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bunchee - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.2.1 to 3.3.0



@@ -1,13 +0,282 @@

#!/usr/bin/env node
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
var fs = require('fs/promises');
var path = require('path');
var arg = require('arg');
var fs = require('fs/promises');
var rollup = require('rollup');
var pluginWasm = require('@rollup/plugin-wasm');
var rollupPluginSwc3 = require('rollup-plugin-swc3');
var commonjs = require('@rollup/plugin-commonjs');
var shebang = require('rollup-plugin-preserve-shebang');
var json = require('@rollup/plugin-json');
var pluginNodeResolve = require('@rollup/plugin-node-resolve');
var replace = require('@rollup/plugin-replace');
var prettyBytes = require('pretty-bytes');
var module$1 = require('module');
function _interopDefault (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; }
var fs__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(fs);
var path__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(path);
var arg__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(arg);
var fs__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(fs);
var commonjs__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(commonjs);
var shebang__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(shebang);
var json__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(json);
var replace__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(replace);
var prettyBytes__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(prettyBytes);
function asyncGeneratorStep$1(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) {
function chunkSizeCollector() {
const sizes = new Map();
function addSize(name, size) {
sizes.set(name, size);
return {
plugin: (cwd)=>{
return {
name: 'collect-sizes',
augmentChunkHash () {
// Do nothing, but use the hook to keep the plugin instance alive
renderChunk (code, chunk, options) {
const dir = options.dir || options.file && path__default.default.dirname(options.file);
let fileName = chunk.fileName;
if (dir) {
const filePath = path__default.default.join(dir, fileName);
fileName = filePath.startsWith(cwd) ? path__default.default.relative(cwd, filePath) : filePath;
addSize(fileName, code.length);
return null;
getSizeStats () {
const sizeStats = [];
sizes.forEach((size, name)=>{
return sizeStats;
function getTypings(pkg) {
return pkg.types || pkg.typings;
function getDistPath(distPath, cwd) {
return path.resolve(cwd, distPath);
// Reached the end of the export path
function isExportLike(field) {
if (typeof field === 'string') return true;
return Object.entries(field).every(// Every value is string and key is not start with '.'
// TODO: check key is ExportType
([key, value])=>typeof value === 'string' && !key.startsWith('.'));
function constructFullExportCondition(value, packageType) {
const isCommonjs = packageType === 'commonjs';
let result;
if (typeof value === 'string') {
// TODO: determine cjs or esm by "type" field in package.json
result = {
[isCommonjs ? 'require' : 'import']: value
} else {
// TODO: valid export condition, warn if it's not valid
const keys = Object.keys(value);
result = {};
// Filter out nullable value
if (key in value && value[key]) {
result[key] = value[key];
return result;
function joinRelativePath(...segments) {
let result = path.join(...segments);
// If the first segment starts with './', ensure the result does too.
if (segments[0] === '.' && !result.startsWith('./')) {
result = './' + result;
return result;
function findExport(name, value, paths, packageType) {
// TODO: handle export condition based on package.type
if (isExportLike(value)) {
paths[name] = constructFullExportCondition(value, packageType);
const nextName = joinRelativePath(name, subpath);
const nestedValue = value[subpath];
findExport(nextName, nestedValue, paths, packageType);
* Convert package.exports field to paths mapping
* Example
* Input:
* {
* ".": {
* "sub": {
* "import": "./sub.js",
* "require": "./sub.cjs",
* "types": "./sub.d.ts
* }
* }
* }
* Output:
* {
* "./sub": {
* "import": "./sub.js",
* "require": "./sub.cjs",
* "types": "./sub.d.ts,
* }
* }
*/ function parseExport(exportsCondition, packageType) {
const paths = {};
if (typeof exportsCondition === 'string') {
paths['.'] = constructFullExportCondition(exportsCondition, packageType);
} else if (typeof exportsCondition === 'object') {
const value = exportsCondition[key];
findExport(key, value, paths, packageType);
return paths;
* Get package exports paths
* Example:
* ```json
* {
* "exports": {
* ".": {
* "require": "./dist/index.cjs",
* "module": "./dist/index.esm.js",
* "default": "./dist/index.esm.js"
* },
* "./foo": {
* "require": "./dist/foo.cjs",
* "module": "./dist/foo.esm.js",
* "default": "./dist/foo.esm.js"
* }
* }
* ```
* will be parsed to:
* ```js
* {
* '.': {
* main: './dist/index.cjs',
* module: './dist/index.esm.js',
* export: './dist/index.esm.js'
* },
* './foo': {
* main: './dist/foo.cjs',
* module: './dist/foo.esm.js',
* export: './dist/foo.esm.js'
* }
* pkg.main and pkg.module will be added to ['.'] if exists
*/ function getExportPaths(pkg) {
const pathsMap = {};
const packageType = getPackageType(pkg);
const { exports: exportsConditions } = pkg;
if (exportsConditions) {
const paths = parseExport(exportsConditions, packageType);
Object.assign(pathsMap, paths);
// main export '.' from main/module/typings
const defaultMainExport = constructFullExportCondition({
[packageType === 'commonjs' ? 'require' : 'import']: pkg.main,
module: pkg.module,
types: getTypings(pkg)
}, packageType);
// Merge the main export into '.' paths
const mainExport = Object.assign({}, pathsMap['.'], defaultMainExport);
// main export is not empty
if (Object.keys(mainExport).length > 0) {
pathsMap['.'] = mainExport;
return pathsMap;
function getPackageType(pkg) {
return pkg.type || 'commonjs';
function constructDefaultExportCondition(value, packageType) {
const objValue = typeof value === 'string' ? {
[packageType === 'commonjs' ? 'require' : 'import']: value,
types: getTypings(value)
} : value;
return constructFullExportCondition(objValue, packageType);
function isEsmExportName(name) {
return [
function isCjsExportName(name) {
return [
function getExportConditionDist(pkg, parsedExportCondition, cwd) {
const dist = [];
const existed = new Set();
const exportTypes = Object.keys(parsedExportCondition.export);
for (const key of exportTypes){
if (key === 'types') {
const relativePath = parsedExportCondition.export[key];
const distFile = getDistPath(relativePath, cwd);
let format = 'esm';
if (isEsmExportName(key)) {
format = 'esm';
} else if (isCjsExportName(key)) {
format = 'cjs';
// Deduplicate the same path jobs
// TODO: detect conflicts paths but with different format
if (existed.has(distFile)) {
file: distFile
if (dist.length === 0) {
// TODO: Deprecate this warning and behavior in v3
console.error(`Doesn't fin any exports in ${}, using default dist path dist/index.js`);
format: 'esm',
file: getDistPath('dist/index.js', cwd)
return dist;
function asyncGeneratorStep$3(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) {
try {

@@ -26,3 +295,3 @@ var info = gen[key](arg);

function _async_to_generator$1(fn) {
function _async_to_generator$3(fn) {
return function() {

@@ -33,6 +302,6 @@ var self = this, args = arguments;

function _next(value) {
asyncGeneratorStep$1(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value);
asyncGeneratorStep$3(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value);
function _throw(err) {
asyncGeneratorStep$1(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err);
asyncGeneratorStep$3(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err);

@@ -47,12 +316,2 @@ _next(undefined);

const formatDuration = (duration)=>duration >= 1000 ? `${duration / 1000}s` : `${duration}ms`;
function hasPackageJson(cwd) {
return _hasPackageJson.apply(this, arguments);
function _hasPackageJson() {
_hasPackageJson = _async_to_generator$1(function*(cwd) {
return yield fileExists(path__default.default.resolve(cwd, 'package.json'));
return _hasPackageJson.apply(this, arguments);
function getPackageMeta(cwd) {

@@ -62,3 +321,3 @@ return _getPackageMeta.apply(this, arguments);

function _getPackageMeta() {
_getPackageMeta = _async_to_generator$1(function*(cwd) {
_getPackageMeta = _async_to_generator$3(function*(cwd) {
const pkgFilePath = path__default.default.resolve(cwd, 'package.json');

@@ -90,3 +349,3 @@ let targetPackageJson = {};

function _fileExists() {
_fileExists = _async_to_generator$1(function*(filePath) {
_fileExists = _async_to_generator$3(function*(filePath) {
try {

@@ -104,6 +363,46 @@ yield fs__default.default.access(filePath);

// . -> pkg name
// ./lite -> <pkg name>/lite
function getExportPath(pkg, cwd, exportName) {
const name = || path__default.default.basename(cwd);
if (exportName === '.' || !exportName) return name;
return path__default.default.join(name, exportName);
const isNotNull = (n)=>Boolean(n);
const SRC = 'src' // resolve from src/ directory
function resolveSourceFile(cwd, filename) {
return path__default.default.resolve(cwd, SRC, filename);
// Map '.' -> './index.[ext]'
// Map './lite' -> './lite.[ext]'
// Return undefined if no match or if it's package.json exports
function getSourcePathFromExportPath(cwd, exportPath) {
return _getSourcePathFromExportPath.apply(this, arguments);
function _getSourcePathFromExportPath() {
_getSourcePathFromExportPath = _async_to_generator$3(function*(cwd, exportPath) {
const exts = [
for (const ext of exts){
// ignore package.json
if (exportPath.endsWith('package.json')) return;
if (exportPath === '.') exportPath = './index';
const filename = resolveSourceFile(cwd, `${exportPath}.${ext}`);
if (yield fileExists(filename)) {
return filename;
return _getSourcePathFromExportPath.apply(this, arguments);
var version = "3.2.1";
function asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) {
function asyncGeneratorStep$2(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) {
try {

@@ -122,3 +421,3 @@ var info = gen[key](arg);

function _async_to_generator(fn) {
function _async_to_generator$2(fn) {
return function() {

@@ -129,6 +428,6 @@ var self = this, args = arguments;

function _next(value) {
asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value);
asyncGeneratorStep$2(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value);
function _throw(err) {
asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err);
asyncGeneratorStep$2(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err);

@@ -139,165 +438,526 @@ _next(undefined);

const helpMessage = `
Usage: bunchee [options]
-v, --version output the version number
-w, --watch watch src files changes
-m, --minify compress output. default: false
-o, --output <file> specify output filename
-f, --format <format> type of output (esm, amd, cjs, iife, umd, system), default: esm
-h, --help output usage information
--external <mod> specify an external dependency, separate by comma
--no-external do not bundle external dependencies
--target <target> js features target: swc target es versions. default: es2016
--runtime <runtime> build runtime (nodejs, browser). default: browser
--env <env> inlined process env variables, separate by comma. default: NODE_ENV
--cwd <cwd> specify current working directory
--sourcemap enable sourcemap generation, default: false
--dts determine if need to generate types, default: false
function help() {
function _extends$1() {
_extends$1 = Object.assign || function(target) {
for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++){
var source = arguments[i];
for(var key in source){
if (, key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
return _extends$1.apply(this, arguments);
function lintPackage(cwd) {
return _lintPackage.apply(this, arguments);
const minifyOptions = {
compress: true,
format: {
comments: 'some',
wrapFuncArgs: false,
preserveAnnotations: true
mangle: {
toplevel: true
// This can also be passed down as stats from top level
const sizeCollector = chunkSizeCollector();
function getBuildEnv(envs) {
if (!envs.includes('NODE_ENV')) {
const envVars = envs.reduce((acc, key)=>{
const value = process.env[key];
if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {
acc['process.env.' + key] = JSON.stringify(value);
return acc;
}, {});
return envVars;
function _lintPackage() {
_lintPackage = _async_to_generator(function*(cwd) {
// Not package.json detected, skip package linting
if (!(yield hasPackageJson(cwd))) {
function buildInputConfig(entry, pkg, options, cwd, { tsConfigPath , tsCompilerOptions }, dtsOnly) {
var _options_external;
const externals = options.noExternal ? [] : [
].filter((n)=>Boolean(n)).map((o)=>Object.keys(o)).reduce((a, b)=>a.concat(b), []).concat(((_options_external = options.external) != null ? _options_external : []).concat( ? [
] : []));
const { useTypescript , runtime , target: jscTarget , minify } = options;
const hasSpecifiedTsTarget = Boolean((tsCompilerOptions == null ? void 0 : && tsConfigPath);
const sizePlugin = sizeCollector.plugin(cwd);
const commonPlugins = [
const plugins = (dtsOnly ? [
useTypescript && require('rollup-plugin-dts').default({
compilerOptions: _extends$1({}, tsCompilerOptions, {
declaration: true,
noEmit: false,
noEmitOnError: true,
emitDeclarationOnly: true,
checkJs: false,
declarationMap: false,
skipLibCheck: true,
preserveSymlinks: false,
target: 'esnext',
module: 'esnext',
incremental: false,
jsx: tsCompilerOptions.jsx || 'react'
] : [
values: getBuildEnv(options.env || []),
preventAssignment: true
preferBuiltins: runtime === 'node',
extensions: [
include: /node_modules\//
include: /\.(m|c)?[jt]sx?$/,
exclude: 'node_modules',
tsconfig: tsConfigPath,
jsc: _extends$1({}, !hasSpecifiedTsTarget && {
target: jscTarget
}, {
loose: true,
externalHelpers: false,
parser: {
syntax: useTypescript ? 'typescript' : 'ecmascript',
[useTypescript ? 'tsx' : 'jsx']: true,
privateMethod: true,
classPrivateProperty: true,
exportDefaultFrom: true
}, minify && {
minify: _extends$1({}, minifyOptions, {
sourceMap: options.sourcemap
sourceMaps: options.sourcemap,
inlineSourcesContent: false
return {
input: entry,
external (id) {
return externals.some((name)=>id === name || id.startsWith(name + '/'));
treeshake: {
propertyReadSideEffects: false
onwarn (warning, warn) {
const code = warning.code || '';
// Some may not have types, like CLI binary
if (dtsOnly && code === 'EMPTY_BUNDLE') return;
if ([
].includes(code)) return;
// If the circular dependency warning is from node_modules, ignore it
if (code === 'CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCY' && /Circular dependency: node_modules/.test(warning.message)) {
const { publint } = yield import('publint');
const { printMessage } = yield import('publint/utils');
const messages = yield publint({
pkgDir: cwd,
level: 'error'
function hasEsmExport(exportPaths, tsCompilerOptions) {
let hasEsm = false;
for(const key in exportPaths){
const exportInfo = exportPaths[key];
const exportNames = Object.keys(exportInfo);
if (exportNames.some((name)=>isEsmExportName(name))) {
hasEsm = true;
return Boolean(hasEsm || (tsCompilerOptions == null ? void 0 : tsCompilerOptions.esModuleInterop));
function buildOutputConfigs(pkg, exportPaths, options, exportCondition, cwd, { tsCompilerOptions }, dtsOnly) {
const { format } = options;
// Add esm mark and interop helper if esm export is detected
const useEsModuleMark = hasEsmExport(exportPaths, tsCompilerOptions);
const typings = getTypings(pkg);
const file = options.file && path.resolve(cwd, options.file);
const dtsDir = typings ? path.dirname(path.resolve(cwd, typings)) : path.resolve(cwd, 'dist');
// file base name without extension
const name = file ? file.replace(new RegExp(`${path.extname(file)}$`), '') : undefined;
// TODO: simplify dts file name detection
const dtsFile = exportCondition.export['types'] ? path.resolve(cwd, exportCondition.export['types']) : file ? name + '.d.ts' : (exportCondition == null ? void 0 : ? path.resolve(dtsDir, ( === '.' ? 'index' : + '.d.ts') : typings && path.resolve(cwd, typings);
// If there's dts file, use `output.file`
const dtsPathConfig = dtsFile ? {
file: dtsFile
} : {
dir: dtsDir
return _extends$1({
name: || name
}, dtsOnly ? dtsPathConfig : {
file: file
}, {
exports: 'named',
esModule: useEsModuleMark || 'if-default-prop',
interop: 'auto',
freeze: false,
strict: false,
sourcemap: options.sourcemap
// build configs for each entry from package exports
function buildEntryConfig(pkg, entryPath, exportPaths, bundleConfig, cwd, tsOptions, dtsOnly) {
return _buildEntryConfig.apply(this, arguments);
function _buildEntryConfig() {
_buildEntryConfig = _async_to_generator$2(function*(pkg, entryPath, exportPaths, bundleConfig, cwd, tsOptions, dtsOnly) {
const configs = Object.keys(exportPaths).map(/*#__PURE__*/ _async_to_generator$2(function*(entryExport) {
// TODO: improve the source detection
const source = (yield getSourcePathFromExportPath(cwd, entryExport)) || entryPath;
if (!source) return undefined;
const exportCondition = {
name: entryExport,
export: exportPaths[entryExport]
const entry = resolveSourceFile(cwd, source);
const rollupConfig = buildConfig(entry, pkg, exportPaths, bundleConfig, exportCondition, cwd, tsOptions, dtsOnly);
return rollupConfig;
return (yield Promise.all(configs)).filter((n)=>Boolean(n));
return _buildEntryConfig.apply(this, arguments);
function buildConfig(entry, pkg, exportPaths, bundleConfig, exportCondition, cwd, tsOptions, dtsOnly) {
const { file } = bundleConfig;
const useTypescript = Boolean(tsOptions.tsConfigPath);
const options = _extends$1({}, bundleConfig, {
const inputOptions = buildInputConfig(entry, pkg, options, cwd, tsOptions, dtsOnly);
const outputExports = getExportConditionDist(pkg, exportCondition, cwd);
let outputConfigs = [];
// Generate dts job - single config
if (dtsOnly) {
outputConfigs = [
buildOutputConfigs(pkg, exportPaths, _extends$1({}, bundleConfig, {
format: 'es',
}), exportCondition, cwd, tsOptions, dtsOnly)
} else {
// multi outputs with specified format
outputConfigs =>{
return buildOutputConfigs(pkg, exportPaths, _extends$1({}, bundleConfig, {
file: exportDist.file,
format: exportDist.format,
}), exportCondition, cwd, tsOptions, dtsOnly);
const pkg = yield getPackageMeta(cwd);
for (const message of messages){
console.log(printMessage(message, pkg));
// CLI output option is always prioritized
if (file) {
var _outputExports_;
const fallbackFormat = (_outputExports_ = outputExports[0]) == null ? void 0 : _outputExports_.format;
outputConfigs = [
buildOutputConfigs(pkg, exportPaths, _extends$1({}, bundleConfig, {
format: bundleConfig.format || fallbackFormat,
}), exportCondition, cwd, tsOptions, dtsOnly)
return {
input: inputOptions,
output: outputConfigs,
exportName: || '.'
function asyncGeneratorStep$1(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) {
try {
var info = gen[key](arg);
var value = info.value;
} catch (error) {
if (info.done) {
} else {
Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw);
function _async_to_generator$1(fn) {
return function() {
var self = this, args = arguments;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var gen = fn.apply(self, args);
function _next(value) {
asyncGeneratorStep$1(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value);
function _throw(err) {
asyncGeneratorStep$1(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err);
let hasLoggedTsWarning = false;
function resolveTypescript(cwd) {
let ts;
const m = new module$1.Module('', undefined);
m.paths = module$1.Module._nodeModulePaths(cwd);
try {
ts = m.require('typescript');
} catch (_) {
if (!hasLoggedTsWarning) {
hasLoggedTsWarning = true;
exit('Could not load TypeScript compiler. Try to install `typescript` as dev dependency');
return ts;
function resolveTsConfig(cwd) {
return _resolveTsConfig.apply(this, arguments);
function _resolveTsConfig() {
_resolveTsConfig = _async_to_generator$1(function*(cwd) {
let tsCompilerOptions = {};
let tsConfigPath;
const ts = resolveTypescript(cwd);
tsConfigPath = path.resolve(cwd, 'tsconfig.json');
if (yield fileExists(tsConfigPath)) {
const basePath = tsConfigPath ? path.dirname(tsConfigPath) : cwd;
const tsconfigJSON = ts.readConfigFile(tsConfigPath, ts.sys.readFile).config;
tsCompilerOptions = ts.parseJsonConfigFileContent(tsconfigJSON, ts.sys, basePath).options;
} else {
tsConfigPath = undefined;
return null;
return {
return _lintPackage.apply(this, arguments);
return _resolveTsConfig.apply(this, arguments);
function parseCliArgs(argv) {
let args;
args = arg__default.default({
'--cwd': String,
'--dts': Boolean,
'--output': String,
'--format': String,
'--watch': Boolean,
'--minify': Boolean,
'--help': Boolean,
'--version': Boolean,
'--runtime': String,
'--target': String,
'--sourcemap': Boolean,
'--env': String,
'--external': String,
'--no-external': Boolean,
'-h': '--help',
'-v': '--version',
'-w': '--watch',
'-o': '--output',
'-f': '--format',
'-m': '--minify'
}, {
permissive: true,
function logSizeStats() {
const stats = sizeCollector.getSizeStats();
const maxLength = Math.max([filename])=>filename.length));
stats.forEach(([filename, prettiedSize])=>{
const padding = ' '.repeat(maxLength - filename.length);
const action = filename.endsWith('.d.ts') ? 'Typed' : 'Built';
logger.log(` ✓ ${action} ${filename}${padding} - ${prettiedSize}`);
const source = args._[0];
const parsedArgs = {
format: args['--format'],
file: args['--output'],
watch: args['--watch'],
minify: args['--minify'],
sourcemap: !!args['--sourcemap'],
cwd: args['--cwd'],
dts: args['--dts'],
help: args['--help'],
version: args['--version'],
runtime: args['--runtime'],
target: args['--target'],
external: !!args['--no-external'] ? null : args['--external'],
env: args['--env']
function asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) {
try {
var info = gen[key](arg);
var value = info.value;
} catch (error) {
if (info.done) {
} else {
Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw);
function _async_to_generator(fn) {
return function() {
var self = this, args = arguments;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var gen = fn.apply(self, args);
function _next(value) {
asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value);
function _throw(err) {
asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err);
return parsedArgs;
function run(args) {
return _run.apply(this, arguments);
function _extends() {
_extends = Object.assign || function(target) {
for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++){
var source = arguments[i];
for(var key in source){
if (, key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
return _extends.apply(this, arguments);
function _run() {
_run = _async_to_generator(function*(args) {
var _args_external;
const { source , format , watch , minify , sourcemap , target , runtime , dts , env } = args;
const cwd = args.cwd || process.cwd();
const file = args.file ? path__default.default.resolve(cwd, args.file) : undefined;
const bundleConfig = {
external: ((_args_external = args.external) == null ? void 0 : _args_external.split(',')) || [],
watch: !!watch,
minify: !!minify,
sourcemap: sourcemap === false ? false : true,
env: (env == null ? void 0 : env.split(',')) || []
function _object_without_properties_loose(source, excluded) {
if (source == null) return {};
var target = {};
var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source);
var key, i;
for(i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++){
key = sourceKeys[i];
if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue;
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
function assignDefault(options, name, defaultValue) {
if (!(name in options) || options[name] == null) {
options[name] = defaultValue;
function hasMultiEntryExport(exportPaths) {
const exportKeys = Object.keys(exportPaths).filter((key)=>key !== './package.json');
return exportKeys.length > 0 && exportKeys.every((name)=>name.startsWith('.'));
function bundle(entryPath) {
return _bundle.apply(this, arguments);
function _bundle() {
_bundle = _async_to_generator(function*(entryPath, _param = {}) {
var { cwd: _cwd } = _param, options = _object_without_properties_loose(_param, [
const cwd = path.resolve(process.cwd(), _cwd || '');
assignDefault(options, 'format', 'es');
assignDefault(options, 'minify', false);
assignDefault(options, 'target', 'es2015');
const pkg = yield getPackageMeta(cwd);
const packageType = getPackageType(pkg);
const exportPaths = getExportPaths(pkg);
const exportKeys = Object.keys(exportPaths).filter((key)=>key !== './package.json');
// const exportPathsLength = Object.keys(exportPaths).length
const isMultiEntries = hasMultiEntryExport(exportPaths) // exportPathsLength > 1
const tsConfig = yield resolveTsConfig(cwd);
const hasTsConfig = Boolean(tsConfig == null ? void 0 : tsConfig.tsConfigPath);
const defaultTsOptions = {
tsConfigPath: tsConfig == null ? void 0 : tsConfig.tsConfigPath,
tsCompilerOptions: (tsConfig == null ? void 0 : tsConfig.tsCompilerOptions) || {}
if (args.version) {
return logger.log(version);
// Handle single entry file
if (!isMultiEntries) {
// Use specified string file path if possible, then fallback to the default behavior entry picking logic
// e.g. "exports": "./dist/index.js" -> use "./index.<ext>" as entry
entryPath = entryPath || (yield getSourcePathFromExportPath(cwd, '.')) || '';
if ( {
return help();
if (exportKeys.length === 0 && entryPath) {
exportPaths['.'] = constructDefaultExportCondition(entryPath, packageType);
const entry = source ? path__default.default.resolve(cwd, source) : '';
const bundle = require('./index').bundle;
let timeStart =;
let timeEnd;
try {
yield bundle(entry, bundleConfig);
timeEnd =;
} catch (err) {
if ( === 'NOT_EXISTED') {
return exit(err);
const bundleOrWatch = (rollupConfig)=>{
const { input , exportName } = rollupConfig;
const exportPath = getExportPath(pkg, cwd, exportName);
// Log original entry file relative path
const source = typeof input.input === 'string' ? path.relative(cwd, input.input) : exportPath;
const buildMetadata = {
if ( {
return Promise.resolve(runWatch(rollupConfig, buildMetadata));
throw err;
return runBundle(rollupConfig);
const hasSpecifiedEntryFile = entryPath ? (yield fileExists(entryPath)) && (yield fs__default.default.stat(entryPath)).isFile() : false;
if (!hasSpecifiedEntryFile && !isMultiEntries) {
const err = new Error(`Entry file \`${entryPath}\` is not existed`); = 'NOT_EXISTED';
return Promise.reject(err);
const duration = timeEnd - timeStart;
// watching mode
if (watch) {
logger.log(`🔍 Watching assets in ${cwd}...`);
// has `types` field in package.json or has `types` exports in any export condition for multi-entries
const hasTypings = Object.values(exportPaths).some((condition)=>condition.hasOwnProperty('types'));
// Enable types generation if it's types field specified in package.json
if (hasTypings) {
options.dts = hasTypings;
// build mode
logger.log(`✨ Finished in ${formatDuration(duration)}`);
yield lintPackage(cwd);
let result;
const buildConfigs = yield buildEntryConfig(pkg, entryPath, exportPaths, options, cwd, defaultTsOptions, false);
const assetsJobs =>bundleOrWatch(rollupConfig));
const typesJobs = hasTsConfig && options.dts ? (yield buildEntryConfig(pkg, entryPath, exportPaths, options, cwd, defaultTsOptions, true)).map((rollupConfig)=>bundleOrWatch(rollupConfig)) : [];
result = yield Promise.all(assetsJobs.concat(typesJobs));
return result;
return _run.apply(this, arguments);
return _bundle.apply(this, arguments);
function main() {
return _main.apply(this, arguments);
function _main() {
_main = _async_to_generator(function*() {
let params, error;
try {
params = parseCliArgs(process.argv.slice(2));
} catch (err) {
error = err;
function runWatch({ input , output }, metadata) {
const watchOptions = [
_extends({}, input, {
output: output,
watch: {
exclude: [
const watcher =;
watcher.on('event', (event)=>{
case 'ERROR':
return onError(event.error);
case 'START':
logger.log(`Start building ${metadata.source} ...`);
case 'END':
if (error || !params) {
if (!error) help();
return exit(error);
yield run(params);
return _main.apply(this, arguments);
return watcher;
function runBundle({ input , output }) {
return rollup.rollup(input).then((bundle)=>{
const writeJobs =>bundle.write(options));
return Promise.all(writeJobs);
}, onError);
function onError(error) {
if (!error) return;
// logging source code in format
if (error.frame) {
process.stderr.write(error.frame + '\n');
// filter out the rollup plugin error information such as loc/frame/code...
const err = new Error(error.message);
err.stack = error.stack;
throw err;
exports.bundle = bundle;


import { JscTarget } from '@swc/core';
import { OutputOptions } from 'rollup';
type ExportType = 'require' | 'export' | 'default' | string;
type BundleConfig = {

@@ -18,9 +17,3 @@ file?: string;

runtime?: string;
exportCondition?: {
source: string;
name: string;
export: ExportCondition;
type ExportCondition = string | Record<ExportType, string>;

@@ -27,0 +20,0 @@ declare function bundle(entryPath: string, { cwd: _cwd, ...options }?: BundleConfig): Promise<any>;

@@ -42,3 +42,4 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });

if (dir) {
fileName = path__default.default.relative(cwd, path__default.default.join(dir, fileName));
const filePath = path__default.default.join(dir, fileName);
fileName = filePath.startsWith(cwd) ? path__default.default.relative(cwd, filePath) : filePath;

@@ -70,16 +71,84 @@ addSize(fileName, code.length);

function findExport(field) {
if (!field) return;
if (typeof field === 'string') return field;
const value = field['.'] || field['import'] || field['module'] || field['default'];
return findExport(value);
// Reached the end of the export path
function isExportLike(field) {
if (typeof field === 'string') return true;
return Object.entries(field).every(// Every value is string and key is not start with '.'
// TODO: check key is ExportType
([key, value])=>typeof value === 'string' && !key.startsWith('.'));
function parseExport(exportsCondition) {
function constructFullExportCondition(value, packageType) {
const isCommonjs = packageType === 'commonjs';
let result;
if (typeof value === 'string') {
// TODO: determine cjs or esm by "type" field in package.json
result = {
[isCommonjs ? 'require' : 'import']: value
} else {
// TODO: valid export condition, warn if it's not valid
const keys = Object.keys(value);
result = {};
// Filter out nullable value
if (key in value && value[key]) {
result[key] = value[key];
return result;
function joinRelativePath(...segments) {
let result = path.join(...segments);
// If the first segment starts with './', ensure the result does too.
if (segments[0] === '.' && !result.startsWith('./')) {
result = './' + result;
return result;
function findExport(name, value, paths, packageType) {
// TODO: handle export condition based on package.type
if (isExportLike(value)) {
paths[name] = constructFullExportCondition(value, packageType);
const nextName = joinRelativePath(name, subpath);
const nestedValue = value[subpath];
findExport(nextName, nestedValue, paths, packageType);
* Convert package.exports field to paths mapping
* Example
* Input:
* {
* ".": {
* "sub": {
* "import": "./sub.js",
* "require": "./sub.cjs",
* "types": "./sub.d.ts
* }
* }
* }
* Output:
* {
* "./sub": {
* "import": "./sub.js",
* "require": "./sub.cjs",
* "types": "./sub.d.ts,
* }
* }
*/ function parseExport(exportsCondition, packageType) {
const paths = {};
if (typeof exportsCondition === 'string') {
paths.export = exportsCondition;
} else {
paths.main = paths.main || exportsCondition['require'] || exportsCondition['node'] || exportsCondition['default'];
paths.module = paths.module || exportsCondition['module'];
paths.export = findExport(exportsCondition);
paths['.'] = constructFullExportCondition(exportsCondition, packageType);
} else if (typeof exportsCondition === 'object') {
const value = exportsCondition[key];
findExport(key, value, paths, packageType);

@@ -129,51 +198,79 @@ return paths;

const pathsMap = {};
const mainExport = {};
if (pkg.main) {
mainExport.main = pkg.main;
if (pkg.module) {
mainExport.module = pkg.module;
pathsMap['.'] = mainExport;
const packageType = getPackageType(pkg);
const { exports: exportsConditions } = pkg;
if (exportsConditions) {
if (typeof exportsConditions === 'string') {
mainExport.export = exportsConditions;
} else {
const exportKeys = Object.keys(exportsConditions);
if (exportKeys.some((key)=>key.startsWith('.'))) {
pathsMap[subExport] = parseExport(exportsConditions[subExport]);
} else {
Object.assign(mainExport, parseExport(exportsConditions));
const paths = parseExport(exportsConditions, packageType);
Object.assign(pathsMap, paths);
pathsMap['.'] = mainExport;
// main export '.' from main/module/typings
const defaultMainExport = constructFullExportCondition({
[packageType === 'commonjs' ? 'require' : 'import']: pkg.main,
module: pkg.module,
types: getTypings(pkg)
}, packageType);
// Merge the main export into '.' paths
const mainExport = Object.assign({}, pathsMap['.'], defaultMainExport);
// main export is not empty
if (Object.keys(mainExport).length > 0) {
pathsMap['.'] = mainExport;
return pathsMap;
function getExportDist(pkg, cwd) {
const paths = getExportPaths(pkg)['.'];
function getPackageType(pkg) {
return pkg.type || 'commonjs';
function constructDefaultExportCondition(value, packageType) {
const objValue = typeof value === 'string' ? {
[packageType === 'commonjs' ? 'require' : 'import']: value,
types: getTypings(value)
} : value;
return constructFullExportCondition(objValue, packageType);
function isEsmExportName(name) {
return [
function isCjsExportName(name) {
return [
function getExportConditionDist(pkg, parsedExportCondition, cwd) {
const dist = [];
if (paths.main) {
const existed = new Set();
const exportTypes = Object.keys(parsedExportCondition.export);
for (const key of exportTypes){
if (key === 'types') {
const relativePath = parsedExportCondition.export[key];
const distFile = getDistPath(relativePath, cwd);
let format = 'esm';
if (isEsmExportName(key)) {
format = 'esm';
} else if (isCjsExportName(key)) {
format = 'cjs';
// Deduplicate the same path jobs
// TODO: detect conflicts paths but with different format
if (existed.has(distFile)) {
format: 'cjs',
file: getDistPath(paths.main, cwd)
file: distFile
if (paths.module) {
format: 'esm',
file: getDistPath(paths.module, cwd)
if (paths.export) {
format: 'esm',
file: getDistPath(paths.export, cwd)
// default fallback to output `dist/index.js` in default esm format
if (dist.length === 0) {
// TODO: Deprecate this warning and behavior in v3
console.error(`Doesn't fin any exports in ${}, using default dist path dist/index.js`);

@@ -186,36 +283,2 @@ format: 'esm',

function getExportConditionDist(pkg, exportCondition, cwd) {
const dist = [];
// "exports": "..."
if (typeof exportCondition === 'string') {
format: pkg.type === 'module' ? 'esm' : 'cjs',
file: getDistPath(exportCondition, cwd)
} else {
// "./<subexport>": { }
const subExports = exportCondition;
// Ignore json exports, like "./package.json"
if (typeof subExports === 'string') {
format: 'esm',
file: getDistPath(subExports, cwd)
} else {
if (subExports.require) {
format: 'cjs',
file: getDistPath(subExports.require, cwd)
if (subExports.import) {
format: 'esm',
file: getDistPath(subExports.import, cwd)
return dist;

@@ -523,3 +586,4 @@ function asyncGeneratorStep$3(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) {

const exportInfo = exportPaths[key];
if (exportInfo.import || exportInfo.module) {
const exportNames = Object.keys(exportInfo);
if (exportNames.some((name)=>isEsmExportName(name))) {
hasEsm = true;

@@ -531,5 +595,4 @@ break;

function buildOutputConfigs(pkg, options, cwd, { tsCompilerOptions }, dtsOnly) {
const { format , exportCondition } = options;
const exportPaths = getExportPaths(pkg);
function buildOutputConfigs(pkg, exportPaths, options, exportCondition, cwd, { tsCompilerOptions }, dtsOnly) {
const { format } = options;
// Add esm mark and interop helper if esm export is detected

@@ -542,3 +605,4 @@ const useEsModuleMark = hasEsmExport(exportPaths, tsCompilerOptions);

const name = file ? file.replace(new RegExp(`${path.extname(file)}$`), '') : undefined;
const dtsFile = file ? name + '.d.ts' : (exportCondition == null ? void 0 : ? path.resolve(dtsDir, ( === '.' ? 'index' : + '.d.ts') : typings && path.resolve(cwd, typings);
// TODO: simplify dts file name detection
const dtsFile = exportCondition.export['types'] ? path.resolve(cwd, exportCondition.export['types']) : file ? name + '.d.ts' : (exportCondition == null ? void 0 : ? path.resolve(dtsDir, ( === '.' ? 'index' : + '.d.ts') : typings && path.resolve(cwd, typings);
// If there's dts file, use `output.file`

@@ -565,19 +629,18 @@ const dtsPathConfig = dtsFile ? {

// build configs for each entry from package exports
function buildEntryConfig(pkg, bundleConfig, cwd, tsOptions, dtsOnly) {
function buildEntryConfig(pkg, entryPath, exportPaths, bundleConfig, cwd, tsOptions, dtsOnly) {
return _buildEntryConfig.apply(this, arguments);
function _buildEntryConfig() {
_buildEntryConfig = _async_to_generator$2(function*(pkg, bundleConfig, cwd, tsOptions, dtsOnly) {
const packageExports = pkg.exports || {};
const configs = Object.keys(packageExports).map(/*#__PURE__*/ _async_to_generator$2(function*(entryExport) {
const source = yield getSourcePathFromExportPath(cwd, entryExport);
_buildEntryConfig = _async_to_generator$2(function*(pkg, entryPath, exportPaths, bundleConfig, cwd, tsOptions, dtsOnly) {
const configs = Object.keys(exportPaths).map(/*#__PURE__*/ _async_to_generator$2(function*(entryExport) {
// TODO: improve the source detection
const source = (yield getSourcePathFromExportPath(cwd, entryExport)) || entryPath;
if (!source) return undefined;
if (dtsOnly && !(tsOptions == null ? void 0 : tsOptions.tsConfigPath)) return;
bundleConfig.exportCondition = {
const exportCondition = {
name: entryExport,
export: packageExports[entryExport]
export: exportPaths[entryExport]
const entry = resolveSourceFile(cwd, source);
const rollupConfig = buildConfig(entry, pkg, bundleConfig, cwd, tsOptions, dtsOnly);
const rollupConfig = buildConfig(entry, pkg, exportPaths, bundleConfig, exportCondition, cwd, tsOptions, dtsOnly);
return rollupConfig;

@@ -589,4 +652,3 @@ }));

function buildConfig(entry, pkg, bundleConfig, cwd, tsOptions, dtsOnly) {
var _options_exportCondition;
function buildConfig(entry, pkg, exportPaths, bundleConfig, exportCondition, cwd, tsOptions, dtsOnly) {
const { file } = bundleConfig;

@@ -598,3 +660,3 @@ const useTypescript = Boolean(tsOptions.tsConfigPath);

const inputOptions = buildInputConfig(entry, pkg, options, cwd, tsOptions, dtsOnly);
const outputExports = options.exportCondition ? getExportConditionDist(pkg, options.exportCondition.export, cwd) : getExportDist(pkg, cwd);
const outputExports = getExportConditionDist(pkg, exportCondition, cwd);
let outputConfigs = [];

@@ -604,6 +666,6 @@ // Generate dts job - single config

outputConfigs = [
buildOutputConfigs(pkg, _extends$1({}, bundleConfig, {
buildOutputConfigs(pkg, exportPaths, _extends$1({}, bundleConfig, {
format: 'es',
}), cwd, tsOptions, dtsOnly)
}), exportCondition, cwd, tsOptions, dtsOnly)

@@ -613,7 +675,7 @@ } else {

outputConfigs =>{
return buildOutputConfigs(pkg, _extends$1({}, bundleConfig, {
return buildOutputConfigs(pkg, exportPaths, _extends$1({}, bundleConfig, {
file: exportDist.file,
format: exportDist.format,
}), cwd, tsOptions, dtsOnly);
}), exportCondition, cwd, tsOptions, dtsOnly);

@@ -625,7 +687,7 @@ // CLI output option is always prioritized

outputConfigs = [
buildOutputConfigs(pkg, _extends$1({}, bundleConfig, {
buildOutputConfigs(pkg, exportPaths, _extends$1({}, bundleConfig, {
format: bundleConfig.format || fallbackFormat,
}), cwd, tsOptions, dtsOnly)
}), exportCondition, cwd, tsOptions, dtsOnly)

@@ -637,3 +699,3 @@ }

output: outputConfigs,
exportName: ((_options_exportCondition = options.exportCondition) == null ? void 0 : || '.'
exportName: || '.'

@@ -782,6 +844,4 @@ }

function hasMultiEntryExport(pkg) {
const packageExportsField = pkg.exports || {};
if (typeof packageExportsField === 'string') return false;
const exportKeys = (packageExportsField ? Object.keys(packageExportsField) : []).filter((key)=>key !== './package.json');
function hasMultiEntryExport(exportPaths) {
const exportKeys = Object.keys(exportPaths).filter((key)=>key !== './package.json');
return exportKeys.length > 0 && exportKeys.every((name)=>name.startsWith('.'));

@@ -802,4 +862,8 @@ }

const pkg = yield getPackageMeta(cwd);
const packageExportsField = pkg.exports || {};
const isMultiEntries = hasMultiEntryExport(pkg);
const packageType = getPackageType(pkg);
const exportPaths = getExportPaths(pkg);
const exportKeys = Object.keys(exportPaths).filter((key)=>key !== './package.json');
// const exportPathsLength = Object.keys(exportPaths).length
const isMultiEntries = hasMultiEntryExport(exportPaths) // exportPathsLength > 1
const tsConfig = yield resolveTsConfig(cwd);

@@ -817,2 +881,5 @@ const hasTsConfig = Boolean(tsConfig == null ? void 0 : tsConfig.tsConfigPath);

if (exportKeys.length === 0 && entryPath) {
exportPaths['.'] = constructDefaultExportCondition(entryPath, packageType);
const bundleOrWatch = (rollupConfig)=>{

@@ -838,3 +905,3 @@ const { input , exportName } = rollupConfig;

// has `types` field in package.json or has `types` exports in any export condition for multi-entries
const hasTypings = !!getTypings(pkg) || typeof packageExportsField === 'object' && Array.from(Object.values(packageExportsField || {})).some((condition)=>condition.hasOwnProperty('types'));
const hasTypings = Object.values(exportPaths).some((condition)=>condition.hasOwnProperty('types'));
// Enable types generation if it's types field specified in package.json

@@ -845,15 +912,6 @@ if (hasTypings) {

let result;
if (isMultiEntries) {
const buildConfigs = yield buildEntryConfig(pkg, options, cwd, defaultTsOptions, false);
const assetsJobs =>bundleOrWatch(rollupConfig));
const typesJobs = options.dts ? (yield buildEntryConfig(pkg, options, cwd, defaultTsOptions, true)).map((rollupConfig)=>bundleOrWatch(rollupConfig)) : [];
result = yield Promise.all(assetsJobs.concat(typesJobs));
} else {
// Generate types
if (hasTsConfig && options.dts) {
yield bundleOrWatch(buildConfig(entryPath, pkg, options, cwd, defaultTsOptions, true));
const rollupConfig = buildConfig(entryPath, pkg, options, cwd, defaultTsOptions, false);
result = yield bundleOrWatch(rollupConfig);
const buildConfigs = yield buildEntryConfig(pkg, entryPath, exportPaths, options, cwd, defaultTsOptions, false);
const assetsJobs =>bundleOrWatch(rollupConfig));
const typesJobs = hasTsConfig && options.dts ? (yield buildEntryConfig(pkg, entryPath, exportPaths, options, cwd, defaultTsOptions, true)).map((rollupConfig)=>bundleOrWatch(rollupConfig)) : [];
result = yield Promise.all(assetsJobs.concat(typesJobs));

@@ -860,0 +918,0 @@ return result;

"name": "bunchee",
"version": "3.2.1",
"version": "3.3.0",
"description": "zero config bundler for js/ts/jsx libraries",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "bin": {

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