[I];if(!a)return await,t),t;null===(p=e.debug)||void 0===p||,{id:I,msg:"Detected concurrent request, waiting for it to finish"});try{E=await a}catch(a){return null===(m=e.debug)||void 0===m||,{id:I,msg:"Deferred rejected, requesting again",data:a}),t}}else;return t.adapter=()=>Promise.resolve({config:t,,headers:E.headers,status:E.status,statusText:E.statusText,cached:!0,id:I}),null===(v=e.debug)||void 0===v||,{id:I,msg:"Returning cached response"}),t};return{onFulfilled:t,apply:()=>e.interceptors.request.use(t)}}async function h(e,t){var a;if("function"==typeof t)return t(e);const{statusCheck:r,responseMatch:n,containsHeaders:o}=t;if(r&&!await r(e.status)||n&&!await n(e))return!1;if(o)for(const[t,r]of Object.entries(o))if(!await r(null!==(a=e.headers[t.toLowerCase()])&&void 0!==a?a:e.headers[t]))return!1;return!0}async function p(e,t,a){if("function"==typeof a)return a(t);for(const[r,n]of Object.entries(a)){if("delete"===n){await e.remove(r,t.config);continue}const a=await e.get(r,t.config);if("loading"===a.state)continue;const o=await n(a,t);"delete"!==o?"ignore"!==o&&await e.set(r,o,t.config):await e.remove(r,t.config)}}function m(e){const t=async(t,a)=>{var r;await,a),null===(r=e.waiting[t])||void 0===r||r.reject(),delete e.waiting[t]},a=async a=>{var r,n,o,s,c,d,l,g,m,v,b,y;const!==(r=(y=a.config).id)&&void 0!==r?;if(null!==(n=a.cached)&&void 0!==n||(a.cached=!1),a.cached)return null===(o=e.debug)||void 0===o||,{id:w,msg:"Returned cached response"}),a;const x=a.config,S=x.cache;if(!S)return null===(s=e.debug)||void 0===s||,{id:w,msg:"Response with config.cache falsy",data:a}),Object.assign(Object.assign({},a),{cached:!1});if(S.update&&await p(,a,S.update),!u(x.method,S.methods))return null===(c=e.debug)||void 0===c||,{id:w,msg:`Ignored because method (${x.method}) is not in cache.methods (${S.methods})`,data:{config:x,cacheConfig:S}}),a;const C=await,x);if("loading"!==C.state)return null===(d=e.debug)||void 0===d||,{id:w,msg:"Response not cached and storage isn't loading",data:{cache:C,response:a}}),a;if(!!await h(a,S.cachePredicate))return await t(w,x),null===(l=e.debug)||void 0===l||,{id:w,msg:"Cache predicate rejected this response"}),a;for(const e of Object.keys(a.headers))e.startsWith("x-axios-cache")&&delete a.headers[e];S.etag&&!0!==S.etag&&(a.headers[i.XAxiosCacheEtag]=S.etag),S.modifiedSince&&(a.headers[i.XAxiosCacheLastModified]=!0===S.modifiedSince?"use-cache-timestamp":S.modifiedSince.toUTCString());let I=S.ttl||-1;if(S.interpretHeader){const r=e.headerInterpreter(a.headers);if("dont cache"===r)return await t(w,x),null===(g=e.debug)||void 0===g||,{id:w,msg:"Cache header interpreted as 'dont cache'",data:{cache:C,response:a,expirationTime:r}}),a;I="not enough headers"===r?I:r}const A=f(a,;"function"==typeof I&&(I=await I(a)),S.staleIfError&&(a.headers[i.XAxiosCacheStaleIfError]=String(I)),null===(m=e.debug)||void 0===m||,{id:w,msg:"Useful response configuration found",data:{cacheConfig:S,cacheResponse:A}});const j={state:"cached",ttl:I,,data:A},E=e.waiting[w];return E&&(E.resolve(,delete e.waiting[w],null===(v=e.debug)||void 0===v||,{id:w,msg:"Found waiting deferred(s) and resolved them"})),await,j,x),null===(b=e.debug)||void 0===b||,{id:w,msg:"Response cached",data:{cache:j,response:a}}),a},r=async a=>{var r,n,o,i,s,c,d;const l=a.config,,g=l.cache;if(!g||!f)throw null===(r=e.debug)||void 0===r||,{msg:"Web request returned an error but cache handling is not enabled",data:{error:a}}),a;if(!u(l.method,g.methods))throw null===(n=e.debug)||void 0===n||,{id:f,msg:`Ignored because method (${l.method}) is not in cache.methods (${g.methods})`,data:{config:l,cacheConfig:g}}),a;const h=await,l);if("loading"!==h.state||"stale"!==h.previous)throw await t(f,l),null===(o=e.debug)||void 0===o||,{id:f,msg:"Caught an error in the request interceptor",data:{error:a,config:l}}),a;if(g.staleIfError){const t="function"==typeof g.staleIfError?await g.staleIfError(a.response,h,a):g.staleIfError;if(null===(i=e.debug)||void 0===i||,{id:f,msg:"Found cache if stale config for rejected response",data:{error:a,config:l,staleIfError:t}}),!0===t||"number"==typeof t&&h.createdAt+t> null===(s=e.waiting[f])||void 0===s||s.resolve(,delete e.waiting[f],await,{state:"stale",,},l),null===(c=e.debug)||void 0===c||,{id:f,msg:"staleIfError resolved this response with cached data",data:{error:a,config:l,cache:h}}),{cached:!0,config:l,id:f,,,,}}throw null===(d=e.debug)||void 0===d||,{id:f,msg:"Received an unknown error that could not be handled",data:{error:a,config:l}}),a};return{onFulfilled:a,onRejected:r,apply:()=>e.interceptors.response.use(a,r)}}const v=e=>!!e&&!!e["is-storage"];function b(e){const;return i.ETag in t||i.LastModified in t||i.XAxiosCacheEtag in t||i.XAxiosCacheStaleIfError in t||i.XAxiosCacheLastModified in t}function y(e){return e.createdAt+e.ttl<}function w({set:e,find:t,remove:a}){return{"is-storage":1,set:e,remove:a,get:async(r,n)=>{const o=await t(r,n);if(!o)return{state:"empty"};if("cached"!==o.state||!y(o))return o;if(b(o)){const t={state:"stale",createdAt:o.createdAt,};return await e(r,t,n),t}return await a(r,n),{state:"empty"}}}}function x(e=!1){const t=w({set:(e,a)=>{[e]=a},remove:e=>{delete[e]},find:a=>{const[a];return e&&void 0!==r?"function"==typeof structuredClone?structuredClone(r):JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(r)):r}});return,t}function S(e){var t=typeof e;if(e&&"object"===t&&!(e instanceof Date||e instanceof RegExp)){for(var a=Array.isArray(e)?[]:{},r=Object.keys(e).sort((function(e,t){return e>t?1:-1})),n=r.length;n--;){var o=r[n];a[o]=S(e[o])}return String(e.constructor)+JSON.stringify(a,r)}return t+String(e)}function C(e){e=S(e);for(var t=5381,a=0;a<e.length;)t=33*t^e.charCodeAt(a++);return t}const I=/^\/|\/$/g;function A(e){return t=>{if(;const a=e(t);return"string"==typeof a||"number"==typeof a?`${a}`:`${C(a)}`}}const j=A((({baseURL:e="",url:t="",method:a="get",params:r,data:n})=>(e&&(e=e.replace(I,"")),t&&(t=t.replace(I,"")),a&&(a=a.toLowerCase()),{url:e+(e&&t?"/":"")+t,params:r,method:a,data:n})));function E(e,t={}){var a,r,n,o,i,c;const d=e;if(d.defaults.cache)throw new Error("setupCache() should be called only once");if(||x(),!v( new Error("Use buildStorage() function");return d.waiting=t.waiting||{},d.generateKey=t.generateKey||j,d.headerInterpreter=t.headerInterpreter||s,d.requestInterceptor=t.requestInterceptor||g(d),d.responseInterceptor=t.responseInterceptor||m(d),d.debug=t.debug,d.defaults.cache={update:t.update||{},ttl:null!==(a=t.ttl)&&void 0!==a?a:3e5,methods:t.methods||["get"],cachePredicate:t.cachePredicate||{statusCheck:e=>e>=200&&e<400},etag:null===(r=t.etag)||void 0===r||r,modifiedSince:null!==(n=t.modifiedSince)&&void 0!==n?n:!1===t.etag,interpretHeader:null===(o=t.interpretHeader)||void 0===o||o,cacheTakeover:null===(i=t.cacheTakeover)||void 0===i||i,staleIfError:null===(c=t.staleIfError)||void 0===c||c,override:!1},d.requestInterceptor.apply(),d.responseInterceptor.apply(),d}function O(e,t="axios-cache-"){return w({find:a=>{const r=e.getItem(t+a);return r?JSON.parse(r):void 0},remove:a=>{e.removeItem(t+a)},set:(a,r)=>{const n=()=>e.setItem(t+a,JSON.stringify(r));try{return n()}catch(r){const o=Object.entries(e).filter((e=>e[0].startsWith(t))).map((e=>[e[0],JSON.parse(e[1])]));for(const t of o)"cached"===t[1].state&&y(t[1])&&!b(t[1])&&e.removeItem(t[0]);try{return n()}catch(t){const a=o.sort(((e,t)=>(e[1].createdAt||0)-(t[1].createdAt||0)));for(const t of a){e.removeItem(t[0]);try{return n()}catch(e){}}}e.removeItem(t+a)}}})}return console.error("You are using a development build. Make sure to use the correct build in production\n\n\n"),t})()));
!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"object"==typeof module?module.exports=t():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define([],t):"object"==typeof exports?exports.AxiosCacheInterceptor=t():e.AxiosCacheInterceptor=t()}("undefined"!=typeof self?self:this,(()=>(()=>{"use strict";var e={d:(t,a)=>{for(var r in a)e.o(a,r)&&!e.o(t,r)&&Object.defineProperty(t,r,{enumerable:!0,get:a[r]})},o:(e,t)=>,t),r:e=>{"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(e,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})}},t={};e.r(t),e.d(t,{Header:()=>s,buildKeyGenerator:()=>E,buildMemoryStorage:()=>S,buildStorage:()=>C,buildWebStorage:()=>R,canStale:()=>w,createCacheResponse:()=>h,createValidateStatus:()=>l,defaultHeaderInterpreter:()=>c,defaultKeyGenerator:()=>O,defaultRequestInterceptor:()=>g,defaultResponseInterceptor:()=>v,isExpired:()=>x,isMethodIn:()=>u,isStorage:()=>b,setupCache:()=>T,testCachePredicate:()=>p,updateCache:()=>m,updateStaleRequest:()=>f});var a=Symbol("cache-parser");function r(e){return("string"==typeof e||"number"==typeof e)&&(e=Number(e))>=0&&e<1/0}function o(e){return!0===e||"number"==typeof e||"string"==typeof e&&"false"!==e}var n=Number;function i(e){var t=Object.defineProperty({},a,{enumerable:!1,value:1});if(!e||"string"!=typeof e)return t;var i=function(e){var t={},a=e.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g,"").split(",");for(var r in a){var o,n=a[r].split("=",2);t[n[0]]=null==(o=n[1])||o}return t}(e),s=i["max-age"],c=i["max-stale"],d=i["min-fresh"],l=i["s-maxage"],u=i["stale-if-error"],f=i["stale-while-revalidate"];return o(i.immutable)&&(t.immutable=!0),r(s)&&(t.maxAge=n(s)),r(c)&&(t.maxStale=n(c)),r(d)&&(t.minFresh=n(d)),o(i["must-revalidate"])&&(t.mustRevalidate=!0),o(i["must-understand"])&&(t.mustUnderstand=!0),o(i["no-cache"])&&(t.noCache=!0),o(i["no-store"])&&(t.noStore=!0),o(i["no-transform"])&&(t.noTransform=!0),o(i["only-if-cached"])&&(t.onlyIfCached=!0),o(i.private)&&(t.private=!0),o(i["proxy-revalidate"])&&(t.proxyRevalidate=!0),o(i.public)&&(t.public=!0),r(l)&&(t.sMaxAge=n(l)),r(u)&&(t.staleIfError=n(u)),r(f)&&(t.staleWhileRevalidate=n(f)),t}const s=Object.freeze({IfModifiedSince:"if-modified-since",LastModified:"last-modified",IfNoneMatch:"if-none-match",CacheControl:"cache-control",Pragma:"pragma",ETag:"etag",Expires:"expires",Age:"age",XAxiosCacheEtag:"x-axios-cache-etag",XAxiosCacheLastModified:"x-axios-cache-last-modified",XAxiosCacheStaleIfError:"x-axios-cache-stale-if-error"}),c=e=>{if(!e)return"not enough headers";const t=e[s.CacheControl];if(t){const{noCache:a,noStore:r,maxAge:o,immutable:n,staleWhileRevalidate:c}=i(String(t));if(a||r)return"dont cache";if(n)return{cache:31536e6};if(void 0!==o){const t=e[s.Age];return{cache:t?1e3*(o-Number(t)):1e3*o,stale:void 0!==c?1e3*c:0}}}const a=e[s.Expires];if(a){const e=Date.parse(String(a));return e>=0?{cache:e}:"dont cache"}return"not enough headers"};var d=Symbol();function l(e){return e?t=>e(t)||304===t:e=>e>=200&&e<300||304===e}function u(e="get",t=[]){return e=e.toLowerCase(),t.some((t=>t===e))}function f(e,t){var a;t.headers||(t.headers={});const{etag:r,modifiedSince:o}=t.cache;if(r){const o=!0===r?null===(||void 0===a?void 0:a.headers[s.ETag]:r;o&&(t.headers[s.IfNoneMatch]=o)}o&&(t.headers[s.IfModifiedSince]=!0===o?[s.LastModified]||new Date(e.createdAt).toUTCString():o.toUTCString())}function h(e,t){return 304===e.status&&t?(e.cached=!0,,e.status=t.status,e.statusText=t.statusText,e.headers=Object.assign(Object.assign({},t.headers),e.headers),t):{,status:e.status,statusText:e.statusText,headers:e.headers}}function g(e){const t=async t=>{var a,r,o,n,i,c,h,g,p,m,v,b,y,w,x,C,S,I,A,j,E,O,T;const;if(!1===t.cache)return null===(a=e.debug)||void 0===a||,{msg:"Ignoring cache because config.cache === false",data:t}),t;if(t.cache=Object.assign(Object.assign({},e.defaults.cache),t.cache),t.cache.cacheTakeover&&(null!==(r=(I=t.headers)[A=s.CacheControl])&&void 0!==r||(I[A]="no-cache"),null!==(o=(j=t.headers)[E=s.Pragma])&&void 0!==o||(j[E]="no-cache"),null!==(n=(O=t.headers)[T=s.Expires])&&void 0!==n||(O[T]="0")),!u(t.method,t.cache.methods))return null===(i=e.debug)||void 0===i||,{msg:`Ignored because method (${t.method}) is not in cache.methods (${t.cache.methods})`}),t;let M=await,t);const k=t.cache.override;e:if("empty"===M.state||"stale"===M.state||k){if(e.waiting[R]&&!k&&(M=await,t),"empty"!==M.state)){null===(c=e.debug)||void 0===c||,{id:R,msg:"Waiting list had an deferred for this key, waiting for it to finish"});break e}return e.waiting[R]=function(){var e,t,a=new Promise((function(a,r){e=a,t=r}));return a.resolve=e,a.reject=t,a[d]=1,a}(),e.waiting[R].catch((()=>{})),await,{state:"loading",previous:k?"stale":"empty":M.state,,createdAt:k&&!M.createdAt?},t),"stale"===M.state&&(f(M,t),null===(h=e.debug)||void 0===h||,{id:R,msg:"Updated stale request"})),t.validateStatus=l(t.validateStatus),null===(g=e.debug)||void 0===g||,{id:R,msg:"Sending request, waiting for response",data:{overrideCache:k,state:M.state}}),("stale"===M.state||||void 0===m?void,M)),t}let P;if("loading"===M.state){const a=e.waiting[R];if(!a)return await,t),||void 0===b?void,M)),t;null===(y=e.debug)||void 0===y||,{id:R,msg:"Detected concurrent request, waiting for it to finish"});try{P=await a}catch(a){return null===(w=e.debug)||void 0===w||,{id:R,msg:"Deferred rejected, requesting again",data:a}),||void 0===C?void,M)),t}}else;return t.adapter=()=>Promise.resolve({config:t,,headers:P.headers,status:P.status,statusText:P.statusText,cached:!0,id:R}),null===(S=e.debug)||void 0===S||,{id:R,msg:"Returning cached response"}),t};return{onFulfilled:t,apply:()=>e.interceptors.request.use(t)}}async function p(e,t){var a;if("function"==typeof t)return t(e);const{statusCheck:r,responseMatch:o,containsHeaders:n}=t;if(r&&!await r(e.status)||o&&!await o(e))return!1;if(n)for(const[t,r]of Object.entries(n))if(!await r(null!==(a=e.headers[t.toLowerCase()])&&void 0!==a?a:e.headers[t]))return!1;return!0}async function m(e,t,a){if("function"==typeof a)return a(t);for(const[r,o]of Object.entries(a)){if("delete"===o){await e.remove(r,t.config);continue}const a=await e.get(r,t.config);if("loading"===a.state)continue;const n=await o(a,t);"delete"!==n?"ignore"!==n&&await e.set(r,n,t.config):await e.remove(r,t.config)}}function v(e){const t=async(t,a)=>{var r;await,a),null===(r=e.waiting[t])||void 0===r||r.reject(),delete e.waiting[t]},a=async a=>{var r,o,n,i,c,d,l,f,g,v,b,y,w;if(!a.config)throw null===(r=e.debug)||void 0===r||,{msg:"Response interceptor received an unknown response.",data:a}),a;const!==(o=(w=a.config).id)&&void 0!==o?;if(null!==(n=a.cached)&&void 0!==n||(a.cached=!1),a.cached)return null===(i=e.debug)||void 0===i||,{id:x,msg:"Returned cached response"}),a;const C=a.config,S=C.cache;if(!S)return null===(c=e.debug)||void 0===c||,{id:x,msg:"Response with config.cache falsy",data:a}),Object.assign(Object.assign({},a),{cached:!1});if(S.update&&await m(,a,S.update),!u(C.method,S.methods))return null===(d=e.debug)||void 0===d||,{id:x,msg:`Ignored because method (${C.method}) is not in cache.methods (${S.methods})`,data:{config:C,cacheConfig:S}}),a;const I=await,C);if("loading"!==I.state)return null===(l=e.debug)||void 0===l||,{id:x,msg:"Response not cached and storage isn't loading",data:{cache:I,response:a}}),a;if(!!await p(a,S.cachePredicate))return await t(x,C),null===(f=e.debug)||void 0===f||,{id:x,msg:"Cache predicate rejected this response"}),a;for(const e of Object.keys(a.headers))e.startsWith("x-axios-cache")&&delete a.headers[e];S.etag&&!0!==S.etag&&(a.headers[s.XAxiosCacheEtag]=S.etag),S.modifiedSince&&(a.headers[s.XAxiosCacheLastModified]=!0===S.modifiedSince?"use-cache-timestamp":S.modifiedSince.toUTCString());let A,j=S.ttl||-1;if(S.interpretHeader){const r=e.headerInterpreter(a.headers);if("dont cache"===r)return await t(x,C),null===(g=e.debug)||void 0===g||,{id:x,msg:"Cache header interpreted as 'dont cache'",data:{cache:I,response:a,expirationTime:r}}),a;"not enough headers"!==r&&("number"==typeof r?j=r:(j=r.cache,A=r.stale))}const E=h(a,;"function"==typeof j&&(j=await j(a)),S.staleIfError&&(a.headers[s.XAxiosCacheStaleIfError]=String(j)),null===(v=e.debug)||void 0===v||,{id:x,msg:"Useful response configuration found",data:{cacheConfig:S,cacheResponse:E}});const O={state:"cached",ttl:j,staleTtl:A,,data:E},T=e.waiting[x];return T&&(T.resolve(,delete e.waiting[x],null===(b=e.debug)||void 0===b||,{id:x,msg:"Found waiting deferred(s) and resolved them"})),await,O,C),null===(y=e.debug)||void 0===y||,{id:x,msg:"Response cached",data:{cache:O,response:a}}),a},r=async a=>{var r,o,n,c,d,l,f;const h=a.config,,p=h.cache,m=a.response;if(!p||!g)throw null===(r=e.debug)||void 0===r||,{msg:"Web request returned an error but cache handling is not enabled",data:{error:a}}),a;if(!u(h.method,p.methods))throw null===(o=e.debug)||void 0===o||,{id:g,msg:`Ignored because method (${h.method}) is not in cache.methods (${p.methods})`,data:{config:h,cacheConfig:p}}),a;const v=await,h);if("loading"!==v.state||"stale"!==v.previous)throw await t(g,h),null===(n=e.debug)||void 0===n||,{id:g,msg:"Caught an error in the request interceptor",data:{cache:v,error:a,config:h}}),a;if(p.staleIfError){const t=String(null==m?void 0:m.headers[s.CacheControl]),r=t&&i(t).staleIfError,o="function"==typeof p.staleIfError?await p.staleIfError(m,v,a):!0===p.staleIfError&&r?1e3*r:p.staleIfError;if(null===(c=e.debug)||void 0===c||,{id:g,msg:"Found cache if stale config for rejected response",data:{error:a,config:h,staleIfError:o}}),!0===o||"number"==typeof o&&v.createdAt+o> null===(d=e.waiting[g])||void 0===d||d.resolve(,delete e.waiting[g],await,{state:"stale",,},h),null===(l=e.debug)||void 0===l||,{id:g,msg:"staleIfError resolved this response with cached data",data:{error:a,config:h,cache:v}}),{cached:!0,config:h,id:g,,,,}}throw null===(f=e.debug)||void 0===f||,{id:g,msg:"Received an unknown error that could not be handled",data:{error:a,config:h}}),a};return{onFulfilled:a,onRejected:r,apply:()=>e.interceptors.response.use(a,r)}}const b=e=>!!e&&!!e["is-storage"];function y(e){const;return s.ETag in t||s.LastModified in t||s.XAxiosCacheEtag in t||s.XAxiosCacheLastModified in t}function w(e){return!String([s.CacheControl]).includes("must-revalidate")&&(!!y(e)||"cached"===e.state&&void 0!==e.staleTtl&&e.createdAt+e.ttl+e.staleTtl<}function x(e){return void 0!==e.ttl&&e.createdAt+e.ttl<}function C({set:e,find:t,remove:a}){return{"is-storage":1,set:e,remove:a,get:async(r,o)=>{let n=await t(r,o);if(!n)return{state:"empty"};if("empty"===n.state||"loading"===n.state)return n;if("cached"===n.state){if(!x(n))return n;if(!w(n))return await a(r,o),{state:"empty"};n={state:"stale",createdAt:n.createdAt,,ttl:void 0!==n.staleTtl?n.staleTtl+n.ttl:void 0},await e(r,n,o)}return x(n)?y(n)?n:(await a(r,o),{state:"empty"}):n}}}function S(e=!1,t=!1){const a=C({set:(e,t)=>{[e]=t},remove:e=>{delete[e]},find:t=>{const[t];return e&&void 0!==r?"function"==typeof structuredClone?structuredClone(r):JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(r)):r}});return,t&&(a.cleaner=setInterval((()=>{const e=Object.keys(;let t,r,o=-1;for(;++o<e.length;)r=e[o],[r],"empty"!==t.state?"cached"===t.state&&x(t)&&!w(t)&&a.remove(r):a.remove(r)}),t)),a}function I(e){var t=typeof e;if(e&&"object"===t&&!(e instanceof Date||e instanceof RegExp)){for(var a=Array.isArray(e)?[]:{},r=Object.keys(e).sort((function(e,t){return e>t?1:-1})),o=r.length;o--;){var n=r[o];a[n]=I(e[n])}return String(e.constructor)+JSON.stringify(a,r)}return t+String(e)}function A(e){e=I(e);for(var t=5381,a=0;a<e.length;)t=33*t^e.charCodeAt(a++);return t}const j=/^\/|\/$/g;function E(e){return t=>{if(;const a=e(t);return"string"==typeof a||"number"==typeof a?`${a}`:`${A(a)}`}}const O=E((({baseURL:e="",url:t="",method:a="get",params:r,data:o})=>(e&&(e=e.replace(j,"")),t&&(t=t.replace(j,"")),a&&(a=a.toLowerCase()),{url:e+(e&&t?"/":"")+t,params:r,method:a,data:o})));function T(e,t={}){var a,r,o,n,i,s;const d=e;if(d.defaults.cache)throw new Error("setupCache() should be called only once");if(||S(),!b( new Error("Use buildStorage() function");return d.waiting=t.waiting||{},d.generateKey=t.generateKey||O,d.headerInterpreter=t.headerInterpreter||c,d.requestInterceptor=t.requestInterceptor||g(d),d.responseInterceptor=t.responseInterceptor||v(d),d.debug=t.debug,d.defaults.cache={update:t.update||{},ttl:null!==(a=t.ttl)&&void 0!==a?a:3e5,methods:t.methods||["get","head"],cachePredicate:t.cachePredicate||{statusCheck:e=>[200,203,300,301,302,404,405,410,414,501].includes(e)},etag:null===(r=t.etag)||void 0===r||r,modifiedSince:null!==(o=t.modifiedSince)&&void 0!==o?o:!1===t.etag,interpretHeader:null===(n=t.interpretHeader)||void 0===n||n,cacheTakeover:null===(i=t.cacheTakeover)||void 0===i||i,staleIfError:null===(s=t.staleIfError)||void 0===s||s,override:!1,hydrate:void 0},d.requestInterceptor.apply(),d.responseInterceptor.apply(),d}function R(e,t="axios-cache-"){return C({find:a=>{const r=e.getItem(t+a);return r?JSON.parse(r):void 0},remove:a=>{e.removeItem(t+a)},set:(a,r)=>{const o=()=>e.setItem(t+a,JSON.stringify(r));try{return o()}catch(r){const n=Object.entries(e).filter((e=>e[0].startsWith(t))).map((e=>[e[0],JSON.parse(e[1])]));for(const t of n)"cached"===t[1].state&&x(t[1])&&!w(t[1])&&e.removeItem(t[0]);try{return o()}catch(t){const a=n.sort(((e,t)=>(e[1].createdAt||0)-(t[1].createdAt||0)));for(const t of a){e.removeItem(t[0]);try{return o()}catch(e){}}}e.removeItem(t+a)}}})}return console.error("You are using a development build. Make sure to use the correct build in production\n\n\n"),t})()));
import type { AxiosInstance, AxiosInterceptorManager, AxiosRequestConfig, AxiosResponse, AxiosResponseHeaders } from 'axios';
import type { CacheInstance, CacheProperties } from './cache';
* A slightly changed than the original axios response. Containing information about the
* cache and other needed properties.
* @template R The type returned by this response
* @template D The type that the request body was
* @see
export type CacheAxiosResponse<R = any, D = any> = AxiosResponse<R, D> & {
config: CacheRequestConfig<R, D>;
/** The id used for this request. if config specified an id, the id will be returned */
* The [Request ID]( used in
* this request.
* It may have been generated by the [Key
* Generator](
* or a custom one provided by
* [``](
* @see
id: string;
/** A simple boolean to check whether this request was cached or not */
* A simple boolean indicating if the request returned data from the cache or from the
* network call.
* This does not indicated if the request was capable of being cached or not, as options
* like
* [`cache.override`](
* may have been enabled.
* @see
cached: boolean;

@@ -22,12 +46,24 @@ };

* An id for this request, if this request is used in cache, only the last request made
* with this id will be returned.
* The [Request ID]( used in
* this request.
* @default undefined
* It may have been generated by the [Key
* Generator](
* or a custom one provided by
* [``](
* @default 'auto generated by the current key generator'
* @see
id?: string;
* All cache options for the request.
* The cache option available through the request config is where all the cache
* customization happens.
* False means ignore everything about cache, for this request.
* Setting the `cache` property to `false` will disable the cache for this request.
* This does not mean that the current cache will be excluded from the storage.
* @default 'inherits from global configuration'
* @see

@@ -44,5 +80,3 @@ cache?: false | Partial<CacheProperties<R, D>>;

* @see AxiosInstance
* @see CacheRequestConfig
* @see CacheInstance
* @see

@@ -49,0 +83,0 @@ export interface AxiosCacheInstance extends CacheInstance, AxiosInstance {

import type { Method } from 'axios';
import type { Deferred } from 'fast-defer';
import type { HeadersInterpreter } from '../header/types';
import type { HeaderInterpreter } from '../header/types';
import type { AxiosInterceptor } from '../interceptors/build';
import type { AxiosStorage, CachedResponse } from '../storage/types';
import type { AxiosStorage, CachedResponse, CachedStorageValue, LoadingStorageValue, StaleStorageValue } from '../storage/types';
import type { CachePredicate, CacheUpdater, KeyGenerator, StaleIfErrorPredicate } from '../util/types';

@@ -23,63 +23,111 @@ import type { CacheAxiosResponse, CacheRequestConfig } from './axios';

* @default 1000 * 60 * 5 // 5 Minutes
* @see
ttl: number | ((response: CacheAxiosResponse<R, D>) => number | Promise<number>);
* If this interceptor should configure the cache from the request cache header When
* used, the ttl property is ignored
* If activated, when the response is received, the `ttl` property will be inferred from
* the requests headers. As described in the MDN docs and HTML specification.
* See the actual implementation of the
* [`interpretHeader`](
* method for more information.
* @default true
* @see
interpretHeader: boolean;
* If this interceptor should include some headers in the request to tell any possible
* adapter / client that only we should use cache mechanisms to this request.
* As most of our cache strategies depends on well known defined HTTP headers, most
* browsers also use those headers to define their own cache strategies and storages.
* When your requested routes includes `Cache-Control` in their responses, you may end
* up with we and your browser caching the response, resulting in a **double layer of
* cache**.
* This option solves this by including some predefined headers in the request, that
* should tell any client / adapter to not cache the response, thus only we will cache
* it.
* _These are headers used in our specific request, it won't affect any other request or
* response that the server may handle._*
* Headers included:
* - `Cache-Control: no-cache`
* - `Pragma: no-cache`
* - `Expires: 0`
* Learn more at
* [#437](
* and in this [StackOverflow]( answer.
* @default true
* @see
cacheTakeover: boolean;
* All methods that should be cached.
* Specifies which methods we should handle and cache. This is where you can enable
* caching to `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE` and other methods, as the default is only `GET`.
* We use `methods` in a per-request configuration setup because sometimes you have
* exceptions to the method rule.
* @default ['get']
* @see
methods: Lowercase<Method>[];
* The function to check if the response code permit being cached.
* An object or function that will be tested against the response to indicate if it can
* be cached.
* @default {statusCheck: (status) => status >= 200 && status < 400}
* @default { statusCheck: (status) => [200, 203, 300, 301, 302, 404, 405, 410, 414, 501].includes(status) }
* @see
cachePredicate: CachePredicate<R, D>;
* Once the request is resolved, this specifies what requests should we change the
* cache. Can be used to update the request or delete other caches.
* Once the request is resolved, this specifies what other responses should change their
* cache. Can be used to update the request or delete other caches. It is a simple
* `Record` with the request id.
* This is independent if the request made was cached or not.
* Here's an example with some basic login:
* If an provided id represents and loading cache, he will be ignored.
* The id used is the same as the id on `CacheRequestConfig['id']`, auto-generated or
* not.
* **Using a function instead of an object is supported but not recommended, as it's
* Using a function instead of an object is supported but not recommended, as it's
* better to just consume the response normally and write your own code after it. But
* it`s here in case you need it.**
* it`s here in case you need it.
* @default {{}}
* @see
update: CacheUpdater<R, D>;
* If the request should handle `ETag` and `If-None-Match` support. Use a string to
* force a custom value or true to use the response ETag
* If the request should handle
* [`ETag`]( and
* [`If-None-Match
* support`](
* Use a string to force a custom static value or true to use the previous response
* ETag.
* To use `true` (automatic ETag handling), `interpretHeader` option must be set to
* `true`.
* @default true
* @link
* @see
etag: string | boolean;
* Use `If-Modified-Since` header in this request. Use a date to force a custom value or
* true to use the last cached timestamp. If never cached before, the header is not
* set.
* Use
* [`If-Modified-Since`](
* header in this request. Use a date to force a custom static value or true to use the
* last cached timestamp.
* If never cached before, the header is not set.
* If `interpretHeader` is set and a
* [`Last-Modified`](
* header is sent to us, then value from that header is used, otherwise cache creation
* timestamp will be sent in
* [`If-Modified-Since`](
* @default false // The opposite of the resulting `etag` option.
* @link
* @see

@@ -92,22 +140,16 @@ modifiedSince: Date | boolean;

* **Note**: If the response is treated as error because of invalid status code _(like
* from AxiosRequestConfig#invalidateStatus)_, and this ends up `true`, the cache will
* be preserved over the "invalid" request. So, if you want to preserve the response,
* you can use this predicate:
* **If the response is treated as error because of invalid status code _(like when
* using
* [statusCheck](,
* and this ends up `true`, the cache will be preserved over the "invalid" request.**
* ```js
* const customPredicate = (response, cache, error) => {
* // Return false if has a response
* return !response;
* };
* ```
* Types:
* Possible types:
* - `number` -> the max time (in seconds) that the cache can be reused.
* - `boolean` -> `false` disables and `true` enables with infinite time.
* - `boolean` -> `false` disables and `true` enables with infinite time if no value is
* present on `stale-if-error` in Cache-Control.
* - `function` -> a predicate that can return `number` or `boolean` as described above.
* @default true
* @link
* @see

@@ -125,10 +167,48 @@ staleIfError: StaleIfErrorPredicate<R, D>;

* @default false
* @see
override: boolean;
* Asynchronously called when a network request is needed to resolve the data, but an
* older one **and probably expired** cache exists. Its with the current data **BEFORE**
* the network travel starts, so you can use it to temporarily update your UI with
* expired data before the network returns.
* Hydrating your components with old data before the network resolves with the newer
* one is better than _flickering_ your entire UI. This is even better when dealing with
* slower networks and persisted cache, like for mobile apps.
* If the request can return cached data, as no extensive network travel is needed, the
* hydrate **IS NOT CALLED**, as the axios promise will be resolved instantly.
* @default undefined
* @see
hydrate: undefined | ((cache: (LoadingStorageValue & {
previous: 'stale';
}) | CachedStorageValue | StaleStorageValue) => void | Promise<void>);
* These are properties that are used and shared by the entire application.
* ```ts
* const axios = setupCache(axios, OPTIONS);
* ```
* The `setupCache` function receives global options and all [request
* specifics]( ones too.
* This way, you can customize the defaults for all requests.
* @see
export interface CacheInstance {
* The storage to save the cache data. Defaults to an in-memory storage.
* A storage interface is the entity responsible for saving, retrieving and serializing
* data received from network and requested when a axios call is made.
* See the [Storages]( page for
* more information.
* @default buildMemoryStorage
* @see

@@ -138,37 +218,87 @@ storage: AxiosStorage;

* The function used to create different keys for each request. Defaults to a function
* that priorizes the id, and if not specified, a string is generated using the method,
* baseURL, params, and url
* that priorizes the id, and if not specified, a string is generated using the
* `method`, `baseURL`, `params`, `data` and `url`.
* You can learn on how to use them on the [Request
* ID]( page.
* @default defaultKeyGenerator
* @see
generateKey: KeyGenerator;
* A simple object that holds all deferred objects until it is resolved or rejected.
* A simple object that will hold a promise for each pending request. Used to handle
* concurrent requests.
* Can be used to listen when a request is cached or not.
* You'd normally not need to change this, but it is exposed in case you need to use it
* as some sort of listener of know when a request is waiting for other to finish.
* @default { }
* @see
waiting: Record<string, Deferred<CachedResponse>>;
* The function to parse and interpret response headers. Only used if
* cache.interpretHeader is true.
* The function used to interpret all headers from a request and determine a time to
* live (`ttl`) number.
* **Many REST backends returns some variation of `Cache-Control: no-cache` or
* `Cache-Control: no-store` headers, which tell us to ignore caching at all. You shall
* disable `headerInterpreter` for those requests.**
* **If the debug mode prints `Cache header interpreted as 'dont cache'` this is
* probably the reason.**
* The possible returns are:
* - `'dont cache'`: the request will not be cached.
* - `'not enough headers'`: the request will find other ways to determine the TTL value.
* - `number`: used as the TTL value.
* @default defaultHeaderInterpreter
* @see
headerInterpreter: HeadersInterpreter;
headerInterpreter: HeaderInterpreter;
* The request interceptor that will be used to handle the cache.
* The function that will be used to intercept the request before it is sent to the
* axios adapter.
* It is the main function of this library, as it is the bridge between the axios
* request and the cache.
* _It wasn't meant to be changed, but if you need to, you can do it by passing a new
* function to this property._*
* See its code for more information
* [here](
* @default defaultRequestInterceptor
* @see
requestInterceptor: AxiosInterceptor<CacheRequestConfig<unknown, unknown>>;
* The response interceptor that will be used to handle the cache.
* The function that will be used to intercept the request after it is returned by the
* axios adapter.
* It is the second most important function of this library, as it is the bridge between
* the axios response and the cache.
* _It wasn't meant to be changed, but if you need to, you can do it by passing a new
* function to this property._*
* See its code for more information
* [here](
* @default defaultResponseInterceptor
* @see
responseInterceptor: AxiosInterceptor<CacheAxiosResponse<unknown, unknown>>;
* Logs useful information in the console
* The debug option will print debug information in the console. It is good if you need
* to trace any undesired behavior or issue. You can enable it by setting `debug` to a
* function that receives an string and returns nothing.
* **Note**: This is only available with development mode enabled
* Read the [Debugging]( page for
* the complete guide.
* @default {console.log}
* @default undefined
* @see

@@ -180,9 +310,11 @@ */

* An object with any possible type that can be used to log and debug information in
* `development` mode (a.k.a `__ACI_DEV__ === true`)
* `development` mode _(a.k.a `__ACI_DEV__ === true`)_
* @see
export type DebugObject = Partial<{
id: string;
msg: string;
data: unknown;
export type DebugObject = {
id?: string;
msg?: string;
data?: unknown;

@@ -8,36 +8,16 @@ import type { AxiosInstance } from 'axios';

* @example
* ```ts
* import Axios from 'axios';
* import { setupCache, AxiosCacheInstance } from 'axios-cache-interceptor';
* const axios = setupCache(axios, OPTIONS);
* ```
* // instance will have our custom typings from the return of this function
* const instance = setupCache(
* Axios.create({
* // Axios options
* }),
* {
* // Axios-cache-interceptor options
* }
* );
* The `setupCache` function receives global options and all [request
* specifics]( ones too.
* This way, you can customize the defaults for all requests.
* // OR
* const instance = axios.create({
* // Axios options
* }) as AxiosCacheInstance;
* // As this functions returns the same axios instance but only with
* // different typings, you can ignore the function return.
* setupCache(instance, {
* // Axios-cache-interceptor options
* });
* ```
* @param axios The already created axios instance
* @param config The config for the caching interceptors
* @returns The same instance with extended typescript types.
* @see
export declare function setupCache(axios: AxiosInstance, options?: CacheOptions): AxiosCacheInstance;

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import type { HeadersInterpreter } from './types';
export declare const defaultHeaderInterpreter: HeadersInterpreter;
import type { HeaderInterpreter } from './types';
export declare const defaultHeaderInterpreter: HeaderInterpreter;

@@ -1,22 +0,31 @@

import type { AxiosRequestHeaders } from 'axios';
import type { CacheAxiosResponse } from '../cache/axios';
export type InterpreterResult = 'dont cache' | 'not enough headers' | number;
* Interpret all http headers to determina a time to live.
* @param header The header object to interpret.
* @returns `false` if cache should not be used. `undefined` when provided headers was not
* enough to determine a valid value. Or a `number` containing the number of
* **milliseconds** to cache the response.
* The possible values are:
* - `'dont cache'`: the request will not be cached.
* - `'not enough headers'`: the request will find other ways to determine the TTL value.
* - `number`: used as the TTL value.
* - `{ cache: number, stale: number }: used as the TTL value and stale TTL value`
export type HeadersInterpreter = (headers?: CacheAxiosResponse['headers']) => InterpreterResult;
export type InterpreterResult = 'dont cache' | 'not enough headers' | number | {
cache: number;
stale?: number;
* Interpret a single string header
* - If activated, when the response is received, the `ttl` property will be inferred from
* the requests headers. As described in the MDN docs and HTML specification.
* @param header The header string to interpret.
* The possible returns are:
* - `'dont cache'`: the request will not be cached.
* - `'not enough headers'`: the request will find other ways to determine the TTL value.
* - `number`: used as the TTL value.
* - `{ cache: number, stale: number }: used as the TTL value and stale TTL value`
* @param header The header object to interpret.
* @returns `false` if cache should not be used. `undefined` when provided headers was not
* enough to determine a valid value. Or a `number` containing the number of
* **milliseconds** to cache the response.
* @see
export type HeaderInterpreter = (header: string, headers: AxiosRequestHeaders) => InterpreterResult;
export type HeaderInterpreter = (headers?: CacheAxiosResponse['headers']) => InterpreterResult;

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"object"==typeof module?module.exports=t():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define([],t):"object"==typeof exports?exports.AxiosCacheInterceptor=t():e.AxiosCacheInterceptor=t()}("undefined"!=typeof self?self:this,(function(){return function(){"use strict";var e={d:function(t,r){for(var n in r)e.o(r,n)&&!e.o(t,n)&&Object.defineProperty(t,n,{enumerable:!0,get:r[n]})},o:function(e,t){return,t)},r:function(e){"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(e,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})}},t={};e.r(t),e.d(t,{Header:function(){return i},buildKeyGenerator:function(){return j},buildMemoryStorage:function(){return I},buildStorage:function(){return C},buildWebStorage:function(){return P},canStale:function(){return x},createCacheResponse:function(){return p},createValidateStatus:function(){return l},defaultHeaderInterpreter:function(){return c},defaultKeyGenerator:function(){return T},defaultRequestInterceptor:function(){return g},defaultResponseInterceptor:function(){return y},isExpired:function(){return S},isMethodIn:function(){return h},isStorage:function(){return w},setupCache:function(){return M},testCachePredicate:function(){return m},updateCache:function(){return b},updateStaleRequest:function(){return v}});var r=Symbol("cache-parser");function n(e){return("string"==typeof e||"number"==typeof e)&&(e=Number(e))>=0&&e<1/0}function a(e){return!0===e||"number"==typeof e||"string"==typeof e&&"false"!==e}var o=Number;var i=Object.freeze({IfModifiedSince:"if-modified-since",LastModified:"last-modified",IfNoneMatch:"if-none-match",CacheControl:"cache-control",Pragma:"pragma",ETag:"etag",Expires:"expires",Age:"age",XAxiosCacheEtag:"x-axios-cache-etag",XAxiosCacheLastModified:"x-axios-cache-last-modified",XAxiosCacheStaleIfError:"x-axios-cache-stale-if-error"}),c=function(e){if(!e)return"not enough headers";var t=e[i.CacheControl];if(t){var c=function(e){var t=Object.defineProperty({},r,{enumerable:!1,value:1});if(!e||"string"!=typeof e)return t;var i=function(e){var t={},r=e.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g,"").split(",");for(var n in r){var a,o=r[n].split("=",2);t[o[0]]=null==(a=o[1])||a}return t}(e),c=i["max-age"],s=i["max-stale"],u=i["min-fresh"],d=i["s-maxage"],f=i["stale-if-error"],l=i["stale-while-revalidate"];return a(i.immutable)&&(t.immutable=!0),n(c)&&(t.maxAge=o(c)),n(s)&&(t.maxStale=o(s)),n(u)&&(t.minFresh=o(u)),a(i["must-revalidate"])&&(t.mustRevalidate=!0),a(i["must-understand"])&&(t.mustUnderstand=!0),a(i["no-cache"])&&(t.noCache=!0),a(i["no-store"])&&(t.noStore=!0),a(i["no-transform"])&&(t.noTransform=!0),a(i["only-if-cached"])&&(t.onlyIfCached=!0),a(i.private)&&(t.private=!0),a(i["proxy-revalidate"])&&(t.proxyRevalidate=!0),a(i.public)&&(t.public=!0),n(d)&&(t.sMaxAge=o(d)),n(f)&&(t.staleIfError=o(f)),n(l)&&(t.staleWhileRevalidate=o(l)),t}(String(t)),s=c.noCache,u=c.noStore,d=c.mustRevalidate,f=c.maxAge,l=c.immutable;if(s||u)return"dont cache";if(l)return 31536e6;if(d)return 0;if(void 0!==f){var h=e[i.Age];return h?1e3*(f-Number(h)):1e3*f}}var v=e[i.Expires];if(v){var p=Date.parse(String(v));return p>=0?p:"dont cache"}return"not enough headers"};var s=function(){return s=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t,r=1,n=arguments.length;r<n;r++)for(var a in t=arguments[r]),a)&&(e[a]=t[a]);return e},s.apply(this,arguments)};function u(e,t,r,n){return new(r||(r=Promise))((function(a,o){function i(e){try{s(}catch(e){o(e)}}function c(e){try{s(n.throw(e))}catch(e){o(e)}}function s(e){var t;e.done?a(e.value):(t=e.value,t instanceof r?t:new r((function(e){e(t)}))).then(i,c)}s((n=n.apply(e,t||[])).next())}))}function d(e,t){var r,n,a,o,i={label:0,sent:function(){if(1&a[0])throw a[1];return a[1]},trys:[],ops:[]};return o={next:c(0),throw:c(1),return:c(2)},"function"==typeof Symbol&&(o[Symbol.iterator]=function(){return this}),o;function c(c){return function(s){return function(c){if(r)throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");for(;o&&(o=0,c[0]&&(i=0)),i;)try{if(r=1,n&&(a=2&c[0]?n.return:c[0]?n.throw||((a=n.return)&&,0)!(,c[1])).done)return a;switch(n=0,a&&(c=[2&c[0],a.value]),c[0]){case 0:case 1:a=c;break;case 4:return i.label++,{value:c[1],done:!1};case 5:i.label++,n=c[1],c=[0];continue;case 7:c=i.ops.pop(),i.trys.pop();continue;default:if(!(a=i.trys,(a=a.length>0&&a[a.length-1])||6!==c[0]&&2!==c[0])){i=0;continue}if(3===c[0]&&(!a||c[1]>a[0]&&c[1]<a[3])){i.label=c[1];break}if(6===c[0]&&i.label<a[1]){i.label=a[1],a=c;break}if(a&&i.label<a[2]){i.label=a[2],i.ops.push(c);break}a[2]&&i.ops.pop(),i.trys.pop();continue},i)}catch(e){c=[6,e],n=0}finally{r=a=0}if(5&c[0])throw c[1];return{value:c[0]?c[1]:void 0,done:!0}}([c,s])}}}Object.create;Object.create;var f=Symbol();function l(e){return e?function(t){return e(t)||304===t}:function(e){return e>=200&&e<300||304===e}}function h(e,t){return void 0===e&&(e="get"),void 0===t&&(t=[]),e=e.toLowerCase(),t.some((function(t){return t===e}))}function v(e,t){var r;t.headers||(t.headers={});var n=t.cache,a=n.etag,o=n.modifiedSince;if(a){var c=!0===a?null===(||void 0===r?void 0:r.headers[i.ETag]:a;c&&(t.headers[i.IfNoneMatch]=c)}o&&(t.headers[i.IfModifiedSince]=!0===o?[i.LastModified]||new Date(e.createdAt).toUTCString():o.toUTCString())}function p(e,t){return 304===e.status&&t?(e.cached=!0,,e.status=t.status,e.statusText=t.statusText,e.headers=s(s({},t.headers),e.headers),t):{,status:e.status,statusText:e.statusText,headers:e.headers}}function g(e){var t=this,r=function(r){return u(t,void 0,void 0,(function(){var t,n,a,o,c,u,p,g,m,b,y,w,x,S;return d(this,(function(d){switch(d.label){case 0:return,!1===r.cache?[2,r]:(r.cache=s(s({},e.defaults.cache),r.cache),r.cache.cacheTakeover&&(null!==(u=(m=r.headers)[b=i.CacheControl])&&void 0!==u||(m[b]="no-cache"),null!==(p=(y=r.headers)[w=i.Pragma])&&void 0!==p||(y[w]="no-cache"),null!==(g=(x=r.headers)[S=i.Expires])&&void 0!==g||(x[S]="0")),h(r.method,r.cache.methods)?[4,,r)]:[2,r]);case 1:return n=d.sent(),a=r.cache.override,"empty"===n.state||"stale"===n.state||a?!e.waiting[t]||a?[3,3]:[4,,r)]:[3,5];case 2:if("empty"!==(n=d.sent()).state)return[3,5];d.label=3;case 3:return e.waiting[t]=function(){var e,t,r=new Promise((function(r,n){e=r,t=n}));return r.resolve=e,r.reject=t,r[f]=1,r}(),e.waiting[t].catch((function(){})),[4,,{state:"loading",previous:a?"stale":"empty":n.state,,createdAt:a&&!n.createdAt?},r)];case 4:return d.sent(),"stale"===n.state&&v(n,r),r.validateStatus=l(r.validateStatus),[2,r];case 5:return"loading"!==n.state?[3,12]:(c=e.waiting[t])?[3,7]:[4,,r)];case 6:return d.sent(),[2,r];case 7:0,d.label=8;case 8:return d.trys.push([8,10,,11]),[4,c];case 9:return o=d.sent(),[3,11];case 10:return d.sent(),[2,r];case 11:return[3,13];case,d.label=13;case 13:return r.adapter=function(){return Promise.resolve({config:r,,headers:o.headers,status:o.status,statusText:o.statusText,cached:!0,id:t})},[2,r]}}))}))};return{onFulfilled:r,apply:function(){return e.interceptors.request.use(r)}}}function m(e,t){var r;return u(this,void 0,void 0,(function(){var n,a,o,i,c,s,u,f,l,h;return d(this,(function(d){switch(d.label){case 0:return"function"==typeof t?[2,t(e)]:(n=t.statusCheck,a=t.responseMatch,o=t.containsHeaders,(c=n)?[4,n(e.status)]:[3,2]);case 1:c=!d.sent(),d.label=2;case 2:return(i=c)?[3,5]:(s=a)?[4,a(e)]:[3,4];case 3:s=!d.sent(),d.label=4;case 4:i=s,d.label=5;case 5:if(i)return[2,!1];if(!o)return[3,9];u=0,f=Object.entries(o),d.label=6;case 6:return u<f.length?(l=f[u],h=l[0],[4,(0,l[1])(null!==(r=e.headers[h.toLowerCase()])&&void 0!==r?r:e.headers[h])]):[3,9];case 7:if(!d.sent())return[2,!1];d.label=8;case 8:return u++,[3,6];case 9:return[2,!0]}}))}))}function b(e,t,r){return u(this,void 0,void 0,(function(){var n,a,o,i,c,s,u;return d(this,(function(d){switch(d.label){case 0:if("function"==typeof r)return[2,r(t)];n=0,a=Object.entries(r),d.label=1;case 1:return n<a.length?(o=a[n],i=o[0],"delete"!==(c=o[1])?[3,3]:[4,e.remove(i,t.config)]):[3,10];case 2:return d.sent(),[3,9];case 3:return[4,e.get(i,t.config)];case 4:return"loading"===(s=d.sent()).state?[3,9]:[4,c(s,t)];case 5:return"delete"!==(u=d.sent())?[3,7]:[4,e.remove(i,t.config)];case 6:return d.sent(),[3,9];case 7:return"ignore"===u?[3,9]:[4,e.set(i,u,t.config)];case 8:d.sent(),d.label=9;case 9:return n++,[3,1];case 10:return[2]}}))}))}function y(e){var t=this,r=function(r,n){return u(t,void 0,void 0,(function(){var t;return d(this,(function(a){switch(a.label){case 0:return[4,,n)];case 1:return a.sent(),null===(t=e.waiting[r])||void 0===t||t.reject(),delete e.waiting[r],[2]}}))}))},n=function(n){return u(t,void 0,void 0,(function(){var t,a,o,c,u,f,l,v,g,y,w,x,S,C,I,A;return d(this,(function(d){switch(d.label){case 0:return!==(C=(A=n.config).id)&&void 0!==C?,null!==(I=n.cached)&&void 0!==I||(n.cached=!1),n.cached?[2,n]:(a=n.config,(o=a.cache)?o.update?[4,b(,n,o.update)]:[3,2]:[2,s(s({},n),{cached:!1})]);case 1:d.sent(),d.label=2;case 2:return h(a.method,o.methods)?[4,,a)]:[2,n];case 3:return"loading"!==(c=d.sent()).state?[2,n]:(u=![4,m(n,o.cachePredicate)]:[3,5];case 4:u=!d.sent(),d.label=5;case 5:return u?[4,r(t,a)]:[3,7];case 6:return d.sent(),[2,n];case 7:for(f=0,l=Object.keys(n.headers);f<l.length;f++)(v=l[f]).startsWith("x-axios-cache")&&delete n.headers[v];return o.etag&&!0!==o.etag&&(n.headers[i.XAxiosCacheEtag]=o.etag),o.modifiedSince&&(n.headers[i.XAxiosCacheLastModified]=!0===o.modifiedSince?"use-cache-timestamp":o.modifiedSince.toUTCString()),g=o.ttl||-1,o.interpretHeader?"dont cache"!==(y=e.headerInterpreter(n.headers))?[3,9]:[4,r(t,a)]:[3,10];case 8:return d.sent(),[2,n];case 9:g="not enough headers"===y?g:y,d.label=10;case 10:return w=p(n,,"function"!=typeof g?[3,12]:[4,g(n)];case 11:g=d.sent(),d.label=12;case 12:return o.staleIfError&&(n.headers[i.XAxiosCacheStaleIfError]=String(g)),x={state:"cached",ttl:g,,data:w},(S=e.waiting[t])&&(S.resolve(,delete e.waiting[t]),[4,,x,a)];case 13:return d.sent(),[2,n]}}))}))},a=function(n){return u(t,void 0,void 0,(function(){var t,a,o,i,c,s,u;return d(this,(function(d){switch(d.label){case 0:if(t=n.config,,!(o=t.cache)||!a)throw n;if(!h(t.method,o.methods))throw n;return[4,,t)];case 1:return"loading"===(i=d.sent()).state&&"stale"===i.previous?[3,3]:[4,r(a,t)];case 2:throw d.sent(),n;case 3:return o.staleIfError?"function"!=typeof o.staleIfError?[3,5]:[4,o.staleIfError(n.response,i,n)]:[3,8];case 4:return s=d.sent(),[3,6];case 5:s=o.staleIfError,d.label=6;case 6:return!0===(c=s)||"number"==typeof c&&i.createdAt+c>[a])||void 0===u||u.resolve(,delete e.waiting[a],[4,,{state:"stale",,},t)]):[3,8];case 7:return d.sent(),[2,{cached:!0,config:t,id:a,,,,}];case 8:throw n}}))}))};return{onFulfilled:n,onRejected:a,apply:function(){return e.interceptors.response.use(n,a)}}}var w=function(e){return!!e&&!!e["is-storage"]};function x(e){var;return i.ETag in t||i.LastModified in t||i.XAxiosCacheEtag in t||i.XAxiosCacheStaleIfError in t||i.XAxiosCacheLastModified in t}function S(e){return e.createdAt+e.ttl<}function C(e){var t,r=this,n=e.set,a=e.find,o=e.remove;return(t={})["is-storage"]=1,t.set=n,t.remove=o,t.get=function(e,t){return u(r,void 0,void 0,(function(){var r,i;return d(this,(function(c){switch(c.label){case 0:return[4,a(e,t)];case 1:return(r=c.sent())?"cached"===r.state&&S(r)?x(r)?(i={state:"stale",createdAt:r.createdAt,},[4,n(e,i,t)]):[3,3]:[2,r]:[2,{state:"empty"}];case 2:return c.sent(),[2,i];case 3:return[4,o(e,t)];case 4:return c.sent(),[2,{state:"empty"}]}}))}))},t}function I(e){void 0===e&&(e=!1);var t=C({set:function(e,r){[e]=r},remove:function(e){delete[e]},find:function(r){var[r];return e&&void 0!==n?"function"==typeof structuredClone?structuredClone(n):JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(n)):n}});return,t}function A(e){var t=typeof e;if(e&&"object"===t&&!(e instanceof Date||e instanceof RegExp)){for(var r=Array.isArray(e)?[]:{},n=Object.keys(e).sort((function(e,t){return e>t?1:-1})),a=n.length;a--;){var o=n[a];r[o]=A(e[o])}return String(e.constructor)+JSON.stringify(r,n)}return t+String(e)}function E(e){e=A(e);for(var t=5381,r=0;r<e.length;)t=33*t^e.charCodeAt(r++);return t}var O=/^\/|\/$/g;function j(e){return function(t){if(;var r=e(t);return"".concat("string"==typeof r||"number"==typeof r?r:E(r))}}var T=j((function(e){var t=e.baseURL,r=void 0===t?"":t,n=e.url,a=void 0===n?"":n,o=e.method,i=void 0===o?"get":o,c=e.params,;return r&&(r=r.replace(O,"")),a&&(a=a.replace(O,"")),i&&(i=i.toLowerCase()),{url:r+(r&&a?"/":"")+a,params:c,method:i,data:s}}));function M(e,t){var r,n,a,o,i,s;void 0===t&&(t={});var u=e;if(u.defaults.cache)throw new Error("setupCache() should be called only once");if(||I(),!w( new Error("Use buildStorage() function");return u.waiting=t.waiting||{},u.generateKey=t.generateKey||T,u.headerInterpreter=t.headerInterpreter||c,u.requestInterceptor=t.requestInterceptor||g(u),u.responseInterceptor=t.responseInterceptor||y(u),u.debug=t.debug,u.defaults.cache={update:t.update||{},ttl:null!==(r=t.ttl)&&void 0!==r?r:3e5,methods:t.methods||["get"],cachePredicate:t.cachePredicate||{statusCheck:function(e){return e>=200&&e<400}},etag:null===(n=t.etag)||void 0===n||n,modifiedSince:null!==(a=t.modifiedSince)&&void 0!==a?a:!1===t.etag,interpretHeader:null===(o=t.interpretHeader)||void 0===o||o,cacheTakeover:null===(i=t.cacheTakeover)||void 0===i||i,staleIfError:null===(s=t.staleIfError)||void 0===s||s,override:!1},u.requestInterceptor.apply(),u.responseInterceptor.apply(),u}function P(e,t){return void 0===t&&(t="axios-cache-"),C({find:function(r){var n=e.getItem(t+r);return n?JSON.parse(n):void 0},remove:function(r){e.removeItem(t+r)},set:function(r,n){var a=function(){return e.setItem(t+r,JSON.stringify(n))};try{return a()}catch(n){for(var o=Object.entries(e).filter((function(e){return e[0].startsWith(t)})).map((function(e){return[e[0],JSON.parse(e[1])]})),i=0,c=o;i<c.length;i++){var s=c[i];"cached"===s[1].state&&S(s[1])&&!x(s[1])&&e.removeItem(s[0])}try{return a()}catch(t){for(var u=o.sort((function(e,t){return(e[1].createdAt||0)-(t[1].createdAt||0)})),d=0,f=u;d<f.length;d++){var l=f[d];e.removeItem(l[0]);try{return a()}catch(e){}}}e.removeItem(t+r)}}})}return t}()}));
!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"object"==typeof module?module.exports=t():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define([],t):"object"==typeof exports?exports.AxiosCacheInterceptor=t():e.AxiosCacheInterceptor=t()}("undefined"!=typeof self?self:this,(function(){return function(){"use strict";var e={d:function(t,r){for(var a in r)e.o(r,a)&&!e.o(t,a)&&Object.defineProperty(t,a,{enumerable:!0,get:r[a]})},o:function(e,t){return,t)},r:function(e){"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(e,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})}},t={};e.r(t),e.d(t,{Header:function(){return s},buildKeyGenerator:function(){return M},buildMemoryStorage:function(){return E},buildStorage:function(){return A},buildWebStorage:function(){return L},canStale:function(){return C},createCacheResponse:function(){return g},createValidateStatus:function(){return h},defaultHeaderInterpreter:function(){return i},defaultKeyGenerator:function(){return P},defaultRequestInterceptor:function(){return m},defaultResponseInterceptor:function(){return w},isExpired:function(){return I},isMethodIn:function(){return v},isStorage:function(){return x},setupCache:function(){return k},testCachePredicate:function(){return b},updateCache:function(){return y},updateStaleRequest:function(){return p}});var r=Symbol("cache-parser");function a(e){return("string"==typeof e||"number"==typeof e)&&(e=Number(e))>=0&&e<1/0}function n(e){return!0===e||"number"==typeof e||"string"==typeof e&&"false"!==e}var o=Number;function c(e){var t=Object.defineProperty({},r,{enumerable:!1,value:1});if(!e||"string"!=typeof e)return t;var c=function(e){var t={},r=e.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g,"").split(",");for(var a in r){var n,o=r[a].split("=",2);t[o[0]]=null==(n=o[1])||n}return t}(e),s=c["max-age"],i=c["max-stale"],u=c["min-fresh"],d=c["s-maxage"],l=c["stale-if-error"],f=c["stale-while-revalidate"];return n(c.immutable)&&(t.immutable=!0),a(s)&&(t.maxAge=o(s)),a(i)&&(t.maxStale=o(i)),a(u)&&(t.minFresh=o(u)),n(c["must-revalidate"])&&(t.mustRevalidate=!0),n(c["must-understand"])&&(t.mustUnderstand=!0),n(c["no-cache"])&&(t.noCache=!0),n(c["no-store"])&&(t.noStore=!0),n(c["no-transform"])&&(t.noTransform=!0),n(c["only-if-cached"])&&(t.onlyIfCached=!0),n(c.private)&&(t.private=!0),n(c["proxy-revalidate"])&&(t.proxyRevalidate=!0),n(c.public)&&(t.public=!0),a(d)&&(t.sMaxAge=o(d)),a(l)&&(t.staleIfError=o(l)),a(f)&&(t.staleWhileRevalidate=o(f)),t}var s=Object.freeze({IfModifiedSince:"if-modified-since",LastModified:"last-modified",IfNoneMatch:"if-none-match",CacheControl:"cache-control",Pragma:"pragma",ETag:"etag",Expires:"expires",Age:"age",XAxiosCacheEtag:"x-axios-cache-etag",XAxiosCacheLastModified:"x-axios-cache-last-modified",XAxiosCacheStaleIfError:"x-axios-cache-stale-if-error"}),i=function(e){if(!e)return"not enough headers";var t=e[s.CacheControl];if(t){var r=c(String(t)),a=r.noCache,n=r.noStore,o=r.maxAge,i=r.immutable,u=r.staleWhileRevalidate;if(a||n)return"dont cache";if(i)return{cache:31536e6};if(void 0!==o){var d=e[s.Age];return{cache:d?1e3*(o-Number(d)):1e3*o,stale:void 0!==u?1e3*u:0}}}var l=e[s.Expires];if(l){var f=Date.parse(String(l));return f>=0?{cache:f}:"dont cache"}return"not enough headers"};var u=function(){return u=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t,r=1,a=arguments.length;r<a;r++)for(var n in t=arguments[r]),n)&&(e[n]=t[n]);return e},u.apply(this,arguments)};function d(e,t,r,a){return new(r||(r=Promise))((function(n,o){function c(e){try{i(}catch(e){o(e)}}function s(e){try{i(a.throw(e))}catch(e){o(e)}}function i(e){var t;e.done?n(e.value):(t=e.value,t instanceof r?t:new r((function(e){e(t)}))).then(c,s)}i((a=a.apply(e,t||[])).next())}))}function l(e,t){var r,a,n,o,c={label:0,sent:function(){if(1&n[0])throw n[1];return n[1]},trys:[],ops:[]};return o={next:s(0),throw:s(1),return:s(2)},"function"==typeof Symbol&&(o[Symbol.iterator]=function(){return this}),o;function s(s){return function(i){return function(s){if(r)throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");for(;o&&(o=0,s[0]&&(c=0)),c;)try{if(r=1,a&&(n=2&s[0]?a.return:s[0]?a.throw||((n=a.return)&&,0)!(,s[1])).done)return n;switch(a=0,n&&(s=[2&s[0],n.value]),s[0]){case 0:case 1:n=s;break;case 4:return c.label++,{value:s[1],done:!1};case 5:c.label++,a=s[1],s=[0];continue;case 7:s=c.ops.pop(),c.trys.pop();continue;default:if(!(n=c.trys,(n=n.length>0&&n[n.length-1])||6!==s[0]&&2!==s[0])){c=0;continue}if(3===s[0]&&(!n||s[1]>n[0]&&s[1]<n[3])){c.label=s[1];break}if(6===s[0]&&c.label<n[1]){c.label=n[1],n=s;break}if(n&&c.label<n[2]){c.label=n[2],c.ops.push(s);break}n[2]&&c.ops.pop(),c.trys.pop();continue},c)}catch(e){s=[6,e],a=0}finally{r=n=0}if(5&s[0])throw s[1];return{value:s[0]?s[1]:void 0,done:!0}}([s,i])}}}Object.create;Object.create;var f=Symbol();function h(e){return e?function(t){return e(t)||304===t}:function(e){return e>=200&&e<300||304===e}}function v(e,t){return void 0===e&&(e="get"),void 0===t&&(t=[]),e=e.toLowerCase(),t.some((function(t){return t===e}))}function p(e,t){var r;t.headers||(t.headers={});var a=t.cache,n=a.etag,o=a.modifiedSince;if(n){var c=!0===n?null===(||void 0===r?void 0:r.headers[s.ETag]:n;c&&(t.headers[s.IfNoneMatch]=c)}o&&(t.headers[s.IfModifiedSince]=!0===o?[s.LastModified]||new Date(e.createdAt).toUTCString():o.toUTCString())}function g(e,t){return 304===e.status&&t?(e.cached=!0,,e.status=t.status,e.statusText=t.statusText,e.headers=u(u({},t.headers),e.headers),t):{,status:e.status,statusText:e.statusText,headers:e.headers}}function m(e){var t=this,r=function(r){return d(t,void 0,void 0,(function(){var t,a,n,o,c,i,d,g,m,b,y,w,x,S,C,I,A,E,T,O;return l(this,(function(l){switch(l.label){case 0:return,!1===r.cache?[2,r]:(r.cache=u(u({},e.defaults.cache),r.cache),r.cache.cacheTakeover&&(null!==(i=(C=r.headers)[I=s.CacheControl])&&void 0!==i||(C[I]="no-cache"),null!==(d=(A=r.headers)[E=s.Pragma])&&void 0!==d||(A[E]="no-cache"),null!==(g=(T=r.headers)[O=s.Expires])&&void 0!==g||(T[O]="0")),v(r.method,r.cache.methods)?[4,,r)]:[2,r]);case 1:return a=l.sent(),n=r.cache.override,"empty"===a.state||"stale"===a.state||n?!e.waiting[t]||n?[3,3]:[4,,r)]:[3,7];case 2:if("empty"!==(a=l.sent()).state)return[3,7];l.label=3;case 3:return e.waiting[t]=function(){var e,t,r=new Promise((function(r,a){e=r,t=a}));return r.resolve=e,r.reject=t,r[f]=1,r}(),e.waiting[t].catch((function(){})),[4,,{state:"loading",previous:n?"stale":"empty":a.state,,createdAt:n&&!a.createdAt?},r)];case 4:return l.sent(),"stale"===a.state&&p(a,r),r.validateStatus=h(r.validateStatus),"stale"===a.state||[4,null===(b=(m=r.cache).hydrate)||void 0===b?void,a)]:[3,6];case 5:l.sent(),l.label=6;case 6:return[2,r];case 7:return"loading"!==a.state?[3,18]:(c=e.waiting[t])?[3,11]:[4,,r)];case 8:return l.sent(),[4,null===(w=(y=r.cache).hydrate)||void 0===w?void,a)]:[3,10];case 9:l.sent(),l.label=10;case 10:return[2,r];case 11:0,l.label=12;case 12:return l.trys.push([12,14,,17]),[4,c];case 13:return o=l.sent(),[3,17];case 14:return l.sent(),[4,null===(S=(x=r.cache).hydrate)||void 0===S?void,a)]:[3,16];case 15:l.sent(),l.label=16;case 16:return[2,r];case 17:return[3,19];case,l.label=19;case 19:return r.adapter=function(){return Promise.resolve({config:r,,headers:o.headers,status:o.status,statusText:o.statusText,cached:!0,id:t})},[2,r]}}))}))};return{onFulfilled:r,apply:function(){return e.interceptors.request.use(r)}}}function b(e,t){var r;return d(this,void 0,void 0,(function(){var a,n,o,c,s,i,u,d,f,h;return l(this,(function(l){switch(l.label){case 0:return"function"==typeof t?[2,t(e)]:(a=t.statusCheck,n=t.responseMatch,o=t.containsHeaders,(s=a)?[4,a(e.status)]:[3,2]);case 1:s=!l.sent(),l.label=2;case 2:return(c=s)?[3,5]:(i=n)?[4,n(e)]:[3,4];case 3:i=!l.sent(),l.label=4;case 4:c=i,l.label=5;case 5:if(c)return[2,!1];if(!o)return[3,9];u=0,d=Object.entries(o),l.label=6;case 6:return u<d.length?(f=d[u],h=f[0],[4,(0,f[1])(null!==(r=e.headers[h.toLowerCase()])&&void 0!==r?r:e.headers[h])]):[3,9];case 7:if(!l.sent())return[2,!1];l.label=8;case 8:return u++,[3,6];case 9:return[2,!0]}}))}))}function y(e,t,r){return d(this,void 0,void 0,(function(){var a,n,o,c,s,i,u;return l(this,(function(d){switch(d.label){case 0:if("function"==typeof r)return[2,r(t)];a=0,n=Object.entries(r),d.label=1;case 1:return a<n.length?(o=n[a],c=o[0],"delete"!==(s=o[1])?[3,3]:[4,e.remove(c,t.config)]):[3,10];case 2:return d.sent(),[3,9];case 3:return[4,e.get(c,t.config)];case 4:return"loading"===(i=d.sent()).state?[3,9]:[4,s(i,t)];case 5:return"delete"!==(u=d.sent())?[3,7]:[4,e.remove(c,t.config)];case 6:return d.sent(),[3,9];case 7:return"ignore"===u?[3,9]:[4,e.set(c,u,t.config)];case 8:d.sent(),d.label=9;case 9:return a++,[3,1];case 10:return[2]}}))}))}function w(e){var t=this,r=function(r,a){return d(t,void 0,void 0,(function(){var t;return l(this,(function(n){switch(n.label){case 0:return[4,,a)];case 1:return n.sent(),null===(t=e.waiting[r])||void 0===t||t.reject(),delete e.waiting[r],[2]}}))}))},a=function(a){return d(t,void 0,void 0,(function(){var t,n,o,c,i,d,f,h,p,m,w,x,S,C,I,A,E;return l(this,(function(l){switch(l.label){case 0:return a.config,!==(I=(E=a.config).id)&&void 0!==I?,null!==(A=a.cached)&&void 0!==A||(a.cached=!1),a.cached?[2,a]:(n=a.config,(o=n.cache)?o.update?[4,y(,a,o.update)]:[3,2]:[2,u(u({},a),{cached:!1})]);case 1:l.sent(),l.label=2;case 2:return v(n.method,o.methods)?[4,,n)]:[2,a];case 3:return"loading"!==(c=l.sent()).state?[2,a]:(i=![4,b(a,o.cachePredicate)]:[3,5];case 4:i=!l.sent(),l.label=5;case 5:return i?[4,r(t,n)]:[3,7];case 6:return l.sent(),[2,a];case 7:for(d=0,f=Object.keys(a.headers);d<f.length;d++)(h=f[d]).startsWith("x-axios-cache")&&delete a.headers[h];return o.etag&&!0!==o.etag&&(a.headers[s.XAxiosCacheEtag]=o.etag),o.modifiedSince&&(a.headers[s.XAxiosCacheLastModified]=!0===o.modifiedSince?"use-cache-timestamp":o.modifiedSince.toUTCString()),p=o.ttl||-1,o.interpretHeader?"dont cache"!==(w=e.headerInterpreter(a.headers))?[3,9]:[4,r(t,n)]:[3,10];case 8:return l.sent(),[2,a];case 9:"not enough headers"!==w&&("number"==typeof w?p=w:(p=w.cache,m=w.stale)),l.label=10;case 10:return x=g(a,,"function"!=typeof p?[3,12]:[4,p(a)];case 11:p=l.sent(),l.label=12;case 12:return o.staleIfError&&(a.headers[s.XAxiosCacheStaleIfError]=String(p)),S={state:"cached",ttl:p,staleTtl:m,,data:x},(C=e.waiting[t])&&(C.resolve(,delete e.waiting[t]),[4,,S,n)];case 13:return l.sent(),[2,a]}}))}))},n=function(a){return d(t,void 0,void 0,(function(){var t,n,o,i,u,d,f,h,p,g;return l(this,(function(l){switch(l.label){case 0:if(t=a.config,,o=t.cache,i=a.response,!o||!n)throw a;if(!v(t.method,o.methods))throw a;return[4,,t)];case 1:return"loading"===(u=l.sent()).state&&"stale"===u.previous?[3,3]:[4,r(n,t)];case 2:throw l.sent(),a;case 3:return o.staleIfError?(d=String(null==i?void 0:i.headers[s.CacheControl]),f=d&&c(d).staleIfError,"function"!=typeof o.staleIfError?[3,5]:[4,o.staleIfError(i,u,a)]):[3,8];case 4:return p=l.sent(),[3,6];case 5:p=!0===o.staleIfError&&f?1e3*f:o.staleIfError,l.label=6;case 6:return!0===(h=p)||"number"==typeof h&&u.createdAt+h>[n])||void 0===g||g.resolve(,delete e.waiting[n],[4,,{state:"stale",,},t)]):[3,8];case 7:return l.sent(),[2,{cached:!0,config:t,id:n,,,,}];case 8:throw a}}))}))};return{onFulfilled:a,onRejected:n,apply:function(){return e.interceptors.response.use(a,n)}}}var x=function(e){return!!e&&!!e["is-storage"]};function S(e){var;return s.ETag in t||s.LastModified in t||s.XAxiosCacheEtag in t||s.XAxiosCacheLastModified in t}function C(e){return!String([s.CacheControl]).includes("must-revalidate")&&(!!S(e)||"cached"===e.state&&void 0!==e.staleTtl&&e.createdAt+e.ttl+e.staleTtl<}function I(e){return void 0!==e.ttl&&e.createdAt+e.ttl<}function A(e){var t,r=this,a=e.set,n=e.find,o=e.remove;return(t={})["is-storage"]=1,t.set=a,t.remove=o,t.get=function(e,t){return d(r,void 0,void 0,(function(){var r;return l(this,(function(c){switch(c.label){case 0:return[4,n(e,t)];case 1:return(r=c.sent())?"empty"===r.state||"loading"===r.state?[2,r]:"cached"!==r.state?[3,5]:I(r)?C(r)?[3,3]:[4,o(e,t)]:[2,r]:[2,{state:"empty"}];case 2:return c.sent(),[2,{state:"empty"}];case 3:return r={state:"stale",createdAt:r.createdAt,,ttl:void 0!==r.staleTtl?r.staleTtl+r.ttl:void 0},[4,a(e,r,t)];case 4:c.sent(),c.label=5;case 5:return I(r)?S(r)?[2,r]:[4,o(e,t)]:[2,r];case 6:return c.sent(),[2,{state:"empty"}]}}))}))},t}function E(e,t){void 0===e&&(e=!1),void 0===t&&(t=!1);var r=A({set:function(e,t){[e]=t},remove:function(e){delete[e]},find:function(t){var[t];return e&&void 0!==a?"function"==typeof structuredClone?structuredClone(a):JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(a)):a}});return,t&&(r.cleaner=setInterval((function(){for(var e,t,a=Object.keys(,n=-1;++n<a.length;)t=a[n],"empty"!==([t]).state?"cached"===e.state&&I(e)&&!C(e)&&r.remove(t):r.remove(t)}),t)),r}function T(e){var t=typeof e;if(e&&"object"===t&&!(e instanceof Date||e instanceof RegExp)){for(var r=Array.isArray(e)?[]:{},a=Object.keys(e).sort((function(e,t){return e>t?1:-1})),n=a.length;n--;){var o=a[n];r[o]=T(e[o])}return String(e.constructor)+JSON.stringify(r,a)}return t+String(e)}function O(e){e=T(e);for(var t=5381,r=0;r<e.length;)t=33*t^e.charCodeAt(r++);return t}var j=/^\/|\/$/g;function M(e){return function(t){if(;var r=e(t);return"".concat("string"==typeof r||"number"==typeof r?r:O(r))}}var P=M((function(e){var t=e.baseURL,r=void 0===t?"":t,a=e.url,n=void 0===a?"":a,o=e.method,c=void 0===o?"get":o,s=e.params,;return r&&(r=r.replace(j,"")),n&&(n=n.replace(j,"")),c&&(c=c.toLowerCase()),{url:r+(r&&n?"/":"")+n,params:s,method:c,data:i}}));function k(e,t){var r,a,n,o,c,s;void 0===t&&(t={});var u=e;if(u.defaults.cache)throw new Error("setupCache() should be called only once");if(||E(),!x( new Error("Use buildStorage() function");return u.waiting=t.waiting||{},u.generateKey=t.generateKey||P,u.headerInterpreter=t.headerInterpreter||i,u.requestInterceptor=t.requestInterceptor||m(u),u.responseInterceptor=t.responseInterceptor||w(u),u.debug=t.debug,u.defaults.cache={update:t.update||{},ttl:null!==(r=t.ttl)&&void 0!==r?r:3e5,methods:t.methods||["get","head"],cachePredicate:t.cachePredicate||{statusCheck:function(e){return[200,203,300,301,302,404,405,410,414,501].includes(e)}},etag:null===(a=t.etag)||void 0===a||a,modifiedSince:null!==(n=t.modifiedSince)&&void 0!==n?n:!1===t.etag,interpretHeader:null===(o=t.interpretHeader)||void 0===o||o,cacheTakeover:null===(c=t.cacheTakeover)||void 0===c||c,staleIfError:null===(s=t.staleIfError)||void 0===s||s,override:!1,hydrate:void 0},u.requestInterceptor.apply(),u.responseInterceptor.apply(),u}function L(e,t){return void 0===t&&(t="axios-cache-"),A({find:function(r){var a=e.getItem(t+r);return a?JSON.parse(a):void 0},remove:function(r){e.removeItem(t+r)},set:function(r,a){var n=function(){return e.setItem(t+r,JSON.stringify(a))};try{return n()}catch(a){for(var o=Object.entries(e).filter((function(e){return e[0].startsWith(t)})).map((function(e){return[e[0],JSON.parse(e[1])]})),c=0,s=o;c<s.length;c++){var i=s[c];"cached"===i[1].state&&I(i[1])&&!C(i[1])&&e.removeItem(i[0])}try{return n()}catch(t){for(var u=o.sort((function(e,t){return(e[1].createdAt||0)-(t[1].createdAt||0)})),d=0,l=u;d<l.length;d++){var f=l[d];e.removeItem(f[0]);try{return n()}catch(e){}}}e.removeItem(t+r)}}})}return t}()}));
import type { CacheRequestConfig } from '../cache/axios';
import type { MaybePromise } from '../util/types';
import type { AxiosStorage, CachedStorageValue, StorageValue } from './types';
import type { AxiosStorage, CachedStorageValue, StaleStorageValue, StorageValue } from './types';
/** Returns true if the provided object was created from {@link buildStorage} function. */

@@ -12,3 +12,3 @@ export declare const isStorage: (obj: unknown) => obj is AxiosStorage;

export declare function isExpired(value: CachedStorageValue): boolean;
export declare function isExpired(value: CachedStorageValue | StaleStorageValue): boolean;
export type BuildStorage = Omit<AxiosStorage, 'get'> & {

@@ -21,2 +21,3 @@ /**

* @param currentRequest The current {@link CacheRequestConfig}, if any
* @see

@@ -26,4 +27,8 @@ find: (key: string, currentRequest?: CacheRequestConfig) => MaybePromise<StorageValue | undefined>;

* Builds a custom storage.
* All integrated storages are wrappers around the `buildStorage` function. External
* libraries use it and if you want to build your own, `buildStorage` is the way to go!
* The exported `buildStorage` function abstracts the storage interface and requires a
* super simple object to build the storage.
* **Note**: You can only create an custom storage with this function.

@@ -42,4 +47,6 @@ *

* ```
* @see
export declare function buildStorage({ set, find, remove }: BuildStorage): AxiosStorage;

@@ -26,7 +26,12 @@ import type { AxiosStorage, StorageValue } from './types';

* mutating the original data outside the `set()` method.
* @param {number | false} cleanupInterval The interval in milliseconds to run a
* setInterval job of cleaning old entries. If false, the job will not be created. Disabled is default
export declare function buildMemoryStorage(cloneData?: boolean): MemoryStorage;
export declare function buildMemoryStorage(cloneData?: boolean, cleanupInterval?: number | false): MemoryStorage;
export type MemoryStorage = AxiosStorage & {
data: Record<string, StorageValue>;
/** The job responsible to cleaning old entries */
cleaner: ReturnType<typeof setInterval>;

@@ -14,3 +14,4 @@ import type { CacheAxiosResponse, CacheRequestConfig } from '../cache/axios';

data: CachedResponse;
ttl?: undefined;
ttl?: number;
staleTtl?: undefined;
createdAt: number;

@@ -26,15 +27,20 @@ state: 'stale';

ttl: number;
staleTtl?: number;
createdAt: number;
state: 'cached';
export type LoadingStorageValue = {
export type LoadingStorageValue = LoadingEmptiedStorageValue | LoadingStaledStorageValue;
export type LoadingEmptiedStorageValue = {
data?: undefined;
ttl?: undefined;
staleTtl?: undefined;
createdAt?: undefined;
state: 'loading';
previous: 'empty';
} | {
export type LoadingStaledStorageValue = {
state: 'loading';
data: CachedResponse;
ttl?: undefined;
staleTtl?: undefined;
createdAt: number;

@@ -46,2 +52,3 @@ previous: 'stale';

ttl?: undefined;
staleTtl?: undefined;
/** Defined when the state is cached */

@@ -52,17 +59,7 @@ createdAt?: undefined;

* A storage implementation that stores data in memory.
* A storage interface is the entity responsible for saving, retrieving and serializing
* data received from network and requested when a axios call is made.
* **You can create yours with {@link buildStorage} function**
* @example
* ```js
* const myStorage = buildStorage({
* find: () => {...},
* set: () => {...},
* remove: () => {...}
* });
* const axios = setupCache(axios, { storage: myStorage });
* ```
* @default buildMemoryStorage
* @see

@@ -78,2 +75,3 @@ export type AxiosStorage = {

* @param currentRequest The current {@link CacheRequestConfig}, if any
* @see

@@ -86,2 +84,3 @@ set: (key: string, value: NotEmptyStorageValue, currentRequest?: CacheRequestConfig) => MaybePromise<void>;

* @param currentRequest The current {@link CacheRequestConfig}, if any
* @see

@@ -93,3 +92,3 @@ remove: (key: string, currentRequest?: CacheRequestConfig) => MaybePromise<void>;

* If the provided `find()` method returned null, this will map it to a `'empty'`
* If the internal `find()` method returned null, this will map it to a `'empty'`
* storage value.

@@ -100,2 +99,3 @@ *

* @returns The saved value for the given key.
* @see

@@ -102,0 +102,0 @@ get: (key: string, currentRequest?: CacheRequestConfig) => MaybePromise<StorageValue>;

"name": "axios-cache-interceptor",
"version": "1.0.1",
"version": "1.1.0",
"description": "Cache interceptor for axios",
"keywords": [
"homepage": "",
"bugs": "",
"repository": "",
"funding": "",
"license": "MIT",
"main": "./dist/index.cjs",
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"module": "./dist/index.mjs",
"author": "Arthur Fiorette <>",
"sideEffects": false,
"exports": {

@@ -23,32 +35,10 @@ ".": {

"main": "./dist/index.cjs",
"jsdelivr": "./dist/index.bundle.js",
"unpkg": "./dist/index.bundle.js",
"sideEffects": false,
"runkitExampleFilename": "./examples/runkit.js",
"scripts": {
"build": "sh build/",
"test": "jest --coverage",
"check": "sh build/",
"format": "prettier --write .",
"lint": "eslint . --ext .ts",
"version": "auto-changelog -p && git add",
"benchmark": "cd benchmark && yarn start",
"docs:dev": "vitepress dev docs --port 1227",
"docs:build": "vitepress build docs",
"docs:serve": "vitepress serve docs"
"module": "./dist/index.mjs",
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"resolutions": {
"colors": "1.4.0"
"funding": "",
"repository": "",
"author": "Arthur Fiorette <>",
"bugs": "",
"homepage": "",
"keywords": [
"dependencies": {

@@ -62,2 +52,3 @@ "cache-parser": "^1.2.4",

"@types/jest": "^29.2.4",
"@types/node": "^18.13.0",
"@types/webpack": "^5.28.0",

@@ -80,3 +71,3 @@ "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^5.50.0",

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"typescript": "^5.0.4",
"vitepress": "^1.0.0-alpha.45",

@@ -89,9 +80,20 @@ "webpack": "^5.66.0",

"packageManager": "yarn@1.22.19",
"resolutions": {
"colors": "1.4.0"
"packageManager": "pnpm@7.27.0",
"engines": {
"node": ">=12"
"runkitExampleFilename": "./examples/runkit.js",
"scripts": {
"benchmark": "cd benchmark && pnpm start",
"build": "sh build/",
"check": "sh build/",
"docs:build": "vitepress build docs",
"docs:dev": "vitepress dev docs --port 1227",
"docs:serve": "vitepress serve docs",
"format": "prettier --write .",
"preinstall": "npx only-allow pnpm",
"lint": "eslint . --ext .ts",
"test": "jest --verbose --coverage",
"version": "auto-changelog -p && cp docs/src/others/ && git add docs/src/others/"
<p align="center">
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@@ -9,23 +11,47 @@

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<br />
<h3 align="center">
<b>⚡Axios Cache Interceptor</b> is a small and efficient cache interceptor for axios.
<br />
<br />
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<br />
# Axios Cache Interceptor
> Cache interceptor for axios made with developers and performance in mind.
<br />
- ⚡ Faster!
- 📦 Handy builds!
- 🔩 Hassle free!
- 🛠️ Rich Features!
- 🌐 No network waste!
- 🔑 TypeScript!
Axios Cache Interceptor is, as it name says, a interceptor for axios to handle caching. It
was created to help developers call axios multiple times without having to worry about
overloading the network or coding himself a simple and buggy cache system.
<br />
[Read the docs to **Learn More**.](
<br />
<br />

@@ -35,7 +61,7 @@ import Axios from 'axios';

// same object, but with updated typings.
// Same object, new types.
const axios = setupCache(Axios);
const req1 = axios.get('');
const req2 = axios.get('');
const req1 = axios.get('');
const req2 = axios.get('');

@@ -50,8 +76,2 @@ const [res1, res2] = await Promise.all([req1, req2]);

<h3 align=center>
<a href="" target="_blank">Documentation at <code></code> 🎉🎉</a>
<br />
## License

@@ -64,8 +84,1 @@

<br />
## Contact
See my contact information on my [github profile]( or
open a new issue.
<br />

@@ -14,4 +14,8 @@ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */

* A slightly changed than the original axios response. Containing information about the
* cache and other needed properties.
* @template R The type returned by this response
* @template D The type that the request body was
* @see

@@ -21,6 +25,26 @@ export type CacheAxiosResponse<R = any, D = any> = AxiosResponse<R, D> & {

/** The id used for this request. if config specified an id, the id will be returned */
* The [Request ID]( used in
* this request.
* It may have been generated by the [Key
* Generator](
* or a custom one provided by
* [``](
* @see
id: string;
/** A simple boolean to check whether this request was cached or not */
* A simple boolean indicating if the request returned data from the cache or from the
* network call.
* This does not indicated if the request was capable of being cached or not, as options
* like
* [`cache.override`](
* may have been enabled.
* @see
cached: boolean;

@@ -37,6 +61,12 @@ };

* An id for this request, if this request is used in cache, only the last request made
* with this id will be returned.
* The [Request ID]( used in
* this request.
* @default undefined
* It may have been generated by the [Key
* Generator](
* or a custom one provided by
* [``](
* @default 'auto generated by the current key generator'
* @see

@@ -46,5 +76,11 @@ id?: string;

* All cache options for the request.
* The cache option available through the request config is where all the cache
* customization happens.
* False means ignore everything about cache, for this request.
* Setting the `cache` property to `false` will disable the cache for this request.
* This does not mean that the current cache will be excluded from the storage.
* @default 'inherits from global configuration'
* @see

@@ -63,5 +99,3 @@ cache?: false | Partial<CacheProperties<R, D>>;

* @see AxiosInstance
* @see CacheRequestConfig
* @see CacheInstance
* @see

@@ -68,0 +102,0 @@ export interface AxiosCacheInstance extends CacheInstance, AxiosInstance {

import type { Method } from 'axios';
import type { Deferred } from 'fast-defer';
import type { HeadersInterpreter } from '../header/types';
import type { HeaderInterpreter } from '../header/types';
import type { AxiosInterceptor } from '../interceptors/build';
import type { AxiosStorage, CachedResponse } from '../storage/types';
import type {
} from '../storage/types';
import type {

@@ -29,2 +35,3 @@ CacheUpdater,

* @default 1000 * 60 * 5 // 5 Minutes
* @see

@@ -34,6 +41,11 @@ ttl: number | ((response: CacheAxiosResponse<R, D>) => number | Promise<number>);

* If this interceptor should configure the cache from the request cache header When
* used, the ttl property is ignored
* If activated, when the response is received, the `ttl` property will be inferred from
* the requests headers. As described in the MDN docs and HTML specification.
* See the actual implementation of the
* [`interpretHeader`](
* method for more information.
* @default true
* @see

@@ -43,6 +55,28 @@ interpretHeader: boolean;

* If this interceptor should include some headers in the request to tell any possible
* adapter / client that only we should use cache mechanisms to this request.
* As most of our cache strategies depends on well known defined HTTP headers, most
* browsers also use those headers to define their own cache strategies and storages.
* When your requested routes includes `Cache-Control` in their responses, you may end
* up with we and your browser caching the response, resulting in a **double layer of
* cache**.
* This option solves this by including some predefined headers in the request, that
* should tell any client / adapter to not cache the response, thus only we will cache
* it.
* _These are headers used in our specific request, it won't affect any other request or
* response that the server may handle._*
* Headers included:
* - `Cache-Control: no-cache`
* - `Pragma: no-cache`
* - `Expires: 0`
* Learn more at
* [#437](
* and in this [StackOverflow]( answer.
* @default true
* @see

@@ -52,5 +86,10 @@ cacheTakeover: boolean;

* All methods that should be cached.
* Specifies which methods we should handle and cache. This is where you can enable
* caching to `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE` and other methods, as the default is only `GET`.
* We use `methods` in a per-request configuration setup because sometimes you have
* exceptions to the method rule.
* @default ['get']
* @see

@@ -60,5 +99,7 @@ methods: Lowercase<Method>[];

* The function to check if the response code permit being cached.
* An object or function that will be tested against the response to indicate if it can
* be cached.
* @default {statusCheck: (status) => status >= 200 && status < 400}
* @default { statusCheck: (status) => [200, 203, 300, 301, 302, 404, 405, 410, 414, 501].includes(status) }
* @see

@@ -68,17 +109,14 @@ cachePredicate: CachePredicate<R, D>;

* Once the request is resolved, this specifies what requests should we change the
* cache. Can be used to update the request or delete other caches.
* Once the request is resolved, this specifies what other responses should change their
* cache. Can be used to update the request or delete other caches. It is a simple
* `Record` with the request id.
* This is independent if the request made was cached or not.
* Here's an example with some basic login:
* If an provided id represents and loading cache, he will be ignored.
* The id used is the same as the id on `CacheRequestConfig['id']`, auto-generated or
* not.
* **Using a function instead of an object is supported but not recommended, as it's
* Using a function instead of an object is supported but not recommended, as it's
* better to just consume the response normally and write your own code after it. But
* it`s here in case you need it.**
* it`s here in case you need it.
* @default {{}}
* @see

@@ -88,7 +126,14 @@ update: CacheUpdater<R, D>;

* If the request should handle `ETag` and `If-None-Match` support. Use a string to
* force a custom value or true to use the response ETag
* If the request should handle
* [`ETag`]( and
* [`If-None-Match
* support`](
* Use a string to force a custom static value or true to use the previous response
* ETag.
* To use `true` (automatic ETag handling), `interpretHeader` option must be set to
* `true`.
* @default true
* @link
* @see

@@ -98,8 +143,17 @@ etag: string | boolean;

* Use `If-Modified-Since` header in this request. Use a date to force a custom value or
* true to use the last cached timestamp. If never cached before, the header is not
* set.
* Use
* [`If-Modified-Since`](
* header in this request. Use a date to force a custom static value or true to use the
* last cached timestamp.
* If never cached before, the header is not set.
* If `interpretHeader` is set and a
* [`Last-Modified`](
* header is sent to us, then value from that header is used, otherwise cache creation
* timestamp will be sent in
* [`If-Modified-Since`](
* @default false // The opposite of the resulting `etag` option.
* @link
* @see

@@ -113,22 +167,16 @@ modifiedSince: Date | boolean;

* **Note**: If the response is treated as error because of invalid status code _(like
* from AxiosRequestConfig#invalidateStatus)_, and this ends up `true`, the cache will
* be preserved over the "invalid" request. So, if you want to preserve the response,
* you can use this predicate:
* **If the response is treated as error because of invalid status code _(like when
* using
* [statusCheck](,
* and this ends up `true`, the cache will be preserved over the "invalid" request.**
* ```js
* const customPredicate = (response, cache, error) => {
* // Return false if has a response
* return !response;
* };
* ```
* Types:
* Possible types:
* - `number` -> the max time (in seconds) that the cache can be reused.
* - `boolean` -> `false` disables and `true` enables with infinite time.
* - `boolean` -> `false` disables and `true` enables with infinite time if no value is
* present on `stale-if-error` in Cache-Control.
* - `function` -> a predicate that can return `number` or `boolean` as described above.
* @default true
* @link
* @see

@@ -147,11 +195,55 @@ staleIfError: StaleIfErrorPredicate<R, D>;

* @default false
* @see
override: boolean;
* Asynchronously called when a network request is needed to resolve the data, but an
* older one **and probably expired** cache exists. Its with the current data **BEFORE**
* the network travel starts, so you can use it to temporarily update your UI with
* expired data before the network returns.
* Hydrating your components with old data before the network resolves with the newer
* one is better than _flickering_ your entire UI. This is even better when dealing with
* slower networks and persisted cache, like for mobile apps.
* If the request can return cached data, as no extensive network travel is needed, the
* hydrate **IS NOT CALLED**, as the axios promise will be resolved instantly.
* @default undefined
* @see
| undefined
| ((
| (LoadingStorageValue & { previous: 'stale' })
| CachedStorageValue
| StaleStorageValue
) => void | Promise<void>);
* These are properties that are used and shared by the entire application.
* ```ts
* const axios = setupCache(axios, OPTIONS);
* ```
* The `setupCache` function receives global options and all [request
* specifics]( ones too.
* This way, you can customize the defaults for all requests.
* @see
export interface CacheInstance {
* The storage to save the cache data. Defaults to an in-memory storage.
* A storage interface is the entity responsible for saving, retrieving and serializing
* data received from network and requested when a axios call is made.
* See the [Storages]( page for
* more information.
* @default buildMemoryStorage
* @see

@@ -162,4 +254,10 @@ storage: AxiosStorage;

* The function used to create different keys for each request. Defaults to a function
* that priorizes the id, and if not specified, a string is generated using the method,
* baseURL, params, and url
* that priorizes the id, and if not specified, a string is generated using the
* `method`, `baseURL`, `params`, `data` and `url`.
* You can learn on how to use them on the [Request
* ID]( page.
* @default defaultKeyGenerator
* @see

@@ -169,5 +267,10 @@ generateKey: KeyGenerator;

* A simple object that holds all deferred objects until it is resolved or rejected.
* A simple object that will hold a promise for each pending request. Used to handle
* concurrent requests.
* Can be used to listen when a request is cached or not.
* You'd normally not need to change this, but it is exposed in case you need to use it
* as some sort of listener of know when a request is waiting for other to finish.
* @default { }
* @see

@@ -177,13 +280,38 @@ waiting: Record<string, Deferred<CachedResponse>>;

* The function to parse and interpret response headers. Only used if
* cache.interpretHeader is true.
* The function used to interpret all headers from a request and determine a time to
* live (`ttl`) number.
* **Many REST backends returns some variation of `Cache-Control: no-cache` or
* `Cache-Control: no-store` headers, which tell us to ignore caching at all. You shall
* disable `headerInterpreter` for those requests.**
* **If the debug mode prints `Cache header interpreted as 'dont cache'` this is
* probably the reason.**
* The possible returns are:
* - `'dont cache'`: the request will not be cached.
* - `'not enough headers'`: the request will find other ways to determine the TTL value.
* - `number`: used as the TTL value.
* @default defaultHeaderInterpreter
* @see
headerInterpreter: HeadersInterpreter;
headerInterpreter: HeaderInterpreter;
* The request interceptor that will be used to handle the cache.
* The function that will be used to intercept the request before it is sent to the
* axios adapter.
* It is the main function of this library, as it is the bridge between the axios
* request and the cache.
* _It wasn't meant to be changed, but if you need to, you can do it by passing a new
* function to this property._*
* See its code for more information
* [here](
* @default defaultRequestInterceptor
* @see

@@ -193,5 +321,16 @@ requestInterceptor: AxiosInterceptor<CacheRequestConfig<unknown, unknown>>;

* The response interceptor that will be used to handle the cache.
* The function that will be used to intercept the request after it is returned by the
* axios adapter.
* It is the second most important function of this library, as it is the bridge between
* the axios response and the cache.
* _It wasn't meant to be changed, but if you need to, you can do it by passing a new
* function to this property._*
* See its code for more information
* [here](
* @default defaultResponseInterceptor
* @see

@@ -201,7 +340,10 @@ responseInterceptor: AxiosInterceptor<CacheAxiosResponse<unknown, unknown>>;

* Logs useful information in the console
* The debug option will print debug information in the console. It is good if you need
* to trace any undesired behavior or issue. You can enable it by setting `debug` to a
* function that receives an string and returns nothing.
* **Note**: This is only available with development mode enabled
* Read the [Debugging]( page for
* the complete guide.
* @default {console.log}
* @default undefined
* @see

@@ -214,4 +356,6 @@ */

* An object with any possible type that can be used to log and debug information in
* `development` mode (a.k.a `__ACI_DEV__ === true`)
* `development` mode _(a.k.a `__ACI_DEV__ === true`)_
* @see
export type DebugObject = Partial<{ id: string; msg: string; data: unknown }>;
export type DebugObject = { id?: string; msg?: string; data?: unknown };

@@ -16,34 +16,14 @@ import type { AxiosInstance } from 'axios';

* @example
* ```ts
* import Axios from 'axios';
* import { setupCache, AxiosCacheInstance } from 'axios-cache-interceptor';
* const axios = setupCache(axios, OPTIONS);
* ```
* // instance will have our custom typings from the return of this function
* const instance = setupCache(
* Axios.create({
* // Axios options
* }),
* {
* // Axios-cache-interceptor options
* }
* );
* The `setupCache` function receives global options and all [request
* specifics]( ones too.
* This way, you can customize the defaults for all requests.
* // OR
* const instance = axios.create({
* // Axios options
* }) as AxiosCacheInstance;
* // As this functions returns the same axios instance but only with
* // different typings, you can ignore the function return.
* setupCache(instance, {
* // Axios-cache-interceptor options
* });
* ```
* @param axios The already created axios instance
* @param config The config for the caching interceptors
* @returns The same instance with extended typescript types.
* @see

@@ -86,6 +66,10 @@ export function setupCache(

methods: options.methods || ['get'],
// Although RFC 7231 also marks POST as cacheable, most users don't know that
// and may have problems about why their "create X" route not working.
methods: options.methods || ['get', 'head'],
cachePredicate: options.cachePredicate || {
statusCheck: (status) => status >= 200 && status < 400
// All cacheable status codes defined in RFC 7231
statusCheck: (status) =>
[200, 203, 300, 301, 302, 404, 405, 410, 414, 501].includes(status)

@@ -105,3 +89,5 @@

override: false
override: false,
hydrate: undefined

@@ -108,0 +94,0 @@

import { parse } from 'cache-parser';
import { Header } from './headers';
import type { HeadersInterpreter } from './types';
import type { HeaderInterpreter } from './types';
export const defaultHeaderInterpreter: HeadersInterpreter = (headers) => {
export const defaultHeaderInterpreter: HeaderInterpreter = (headers) => {
if (!headers) return 'not enough headers';

@@ -11,3 +11,3 @@

if (cacheControl) {
const { noCache, noStore, mustRevalidate, maxAge, immutable } = parse(
const { noCache, noStore, maxAge, immutable, staleWhileRevalidate } = parse(

@@ -24,18 +24,18 @@ );

// It might not be the best way, but a year is better than none.
return 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365;
return {
cache: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365
// Already out of date, for cache can be saved, but must be requested again
if (mustRevalidate) {
return 0;
if (maxAge !== undefined) {
const age: unknown = headers[Header.Age];
if (!age) {
return maxAge * 1000;
return (maxAge - Number(age)) * 1000;
return {
cache: age
? // If age is present, we must subtract it from maxAge
(maxAge - Number(age)) * 1000
: maxAge * 1000,
// Already out of date, for cache can be saved, but must be requested again
stale: staleWhileRevalidate !== undefined ? staleWhileRevalidate * 1000 : 0

@@ -48,3 +48,3 @@ }

const milliseconds = Date.parse(String(expires)) -;
return milliseconds >= 0 ? milliseconds : 'dont cache';
return milliseconds >= 0 ? { cache: milliseconds } : 'dont cache';

@@ -51,0 +51,0 @@

@@ -1,29 +0,38 @@

import type { AxiosRequestHeaders } from 'axios';
import type { CacheAxiosResponse } from '../cache/axios';
export type InterpreterResult = 'dont cache' | 'not enough headers' | number;
* Interpret all http headers to determina a time to live.
* @param header The header object to interpret.
* @returns `false` if cache should not be used. `undefined` when provided headers was not
* enough to determine a valid value. Or a `number` containing the number of
* **milliseconds** to cache the response.
* The possible values are:
* - `'dont cache'`: the request will not be cached.
* - `'not enough headers'`: the request will find other ways to determine the TTL value.
* - `number`: used as the TTL value.
* - `{ cache: number, stale: number }: used as the TTL value and stale TTL value`
export type HeadersInterpreter = (
headers?: CacheAxiosResponse['headers']
) => InterpreterResult;
export type InterpreterResult =
| 'dont cache'
| 'not enough headers'
| number
| {
cache: number;
stale?: number;
* Interpret a single string header
* - If activated, when the response is received, the `ttl` property will be inferred from
* the requests headers. As described in the MDN docs and HTML specification.
* @param header The header string to interpret.
* The possible returns are:
* - `'dont cache'`: the request will not be cached.
* - `'not enough headers'`: the request will find other ways to determine the TTL value.
* - `number`: used as the TTL value.
* - `{ cache: number, stale: number }: used as the TTL value and stale TTL value`
* @param header The header object to interpret.
* @returns `false` if cache should not be used. `undefined` when provided headers was not
* enough to determine a valid value. Or a `number` containing the number of
* **milliseconds** to cache the response.
* @see
export type HeaderInterpreter = (
header: string,
headers: AxiosRequestHeaders
headers?: CacheAxiosResponse['headers']
) => InterpreterResult;

@@ -23,5 +23,6 @@ export * from './cache/axios';

* Global variable defined at compile time. Use to write code that will only be executed
* at development time.
* **This declaration is erased at compile time.**
* Use to write code that will only be executed at development time.
* @internal

@@ -34,4 +35,4 @@ */

'You are using a development build. Make sure to use the correct build in production\n\n\n'
'You are using a development build. Make sure to use the correct build in production\n\n\n'

@@ -154,2 +154,7 @@ import { deferred } from 'fast-defer';

// Hydrates any UI temporarily, if cache is available
if (cache.state === 'stale' || {
await config.cache.hydrate?.(cache);
return config;

@@ -167,2 +172,8 @@ }

await, config);
// Hydrates any UI temporarily, if cache is available
if ( {
await config.cache.hydrate?.(cache);
return config;

@@ -189,2 +200,7 @@ }

// Hydrates any UI temporarily, if cache is available
if ( {
await config.cache.hydrate?.(cache);
// The deferred is rejected when the request that we are waiting rejected cache.

@@ -191,0 +207,0 @@ return config;

import type { AxiosResponseHeaders } from 'axios';
import { parse } from 'cache-parser';
import type {

@@ -34,2 +35,14 @@ AxiosCacheInstance,

const onFulfilled: ResponseInterceptor['onFulfilled'] = async (response) => {
// When response.config is not present, the response is indeed a error.
if (!response.config) {
if (__ACI_DEV__) {
msg: 'Response interceptor received an unknown response.',
data: response
throw response;
const id = ( = ??= axios.generateKey(response.config));

@@ -139,2 +152,3 @@ response.cached ??= false;

let ttl = cacheConfig.ttl || -1; // always set from global config
let staleTtl: number | undefined;

@@ -159,3 +173,10 @@ if (cacheConfig.interpretHeader) {

ttl = expirationTime === 'not enough headers' ? ttl : expirationTime;
if (expirationTime !== 'not enough headers') {
if (typeof expirationTime === 'number') {
ttl = expirationTime;
} else {
ttl = expirationTime.cache;
staleTtl = expirationTime.stale;

@@ -184,2 +205,3 @@


@@ -224,2 +246,3 @@ data

const cacheConfig = config.cache as CacheProperties;
const response = error.response as CacheAxiosResponse | undefined;

@@ -263,3 +286,3 @@ // config.cache should always exist, at least from global config merge.

msg: 'Caught an error in the request interceptor',
data: { error, config }
data: { cache, error, config }

@@ -272,9 +295,10 @@ }

if (cacheConfig.staleIfError) {
const cacheControl = String(response?.headers[Header.CacheControl]);
const staleHeader = cacheControl && parse(cacheControl).staleIfError;
const staleIfError =
typeof cacheConfig.staleIfError === 'function'
? await cacheConfig.staleIfError(
error.response as CacheAxiosResponse,
? await cacheConfig.staleIfError(response, cache, error)
: cacheConfig.staleIfError === true && staleHeader
? staleHeader * 1000 //staleIfError is in seconds
: cacheConfig.staleIfError;

@@ -281,0 +305,0 @@

@@ -15,4 +15,5 @@ import type { CacheRequestConfig } from '../cache/axios';

/** Returns true if this has sufficient properties to stale instead of expire. */
export function canStale(value: CachedStorageValue): boolean {
function hasUniqueIdentifierHeader(
value: CachedStorageValue | StaleStorageValue
): boolean {
const headers =;

@@ -24,3 +25,2 @@

Header.XAxiosCacheEtag in headers ||
Header.XAxiosCacheStaleIfError in headers ||
Header.XAxiosCacheLastModified in headers

@@ -30,2 +30,24 @@ );

/** Returns true if this has sufficient properties to stale instead of expire. */
export function canStale(value: CachedStorageValue): boolean {
// Must revalidate is a special case and should not be staled
if (
// We could use cache-control's parse function, but this is way faster and simpler
) {
return false;
if (hasUniqueIdentifierHeader(value)) {
return true;
return (
value.state === 'cached' &&
value.staleTtl !== undefined &&
value.createdAt + value.ttl + value.staleTtl <=

@@ -35,4 +57,4 @@ * Checks if the provided cache is expired. You should also check if the cache

export function isExpired(value: CachedStorageValue): boolean {
return value.createdAt + value.ttl <=;
export function isExpired(value: CachedStorageValue | StaleStorageValue): boolean {
return value.ttl !== undefined && value.createdAt + value.ttl <=;

@@ -47,2 +69,3 @@

* @param currentRequest The current {@link CacheRequestConfig}, if any
* @see

@@ -56,4 +79,8 @@ find: (

* Builds a custom storage.
* All integrated storages are wrappers around the `buildStorage` function. External
* libraries use it and if you want to build your own, `buildStorage` is the way to go!
* The exported `buildStorage` function abstracts the storage interface and requires a
* super simple object to build the storage.
* **Note**: You can only create an custom storage with this function.

@@ -72,6 +99,8 @@ *

* ```
* @see
export function buildStorage({ set, find, remove }: BuildStorage): AxiosStorage {
return {
//@ts-expect-error - we don't want to expose thi
//@ts-expect-error - we don't want to expose this
['is-storage']: 1,

@@ -81,3 +110,3 @@ set,

get: async (key, config) => {
const value = await find(key, config);
let value = await find(key, config);

@@ -88,21 +117,37 @@ if (!value) {

if (
// Not cached or fresh value
value.state !== 'cached' ||
) {
if (value.state === 'empty' || value.state === 'loading') {
return value;
if (canStale(value)) {
const stale: StaleStorageValue = {
// Handle cached values
if (value.state === 'cached') {
if (!isExpired(value)) {
return value;
// Tries to stale expired value
if (!canStale(value)) {
await remove(key, config);
return { state: 'empty' };
value = {
state: 'stale',
createdAt: value.createdAt,
ttl: value.staleTtl !== undefined ? value.staleTtl + value.ttl : undefined
await set(key, stale, config);
return stale;
await set(key, value, config);
// A second check in case the new stale value was created already expired.
if (!isExpired(value)) {
return value;
if (hasUniqueIdentifierHeader(value)) {
return value;
await remove(key, config);

@@ -109,0 +154,0 @@ return { state: 'empty' };

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { buildStorage } from './build';
import { buildStorage, canStale, isExpired } from './build';
import type { AxiosStorage, StorageValue } from './types';

@@ -35,4 +35,10 @@

* mutating the original data outside the `set()` method.
* @param {number | false} cleanupInterval The interval in milliseconds to run a
* setInterval job of cleaning old entries. If false, the job will not be created. Disabled is default
export function buildMemoryStorage(cloneData = false) {
export function buildMemoryStorage(
cloneData = false,
cleanupInterval: number | false = false
) {
const storage = buildStorage({

@@ -50,4 +56,4 @@ set: (key, value) => {

/* istanbul ignore if 'only available on super recent browsers' */
if (cloneData && value !== undefined) {
/* istanbul ignore if 'only available on super recent browsers' */
if (typeof structuredClone === 'function') {

@@ -66,2 +72,36 @@ return structuredClone(value);

// When this program gets running for more than the specified interval, there's a good
// chance of it being a long-running process or at least have a lot of entries. Therefore,
// "faster" loop is more important than code readability.
if (cleanupInterval) {
storage.cleaner = setInterval(() => {
const keys = Object.keys(;
let i = -1,
value: StorageValue,
key: string;
// Looping forward, as older entries are more likely to be expired
// than newer ones.
while (++i < keys.length) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
(key = keys[i]!), (value =[key]!);
if (value.state === 'empty') {
// this storage returns void.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises
// If the value is expired and can't be stale, remove it
if (value.state === 'cached' && isExpired(value) && !canStale(value)) {
// this storage returns void.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises
}, cleanupInterval);
return storage;

@@ -72,2 +112,4 @@ }

data: Record<string, StorageValue>;
/** The job responsible to cleaning old entries */
cleaner: ReturnType<typeof setInterval>;

@@ -22,3 +22,4 @@ import type { CacheAxiosResponse, CacheRequestConfig } from '../cache/axios';

data: CachedResponse;
ttl?: undefined;
ttl?: number;
staleTtl?: undefined;
createdAt: number;

@@ -35,2 +36,3 @@ state: 'stale';

ttl: number;
staleTtl?: number;
createdAt: number;

@@ -40,21 +42,26 @@ state: 'cached';

export type LoadingStorageValue =
| {
data?: undefined;
ttl?: undefined;
createdAt?: undefined;
state: 'loading';
previous: 'empty';
| {
state: 'loading';
data: CachedResponse;
ttl?: undefined;
createdAt: number;
previous: 'stale';
export type LoadingStorageValue = LoadingEmptiedStorageValue | LoadingStaledStorageValue;
export type LoadingEmptiedStorageValue = {
data?: undefined;
ttl?: undefined;
staleTtl?: undefined;
createdAt?: undefined;
state: 'loading';
previous: 'empty';
export type LoadingStaledStorageValue = {
state: 'loading';
data: CachedResponse;
ttl?: undefined;
staleTtl?: undefined;
createdAt: number;
previous: 'stale';
export type EmptyStorageValue = {
data?: undefined;
ttl?: undefined;
staleTtl?: undefined;

@@ -67,17 +74,7 @@ /** Defined when the state is cached */

* A storage implementation that stores data in memory.
* A storage interface is the entity responsible for saving, retrieving and serializing
* data received from network and requested when a axios call is made.
* **You can create yours with {@link buildStorage} function**
* @example
* ```js
* const myStorage = buildStorage({
* find: () => {...},
* set: () => {...},
* remove: () => {...}
* });
* const axios = setupCache(axios, { storage: myStorage });
* ```
* @default buildMemoryStorage
* @see

@@ -93,2 +90,3 @@ export type AxiosStorage = {

* @param currentRequest The current {@link CacheRequestConfig}, if any
* @see

@@ -106,2 +104,3 @@ set: (

* @param currentRequest The current {@link CacheRequestConfig}, if any
* @see

@@ -114,3 +113,3 @@ remove: (key: string, currentRequest?: CacheRequestConfig) => MaybePromise<void>;

* If the provided `find()` method returned null, this will map it to a `'empty'`
* If the internal `find()` method returned null, this will map it to a `'empty'`
* storage value.

@@ -121,4 +120,5 @@ *

* @returns The saved value for the given key.
* @see
get: (key: string, currentRequest?: CacheRequestConfig) => MaybePromise<StorageValue>;

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