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Comparing version 6.4.0 to 6.5.0




@@ -27,2 +27,4 @@ /**

static readonly SUBTYPE_COLUMN = 7;
/** Sensitive BSON type */
static readonly SUBTYPE_SENSITIVE = 8;
/** User BSON type */

@@ -144,2 +146,3 @@ static readonly SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED = 128;


@@ -153,2 +156,14 @@ CalculateObjectSizeOptions

* @public
* @experimental
declare type BSONElement = [
type: number,
nameOffset: number,
nameLength: number,
offset: number,
length: number
* @public
* @category Error

@@ -179,2 +194,17 @@ *

* @public
* @category Error
* @experimental
* An error generated when BSON bytes are invalid.
* Reports the offset the parser was able to reach before encountering the error.
declare class BSONOffsetError extends BSONError {
get name(): 'BSONOffsetError';
offset: number;
constructor(message: string, offset: number);
* A class representation of the BSON RegExp type.

@@ -1114,2 +1144,22 @@ * @public

* @experimental
* @public
* A new set of BSON APIs that are currently experimental and not intended for production use.
declare type OnDemand = {
BSONOffsetError: {
new (message: string, offset: number): BSONOffsetError;
isBSONError(value: unknown): value is BSONError;
parseToElements: (this: void, bytes: Uint8Array, startOffset?: number) => Iterable<BSONElement>;
* @experimental
* @public
export declare const onDemand: OnDemand;
* Parse an Extended JSON string, constructing the JavaScript value or object described by that

@@ -1116,0 +1166,0 @@ * string.



@@ -17,3 +17,3 @@ {

"types": "bson.d.ts",
"version": "6.4.0",
"version": "6.5.0",
"author": {

@@ -20,0 +20,0 @@ "name": "The MongoDB NodeJS Team",

@@ -59,2 +59,4 @@ import { type InspectFn, defaultInspect, isAnyArrayBuffer, isUint8Array } from './parser/utils';

static readonly SUBTYPE_COLUMN = 7;
/** Sensitive BSON type */
static readonly SUBTYPE_SENSITIVE = 8;
/** User BSON type */

@@ -61,0 +63,0 @@ static readonly SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED = 128;

@@ -57,2 +57,3 @@ import { Binary, UUID } from './binary';

export { EJSON } from './extended_json';
export { onDemand } from './parser/on_demand/index';

@@ -59,0 +60,0 @@ /** @public */

@@ -112,2 +112,5 @@ /** @internal */

/** Sensitive BSON type @internal */
/** Binary User Defined Type @internal */

@@ -114,0 +117,0 @@ export const BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED = 128;

@@ -84,1 +84,23 @@ import { BSON_MAJOR_VERSION } from './constants';

* @public
* @category Error
* @experimental
* An error generated when BSON bytes are invalid.
* Reports the offset the parser was able to reach before encountering the error.
export class BSONOffsetError extends BSONError {
public get name(): 'BSONOffsetError' {
return 'BSONOffsetError';
public offset: number;
constructor(message: string, offset: number) {
super(`${message}. offset: ${offset}`);
this.offset = offset;
const FLOAT = new Float64Array(1);
const FLOAT_BYTES = new Uint8Array(FLOAT.buffer, 0, 8);
FLOAT[0] = -1;
// Little endian [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 240, 191]
// Big endian [191, 240, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
const isBigEndian = FLOAT_BYTES[7] === 0;

@@ -53,13 +58,25 @@ * Number parsing and serializing utilities.

/** Reads a little-endian 64-bit float from source */
getFloat64LE(source: Uint8Array, offset: number): number {
FLOAT_BYTES[0] = source[offset];
FLOAT_BYTES[1] = source[offset + 1];
FLOAT_BYTES[2] = source[offset + 2];
FLOAT_BYTES[3] = source[offset + 3];
FLOAT_BYTES[4] = source[offset + 4];
FLOAT_BYTES[5] = source[offset + 5];
FLOAT_BYTES[6] = source[offset + 6];
FLOAT_BYTES[7] = source[offset + 7];
return FLOAT[0];
getFloat64LE: isBigEndian
? (source: Uint8Array, offset: number) => {
FLOAT_BYTES[7] = source[offset];
FLOAT_BYTES[6] = source[offset + 1];
FLOAT_BYTES[5] = source[offset + 2];
FLOAT_BYTES[4] = source[offset + 3];
FLOAT_BYTES[3] = source[offset + 4];
FLOAT_BYTES[2] = source[offset + 5];
FLOAT_BYTES[1] = source[offset + 6];
FLOAT_BYTES[0] = source[offset + 7];
return FLOAT[0];
: (source: Uint8Array, offset: number) => {
FLOAT_BYTES[0] = source[offset];
FLOAT_BYTES[1] = source[offset + 1];
FLOAT_BYTES[2] = source[offset + 2];
FLOAT_BYTES[3] = source[offset + 3];
FLOAT_BYTES[4] = source[offset + 4];
FLOAT_BYTES[5] = source[offset + 5];
FLOAT_BYTES[6] = source[offset + 6];
FLOAT_BYTES[7] = source[offset + 7];
return FLOAT[0];

@@ -124,14 +141,27 @@ /** Writes a big-endian 32-bit integer to destination, can be signed or unsigned */

/** Writes a little-endian 64-bit float to destination */
setFloat64LE(destination: Uint8Array, offset: number, value: number): 8 {
FLOAT[0] = value;
destination[offset] = FLOAT_BYTES[0];
destination[offset + 1] = FLOAT_BYTES[1];
destination[offset + 2] = FLOAT_BYTES[2];
destination[offset + 3] = FLOAT_BYTES[3];
destination[offset + 4] = FLOAT_BYTES[4];
destination[offset + 5] = FLOAT_BYTES[5];
destination[offset + 6] = FLOAT_BYTES[6];
destination[offset + 7] = FLOAT_BYTES[7];
return 8;
setFloat64LE: isBigEndian
? (destination: Uint8Array, offset: number, value: number) => {
FLOAT[0] = value;
destination[offset] = FLOAT_BYTES[7];
destination[offset + 1] = FLOAT_BYTES[6];
destination[offset + 2] = FLOAT_BYTES[5];
destination[offset + 3] = FLOAT_BYTES[4];
destination[offset + 4] = FLOAT_BYTES[3];
destination[offset + 5] = FLOAT_BYTES[2];
destination[offset + 6] = FLOAT_BYTES[1];
destination[offset + 7] = FLOAT_BYTES[0];
return 8;
: (destination: Uint8Array, offset: number, value: number) => {
FLOAT[0] = value;
destination[offset] = FLOAT_BYTES[0];
destination[offset + 1] = FLOAT_BYTES[1];
destination[offset + 2] = FLOAT_BYTES[2];
destination[offset + 3] = FLOAT_BYTES[3];
destination[offset + 4] = FLOAT_BYTES[4];
destination[offset + 5] = FLOAT_BYTES[5];
destination[offset + 6] = FLOAT_BYTES[6];
destination[offset + 7] = FLOAT_BYTES[7];
return 8;

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