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@@ -6,144 +6,309 @@ // Latin-1 Supplement

// [à-öø-ÿ]
const magicSplit = /^[a-zà-öø-ÿ]+|[A-ZÀ-ÖØ-ß][a-zà-öø-ÿ]+|[a-zà-öø-ÿ]+|[0-9]+|[A-ZÀ-ÖØ-ß]+(?![a-zà-öø-ÿ])/g;
const spaceSplit = /\S+/g;
* A string.match function that will return an array of "string parts"
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string[]}
* A string.matchAll function that will return an array of "string parts" and the indexes at which it split each part
function splitOnSpecialChars(string) {
return string.match(/^[a-zà-öø-ÿ]+|[A-ZÀ-ÖØ-ß][a-zà-öø-ÿ]+|[a-zà-öø-ÿ]+|[0-9]+|[A-ZÀ-ÖØ-ß]+(?![a-zà-öø-ÿ])/g);
function getPartsAndIndexes(string, splitRegex) {
const result = { parts: [], prefixes: [] };
const matches = string.matchAll(splitRegex);
let lastWordEndIndex = 0;
for (const match of matches) {[0]);
const prefix = string.slice(lastWordEndIndex, match.index).trim();
lastWordEndIndex = match.index + match[0].length;
return result;
* A string.match function that will return an array of "string parts"
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string[]}
* A function that splits a string on words and returns an array of words.
* - It can prefix each word with a given character
* - It can strip or keep special characters, this affects the logic for adding a prefix as well
function getParts(string, noSpecialChars) {
if (noSpecialChars === void 0) { noSpecialChars = false; }
var target = string.trim().normalize('NFC');
var parts = target.includes(' ') ? target.split(' ').filter(Boolean) : splitOnSpecialChars(target);
return noSpecialChars ? (part) { return part.normalize('NFD').replace(/[^a-zA-ZØßø0-9]/g, ''); }) : parts;
function splitAndPrefix(string, options) {
const { keepSpecialCharacters = true, prefix = '' } = options;
const normalString = string.trim().normalize('NFC');
const hasSpaces = normalString.includes(' ');
const split = hasSpaces ? spaceSplit : magicSplit;
const partsAndIndexes = getPartsAndIndexes(normalString, split);
return keepSpecialCharacters
?, i) => {
const _prefix = partsAndIndexes.prefixes[i];
// the first word doesn't need a prefix, so only return the original prefix
if (i === 0) {
return _prefix + part;
// space based sentence was split on spaces, so only return original prefixes
if (hasSpaces) {
if (!_prefix && prefix.match(/\s/)) {
// in this case we have no more original _prefix, it was trimmed, but we're looking to add a space
// so let's return that space
return prefix + part;
return _prefix + part;
// return the original prefix OR fall back to a given prefix
return (_prefix || prefix) + part;
:, i) => {
const _part = part.normalize('NFD').replace(/[^a-zA-ZØßø0-9]/g, '');
if (i === 0) {
return _part;
return prefix + _part;
* Capitalises a single word
* @export
* @param {string} string the word
* @returns {string} the word with the first character in uppercase and the rest in lowercase
* @returns the word with the first character in uppercase and the rest in lowercase
function capitaliseWord(string) {
return string[0].toUpperCase() + string.slice(1).toLowerCase();
var _a;
const firstLetterIndex = ((_a = string.matchAll(magicSplit).next().value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.index) || 0;
return string.slice(0, firstLetterIndex + 1).toUpperCase() + string.slice(firstLetterIndex + 1).toLowerCase();
var noSpecialChars = true;
* converts strings to camelCase
* # 🐪 camelCase
* converts a string to camelCase
* - first lowercase then all capitalised
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in camelCase
* @example
* camelCase('$catDog') === 'catDog'
* @example
* camelCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$catDog'
function camelCase(string) {
return getParts(string, noSpecialChars).reduce(function (result, match, index) {
return index === 0 ? match.toLowerCase() : result + capitaliseWord(match);
function camelCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, options).reduce((result, word, index) => {
return index === 0 || !(word[0] || '').match(magicSplit)
? result + word.toLowerCase()
: result + capitaliseWord(word);
}, '');
* converts strings to PascalCase
* # 🐫 PascalCase
* converts a string to PascalCase (also called UpperCamelCase)
* - all capitalised
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in PascalCase
* @example
* pascalCase('$catDog') === 'CatDog'
* @example
* pascalCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$CatDog'
function pascalCase(string) {
return getParts(string, noSpecialChars).reduce(function (result, match) {
return result + capitaliseWord(match);
function pascalCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, options).reduce((result, word) => {
return result + capitaliseWord(word);
}, '');
* converts strings to kebab-case
* # 🐫 UpperCamelCase
* converts a string to UpperCamelCase (also called PascalCase)
* - all capitalised
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in kebab-case
* @example
* upperCamelCase('$catDog') === 'CatDog'
* @example
* upperCamelCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$CatDog'
function kebabCase(string) {
return getParts(string, noSpecialChars).join('-').toLowerCase();
const upperCamelCase = pascalCase;
* # 🥙 kebab-case
* converts a string to kebab-case
* - hyphenated lowercase
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @example
* kebabCase('$catDog') === 'cat-dog'
* @example
* kebabCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$cat-dog'
function kebabCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { prefix: '-' }))
* converts strings to snake_case
* # 🐍 snake_case
* converts a string to snake_case
* - underscored lowercase
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in snake_case
* @example
* snakeCase('$catDog') === 'cat_dog'
* @example
* snakeCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$cat_dog'
function snakeCase(string) {
return getParts(string, noSpecialChars).join('_').toLowerCase();
function snakeCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { prefix: '_' }))
* converts strings to CONSTANT_CASE
* converts a string to CONSTANT_CASE
* - underscored uppercase
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in CONSTANT_CASE
* @example
* constantCase('$catDog') === 'CAT_DOG'
* @example
* constantCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$CAT_DOG'
function constantCase(string) {
return getParts(string, noSpecialChars).join('_').toUpperCase();
function constantCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { prefix: '_' }))
* converts strings to path/case
* # 🚂 Train-Case
* converts strings to Train-Case
* - hyphenated & capitalised
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in path/case
* @example
* trainCase('$catDog') === 'Cat-Dog'
* @example
* trainCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$Cat-Dog'
function pathCase(string) {
return getParts(string).join('/');
function trainCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { prefix: '-' }))
.map((word) => capitaliseWord(word))
* converts strings to space case (will add spaces but not change casing)
* # 🕊 Ada_Case
* converts a string to Ada_Case
* - underscored & capitalised
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in path case
* @example
* adaCase('$catDog') === 'Cat_Dog'
* @example
* adaCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$Cat_Dog'
function spaceCase(string) {
return getParts(string).join(' ');
function adaCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { prefix: '_' }))
.map((part) => capitaliseWord(part))
* converts strings to Capital Case (with spaces)
* converts a string to COBOL-CASE
* - hyphenated uppercase
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in Capital Case (with spaces)
* @example
* cobolCase('$catDog') === 'CAT-DOG'
* @example
* cobolCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$CAT-DOG'
function capitalCase(string) {
return getParts(string)
.reduce(function (result, match) {
return "".concat(result, " ").concat(capitaliseWord(match));
}, '')
function cobolCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { prefix: '-' }))
* converts strings to lower case (with spaces)
* # 📍 Dot.notation
* converts a string to dot.notation
* - adds dots, does not change casing
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in lower case (with spaces)
* @example
* dotNotation('$catDog') === 'cat.Dog'
* @example
* dotNotation('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$cat.Dog'
function lowerCase(string) {
return getParts(string).join(' ').toLowerCase();
function dotNotation(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { prefix: '.' })).join('');
* converts strings to UPPER CASE (with spaces)
* # 📂 Path/case
* converts a string to path/case
* - adds slashes, does not change casing
* - *keeps* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in UPPER CASE (with spaces)
* @example
* pathCase('$catDog') === '$cat/Dog'
* @example
* pathCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) === 'cat/Dog'
function upperCase(string) {
return getParts(string).join(' ').toUpperCase();
function pathCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, options).reduce((result, word, i) => {
const prefix = i === 0 || word[0] === '/' ? '' : '/';
return result + prefix + word;
}, '');
* # 🛰 Space case
* converts a string to space case
* - adds spaces, does not change casing
* - *keeps* special characters by default
* @example
* spaceCase('$catDog') === '$cat Dog'
* @example
* spaceCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) === 'cat Dog'
function spaceCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { prefix: ' ' })).join('');
* # 🏛 Capital Case
* converts a string to Capital Case
* - capitalizes words and adds spaces
* - *keeps* special characters by default
* @example
* capitalCase('$catDog') === '$Cat Dog'
* @example
* capitalCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) === 'Cat Dog'
* ⟪ if you do not want to add spaces, use `pascalCase()` ⟫
function capitalCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { prefix: ' ' })).reduce((result, word) => {
return result + capitaliseWord(word);
}, '');
* # 🔡 lower case
* converts a string to lower case
* - makes words lowercase and adds spaces
* - *keeps* special characters by default
* @example
* lowerCase('$catDog') === '$cat dog'
* @example
* lowerCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) === 'cat dog'
* ⟪ if you do not want to add spaces, use the native JS `toLowerCase()` ⟫
function lowerCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { prefix: ' ' }))
* converts a string to UPPER CASE
* - makes words upper case and adds spaces
* - *keeps* special characters by default
* @example
* upperCase('$catDog') === '$CAT DOG'
* @example
* upperCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) === 'CAT DOG'
* ⟪ if you do not want to add spaces, use the native JS `toUpperCase()` ⟫
function upperCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { prefix: ' ' }))
export { camelCase, capitalCase, constantCase, kebabCase, lowerCase, pascalCase, pathCase, snakeCase, spaceCase, upperCase };
export { adaCase, camelCase, capitalCase, cobolCase, constantCase, dotNotation, kebabCase, lowerCase, pascalCase, pathCase, snakeCase, spaceCase, trainCase, upperCamelCase, upperCase };

@@ -12,147 +12,315 @@ (function (global, factory) {

// [à-öø-ÿ]
const magicSplit = /^[a-zà-öø-ÿ]+|[A-ZÀ-ÖØ-ß][a-zà-öø-ÿ]+|[a-zà-öø-ÿ]+|[0-9]+|[A-ZÀ-ÖØ-ß]+(?![a-zà-öø-ÿ])/g;
const spaceSplit = /\S+/g;
* A string.match function that will return an array of "string parts"
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string[]}
* A string.matchAll function that will return an array of "string parts" and the indexes at which it split each part
function splitOnSpecialChars(string) {
return string.match(/^[a-zà-öø-ÿ]+|[A-ZÀ-ÖØ-ß][a-zà-öø-ÿ]+|[a-zà-öø-ÿ]+|[0-9]+|[A-ZÀ-ÖØ-ß]+(?![a-zà-öø-ÿ])/g);
function getPartsAndIndexes(string, splitRegex) {
const result = { parts: [], prefixes: [] };
const matches = string.matchAll(splitRegex);
let lastWordEndIndex = 0;
for (const match of matches) {[0]);
const prefix = string.slice(lastWordEndIndex, match.index).trim();
lastWordEndIndex = match.index + match[0].length;
return result;
* A string.match function that will return an array of "string parts"
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string[]}
* A function that splits a string on words and returns an array of words.
* - It can prefix each word with a given character
* - It can strip or keep special characters, this affects the logic for adding a prefix as well
function getParts(string, noSpecialChars) {
if (noSpecialChars === void 0) { noSpecialChars = false; }
var target = string.trim().normalize('NFC');
var parts = target.includes(' ') ? target.split(' ').filter(Boolean) : splitOnSpecialChars(target);
return noSpecialChars ? (part) { return part.normalize('NFD').replace(/[^a-zA-ZØßø0-9]/g, ''); }) : parts;
function splitAndPrefix(string, options) {
const { keepSpecialCharacters = true, prefix = '' } = options;
const normalString = string.trim().normalize('NFC');
const hasSpaces = normalString.includes(' ');
const split = hasSpaces ? spaceSplit : magicSplit;
const partsAndIndexes = getPartsAndIndexes(normalString, split);
return keepSpecialCharacters
?, i) => {
const _prefix = partsAndIndexes.prefixes[i];
// the first word doesn't need a prefix, so only return the original prefix
if (i === 0) {
return _prefix + part;
// space based sentence was split on spaces, so only return original prefixes
if (hasSpaces) {
if (!_prefix && prefix.match(/\s/)) {
// in this case we have no more original _prefix, it was trimmed, but we're looking to add a space
// so let's return that space
return prefix + part;
return _prefix + part;
// return the original prefix OR fall back to a given prefix
return (_prefix || prefix) + part;
:, i) => {
const _part = part.normalize('NFD').replace(/[^a-zA-ZØßø0-9]/g, '');
if (i === 0) {
return _part;
return prefix + _part;
* Capitalises a single word
* @export
* @param {string} string the word
* @returns {string} the word with the first character in uppercase and the rest in lowercase
* @returns the word with the first character in uppercase and the rest in lowercase
function capitaliseWord(string) {
return string[0].toUpperCase() + string.slice(1).toLowerCase();
var _a;
const firstLetterIndex = ((_a = string.matchAll(magicSplit).next().value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.index) || 0;
return string.slice(0, firstLetterIndex + 1).toUpperCase() + string.slice(firstLetterIndex + 1).toLowerCase();
var noSpecialChars = true;
* converts strings to camelCase
* # 🐪 camelCase
* converts a string to camelCase
* - first lowercase then all capitalised
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in camelCase
* @example
* camelCase('$catDog') === 'catDog'
* @example
* camelCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$catDog'
function camelCase(string) {
return getParts(string, noSpecialChars).reduce(function (result, match, index) {
return index === 0 ? match.toLowerCase() : result + capitaliseWord(match);
function camelCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, options).reduce((result, word, index) => {
return index === 0 || !(word[0] || '').match(magicSplit)
? result + word.toLowerCase()
: result + capitaliseWord(word);
}, '');
* converts strings to PascalCase
* # 🐫 PascalCase
* converts a string to PascalCase (also called UpperCamelCase)
* - all capitalised
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in PascalCase
* @example
* pascalCase('$catDog') === 'CatDog'
* @example
* pascalCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$CatDog'
function pascalCase(string) {
return getParts(string, noSpecialChars).reduce(function (result, match) {
return result + capitaliseWord(match);
function pascalCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, options).reduce((result, word) => {
return result + capitaliseWord(word);
}, '');
* converts strings to kebab-case
* # 🐫 UpperCamelCase
* converts a string to UpperCamelCase (also called PascalCase)
* - all capitalised
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in kebab-case
* @example
* upperCamelCase('$catDog') === 'CatDog'
* @example
* upperCamelCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$CatDog'
function kebabCase(string) {
return getParts(string, noSpecialChars).join('-').toLowerCase();
const upperCamelCase = pascalCase;
* # 🥙 kebab-case
* converts a string to kebab-case
* - hyphenated lowercase
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @example
* kebabCase('$catDog') === 'cat-dog'
* @example
* kebabCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$cat-dog'
function kebabCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { prefix: '-' }))
* converts strings to snake_case
* # 🐍 snake_case
* converts a string to snake_case
* - underscored lowercase
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in snake_case
* @example
* snakeCase('$catDog') === 'cat_dog'
* @example
* snakeCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$cat_dog'
function snakeCase(string) {
return getParts(string, noSpecialChars).join('_').toLowerCase();
function snakeCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { prefix: '_' }))
* converts strings to CONSTANT_CASE
* converts a string to CONSTANT_CASE
* - underscored uppercase
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in CONSTANT_CASE
* @example
* constantCase('$catDog') === 'CAT_DOG'
* @example
* constantCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$CAT_DOG'
function constantCase(string) {
return getParts(string, noSpecialChars).join('_').toUpperCase();
function constantCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { prefix: '_' }))
* converts strings to path/case
* # 🚂 Train-Case
* converts strings to Train-Case
* - hyphenated & capitalised
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in path/case
* @example
* trainCase('$catDog') === 'Cat-Dog'
* @example
* trainCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$Cat-Dog'
function pathCase(string) {
return getParts(string).join('/');
function trainCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { prefix: '-' }))
.map((word) => capitaliseWord(word))
* converts strings to space case (will add spaces but not change casing)
* # 🕊 Ada_Case
* converts a string to Ada_Case
* - underscored & capitalised
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in path case
* @example
* adaCase('$catDog') === 'Cat_Dog'
* @example
* adaCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$Cat_Dog'
function spaceCase(string) {
return getParts(string).join(' ');
function adaCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { prefix: '_' }))
.map((part) => capitaliseWord(part))
* converts strings to Capital Case (with spaces)
* converts a string to COBOL-CASE
* - hyphenated uppercase
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in Capital Case (with spaces)
* @example
* cobolCase('$catDog') === 'CAT-DOG'
* @example
* cobolCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$CAT-DOG'
function capitalCase(string) {
return getParts(string)
.reduce(function (result, match) {
return "".concat(result, " ").concat(capitaliseWord(match));
}, '')
function cobolCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { prefix: '-' }))
* converts strings to lower case (with spaces)
* # 📍 Dot.notation
* converts a string to dot.notation
* - adds dots, does not change casing
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in lower case (with spaces)
* @example
* dotNotation('$catDog') === 'cat.Dog'
* @example
* dotNotation('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$cat.Dog'
function lowerCase(string) {
return getParts(string).join(' ').toLowerCase();
function dotNotation(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { prefix: '.' })).join('');
* converts strings to UPPER CASE (with spaces)
* # 📂 Path/case
* converts a string to path/case
* - adds slashes, does not change casing
* - *keeps* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in UPPER CASE (with spaces)
* @example
* pathCase('$catDog') === '$cat/Dog'
* @example
* pathCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) === 'cat/Dog'
function upperCase(string) {
return getParts(string).join(' ').toUpperCase();
function pathCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, options).reduce((result, word, i) => {
const prefix = i === 0 || word[0] === '/' ? '' : '/';
return result + prefix + word;
}, '');
* # 🛰 Space case
* converts a string to space case
* - adds spaces, does not change casing
* - *keeps* special characters by default
* @example
* spaceCase('$catDog') === '$cat Dog'
* @example
* spaceCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) === 'cat Dog'
function spaceCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { prefix: ' ' })).join('');
* # 🏛 Capital Case
* converts a string to Capital Case
* - capitalizes words and adds spaces
* - *keeps* special characters by default
* @example
* capitalCase('$catDog') === '$Cat Dog'
* @example
* capitalCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) === 'Cat Dog'
* ⟪ if you do not want to add spaces, use `pascalCase()` ⟫
function capitalCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { prefix: ' ' })).reduce((result, word) => {
return result + capitaliseWord(word);
}, '');
* # 🔡 lower case
* converts a string to lower case
* - makes words lowercase and adds spaces
* - *keeps* special characters by default
* @example
* lowerCase('$catDog') === '$cat dog'
* @example
* lowerCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) === 'cat dog'
* ⟪ if you do not want to add spaces, use the native JS `toLowerCase()` ⟫
function lowerCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { prefix: ' ' }))
* converts a string to UPPER CASE
* - makes words upper case and adds spaces
* - *keeps* special characters by default
* @example
* upperCase('$catDog') === '$CAT DOG'
* @example
* upperCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) === 'CAT DOG'
* ⟪ if you do not want to add spaces, use the native JS `toUpperCase()` ⟫
function upperCase(string, options = { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) {
return splitAndPrefix(string, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { prefix: ' ' }))
exports.adaCase = adaCase;
exports.camelCase = camelCase;
exports.capitalCase = capitalCase;
exports.cobolCase = cobolCase;
exports.constantCase = constantCase;
exports.dotNotation = dotNotation;
exports.kebabCase = kebabCase;

@@ -164,2 +332,4 @@ exports.lowerCase = lowerCase;

exports.spaceCase = spaceCase;
exports.trainCase = trainCase;
exports.upperCamelCase = upperCamelCase;
exports.upperCase = upperCase;

@@ -166,0 +336,0 @@

* converts strings to camelCase
* # 🐪 camelCase
* converts a string to camelCase
* - first lowercase then all capitalised
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in camelCase
* @example
* camelCase('$catDog') === 'catDog'
* @example
* camelCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$catDog'
export declare function camelCase(string: string): string;
export declare function camelCase(string: string, options?: {
keepSpecialCharacters: boolean;
}): string;
* converts strings to PascalCase
* # 🐫 PascalCase
* converts a string to PascalCase (also called UpperCamelCase)
* - all capitalised
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in PascalCase
* @example
* pascalCase('$catDog') === 'CatDog'
* @example
* pascalCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$CatDog'
export declare function pascalCase(string: string): string;
export declare function pascalCase(string: string, options?: {
keepSpecialCharacters: boolean;
}): string;
* converts strings to kebab-case
* # 🐫 UpperCamelCase
* converts a string to UpperCamelCase (also called PascalCase)
* - all capitalised
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in kebab-case
* @example
* upperCamelCase('$catDog') === 'CatDog'
* @example
* upperCamelCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$CatDog'
export declare function kebabCase(string: string): string;
export declare const upperCamelCase: typeof pascalCase;
* converts strings to snake_case
* # 🥙 kebab-case
* converts a string to kebab-case
* - hyphenated lowercase
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in snake_case
* @example
* kebabCase('$catDog') === 'cat-dog'
* @example
* kebabCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$cat-dog'
export declare function snakeCase(string: string): string;
export declare function kebabCase(string: string, options?: {
keepSpecialCharacters: boolean;
}): string;
* converts strings to CONSTANT_CASE
* # 🐍 snake_case
* converts a string to snake_case
* - underscored lowercase
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in CONSTANT_CASE
* @example
* snakeCase('$catDog') === 'cat_dog'
* @example
* snakeCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$cat_dog'
export declare function constantCase(string: string): string;
export declare function snakeCase(string: string, options?: {
keepSpecialCharacters: boolean;
}): string;
* converts strings to path/case
* converts a string to CONSTANT_CASE
* - underscored uppercase
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in path/case
* @example
* constantCase('$catDog') === 'CAT_DOG'
* @example
* constantCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$CAT_DOG'
export declare function pathCase(string: string): string;
export declare function constantCase(string: string, options?: {
keepSpecialCharacters: boolean;
}): string;
* converts strings to space case (will add spaces but not change casing)
* # 🚂 Train-Case
* converts strings to Train-Case
* - hyphenated & capitalised
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in path case
* @example
* trainCase('$catDog') === 'Cat-Dog'
* @example
* trainCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$Cat-Dog'
export declare function spaceCase(string: string): string;
export declare function trainCase(string: string, options?: {
keepSpecialCharacters: boolean;
}): string;
* converts strings to Capital Case (with spaces)
* # 🕊 Ada_Case
* converts a string to Ada_Case
* - underscored & capitalised
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in Capital Case (with spaces)
* @example
* adaCase('$catDog') === 'Cat_Dog'
* @example
* adaCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$Cat_Dog'
export declare function capitalCase(string: string): string;
export declare function adaCase(string: string, options?: {
keepSpecialCharacters: boolean;
}): string;
* converts strings to lower case (with spaces)
* converts a string to COBOL-CASE
* - hyphenated uppercase
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in lower case (with spaces)
* @example
* cobolCase('$catDog') === 'CAT-DOG'
* @example
* cobolCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$CAT-DOG'
export declare function lowerCase(string: string): string;
export declare function cobolCase(string: string, options?: {
keepSpecialCharacters: boolean;
}): string;
* converts strings to UPPER CASE (with spaces)
* # 📍 Dot.notation
* converts a string to dot.notation
* - adds dots, does not change casing
* - *strips away* special characters by default
* @export
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string} in UPPER CASE (with spaces)
* @example
* dotNotation('$catDog') === 'cat.Dog'
* @example
* dotNotation('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$cat.Dog'
export declare function upperCase(string: string): string;
export declare function dotNotation(string: string, options?: {
keepSpecialCharacters: boolean;
}): string;
* # 📂 Path/case
* converts a string to path/case
* - adds slashes, does not change casing
* - *keeps* special characters by default
* @example
* pathCase('$catDog') === '$cat/Dog'
* @example
* pathCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) === 'cat/Dog'
export declare function pathCase(string: string, options?: {
keepSpecialCharacters: boolean;
}): string;
* # 🛰 Space case
* converts a string to space case
* - adds spaces, does not change casing
* - *keeps* special characters by default
* @example
* spaceCase('$catDog') === '$cat Dog'
* @example
* spaceCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) === 'cat Dog'
export declare function spaceCase(string: string, options?: {
keepSpecialCharacters: boolean;
}): string;
* # 🏛 Capital Case
* converts a string to Capital Case
* - capitalizes words and adds spaces
* - *keeps* special characters by default
* @example
* capitalCase('$catDog') === '$Cat Dog'
* @example
* capitalCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) === 'Cat Dog'
* ⟪ if you do not want to add spaces, use `pascalCase()` ⟫
export declare function capitalCase(string: string, options?: {
keepSpecialCharacters: boolean;
}): string;
* # 🔡 lower case
* converts a string to lower case
* - makes words lowercase and adds spaces
* - *keeps* special characters by default
* @example
* lowerCase('$catDog') === '$cat dog'
* @example
* lowerCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) === 'cat dog'
* ⟪ if you do not want to add spaces, use the native JS `toLowerCase()` ⟫
export declare function lowerCase(string: string, options?: {
keepSpecialCharacters: boolean;
}): string;
* converts a string to UPPER CASE
* - makes words upper case and adds spaces
* - *keeps* special characters by default
* @example
* upperCase('$catDog') === '$CAT DOG'
* @example
* upperCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) === 'CAT DOG'
* ⟪ if you do not want to add spaces, use the native JS `toUpperCase()` ⟫
export declare function upperCase(string: string, options?: {
keepSpecialCharacters: boolean;
}): string;

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

export { camelCase, pascalCase, kebabCase, snakeCase, constantCase, pathCase, spaceCase, capitalCase, lowerCase, upperCase, } from './core';
export { camelCase, upperCamelCase, pascalCase, dotNotation, kebabCase, snakeCase, adaCase, constantCase, cobolCase, pathCase, spaceCase, capitalCase, lowerCase, upperCase, trainCase, } from './core';

@@ -0,22 +1,23 @@

export declare const magicSplit: RegExp;
export declare const spaceSplit: RegExp;
* A string.match function that will return an array of "string parts"
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string[]}
* A string.matchAll function that will return an array of "string parts" and the indexes at which it split each part
export declare function splitOnSpecialChars(string: string): any[];
export declare function getPartsAndIndexes(string: string, splitRegex: RegExp): {
parts: string[];
prefixes: string[];
* A string.match function that will return an array of "string parts"
* @param {string} string
* @returns {string[]}
* A function that splits a string on words and returns an array of words.
* - It can prefix each word with a given character
* - It can strip or keep special characters, this affects the logic for adding a prefix as well
export declare function getParts(string: string, noSpecialChars?: boolean): any[];
export declare function splitAndPrefix(string: string, options?: {
keepSpecialCharacters?: boolean;
prefix?: string;
}): string[];
* Capitalises a single word
* @export
* @param {string} string the word
* @returns {string} the word with the first character in uppercase and the rest in lowercase
* @returns the word with the first character in uppercase and the rest in lowercase
export declare function capitaliseWord(string: string): string;
"name": "case-anything",
"version": "1.1.5",
"version": "2.0.0",
"sideEffects": false,

@@ -19,5 +19,10 @@ "description": "camelCase, kebab-case, PascalCase... a simple integration with nano package size. (SMALL footprint!)",

"engines": {
"node": ">=12.13",
"npm": ">=7"
"scripts": {
"lint": "eslint . --ext .js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx",
"test": "ava",
"test--only": "ava --match='*only:*'",
"rollup": "rollup -c build.js",

@@ -55,4 +60,8 @@ "build": "rm -rf ./dist && npm run lint && npm run rollup && npm run test",


@@ -59,0 +68,0 @@ "pascal",

# Case anything 🐫
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@@ -18,12 +21,2 @@ npm i case-anything

## Meet the family
- [merge-anything 🥡](
- [filter-anything ⚔️](
- [find-and-replace-anything 🎣](
- [compare-anything 🛰](
- [copy-anything 🎭](
- [flatten-anything 🏏](
- [is-what 🙉](
## Usage

@@ -33,69 +26,97 @@

import { camelCase, pascalCase, kebabCase, snakeCase, constantCase } from 'case-anything'
### Strings without spaces
const str = 'PonytaVaporeon_poliwrath-BUTTERFREE'
// or any variant on this
| Name | Input example | Output example |
| --------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- | -------------- |
| 🐪 camelCase | `camelCase('$catDog')` | `catDog` |
| 🐫 PascalCase<br />UpperCamelCase | `pascalCase('$catDog')`<br />`upperCamelCase` | `CatDog` |
| 🥙 kebab-case | `kebabCase('$catDog')` | `cat-dog` |
| 🐍 snake_case | `snakeCase('$catDog')` | `cat_dog` |
| 📣 CONSTANT_CASE | `constantCase('$catDog')` | `CAT_DOG` |
| 🚂 Train-Case | `trainCase('$catDog')` | `Cat-Dog` |
| 🕊 Ada_Case | `adaCase('$catDog')` | `Cat_Dog` |
| 👔 COBOL-CASE | `cobolCase('$catDog')` | `CAT-DOG` |
| 📍 Dot.notation | `dotNotation('$catDog')` | `cat.Dog` |
| 📂 Path/case | `pathCase('$catDog')` | `$cat/Dog` |
| 🛰 Space case | `spaceCase('$catDog')` | `$cat Dog` |
| 🏛 Capital Case | `capitalCase('$catDog')` | `$Cat Dog` |
| 🔡 lower case | `lowerCase('$catDog')` | `$cat dog` |
| 🔠 UPPER CASE | `upperCase('$catDog')` | `$CAT DOG` |
camelCase(str) === 'ponytaVaporeonPoliwrathButterfree'
#### Special Characters
pascalCase(str) === 'PonytaVaporeonPoliwrathButterfree'
<th>functions that <strong>strip away special characters*</strong></th>
<th>functions that <strong>keep special characters*</strong></th>
kebabCase(str) === 'ponyta-vaporeon-poliwrath-butterfree'
\*You can control wether or not to _keep or remove_ special characters like so:
snakeCase(str) === 'ponyta_vaporeon_poliwrath_butterfree'
camelCase('$catDog') === 'catDog'
// force keeping special characters:
camelCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: true }) === '$catDog'
pathCase('$catDog') === '$cat/Dog'
// force removing special characters:
pathCase('$catDog', { keepSpecialCharacters: false }) === 'cat/Dog'
There is also `spaceCase` and `pathCase`, which does **not convert the casing**:
#### Case Changing
import { spaceCase, pathCase } from 'case-anything'
These cases _**do not change the casing**_ of the words:
const str = 'PonytaVaporeon_poliwrath-BUTTERFREE'
- dotNotation
- pathCase
- spaceCase
spaceCase(str) === 'Ponyta Vaporeon poliwrath BUTTERFREE'
pathCase(str) === 'Ponyta/Vaporeon/poliwrath/BUTTERFREE'
There is also upper, lower and capital case. These will all convert the casing & also add spaces in between:
import { upperCase, lowerCase, capitalCase } from 'case-anything'
const str = 'PonytaVaporeon_poliwrath-BUTTERFREE'
lowerCase(str) === 'ponyta vaporeon poliwrath butterfree'
capitalCase(str) === 'Ponyta Vaporeon Poliwrath Butterfree'
dotNotation('$catDog') === 'cat.Dog'
// force lower case:
dotNotation('$catDog').toLowerCase() === ''
### When spaces are involved
### Strings with spaces
As soon as there is a space in the target string, it will regard the input as a _sentence_ and only split each part at the spaces.
See this example to understand each case:
| Name | Input example | Output example |
| --------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | -------------- |
| 🐪 camelCase | `camelCase("I'm O.K.!")` | `imOk` |
| 🐫 PascalCase<br />UpperCamelCase | `pascalCase("I'm O.K.!")`<br />`upperCamelCase` | `ImOk` |
| 🥙 kebab-case | `kebabCase("I'm O.K.!")` | `im-ok` |
| 🐍 snake_case | `snakeCase("I'm O.K.!")` | `im_ok` |
| 📣 CONSTANT_CASE | `constantCase("I'm O.K.!")` | `IM_OK` |
| 🚂 Train-Case | `trainCase("I'm O.K.!")` | `Im-Ok` |
| 🕊 Ada_Case | `adaCase("I'm O.K.!")` | `Im_Ok` |
| 👔 COBOL-CASE | `cobolCase("I'm O.K.!")` | `IM-OK` |
| 📍 Dot.notation | `dotNotation("I'm O.K.!")` | `Im.OK` |
| 📂 Path/case | `pathCase("I'm O.K.!")` | `I\'m/O.K.!` |
| 🛰 Space case | `spaceCase("I'm O.K.!")` | `I\'m O.K.!` |
| 🏛 Capital Case | `capitalCase("I'm O.K.!")` | `I\'m O.k.!` |
| 🔡 lower case | `lowerCase("I'm O.K.!")` | `i\'m o.k.!` |
| 🔠 UPPER CASE | `upperCase("I'm O.K.!")` | `I\'M O.K.!` |
<!-- prettier-ignore-start -->
const str = `listen I'm O.K.!`
// splits on spaces & removes special characters
camelCase(str) === 'listenImOk'
pascalCase(str) === 'ListenImOk'
kebabCase(str) === 'listen-im-ok'
snakeCase(str) === 'listen_im_ok'
constantCase(str) === 'LISTEN_IM_OK'
// splits on spaces & keeps special characters
spaceCase(str) === `listen I'm O.K.!`
pathCase(str) === `listen/I'm/O.K.!`
lowerCase(str) === `listen i'm o.k.!`
upperCase(str) === `LISTEN I'M O.K.!`
capitalCase(str) === `Listen I'm O.k.!`
<!-- prettier-ignore-end -->
Also note, that multiple sequential spaces are treated as one space.

@@ -111,17 +132,19 @@

const str = 'Çâfé Ågård'
// CONVERTS special characters:
camelCase(str) === 'cafeAgard'
pascalCase(str) === 'CafeAgard'
kebabCase(str) === 'cafe-agard'
snakeCase(str) === 'cafe_agard'
constantCase(str) === 'CAFE_AGARD'
camelCase('Çâfé Ågård') === 'cafeAgard'
pascalCase('Çâfé Ågård') === 'CafeAgard'
kebabCase('Çâfé Ågård') === 'cafe-agard'
snakeCase('Çâfé Ågård') === 'cafe_agard'
constantCase('Çâfé Ågård') === 'CAFE_AGARD'
trainCase('Çâfé Ågård') === 'Cafe-Agard'
adaCase('Çâfé Ågård') === 'Cafe_Agard'
cobolCase('Çâfé Ågård') === 'CAFE-AGARD'
dotNotation('Çâfé Ågård') === 'Cafe.Agard'
// DOES NOT convert special characters:
spaceCase(str) === 'Çâfé Ågård'
pathCase(str) === 'Çâfé/Ågård'
lowerCase(str) === 'çâfé ågård'
upperCase(str) === 'ÇÂFÉ ÅGÅRD'
capitalCase(str) === 'Çâfé Ågård'
spaceCase('Çâfé Ågård') === 'Çâfé Ågård'
pathCase('Çâfé Ågård') === 'Çâfé/Ågård'
lowerCase('Çâfé Ågård') === 'çâfé ågård'
upperCase('Çâfé Ågård') === 'ÇÂFÉ ÅGÅRD'
capitalCase('Çâfé Ågård') === 'Çâfé Ågård'

@@ -155,8 +178,21 @@ <!-- prettier-ignore-end -->

What keeps my package small, is that it's literally just a regex:
What keeps my package small, is that literally just uses a regex to separate "words".
export function splitOnSpecialChars (string: string): any[] {
// the source code is similar to:
export function splitOnSpecialChars(string: string): any[] {
return string.match(/^[a-z]+|[A-Z][a-z]+|[a-z]+|[0-9]+|[A-Z]+(?![a-z])/g)
The actual regex used is a little bit more comprehensive and can be found [here](
## Meet the family (other utils)
- [merge-anything 🥡](
- [filter-anything ⚔️](
- [find-and-replace-anything 🎣](
- [compare-anything 🛰](
- [copy-anything 🎭](
- [flatten-anything 🏏](
- [is-what 🙉](
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