Botmaster Button
Battle-tested middleware for botmaster http://botmasterai.com/).
Easy cross-platform quick-reply buttons, even on those where only plain text is supported.
Find the documentation at the main botmaster website: http://botmasterai.com/middlewares/fulfill/
Quick start
const Botmaster = require('botmaster');
const myBotmasterSettings = require('./my-botmaster-settings');
const {bootstrap} = require('botmaster-button');
const botmaster = new Botmaster(myBotmasterSettings);
const actions = {
itsComplicated: {
controller: () => `
<button>It's complicated because we want it to be that way.</button>
<button>It's complicated because life is complicated.</button>
<button>Mind your own business.</button>
bootstrap(botmaster, {
sessionPath: 'context',
confirmText: 'I am sorry I got multiple matches, can you please confirm.',
mainHandler: (bot, update) => bot.reply(update, `Could you please tell me about your relationship status?
<button image='https://images/ring.png'>I'm in a relationship</button>
<button>I'm not in a relationship.</button>
<button title='3. Its Complicated'><itsComplicated /></button>
User sees in plain text channel:
1. I'm in a relationship
2. I'm not in a relationship
3. Its Complicated
They type "3." then they get:
1. It's complicated because we want it to be that way.
2. It's complicated because life is complicated.
3. Mind your own business.
User sees in messenger:
This package demonstrates the sandwich pattern for botmaster where incoming messages are preprocessed before sending to the main NLU handler and outgoing messages are processed after the main NLU.
It provides:
- incoming middleware to enrich the session with matched buttons through fuzzy matching
- a handler that forwards the button to outgoing middleware if its an action or to the main handler if not
- outgoing middleware that uses either the standard quick reply format for channels that support it or by giving numbered text options and storing the payload in context.
You can use one or all of these.
More involved example with your own handler
const R = require('ramda');
const Botmaster = require('botmaster');
const {EnrichIncomingWare} = require('botmaster-enrich');
const {fulfillOutgoingWare} = require('botmaster-fulfill');
const {ButtonAction, ButtonEnricher, ButtonHandler} = require('botmaster-button');
const myBotmasterSettings = require('./my-botmaster-settings');
const otherActions = require('my-other-actions');
const handler = require('my-handler');
const botmaster = new Botmaster(myBotmasterSettings);
const buttonAction = ButtonAction({sessionPath: 'context'});
const actions = R.merge({button: buttonAction}, otherActions);
const buttonEnricher = ButtonEnricher({actions});
botmaster.use('incoming', EnrichIncomingWare({buttonEnricher}));
botmaster.use('incoming', ButtonHandler({mainHandler: handler}));
botmaster.use('outgoing', fulfillOutgoingWare({actions}))
These buttons work by default through the standard quick-reply functionality where available in a bot class. (Such as in Facebook messenger)
If however the quick reply functionality is not available and you supply sessionPath
in the ButtonAction
options then the payload is stored through session storage and the user is expected to enter a keyword in the title which will generate the resulting payload.
Buttons can contain actions which will be evaluated before your update handlers if you pass an actions
property to ButtonEnricher
of actions that can performed on user input.
The title if not provided will default to the position that the button appears in the text followed by the payload.
Button tag
inner tag content | The payload of the button. This is the input that botmaster will receive when the user clicks or signals the button |
image | url to an image for platforms that support images |
title | the text that the user sees as the button |
Button context
button.multiple | if true there are multiple button matches for the user's input |
button.matches | when there are multiple matches they are placed here. Each entry is a button object |
button | when there are not multiple matches button is a single button object. |
buttonPayloads | incoming buttons, these are removed after the button enricher is processed. Each entry follows the button object pattern |
button object
payload | the text to pass to the update handler |
title | the text the user saw - the text to fuzzy match against |
image | the url for an image for the button |
Botmaster Ware
For the truly lazy aka yours truly, a function that sets up button middleware and handler
Object an instantiated botmaster object
[Object] actions that can be invoked through buttons
[String] dot denoted path of where to get session/context in updates
[String] what to say when we get multiple matches for a button
Button fulfill action factory function
String dot denoated path to prop where context is stored
Object actions that can be processed
Returns Object action spec for
A botmaster-enrich session/context enricher. If user inputs fuzzy matches the title of a button the matched button is placed in 'button' in session/context. Multiple matches are stored in 'button.matches' and 'button.multiple' is set to true
Returns Object enricher spec
A botmaster update handler that passes through to main handler if there is no match at all or the match is not an action. If there are multiple possible matches to the button then it asks for confirmation.
Object the options for generated middleware
Function the main handler to pass through to if there is no button matched
String dot denoted patch to session object where the 'button' property that stores button context is located. Defaults to 'session'.
String the text to use to confirm when there multiple matches
Returns Function a botmaster update handler
A botmaster incoming ware factory function that sets up button enricher
[Object] options for the produced middleware
[String] dot denoted path to session in update defaults to "session"
[Object] other enrichers to also evaluate
Returns Function botmaster incoming ware that evaluates buttons
Botmaster Button outgoing ware factory function
[String] dot denoted path to prop where context is stored
[Object] actions that can be processed
Returns Function botmaster middleware for button
Action spec for buttons
<buttons>Option 1, Option 2</buttons>