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bcrypto - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 5.0.4 to 5.1.0




@@ -97,3 +97,3 @@ /*!

exports.version = '5.0.4';
exports.version = '5.1.0';
exports.native = exports.SHA256.native;
* gost94.js - GOST94 implementation for bcrypto
* Copyright (c) 2018-2019, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License).
* gost94.js - gost94 for bcrypto
* Copyright (c) 2017-2019, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License).
* Parts of this software are based on RustCrypto/hashes:
* Copyright (c) 2016-2018, The RustCrypto Authors (MIT License).
* Resources:

@@ -19,402 +9,5 @@

const assert = require('./internal/assert');
const HMAC = require('./internal/hmac');
* Constants
const FINALIZED = -1;
const PADDING = Buffer.alloc(32, 0x00);
const DESC = Buffer.alloc(32, 0x00);
const C = Buffer.from([
0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff,
0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00,
0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff,
0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff
const S_CRYPTOPRO = [
Buffer.from([10, 4, 5, 6, 8, 1, 3, 7, 13, 12, 14, 0, 9, 2, 11, 15]),
Buffer.from([5, 15, 4, 0, 2, 13, 11, 9, 1, 7, 6, 3, 12, 14, 10, 8]),
Buffer.from([7, 15, 12, 14, 9, 4, 1, 0, 3, 11, 5, 2, 6, 10, 8, 13]),
Buffer.from([4, 10, 7, 12, 0, 15, 2, 8, 14, 1, 6, 5, 13, 11, 9, 3]),
Buffer.from([7, 6, 4, 11, 9, 12, 2, 10, 1, 8, 0, 14, 15, 13, 3, 5]),
Buffer.from([7, 6, 2, 4, 13, 9, 15, 0, 10, 1, 5, 11, 8, 14, 12, 3]),
Buffer.from([13, 14, 4, 1, 7, 0, 5, 10, 3, 12, 8, 15, 6, 2, 9, 11]),
Buffer.from([1, 3, 10, 9, 5, 11, 4, 15, 8, 6, 7, 14, 13, 0, 2, 12])
const S_TEST = [
Buffer.from([4, 10, 9, 2, 13, 8, 0, 14, 6, 11, 1, 12, 7, 15, 5, 3]),
Buffer.from([14, 11, 4, 12, 6, 13, 15, 10, 2, 3, 8, 1, 0, 7, 5, 9]),
Buffer.from([5, 8, 1, 13, 10, 3, 4, 2, 14, 15, 12, 7, 6, 0, 9, 11]),
Buffer.from([7, 13, 10, 1, 0, 8, 9, 15, 14, 4, 6, 12, 11, 2, 5, 3]),
Buffer.from([6, 12, 7, 1, 5, 15, 13, 8, 4, 10, 9, 14, 0, 3, 11, 2]),
Buffer.from([4, 11, 10, 0, 7, 2, 1, 13, 3, 6, 8, 5, 9, 12, 15, 14]),
Buffer.from([13, 11, 4, 1, 3, 15, 5, 9, 0, 10, 14, 7, 6, 8, 2, 12]),
Buffer.from([1, 15, 13, 0, 5, 7, 10, 4, 9, 2, 3, 14, 6, 11, 8, 12])
const S_S2015 = [
Buffer.from([12, 4, 6, 2, 10, 5, 11, 9, 14, 8, 13, 7, 0, 3, 15, 1]),
Buffer.from([6, 8, 2, 3, 9, 10, 5, 12, 1, 14, 4, 7, 11, 13, 0, 15]),
Buffer.from([11, 3, 5, 8, 2, 15, 10, 13, 14, 1, 7, 4, 12, 9, 6, 0]),
Buffer.from([12, 8, 2, 1, 13, 4, 15, 6, 7, 0, 10, 5, 3, 14, 9, 11]),
Buffer.from([7, 15, 5, 10, 8, 1, 6, 13, 0, 9, 3, 14, 11, 4, 2, 12]),
Buffer.from([5, 13, 15, 6, 9, 2, 12, 10, 11, 7, 8, 1, 4, 3, 14, 0]),
Buffer.from([8, 14, 2, 5, 6, 9, 1, 12, 15, 4, 11, 0, 13, 10, 3, 7]),
Buffer.from([1, 7, 14, 13, 0, 5, 8, 3, 4, 15, 10, 6, 9, 12, 11, 2])
* GOST94
class GOST94 {
constructor() {
this.state = Buffer.allocUnsafe(32);
this.sigma = Buffer.allocUnsafe(32);
this.block = Buffer.allocUnsafe(32);
this.size = FINALIZED;
init(box) {
if (box == null)
assert(Array.isArray(box) && box.length === 8);
this.S = box;
this.size = 0;
return this;
update(data) {
this._update(data, data.length);
return this;
final() {
return this._final(Buffer.allocUnsafe(32));
_update(data, len) {
assert(this.size !== FINALIZED, 'Context is not initialized.');
let pos = this.size & 31;
let off = 0;
this.size += len;
if (pos > 0) {
let want = 32 - pos;
if (want > len)
want = len;
data.copy(this.block, pos, off, off + want);
pos += want;
len -= want;
off += want;
if (pos < 32)
this._transform(this.block, 0);
while (len >= 32) {
this._transform(data, off);
off += 32;
len -= 32;
if (len > 0)
data.copy(this.block, 0, off, off + len);
_final(out) {
assert(this.size !== FINALIZED, 'Context is not initialized.');
const bits = this.size * 8;
const pos = this.size & 31;
if (pos !== 0)
this._update(PADDING, 32 - pos);
const hi = (bits * (1 / 0x100000000)) >>> 0;
const lo = bits >>> 0;
writeU32(DESC, lo, 0);
writeU32(DESC, hi, 4);
this.state.copy(out, 0);
DESC.fill(0x00, 0, 8);
this.size = FINALIZED;
return out;
_transform(chunk, pos) {
const m = chunk.slice(pos, pos + 32);
_shuffle(m, s) {
const res = Buffer.allocUnsafe(32);
s.copy(res, 0);
for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++)
XM(res, m);
XM(this.state, res);
for (let i = 0; i < 61; i++)
_f(m) {
const s = Buffer.allocUnsafe(32);
this.state.copy(s, 0);
let k, u, v;
k = P(X(this.state, m));
encrypt(s, 0, k, this.S);
u = A(this.state);
v = A(A(m));
k = P(X(u, v));
encrypt(s, 8, k, this.S);
u = A(u);
XM(u, C);
v = A(A(v));
k = P(X(u, v));
encrypt(s, 16, k, this.S);
u = A(u);
v = A(A(v));
k = P(X(u, v));
encrypt(s, 24, k, this.S);
this._shuffle(m, s);
_sum(m) {
let c = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
c += this.sigma[i] + m[i];
this.sigma[i] = c;
c >>>= 8;
static hash() {
return new GOST94();
static hmac(box) {
return new HMAC(GOST94, 32, [box]);
static digest(data, box) {
return GOST94.ctx.init(box).update(data).final();
static root(left, right, box) {
assert(Buffer.isBuffer(left) && left.length === 32);
assert(Buffer.isBuffer(right) && right.length === 32);
return GOST94.ctx.init(box).update(left).update(right).final();
static multi(x, y, z, box) {
const {ctx} = GOST94;
if (z)
static mac(data, key, box) {
return GOST94.hmac(box).init(key).update(data).final();
* Static
GOST94.native = 0; = 'GOST94';
GOST94.size = 32;
GOST94.bits = 256;
GOST94.blockSize = 32; = Buffer.alloc(32, 0x00);
GOST94.ctx = new GOST94();
GOST94.S2015 = S_S2015;
* Helpers
function sbox(a, S) {
let v = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
const shft = 4 * i;
const k = (a & (15 << shft)) >>> shft;
v += S[i][k] << shft;
return v >>> 0;
function G(a, k, S) {
return rotl32(sbox((a + k) >>> 0, S), 11);
function encrypt(msg, pos, key, sbox) {
const k = new Uint32Array(8);
let a = readU32(msg, pos + 0);
let b = readU32(msg, pos + 4);
for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++)
k[i] = readU32(key, i * 4);
for (let x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
const t = b ^ G(a, k[i], sbox);
b = a;
a = t;
for (let i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
const t = b ^ G(a, k[i], sbox);
b = a;
a = t;
writeU32(msg, b, pos + 0);
writeU32(msg, a, pos + 4);
function X(a, b) {
const out = Buffer.allocUnsafe(32);
for (let i = 0; i < 32; i++)
out[i] = a[i] ^ b[i];
return out;
function XM(a, b) {
for (let i = 0; i < 32; i++)
a[i] ^= b[i];
function A(x) {
const out = Buffer.allocUnsafe(32);
x.copy(out, 0, 8, 32);
for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++)
out[24 + i] = x[i] ^ x[i + 8];
return out;
function P(y) {
const out = Buffer.allocUnsafe(32);
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (let k = 0; k < 8; k++)
out[i + 4 * k] = y[8 * i + k];
return out;
function psi(block) {
const out = Buffer.allocUnsafe(32);
block.copy(out, 0, 2, 32);
block.copy(out, 30, 0, 2);
out[30] ^= block[2];
out[31] ^= block[3];
out[30] ^= block[4];
out[31] ^= block[5];
out[30] ^= block[6];
out[31] ^= block[7];
out[30] ^= block[24];
out[31] ^= block[25];
out[30] ^= block[30];
out[31] ^= block[31];
out.copy(block, 0);
function rotl32(w, b) {
return (w << b) | (w >>> (32 - b));
function readU32(data, off) {
return (data[off++]
+ data[off++] * 0x100
+ data[off++] * 0x10000
+ data[off] * 0x1000000);
function writeU32(dst, num, off) {
dst[off++] = num;
num >>>= 8;
dst[off++] = num;
num >>>= 8;
dst[off++] = num;
num >>>= 8;
dst[off++] = num;
return off;
* Expose
module.exports = GOST94;
if (process.env.NODE_BACKEND === 'js')
module.exports = require('./js/gost94');
module.exports = require('./native/gost94');

@@ -117,3 +117,3 @@ /*!

// Eat leading zeroes.
while (size > 1 && data[pos] === 0x00) {
while (size > 0 && data[pos] === 0x00) {
pos += 1;

@@ -120,0 +120,0 @@ size -= 1;

@@ -429,3 +429,3 @@ /*!

// There are 4 bits available for the version (2 ^ 4 = 16)
assert((type & 0x0f) === type, 'Invalid cash32 type.');
assert((type & 0x0f) === type);

@@ -432,0 +432,0 @@

@@ -1157,3 +1157,3 @@ /*!

const e = powConst(y, x, p, q);
const e = powBlind(y, x, p, q);

@@ -1196,3 +1196,3 @@ return e.encode('be', p.byteLength());

function powBlind(g, x, p, q, size) {
function powBlind(g, x, p, q) {
// Idea: exponentiate by scalar with a

@@ -1222,4 +1222,4 @@ // blinding factor, similar to how we

const k = x.sub(b).imod(q);
const e1 = G.redPow(k, size);
const e2 = G.redPow(b, size);
const e1 = G.redPow(k);
const e2 = G.redPow(b);
const e = e1.redMul(e2);

@@ -1230,7 +1230,2 @@

function powConst(g, x, p, q) {
assert(q instanceof BN);
return powBlind(g, x, p, q, q.bitLength());

@@ -1237,0 +1232,0 @@ * Expose

@@ -105,3 +105,3 @@ /*!

publicKeyConvert(key, sign) {
assert(typeof sign === 'boolean');
assert(sign == null || typeof sign === 'boolean');

@@ -114,4 +114,6 @@ if (!this.edwards)

if (P.isOdd() !== sign)
return P.neg().encode();
if (sign != null) {
if (P.isOdd() !== sign)
return P.neg().encode();

@@ -132,3 +134,3 @@ return P.encode();

return this.curve.encodeUniform(u, rng);
return this.curve.encodeUniform(u, hint >>> 8);

@@ -142,5 +144,5 @@

publicKeyToHash(key) {
publicKeyToHash(key, subgroup = rng.randomInt()) {
const A = this.curve.decodePoint(key);
return this.curve.pointToHash(A, rng);
return this.curve.pointToHash(A, subgroup, rng);

@@ -147,0 +149,0 @@

@@ -223,3 +223,3 @@ /*!

return this.curve.encodeUniform(u, rng);
return this.curve.encodeUniform(u, hint >>> 8);

@@ -234,3 +234,3 @@

const A = this.curve.decodePoint(key);
return this.curve.pointToHash(A, rng);
return this.curve.pointToHash(A, 0, rng);

@@ -669,3 +669,3 @@

// trouble on curves where `p / n > 1`.
const {p, n} = this.curve;
const {n, pmodn} = this.curve;
const G = this.curve.g;

@@ -686,3 +686,6 @@ const m = this._reduce(msg);

if (high) {
if (x.cmp(p.mod(n)) >= 0)
if (this.curve.highOrder)
throw new Error('Invalid high bit.');
if (x.cmp(pmodn) >= 0)
throw new Error('Invalid R value.');

@@ -689,0 +692,0 @@

@@ -147,3 +147,3 @@ /*!

get size() {
return this.curve.fieldSize;
return this.curve.adjustedSize;

@@ -177,3 +177,3 @@

privateKeyGenerate() {
return rng.randomBytes(this.curve.fieldSize);
return rng.randomBytes(this.curve.adjustedSize);

@@ -188,5 +188,5 @@

assert(secret.length === this.curve.fieldSize);
assert(secret.length === this.curve.adjustedSize);
const hash = this.hash.digest(secret, this.curve.fieldSize * 2);
const hash = this.hash.digest(secret, this.curve.adjustedSize * 2);

@@ -203,3 +203,3 @@ return this.curve.splitHash(hash);

return secret.length === this.curve.fieldSize;
return secret.length === this.curve.adjustedSize;

@@ -247,3 +247,3 @@

if (json.d.length !== this.curve.fieldSize)
if (json.d.length !== this.curve.adjustedSize)
throw new Error('Invalid private key.');

@@ -332,3 +332,3 @@

return this.curve.encodeUniform(u, rng);
return this.curve.encodeUniform(u, hint >>> 8);

@@ -341,5 +341,5 @@

publicKeyToHash(key) {
publicKeyToHash(key, subgroup = rng.randomInt()) {
const A = this.curve.decodePoint(key);
return this.curve.pointToHash(A, rng, this.iso);
return this.curve.pointToHash(A, subgroup, rng, this.iso);

@@ -399,8 +399,7 @@

publicKeyExport(key) {
const size = (this.curve.fieldBits + 7) >>> 3;
const {x, y} = this.curve.decodePoint(key);
return {
x: x.fromRed().encode(this.curve.endian, size),
y: y.fromRed().encode(this.curve.endian, size)
x: this.curve.encodeField(x.fromRed()),
y: this.curve.encodeField(y.fromRed())

@@ -523,3 +522,3 @@ }

assert(prefix.length === this.curve.fieldSize);
assert(prefix.length === this.curve.adjustedSize);

@@ -535,3 +534,3 @@ const {n} = this.curve;

return Buffer.concat([Rraw, this.curve.encodeField(s)]);
return Buffer.concat([Rraw, this.curve.encodeAdjusted(s)]);

@@ -543,4 +542,4 @@

const expanded = this.hash.multi(prefix_, tweak, null,
this.curve.fieldSize * 2);
const prefix = expanded.slice(0, this.curve.fieldSize);
this.curve.adjustedSize * 2);
const prefix = expanded.slice(0, this.curve.adjustedSize);

@@ -554,4 +553,4 @@ return this.signWithScalar(msg, key, prefix, ph, ctx);

const expanded = this.hash.multi(prefix_, tweak, null,
this.curve.fieldSize * 2);
const prefix = expanded.slice(0, this.curve.fieldSize);
this.curve.adjustedSize * 2);
const prefix = expanded.slice(0, this.curve.adjustedSize);

@@ -571,6 +570,6 @@ return this.signWithScalar(msg, key, prefix, ph, ctx);

if (sig.length !== this.curve.fieldSize * 2)
if (sig.length !== this.curve.adjustedSize * 2)
return false;
if (key.length !== this.curve.fieldSize)
if (key.length !== this.curve.adjustedSize)
return false;

@@ -612,6 +611,6 @@

const G = this.curve.g;
const Rraw = sig.slice(0, this.curve.fieldSize);
const sraw = sig.slice(this.curve.fieldSize);
const Rraw = sig.slice(0, this.curve.adjustedSize);
const sraw = sig.slice(this.curve.adjustedSize);
const R = this.curve.decodePoint(Rraw);
const s = this.curve.decodeField(sraw);
const s = this.curve.decodeAdjusted(sraw);
const A = this.curve.decodePoint(key);

@@ -637,6 +636,6 @@

if (sig.length !== this.curve.fieldSize * 2)
if (sig.length !== this.curve.adjustedSize * 2)
return false;
if (key.length !== this.curve.fieldSize)
if (key.length !== this.curve.adjustedSize)
return false;

@@ -678,6 +677,6 @@

const G = this.curve.g;
const Rraw = sig.slice(0, this.curve.fieldSize);
const sraw = sig.slice(this.curve.fieldSize);
const Rraw = sig.slice(0, this.curve.adjustedSize);
const sraw = sig.slice(this.curve.adjustedSize);
const R = this.curve.decodePoint(Rraw);
const s = this.curve.decodeField(sraw);
const s = this.curve.decodeAdjusted(sraw);
const A = this.curve.decodePoint(key);

@@ -713,6 +712,6 @@

if (sig.length !== this.curve.fieldSize * 2)
if (sig.length !== this.curve.adjustedSize * 2)
return false;
if (key.length !== this.curve.fieldSize)
if (key.length !== this.curve.adjustedSize)
return false;

@@ -762,6 +761,6 @@ }

const [msg, sig, key] = batch[i];
const Rraw = sig.slice(0, this.curve.fieldSize);
const sraw = sig.slice(this.curve.fieldSize);
const Rraw = sig.slice(0, this.curve.adjustedSize);
const sraw = sig.slice(this.curve.adjustedSize);
const R = this.curve.decodePoint(Rraw);
const s = this.curve.decodeField(sraw);
const s = this.curve.decodeAdjusted(sraw);
const A = this.curve.decodePoint(key);

@@ -845,3 +844,3 @@

final() {
const hash = * 2);
const hash = * 2);
const num = BN.decode(hash, this.curve.endian);

@@ -848,0 +847,0 @@

@@ -33,5 +33,2 @@ /*!

// Need to recompute.
this.fieldSize = this.curve.p.byteLength();
// AD = a * d

@@ -245,18 +242,2 @@ = this.curve._mulA(this.curve.d);

encodeField(x) {
assert(x instanceof BN);
return x.encode('le', this.fieldSize);
decodeField(bytes) {
if (bytes.length !== this.fieldSize)
throw new Error('Invalid field element size.');
return BN.decode(bytes, 'le');
encode(p) {

@@ -299,3 +280,3 @@ assert(p instanceof this.Point);

// Return the byte encoding of S.
return this.encodeField(s.fromRed());
return this.curve.encodeField(s.fromRed());

@@ -358,3 +339,3 @@

// Return the byte encoding of S.
return this.encodeField(s.fromRed());
return this.curve.encodeField(s.fromRed());

@@ -367,3 +348,3 @@

const e = this.decodeField(bytes);
const e = this.curve.decodeField(bytes);

@@ -752,3 +733,3 @@ // Check for canonical encoding.

if (bytes.length !== this.fieldSize * 2)
if (bytes.length !== this.curve.fieldSize * 2)
throw new Error('Invalid hash size.');

@@ -758,4 +739,4 @@

// Ensure a proper distribution.
const s1 = bytes.slice(0, this.fieldSize);
const s2 = bytes.slice(this.fieldSize);
const s1 = bytes.slice(0, this.curve.fieldSize);
const s2 = bytes.slice(this.curve.fieldSize);
const r1 = this.curve.decodeUniform(s1);

@@ -780,3 +761,3 @@ const r2 = this.curve.decodeUniform(s2);

const p2 = p.uadd(p1.neg());
const p2 = p.usub(p1);
const hint = randomInt(rng);

@@ -793,4 +774,4 @@

const s1 = this.curve.encodeUniform(r1, rng);
const s2 = this.curve.encodeUniform(r2, rng);
const s1 = this.curve.encodeUniform(r1, hint >>> 8);
const s2 = this.curve.encodeUniform(r2, hint >>> 16);

@@ -802,3 +783,3 @@ return Buffer.concat([s1, s2]);

randomPoint(rng) {
const size = this.fieldSize * 2;
const size = this.curve.fieldSize * 2;
const bytes = randomBytes(rng, size);

@@ -805,0 +786,0 @@

@@ -118,5 +118,2 @@ /*!

if (d.length > 32)
d = d.slice(0, 32);
// eslint-disable-next-line

@@ -292,3 +289,3 @@ const h = new this.hash();

return this.curve.encodeUniform(u, rng);
return this.curve.encodeUniform(u, hint >>> 8);

@@ -303,3 +300,3 @@

const A = this.curve.decodeEven(key);
return this.curve.pointToHash(A, rng);
return this.curve.pointToHash(A, 0, rng);

@@ -366,5 +363,29 @@

publicKeyTweakTest(key, tweak, negate, test) {
assert(typeof negate === 'boolean');
publicKeyTweakSum(key, tweak) {
const t = this.curve.decodeScalar(tweak);
if (t.cmp(this.curve.n) >= 0)
throw new Error('Invalid scalar.');
const A = this.curve.decodeEven(key);
const T = this.curve.g.jmul(t);
const P = T.add(A);
return [P.encodeX(), P.isOdd()];
publicKeyTweakTest(key, tweak, expect, negated) {
assert(typeof negated === 'boolean');
try {
return this._publicKeyTweakTest(key, tweak, expect, negated);
} catch (e) {
return false;
_publicKeyTweakTest(key, tweak, expect, negated) {
const t = this.curve.decodeScalar(tweak);

@@ -377,7 +398,7 @@

const T = this.curve.g.jmul(t);
const Q = this.curve.decodeEven(test);
const Q = this.curve.decodeEven(expect);
let P = T.add(A);
if (negate)
if (negated)
P = P.neg();

@@ -405,2 +426,4 @@

assert(aux.length === 32);
return this._sign(msg, key, aux);

@@ -419,3 +442,3 @@ }

// - Let `a` be a secret non-zero scalar.
// - Let `d` be a 0 to 32-byte array.
// - Let `d` be a 32-byte array.
// - k != 0.

@@ -422,0 +445,0 @@ //

@@ -9,4 +9,123 @@ /*!

const {AEAD} = require('./binding');
const assert = require('../internal/assert');
const binding = require('./binding');
class AEAD {
constructor() {
this._handle = binding.aead_create();
init(key, iv) {
assert(this instanceof AEAD);
binding.aead_init(this._handle, key, iv);
return this;
aad(data) {
assert(this instanceof AEAD);
binding.aead_aad(this._handle, data);
return this;
encrypt(data) {
assert(this instanceof AEAD);
binding.aead_encrypt(this._handle, data);
return data;
decrypt(data) {
assert(this instanceof AEAD);
binding.aead_decrypt(this._handle, data);
return data;
auth(data) {
assert(this instanceof AEAD);
binding.aead_auth(this._handle, data);
return data;
final() {
assert(this instanceof AEAD);
return binding.aead_final(this._handle);
destroy() {
assert(this instanceof AEAD);
return this;
verify(tag) {
assert(this instanceof AEAD);
return binding.aead_verify(this._handle, tag);
static encrypt(key, iv, msg, aad) {
if (aad == null)
aad = binding.NULL;
return binding.aead_static_encrypt(key, iv, msg, aad);
static decrypt(key, iv, msg, tag, aad) {
if (aad == null)
aad = binding.NULL;
return binding.aead_static_decrypt(key, iv, msg, tag, aad);
static auth(key, iv, msg, tag, aad) {
if (aad == null)
aad = binding.NULL;
return binding.aead_static_auth(key, iv, msg, tag, aad);
* Static
AEAD.native = 2;

@@ -13,0 +132,0 @@

@@ -9,6 +9,24 @@ /*!

const {base58} = require('./binding');
const assert = require('../internal/assert');
const binding = require('./binding');
base58.native = 2;
* Base58
function encode(data) {
return binding.base58_encode(data);
function decode(str) {
assert(typeof str === 'string');
return binding.base58_decode(str);
function test(str) {
assert(typeof str === 'string');
return binding.base58_test(str);

@@ -18,2 +36,5 @@ * Expose

module.exports = base58;
exports.native = 2;
exports.encode = encode;
exports.decode = decode;
exports.test = test;

@@ -9,6 +9,53 @@ /*!

const {bech32} = require('./binding');
const assert = require('../internal/assert');
const binding = require('./binding');
bech32.native = 2;
* Bech32
function serialize(hrp, data) {
assert(typeof hrp === 'string');
return binding.bech32_serialize(hrp, data);
function deserialize(str) {
assert(typeof str === 'string');
return binding.bech32_deserialize(str);
function is(str) {
assert(typeof str === 'string');
return binding.bech32_is(str);
function convertBits(data, frombits, tobits, pad) {
assert((frombits >>> 0) === frombits);
assert((tobits >>> 0) === tobits);
assert(typeof pad === 'boolean');
return binding.bech32_convert_bits(data, frombits, tobits, pad);
function encode(hrp, version, hash) {
assert(typeof hrp === 'string');
assert((version & 31) === version);
return binding.bech32_encode(hrp, version, hash);
function decode(str) {
assert(typeof str === 'string');
return binding.bech32_decode(str);
function test(str) {
assert(typeof str === 'string');
return binding.bech32_test(str);

@@ -18,2 +65,9 @@ * Expose

module.exports = bech32;
exports.native = 2;
exports.serialize = serialize;
exports.deserialize = deserialize; = is;
exports.convertBits = convertBits;
exports.encode = encode;
exports.decode = decode;
exports.test = test;

@@ -83,2 +83,13 @@ /*!

binding.NULL = Buffer.alloc(0);
binding.ternary = function ternary(val) {
if (val == null)
return -1;
assert(typeof val === 'boolean');
return val | 0;
// eslint-disable-next-line

@@ -95,3 +106,3 @@ binding.hash = function _hash(hash) {

binding.entropy = function entropy(size = 32) {
binding.entropy = function entropy(size = binding.ENTROPY_SIZE) {
return randomBytes(size);

@@ -98,0 +109,0 @@ };

@@ -9,21 +9,106 @@ /*!

const {BLAKE2b} = require('./binding');
const assert = require('../internal/assert');
const binding = require('./binding');
const HMAC = require('../internal/hmac');
BLAKE2b.hash = function hash() {
return new BLAKE2b();
class BLAKE2b {
constructor() {
this._handle = binding.blake2b_create();
BLAKE2b.hmac = function hmac(size) {
return new HMAC(BLAKE2b, 128, [size]);
init(size, key) {
if (size == null)
size = 32;
BLAKE2b.mac = function mac(data, key, size) {
return BLAKE2b.hmac(size).init(key).update(data).final();
if (key == null)
key = binding.NULL;
assert(this instanceof BLAKE2b);
assert((size >>> 0) === size);
binding.blake2b_init(this._handle, size, key);
return this;
update(data) {
assert(this instanceof BLAKE2b);
binding.blake2b_update(this._handle, data);
return this;
final() {
assert(this instanceof BLAKE2b);
return binding.blake2b_final(this._handle);
static hash() {
return new BLAKE2b();
static hmac(size) {
return new HMAC(BLAKE2b, 128, [size]);
static digest(data, size, key) {
if (size == null)
size = 32;
if (key == null)
key = binding.NULL;
assert((size >>> 0) === size);
return binding.blake2b_digest(data, size, key);
static root(left, right, size, key) {
if (size == null)
size = 32;
if (key == null)
key = binding.NULL;
assert((size >>> 0) === size);
return binding.blake2b_root(left, right, size, key);
static multi(x, y, z, size, key) {
if (z == null)
z = binding.NULL;
if (size == null)
size = 32;
if (key == null)
key = binding.NULL;
assert((size >>> 0) === size);
return binding.blake2b_multi(x, y, z, size, key);
static mac(data, key, size) {
return BLAKE2b.hmac(size).init(key).update(data).final();

@@ -30,0 +115,0 @@ * Static

@@ -9,21 +9,106 @@ /*!

const {BLAKE2s} = require('./binding');
const assert = require('../internal/assert');
const binding = require('./binding');
const HMAC = require('../internal/hmac');
BLAKE2s.hash = function hash() {
return new BLAKE2s();
class BLAKE2s {
constructor() {
this._handle = binding.blake2s_create();
BLAKE2s.hmac = function hmac(size) {
return new HMAC(BLAKE2s, 64, [size]);
init(size, key) {
if (size == null)
size = 32;
BLAKE2s.mac = function mac(data, key, size) {
return BLAKE2s.hmac(size).init(key).update(data).final();
if (key == null)
key = binding.NULL;
assert(this instanceof BLAKE2s);
assert((size >>> 0) === size);
binding.blake2s_init(this._handle, size, key);
return this;
update(data) {
assert(this instanceof BLAKE2s);
binding.blake2s_update(this._handle, data);
return this;
final() {
assert(this instanceof BLAKE2s);
return binding.blake2s_final(this._handle);
static hash() {
return new BLAKE2s();
static hmac(size) {
return new HMAC(BLAKE2s, 64, [size]);
static digest(data, size, key) {
if (size == null)
size = 32;
if (key == null)
key = binding.NULL;
assert((size >>> 0) === size);
return binding.blake2s_digest(data, size, key);
static root(left, right, size, key) {
if (size == null)
size = 32;
if (key == null)
key = binding.NULL;
assert((size >>> 0) === size);
return binding.blake2s_root(left, right, size, key);
static multi(x, y, z, size, key) {
if (z == null)
z = binding.NULL;
if (size == null)
size = 32;
if (key == null)
key = binding.NULL;
assert((size >>> 0) === size);
return binding.blake2s_multi(x, y, z, size, key);
static mac(data, key, size) {
return BLAKE2s.hmac(size).init(key).update(data).final();

@@ -30,0 +115,0 @@ * Static

@@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ /*!

const {cash32} = require('./binding');
const assert = require('../internal/assert');
const binding = require('./binding');

@@ -16,12 +17,54 @@ /*

cash32.decode = function decode(str, defaultPrefix = 'bitcoincash') {
return cash32._decode(str, defaultPrefix);
function serialize(prefix, data) {
assert(typeof prefix === 'string');
cash32.test = function test(str, defaultPrefix = 'bitcoincash') {
return cash32._test(str, defaultPrefix);
return binding.cash32_serialize(prefix, data);
cash32.native = 2;
function deserialize(str, defaultPrefix) {
assert(typeof str === 'string');
assert(typeof defaultPrefix === 'string');
return binding.cash32_deserialize(str, defaultPrefix);
function is(str, defaultPrefix) {
assert(typeof str === 'string');
assert(typeof defaultPrefix === 'string');
return binding.cash32_is(str, defaultPrefix);
function convertBits(data, frombits, tobits, pad) {
assert((frombits >>> 0) === frombits);
assert((tobits >>> 0) === tobits);
assert(typeof pad === 'boolean');
return binding.cash32_convert_bits(data, frombits, tobits, pad);
function encode(prefix, type, hash) {
assert(typeof prefix === 'string');
assert((type >>> 0) === type);
return binding.cash32_encode(prefix, type, hash);
function decode(str, defaultPrefix = 'bitcoincash') {
assert(typeof str === 'string');
assert(typeof defaultPrefix === 'string');
return binding.cash32_decode(str, defaultPrefix);
function test(str, defaultPrefix = 'bitcoincash') {
assert(typeof str === 'string');
assert(typeof defaultPrefix === 'string');
return binding.cash32_test(str, defaultPrefix);

@@ -31,2 +74,9 @@ * Expose

module.exports = cash32;
exports.native = 2;
exports.serialize = serialize;
exports.deserialize = deserialize; = is;
exports.convertBits = convertBits;
exports.encode = encode;
exports.decode = decode;
exports.test = test;

@@ -9,4 +9,57 @@ /*!

const {ChaCha20} = require('./binding');
const assert = require('../internal/assert');
const binding = require('./binding');
* ChaCha20
class ChaCha20 {
constructor() {
this._handle = binding.chacha20_create();
init(key, nonce, counter) {
if (counter == null)
counter = 0;
assert(this instanceof ChaCha20);
binding.chacha20_init(this._handle, key, nonce, counter);
return this;
encrypt(data) {
assert(this instanceof ChaCha20);
binding.chacha20_encrypt(this._handle, data);
return data;
destroy() {
assert(this instanceof ChaCha20);
return this;
static derive(key, nonce) {
return binding.chacha20_derive(key, nonce);
* Static
ChaCha20.native = 2;

@@ -13,0 +66,0 @@

@@ -9,5 +9,18 @@ /*!

const backend = require('./binding').util;
const cleanse = backend.cleanse;
const assert = require('../internal/assert');
const binding = require('./binding');
* Cleanse
function cleanse(data) {
* Static
cleanse.native = 2;

@@ -14,0 +27,0 @@

@@ -11,3 +11,2 @@ /*!

const binding = require('./binding');
const backend = binding.dsa;

@@ -21,3 +20,4 @@ /**

function paramsCreate(key) {
return backend.paramsCreate(key);
return binding.dsa_params_create(key);

@@ -40,3 +40,3 @@

return backend.paramsGenerate(bits, binding.entropy());
return binding.dsa_params_generate(bits, binding.entropy());

@@ -59,18 +59,3 @@

return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const cb = (err, raw) => {
if (err) {
try {
backend.paramsGenerateAsync(bits, binding.entropy(), cb);
} catch (e) {
return binding.dsa_params_generate_async(bits, binding.entropy());

@@ -85,3 +70,4 @@

function paramsBits(params) {
return backend.paramsBits(params);
return binding.dsa_params_bits(params);

@@ -96,3 +82,4 @@

function paramsVerify(params) {
return backend.paramsVerify(params);
return binding.dsa_params_verify(params);

@@ -115,3 +102,3 @@

return backend.paramsImport(raw);
return binding.dsa_params_import(raw);

@@ -126,3 +113,5 @@

function paramsExport(params) {
const raw = backend.paramsExport(params);
const raw = binding.dsa_params_export(params);
const items = binding.decode(raw, 3);

@@ -144,3 +133,4 @@

function privateKeyCreate(params) {
return backend.privateKeyCreate(params, binding.entropy());
return binding.dsa_privkey_create(params, binding.entropy());

@@ -177,3 +167,4 @@

function privateKeyBits(key) {
return backend.privateKeyBits(key);
return binding.dsa_privkey_bits(key);

@@ -188,3 +179,4 @@

function privateKeyVerify(key) {
return backend.privateKeyVerify(key);
return binding.dsa_privkey_verify(key);

@@ -209,3 +201,3 @@

return backend.privateKeyImport(raw);
return binding.dsa_privkey_import(raw);

@@ -220,3 +212,5 @@

function privateKeyExport(key) {
const raw = backend.privateKeyExport(key);
const raw = binding.dsa_privkey_export(key);
const items = binding.decode(raw, 5);

@@ -240,3 +234,4 @@

function publicKeyCreate(key) {
return backend.publicKeyCreate(key);
return binding.dsa_pubkey_create(key);

@@ -251,3 +246,4 @@

function publicKeyBits(key) {
return backend.publicKeyBits(key);
return binding.dsa_pubkey_bits(key);

@@ -262,3 +258,4 @@

function publicKeyVerify(key) {
return backend.publicKeyVerify(key);
return binding.dsa_pubkey_verify(key);

@@ -282,3 +279,3 @@

return backend.publicKeyImport(raw);
return binding.dsa_pubkey_import(raw);

@@ -293,3 +290,5 @@

function publicKeyExport(key) {
const raw = backend.publicKeyExport(key);
const raw = binding.dsa_pubkey_export(key);
const items = binding.decode(raw, 4);

@@ -313,3 +312,9 @@

function signatureImport(sig, size) {
return backend.signatureImport(sig, size);
if (size == null)
size = 0;
assert((size >>> 0) === size);
return binding.dsa_signature_import(sig, size);

@@ -325,3 +330,9 @@

function signatureExport(sig, size) {
return backend.signatureExport(sig, size);
if (size == null)
size = 0;
assert((size >>> 0) === size);
return binding.dsa_signature_export(sig, size);

@@ -337,3 +348,6 @@

function sign(msg, key) {
return backend.sign(msg, key, binding.entropy());
return binding.dsa_sign(msg, key, binding.entropy());

@@ -349,3 +363,6 @@

function signDER(msg, key) {
return backend.signDER(msg, key, binding.entropy());
return binding.dsa_sign_der(msg, key, binding.entropy());

@@ -362,3 +379,7 @@

function verify(msg, sig, key) {
return backend.verify(msg, sig, key);
return binding.dsa_verify(msg, sig, key);

@@ -375,3 +396,7 @@

function verifyDER(msg, sig, key) {
return backend.verifyDER(msg, sig, key);
return binding.dsa_verify_der(msg, sig, key);

@@ -387,3 +412,6 @@

function derive(pub, priv) {
return backend.derive(pub, priv);
return binding.dsa_derive(pub, priv);

@@ -390,0 +418,0 @@

@@ -21,21 +21,55 @@ /*!

class ECDH extends binding.ECDH {
class ECDH {
constructor(name) {
assert(binding.curves.ecdh[name] != null); = name;
this.type = 'ecdh';
this.size = this._size();
this.bits = this._bits();
this.native = 2;
this._ctx = null;
get _handle() {
assert(this instanceof ECDH);
if (!this._ctx) {
const type = binding.curves.ecdh[] | 0;
this._ctx = binding.ecdh_create(type);
return this._ctx;
get size() {
assert(this instanceof ECDH);
return binding.ecdh_size(this._handle);
get bits() {
assert(this instanceof ECDH);
return binding.ecdh_bits(this._handle);
privateKeyGenerate() {
return super.privateKeyGenerate(binding.entropy());
assert(this instanceof ECDH);
return binding.ecdh_privkey_generate(this._handle, binding.entropy());
privateKeyVerify(key) {
assert(this instanceof ECDH);
return binding.ecdh_privkey_verify(this._handle, key);
privateKeyExport(key, sign) {
const pub = this.publicKeyCreate(key);
const [x, y] = super.publicKeyExport(pub, sign);
assert(this instanceof ECDH);
sign = binding.ternary(sign);
const pub = binding.ecdh_pubkey_create(this._handle, key);
const [x, y] = binding.ecdh_pubkey_export(this._handle, pub, sign);
return {

@@ -49,8 +83,88 @@ d: Buffer.from(key),

privateKeyImport(json) {
assert(this instanceof ECDH);
assert(json && typeof json === 'object');
return super.privateKeyImport(json.d);
return binding.ecdh_privkey_import(this._handle, json.d);
publicKeyCreate(key) {
assert(this instanceof ECDH);
return binding.ecdh_pubkey_create(this._handle, key);
publicKeyConvert(key, sign) {
assert(this instanceof ECDH);
sign = binding.ternary(sign);
return binding.ecdh_pubkey_convert(this._handle, key, sign);
publicKeyFromUniform(bytes) {
assert(this instanceof ECDH);
return binding.ecdh_pubkey_from_uniform(this._handle, bytes);
publicKeyToUniform(key, hint = binding.hint()) {
assert(this instanceof ECDH);
assert((hint >>> 0) === hint);
return binding.ecdh_pubkey_to_uniform(this._handle, key, hint);
publicKeyFromHash(bytes, pake = false) {
assert(this instanceof ECDH);
assert(typeof pake === 'boolean');
return binding.ecdh_pubkey_from_hash(this._handle, bytes, pake);
publicKeyToHash(key, subgroup = binding.hint()) {
assert(this instanceof ECDH);
assert((subgroup >>> 0) === subgroup);
return binding.ecdh_pubkey_to_hash(this._handle,
publicKeyVerify(key) {
assert(this instanceof ECDH);
return binding.ecdh_pubkey_verify(this._handle, key);
publicKeyIsSmall(key) {
assert(this instanceof ECDH);
return binding.ecdh_pubkey_is_small(this._handle, key);
publicKeyHasTorsion(key) {
assert(this instanceof ECDH);
return binding.ecdh_pubkey_has_torsion(this._handle, key);
publicKeyExport(key, sign) {
const [x, y] = super.publicKeyExport(key, sign);
assert(this instanceof ECDH);
sign = binding.ternary(sign);
const [x, y] = binding.ecdh_pubkey_export(this._handle, key, sign);
return { x, y };

@@ -60,12 +174,15 @@ }

publicKeyImport(json) {
assert(this instanceof ECDH);
assert(json && typeof json === 'object');
return super.publicKeyImport(json.x);
publicKeyToUniform(key, hint = binding.hint()) {
return super.publicKeyToUniform(key, hint);
return binding.ecdh_pubkey_import(this._handle, json.x);
publicKeyToHash(key) {
return super.publicKeyToHash(key, binding.entropy());
derive(pub, priv) {
assert(this instanceof ECDH);
return binding.ecdh_derive(this._handle, pub, priv);

@@ -72,0 +189,0 @@ }

@@ -16,23 +16,55 @@ /*!

class ECDSA extends binding.ECDSA {
class ECDSA {
constructor(name) {
assert(binding.curves.ecdsa[name] != null); = name;
this.type = 'ecdsa';
this.size = this._size();
this.bits = this._bits();
this.native = 2;
this._ctx = null;
get _handle() {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
if (!this._ctx) {
const type = binding.curves.ecdsa[] | 0;
this._ctx = binding.ecdsa_create(type);
binding.ecdsa_randomize(this._ctx, binding.entropy());
return this._ctx;
get size() {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
return binding.ecdsa_size(this._handle);
get bits() {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
return binding.ecdsa_bits(this._handle);
privateKeyGenerate() {
return super.privateKeyGenerate(binding.entropy());
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
return binding.ecdsa_privkey_generate(this._handle, binding.entropy());
privateKeyVerify(key) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
return binding.ecdsa_privkey_verify(this._handle, key);
privateKeyExport(key) {
const pub = this.publicKeyCreate(key, false);
const [x, y] = super.publicKeyExport(pub);
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
const pub = binding.ecdsa_pubkey_create(this._handle, key, false);
const [x, y] = binding.ecdsa_pubkey_export(this._handle, pub);
return {

@@ -46,23 +78,319 @@ d: Buffer.from(key),

privateKeyImport(json) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
assert(json && typeof json === 'object');
return super.privateKeyImport(json.d);
return binding.ecdsa_privkey_import(this._handle, json.d);
privateKeyTweakAdd(key, tweak) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
return binding.ecdsa_privkey_tweak_add(this._handle, key, tweak);
privateKeyTweakMul(key, tweak) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
return binding.ecdsa_privkey_tweak_mul(this._handle, key, tweak);
privateKeyReduce(key) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
return binding.ecdsa_privkey_reduce(this._handle, key);
privateKeyNegate(key) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
return binding.ecdsa_privkey_negate(this._handle, key);
privateKeyInvert(key) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
return binding.ecdsa_privkey_invert(this._handle, key);
publicKeyCreate(key, compress = true) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
assert(typeof compress === 'boolean');
return binding.ecdsa_pubkey_create(this._handle, key, compress);
publicKeyConvert(key, compress = true) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
assert(typeof compress === 'boolean');
return binding.ecdsa_pubkey_convert(this._handle, key, compress);
publicKeyFromUniform(bytes, compress = true) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
assert(typeof compress === 'boolean');
return binding.ecdsa_pubkey_from_uniform(this._handle, bytes, compress);
publicKeyToUniform(key, hint = binding.hint()) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
assert((hint >>> 0) === hint);
return binding.ecdsa_pubkey_to_uniform(this._handle, key, hint);
publicKeyFromHash(bytes, compress = true) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
assert(typeof compress === 'boolean');
return binding.ecdsa_pubkey_from_hash(this._handle, bytes, compress);
publicKeyToHash(key) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
return binding.ecdsa_pubkey_to_hash(this._handle, key, binding.entropy());
publicKeyVerify(key) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
return binding.ecdsa_pubkey_verify(this._handle, key);
publicKeyExport(key) {
const [x, y] = super.publicKeyExport(key);
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
const [x, y] = binding.ecdsa_pubkey_export(this._handle, key);
return { x, y };
publicKeyImport(json, compress) {
publicKeyImport(json, compress = true) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
assert(json && typeof json === 'object');
return super.publicKeyImport(json.x, json.y, json.sign, compress);
assert(typeof compress === 'boolean');
let {x, y, sign} = json;
if (x == null)
x = binding.NULL;
if (y == null)
y = binding.NULL;
sign = binding.ternary(sign);
return binding.ecdsa_pubkey_import(this._handle, x, y, sign, compress);
publicKeyToUniform(key, hint = binding.hint()) {
return super.publicKeyToUniform(key, hint);
publicKeyTweakAdd(key, tweak, compress = true) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
assert(typeof compress === 'boolean');
return binding.ecdsa_pubkey_tweak_add(this._handle, key, tweak, compress);
publicKeyToHash(key) {
return super.publicKeyToHash(key, binding.entropy());
publicKeyTweakMul(key, tweak, compress = true) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
assert(typeof compress === 'boolean');
return binding.ecdsa_pubkey_tweak_mul(this._handle, key, tweak, compress);
publicKeyCombine(keys, compress = true) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
assert(typeof compress === 'boolean');
for (const key of keys)
return binding.ecdsa_pubkey_combine(this._handle, keys, compress);
publicKeyNegate(key, compress = true) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
assert(typeof compress === 'boolean');
return binding.ecdsa_pubkey_negate(this._handle, key, compress);
signatureNormalize(sig) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
return binding.ecdsa_signature_normalize(this._handle, sig);
signatureNormalizeDER(sig) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
return binding.ecdsa_signature_normalize_der(this._handle, sig);
signatureExport(sig) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
return binding.ecdsa_signature_export(this._handle, sig);
signatureImport(sig) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
return binding.ecdsa_signature_import(this._handle, sig);
isLowS(sig) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
return binding.ecdsa_is_low_s(this._handle, sig);
isLowDER(sig) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
return binding.ecdsa_is_low_der(this._handle, sig);
sign(msg, key) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
return binding.ecdsa_sign(this._handle, msg, key);
signRecoverable(msg, key) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
return binding.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(this._handle, msg, key);
signDER(msg, key) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
return binding.ecdsa_sign_der(this._handle, msg, key);
signRecoverableDER(msg, key) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
return binding.ecdsa_sign_recoverable_der(this._handle, msg, key);
verify(msg, sig, key) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
return binding.ecdsa_verify(this._handle, msg, sig, key);
verifyDER(msg, sig, key) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
return binding.ecdsa_verify_der(this._handle, msg, sig, key);
recover(msg, sig, param, compress = true) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
assert((param >>> 0) === param);
assert(typeof compress === 'boolean');
return binding.ecdsa_recover(this._handle, msg, sig, param, compress);
recoverDER(msg, sig, param, compress = true) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
assert((param >>> 0) === param);
assert(typeof compress === 'boolean');
return binding.ecdsa_recover_der(this._handle, msg, sig, param, compress);
derive(pub, priv, compress = true) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
assert(typeof compress === 'boolean');
return binding.ecdsa_derive(this._handle, pub, priv, compress);
schnorrSign(msg, key) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
return binding.ecdsa_schnorr_sign(this._handle, msg, key);
schnorrVerify(msg, sig, key) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
return binding.ecdsa_schnorr_verify(this._handle, msg, sig, key);
schnorrVerifyBatch(batch) {
assert(this instanceof ECDSA);
for (const item of batch) {
assert(item.length === 3);
return binding.ecdsa_schnorr_verify_batch(this._handle, batch);

@@ -69,0 +397,0 @@

@@ -16,27 +16,95 @@ /*!

class EDDSA extends binding.EDDSA {
class EDDSA {
constructor(name) {
assert(binding.curves.eddsa[name] != null); = name;
this.type = 'eddsa';
this.size = this._size();
this.bits = this._bits();
this.native = 2;
this._ctx = null;
get _handle() {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
if (!this._ctx) {
const type = binding.curves.eddsa[] | 0;
this._ctx = binding.eddsa_create(type);
binding.eddsa_randomize(this._ctx, binding.entropy());
return this._ctx;
get size() {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_size(this._handle);
get bits() {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_bits(this._handle);
privateKeyGenerate() {
return super.privateKeyGenerate(binding.entropy());
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_privkey_generate(this._handle, binding.entropy());
scalarGenerate() {
return super.scalarGenerate(binding.entropy());
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_scalar_generate(this._handle, binding.entropy());
privateKeyExpand(secret) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_privkey_expand(this._handle, secret);
privateKeyConvert(secret) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_privkey_convert(this._handle, secret);
privateKeyVerify(secret) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_privkey_verify(this._handle, secret);
scalarVerify(scalar) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_scalar_verify(this._handle, scalar);
scalarIsZero(scalar) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_scalar_is_zero(this._handle, scalar);
scalarClamp(scalar) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_scalar_clamp(this._handle, scalar);
privateKeyExport(secret) {
const pub = this.publicKeyCreate(secret);
const [x, y] = super.publicKeyExport(pub);
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
const pub = binding.eddsa_pubkey_create(this._handle, secret);
const [x, y] = binding.eddsa_pubkey_export(this._handle, pub);
return {

@@ -50,12 +118,135 @@ d: Buffer.from(secret),

privateKeyImport(json) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
assert(json && typeof json === 'object');
return super.privateKeyImport(json.d);
return binding.eddsa_privkey_import(this._handle, json.d);
scalarTweakAdd(scalar, tweak) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_scalar_tweak_add(this._handle, scalar, tweak);
scalarTweakMul(scalar, tweak) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_scalar_tweak_mul(this._handle, scalar, tweak);
scalarReduce(scalar) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_scalar_reduce(this._handle, scalar);
scalarNegate(scalar) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_scalar_negate(this._handle, scalar);
scalarInvert(scalar) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_scalar_invert(this._handle, scalar);
publicKeyCreate(secret) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_pubkey_create(this._handle, secret);
publicKeyFromScalar(scalar) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_pubkey_from_scalar(this._handle, scalar);
publicKeyConvert(key) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_pubkey_convert(this._handle, key);
publicKeyFromUniform(bytes) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_pubkey_from_uniform(this._handle, bytes);
publicKeyToUniform(key, hint = binding.hint()) {
return super.publicKeyToUniform(key, hint);
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
assert((hint >>> 0) === hint);
return binding.eddsa_pubkey_to_uniform(this._handle, key, hint);
publicKeyFromHash(bytes, pake = false) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
assert(typeof pake === 'boolean');
return binding.eddsa_pubkey_from_hash(this._handle, bytes, pake);
publicKeyToHash(key, subgroup = binding.hint()) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
assert((subgroup >>> 0) === subgroup);
return binding.eddsa_pubkey_to_hash(this._handle,
publicKeyVerify(key) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_pubkey_verify(this._handle, key);
publicKeyIsInfinity(key) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_pubkey_is_infinity(this._handle, key);
publicKeyIsSmall(key) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_pubkey_is_small(this._handle, key);
publicKeyHasTorsion(key) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_pubkey_has_torsion(this._handle, key);
publicKeyExport(key) {
const [x, y] = super.publicKeyExport(key);
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
const [x, y] = binding.eddsa_pubkey_export(this._handle, key);
return { x, y };

@@ -65,9 +256,189 @@ }

publicKeyImport(json) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
assert(json && typeof json === 'object');
return super.publicKeyImport(json.x, json.y, json.sign);
let {x, y, sign} = json;
if (x == null)
x = binding.NULL;
if (y == null)
y = binding.NULL;
sign = binding.ternary(sign);
return binding.eddsa_pubkey_import(this._handle, x, y, sign);
publicKeyToHash(key) {
return super.publicKeyToHash(key, binding.entropy());
publicKeyTweakAdd(key, tweak) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_pubkey_tweak_add(this._handle, key, tweak);
publicKeyTweakMul(key, tweak) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_pubkey_tweak_mul(this._handle, key, tweak);
publicKeyCombine(keys) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
for (const key of keys)
return binding.eddsa_pubkey_combine(this._handle, keys);
publicKeyNegate(key) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_pubkey_negate(this._handle, key);
sign(msg, secret, ph, ctx) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
ph = binding.ternary(ph);
if (ctx == null)
ctx = binding.NULL;
return binding.eddsa_sign(this._handle, msg, secret, ph, ctx);
signWithScalar(msg, scalar, prefix, ph, ctx) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
ph = binding.ternary(ph);
if (ctx == null)
ctx = binding.NULL;
return binding.eddsa_sign_with_scalar(this._handle, msg,
scalar, prefix, ph, ctx);
signTweakAdd(msg, secret, tweak, ph, ctx) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
ph = binding.ternary(ph);
if (ctx == null)
ctx = binding.NULL;
return binding.eddsa_sign_tweak_add(this._handle, msg,
secret, tweak, ph, ctx);
signTweakMul(msg, secret, tweak, ph, ctx) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
ph = binding.ternary(ph);
if (ctx == null)
ctx = binding.NULL;
return binding.eddsa_sign_tweak_mul(this._handle, msg,
secret, tweak, ph, ctx);
verify(msg, sig, key, ph, ctx) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
ph = binding.ternary(ph);
if (ctx == null)
ctx = binding.NULL;
return binding.eddsa_verify(this._handle, msg, sig, key, ph, ctx);
verifySingle(msg, sig, key, ph, ctx) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
ph = binding.ternary(ph);
if (ctx == null)
ctx = binding.NULL;
return binding.eddsa_verify_single(this._handle, msg, sig, key, ph, ctx);
verifyBatch(batch, ph, ctx) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
ph = binding.ternary(ph);
if (ctx == null)
ctx = binding.NULL;
for (const item of batch) {
assert(item.length === 3);
return binding.eddsa_verify_batch(this._handle, batch, ph, ctx);
derive(pub, secret) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_derive(this._handle, pub, secret);
deriveWithScalar(pub, scalar) {
assert(this instanceof EDDSA);
return binding.eddsa_derive_with_scalar(this._handle, pub, scalar);

@@ -74,0 +445,0 @@

@@ -9,4 +9,3 @@ /*!

const binding = require('./binding');
const {Hash, HMAC, hashes} = binding;
const {Hash, HMAC, hashes} = require('./hash');

@@ -13,0 +12,0 @@ /*

@@ -9,4 +9,3 @@ /*!

const binding = require('./binding');
const {Hash, HMAC, hashes} = binding;
const {Hash, HMAC, hashes} = require('./hash');

@@ -13,0 +12,0 @@ /*

@@ -10,28 +10,138 @@ /*!

const assert = require('../internal/assert');
const {Keccak} = require('./binding');
const binding = require('./binding');
const HMAC = require('../internal/hmac');
* Keccak
Keccak.hash = function hash() {
return new Keccak();
class Keccak {
constructor() {
this._handle = binding.keccak_create();
Keccak.hmac = function hmac(bits, pad, len) {
if (bits == null)
bits = 256;
init(bits) {
if (bits == null)
bits = 256;
assert((bits >>> 0) === bits);
assert(this instanceof Keccak);
assert((bits >>> 0) === bits);
const rate = 1600 - bits * 2;
binding.keccak_init(this._handle, bits);
return new HMAC(Keccak, rate / 8, [bits], [pad, len]);
return this;
Keccak.mac = function mac(data, key, bits, pad, len) {
return Keccak.hmac(bits, pad, len).init(key).update(data).final();
update(data) {
assert(this instanceof Keccak);
binding.keccak_update(this._handle, data);
return this;
final(pad, len) {
if (pad == null)
pad = 0x01;
if (len == null)
len = 0;
assert(this instanceof Keccak);
assert((pad >>> 0) === pad);
assert((len >>> 0) === len);
return binding.keccak_final(this._handle, pad, len);
static hash() {
return new Keccak();
static hmac(bits, pad, len) {
if (bits == null)
bits = 256;
if (pad == null)
pad = 0x01;
if (len == null)
len = 0;
assert((bits >>> 0) === bits);
assert((pad >>> 0) === pad);
assert((len >>> 0) === len);
const rate = 1600 - bits * 2;
const bs = rate >> 3;
return new HMAC(Keccak, bs, [bits], [pad, len]);
static digest(data, bits, pad, len) {
if (bits == null)
bits = 256;
if (pad == null)
pad = 0x01;
if (len == null)
len = 0;
assert((bits >>> 0) === bits);
assert((pad >>> 0) === pad);
assert((len >>> 0) === len);
return binding.keccak_digest(data, bits, pad, len);
static root(left, right, bits, pad, len) {
if (bits == null)
bits = 256;
if (pad == null)
pad = 0x01;
if (len == null)
len = 0;
assert((bits >>> 0) === bits);
assert((pad >>> 0) === pad);
assert((len >>> 0) === len);
return binding.keccak_root(left, right, bits, pad, len);
static multi(x, y, z, bits, pad, len) {
if (z == null)
z = binding.NULL;
if (bits == null)
bits = 256;
if (pad == null)
pad = 0x01;
if (len == null)
len = 0;
assert((bits >>> 0) === bits);
assert((pad >>> 0) === pad);
assert((len >>> 0) === len);
return binding.keccak_multi(x, y, z, bits, pad, len);
static mac(data, key, bits, pad, len) {
return Keccak.hmac(bits, pad, len).init(key).update(data).final();

@@ -38,0 +148,0 @@ * Static

@@ -9,4 +9,3 @@ /*!

const binding = require('./binding');
const {Hash, HMAC, hashes} = binding;
const {Hash, HMAC, hashes} = require('./hash');

@@ -13,0 +12,0 @@ /*

@@ -9,4 +9,3 @@ /*!

const binding = require('./binding');
const {Hash, HMAC, hashes} = binding;
const {Hash, HMAC, hashes} = require('./hash');

@@ -13,0 +12,0 @@ /*

@@ -9,4 +9,3 @@ /*!

const binding = require('./binding');
const {Hash, HMAC, hashes} = binding;
const {Hash, HMAC, hashes} = require('./hash');

@@ -13,0 +12,0 @@ /*

@@ -9,4 +9,3 @@ /*!

const binding = require('./binding');
const {Hash, HMAC, hashes} = binding;
const {Hash, HMAC, hashes} = require('./hash');

@@ -13,0 +12,0 @@ /*

@@ -10,10 +10,25 @@ /*!

const {murmur3} = require('./binding');
const assert = require('../internal/assert');
const binding = require('./binding');
murmur3.native = 2;
* Murmur3
function sum(data, seed) {
return binding.murmur3_sum(data, seed >>> 0);
function tweak(data, n, tweak) {
return binding.murmur3_tweak(data, n >>> 0, tweak >>> 0);
* Expose
module.exports = murmur3;
exports.native = 2;
exports.sum = sum;
exports.tweak = tweak;

@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ /*!

const assert = require('../internal/assert');
const binding = require('./binding');
const backend = binding.pbkdf2;

@@ -33,3 +33,8 @@ /**

return backend.derive(binding.hash(hash), pass, salt, iter, len);
assert((iter >>> 0) === iter);
assert((len >>> 0) === len);
return binding.pbkdf2_derive(binding.hash(hash), pass, salt, iter, len);

@@ -57,17 +62,8 @@

return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const cb = (err, key) => {
if (err) {
assert((iter >>> 0) === iter);
assert((len >>> 0) === len);
try {
backend.deriveAsync(binding.hash(hash), pass, salt, iter, len, cb);
} catch (e) {
return binding.pbkdf2_derive_async(binding.hash(hash), pass, salt, iter, len);

@@ -74,0 +70,0 @@

@@ -9,4 +9,57 @@ /*!

const {Poly1305} = require('./binding');
const assert = require('../internal/assert');
const binding = require('./binding');
* Poly1305
class Poly1305 {
constructor() {
this._handle = binding.poly1305_create();
init(key) {
assert(this instanceof Poly1305);
binding.poly1305_init(this._handle, key);
return this;
update(data) {
assert(this instanceof Poly1305);
binding.poly1305_update(this._handle, data);
return this;
final() {
assert(this instanceof Poly1305);
return binding.poly1305_final(this._handle);
destroy() {
assert(this instanceof Poly1305);
return this;
verify(tag) {
assert(this instanceof Poly1305);
return binding.poly1305_verify(this._handle, tag);
* Static
Poly1305.native = 2;

@@ -13,0 +66,0 @@

@@ -9,4 +9,3 @@ /*!

const binding = require('./binding');
const {Hash, HMAC, hashes} = binding;
const {Hash, HMAC, hashes} = require('./hash');

@@ -13,0 +12,0 @@ /*

@@ -13,3 +13,2 @@ /*!

const binding = require('./binding');
const backend = binding.rsa;

@@ -53,3 +52,3 @@ /*

return backend.privateKeyGenerate(bits, exponent, binding.entropy());
return binding.rsa_privkey_generate(bits, exponent, binding.entropy());

@@ -83,18 +82,3 @@

return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
const cb = function(err, raw) {
if (err) {
try {
backend.privateKeyGenerateAsync(bits, exponent, binding.entropy(), cb);
} catch (e) {
return binding.rsa_privkey_generate_async(bits, exponent, binding.entropy());

@@ -109,3 +93,4 @@

function privateKeyBits(key) {
return backend.privateKeyBits(key);
return binding.rsa_privkey_bits(key);

@@ -120,3 +105,4 @@

function privateKeyVerify(key) {
return backend.privateKeyVerify(key);
return binding.rsa_privkey_verify(key);

@@ -144,3 +130,3 @@

return backend.privateKeyImport(raw, binding.entropy());
return binding.rsa_privkey_import(raw, binding.entropy());

@@ -155,3 +141,5 @@

function privateKeyExport(key) {
const raw = backend.privateKeyExport(key);
const raw = binding.rsa_privkey_export(key);
const items = binding.decode(raw, 8);

@@ -178,3 +166,4 @@

function publicKeyCreate(key) {
return backend.publicKeyCreate(key, binding.entropy());
return binding.rsa_pubkey_create(key);

@@ -189,3 +178,4 @@

function publicKeyBits(key) {
return backend.publicKeyBits(key);
return binding.rsa_pubkey_bits(key);

@@ -200,3 +190,4 @@

function publicKeyVerify(key) {
return backend.publicKeyVerify(key);
return binding.rsa_pubkey_verify(key);

@@ -218,3 +209,3 @@

return backend.publicKeyImport(raw);
return binding.rsa_pubkey_import(raw);

@@ -229,3 +220,5 @@

function publicKeyExport(key) {
const raw = backend.publicKeyExport(key);
const raw = binding.rsa_pubkey_export(key);
const items = binding.decode(raw, 2);

@@ -256,3 +249,7 @@

return backend.sign(hash, msg, key, binding.entropy());
assert((hash | 0) === hash);
return binding.rsa_sign(hash, msg, key, binding.entropy());

@@ -278,3 +275,7 @@

return backend.verify(hash, msg, sig, key);
assert((hash | 0) === hash);
return binding.rsa_verify(hash, msg, sig, key);

@@ -290,3 +291,6 @@

function encrypt(msg, key) {
return backend.encrypt(msg, key, binding.entropy());
return binding.rsa_encrypt(msg, key, binding.entropy());

@@ -302,3 +306,6 @@

function decrypt(msg, key) {
return backend.decrypt(msg, key, binding.entropy());
return binding.rsa_decrypt(msg, key, binding.entropy());

@@ -315,8 +322,12 @@

function signPSS(hash, msg, key, saltLen) {
return backend.signPSS(binding.hash(hash),
function signPSS(hash, msg, key, saltLen = -1) {
assert((saltLen | 0) === saltLen);
return binding.rsa_sign_pss(binding.hash(hash),

@@ -334,8 +345,13 @@

function verifyPSS(hash, msg, sig, key, saltLen) {
return backend.verifyPSS(binding.hash(hash),
function verifyPSS(hash, msg, sig, key, saltLen = -1) {
assert((saltLen | 0) === saltLen);
return binding.rsa_verify_pss(binding.hash(hash),

@@ -353,7 +369,14 @@

function encryptOAEP(hash, msg, key, label) {
return backend.encryptOAEP(binding.hash(hash),
if (label == null)
label = binding.NULL;
return binding.rsa_encrypt_oaep(binding.hash(hash),

@@ -371,7 +394,14 @@

function decryptOAEP(hash, msg, key, label) {
return backend.decryptOAEP(binding.hash(hash),
if (label == null)
label = binding.NULL;
return binding.rsa_decrypt_oaep(binding.hash(hash),

@@ -388,3 +418,7 @@

function veil(msg, bits, key) {
return backend.veil(msg, bits, key, binding.entropy());
assert((bits >>> 0) === bits);
return binding.rsa_veil(msg, bits, key, binding.entropy());

@@ -401,3 +435,7 @@

function unveil(msg, bits, key) {
return backend.unveil(msg, bits, key);
assert((bits >>> 0) === bits);
return binding.rsa_unveil(msg, bits, key);

@@ -404,0 +442,0 @@

@@ -9,4 +9,57 @@ /*!

const {Salsa20} = require('./binding');
const assert = require('../internal/assert');
const binding = require('./binding');
* Salsa20
class Salsa20 {
constructor() {
this._handle = binding.salsa20_create();
init(key, nonce, counter) {
if (counter == null)
counter = 0;
assert(this instanceof Salsa20);
binding.salsa20_init(this._handle, key, nonce, counter);
return this;
encrypt(data) {
assert(this instanceof Salsa20);
binding.salsa20_encrypt(this._handle, data);
return data;
destroy() {
assert(this instanceof Salsa20);
return this;
static derive(key, nonce) {
return binding.salsa20_derive(key, nonce);
* Static
Salsa20.native = 2;

@@ -13,0 +66,0 @@

* schnorr.js - schnorr wrapper for libtorsion
* schnorr.js - schnorr for bcrypto
* Copyright (c) 2018-2019, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License).

@@ -9,63 +9,7 @@ *

const assert = require('../internal/assert');
const binding = require('./binding');
* Schnorr
class Schnorr extends binding.Schnorr {
constructor(name) {
super(binding.curves.ecdsa[name]); = name;
this.type = 'schnorr';
this.size = this._size();
this.bits = this._bits();
this.native = 2;
privateKeyGenerate() {
return super.privateKeyGenerate(binding.entropy());
privateKeyExport(key) {
const [d, x, y] = super.privateKeyExport(key);
return { d, x, y };
privateKeyImport(json) {
assert(json && typeof json === 'object');
return super.privateKeyImport(json.d);
publicKeyExport(key) {
const [x, y] = super.publicKeyExport(key);
return { x, y };
publicKeyImport(json) {
assert(json && typeof json === 'object');
return super.publicKeyImport(json.x);
publicKeyToUniform(key, hint = binding.hint()) {
return super.publicKeyToUniform(key, hint);
publicKeyToHash(key) {
return super.publicKeyToHash(key, binding.entropy());
sign(msg, key, aux = binding.entropy(32)) {
return super.sign(msg, key, aux);
* Expose
module.exports = new Schnorr('SECP256K1');
if (binding.USE_SECP256K1_LATEST && process.env.BCRYPTO_FORCE_TORSION !== '1')
module.exports = require('./schnorr-libsecp256k1');
module.exports = require('./schnorr-torsion');

@@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ /*!

const backend = require('./binding').scrypt;
const assert = require('../internal/assert');
const binding = require('./binding');

@@ -33,3 +34,10 @@ /**

return backend.derive(passwd, salt, N, r, p, len);
assert((N >>> 0) === N);
assert((r >>> 0) === r);
assert((p >>> 0) === p);
assert((len >>> 0) === len);
return binding.scrypt_derive(passwd, salt, N, r, p, len);

@@ -58,17 +66,10 @@

return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const cb = (err, key) => {
if (err) {
assert((N >>> 0) === N);
assert((r >>> 0) === r);
assert((p >>> 0) === p);
assert((len >>> 0) === len);
try {
backend.deriveAsync(passwd, salt, N, r, p, len, cb);
} catch (e) {
return binding.scrypt_derive_async(passwd, salt, N, r, p, len);

@@ -75,0 +76,0 @@

@@ -12,7 +12,5 @@ /*!

if (binding.Secp256k1 && process.env.BCRYPTO_FORCE_TORSION !== '1') {
module.exports = require('./libsecp256k1');
} else {
const ECDSA = require('./ecdsa');
module.exports = new ECDSA('SECP256K1');
if (binding.USE_SECP256K1 && process.env.BCRYPTO_FORCE_TORSION !== '1')
module.exports = require('./secp256k1-libsecp256k1');
module.exports = require('./secp256k1-torsion');

@@ -9,4 +9,3 @@ /*!

const binding = require('./binding');
const {Hash, HMAC, hashes} = binding;
const {Hash, HMAC, hashes} = require('./hash');

@@ -13,0 +12,0 @@ /*

@@ -9,4 +9,3 @@ /*!

const binding = require('./binding');
const {Hash, HMAC, hashes} = binding;
const {Hash, HMAC, hashes} = require('./hash');

@@ -13,0 +12,0 @@ /*

@@ -9,4 +9,3 @@ /*!

const binding = require('./binding');
const {Hash, HMAC, hashes} = binding;
const {Hash, HMAC, hashes} = require('./hash');

@@ -13,0 +12,0 @@ /*

@@ -9,4 +9,3 @@ /*!

const binding = require('./binding');
const {Hash, HMAC, hashes} = binding;
const {Hash, HMAC, hashes} = require('./hash');

@@ -13,0 +12,0 @@ /*

@@ -9,4 +9,3 @@ /*!

const binding = require('./binding');
const {Hash, HMAC, hashes} = binding;
const {Hash, HMAC, hashes} = require('./hash');

@@ -13,0 +12,0 @@ /*

@@ -9,6 +9,65 @@ /*!

const {siphash} = require('./binding');
const assert = require('../internal/assert');
const binding = require('./binding');
siphash.native = 2;
* Siphash
function siphash(data, key) {
const items = binding.siphash(data, key);
items[0] |= 0;
items[1] |= 0;
return items;
function siphash32(num, key) {
return binding.siphash32(num >>> 0, key) | 0;
function siphash64(hi, lo, key) {
const items = binding.siphash64(hi >>> 0, lo >>> 0, key);
items[0] |= 0;
items[1] |= 0;
return items;
function siphash32k256(num, key) {
return binding.siphash32k256(num >>> 0, key) | 0;
function siphash64k256(hi, lo, key) {
const items = binding.siphash64k256(hi >>> 0, lo >>> 0, key);
items[0] |= 0;
items[1] |= 0;
return items;
function sipmod(data, key, mhi, mlo) {
const items = binding.sipmod(data, key, mhi >>> 0, mlo >>> 0);
items[0] |= 0;
items[1] |= 0;
return items;

@@ -18,2 +77,8 @@ * Expose

module.exports = siphash;
exports.native = 2;
exports.siphash = siphash;
exports.siphash32 = siphash32;
exports.siphash64 = siphash64;
exports.siphash32k256 = siphash32k256;
exports.siphash64k256 = siphash64k256;
exports.sipmod = sipmod;
* whirlpool.js - Whirlpool implementation for bcrypto
* Copyright (c) 2018-2019, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License).
* whirlpool.js - whirlpool for bcrypto
* Copyright (c) 2017-2019, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License).
* Parts of this software are based on RustCrypto/hashes:
* Copyright (c) 2016-2018, The RustCrypto Authors (MIT License).
* Resources:

@@ -21,1316 +9,5 @@

const assert = require('./internal/assert');
const HMAC = require('./internal/hmac');
* Constants
const FINALIZED = -1;
const DESC = Buffer.alloc(32, 0x00);
const PADDING = Buffer.alloc(64, 0x00);
PADDING[0] = 0x80;
const RC = new Uint32Array([
0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0x1823c6e8, 0x87b8014f,
0x36a6d2f5, 0x796f9152,
0x60bc9b8e, 0xa30c7b35,
0x1de0d7c2, 0x2e4bfe57,
0x157737e5, 0x9ff04ada,
0x58c9290a, 0xb1a06b85,
0xbd5d10f4, 0xcb3e0567,
0xe427418b, 0xa77d95d8,
0xfbee7c66, 0xdd17479e,
0xca2dbf07, 0xad5a8333
const C0 = new Uint32Array([
0x18186018, 0xc07830d8, 0x23238c23, 0x05af4626,
0xc6c63fc6, 0x7ef991b8, 0xe8e887e8, 0x136fcdfb,
0x87872687, 0x4ca113cb, 0xb8b8dab8, 0xa9626d11,
0x01010401, 0x08050209, 0x4f4f214f, 0x426e9e0d,
0x3636d836, 0xadee6c9b, 0xa6a6a2a6, 0x590451ff,
0xd2d26fd2, 0xdebdb90c, 0xf5f5f3f5, 0xfb06f70e,
0x7979f979, 0xef80f296, 0x6f6fa16f, 0x5fcede30,
0x91917e91, 0xfcef3f6d, 0x52525552, 0xaa07a4f8,
0x60609d60, 0x27fdc047, 0xbcbccabc, 0x89766535,
0x9b9b569b, 0xaccd2b37, 0x8e8e028e, 0x048c018a,
0xa3a3b6a3, 0x71155bd2, 0x0c0c300c, 0x603c186c,
0x7b7bf17b, 0xff8af684, 0x3535d435, 0xb5e16a80,
0x1d1d741d, 0xe8693af5, 0xe0e0a7e0, 0x5347ddb3,
0xd7d77bd7, 0xf6acb321, 0xc2c22fc2, 0x5eed999c,
0x2e2eb82e, 0x6d965c43, 0x4b4b314b, 0x627a9629,
0xfefedffe, 0xa321e15d, 0x57574157, 0x8216aed5,
0x15155415, 0xa8412abd, 0x7777c177, 0x9fb6eee8,
0x3737dc37, 0xa5eb6e92, 0xe5e5b3e5, 0x7b56d79e,
0x9f9f469f, 0x8cd92313, 0xf0f0e7f0, 0xd317fd23,
0x4a4a354a, 0x6a7f9420, 0xdada4fda, 0x9e95a944,
0x58587d58, 0xfa25b0a2, 0xc9c903c9, 0x06ca8fcf,
0x2929a429, 0x558d527c, 0x0a0a280a, 0x5022145a,
0xb1b1feb1, 0xe14f7f50, 0xa0a0baa0, 0x691a5dc9,
0x6b6bb16b, 0x7fdad614, 0x85852e85, 0x5cab17d9,
0xbdbdcebd, 0x8173673c, 0x5d5d695d, 0xd234ba8f,
0x10104010, 0x80502090, 0xf4f4f7f4, 0xf303f507,
0xcbcb0bcb, 0x16c08bdd, 0x3e3ef83e, 0xedc67cd3,
0x05051405, 0x28110a2d, 0x67678167, 0x1fe6ce78,
0xe4e4b7e4, 0x7353d597, 0x27279c27, 0x25bb4e02,
0x41411941, 0x32588273, 0x8b8b168b, 0x2c9d0ba7,
0xa7a7a6a7, 0x510153f6, 0x7d7de97d, 0xcf94fab2,
0x95956e95, 0xdcfb3749, 0xd8d847d8, 0x8e9fad56,
0xfbfbcbfb, 0x8b30eb70, 0xeeee9fee, 0x2371c1cd,
0x7c7ced7c, 0xc791f8bb, 0x66668566, 0x17e3cc71,
0xdddd53dd, 0xa68ea77b, 0x17175c17, 0xb84b2eaf,
0x47470147, 0x02468e45, 0x9e9e429e, 0x84dc211a,
0xcaca0fca, 0x1ec589d4, 0x2d2db42d, 0x75995a58,
0xbfbfc6bf, 0x9179632e, 0x07071c07, 0x381b0e3f,
0xadad8ead, 0x012347ac, 0x5a5a755a, 0xea2fb4b0,
0x83833683, 0x6cb51bef, 0x3333cc33, 0x85ff66b6,
0x63639163, 0x3ff2c65c, 0x02020802, 0x100a0412,
0xaaaa92aa, 0x39384993, 0x7171d971, 0xafa8e2de,
0xc8c807c8, 0x0ecf8dc6, 0x19196419, 0xc87d32d1,
0x49493949, 0x7270923b, 0xd9d943d9, 0x869aaf5f,
0xf2f2eff2, 0xc31df931, 0xe3e3abe3, 0x4b48dba8,
0x5b5b715b, 0xe22ab6b9, 0x88881a88, 0x34920dbc,
0x9a9a529a, 0xa4c8293e, 0x26269826, 0x2dbe4c0b,
0x3232c832, 0x8dfa64bf, 0xb0b0fab0, 0xe94a7d59,
0xe9e983e9, 0x1b6acff2, 0x0f0f3c0f, 0x78331e77,
0xd5d573d5, 0xe6a6b733, 0x80803a80, 0x74ba1df4,
0xbebec2be, 0x997c6127, 0xcdcd13cd, 0x26de87eb,
0x3434d034, 0xbde46889, 0x48483d48, 0x7a759032,
0xffffdbff, 0xab24e354, 0x7a7af57a, 0xf78ff48d,
0x90907a90, 0xf4ea3d64, 0x5f5f615f, 0xc23ebe9d,
0x20208020, 0x1da0403d, 0x6868bd68, 0x67d5d00f,
0x1a1a681a, 0xd07234ca, 0xaeae82ae, 0x192c41b7,
0xb4b4eab4, 0xc95e757d, 0x54544d54, 0x9a19a8ce,
0x93937693, 0xece53b7f, 0x22228822, 0x0daa442f,
0x64648d64, 0x07e9c863, 0xf1f1e3f1, 0xdb12ff2a,
0x7373d173, 0xbfa2e6cc, 0x12124812, 0x905a2482,
0x40401d40, 0x3a5d807a, 0x08082008, 0x40281048,
0xc3c32bc3, 0x56e89b95, 0xecec97ec, 0x337bc5df,
0xdbdb4bdb, 0x9690ab4d, 0xa1a1bea1, 0x611f5fc0,
0x8d8d0e8d, 0x1c830791, 0x3d3df43d, 0xf5c97ac8,
0x97976697, 0xccf1335b, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0xcfcf1bcf, 0x36d483f9, 0x2b2bac2b, 0x4587566e,
0x7676c576, 0x97b3ece1, 0x82823282, 0x64b019e6,
0xd6d67fd6, 0xfea9b128, 0x1b1b6c1b, 0xd87736c3,
0xb5b5eeb5, 0xc15b7774, 0xafaf86af, 0x112943be,
0x6a6ab56a, 0x77dfd41d, 0x50505d50, 0xba0da0ea,
0x45450945, 0x124c8a57, 0xf3f3ebf3, 0xcb18fb38,
0x3030c030, 0x9df060ad, 0xefef9bef, 0x2b74c3c4,
0x3f3ffc3f, 0xe5c37eda, 0x55554955, 0x921caac7,
0xa2a2b2a2, 0x791059db, 0xeaea8fea, 0x0365c9e9,
0x65658965, 0x0fecca6a, 0xbabad2ba, 0xb9686903,
0x2f2fbc2f, 0x65935e4a, 0xc0c027c0, 0x4ee79d8e,
0xdede5fde, 0xbe81a160, 0x1c1c701c, 0xe06c38fc,
0xfdfdd3fd, 0xbb2ee746, 0x4d4d294d, 0x52649a1f,
0x92927292, 0xe4e03976, 0x7575c975, 0x8fbceafa,
0x06061806, 0x301e0c36, 0x8a8a128a, 0x249809ae,
0xb2b2f2b2, 0xf940794b, 0xe6e6bfe6, 0x6359d185,
0x0e0e380e, 0x70361c7e, 0x1f1f7c1f, 0xf8633ee7,
0x62629562, 0x37f7c455, 0xd4d477d4, 0xeea3b53a,
0xa8a89aa8, 0x29324d81, 0x96966296, 0xc4f43152,
0xf9f9c3f9, 0x9b3aef62, 0xc5c533c5, 0x66f697a3,
0x25259425, 0x35b14a10, 0x59597959, 0xf220b2ab,
0x84842a84, 0x54ae15d0, 0x7272d572, 0xb7a7e4c5,
0x3939e439, 0xd5dd72ec, 0x4c4c2d4c, 0x5a619816,
0x5e5e655e, 0xca3bbc94, 0x7878fd78, 0xe785f09f,
0x3838e038, 0xddd870e5, 0x8c8c0a8c, 0x14860598,
0xd1d163d1, 0xc6b2bf17, 0xa5a5aea5, 0x410b57e4,
0xe2e2afe2, 0x434dd9a1, 0x61619961, 0x2ff8c24e,
0xb3b3f6b3, 0xf1457b42, 0x21218421, 0x15a54234,
0x9c9c4a9c, 0x94d62508, 0x1e1e781e, 0xf0663cee,
0x43431143, 0x22528661, 0xc7c73bc7, 0x76fc93b1,
0xfcfcd7fc, 0xb32be54f, 0x04041004, 0x20140824,
0x51515951, 0xb208a2e3, 0x99995e99, 0xbcc72f25,
0x6d6da96d, 0x4fc4da22, 0x0d0d340d, 0x68391a65,
0xfafacffa, 0x8335e979, 0xdfdf5bdf, 0xb684a369,
0x7e7ee57e, 0xd79bfca9, 0x24249024, 0x3db44819,
0x3b3bec3b, 0xc5d776fe, 0xabab96ab, 0x313d4b9a,
0xcece1fce, 0x3ed181f0, 0x11114411, 0x88552299,
0x8f8f068f, 0x0c890383, 0x4e4e254e, 0x4a6b9c04,
0xb7b7e6b7, 0xd1517366, 0xebeb8beb, 0x0b60cbe0,
0x3c3cf03c, 0xfdcc78c1, 0x81813e81, 0x7cbf1ffd,
0x94946a94, 0xd4fe3540, 0xf7f7fbf7, 0xeb0cf31c,
0xb9b9deb9, 0xa1676f18, 0x13134c13, 0x985f268b,
0x2c2cb02c, 0x7d9c5851, 0xd3d36bd3, 0xd6b8bb05,
0xe7e7bbe7, 0x6b5cd38c, 0x6e6ea56e, 0x57cbdc39,
0xc4c437c4, 0x6ef395aa, 0x03030c03, 0x180f061b,
0x56564556, 0x8a13acdc, 0x44440d44, 0x1a49885e,
0x7f7fe17f, 0xdf9efea0, 0xa9a99ea9, 0x21374f88,
0x2a2aa82a, 0x4d825467, 0xbbbbd6bb, 0xb16d6b0a,
0xc1c123c1, 0x46e29f87, 0x53535153, 0xa202a6f1,
0xdcdc57dc, 0xae8ba572, 0x0b0b2c0b, 0x58271653,
0x9d9d4e9d, 0x9cd32701, 0x6c6cad6c, 0x47c1d82b,
0x3131c431, 0x95f562a4, 0x7474cd74, 0x87b9e8f3,
0xf6f6fff6, 0xe309f115, 0x46460546, 0x0a438c4c,
0xacac8aac, 0x092645a5, 0x89891e89, 0x3c970fb5,
0x14145014, 0xa04428b4, 0xe1e1a3e1, 0x5b42dfba,
0x16165816, 0xb04e2ca6, 0x3a3ae83a, 0xcdd274f7,
0x6969b969, 0x6fd0d206, 0x09092409, 0x482d1241,
0x7070dd70, 0xa7ade0d7, 0xb6b6e2b6, 0xd954716f,
0xd0d067d0, 0xceb7bd1e, 0xeded93ed, 0x3b7ec7d6,
0xcccc17cc, 0x2edb85e2, 0x42421542, 0x2a578468,
0x98985a98, 0xb4c22d2c, 0xa4a4aaa4, 0x490e55ed,
0x2828a028, 0x5d885075, 0x5c5c6d5c, 0xda31b886,
0xf8f8c7f8, 0x933fed6b, 0x86862286, 0x44a411c2
const C1 = new Uint32Array([
0xd8181860, 0x18c07830, 0x2623238c, 0x2305af46,
0xb8c6c63f, 0xc67ef991, 0xfbe8e887, 0xe8136fcd,
0xcb878726, 0x874ca113, 0x11b8b8da, 0xb8a9626d,
0x09010104, 0x01080502, 0x0d4f4f21, 0x4f426e9e,
0x9b3636d8, 0x36adee6c, 0xffa6a6a2, 0xa6590451,
0x0cd2d26f, 0xd2debdb9, 0x0ef5f5f3, 0xf5fb06f7,
0x967979f9, 0x79ef80f2, 0x306f6fa1, 0x6f5fcede,
0x6d91917e, 0x91fcef3f, 0xf8525255, 0x52aa07a4,
0x4760609d, 0x6027fdc0, 0x35bcbcca, 0xbc897665,
0x379b9b56, 0x9baccd2b, 0x8a8e8e02, 0x8e048c01,
0xd2a3a3b6, 0xa371155b, 0x6c0c0c30, 0x0c603c18,
0x847b7bf1, 0x7bff8af6, 0x803535d4, 0x35b5e16a,
0xf51d1d74, 0x1de8693a, 0xb3e0e0a7, 0xe05347dd,
0x21d7d77b, 0xd7f6acb3, 0x9cc2c22f, 0xc25eed99,
0x432e2eb8, 0x2e6d965c, 0x294b4b31, 0x4b627a96,
0x5dfefedf, 0xfea321e1, 0xd5575741, 0x578216ae,
0xbd151554, 0x15a8412a, 0xe87777c1, 0x779fb6ee,
0x923737dc, 0x37a5eb6e, 0x9ee5e5b3, 0xe57b56d7,
0x139f9f46, 0x9f8cd923, 0x23f0f0e7, 0xf0d317fd,
0x204a4a35, 0x4a6a7f94, 0x44dada4f, 0xda9e95a9,
0xa258587d, 0x58fa25b0, 0xcfc9c903, 0xc906ca8f,
0x7c2929a4, 0x29558d52, 0x5a0a0a28, 0x0a502214,
0x50b1b1fe, 0xb1e14f7f, 0xc9a0a0ba, 0xa0691a5d,
0x146b6bb1, 0x6b7fdad6, 0xd985852e, 0x855cab17,
0x3cbdbdce, 0xbd817367, 0x8f5d5d69, 0x5dd234ba,
0x90101040, 0x10805020, 0x07f4f4f7, 0xf4f303f5,
0xddcbcb0b, 0xcb16c08b, 0xd33e3ef8, 0x3eedc67c,
0x2d050514, 0x0528110a, 0x78676781, 0x671fe6ce,
0x97e4e4b7, 0xe47353d5, 0x0227279c, 0x2725bb4e,
0x73414119, 0x41325882, 0xa78b8b16, 0x8b2c9d0b,
0xf6a7a7a6, 0xa7510153, 0xb27d7de9, 0x7dcf94fa,
0x4995956e, 0x95dcfb37, 0x56d8d847, 0xd88e9fad,
0x70fbfbcb, 0xfb8b30eb, 0xcdeeee9f, 0xee2371c1,
0xbb7c7ced, 0x7cc791f8, 0x71666685, 0x6617e3cc,
0x7bdddd53, 0xdda68ea7, 0xaf17175c, 0x17b84b2e,
0x45474701, 0x4702468e, 0x1a9e9e42, 0x9e84dc21,
0xd4caca0f, 0xca1ec589, 0x582d2db4, 0x2d75995a,
0x2ebfbfc6, 0xbf917963, 0x3f07071c, 0x07381b0e,
0xacadad8e, 0xad012347, 0xb05a5a75, 0x5aea2fb4,
0xef838336, 0x836cb51b, 0xb63333cc, 0x3385ff66,
0x5c636391, 0x633ff2c6, 0x12020208, 0x02100a04,
0x93aaaa92, 0xaa393849, 0xde7171d9, 0x71afa8e2,
0xc6c8c807, 0xc80ecf8d, 0xd1191964, 0x19c87d32,
0x3b494939, 0x49727092, 0x5fd9d943, 0xd9869aaf,
0x31f2f2ef, 0xf2c31df9, 0xa8e3e3ab, 0xe34b48db,
0xb95b5b71, 0x5be22ab6, 0xbc88881a, 0x8834920d,
0x3e9a9a52, 0x9aa4c829, 0x0b262698, 0x262dbe4c,
0xbf3232c8, 0x328dfa64, 0x59b0b0fa, 0xb0e94a7d,
0xf2e9e983, 0xe91b6acf, 0x770f0f3c, 0x0f78331e,
0x33d5d573, 0xd5e6a6b7, 0xf480803a, 0x8074ba1d,
0x27bebec2, 0xbe997c61, 0xebcdcd13, 0xcd26de87,
0x893434d0, 0x34bde468, 0x3248483d, 0x487a7590,
0x54ffffdb, 0xffab24e3, 0x8d7a7af5, 0x7af78ff4,
0x6490907a, 0x90f4ea3d, 0x9d5f5f61, 0x5fc23ebe,
0x3d202080, 0x201da040, 0x0f6868bd, 0x6867d5d0,
0xca1a1a68, 0x1ad07234, 0xb7aeae82, 0xae192c41,
0x7db4b4ea, 0xb4c95e75, 0xce54544d, 0x549a19a8,
0x7f939376, 0x93ece53b, 0x2f222288, 0x220daa44,
0x6364648d, 0x6407e9c8, 0x2af1f1e3, 0xf1db12ff,
0xcc7373d1, 0x73bfa2e6, 0x82121248, 0x12905a24,
0x7a40401d, 0x403a5d80, 0x48080820, 0x08402810,
0x95c3c32b, 0xc356e89b, 0xdfecec97, 0xec337bc5,
0x4ddbdb4b, 0xdb9690ab, 0xc0a1a1be, 0xa1611f5f,
0x918d8d0e, 0x8d1c8307, 0xc83d3df4, 0x3df5c97a,
0x5b979766, 0x97ccf133, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0xf9cfcf1b, 0xcf36d483, 0x6e2b2bac, 0x2b458756,
0xe17676c5, 0x7697b3ec, 0xe6828232, 0x8264b019,
0x28d6d67f, 0xd6fea9b1, 0xc31b1b6c, 0x1bd87736,
0x74b5b5ee, 0xb5c15b77, 0xbeafaf86, 0xaf112943,
0x1d6a6ab5, 0x6a77dfd4, 0xea50505d, 0x50ba0da0,
0x57454509, 0x45124c8a, 0x38f3f3eb, 0xf3cb18fb,
0xad3030c0, 0x309df060, 0xc4efef9b, 0xef2b74c3,
0xda3f3ffc, 0x3fe5c37e, 0xc7555549, 0x55921caa,
0xdba2a2b2, 0xa2791059, 0xe9eaea8f, 0xea0365c9,
0x6a656589, 0x650fecca, 0x03babad2, 0xbab96869,
0x4a2f2fbc, 0x2f65935e, 0x8ec0c027, 0xc04ee79d,
0x60dede5f, 0xdebe81a1, 0xfc1c1c70, 0x1ce06c38,
0x46fdfdd3, 0xfdbb2ee7, 0x1f4d4d29, 0x4d52649a,
0x76929272, 0x92e4e039, 0xfa7575c9, 0x758fbcea,
0x36060618, 0x06301e0c, 0xae8a8a12, 0x8a249809,
0x4bb2b2f2, 0xb2f94079, 0x85e6e6bf, 0xe66359d1,
0x7e0e0e38, 0x0e70361c, 0xe71f1f7c, 0x1ff8633e,
0x55626295, 0x6237f7c4, 0x3ad4d477, 0xd4eea3b5,
0x81a8a89a, 0xa829324d, 0x52969662, 0x96c4f431,
0x62f9f9c3, 0xf99b3aef, 0xa3c5c533, 0xc566f697,
0x10252594, 0x2535b14a, 0xab595979, 0x59f220b2,
0xd084842a, 0x8454ae15, 0xc57272d5, 0x72b7a7e4,
0xec3939e4, 0x39d5dd72, 0x164c4c2d, 0x4c5a6198,
0x945e5e65, 0x5eca3bbc, 0x9f7878fd, 0x78e785f0,
0xe53838e0, 0x38ddd870, 0x988c8c0a, 0x8c148605,
0x17d1d163, 0xd1c6b2bf, 0xe4a5a5ae, 0xa5410b57,
0xa1e2e2af, 0xe2434dd9, 0x4e616199, 0x612ff8c2,
0x42b3b3f6, 0xb3f1457b, 0x34212184, 0x2115a542,
0x089c9c4a, 0x9c94d625, 0xee1e1e78, 0x1ef0663c,
0x61434311, 0x43225286, 0xb1c7c73b, 0xc776fc93,
0x4ffcfcd7, 0xfcb32be5, 0x24040410, 0x04201408,
0xe3515159, 0x51b208a2, 0x2599995e, 0x99bcc72f,
0x226d6da9, 0x6d4fc4da, 0x650d0d34, 0x0d68391a,
0x79fafacf, 0xfa8335e9, 0x69dfdf5b, 0xdfb684a3,
0xa97e7ee5, 0x7ed79bfc, 0x19242490, 0x243db448,
0xfe3b3bec, 0x3bc5d776, 0x9aabab96, 0xab313d4b,
0xf0cece1f, 0xce3ed181, 0x99111144, 0x11885522,
0x838f8f06, 0x8f0c8903, 0x044e4e25, 0x4e4a6b9c,
0x66b7b7e6, 0xb7d15173, 0xe0ebeb8b, 0xeb0b60cb,
0xc13c3cf0, 0x3cfdcc78, 0xfd81813e, 0x817cbf1f,
0x4094946a, 0x94d4fe35, 0x1cf7f7fb, 0xf7eb0cf3,
0x18b9b9de, 0xb9a1676f, 0x8b13134c, 0x13985f26,
0x512c2cb0, 0x2c7d9c58, 0x05d3d36b, 0xd3d6b8bb,
0x8ce7e7bb, 0xe76b5cd3, 0x396e6ea5, 0x6e57cbdc,
0xaac4c437, 0xc46ef395, 0x1b03030c, 0x03180f06,
0xdc565645, 0x568a13ac, 0x5e44440d, 0x441a4988,
0xa07f7fe1, 0x7fdf9efe, 0x88a9a99e, 0xa921374f,
0x672a2aa8, 0x2a4d8254, 0x0abbbbd6, 0xbbb16d6b,
0x87c1c123, 0xc146e29f, 0xf1535351, 0x53a202a6,
0x72dcdc57, 0xdcae8ba5, 0x530b0b2c, 0x0b582716,
0x019d9d4e, 0x9d9cd327, 0x2b6c6cad, 0x6c47c1d8,
0xa43131c4, 0x3195f562, 0xf37474cd, 0x7487b9e8,
0x15f6f6ff, 0xf6e309f1, 0x4c464605, 0x460a438c,
0xa5acac8a, 0xac092645, 0xb589891e, 0x893c970f,
0xb4141450, 0x14a04428, 0xbae1e1a3, 0xe15b42df,
0xa6161658, 0x16b04e2c, 0xf73a3ae8, 0x3acdd274,
0x066969b9, 0x696fd0d2, 0x41090924, 0x09482d12,
0xd77070dd, 0x70a7ade0, 0x6fb6b6e2, 0xb6d95471,
0x1ed0d067, 0xd0ceb7bd, 0xd6eded93, 0xed3b7ec7,
0xe2cccc17, 0xcc2edb85, 0x68424215, 0x422a5784,
0x2c98985a, 0x98b4c22d, 0xeda4a4aa, 0xa4490e55,
0x752828a0, 0x285d8850, 0x865c5c6d, 0x5cda31b8,
0x6bf8f8c7, 0xf8933fed, 0xc2868622, 0x8644a411
const C2 = new Uint32Array([
0x30d81818, 0x6018c078, 0x46262323, 0x8c2305af,
0x91b8c6c6, 0x3fc67ef9, 0xcdfbe8e8, 0x87e8136f,
0x13cb8787, 0x26874ca1, 0x6d11b8b8, 0xdab8a962,
0x02090101, 0x04010805, 0x9e0d4f4f, 0x214f426e,
0x6c9b3636, 0xd836adee, 0x51ffa6a6, 0xa2a65904,
0xb90cd2d2, 0x6fd2debd, 0xf70ef5f5, 0xf3f5fb06,
0xf2967979, 0xf979ef80, 0xde306f6f, 0xa16f5fce,
0x3f6d9191, 0x7e91fcef, 0xa4f85252, 0x5552aa07,
0xc0476060, 0x9d6027fd, 0x6535bcbc, 0xcabc8976,
0x2b379b9b, 0x569baccd, 0x018a8e8e, 0x028e048c,
0x5bd2a3a3, 0xb6a37115, 0x186c0c0c, 0x300c603c,
0xf6847b7b, 0xf17bff8a, 0x6a803535, 0xd435b5e1,
0x3af51d1d, 0x741de869, 0xddb3e0e0, 0xa7e05347,
0xb321d7d7, 0x7bd7f6ac, 0x999cc2c2, 0x2fc25eed,
0x5c432e2e, 0xb82e6d96, 0x96294b4b, 0x314b627a,
0xe15dfefe, 0xdffea321, 0xaed55757, 0x41578216,
0x2abd1515, 0x5415a841, 0xeee87777, 0xc1779fb6,
0x6e923737, 0xdc37a5eb, 0xd79ee5e5, 0xb3e57b56,
0x23139f9f, 0x469f8cd9, 0xfd23f0f0, 0xe7f0d317,
0x94204a4a, 0x354a6a7f, 0xa944dada, 0x4fda9e95,
0xb0a25858, 0x7d58fa25, 0x8fcfc9c9, 0x03c906ca,
0x527c2929, 0xa429558d, 0x145a0a0a, 0x280a5022,
0x7f50b1b1, 0xfeb1e14f, 0x5dc9a0a0, 0xbaa0691a,
0xd6146b6b, 0xb16b7fda, 0x17d98585, 0x2e855cab,
0x673cbdbd, 0xcebd8173, 0xba8f5d5d, 0x695dd234,
0x20901010, 0x40108050, 0xf507f4f4, 0xf7f4f303,
0x8bddcbcb, 0x0bcb16c0, 0x7cd33e3e, 0xf83eedc6,
0x0a2d0505, 0x14052811, 0xce786767, 0x81671fe6,
0xd597e4e4, 0xb7e47353, 0x4e022727, 0x9c2725bb,
0x82734141, 0x19413258, 0x0ba78b8b, 0x168b2c9d,
0x53f6a7a7, 0xa6a75101, 0xfab27d7d, 0xe97dcf94,
0x37499595, 0x6e95dcfb, 0xad56d8d8, 0x47d88e9f,
0xeb70fbfb, 0xcbfb8b30, 0xc1cdeeee, 0x9fee2371,
0xf8bb7c7c, 0xed7cc791, 0xcc716666, 0x856617e3,
0xa77bdddd, 0x53dda68e, 0x2eaf1717, 0x5c17b84b,
0x8e454747, 0x01470246, 0x211a9e9e, 0x429e84dc,
0x89d4caca, 0x0fca1ec5, 0x5a582d2d, 0xb42d7599,
0x632ebfbf, 0xc6bf9179, 0x0e3f0707, 0x1c07381b,
0x47acadad, 0x8ead0123, 0xb4b05a5a, 0x755aea2f,
0x1bef8383, 0x36836cb5, 0x66b63333, 0xcc3385ff,
0xc65c6363, 0x91633ff2, 0x04120202, 0x0802100a,
0x4993aaaa, 0x92aa3938, 0xe2de7171, 0xd971afa8,
0x8dc6c8c8, 0x07c80ecf, 0x32d11919, 0x6419c87d,
0x923b4949, 0x39497270, 0xaf5fd9d9, 0x43d9869a,
0xf931f2f2, 0xeff2c31d, 0xdba8e3e3, 0xabe34b48,
0xb6b95b5b, 0x715be22a, 0x0dbc8888, 0x1a883492,
0x293e9a9a, 0x529aa4c8, 0x4c0b2626, 0x98262dbe,
0x64bf3232, 0xc8328dfa, 0x7d59b0b0, 0xfab0e94a,
0xcff2e9e9, 0x83e91b6a, 0x1e770f0f, 0x3c0f7833,
0xb733d5d5, 0x73d5e6a6, 0x1df48080, 0x3a8074ba,
0x6127bebe, 0xc2be997c, 0x87ebcdcd, 0x13cd26de,
0x68893434, 0xd034bde4, 0x90324848, 0x3d487a75,
0xe354ffff, 0xdbffab24, 0xf48d7a7a, 0xf57af78f,
0x3d649090, 0x7a90f4ea, 0xbe9d5f5f, 0x615fc23e,
0x403d2020, 0x80201da0, 0xd00f6868, 0xbd6867d5,
0x34ca1a1a, 0x681ad072, 0x41b7aeae, 0x82ae192c,
0x757db4b4, 0xeab4c95e, 0xa8ce5454, 0x4d549a19,
0x3b7f9393, 0x7693ece5, 0x442f2222, 0x88220daa,
0xc8636464, 0x8d6407e9, 0xff2af1f1, 0xe3f1db12,
0xe6cc7373, 0xd173bfa2, 0x24821212, 0x4812905a,
0x807a4040, 0x1d403a5d, 0x10480808, 0x20084028,
0x9b95c3c3, 0x2bc356e8, 0xc5dfecec, 0x97ec337b,
0xab4ddbdb, 0x4bdb9690, 0x5fc0a1a1, 0xbea1611f,
0x07918d8d, 0x0e8d1c83, 0x7ac83d3d, 0xf43df5c9,
0x335b9797, 0x6697ccf1, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0x83f9cfcf, 0x1bcf36d4, 0x566e2b2b, 0xac2b4587,
0xece17676, 0xc57697b3, 0x19e68282, 0x328264b0,
0xb128d6d6, 0x7fd6fea9, 0x36c31b1b, 0x6c1bd877,
0x7774b5b5, 0xeeb5c15b, 0x43beafaf, 0x86af1129,
0xd41d6a6a, 0xb56a77df, 0xa0ea5050, 0x5d50ba0d,
0x8a574545, 0x0945124c, 0xfb38f3f3, 0xebf3cb18,
0x60ad3030, 0xc0309df0, 0xc3c4efef, 0x9bef2b74,
0x7eda3f3f, 0xfc3fe5c3, 0xaac75555, 0x4955921c,
0x59dba2a2, 0xb2a27910, 0xc9e9eaea, 0x8fea0365,
0xca6a6565, 0x89650fec, 0x6903baba, 0xd2bab968,
0x5e4a2f2f, 0xbc2f6593, 0x9d8ec0c0, 0x27c04ee7,
0xa160dede, 0x5fdebe81, 0x38fc1c1c, 0x701ce06c,
0xe746fdfd, 0xd3fdbb2e, 0x9a1f4d4d, 0x294d5264,
0x39769292, 0x7292e4e0, 0xeafa7575, 0xc9758fbc,
0x0c360606, 0x1806301e, 0x09ae8a8a, 0x128a2498,
0x794bb2b2, 0xf2b2f940, 0xd185e6e6, 0xbfe66359,
0x1c7e0e0e, 0x380e7036, 0x3ee71f1f, 0x7c1ff863,
0xc4556262, 0x956237f7, 0xb53ad4d4, 0x77d4eea3,
0x4d81a8a8, 0x9aa82932, 0x31529696, 0x6296c4f4,
0xef62f9f9, 0xc3f99b3a, 0x97a3c5c5, 0x33c566f6,
0x4a102525, 0x942535b1, 0xb2ab5959, 0x7959f220,
0x15d08484, 0x2a8454ae, 0xe4c57272, 0xd572b7a7,
0x72ec3939, 0xe439d5dd, 0x98164c4c, 0x2d4c5a61,
0xbc945e5e, 0x655eca3b, 0xf09f7878, 0xfd78e785,
0x70e53838, 0xe038ddd8, 0x05988c8c, 0x0a8c1486,
0xbf17d1d1, 0x63d1c6b2, 0x57e4a5a5, 0xaea5410b,
0xd9a1e2e2, 0xafe2434d, 0xc24e6161, 0x99612ff8,
0x7b42b3b3, 0xf6b3f145, 0x42342121, 0x842115a5,
0x25089c9c, 0x4a9c94d6, 0x3cee1e1e, 0x781ef066,
0x86614343, 0x11432252, 0x93b1c7c7, 0x3bc776fc,
0xe54ffcfc, 0xd7fcb32b, 0x08240404, 0x10042014,
0xa2e35151, 0x5951b208, 0x2f259999, 0x5e99bcc7,
0xda226d6d, 0xa96d4fc4, 0x1a650d0d, 0x340d6839,
0xe979fafa, 0xcffa8335, 0xa369dfdf, 0x5bdfb684,
0xfca97e7e, 0xe57ed79b, 0x48192424, 0x90243db4,
0x76fe3b3b, 0xec3bc5d7, 0x4b9aabab, 0x96ab313d,
0x81f0cece, 0x1fce3ed1, 0x22991111, 0x44118855,
0x03838f8f, 0x068f0c89, 0x9c044e4e, 0x254e4a6b,
0x7366b7b7, 0xe6b7d151, 0xcbe0ebeb, 0x8beb0b60,
0x78c13c3c, 0xf03cfdcc, 0x1ffd8181, 0x3e817cbf,
0x35409494, 0x6a94d4fe, 0xf31cf7f7, 0xfbf7eb0c,
0x6f18b9b9, 0xdeb9a167, 0x268b1313, 0x4c13985f,
0x58512c2c, 0xb02c7d9c, 0xbb05d3d3, 0x6bd3d6b8,
0xd38ce7e7, 0xbbe76b5c, 0xdc396e6e, 0xa56e57cb,
0x95aac4c4, 0x37c46ef3, 0x061b0303, 0x0c03180f,
0xacdc5656, 0x45568a13, 0x885e4444, 0x0d441a49,
0xfea07f7f, 0xe17fdf9e, 0x4f88a9a9, 0x9ea92137,
0x54672a2a, 0xa82a4d82, 0x6b0abbbb, 0xd6bbb16d,
0x9f87c1c1, 0x23c146e2, 0xa6f15353, 0x5153a202,
0xa572dcdc, 0x57dcae8b, 0x16530b0b, 0x2c0b5827,
0x27019d9d, 0x4e9d9cd3, 0xd82b6c6c, 0xad6c47c1,
0x62a43131, 0xc43195f5, 0xe8f37474, 0xcd7487b9,
0xf115f6f6, 0xfff6e309, 0x8c4c4646, 0x05460a43,
0x45a5acac, 0x8aac0926, 0x0fb58989, 0x1e893c97,
0x28b41414, 0x5014a044, 0xdfbae1e1, 0xa3e15b42,
0x2ca61616, 0x5816b04e, 0x74f73a3a, 0xe83acdd2,
0xd2066969, 0xb9696fd0, 0x12410909, 0x2409482d,
0xe0d77070, 0xdd70a7ad, 0x716fb6b6, 0xe2b6d954,
0xbd1ed0d0, 0x67d0ceb7, 0xc7d6eded, 0x93ed3b7e,
0x85e2cccc, 0x17cc2edb, 0x84684242, 0x15422a57,
0x2d2c9898, 0x5a98b4c2, 0x55eda4a4, 0xaaa4490e,
0x50752828, 0xa0285d88, 0xb8865c5c, 0x6d5cda31,
0xed6bf8f8, 0xc7f8933f, 0x11c28686, 0x228644a4
const C3 = new Uint32Array([
0x7830d818, 0x186018c0, 0xaf462623, 0x238c2305,
0xf991b8c6, 0xc63fc67e, 0x6fcdfbe8, 0xe887e813,
0xa113cb87, 0x8726874c, 0x626d11b8, 0xb8dab8a9,
0x05020901, 0x01040108, 0x6e9e0d4f, 0x4f214f42,
0xee6c9b36, 0x36d836ad, 0x0451ffa6, 0xa6a2a659,
0xbdb90cd2, 0xd26fd2de, 0x06f70ef5, 0xf5f3f5fb,
0x80f29679, 0x79f979ef, 0xcede306f, 0x6fa16f5f,
0xef3f6d91, 0x917e91fc, 0x07a4f852, 0x525552aa,
0xfdc04760, 0x609d6027, 0x766535bc, 0xbccabc89,
0xcd2b379b, 0x9b569bac, 0x8c018a8e, 0x8e028e04,
0x155bd2a3, 0xa3b6a371, 0x3c186c0c, 0x0c300c60,
0x8af6847b, 0x7bf17bff, 0xe16a8035, 0x35d435b5,
0x693af51d, 0x1d741de8, 0x47ddb3e0, 0xe0a7e053,
0xacb321d7, 0xd77bd7f6, 0xed999cc2, 0xc22fc25e,
0x965c432e, 0x2eb82e6d, 0x7a96294b, 0x4b314b62,
0x21e15dfe, 0xfedffea3, 0x16aed557, 0x57415782,
0x412abd15, 0x155415a8, 0xb6eee877, 0x77c1779f,
0xeb6e9237, 0x37dc37a5, 0x56d79ee5, 0xe5b3e57b,
0xd923139f, 0x9f469f8c, 0x17fd23f0, 0xf0e7f0d3,
0x7f94204a, 0x4a354a6a, 0x95a944da, 0xda4fda9e,
0x25b0a258, 0x587d58fa, 0xca8fcfc9, 0xc903c906,
0x8d527c29, 0x29a42955, 0x22145a0a, 0x0a280a50,
0x4f7f50b1, 0xb1feb1e1, 0x1a5dc9a0, 0xa0baa069,
0xdad6146b, 0x6bb16b7f, 0xab17d985, 0x852e855c,
0x73673cbd, 0xbdcebd81, 0x34ba8f5d, 0x5d695dd2,
0x50209010, 0x10401080, 0x03f507f4, 0xf4f7f4f3,
0xc08bddcb, 0xcb0bcb16, 0xc67cd33e, 0x3ef83eed,
0x110a2d05, 0x05140528, 0xe6ce7867, 0x6781671f,
0x53d597e4, 0xe4b7e473, 0xbb4e0227, 0x279c2725,
0x58827341, 0x41194132, 0x9d0ba78b, 0x8b168b2c,
0x0153f6a7, 0xa7a6a751, 0x94fab27d, 0x7de97dcf,
0xfb374995, 0x956e95dc, 0x9fad56d8, 0xd847d88e,
0x30eb70fb, 0xfbcbfb8b, 0x71c1cdee, 0xee9fee23,
0x91f8bb7c, 0x7ced7cc7, 0xe3cc7166, 0x66856617,
0x8ea77bdd, 0xdd53dda6, 0x4b2eaf17, 0x175c17b8,
0x468e4547, 0x47014702, 0xdc211a9e, 0x9e429e84,
0xc589d4ca, 0xca0fca1e, 0x995a582d, 0x2db42d75,
0x79632ebf, 0xbfc6bf91, 0x1b0e3f07, 0x071c0738,
0x2347acad, 0xad8ead01, 0x2fb4b05a, 0x5a755aea,
0xb51bef83, 0x8336836c, 0xff66b633, 0x33cc3385,
0xf2c65c63, 0x6391633f, 0x0a041202, 0x02080210,
0x384993aa, 0xaa92aa39, 0xa8e2de71, 0x71d971af,
0xcf8dc6c8, 0xc807c80e, 0x7d32d119, 0x196419c8,
0x70923b49, 0x49394972, 0x9aaf5fd9, 0xd943d986,
0x1df931f2, 0xf2eff2c3, 0x48dba8e3, 0xe3abe34b,
0x2ab6b95b, 0x5b715be2, 0x920dbc88, 0x881a8834,
0xc8293e9a, 0x9a529aa4, 0xbe4c0b26, 0x2698262d,
0xfa64bf32, 0x32c8328d, 0x4a7d59b0, 0xb0fab0e9,
0x6acff2e9, 0xe983e91b, 0x331e770f, 0x0f3c0f78,
0xa6b733d5, 0xd573d5e6, 0xba1df480, 0x803a8074,
0x7c6127be, 0xbec2be99, 0xde87ebcd, 0xcd13cd26,
0xe4688934, 0x34d034bd, 0x75903248, 0x483d487a,
0x24e354ff, 0xffdbffab, 0x8ff48d7a, 0x7af57af7,
0xea3d6490, 0x907a90f4, 0x3ebe9d5f, 0x5f615fc2,
0xa0403d20, 0x2080201d, 0xd5d00f68, 0x68bd6867,
0x7234ca1a, 0x1a681ad0, 0x2c41b7ae, 0xae82ae19,
0x5e757db4, 0xb4eab4c9, 0x19a8ce54, 0x544d549a,
0xe53b7f93, 0x937693ec, 0xaa442f22, 0x2288220d,
0xe9c86364, 0x648d6407, 0x12ff2af1, 0xf1e3f1db,
0xa2e6cc73, 0x73d173bf, 0x5a248212, 0x12481290,
0x5d807a40, 0x401d403a, 0x28104808, 0x08200840,
0xe89b95c3, 0xc32bc356, 0x7bc5dfec, 0xec97ec33,
0x90ab4ddb, 0xdb4bdb96, 0x1f5fc0a1, 0xa1bea161,
0x8307918d, 0x8d0e8d1c, 0xc97ac83d, 0x3df43df5,
0xf1335b97, 0x976697cc, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0xd483f9cf, 0xcf1bcf36, 0x87566e2b, 0x2bac2b45,
0xb3ece176, 0x76c57697, 0xb019e682, 0x82328264,
0xa9b128d6, 0xd67fd6fe, 0x7736c31b, 0x1b6c1bd8,
0x5b7774b5, 0xb5eeb5c1, 0x2943beaf, 0xaf86af11,
0xdfd41d6a, 0x6ab56a77, 0x0da0ea50, 0x505d50ba,
0x4c8a5745, 0x45094512, 0x18fb38f3, 0xf3ebf3cb,
0xf060ad30, 0x30c0309d, 0x74c3c4ef, 0xef9bef2b,
0xc37eda3f, 0x3ffc3fe5, 0x1caac755, 0x55495592,
0x1059dba2, 0xa2b2a279, 0x65c9e9ea, 0xea8fea03,
0xecca6a65, 0x6589650f, 0x686903ba, 0xbad2bab9,
0x935e4a2f, 0x2fbc2f65, 0xe79d8ec0, 0xc027c04e,
0x81a160de, 0xde5fdebe, 0x6c38fc1c, 0x1c701ce0,
0x2ee746fd, 0xfdd3fdbb, 0x649a1f4d, 0x4d294d52,
0xe0397692, 0x927292e4, 0xbceafa75, 0x75c9758f,
0x1e0c3606, 0x06180630, 0x9809ae8a, 0x8a128a24,
0x40794bb2, 0xb2f2b2f9, 0x59d185e6, 0xe6bfe663,
0x361c7e0e, 0x0e380e70, 0x633ee71f, 0x1f7c1ff8,
0xf7c45562, 0x62956237, 0xa3b53ad4, 0xd477d4ee,
0x324d81a8, 0xa89aa829, 0xf4315296, 0x966296c4,
0x3aef62f9, 0xf9c3f99b, 0xf697a3c5, 0xc533c566,
0xb14a1025, 0x25942535, 0x20b2ab59, 0x597959f2,
0xae15d084, 0x842a8454, 0xa7e4c572, 0x72d572b7,
0xdd72ec39, 0x39e439d5, 0x6198164c, 0x4c2d4c5a,
0x3bbc945e, 0x5e655eca, 0x85f09f78, 0x78fd78e7,
0xd870e538, 0x38e038dd, 0x8605988c, 0x8c0a8c14,
0xb2bf17d1, 0xd163d1c6, 0x0b57e4a5, 0xa5aea541,
0x4dd9a1e2, 0xe2afe243, 0xf8c24e61, 0x6199612f,
0x457b42b3, 0xb3f6b3f1, 0xa5423421, 0x21842115,
0xd625089c, 0x9c4a9c94, 0x663cee1e, 0x1e781ef0,
0x52866143, 0x43114322, 0xfc93b1c7, 0xc73bc776,
0x2be54ffc, 0xfcd7fcb3, 0x14082404, 0x04100420,
0x08a2e351, 0x515951b2, 0xc72f2599, 0x995e99bc,
0xc4da226d, 0x6da96d4f, 0x391a650d, 0x0d340d68,
0x35e979fa, 0xfacffa83, 0x84a369df, 0xdf5bdfb6,
0x9bfca97e, 0x7ee57ed7, 0xb4481924, 0x2490243d,
0xd776fe3b, 0x3bec3bc5, 0x3d4b9aab, 0xab96ab31,
0xd181f0ce, 0xce1fce3e, 0x55229911, 0x11441188,
0x8903838f, 0x8f068f0c, 0x6b9c044e, 0x4e254e4a,
0x517366b7, 0xb7e6b7d1, 0x60cbe0eb, 0xeb8beb0b,
0xcc78c13c, 0x3cf03cfd, 0xbf1ffd81, 0x813e817c,
0xfe354094, 0x946a94d4, 0x0cf31cf7, 0xf7fbf7eb,
0x676f18b9, 0xb9deb9a1, 0x5f268b13, 0x134c1398,
0x9c58512c, 0x2cb02c7d, 0xb8bb05d3, 0xd36bd3d6,
0x5cd38ce7, 0xe7bbe76b, 0xcbdc396e, 0x6ea56e57,
0xf395aac4, 0xc437c46e, 0x0f061b03, 0x030c0318,
0x13acdc56, 0x5645568a, 0x49885e44, 0x440d441a,
0x9efea07f, 0x7fe17fdf, 0x374f88a9, 0xa99ea921,
0x8254672a, 0x2aa82a4d, 0x6d6b0abb, 0xbbd6bbb1,
0xe29f87c1, 0xc123c146, 0x02a6f153, 0x535153a2,
0x8ba572dc, 0xdc57dcae, 0x2716530b, 0x0b2c0b58,
0xd327019d, 0x9d4e9d9c, 0xc1d82b6c, 0x6cad6c47,
0xf562a431, 0x31c43195, 0xb9e8f374, 0x74cd7487,
0x09f115f6, 0xf6fff6e3, 0x438c4c46, 0x4605460a,
0x2645a5ac, 0xac8aac09, 0x970fb589, 0x891e893c,
0x4428b414, 0x145014a0, 0x42dfbae1, 0xe1a3e15b,
0x4e2ca616, 0x165816b0, 0xd274f73a, 0x3ae83acd,
0xd0d20669, 0x69b9696f, 0x2d124109, 0x09240948,
0xade0d770, 0x70dd70a7, 0x54716fb6, 0xb6e2b6d9,
0xb7bd1ed0, 0xd067d0ce, 0x7ec7d6ed, 0xed93ed3b,
0xdb85e2cc, 0xcc17cc2e, 0x57846842, 0x4215422a,
0xc22d2c98, 0x985a98b4, 0x0e55eda4, 0xa4aaa449,
0x88507528, 0x28a0285d, 0x31b8865c, 0x5c6d5cda,
0x3fed6bf8, 0xf8c7f893, 0xa411c286, 0x86228644
const C4 = new Uint32Array([
0xc07830d8, 0x18186018, 0x05af4626, 0x23238c23,
0x7ef991b8, 0xc6c63fc6, 0x136fcdfb, 0xe8e887e8,
0x4ca113cb, 0x87872687, 0xa9626d11, 0xb8b8dab8,
0x08050209, 0x01010401, 0x426e9e0d, 0x4f4f214f,
0xadee6c9b, 0x3636d836, 0x590451ff, 0xa6a6a2a6,
0xdebdb90c, 0xd2d26fd2, 0xfb06f70e, 0xf5f5f3f5,
0xef80f296, 0x7979f979, 0x5fcede30, 0x6f6fa16f,
0xfcef3f6d, 0x91917e91, 0xaa07a4f8, 0x52525552,
0x27fdc047, 0x60609d60, 0x89766535, 0xbcbccabc,
0xaccd2b37, 0x9b9b569b, 0x048c018a, 0x8e8e028e,
0x71155bd2, 0xa3a3b6a3, 0x603c186c, 0x0c0c300c,
0xff8af684, 0x7b7bf17b, 0xb5e16a80, 0x3535d435,
0xe8693af5, 0x1d1d741d, 0x5347ddb3, 0xe0e0a7e0,
0xf6acb321, 0xd7d77bd7, 0x5eed999c, 0xc2c22fc2,
0x6d965c43, 0x2e2eb82e, 0x627a9629, 0x4b4b314b,
0xa321e15d, 0xfefedffe, 0x8216aed5, 0x57574157,
0xa8412abd, 0x15155415, 0x9fb6eee8, 0x7777c177,
0xa5eb6e92, 0x3737dc37, 0x7b56d79e, 0xe5e5b3e5,
0x8cd92313, 0x9f9f469f, 0xd317fd23, 0xf0f0e7f0,
0x6a7f9420, 0x4a4a354a, 0x9e95a944, 0xdada4fda,
0xfa25b0a2, 0x58587d58, 0x06ca8fcf, 0xc9c903c9,
0x558d527c, 0x2929a429, 0x5022145a, 0x0a0a280a,
0xe14f7f50, 0xb1b1feb1, 0x691a5dc9, 0xa0a0baa0,
0x7fdad614, 0x6b6bb16b, 0x5cab17d9, 0x85852e85,
0x8173673c, 0xbdbdcebd, 0xd234ba8f, 0x5d5d695d,
0x80502090, 0x10104010, 0xf303f507, 0xf4f4f7f4,
0x16c08bdd, 0xcbcb0bcb, 0xedc67cd3, 0x3e3ef83e,
0x28110a2d, 0x05051405, 0x1fe6ce78, 0x67678167,
0x7353d597, 0xe4e4b7e4, 0x25bb4e02, 0x27279c27,
0x32588273, 0x41411941, 0x2c9d0ba7, 0x8b8b168b,
0x510153f6, 0xa7a7a6a7, 0xcf94fab2, 0x7d7de97d,
0xdcfb3749, 0x95956e95, 0x8e9fad56, 0xd8d847d8,
0x8b30eb70, 0xfbfbcbfb, 0x2371c1cd, 0xeeee9fee,
0xc791f8bb, 0x7c7ced7c, 0x17e3cc71, 0x66668566,
0xa68ea77b, 0xdddd53dd, 0xb84b2eaf, 0x17175c17,
0x02468e45, 0x47470147, 0x84dc211a, 0x9e9e429e,
0x1ec589d4, 0xcaca0fca, 0x75995a58, 0x2d2db42d,
0x9179632e, 0xbfbfc6bf, 0x381b0e3f, 0x07071c07,
0x012347ac, 0xadad8ead, 0xea2fb4b0, 0x5a5a755a,
0x6cb51bef, 0x83833683, 0x85ff66b6, 0x3333cc33,
0x3ff2c65c, 0x63639163, 0x100a0412, 0x02020802,
0x39384993, 0xaaaa92aa, 0xafa8e2de, 0x7171d971,
0x0ecf8dc6, 0xc8c807c8, 0xc87d32d1, 0x19196419,
0x7270923b, 0x49493949, 0x869aaf5f, 0xd9d943d9,
0xc31df931, 0xf2f2eff2, 0x4b48dba8, 0xe3e3abe3,
0xe22ab6b9, 0x5b5b715b, 0x34920dbc, 0x88881a88,
0xa4c8293e, 0x9a9a529a, 0x2dbe4c0b, 0x26269826,
0x8dfa64bf, 0x3232c832, 0xe94a7d59, 0xb0b0fab0,
0x1b6acff2, 0xe9e983e9, 0x78331e77, 0x0f0f3c0f,
0xe6a6b733, 0xd5d573d5, 0x74ba1df4, 0x80803a80,
0x997c6127, 0xbebec2be, 0x26de87eb, 0xcdcd13cd,
0xbde46889, 0x3434d034, 0x7a759032, 0x48483d48,
0xab24e354, 0xffffdbff, 0xf78ff48d, 0x7a7af57a,
0xf4ea3d64, 0x90907a90, 0xc23ebe9d, 0x5f5f615f,
0x1da0403d, 0x20208020, 0x67d5d00f, 0x6868bd68,
0xd07234ca, 0x1a1a681a, 0x192c41b7, 0xaeae82ae,
0xc95e757d, 0xb4b4eab4, 0x9a19a8ce, 0x54544d54,
0xece53b7f, 0x93937693, 0x0daa442f, 0x22228822,
0x07e9c863, 0x64648d64, 0xdb12ff2a, 0xf1f1e3f1,
0xbfa2e6cc, 0x7373d173, 0x905a2482, 0x12124812,
0x3a5d807a, 0x40401d40, 0x40281048, 0x08082008,
0x56e89b95, 0xc3c32bc3, 0x337bc5df, 0xecec97ec,
0x9690ab4d, 0xdbdb4bdb, 0x611f5fc0, 0xa1a1bea1,
0x1c830791, 0x8d8d0e8d, 0xf5c97ac8, 0x3d3df43d,
0xccf1335b, 0x97976697, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0x36d483f9, 0xcfcf1bcf, 0x4587566e, 0x2b2bac2b,
0x97b3ece1, 0x7676c576, 0x64b019e6, 0x82823282,
0xfea9b128, 0xd6d67fd6, 0xd87736c3, 0x1b1b6c1b,
0xc15b7774, 0xb5b5eeb5, 0x112943be, 0xafaf86af,
0x77dfd41d, 0x6a6ab56a, 0xba0da0ea, 0x50505d50,
0x124c8a57, 0x45450945, 0xcb18fb38, 0xf3f3ebf3,
0x9df060ad, 0x3030c030, 0x2b74c3c4, 0xefef9bef,
0xe5c37eda, 0x3f3ffc3f, 0x921caac7, 0x55554955,
0x791059db, 0xa2a2b2a2, 0x0365c9e9, 0xeaea8fea,
0x0fecca6a, 0x65658965, 0xb9686903, 0xbabad2ba,
0x65935e4a, 0x2f2fbc2f, 0x4ee79d8e, 0xc0c027c0,
0xbe81a160, 0xdede5fde, 0xe06c38fc, 0x1c1c701c,
0xbb2ee746, 0xfdfdd3fd, 0x52649a1f, 0x4d4d294d,
0xe4e03976, 0x92927292, 0x8fbceafa, 0x7575c975,
0x301e0c36, 0x06061806, 0x249809ae, 0x8a8a128a,
0xf940794b, 0xb2b2f2b2, 0x6359d185, 0xe6e6bfe6,
0x70361c7e, 0x0e0e380e, 0xf8633ee7, 0x1f1f7c1f,
0x37f7c455, 0x62629562, 0xeea3b53a, 0xd4d477d4,
0x29324d81, 0xa8a89aa8, 0xc4f43152, 0x96966296,
0x9b3aef62, 0xf9f9c3f9, 0x66f697a3, 0xc5c533c5,
0x35b14a10, 0x25259425, 0xf220b2ab, 0x59597959,
0x54ae15d0, 0x84842a84, 0xb7a7e4c5, 0x7272d572,
0xd5dd72ec, 0x3939e439, 0x5a619816, 0x4c4c2d4c,
0xca3bbc94, 0x5e5e655e, 0xe785f09f, 0x7878fd78,
0xddd870e5, 0x3838e038, 0x14860598, 0x8c8c0a8c,
0xc6b2bf17, 0xd1d163d1, 0x410b57e4, 0xa5a5aea5,
0x434dd9a1, 0xe2e2afe2, 0x2ff8c24e, 0x61619961,
0xf1457b42, 0xb3b3f6b3, 0x15a54234, 0x21218421,
0x94d62508, 0x9c9c4a9c, 0xf0663cee, 0x1e1e781e,
0x22528661, 0x43431143, 0x76fc93b1, 0xc7c73bc7,
0xb32be54f, 0xfcfcd7fc, 0x20140824, 0x04041004,
0xb208a2e3, 0x51515951, 0xbcc72f25, 0x99995e99,
0x4fc4da22, 0x6d6da96d, 0x68391a65, 0x0d0d340d,
0x8335e979, 0xfafacffa, 0xb684a369, 0xdfdf5bdf,
0xd79bfca9, 0x7e7ee57e, 0x3db44819, 0x24249024,
0xc5d776fe, 0x3b3bec3b, 0x313d4b9a, 0xabab96ab,
0x3ed181f0, 0xcece1fce, 0x88552299, 0x11114411,
0x0c890383, 0x8f8f068f, 0x4a6b9c04, 0x4e4e254e,
0xd1517366, 0xb7b7e6b7, 0x0b60cbe0, 0xebeb8beb,
0xfdcc78c1, 0x3c3cf03c, 0x7cbf1ffd, 0x81813e81,
0xd4fe3540, 0x94946a94, 0xeb0cf31c, 0xf7f7fbf7,
0xa1676f18, 0xb9b9deb9, 0x985f268b, 0x13134c13,
0x7d9c5851, 0x2c2cb02c, 0xd6b8bb05, 0xd3d36bd3,
0x6b5cd38c, 0xe7e7bbe7, 0x57cbdc39, 0x6e6ea56e,
0x6ef395aa, 0xc4c437c4, 0x180f061b, 0x03030c03,
0x8a13acdc, 0x56564556, 0x1a49885e, 0x44440d44,
0xdf9efea0, 0x7f7fe17f, 0x21374f88, 0xa9a99ea9,
0x4d825467, 0x2a2aa82a, 0xb16d6b0a, 0xbbbbd6bb,
0x46e29f87, 0xc1c123c1, 0xa202a6f1, 0x53535153,
0xae8ba572, 0xdcdc57dc, 0x58271653, 0x0b0b2c0b,
0x9cd32701, 0x9d9d4e9d, 0x47c1d82b, 0x6c6cad6c,
0x95f562a4, 0x3131c431, 0x87b9e8f3, 0x7474cd74,
0xe309f115, 0xf6f6fff6, 0x0a438c4c, 0x46460546,
0x092645a5, 0xacac8aac, 0x3c970fb5, 0x89891e89,
0xa04428b4, 0x14145014, 0x5b42dfba, 0xe1e1a3e1,
0xb04e2ca6, 0x16165816, 0xcdd274f7, 0x3a3ae83a,
0x6fd0d206, 0x6969b969, 0x482d1241, 0x09092409,
0xa7ade0d7, 0x7070dd70, 0xd954716f, 0xb6b6e2b6,
0xceb7bd1e, 0xd0d067d0, 0x3b7ec7d6, 0xeded93ed,
0x2edb85e2, 0xcccc17cc, 0x2a578468, 0x42421542,
0xb4c22d2c, 0x98985a98, 0x490e55ed, 0xa4a4aaa4,
0x5d885075, 0x2828a028, 0xda31b886, 0x5c5c6d5c,
0x933fed6b, 0xf8f8c7f8, 0x44a411c2, 0x86862286
const C5 = new Uint32Array([
0x18c07830, 0xd8181860, 0x2305af46, 0x2623238c,
0xc67ef991, 0xb8c6c63f, 0xe8136fcd, 0xfbe8e887,
0x874ca113, 0xcb878726, 0xb8a9626d, 0x11b8b8da,
0x01080502, 0x09010104, 0x4f426e9e, 0x0d4f4f21,
0x36adee6c, 0x9b3636d8, 0xa6590451, 0xffa6a6a2,
0xd2debdb9, 0x0cd2d26f, 0xf5fb06f7, 0x0ef5f5f3,
0x79ef80f2, 0x967979f9, 0x6f5fcede, 0x306f6fa1,
0x91fcef3f, 0x6d91917e, 0x52aa07a4, 0xf8525255,
0x6027fdc0, 0x4760609d, 0xbc897665, 0x35bcbcca,
0x9baccd2b, 0x379b9b56, 0x8e048c01, 0x8a8e8e02,
0xa371155b, 0xd2a3a3b6, 0x0c603c18, 0x6c0c0c30,
0x7bff8af6, 0x847b7bf1, 0x35b5e16a, 0x803535d4,
0x1de8693a, 0xf51d1d74, 0xe05347dd, 0xb3e0e0a7,
0xd7f6acb3, 0x21d7d77b, 0xc25eed99, 0x9cc2c22f,
0x2e6d965c, 0x432e2eb8, 0x4b627a96, 0x294b4b31,
0xfea321e1, 0x5dfefedf, 0x578216ae, 0xd5575741,
0x15a8412a, 0xbd151554, 0x779fb6ee, 0xe87777c1,
0x37a5eb6e, 0x923737dc, 0xe57b56d7, 0x9ee5e5b3,
0x9f8cd923, 0x139f9f46, 0xf0d317fd, 0x23f0f0e7,
0x4a6a7f94, 0x204a4a35, 0xda9e95a9, 0x44dada4f,
0x58fa25b0, 0xa258587d, 0xc906ca8f, 0xcfc9c903,
0x29558d52, 0x7c2929a4, 0x0a502214, 0x5a0a0a28,
0xb1e14f7f, 0x50b1b1fe, 0xa0691a5d, 0xc9a0a0ba,
0x6b7fdad6, 0x146b6bb1, 0x855cab17, 0xd985852e,
0xbd817367, 0x3cbdbdce, 0x5dd234ba, 0x8f5d5d69,
0x10805020, 0x90101040, 0xf4f303f5, 0x07f4f4f7,
0xcb16c08b, 0xddcbcb0b, 0x3eedc67c, 0xd33e3ef8,
0x0528110a, 0x2d050514, 0x671fe6ce, 0x78676781,
0xe47353d5, 0x97e4e4b7, 0x2725bb4e, 0x0227279c,
0x41325882, 0x73414119, 0x8b2c9d0b, 0xa78b8b16,
0xa7510153, 0xf6a7a7a6, 0x7dcf94fa, 0xb27d7de9,
0x95dcfb37, 0x4995956e, 0xd88e9fad, 0x56d8d847,
0xfb8b30eb, 0x70fbfbcb, 0xee2371c1, 0xcdeeee9f,
0x7cc791f8, 0xbb7c7ced, 0x6617e3cc, 0x71666685,
0xdda68ea7, 0x7bdddd53, 0x17b84b2e, 0xaf17175c,
0x4702468e, 0x45474701, 0x9e84dc21, 0x1a9e9e42,
0xca1ec589, 0xd4caca0f, 0x2d75995a, 0x582d2db4,
0xbf917963, 0x2ebfbfc6, 0x07381b0e, 0x3f07071c,
0xad012347, 0xacadad8e, 0x5aea2fb4, 0xb05a5a75,
0x836cb51b, 0xef838336, 0x3385ff66, 0xb63333cc,
0x633ff2c6, 0x5c636391, 0x02100a04, 0x12020208,
0xaa393849, 0x93aaaa92, 0x71afa8e2, 0xde7171d9,
0xc80ecf8d, 0xc6c8c807, 0x19c87d32, 0xd1191964,
0x49727092, 0x3b494939, 0xd9869aaf, 0x5fd9d943,
0xf2c31df9, 0x31f2f2ef, 0xe34b48db, 0xa8e3e3ab,
0x5be22ab6, 0xb95b5b71, 0x8834920d, 0xbc88881a,
0x9aa4c829, 0x3e9a9a52, 0x262dbe4c, 0x0b262698,
0x328dfa64, 0xbf3232c8, 0xb0e94a7d, 0x59b0b0fa,
0xe91b6acf, 0xf2e9e983, 0x0f78331e, 0x770f0f3c,
0xd5e6a6b7, 0x33d5d573, 0x8074ba1d, 0xf480803a,
0xbe997c61, 0x27bebec2, 0xcd26de87, 0xebcdcd13,
0x34bde468, 0x893434d0, 0x487a7590, 0x3248483d,
0xffab24e3, 0x54ffffdb, 0x7af78ff4, 0x8d7a7af5,
0x90f4ea3d, 0x6490907a, 0x5fc23ebe, 0x9d5f5f61,
0x201da040, 0x3d202080, 0x6867d5d0, 0x0f6868bd,
0x1ad07234, 0xca1a1a68, 0xae192c41, 0xb7aeae82,
0xb4c95e75, 0x7db4b4ea, 0x549a19a8, 0xce54544d,
0x93ece53b, 0x7f939376, 0x220daa44, 0x2f222288,
0x6407e9c8, 0x6364648d, 0xf1db12ff, 0x2af1f1e3,
0x73bfa2e6, 0xcc7373d1, 0x12905a24, 0x82121248,
0x403a5d80, 0x7a40401d, 0x08402810, 0x48080820,
0xc356e89b, 0x95c3c32b, 0xec337bc5, 0xdfecec97,
0xdb9690ab, 0x4ddbdb4b, 0xa1611f5f, 0xc0a1a1be,
0x8d1c8307, 0x918d8d0e, 0x3df5c97a, 0xc83d3df4,
0x97ccf133, 0x5b979766, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0xcf36d483, 0xf9cfcf1b, 0x2b458756, 0x6e2b2bac,
0x7697b3ec, 0xe17676c5, 0x8264b019, 0xe6828232,
0xd6fea9b1, 0x28d6d67f, 0x1bd87736, 0xc31b1b6c,
0xb5c15b77, 0x74b5b5ee, 0xaf112943, 0xbeafaf86,
0x6a77dfd4, 0x1d6a6ab5, 0x50ba0da0, 0xea50505d,
0x45124c8a, 0x57454509, 0xf3cb18fb, 0x38f3f3eb,
0x309df060, 0xad3030c0, 0xef2b74c3, 0xc4efef9b,
0x3fe5c37e, 0xda3f3ffc, 0x55921caa, 0xc7555549,
0xa2791059, 0xdba2a2b2, 0xea0365c9, 0xe9eaea8f,
0x650fecca, 0x6a656589, 0xbab96869, 0x03babad2,
0x2f65935e, 0x4a2f2fbc, 0xc04ee79d, 0x8ec0c027,
0xdebe81a1, 0x60dede5f, 0x1ce06c38, 0xfc1c1c70,
0xfdbb2ee7, 0x46fdfdd3, 0x4d52649a, 0x1f4d4d29,
0x92e4e039, 0x76929272, 0x758fbcea, 0xfa7575c9,
0x06301e0c, 0x36060618, 0x8a249809, 0xae8a8a12,
0xb2f94079, 0x4bb2b2f2, 0xe66359d1, 0x85e6e6bf,
0x0e70361c, 0x7e0e0e38, 0x1ff8633e, 0xe71f1f7c,
0x6237f7c4, 0x55626295, 0xd4eea3b5, 0x3ad4d477,
0xa829324d, 0x81a8a89a, 0x96c4f431, 0x52969662,
0xf99b3aef, 0x62f9f9c3, 0xc566f697, 0xa3c5c533,
0x2535b14a, 0x10252594, 0x59f220b2, 0xab595979,
0x8454ae15, 0xd084842a, 0x72b7a7e4, 0xc57272d5,
0x39d5dd72, 0xec3939e4, 0x4c5a6198, 0x164c4c2d,
0x5eca3bbc, 0x945e5e65, 0x78e785f0, 0x9f7878fd,
0x38ddd870, 0xe53838e0, 0x8c148605, 0x988c8c0a,
0xd1c6b2bf, 0x17d1d163, 0xa5410b57, 0xe4a5a5ae,
0xe2434dd9, 0xa1e2e2af, 0x612ff8c2, 0x4e616199,
0xb3f1457b, 0x42b3b3f6, 0x2115a542, 0x34212184,
0x9c94d625, 0x089c9c4a, 0x1ef0663c, 0xee1e1e78,
0x43225286, 0x61434311, 0xc776fc93, 0xb1c7c73b,
0xfcb32be5, 0x4ffcfcd7, 0x04201408, 0x24040410,
0x51b208a2, 0xe3515159, 0x99bcc72f, 0x2599995e,
0x6d4fc4da, 0x226d6da9, 0x0d68391a, 0x650d0d34,
0xfa8335e9, 0x79fafacf, 0xdfb684a3, 0x69dfdf5b,
0x7ed79bfc, 0xa97e7ee5, 0x243db448, 0x19242490,
0x3bc5d776, 0xfe3b3bec, 0xab313d4b, 0x9aabab96,
0xce3ed181, 0xf0cece1f, 0x11885522, 0x99111144,
0x8f0c8903, 0x838f8f06, 0x4e4a6b9c, 0x044e4e25,
0xb7d15173, 0x66b7b7e6, 0xeb0b60cb, 0xe0ebeb8b,
0x3cfdcc78, 0xc13c3cf0, 0x817cbf1f, 0xfd81813e,
0x94d4fe35, 0x4094946a, 0xf7eb0cf3, 0x1cf7f7fb,
0xb9a1676f, 0x18b9b9de, 0x13985f26, 0x8b13134c,
0x2c7d9c58, 0x512c2cb0, 0xd3d6b8bb, 0x05d3d36b,
0xe76b5cd3, 0x8ce7e7bb, 0x6e57cbdc, 0x396e6ea5,
0xc46ef395, 0xaac4c437, 0x03180f06, 0x1b03030c,
0x568a13ac, 0xdc565645, 0x441a4988, 0x5e44440d,
0x7fdf9efe, 0xa07f7fe1, 0xa921374f, 0x88a9a99e,
0x2a4d8254, 0x672a2aa8, 0xbbb16d6b, 0x0abbbbd6,
0xc146e29f, 0x87c1c123, 0x53a202a6, 0xf1535351,
0xdcae8ba5, 0x72dcdc57, 0x0b582716, 0x530b0b2c,
0x9d9cd327, 0x019d9d4e, 0x6c47c1d8, 0x2b6c6cad,
0x3195f562, 0xa43131c4, 0x7487b9e8, 0xf37474cd,
0xf6e309f1, 0x15f6f6ff, 0x460a438c, 0x4c464605,
0xac092645, 0xa5acac8a, 0x893c970f, 0xb589891e,
0x14a04428, 0xb4141450, 0xe15b42df, 0xbae1e1a3,
0x16b04e2c, 0xa6161658, 0x3acdd274, 0xf73a3ae8,
0x696fd0d2, 0x066969b9, 0x09482d12, 0x41090924,
0x70a7ade0, 0xd77070dd, 0xb6d95471, 0x6fb6b6e2,
0xd0ceb7bd, 0x1ed0d067, 0xed3b7ec7, 0xd6eded93,
0xcc2edb85, 0xe2cccc17, 0x422a5784, 0x68424215,
0x98b4c22d, 0x2c98985a, 0xa4490e55, 0xeda4a4aa,
0x285d8850, 0x752828a0, 0x5cda31b8, 0x865c5c6d,
0xf8933fed, 0x6bf8f8c7, 0x8644a411, 0xc2868622
const C6 = new Uint32Array([
0x6018c078, 0x30d81818, 0x8c2305af, 0x46262323,
0x3fc67ef9, 0x91b8c6c6, 0x87e8136f, 0xcdfbe8e8,
0x26874ca1, 0x13cb8787, 0xdab8a962, 0x6d11b8b8,
0x04010805, 0x02090101, 0x214f426e, 0x9e0d4f4f,
0xd836adee, 0x6c9b3636, 0xa2a65904, 0x51ffa6a6,
0x6fd2debd, 0xb90cd2d2, 0xf3f5fb06, 0xf70ef5f5,
0xf979ef80, 0xf2967979, 0xa16f5fce, 0xde306f6f,
0x7e91fcef, 0x3f6d9191, 0x5552aa07, 0xa4f85252,
0x9d6027fd, 0xc0476060, 0xcabc8976, 0x6535bcbc,
0x569baccd, 0x2b379b9b, 0x028e048c, 0x018a8e8e,
0xb6a37115, 0x5bd2a3a3, 0x300c603c, 0x186c0c0c,
0xf17bff8a, 0xf6847b7b, 0xd435b5e1, 0x6a803535,
0x741de869, 0x3af51d1d, 0xa7e05347, 0xddb3e0e0,
0x7bd7f6ac, 0xb321d7d7, 0x2fc25eed, 0x999cc2c2,
0xb82e6d96, 0x5c432e2e, 0x314b627a, 0x96294b4b,
0xdffea321, 0xe15dfefe, 0x41578216, 0xaed55757,
0x5415a841, 0x2abd1515, 0xc1779fb6, 0xeee87777,
0xdc37a5eb, 0x6e923737, 0xb3e57b56, 0xd79ee5e5,
0x469f8cd9, 0x23139f9f, 0xe7f0d317, 0xfd23f0f0,
0x354a6a7f, 0x94204a4a, 0x4fda9e95, 0xa944dada,
0x7d58fa25, 0xb0a25858, 0x03c906ca, 0x8fcfc9c9,
0xa429558d, 0x527c2929, 0x280a5022, 0x145a0a0a,
0xfeb1e14f, 0x7f50b1b1, 0xbaa0691a, 0x5dc9a0a0,
0xb16b7fda, 0xd6146b6b, 0x2e855cab, 0x17d98585,
0xcebd8173, 0x673cbdbd, 0x695dd234, 0xba8f5d5d,
0x40108050, 0x20901010, 0xf7f4f303, 0xf507f4f4,
0x0bcb16c0, 0x8bddcbcb, 0xf83eedc6, 0x7cd33e3e,
0x14052811, 0x0a2d0505, 0x81671fe6, 0xce786767,
0xb7e47353, 0xd597e4e4, 0x9c2725bb, 0x4e022727,
0x19413258, 0x82734141, 0x168b2c9d, 0x0ba78b8b,
0xa6a75101, 0x53f6a7a7, 0xe97dcf94, 0xfab27d7d,
0x6e95dcfb, 0x37499595, 0x47d88e9f, 0xad56d8d8,
0xcbfb8b30, 0xeb70fbfb, 0x9fee2371, 0xc1cdeeee,
0xed7cc791, 0xf8bb7c7c, 0x856617e3, 0xcc716666,
0x53dda68e, 0xa77bdddd, 0x5c17b84b, 0x2eaf1717,
0x01470246, 0x8e454747, 0x429e84dc, 0x211a9e9e,
0x0fca1ec5, 0x89d4caca, 0xb42d7599, 0x5a582d2d,
0xc6bf9179, 0x632ebfbf, 0x1c07381b, 0x0e3f0707,
0x8ead0123, 0x47acadad, 0x755aea2f, 0xb4b05a5a,
0x36836cb5, 0x1bef8383, 0xcc3385ff, 0x66b63333,
0x91633ff2, 0xc65c6363, 0x0802100a, 0x04120202,
0x92aa3938, 0x4993aaaa, 0xd971afa8, 0xe2de7171,
0x07c80ecf, 0x8dc6c8c8, 0x6419c87d, 0x32d11919,
0x39497270, 0x923b4949, 0x43d9869a, 0xaf5fd9d9,
0xeff2c31d, 0xf931f2f2, 0xabe34b48, 0xdba8e3e3,
0x715be22a, 0xb6b95b5b, 0x1a883492, 0x0dbc8888,
0x529aa4c8, 0x293e9a9a, 0x98262dbe, 0x4c0b2626,
0xc8328dfa, 0x64bf3232, 0xfab0e94a, 0x7d59b0b0,
0x83e91b6a, 0xcff2e9e9, 0x3c0f7833, 0x1e770f0f,
0x73d5e6a6, 0xb733d5d5, 0x3a8074ba, 0x1df48080,
0xc2be997c, 0x6127bebe, 0x13cd26de, 0x87ebcdcd,
0xd034bde4, 0x68893434, 0x3d487a75, 0x90324848,
0xdbffab24, 0xe354ffff, 0xf57af78f, 0xf48d7a7a,
0x7a90f4ea, 0x3d649090, 0x615fc23e, 0xbe9d5f5f,
0x80201da0, 0x403d2020, 0xbd6867d5, 0xd00f6868,
0x681ad072, 0x34ca1a1a, 0x82ae192c, 0x41b7aeae,
0xeab4c95e, 0x757db4b4, 0x4d549a19, 0xa8ce5454,
0x7693ece5, 0x3b7f9393, 0x88220daa, 0x442f2222,
0x8d6407e9, 0xc8636464, 0xe3f1db12, 0xff2af1f1,
0xd173bfa2, 0xe6cc7373, 0x4812905a, 0x24821212,
0x1d403a5d, 0x807a4040, 0x20084028, 0x10480808,
0x2bc356e8, 0x9b95c3c3, 0x97ec337b, 0xc5dfecec,
0x4bdb9690, 0xab4ddbdb, 0xbea1611f, 0x5fc0a1a1,
0x0e8d1c83, 0x07918d8d, 0xf43df5c9, 0x7ac83d3d,
0x6697ccf1, 0x335b9797, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0x1bcf36d4, 0x83f9cfcf, 0xac2b4587, 0x566e2b2b,
0xc57697b3, 0xece17676, 0x328264b0, 0x19e68282,
0x7fd6fea9, 0xb128d6d6, 0x6c1bd877, 0x36c31b1b,
0xeeb5c15b, 0x7774b5b5, 0x86af1129, 0x43beafaf,
0xb56a77df, 0xd41d6a6a, 0x5d50ba0d, 0xa0ea5050,
0x0945124c, 0x8a574545, 0xebf3cb18, 0xfb38f3f3,
0xc0309df0, 0x60ad3030, 0x9bef2b74, 0xc3c4efef,
0xfc3fe5c3, 0x7eda3f3f, 0x4955921c, 0xaac75555,
0xb2a27910, 0x59dba2a2, 0x8fea0365, 0xc9e9eaea,
0x89650fec, 0xca6a6565, 0xd2bab968, 0x6903baba,
0xbc2f6593, 0x5e4a2f2f, 0x27c04ee7, 0x9d8ec0c0,
0x5fdebe81, 0xa160dede, 0x701ce06c, 0x38fc1c1c,
0xd3fdbb2e, 0xe746fdfd, 0x294d5264, 0x9a1f4d4d,
0x7292e4e0, 0x39769292, 0xc9758fbc, 0xeafa7575,
0x1806301e, 0x0c360606, 0x128a2498, 0x09ae8a8a,
0xf2b2f940, 0x794bb2b2, 0xbfe66359, 0xd185e6e6,
0x380e7036, 0x1c7e0e0e, 0x7c1ff863, 0x3ee71f1f,
0x956237f7, 0xc4556262, 0x77d4eea3, 0xb53ad4d4,
0x9aa82932, 0x4d81a8a8, 0x6296c4f4, 0x31529696,
0xc3f99b3a, 0xef62f9f9, 0x33c566f6, 0x97a3c5c5,
0x942535b1, 0x4a102525, 0x7959f220, 0xb2ab5959,
0x2a8454ae, 0x15d08484, 0xd572b7a7, 0xe4c57272,
0xe439d5dd, 0x72ec3939, 0x2d4c5a61, 0x98164c4c,
0x655eca3b, 0xbc945e5e, 0xfd78e785, 0xf09f7878,
0xe038ddd8, 0x70e53838, 0x0a8c1486, 0x05988c8c,
0x63d1c6b2, 0xbf17d1d1, 0xaea5410b, 0x57e4a5a5,
0xafe2434d, 0xd9a1e2e2, 0x99612ff8, 0xc24e6161,
0xf6b3f145, 0x7b42b3b3, 0x842115a5, 0x42342121,
0x4a9c94d6, 0x25089c9c, 0x781ef066, 0x3cee1e1e,
0x11432252, 0x86614343, 0x3bc776fc, 0x93b1c7c7,
0xd7fcb32b, 0xe54ffcfc, 0x10042014, 0x08240404,
0x5951b208, 0xa2e35151, 0x5e99bcc7, 0x2f259999,
0xa96d4fc4, 0xda226d6d, 0x340d6839, 0x1a650d0d,
0xcffa8335, 0xe979fafa, 0x5bdfb684, 0xa369dfdf,
0xe57ed79b, 0xfca97e7e, 0x90243db4, 0x48192424,
0xec3bc5d7, 0x76fe3b3b, 0x96ab313d, 0x4b9aabab,
0x1fce3ed1, 0x81f0cece, 0x44118855, 0x22991111,
0x068f0c89, 0x03838f8f, 0x254e4a6b, 0x9c044e4e,
0xe6b7d151, 0x7366b7b7, 0x8beb0b60, 0xcbe0ebeb,
0xf03cfdcc, 0x78c13c3c, 0x3e817cbf, 0x1ffd8181,
0x6a94d4fe, 0x35409494, 0xfbf7eb0c, 0xf31cf7f7,
0xdeb9a167, 0x6f18b9b9, 0x4c13985f, 0x268b1313,
0xb02c7d9c, 0x58512c2c, 0x6bd3d6b8, 0xbb05d3d3,
0xbbe76b5c, 0xd38ce7e7, 0xa56e57cb, 0xdc396e6e,
0x37c46ef3, 0x95aac4c4, 0x0c03180f, 0x061b0303,
0x45568a13, 0xacdc5656, 0x0d441a49, 0x885e4444,
0xe17fdf9e, 0xfea07f7f, 0x9ea92137, 0x4f88a9a9,
0xa82a4d82, 0x54672a2a, 0xd6bbb16d, 0x6b0abbbb,
0x23c146e2, 0x9f87c1c1, 0x5153a202, 0xa6f15353,
0x57dcae8b, 0xa572dcdc, 0x2c0b5827, 0x16530b0b,
0x4e9d9cd3, 0x27019d9d, 0xad6c47c1, 0xd82b6c6c,
0xc43195f5, 0x62a43131, 0xcd7487b9, 0xe8f37474,
0xfff6e309, 0xf115f6f6, 0x05460a43, 0x8c4c4646,
0x8aac0926, 0x45a5acac, 0x1e893c97, 0x0fb58989,
0x5014a044, 0x28b41414, 0xa3e15b42, 0xdfbae1e1,
0x5816b04e, 0x2ca61616, 0xe83acdd2, 0x74f73a3a,
0xb9696fd0, 0xd2066969, 0x2409482d, 0x12410909,
0xdd70a7ad, 0xe0d77070, 0xe2b6d954, 0x716fb6b6,
0x67d0ceb7, 0xbd1ed0d0, 0x93ed3b7e, 0xc7d6eded,
0x17cc2edb, 0x85e2cccc, 0x15422a57, 0x84684242,
0x5a98b4c2, 0x2d2c9898, 0xaaa4490e, 0x55eda4a4,
0xa0285d88, 0x50752828, 0x6d5cda31, 0xb8865c5c,
0xc7f8933f, 0xed6bf8f8, 0x228644a4, 0x11c28686
const C7 = new Uint32Array([
0x186018c0, 0x7830d818, 0x238c2305, 0xaf462623,
0xc63fc67e, 0xf991b8c6, 0xe887e813, 0x6fcdfbe8,
0x8726874c, 0xa113cb87, 0xb8dab8a9, 0x626d11b8,
0x01040108, 0x05020901, 0x4f214f42, 0x6e9e0d4f,
0x36d836ad, 0xee6c9b36, 0xa6a2a659, 0x0451ffa6,
0xd26fd2de, 0xbdb90cd2, 0xf5f3f5fb, 0x06f70ef5,
0x79f979ef, 0x80f29679, 0x6fa16f5f, 0xcede306f,
0x917e91fc, 0xef3f6d91, 0x525552aa, 0x07a4f852,
0x609d6027, 0xfdc04760, 0xbccabc89, 0x766535bc,
0x9b569bac, 0xcd2b379b, 0x8e028e04, 0x8c018a8e,
0xa3b6a371, 0x155bd2a3, 0x0c300c60, 0x3c186c0c,
0x7bf17bff, 0x8af6847b, 0x35d435b5, 0xe16a8035,
0x1d741de8, 0x693af51d, 0xe0a7e053, 0x47ddb3e0,
0xd77bd7f6, 0xacb321d7, 0xc22fc25e, 0xed999cc2,
0x2eb82e6d, 0x965c432e, 0x4b314b62, 0x7a96294b,
0xfedffea3, 0x21e15dfe, 0x57415782, 0x16aed557,
0x155415a8, 0x412abd15, 0x77c1779f, 0xb6eee877,
0x37dc37a5, 0xeb6e9237, 0xe5b3e57b, 0x56d79ee5,
0x9f469f8c, 0xd923139f, 0xf0e7f0d3, 0x17fd23f0,
0x4a354a6a, 0x7f94204a, 0xda4fda9e, 0x95a944da,
0x587d58fa, 0x25b0a258, 0xc903c906, 0xca8fcfc9,
0x29a42955, 0x8d527c29, 0x0a280a50, 0x22145a0a,
0xb1feb1e1, 0x4f7f50b1, 0xa0baa069, 0x1a5dc9a0,
0x6bb16b7f, 0xdad6146b, 0x852e855c, 0xab17d985,
0xbdcebd81, 0x73673cbd, 0x5d695dd2, 0x34ba8f5d,
0x10401080, 0x50209010, 0xf4f7f4f3, 0x03f507f4,
0xcb0bcb16, 0xc08bddcb, 0x3ef83eed, 0xc67cd33e,
0x05140528, 0x110a2d05, 0x6781671f, 0xe6ce7867,
0xe4b7e473, 0x53d597e4, 0x279c2725, 0xbb4e0227,
0x41194132, 0x58827341, 0x8b168b2c, 0x9d0ba78b,
0xa7a6a751, 0x0153f6a7, 0x7de97dcf, 0x94fab27d,
0x956e95dc, 0xfb374995, 0xd847d88e, 0x9fad56d8,
0xfbcbfb8b, 0x30eb70fb, 0xee9fee23, 0x71c1cdee,
0x7ced7cc7, 0x91f8bb7c, 0x66856617, 0xe3cc7166,
0xdd53dda6, 0x8ea77bdd, 0x175c17b8, 0x4b2eaf17,
0x47014702, 0x468e4547, 0x9e429e84, 0xdc211a9e,
0xca0fca1e, 0xc589d4ca, 0x2db42d75, 0x995a582d,
0xbfc6bf91, 0x79632ebf, 0x071c0738, 0x1b0e3f07,
0xad8ead01, 0x2347acad, 0x5a755aea, 0x2fb4b05a,
0x8336836c, 0xb51bef83, 0x33cc3385, 0xff66b633,
0x6391633f, 0xf2c65c63, 0x02080210, 0x0a041202,
0xaa92aa39, 0x384993aa, 0x71d971af, 0xa8e2de71,
0xc807c80e, 0xcf8dc6c8, 0x196419c8, 0x7d32d119,
0x49394972, 0x70923b49, 0xd943d986, 0x9aaf5fd9,
0xf2eff2c3, 0x1df931f2, 0xe3abe34b, 0x48dba8e3,
0x5b715be2, 0x2ab6b95b, 0x881a8834, 0x920dbc88,
0x9a529aa4, 0xc8293e9a, 0x2698262d, 0xbe4c0b26,
0x32c8328d, 0xfa64bf32, 0xb0fab0e9, 0x4a7d59b0,
0xe983e91b, 0x6acff2e9, 0x0f3c0f78, 0x331e770f,
0xd573d5e6, 0xa6b733d5, 0x803a8074, 0xba1df480,
0xbec2be99, 0x7c6127be, 0xcd13cd26, 0xde87ebcd,
0x34d034bd, 0xe4688934, 0x483d487a, 0x75903248,
0xffdbffab, 0x24e354ff, 0x7af57af7, 0x8ff48d7a,
0x907a90f4, 0xea3d6490, 0x5f615fc2, 0x3ebe9d5f,
0x2080201d, 0xa0403d20, 0x68bd6867, 0xd5d00f68,
0x1a681ad0, 0x7234ca1a, 0xae82ae19, 0x2c41b7ae,
0xb4eab4c9, 0x5e757db4, 0x544d549a, 0x19a8ce54,
0x937693ec, 0xe53b7f93, 0x2288220d, 0xaa442f22,
0x648d6407, 0xe9c86364, 0xf1e3f1db, 0x12ff2af1,
0x73d173bf, 0xa2e6cc73, 0x12481290, 0x5a248212,
0x401d403a, 0x5d807a40, 0x08200840, 0x28104808,
0xc32bc356, 0xe89b95c3, 0xec97ec33, 0x7bc5dfec,
0xdb4bdb96, 0x90ab4ddb, 0xa1bea161, 0x1f5fc0a1,
0x8d0e8d1c, 0x8307918d, 0x3df43df5, 0xc97ac83d,
0x976697cc, 0xf1335b97, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0xcf1bcf36, 0xd483f9cf, 0x2bac2b45, 0x87566e2b,
0x76c57697, 0xb3ece176, 0x82328264, 0xb019e682,
0xd67fd6fe, 0xa9b128d6, 0x1b6c1bd8, 0x7736c31b,
0xb5eeb5c1, 0x5b7774b5, 0xaf86af11, 0x2943beaf,
0x6ab56a77, 0xdfd41d6a, 0x505d50ba, 0x0da0ea50,
0x45094512, 0x4c8a5745, 0xf3ebf3cb, 0x18fb38f3,
0x30c0309d, 0xf060ad30, 0xef9bef2b, 0x74c3c4ef,
0x3ffc3fe5, 0xc37eda3f, 0x55495592, 0x1caac755,
0xa2b2a279, 0x1059dba2, 0xea8fea03, 0x65c9e9ea,
0x6589650f, 0xecca6a65, 0xbad2bab9, 0x686903ba,
0x2fbc2f65, 0x935e4a2f, 0xc027c04e, 0xe79d8ec0,
0xde5fdebe, 0x81a160de, 0x1c701ce0, 0x6c38fc1c,
0xfdd3fdbb, 0x2ee746fd, 0x4d294d52, 0x649a1f4d,
0x927292e4, 0xe0397692, 0x75c9758f, 0xbceafa75,
0x06180630, 0x1e0c3606, 0x8a128a24, 0x9809ae8a,
0xb2f2b2f9, 0x40794bb2, 0xe6bfe663, 0x59d185e6,
0x0e380e70, 0x361c7e0e, 0x1f7c1ff8, 0x633ee71f,
0x62956237, 0xf7c45562, 0xd477d4ee, 0xa3b53ad4,
0xa89aa829, 0x324d81a8, 0x966296c4, 0xf4315296,
0xf9c3f99b, 0x3aef62f9, 0xc533c566, 0xf697a3c5,
0x25942535, 0xb14a1025, 0x597959f2, 0x20b2ab59,
0x842a8454, 0xae15d084, 0x72d572b7, 0xa7e4c572,
0x39e439d5, 0xdd72ec39, 0x4c2d4c5a, 0x6198164c,
0x5e655eca, 0x3bbc945e, 0x78fd78e7, 0x85f09f78,
0x38e038dd, 0xd870e538, 0x8c0a8c14, 0x8605988c,
0xd163d1c6, 0xb2bf17d1, 0xa5aea541, 0x0b57e4a5,
0xe2afe243, 0x4dd9a1e2, 0x6199612f, 0xf8c24e61,
0xb3f6b3f1, 0x457b42b3, 0x21842115, 0xa5423421,
0x9c4a9c94, 0xd625089c, 0x1e781ef0, 0x663cee1e,
0x43114322, 0x52866143, 0xc73bc776, 0xfc93b1c7,
0xfcd7fcb3, 0x2be54ffc, 0x04100420, 0x14082404,
0x515951b2, 0x08a2e351, 0x995e99bc, 0xc72f2599,
0x6da96d4f, 0xc4da226d, 0x0d340d68, 0x391a650d,
0xfacffa83, 0x35e979fa, 0xdf5bdfb6, 0x84a369df,
0x7ee57ed7, 0x9bfca97e, 0x2490243d, 0xb4481924,
0x3bec3bc5, 0xd776fe3b, 0xab96ab31, 0x3d4b9aab,
0xce1fce3e, 0xd181f0ce, 0x11441188, 0x55229911,
0x8f068f0c, 0x8903838f, 0x4e254e4a, 0x6b9c044e,
0xb7e6b7d1, 0x517366b7, 0xeb8beb0b, 0x60cbe0eb,
0x3cf03cfd, 0xcc78c13c, 0x813e817c, 0xbf1ffd81,
0x946a94d4, 0xfe354094, 0xf7fbf7eb, 0x0cf31cf7,
0xb9deb9a1, 0x676f18b9, 0x134c1398, 0x5f268b13,
0x2cb02c7d, 0x9c58512c, 0xd36bd3d6, 0xb8bb05d3,
0xe7bbe76b, 0x5cd38ce7, 0x6ea56e57, 0xcbdc396e,
0xc437c46e, 0xf395aac4, 0x030c0318, 0x0f061b03,
0x5645568a, 0x13acdc56, 0x440d441a, 0x49885e44,
0x7fe17fdf, 0x9efea07f, 0xa99ea921, 0x374f88a9,
0x2aa82a4d, 0x8254672a, 0xbbd6bbb1, 0x6d6b0abb,
0xc123c146, 0xe29f87c1, 0x535153a2, 0x02a6f153,
0xdc57dcae, 0x8ba572dc, 0x0b2c0b58, 0x2716530b,
0x9d4e9d9c, 0xd327019d, 0x6cad6c47, 0xc1d82b6c,
0x31c43195, 0xf562a431, 0x74cd7487, 0xb9e8f374,
0xf6fff6e3, 0x09f115f6, 0x4605460a, 0x438c4c46,
0xac8aac09, 0x2645a5ac, 0x891e893c, 0x970fb589,
0x145014a0, 0x4428b414, 0xe1a3e15b, 0x42dfbae1,
0x165816b0, 0x4e2ca616, 0x3ae83acd, 0xd274f73a,
0x69b9696f, 0xd0d20669, 0x09240948, 0x2d124109,
0x70dd70a7, 0xade0d770, 0xb6e2b6d9, 0x54716fb6,
0xd067d0ce, 0xb7bd1ed0, 0xed93ed3b, 0x7ec7d6ed,
0xcc17cc2e, 0xdb85e2cc, 0x4215422a, 0x57846842,
0x985a98b4, 0xc22d2c98, 0xa4aaa449, 0x0e55eda4,
0x28a0285d, 0x88507528, 0x5c6d5cda, 0x31b8865c,
0xf8c7f893, 0x3fed6bf8, 0x86228644, 0xa411c286
* Whirlpool
class Whirlpool {
constructor() {
this.state = new Uint32Array(16);
this.msg = new Uint32Array(16);
this.block = Buffer.allocUnsafe(64);
this.size = FINALIZED;
init() {
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++)
this.state[i] = 0;
this.size = 0;
return this;
update(data) {
this._update(data, data.length);
return this;
final() {
return this._final(Buffer.allocUnsafe(64));
_update(data, len) {
assert(this.size !== FINALIZED, 'Context is not initialized.');
let pos = this.size & 63;
let off = 0;
this.size += len;
if (pos > 0) {
let want = 64 - pos;
if (want > len)
want = len;
data.copy(this.block, pos, off, off + want);
pos += want;
len -= want;
off += want;
if (pos < 64)
this._transform(this.block, 0);
while (len >= 64) {
this._transform(data, off);
off += 64;
len -= 64;
if (len > 0)
data.copy(this.block, 0, off, off + len);
_final(out) {
assert(this.size !== FINALIZED, 'Context is not initialized.');
const pos = this.size & 63;
const len = this.size * 8;
writeU32(DESC, (len * (1 / 0x100000000)) >>> 0, 24);
writeU32(DESC, len >>> 0, 28);
this._update(PADDING, 1 + ((95 - pos) & 63));
this._update(DESC, 32);
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
writeU32(out, this.state[i], i * 4);
this.state[i] = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++)
this.msg[i] = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 64; i++)
this.block[i] = 0;
this.size = FINALIZED;
return out;
_transform(chunk, pos) {
const block = this.msg;
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++)
block[i] = readU32(chunk, pos + i * 4);
const K = new Uint32Array(16);
const L = new Uint32Array(16);
const state = new Uint32Array(16);
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
K[i] = this.state[i];
state[i] = block[i] ^ K[i];
for (let r = 1; r < 10 + 1; r++) {
for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
L[i * 2 + 0] = 0
^ C0[((K[(0 + i) % 8 * 2 + 0] >>> 24) & 0xff) * 2 + 0]
^ C1[((K[(7 + i) % 8 * 2 + 0] >>> 16) & 0xff) * 2 + 0]
^ C2[((K[(6 + i) % 8 * 2 + 0] >>> 8) & 0xff) * 2 + 0]
^ C3[((K[(5 + i) % 8 * 2 + 0] >>> 0) & 0xff) * 2 + 0]
^ C4[((K[(4 + i) % 8 * 2 + 1] >>> 24) & 0xff) * 2 + 0]
^ C5[((K[(3 + i) % 8 * 2 + 1] >>> 16) & 0xff) * 2 + 0]
^ C6[((K[(2 + i) % 8 * 2 + 1] >>> 8) & 0xff) * 2 + 0]
^ C7[((K[(1 + i) % 8 * 2 + 1] >>> 0) & 0xff) * 2 + 0]
^ (i === 0 ? RC[r * 2 + 0] : 0);
L[i * 2 + 1] = 0
^ C0[((K[(0 + i) % 8 * 2 + 0] >>> 24) & 0xff) * 2 + 1]
^ C1[((K[(7 + i) % 8 * 2 + 0] >>> 16) & 0xff) * 2 + 1]
^ C2[((K[(6 + i) % 8 * 2 + 0] >>> 8) & 0xff) * 2 + 1]
^ C3[((K[(5 + i) % 8 * 2 + 0] >>> 0) & 0xff) * 2 + 1]
^ C4[((K[(4 + i) % 8 * 2 + 1] >>> 24) & 0xff) * 2 + 1]
^ C5[((K[(3 + i) % 8 * 2 + 1] >>> 16) & 0xff) * 2 + 1]
^ C6[((K[(2 + i) % 8 * 2 + 1] >>> 8) & 0xff) * 2 + 1]
^ C7[((K[(1 + i) % 8 * 2 + 1] >>> 0) & 0xff) * 2 + 1]
^ (i === 0 ? RC[r * 2 + 1] : 0);
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++)
K[i] = L[i];
for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
L[i * 2 + 0] = 0
^ C0[((state[(0 + i) % 8 * 2 + 0] >>> 24) & 0xff) * 2 + 0]
^ C1[((state[(7 + i) % 8 * 2 + 0] >>> 16) & 0xff) * 2 + 0]
^ C2[((state[(6 + i) % 8 * 2 + 0] >>> 8) & 0xff) * 2 + 0]
^ C3[((state[(5 + i) % 8 * 2 + 0] >>> 0) & 0xff) * 2 + 0]
^ C4[((state[(4 + i) % 8 * 2 + 1] >>> 24) & 0xff) * 2 + 0]
^ C5[((state[(3 + i) % 8 * 2 + 1] >>> 16) & 0xff) * 2 + 0]
^ C6[((state[(2 + i) % 8 * 2 + 1] >>> 8) & 0xff) * 2 + 0]
^ C7[((state[(1 + i) % 8 * 2 + 1] >>> 0) & 0xff) * 2 + 0]
^ K[i * 2 + 0];
L[i * 2 + 1] = 0
^ C0[((state[(0 + i) % 8 * 2 + 0] >>> 24) & 0xff) * 2 + 1]
^ C1[((state[(7 + i) % 8 * 2 + 0] >>> 16) & 0xff) * 2 + 1]
^ C2[((state[(6 + i) % 8 * 2 + 0] >>> 8) & 0xff) * 2 + 1]
^ C3[((state[(5 + i) % 8 * 2 + 0] >>> 0) & 0xff) * 2 + 1]
^ C4[((state[(4 + i) % 8 * 2 + 1] >>> 24) & 0xff) * 2 + 1]
^ C5[((state[(3 + i) % 8 * 2 + 1] >>> 16) & 0xff) * 2 + 1]
^ C6[((state[(2 + i) % 8 * 2 + 1] >>> 8) & 0xff) * 2 + 1]
^ C7[((state[(1 + i) % 8 * 2 + 1] >>> 0) & 0xff) * 2 + 1]
^ K[i * 2 + 1];
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++)
state[i] = L[i];
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++)
this.state[i] ^= state[i] ^ block[i];
static hash() {
return new Whirlpool();
static hmac() {
return new HMAC(Whirlpool, 64);
static digest(data) {
return Whirlpool.ctx.init().update(data).final();
static root(left, right) {
assert(Buffer.isBuffer(left) && left.length === 64);
assert(Buffer.isBuffer(right) && right.length === 64);
return Whirlpool.ctx.init().update(left).update(right).final();
static multi(x, y, z) {
const {ctx} = Whirlpool;
if (z)
static mac(data, key) {
return Whirlpool.hmac().init(key).update(data).final();
* Static
Whirlpool.native = 0; = 'WHIRLPOOL';
Whirlpool.size = 64;
Whirlpool.bits = 512;
Whirlpool.blockSize = 64; = Buffer.alloc(64, 0x00);
Whirlpool.ctx = new Whirlpool();
* Helpers
function readU32(data, off) {
return (data[off++] * 0x1000000
+ data[off++] * 0x10000
+ data[off++] * 0x100
+ data[off]);
function writeU32(data, num, off) {
data[off++] = num >>> 24;
data[off++] = num >>> 16;
data[off++] = num >>> 8;
data[off++] = num;
return off;
* Expose
module.exports = Whirlpool;
if (process.env.NODE_BACKEND === 'js')
module.exports = require('./js/whirlpool');
module.exports = require('./native/whirlpool');
"name": "bcrypto",
"version": "5.0.4",
"version": "5.1.0",
"description": "JS crypto library",

@@ -39,4 +39,3 @@ "keywords": [

"bufio": "~1.0.6",
"loady": "~0.0.1",
"nan": "^2.14.0"
"loady": "~0.0.1"

@@ -66,2 +65,3 @@ "devDependencies": {

"./lib/encoding/cash32": "./lib/encoding/cash32-browser.js",
"./lib/gost94": "./lib/gost94-browser.js",
"./lib/hash160": "./lib/hash160-browser.js",

@@ -97,2 +97,3 @@ "./lib/hash256": "./lib/hash256-browser.js",

"./lib/siphash": "./lib/siphash-browser.js",
"./lib/whirlpool": "./lib/whirlpool-browser.js",
"./lib/x25519": "./lib/x25519-browser.js",

@@ -99,0 +100,0 @@ "./lib/x448": "./lib/x448-browser.js"

@@ -43,3 +43,3 @@ # bcrypto

| ed448 | c (libtorsion) | c (libtorsion) | c (libtorsion) | js |
| gost94 | js | js | js | js |
| gost94 | c (libtorsion) | c (libtorsion) | c (libtorsion) | js |
| hash160 | c (libtorsion³) | c (libtorsion³) | c (libtorsion) | js |

@@ -75,3 +75,3 @@ | hash256 | c (libtorsion³) | c (libtorsion³) | c (libtorsion) | js |

| ssh | js | js | js | js |
| whirlpool | js | js | js | js |
| whirlpool | c (libtorsion) | c (libtorsion) | c (libtorsion) | js |
| x25519 | c (libtorsion) | c (libtorsion) | c (libtorsion) | js |

@@ -102,2 +102,2 @@ | x448 | c (libtorsion) | c (libtorsion) | c (libtorsion) | js |


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Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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