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2.4.1 (2023-07-09)

Bug Fixes

  • all: Minor changes in PROD. (8a04ad2)

Bug Fixes

  • all: CWD in Windows now working. (6721c3d)
  • all: Fixes in production. (56b6877)
  • all: HTTP handler added. (7c6a175)
  • all: Minor changes in PROD. (f69b3f0)
  • all: Minor changes in PROD. (0b5fa3e)
  • all: Minor changes in PROD. (904691c)
  • all: Minor changes in PROD. (d7a5ef5)
  • all: Minor changes in PROD. (892025e)
  • all: Minor changes in PROD. (76df151)
  • all: Minor changes in PROD. (f20b5f6)
  • all: Minor changes in PROD. (a60581b)
  • app.ts: Preparing to use 4 or more SSL certificates. (72b645f)
  • azuredeployer.gbapp: Adding Resource Providers (.Web/.Sql) (6c9d124)
  • azuredeployer.gbapp: Create DB with basic cost. (0ed600e)
  • azuredeployer.gblib: FREE flag for database. (1074ef7)
  • basic.gblib: #196 Spellchecker in groups now working. (45ad0c3)
  • basic.gblib: #269 Fixing of group autostart behaviour. (de77227)
  • basic.gblib: #286 fix token replaacement. (a679786)
  • basic.gblib: #286 fix token replaacement. (0e9c2e9)
  • basic.gblib: Debugger improvements. (3e68858)
  • basic.gblib: Fixes in WebAutomation. (d4cf165)
  • basic.gblib: Fixes in WebAutomation. (b576b6f)
  • basic.gblib: Fixes in WebAutomation. (d1b9da2)
  • basic.gblib: GBAI automatic retrieval. (0ef0fc0)
  • basic.gblib: GBAI automatic retrieval. (04e69b9)
  • basic.gblib: GBAI automatic retrieval. (6992bf0)
  • basic.gblib: #170 Fixing DATEDIFF. (4314a37)
  • basic.gblib: #226 testing. (97df425)
  • basic.gblib: #226 testing. (4c037a7)
  • basic.gblib: #227 - HEAR AS FILE and GET/SET PARAM. (bc5c1b0)
  • basic.gblib: #227 - HEAR AS FILE and GET/SET PARAM. (2521117)
  • basic.gblib: #227 - HEAR AS FILE and GET/SET PARAM. (ceded7f)
  • basic.gblib: #227 - HEAR AS FILE defining where to save, per bot. (b64a42f)
  • basic.gblib: #227 - HEAR AS FILE defining where to save, per bot. (473cd98)
  • basic.gblib: #227 - HEAR AS FILE. (c5290b9)
  • basic.gblib: #227 - HEAR AS FILE. (42dbba4)
  • basic.gblib: #282 Fix SSR for Bots 3.0. (866b361)
  • basic.gblib: #282 Fix SSR for Bots 3.0. (7f3bd7d)
  • basic.gblib: #307 - Fixed user context in API. (cbce44f)
  • basic.gblib: #307 - Fixed user context in API. (4496cef)
  • basic.gblib: Adjustment in package version. (e66c481)
  • basic.gblib: Correct web automation 'date' use. (4809fec)
  • basic.gblib: Correcting the position of Parentheses (a925c8e)
  • basic.gblib: FILL keyword can now template images and AS IMAGE can convert a DOCX to a PNG. (41ceedf)
  • basic.gblib: FILL keyword can now template images and AS IMAGE can convert a DOCX to a PNG. (16bdab6)
  • basic.gblib: fix dynamic parameter generation. (11b0ea2)
  • basic.gblib: Fix getNow return. (f288987)
  • basic.gblib: Fix getNow return. (5631ce9)
  • basic.gblib: Fix getToday return. (0e33c97)
  • basic.gblib: Return the last information with getTextOf (ececb0d)
  • basic.gblib: Upgrade to from WS to HTTPS. (5534b41)
  • basic.gblib: Upgrade to from WS to HTTPS. (f3c756b)
  • basic.gblib: Upgrade to (f3b7c1d)
  • basic.gblib: WA page bug removal. (d902e14)
  • core.gbapp: #195 bind call to provide min context for uploads. (b12a462)
  • core.gbapp: #195 bind call to provide min context for uploads. (b2f2c73)
  • core.gbapp: #336 timeout in API fixed. (0c44361)
  • core.gbapp: #336 timeout in API fixed. (eb6800e)
  • core.gbapp: #341 fix regarding COPY files. (a292b77)
  • core.gbapp: #344 fix regarding SET FILTER keyword. (db7ed36)
  • core.gbapp: /logs working again. (d08e11f)
  • core.gbapp: fixed the use of GBLogEx to create GuaribasLog. (2cb866b)
  • core.gbapp: Upload now saves the file in correct folder. (e31cd4d)
  • core.gblib: SSR fixing about botId. (799715a)
  • default.gbui: #153 fix. (b6f6a50)
  • default.gbui: #263 Loads menu.xlsx as subject.json alternative. (00434bd)
  • default.gbui: #263 Loads menu.xlsx as subject.json alternative. (241596b)
  • dependencies: Whatsapp-web.js to "1.20.0". (1857b51)
  • gbapp\AskDialog: Supress Echo Nothing_else (4ee3012)
  • gbapp\AskDialog.ts: Supress anything_else (6d8feca)
  • kb.gbapp: #276 use of NLP.js upgrade to v4. (ec1c38f)
  • kb.gbapp: #276 use of NLP.js upgrade to v4. (5c48d39)
  • kb.gbapp: #297 Spellchecker fixed after MSFT changes in service. (80853f0)
  • kb.gbapp: #298 search fix and params. (78778da)
  • kb.gbapp: #332 fix STS. (01cf280)
  • kb.gbapp: /publish review, error handling improved and clean up. (c94228c)
  • kb.gbapp: Dialog now are finished OK. (a969abb)
  • kb.gbapp: Dialog now are finished OK. (a7a1d47)
  • kb.gbapp: Download only if not in cache optimization. (b30e016)
  • security.gblib: Params support in users. (82a9ba9)
  • whatsapp.gblib: #262 wrong key value. (565ad4a)
  • whatsapp.gblib: #288 fix list and buttons. (6f62453)
  • whatsapp.gblib: #288 unify puppteer params with GBSSR. (b96a78e)
  • whatsapp.gblib: #309 unify channel detection. (cfe3ab3)
  • Whatsapp.gblib: fix "whatsapp-web.js" compatibility issues. (cd97189)


  • whatsapp.gblib: add 'graphapi' option. (ce84053)


ReleasesGeneral Bots .gbapp lib semantic-release
CommunityStackExchange Open-source PRs Welcome License
SecurityKnown Vulnerabilities
Building & QualityBuild Status Coverage Status code style: prettier
Packagingforthebadge ZipFile Dependencies Commitizen friendly
SamplesVBA or TypeScript
Docker ImageDocker Automated build Docker Build Status MicroBadger Size MicroBadger Layers Docker Pulls
Provided by @lpicanco

General Bots

General Bot Logo

General Bot is a strongly typed package based chat bot server focused in convention over configuration and code-less approaches, which brings software packages and application server concepts to help parallel bot development.

What is a Bot Server?

Bot Server accelerates the process of developing a bot. It provisions all code base, resources and deployment to the cloud, and gives you templates you can choose from whenever you need a new bot. The server has a database and service backend allowing you to further modify your bot package directly by downloading a zip file, editing and uploading it back to the server (deploying process) with no code. The Bot Server also provides a framework to develop bot packages in a more advanced fashion writing custom code in editors like Visual Studio Code, Atom or Brackets.

Everyone can create bots by just copying and pasting some files and using their favorite tools from Office (or any text editor) or Photoshop (or any image editor). BASIC can be used to build custom dialogs so Bot can be extended just like VBA for Excel (currently in alpha).

General Bot Reference Architecture


Several samples, including a Bot for AD Password Reset, are avaiable on the repository list.

Using complete General Bots Conversational Data Analytics

TALK  "General Bots Labs presents FISCAL DATA SHOW BY BASIC" 

TALK "Gift Contributions to Reduce the Public Debt API (" 
result = GET "[size]=500" 
data = 
data = SELECT YEAR(record_date) as Yr, SUM(CAST(contribution_amt AS NUMBER)) AS Amount FROM data GROUP BY YEAR(record_date) 

TALK "Demonstration of Gift Contributions with AS IMAGE keyword" 
png = data as IMAGE  

TALK " Demonstration of Gift Contributions CHART keyword" 
 img = CHART "bar", data  


Read the General Bots BotBook Guide.


Now with the General Bots server you can press F5 on Visual Studio to get a bot factory on your environment* published on November 10th, 2018.

General Bot Video

See how easy is to use 'hear' and 'talk' to build Microsoft BOT Framework v4 logic with plain BASIC * published on December 3rd, 2018.

See how easy is to use 'hear' and 'talk' to build Microsoft BOT Framework v4 logic with plain BASIC


This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. See our Contribution Guidelines for more details.

Reporting Security Issues

Security issues and bugs should be reported privately, via email, to the Security team at You should receive a response within 24 hours. If for some reason you do not, please follow up via email to ensure we received your original message.

License & Warranty

General Bot Copyright (c) All rights reserved. Licensed under the AGPL-3.0.

According to our dual licensing model, this program can be used either under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, or under a proprietary license.

The texts of the GNU Affero General Public License with an additional permission and of our proprietary license can be found at and in the LICENSE file you have received along with this program.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

"General Bot" is a registered trademark of The licensing of the program under the AGPLv3 does not imply a trademark license. Therefore any rights, title and interest in our trademarks remain entirely with us.

:speech_balloon: Ask a question          :book: Read the Docs Team pictures made with General Bots Code Name is Guaribas, the name of a city in Brazil, state of Piaui. Roberto Mangabeira Unger: "No one should have to do work that can be done by a machine".


Last updated on 09 Jul 2023

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