Blumen is a powerful CLI and API library to deploy web apps on IPFS in a self-custodial manner.
- Multi-Provider Deployment: Deploy your web app simultaneously on multiple IPFS providers, including and Gateway3, ensuring redundancy and availability.
- ENS Integration: Seamlessly integrate with ENS to update your Content-Hash, making it easier for users to access your web app via ENS.
- Gnosis Integration: Update your ENS Content-Hash using a multisig contract on the Gnosis platform, adding an extra layer of security and decentralization.
Getting Started
Node.js 16.8+ is required.
pnpm install -g blumen
Environment setup
Grab API keys from the services you use and define them in your environment (e.g. .env
All env variables used by Blumen must be prefixed with BLUMEN_
Running deploy
will try to use the dist
folder, otherwise the current directory.
$ blumen deploy
blumen deploy
Deploys a directory on IPFS to specified providers and outputs a web-friendly gateway link, along with other useful information.
Upload a custom path:
$ blumen status /path/to/directory
You can update your ENS domain record in-place by passing a domain (and optionally a chain) and a BLUMEN_PK
environment variable:
$ BLUMEN_W3S_TOKEN=eyJhbG... BLUMEN_PK=0x2... ./dist/cli.js deploy dist --ens v1rtl.eth --chain goerli
blumen status <pin>
Retrieves pin status from providers.
$ blumen status bafybeibp54tslsez36quqptgzwyda3vo66za3rraujksmsb3d5q247uht4 pinned
Gateway3: pinned
By default, providers are fetched from environment like with the deploy
command. You can manually specify providers via --providers
flag, comma separated:
$ blumen status,Gateway3 bafybeibp54tslsez36quqptgzwyda3vo66za3rraujksmsb3d5q247uht4
blumen ens <cid> <ens>
Update ENS Content-Hash from the CLI. Requires a BLUMEN_PK
environment variable (for private key).
$ BLUMEN_PK=0x2... ./dist/cli.js ens bafy... v1rtl.eth
If you are doing testing, you can pass --chain goerli
to use Goerli network instead of mainnet.
Blumen exposes some of the functionality as well.
import { walk, packCAR, uploadOnW3S } from 'blumen'
import { assert } from 'node:assert/strict'
const [files, total] = await walk('./dist')
const { blob, cid: actualCid } = await packCAR(files)
const { cid } = await uploadOnW3S({ token: process.env.W3S_TOKEN, car: blob })
assert.equal(cid, actualCid)
const { pin } = await statusOnW3S(cid)
console.log(`Pin status: ${pin}, CID: ${cid}`)
This example demonstrates how to use the "Blumen" API to walk through a directory, prepare your files for upload, upload it to, and check the IPFS pinning status.