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cbor-x - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.6.4 to 0.8.0




@@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ "use strict"

const EMPTY_ARRAY = []
const RECORD_STARTING_ID = 40100
const RECORD_TAG_ID = 0x69
const STOP_CODE = {}

@@ -18,2 +17,3 @@ let strings = EMPTY_ARRAY

let currentDecoder = {}
let currentStructures
let srcString

@@ -30,3 +30,3 @@ let srcStringStart = 0

class Decoder {
export class Decoder {
constructor(options) {

@@ -45,3 +45,3 @@ if (options) {

return saveState(() => {
src = null
return this ? this.decode(source, end, continueReading) :, source, end, continueReading)

@@ -87,16 +87,40 @@ })

} finally {
src = null
if (referenceMap)
referenceMap = null
if (position >= srcEnd || !continueReading) {
src = null
if (referenceMap)
referenceMap = null
decodeMultiple(source, forEach) {
try {
let decoder = this
let size = source.length
let value = this ? this.decode(source, size, true) : defaultDecoder.decode(source, size, true)
let values
if (forEach) {
while(position < size) {
if (forEach(read()) === false) {
else {
values = [ value ]
while(position < size) {
return values
} finally {
let currentStructures
exports.Decoder = Decoder = read
exports.getPosition = () => {
export function getPosition() {
return position
function read() {
export function read() {
let token = src[position++]

@@ -217,3 +241,3 @@ let majorType = token >> 5

case 6: // extension
if ((token >> 8) == RECORD_STARTING_ID_PREFIX) { // record structures
if ((token >> 8) == RECORD_TAG_ID) { // record structures
let structure = currentStructures[token & 0xff]

@@ -315,3 +339,3 @@ if (structure) {

exports.setExtractor = (extractStrings) => {
export function setExtractor(extractStrings) {
readFixedString = readString(1)

@@ -642,3 +666,3 @@ readString8 = readString(2)

class Tag {
export class Tag {
constructor(value) {

@@ -671,14 +695,19 @@ this.value = value

// the registration of the record definition extension (tag 6)
// the registration of the record definition extension (tag 105)
const recordDefinition = () => {
let id = read()
let structure = read()
let definition = read()
let structure = definition[0]
let id = definition[1]
currentStructures[id & 0xff] = structure = createStructureReader(structure)
let object = {}
for (let i = 2,l = definition.length; i < l; i++) {
let key = structure[i - 2]
object[key] = definition[i]
return object
recordDefinition.handlesRead = true
currentExtensions[40006] = recordDefinition
currentExtensions[RECORD_TAG_ID] = recordDefinition

@@ -720,3 +749,3 @@ currentExtensions[27] = (data) => { //

const typedArrays = ['Uint8', 'Uint8Clamped', 'Uint16', 'Uint32', 'BigUint64','Int8', 'Int16', 'Int32', 'BigInt64', 'Float32', 'Float64'].map(type => type + 'Array')
export const typedArrays = ['Uint8', 'Uint8Clamped', 'Uint16', 'Uint32', 'BigUint64','Int8', 'Int16', 'Int32', 'BigInt64', 'Float32', 'Float64'].map(type => type + 'Array')
const typedArrayTags = [64, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82]

@@ -763,18 +792,26 @@ for (let i = 0; i < typedArrays.length; i++) {

exports.clearSource = function() {
export function clearSource() {
src = null
referenceMap = null
currentStructures = null
exports.addExtension = function(extension) {
export function addExtension(extension) {
currentExtensions[extension.tag] = extension.decode
let mult10 = new Array(147) // this is a table matching binary exponents to the multiplier to determine significant digit rounding
export let mult10 = new Array(147) // this is a table matching binary exponents to the multiplier to determine significant digit rounding
for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
mult10[i] = +('1e' + Math.floor(45.15 - i * 0.30103))
exports.mult10 = mult10
exports.typedArrays = typedArrays
exports.useRecords = false
exports.mapsAsObjects = true
exports.Tag = Tag
export const useRecords = false
export const mapsAsObjects = true
let defaultDecoder = new Decoder({ useRecords: false })
export const decode = defaultDecoder.decode
export const decodeMultiple = defaultDecoder.decodeMultiple
export const FLOAT32_OPTIONS = {

@@ -1,2 +0,1485 @@

!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"object"==typeof module?module.exports=t():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define([],t):"object"==typeof exports?exports.CBOR=t():e.CBOR=t()}(window,(function(){return function(e){var t={};function r(n){if(t[n])return t[n].exports;var i=t[n]={i:n,l:!1,exports:{}};return e[n].call(i.exports,i,i.exports,r),i.l=!0,i.exports}return r.m=e,r.c=t,r.d=function(e,t,n){r.o(e,t)||Object.defineProperty(e,t,{enumerable:!0,get:n})},r.r=function(e){"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(e,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})},r.t=function(e,t){if(1&t&&(e=r(e)),8&t)return e;if(4&t&&"object"==typeof e&&e&&e.__esModule)return e;var n=Object.create(null);if(r.r(n),Object.defineProperty(n,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:e}),2&t&&"string"!=typeof e)for(var i in e)r.d(n,i,function(t){return e[t]}.bind(null,i));return n},r.n=function(e){var t=e&&e.__esModule?function(){return e.default}:function(){return e};return r.d(t,"a",t),t},r.o=function(e,t){return,t)},r.p="",r(r.s=2)}([function(e,t,r){"use strict";let n=r(1),i=n.Decoder,o=n.mult10;const s=n.typedArrays;let u,l,f;try{u=new TextEncoder}catch(e){}const c="undefined"!=typeof Buffer,a=c?Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow:Uint8Array,d=c?Buffer:Uint8Array;let h,g,y,p=0;const w=Symbol("record-id");function b(e,t,r,n,i){for(;n<i;)t[r++]=e[n++]}function O(e,t,r){h[p++]=204;let n=e.byteLength,i=e.byteOffset||0,o=e.buffer||e;r([t,c?Buffer.from(o,i,n):new Uint8Array(o,i,n)])}function U(e){let t=e.byteLength;t<256?(h[p++]=88,h[p++]=t):t<65536?(h[p++]=89,h[p++]=t>>8,h[p++]=255&t):(h[p++]=90,g.setUint32(p,t),p+=4),e.copy?e.copy(h,p):b(e,h,p,0,t),p+=t}t.Encoder=class extends i{constructor(e){let t,r,n,i,s;super(e),this.offset=0;let c=0,O=d.prototype.utf8Write?function(e,t,r){return h.utf8Write(e,t,r)}:!(!u||!u.encodeInto)&&function(e,t){return u.encodeInto(e,h.subarray(t)).written},U=this,m=64,v=e&&e.sequential;v&&(m=0,this.structures=[]);let x=[],j=0,A=0;if(this.structures&&this.structures.length>m)throw new Error("Too many shared structures");this.encode=function(e){if(h||(h=new a(8192),g=new DataView(h.buffer,0,8192),p=0),y=h.length-10,y-p<2048&&(h=new a(h.length),g=new DataView(h.buffer,0,h.length),y=h.length-10,p=0),t=p,s=U.structuredClone?new Map:null,r=U.structures,r){r.uninitialized&&(U.structures=r=U.getStructures());let e=r.length;if(e>m&&!v&&(e=m),!r.transitions){r.transitions=Object.create(null);for(let t=0;t<e;t++){let e=r[t];if(!e)continue;let n,i=r.transitions;for(let t=0,r=e.length;t<r;t++){let r=e[t];n=i[r],n||(n=i[r]=Object.create(null)),i=n}i[w]=t+64}c=r.length}v||(r.nextId=e+64)}n&&(n=!1),i=r||[];try{if(E(e),U.offset=p,s&&s.idsToInsert){p+=6*s.idsToInsert.length,p>y&&D(p),U.offset=p;let e=function(e,t){let r,n=6*t.length,i=e.length-n;t.sort((e,t)=>e.offset>t.offset?1:-1);for(;r=t.pop();){let t=r.offset,;e.copyWithin(t+n,t,i),n-=6;let s=t+n;e[s++]=201,e[s++]=26,e[s++]=o<<24,e[s++]=o<<16&255,e[s++]=o<<8&255,e[s++]=255&o,i=t}return e}(h.subarray(t,p),s.idsToInsert);return s=null,e}return h.subarray(t,p)}finally{if(r){if(A<10&&A++,j>1e4)r.transitions=null,A=0,j=0,x.length>0&&(x=[]);else if(x.length>0&&!v){for(let e=0,t=x.length;e<t;e++)x[e][w]=0;x=[]}if(n&&U.saveStructures){if(U.structures.length>m&&(U.structures=U.structures.slice(0,m)),!1===U.saveStructures(U.structures,c))return U.structures=U.getStructures()||[],U.encode(e);c=U.structures.length}}}};const E=e=>{p>y&&(h=D(p));var r,n=typeof e;if("string"===n){let t,n=e.length;t=n<32?1:n<256?2:n<65536?3:5;let i=3*n;if(p+i>y&&(h=D(p+i)),n<64||!O){let i,o,s,u=p+t;for(i=0;i<n;i++)o=e.charCodeAt(i),o<128?h[u++]=o:o<2048?(h[u++]=o>>6|192,h[u++]=63&o|128):55296==(64512&o)&&56320==(64512&(s=e.charCodeAt(i+1)))?(o=65536+((1023&o)<<10)+(1023&s),i++,h[u++]=o>>18|240,h[u++]=o>>12&63|128,h[u++]=o>>6&63|128,h[u++]=63&o|128):(h[u++]=o>>12|224,h[u++]=o>>6&63|128,h[u++]=63&o|128);r=u-p-t}else r=O(e,p+t,i);r<24?h[p++]=96|r:r<256?(t<2&&h.copyWithin(p+2,p+1,p+1+r),h[p++]=120,h[p++]=r):r<65536?(t<3&&h.copyWithin(p+3,p+2,p+2+r),h[p++]=121,h[p++]=r>>8,h[p++]=255&r):(t<5&&h.copyWithin(p+5,p+3,p+3+r),h[p++]=122,g.setUint32(p,r),p+=4),p+=r}else if("number"===n)if(e>>>0===e)e<24?h[p++]=e:e<256?(h[p++]=24,h[p++]=e):e<65536?(h[p++]=25,h[p++]=e>>8,h[p++]=255&e):(h[p++]=26,g.setUint32(p,e),p+=4);else if(e>>0===e)e>=-24?h[p++]=31-e:e>=-256?(h[p++]=56,h[p++]=~e):e>=-65536?(h[p++]=57,g.setUint16(p,~e),p+=2):(h[p++]=58,g.setUint32(p,~e),p+=4);else{let t;if((t=this.useFloat32)>0&&e<4294967296&&e>=-2147483648){let r;if(h[p++]=250,g.setFloat32(p,e),t<4||(r=e*o[(127&h[p])<<1|h[p+1]>>7])>>0===r)return void(p+=4);p--}h[p++]=251,g.setFloat64(p,e),p+=8}else if("object"===n)if(e){if(s){let r=s.get(e);if(r){if(!{let e=s.idsToInsert||(s.idsToInsert=[]);}return h[p++]=202,h[p++]=26,g.setUint32(p,,void(p+=4)}s.set(e,{offset:p-t})}let n=e.constructor;if(n===Object)S(e,!0);else if(n===Array){(r=e.length)<24?h[p++]=128|r:r<256?(h[p++]=152,h[p++]=r):r<65536?(h[p++]=153,h[p++]=r>>8,h[p++]=255&r):(h[p++]=154,g.setUint32(p,r),p+=4);for(let t=0;t<r;t++)E(e[t])}else if(n===Map){(r=e.size)<24?h[p++]=160|r:r<256?(h[p++]=184,h[p++]=r):r<65536?(h[p++]=185,h[p++]=r>>8,h[p++]=255&r):(h[p++]=186,g.setUint32(p,r),p+=4);for(let[t,r]of e)E(t),E(r)}else{for(let t=0,r=l.length;t<r;t++){if(e instanceof f[t]){let r=l[t],n=r.tag;return n<24?h[p++]=192|n:n<256?(h[p++]=216,h[p++]=n):n<65536?(h[p++]=217,h[p++]=n>>8,h[p++]=255&n):n>-1&&(h[p++]=186,g.setUint32(p,n),p+=4),void,e,E)}}S(e,!1)}}else h[p++]=246;else if("boolean"===n)h[p++]=e?245:244;else if("bigint"===n)h[p++]=251,g.setFloat64(p,e),p+=8;else{if("undefined"!==n)throw new Error("Unknown type "+n);h[p++]=247}},S=!1===this.useRecords?this.variableMapSize?e=>{let t,r=Object.keys(e),n=r.length;n<24?h[p++]=160|n:n<256?(h[p++]=184,h[p++]=n):n<65536?(h[p++]=185,h[p++]=n>>8,h[p++]=255&n):(h[p++]=186,g.setUint32(p,n),p+=4);for(let i=0;i<n;i++)E(t=r[i]),E(e[t])}:(e,r)=>{h[p++]=185;let n=p-t;p+=2;let i=0;for(let t in e)(r||e.hasOwnProperty(t))&&(E(t),E(e[t]),i++);h[n+++t]=i>>8,h[n+t]=255&i}:e=>{let t,o=Object.keys(e),s=i.transitions||(i.transitions=Object.create(null)),u=0;for(let e=0,r=o.length;e<r;e++){let r=o[e];t=s[r],t||(t=s[r]=Object.create(null),u++),s=t}let l=s[w];l?(h[p++]=216,h[p++]=l):(l=i.nextId++,l||(l=64,i.nextId=65),l>=256&&(i.nextId=(l=m+64)+1),s[w]=l,i[l-64]=o,r&&r.length<=m?(h[p++]=216,h[p++]=l,n=!0):(h[p++]=198,u&&(j+=A*u),x.length>=192-m&&(x.shift()[w]=0),x.push(s),E([l].concat(o))));for(let t=0,r=o.length;t<r;t++)E(e[o[t]])},D=e=>{let r=1+(Math.max(e-t<<2,h.length-1)>>12)<<12,n=new a(r);return g=new DataView(n.buffer,0,r),h.copy?h.copy(n,0,t,e):b(h,n,0,t,e),p-=t,t=0,y=n.length-10,h=n}}useBuffer(e){h=e,g=new DataView(h.buffer,h.byteOffset,h.byteLength),p=0}},f=[Date,Set,Error,RegExp,ArrayBuffer,Object.getPrototypeOf(Uint8Array.prototype).constructor],l=[{tag:1,encode(e,t){let r=e.getTime()/1e3;(this.useTimestamp32||0===e.getMilliseconds())&&r>=0&&r<4294967296?(h[p++]=26,g.setUint32(p,r),p+=4):(h[p++]=251,g.setFloat64(p,r),p+=8)}},{tag:11,encode(e,t){t(Array.from(e))}},{tag:8,encode(e,t){t([,e.message])}},{tag:13,encode(e,t){t([e.source,e.flags])}},{encode(e,t){this.structuredClone?O(e,16,t):U(c?Buffer.from(e):new Uint8Array(e))}},{encode(e,t){let r=e.constructor;r!==d&&this.structuredClone?O(e,s.indexOf(,t):U(e)}}],t.addExtension=function(e){if(e.Class){if(!e.encode)throw new Error("Extension has no encode function");f.unshift(e.Class),l.unshift(e)}n.addExtension(e)}},function(e,t,r){"use strict";(function(e){let r,n,i;try{r=new TextDecoder}catch(e){}let o=0;const s=[];let u,l,f,c,a=s,d=0,h={},g=0,y=0,p=[],w={useRecords:!1,mapsAsObjects:!0};class b{constructor(e){e&&(!1===e.useRecords&&void 0===e.mapsAsObjects&&(e.mapsAsObjects=!0),e.getStructures&&!e.structures&&((e.structures=[]).uninitialized=!0)),Object.assign(this,e)}decode(e,t,r){if(n)return C(()=>(n=null,this?this.decode(e,t,r),e,t,r)));if(i=t>-1?t:e.length,o=0,d=0,y=0,u=null,a=s,n=e,f=e.dataView||(e.dataView=new DataView(e.buffer,e.byteOffset,e.byteLength)),this)if(h=this,this.structures){c=this.structures;try{return O()}finally{(o>=i||!r)&&(c=null,n=null,l&&(l=null))}}else(!c||c.length>0)&&(c=[]);else h=w,(!c||c.length>0)&&(c=[]);try{return O()}finally{n=null,l&&(l=null)}}}function O(){let e=n[o++],t=e>>5;if(e&=31,e>23)switch(e){case 24:e=n[o++];break;case 25:if(7==t)return function(){let e,t=n[o++],r=n[o++],i=(t<<8)+r,s=i>>10&31,u=1023&i;e=0==s?Math.exp(u,-24):31!=s?Math.exp(u+1024,s-25):0==u?1/0:NaN;return 32768&i?-e:e}();e=f.getUint16(o),o+=2;break;case 26:if(7==t){let e=f.getFloat32(o);if(h.useFloat32>2){let t=M[(127&n[o])<<1|n[o+1]>>7];return o+=4,(t*e+(e>0?.5:-.5)>>0)/t}return o+=4,e}e=f.getUint32(o),o+=4;break;case 27:if(7==t){let e=f.getFloat64(o);return o+=8,e}if(h.uint64AsNumber)return 72057594037927940*n[o++]+281474976710656*n[o++]+1099511627776*n[o++]+4294967296*n[o++]+16777216*n[o++]+(n[o++]<<16)+(n[o++]<<8)+n[o++];e=f.getBigUint64(o),o+=8;break;default:throw new Error("Unknown token "+e)}switch(t){case 0:return e;case 1:return~e;case 2:return r=e,h.copyBuffers?,o,o+=r):n.subarray(o,o+=r);case 3:if(y>=o)return u.slice(o-g,(o+=e)-g);if(0==y&&i<120&&e<16){let t=D(e);if(null!=t)return t}return v(e);case 4:let t=new Array(e);for(let r=0;r<e;r++)t[r]=O();return t;case 5:if(h.mapsAsObjects){let t={};for(let r=0;r<e;r++)t[O()]=O();return t}{let t=new Map;for(let r=0;r<e;r++)t.set(O(),O());return t}case 6:if(e>=64&&e<256){let t=c[e-64];if(t)return||(,;if(h.getStructures){let r=C(()=>(n=null,h.getStructures()));return!0===c?h.structures=c=r:c.splice.apply(c,[0,r.length].concat(r)),t=c[e-64],t?(||(,}return e}if(p[e])return p[e](O());throw new Error("Unknown extension "+e);case 7:switch(e){case 20:return!1;case 21:return!0;case 22:return null;case 23:return;default:throw new Error("Unknown token "+e)}default:if(isNaN(e)){let e=new Error("Unexpected end of CBOR data");throw e.incomplete=!0,e}throw new Error("Unknown CBOR token "+e)}var r}t.Decoder=b,,t.getPosition=()=>o;const U=/^[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z\d_$]*$/;function m(e){function t(){if(t.count++>2)return Function("r","return function(){return {">U.test(e)?e+":r()":"["+JSON.stringify(e)+"]:r()").join(",")+"}}")(O),;let r={};for(let t=0,n=e.length;t<n;t++){r[e[t]]=O()}return r}return t.count=0,t}let v=E,x=E,j=E,A=E;function E(e){let t;if(e<16&&(t=D(e)))return t;if(e>64&&r)return r.decode(n.subarray(o,o+=e));const i=o+e,s=[];for(t="";o<i;){const e=n[o++];if(0==(128&e))s.push(e);else if(192==(224&e)){const t=63&n[o++];s.push((31&e)<<6|t)}else if(224==(240&e)){const t=63&n[o++],r=63&n[o++];s.push((31&e)<<12|t<<6|r)}else if(240==(248&e)){let t=(7&e)<<18|(63&n[o++])<<12|(63&n[o++])<<6|63&n[o++];t>65535&&(t-=65536,s.push(t>>>10&1023|55296),t=56320|1023&t),s.push(t)}else s.push(e);s.length>=4096&&(t+=S.apply(String,s),s.length=0)}return s.length>0&&(t+=S.apply(String,s)),t}t.setExtractor=e=>{function t(t){return function(t){let r=a[d++];null==r&&(a=e(o,i,t,n),d=0,r=a[d++]);let s=r.length;return s<=t?(o+=t,r):(u=r,g=o,y=o+s,o+=t,r.slice(0,t))}}v=t(1),x=t(2),j=t(3),A=t(5)};let S=String.fromCharCode;function D(e){if(e<4){if(e<2){if(0===e)return"";{let e=n[o++];return(128&e)>1?void(o-=1):S(e)}}{let t=n[o++],r=n[o++];if((128&t)>0||(128&r)>0)return void(o-=2);if(e<3)return S(t,r);let i=n[o++];return(128&i)>0?void(o-=3):S(t,r,i)}}{let t=n[o++],r=n[o++],i=n[o++],s=n[o++];if((128&t)>0||(128&r)>0||(128&i)>0||(128&s)>0)return void(o-=4);if(e<6){if(4===e)return S(t,r,i,s);{let e=n[o++];return(128&e)>0?void(o-=5):S(t,r,i,s,e)}}if(e<8){let u=n[o++],l=n[o++];if((128&u)>0||(128&l)>0)return void(o-=6);if(e<7)return S(t,r,i,s,u,l);let f=n[o++];return(128&f)>0?void(o-=7):S(t,r,i,s,u,l,f)}{let u=n[o++],l=n[o++],f=n[o++],c=n[o++];if((128&u)>0||(128&l)>0||(128&f)>0||(128&c)>0)return void(o-=8);if(e<10){if(8===e)return S(t,r,i,s,u,l,f,c);{let e=n[o++];return(128&e)>0?void(o-=9):S(t,r,i,s,u,l,f,c,e)}}if(e<12){let a=n[o++],d=n[o++];if((128&a)>0||(128&d)>0)return void(o-=10);if(e<11)return S(t,r,i,s,u,l,f,c,a,d);let h=n[o++];return(128&h)>0?void(o-=11):S(t,r,i,s,u,l,f,c,a,d,h)}{let a=n[o++],d=n[o++],h=n[o++],g=n[o++];if((128&a)>0||(128&d)>0||(128&h)>0||(128&g)>0)return void(o-=12);if(e<14){if(12===e)return S(t,r,i,s,u,l,f,c,a,d,h,g);{let e=n[o++];return(128&e)>0?void(o-=13):S(t,r,i,s,u,l,f,c,a,d,h,g,e)}}{let y=n[o++],p=n[o++];if((128&y)>0||(128&p)>0)return void(o-=14);if(e<15)return S(t,r,i,s,u,l,f,c,a,d,h,g,y,p);let w=n[o++];return(128&w)>0?void(o-=15):S(t,r,i,s,u,l,f,c,a,d,h,g,y,p,w)}}}}}let I="object"==typeof window?window:e;p[0]=e=>new Date(e),p[1]=e=>new Date(1e3*e),p[2]=e=>new DataView(e.buffer,e.byteOffset,e.byteLength).getBigUint64(0),p[3]=e=>BigInt(-1)-new DataView(e.buffer,e.byteOffset,e.byteLength).getBigUint64(0),p[6]=e=>{let t=e[0];return e=e.slice(1),c[t-64]=e,,},p[8]=e=>(I[e[0]]||Error)(e[1]),p[9]=e=>{let t;l||(l=new Map),t=n[o]>>5==4?[]:{};let r={target:t};l.set(e,r);let i=O();return r.used?Object.assign(t,i):(,i)},p[10]=e=>{let t=l.get(e);return t.used=!0,},p[11]=e=>new Set(e);const B=["Int8","Uint8\t","Uint8Clamped","Int16","Uint16","Int32","Uint32","Float32","Float64","BigInt64","BigUint64"].map(e=>e+"Array");function C(e){let t=i,r=o,s=d,p=g,w=y,b=u,O=a,U=l,m=new Uint8Array(n.slice(0,i)),v=c,x=h,j=e();return i=t,o=r,d=s,g=p,y=w,u=b,a=O,l=U,n=m,c=v,h=x,f=new DataView(n.buffer,n.byteOffset,n.byteLength),j}p[12]=e=>{let[t,r]=e,n=B[t];if(!n)throw new Error("Could not find typed array for code "+t);return new I[n](,0).buffer)},p[13]=e=>new RegExp(e[0],e[1]),t.clearSource=function(){n=null},t.addExtension=function(e){p[e.tag]=e.decode};let M=new Array(147);for(let e=0;e<256;e++)M[e]=+("1e"+Math.floor(45.15-.30103*e));t.mult10=M,t.typedArrays=B}).call(this,r(3))},function(e,t,r){t.Encoder=r(0).Encoder,t.Decoder=r(1).Decoder,t.addExtension=r(0).addExtension;let n=new t.Encoder({useRecords:!1});t.decode=n.decode,t.encode=n.encode,Object.assign(t,{ALWAYS:1,DECIMAL_ROUND:3,DECIMAL_FIT:4})},function(e,t){var r;r=function(){return this}();try{r=r||new Function("return this")()}catch(e){"object"==typeof window&&(r=window)}e.exports=r}])}));
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(global = global || self, factory(global.msgpackr = {}));
}(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';
let decoder;
try {
decoder = new TextDecoder();
} catch(error) {}
let src;
let srcEnd;
let position = 0;
const RECORD_TAG_ID = 0x69;
const STOP_CODE = {};
let currentDecoder = {};
let currentStructures;
let srcString;
let srcStringStart = 0;
let srcStringEnd = 0;
let referenceMap;
let currentExtensions = [];
let dataView;
let defaultOptions = {
useRecords: false,
mapsAsObjects: true
class Decoder {
constructor(options) {
if (options) {
if (options.useRecords === false && options.mapsAsObjects === undefined)
options.mapsAsObjects = true;
if (options.getStructures && !options.structures)
(options.structures = []).uninitialized = true; // this is what we use to denote an uninitialized structures
Object.assign(this, options);
decode(source, end, continueReading) {
if (src) {
// re-entrant execution, save the state and restore it after we do this decode
return saveState(() => {
return this ? this.decode(source, end, continueReading) :, source, end, continueReading)
srcEnd = end > -1 ? end : source.length;
position = 0;
srcStringEnd = 0;
srcString = null;
src = source;
// this provides cached access to the data view for a buffer if it is getting reused, which is a recommend
// technique for getting data from a database where it can be copied into an existing buffer instead of creating
// new ones
dataView = source.dataView || (source.dataView = new DataView(source.buffer, source.byteOffset, source.byteLength));
if (this) {
currentDecoder = this;
if (this.structures) {
currentStructures = this.structures;
try {
return read()
} finally {
if (position >= srcEnd || !continueReading) {
// finished reading this source, cleanup references
currentStructures = null;
src = null;
if (referenceMap)
referenceMap = null;
} else if (!currentStructures || currentStructures.length > 0) {
currentStructures = [];
} else {
currentDecoder = defaultOptions;
if (!currentStructures || currentStructures.length > 0)
currentStructures = [];
try {
return read()
} finally {
if (position >= srcEnd || !continueReading) {
src = null;
if (referenceMap)
referenceMap = null;
decodeMultiple(source, forEach) {
try {
let decoder = this;
let size = source.length;
let value = this ? this.decode(source, size, true) : defaultDecoder.decode(source, size, true);
let values;
if (forEach) {
while(position < size) {
if (forEach(read()) === false) {
else {
values = [ value ];
while(position < size) {
return values
} finally {
function read() {
let token = src[position++];
let majorType = token >> 5;
token = token & 0x1f;
if (token > 0x17) {
switch (token) {
case 0x18:
token = src[position++];
case 0x19:
if (majorType == 7) {
return getFloat16()
token = dataView.getUint16(position);
position += 2;
case 0x1a:
if (majorType == 7) {
let value = dataView.getFloat32(position);
if (currentDecoder.useFloat32 > 2) {
// this does rounding of numbers that were encoded in 32-bit float to nearest significant decimal digit that could be preserved
let multiplier = mult10[((src[position] & 0x7f) << 1) | (src[position + 1] >> 7)];
position += 4;
return ((multiplier * value + (value > 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5)) >> 0) / multiplier
position += 4;
return value
token = dataView.getUint32(position);
position += 4;
case 0x1b:
if (majorType == 7) {
let value = dataView.getFloat64(position);
position += 8;
return value
if (currentDecoder.uint64AsNumber)
return src[position++] * 0x100000000000000 + src[position++] * 0x1000000000000 + src[position++] * 0x10000000000 + src[position++] * 0x100000000 +
src[position++] * 0x1000000 + (src[position++] << 16) + (src[position++] << 8) + src[position++]
token = dataView.getBigUint64(position);
position += 8;
case 0x1f:
// indefinite length
switch(majorType) {
case 2: // byte string
case 3: // text string
case 4: // array
let array = [];
let value, i = 0;
while ((value = read()) != STOP_CODE) {
array[i++] = value;
return majorType == 4 ? array : majorType == 3 ? array.join('') : Buffer.concat(array)
case 5: // map
let key;
if (currentDecoder.mapsAsObjects) {
let object = {};
while ((key = readKey()) != STOP_CODE)
object[key] = read();
return object
} else {
let map = new Map();
while ((key = read()) != STOP_CODE)
map.set(key, read());
return map
case 7:
return STOP_CODE
throw new Error('Invalid major type for indefinite length ' + majorType)
throw new Error('Unknown token ' + token)
switch (majorType) {
case 0: // positive int
return token
case 1: // negative int
return ~token
case 2: // buffer
return readBin(token)
case 3: // string
if (srcStringEnd >= position) {
return srcString.slice(position - srcStringStart, (position += token) - srcStringStart)
if (srcStringEnd == 0 && srcEnd < 140 && token < 32) {
// for small blocks, avoiding the overhead of the extract call is helpful
let string = token < 16 ? shortStringInJS(token) : longStringInJS(token);
if (string != null)
return string
return readFixedString(token)
case 4: // array
let array = new Array(token);
for (let i = 0; i < token; i++) {
array[i] = read();
return array
case 5: // map
if (currentDecoder.mapsAsObjects) {
let object = {};
for (let i = 0; i < token; i++) {
object[readKey()] = read();
return object
} else {
let map = new Map();
for (let i = 0; i < token; i++) {
map.set(read(), read());
return map
case 6: // extension
if ((token >> 8) == RECORD_TAG_ID) { // record structures
let structure = currentStructures[token & 0xff];
if (structure) {
if (! = createStructureReader(structure);
} else if (currentDecoder.getStructures) {
let updatedStructures = saveState(() => {
// save the state in case getStructures modifies our buffer
src = null;
return currentDecoder.getStructures()
if (currentStructures === true)
currentDecoder.structures = currentStructures = updatedStructures;
currentStructures.splice.apply(currentStructures, [0, updatedStructures.length].concat(updatedStructures));
structure = currentStructures[token & 0xff];
if (structure) {
if (! = createStructureReader(structure);
} else
return token
} else
return token
} else {
let extension = currentExtensions[token];
if (extension) {
if (extension.handlesRead)
return extension(read)
return extension(read())
return new Tag(read())
case 7: // fixed value
switch (token) {
case 0x14: return false
case 0x15: return true
case 0x16: return null
case 0x17: return; // undefined
case 0x1f:
throw new Error('Unknown token ' + token)
default: // negative int
if (isNaN(token)) {
let error = new Error('Unexpected end of CBOR data');
error.incomplete = true;
throw error
throw new Error('Unknown CBOR token ' + token)
const validName = /^[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z\d_$]*$/;
function createStructureReader(structure) {
let l = structure.length;
function readObject() {
// This initial function is quick to instantiate, but runs slower. After several iterations pay the cost to build the faster function
if (readObject.count++ > 2) { = (new Function('a', 'r', 'return function(){a();return {' + => validName.test(key) ? key + ':r()' : ('[' + JSON.stringify(key) + ']:r()')).join(',') + '}}'))(readArrayHeader, read);
let object = {};
for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {
let key = structure[i];
object[key] = read();
return object
readObject.count = 0;
return readObject
function readArrayHeader(expectedLength) {
// consume the array header, TODO: check expected length
let token = src[position++];
//let majorType = token >> 5
token = token & 0x1f;
if (token > 0x17) {
switch (token) {
case 0x18: position++;
case 0x19: position += 2;
case 0x1a: position += 4;
let readFixedString = readStringJS;
function readStringJS(length) {
let result;
if (length < 16) {
if (result = shortStringInJS(length))
return result
if (length > 64 && decoder)
return decoder.decode(src.subarray(position, position += length))
const end = position + length;
const units = [];
result = '';
while (position < end) {
const byte1 = src[position++];
if ((byte1 & 0x80) === 0) {
// 1 byte
} else if ((byte1 & 0xe0) === 0xc0) {
// 2 bytes
const byte2 = src[position++] & 0x3f;
units.push(((byte1 & 0x1f) << 6) | byte2);
} else if ((byte1 & 0xf0) === 0xe0) {
// 3 bytes
const byte2 = src[position++] & 0x3f;
const byte3 = src[position++] & 0x3f;
units.push(((byte1 & 0x1f) << 12) | (byte2 << 6) | byte3);
} else if ((byte1 & 0xf8) === 0xf0) {
// 4 bytes
const byte2 = src[position++] & 0x3f;
const byte3 = src[position++] & 0x3f;
const byte4 = src[position++] & 0x3f;
let unit = ((byte1 & 0x07) << 0x12) | (byte2 << 0x0c) | (byte3 << 0x06) | byte4;
if (unit > 0xffff) {
unit -= 0x10000;
units.push(((unit >>> 10) & 0x3ff) | 0xd800);
unit = 0xdc00 | (unit & 0x3ff);
} else {
if (units.length >= 0x1000) {
result += fromCharCode.apply(String, units);
units.length = 0;
if (units.length > 0) {
result += fromCharCode.apply(String, units);
return result
let fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;
function longStringInJS(length) {
let start = position;
let bytes = new Array(length);
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
const byte = src[position++];
if ((byte & 0x80) > 0) {
position = start;
bytes[i] = byte;
return fromCharCode.apply(String, bytes)
function shortStringInJS(length) {
if (length < 4) {
if (length < 2) {
if (length === 0)
return ''
else {
let a = src[position++];
if ((a & 0x80) > 1) {
position -= 1;
return fromCharCode(a)
} else {
let a = src[position++];
let b = src[position++];
if ((a & 0x80) > 0 || (b & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 2;
if (length < 3)
return fromCharCode(a, b)
let c = src[position++];
if ((c & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 3;
return fromCharCode(a, b, c)
} else {
let a = src[position++];
let b = src[position++];
let c = src[position++];
let d = src[position++];
if ((a & 0x80) > 0 || (b & 0x80) > 0 || (c & 0x80) > 0 || (d & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 4;
if (length < 6) {
if (length === 4)
return fromCharCode(a, b, c, d)
else {
let e = src[position++];
if ((e & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 5;
return fromCharCode(a, b, c, d, e)
} else if (length < 8) {
let e = src[position++];
let f = src[position++];
if ((e & 0x80) > 0 || (f & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 6;
if (length < 7)
return fromCharCode(a, b, c, d, e, f)
let g = src[position++];
if ((g & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 7;
return fromCharCode(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
} else {
let e = src[position++];
let f = src[position++];
let g = src[position++];
let h = src[position++];
if ((e & 0x80) > 0 || (f & 0x80) > 0 || (g & 0x80) > 0 || (h & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 8;
if (length < 10) {
if (length === 8)
return fromCharCode(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
else {
let i = src[position++];
if ((i & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 9;
return fromCharCode(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)
} else if (length < 12) {
let i = src[position++];
let j = src[position++];
if ((i & 0x80) > 0 || (j & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 10;
if (length < 11)
return fromCharCode(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j)
let k = src[position++];
if ((k & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 11;
return fromCharCode(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k)
} else {
let i = src[position++];
let j = src[position++];
let k = src[position++];
let l = src[position++];
if ((i & 0x80) > 0 || (j & 0x80) > 0 || (k & 0x80) > 0 || (l & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 12;
if (length < 14) {
if (length === 12)
return fromCharCode(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l)
else {
let m = src[position++];
if ((m & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 13;
return fromCharCode(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m)
} else {
let m = src[position++];
let n = src[position++];
if ((m & 0x80) > 0 || (n & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 14;
if (length < 15)
return fromCharCode(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n)
let o = src[position++];
if ((o & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 15;
return fromCharCode(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o)
function readBin(length) {
return currentDecoder.copyBuffers ?
// specifically use the copying slice (not the node one), position, position += length) :
src.subarray(position, position += length)
function getFloat16() {
let byte0 = src[position++];
let byte1 = src[position++];
let half = (byte0 << 8) + byte1;
let exp = (half >> 10) & 0x1f;
let mant = half & 0x3ff;
let val;
if (exp == 0) val = Math.exp(mant, -24);
else if (exp != 31) val = Math.exp(mant + 1024, exp - 25);
else val = mant == 0 ? Infinity : NaN;
return half & 0x8000 ? -val : val
let keyCache = new Array(4096);
function readKey() {
let length = src[position++];
if (length >= 0x60 && length < 0x78) {
// fixstr, potentially use key cache
length = length - 0x60;
if (srcStringEnd >= position) // if it has been extracted, must use it (and faster anyway)
return srcString.slice(position - srcStringStart, (position += length) - srcStringStart)
else if (!(srcStringEnd == 0 && srcEnd < 180))
return readFixedString(length)
} else { // not cacheable, go back and do a standard read
return read()
let key = ((length << 5) ^ (length > 1 ? dataView.getUint16(position) : length > 0 ? src[position] : 0)) & 0xfff;
let entry = keyCache[key];
let checkPosition = position;
let end = position + length - 3;
let chunk;
let i = 0;
if (entry && entry.bytes == length) {
while (checkPosition < end) {
chunk = dataView.getUint32(checkPosition);
if (chunk != entry[i++]) {
checkPosition = 0x70000000;
checkPosition += 4;
end += 3;
while (checkPosition < end) {
chunk = src[checkPosition++];
if (chunk != entry[i++]) {
checkPosition = 0x70000000;
if (checkPosition === end) {
position = checkPosition;
return entry.string
end -= 3;
checkPosition = position;
entry = [];
keyCache[key] = entry;
entry.bytes = length;
while (checkPosition < end) {
chunk = dataView.getUint32(checkPosition);
checkPosition += 4;
end += 3;
while (checkPosition < end) {
chunk = src[checkPosition++];
// for small blocks, avoiding the overhead of the extract call is helpful
let string = length < 16 ? shortStringInJS(length) : longStringInJS(length);
if (string != null)
return entry.string = string
return entry.string = readFixedString(length)
class Tag {
constructor(value) {
this.value = value;
let glbl = typeof window == 'object' ? window : global;
currentExtensions[0] = (dateString) => {
// string date extension
return new Date(dateString)
currentExtensions[1] = (epochSec) => {
// numeric date extension
return new Date(epochSec * 1000)
currentExtensions[2] = (buffer) => {
// bigint extension
return new DataView(buffer.buffer, buffer.byteOffset, buffer.byteLength).getBigUint64(0)
currentExtensions[3] = (buffer) => {
// negative bigint extension
return BigInt(-1) - (new DataView(buffer.buffer, buffer.byteOffset, buffer.byteLength).getBigUint64(0))
// the registration of the record definition extension (tag 105)
const recordDefinition = () => {
let definition = read();
let structure = definition[0];
let id = definition[1];
currentStructures[id & 0xff] = structure; = createStructureReader(structure);
let object = {};
for (let i = 2,l = definition.length; i < l; i++) {
let key = structure[i - 2];
object[key] = definition[i];
return object
recordDefinition.handlesRead = true;
currentExtensions[RECORD_TAG_ID] = recordDefinition;
currentExtensions[27] = (data) => { //
return (glbl[data[0]] || Error)(data[1], data[2])
currentExtensions[40009] = (id) => {
// id extension (for structured clones)
if (!referenceMap)
referenceMap = new Map();
let token = src[position];
let target;
// TODO: handle Maps, Sets, and other types that can cycle; this is complicated, because you potentially need to read
// ahead past references to record structure definitions
if ((token >> 5) == 4)
target = [];
target = {};
let refEntry = { target }; // a placeholder object
referenceMap.set(id, refEntry);
let targetProperties = read(); // read the next value as the target object to id
if (refEntry.used) // there is a cycle, so we have to assign properties to original target
return Object.assign(target, targetProperties) = targetProperties; // the placeholder wasn't used, replace with the deserialized one
return targetProperties // no cycle, can just use the returned read object
currentExtensions[40010] = (id) => {
// pointer extension (for structured clones)
let refEntry = referenceMap.get(id);
refEntry.used = true;
currentExtensions[258] = (array) => new Set(array); //
const typedArrays = ['Uint8', 'Uint8Clamped', 'Uint16', 'Uint32', 'BigUint64','Int8', 'Int16', 'Int32', 'BigInt64', 'Float32', 'Float64'].map(type => type + 'Array');
const typedArrayTags = [64, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82];
for (let i = 0; i < typedArrays.length; i++) {
registerTypedArray(typedArrays[i], typedArrayTags[i]);
function registerTypedArray(typedArrayName, tag) {
currentExtensions[tag] = (buffer) => {
if (!typedArrayName)
throw new Error('Could not find typed array for code ' + typeCode)
// we have to always slice/copy here to get a new ArrayBuffer that is word/byte aligned
return new glbl[typedArrayName](, 0).buffer)
function saveState(callback) {
let savedSrcEnd = srcEnd;
let savedPosition = position;
let savedSrcStringStart = srcStringStart;
let savedSrcStringEnd = srcStringEnd;
let savedSrcString = srcString;
let savedReferenceMap = referenceMap;
// TODO: We may need to revisit this if we do more external calls to user code (since it could be slow)
let savedSrc = new Uint8Array(src.slice(0, srcEnd)); // we copy the data in case it changes while external data is processed
let savedStructures = currentStructures;
let savedDecoder = currentDecoder;
let value = callback();
srcEnd = savedSrcEnd;
position = savedPosition;
srcStringStart = savedSrcStringStart;
srcStringEnd = savedSrcStringEnd;
srcString = savedSrcString;
referenceMap = savedReferenceMap;
src = savedSrc;
currentStructures = savedStructures;
currentDecoder = savedDecoder;
dataView = new DataView(src.buffer, src.byteOffset, src.byteLength);
return value
function clearSource() {
src = null;
referenceMap = null;
currentStructures = null;
function addExtension(extension) {
currentExtensions[extension.tag] = extension.decode;
let mult10 = new Array(147); // this is a table matching binary exponents to the multiplier to determine significant digit rounding
for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
mult10[i] = +('1e' + Math.floor(45.15 - i * 0.30103));
let defaultDecoder = new Decoder({ useRecords: false });
const decode = defaultDecoder.decode;
const decodeMultiple = defaultDecoder.decodeMultiple;
const FLOAT32_OPTIONS = {
let textEncoder;
try {
textEncoder = new TextEncoder();
} catch (error) {}
let extensions, extensionClasses;
const hasNodeBuffer = typeof Buffer !== 'undefined';
const ByteArrayAllocate = hasNodeBuffer ? Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow : Uint8Array;
const ByteArray = hasNodeBuffer ? Buffer : Uint8Array;
const RECORD_STARTING_ID_PREFIX = 0x69; // tag 105/0x69
const MAX_STRUCTURES = 0x100;
const MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = hasNodeBuffer ? 0x100000000 : 0x7fd00000;
let target;
let targetView;
let position$1 = 0;
let safeEnd;
const RECORD_SYMBOL = Symbol('record-id');
class Encoder extends Decoder {
constructor(options) {
this.offset = 0;
let start;
let sharedStructures;
let hasSharedUpdate;
let structures;
let referenceMap;
let lastSharedStructuresLength = 0;
let encodeUtf8 = ByteArray.prototype.utf8Write ? function(string, position, maxBytes) {
return target.utf8Write(string, position, maxBytes)
} : (textEncoder && textEncoder.encodeInto) ?
function(string, position) {
return textEncoder.encodeInto(string, target.subarray(position)).written
} : false;
let encoder = this;
let maxSharedStructures = 64;
let isSequential = options && options.sequential;
if (isSequential) {
maxSharedStructures = 0;
this.structures = [];
let recordIdsToRemove = [];
let transitionsCount = 0;
let serializationsSinceTransitionRebuild = 0;
if (this.structures && this.structures.length > maxSharedStructures) {
throw new Error('Too many shared structures')
this.encode = function(value) {
if (!target) {
target = new ByteArrayAllocate(8192);
targetView = new DataView(target.buffer, 0, 8192);
position$1 = 0;
safeEnd = target.length - 10;
if (safeEnd - position$1 < 0x800) {
// don't start too close to the end,
target = new ByteArrayAllocate(target.length);
targetView = new DataView(target.buffer, 0, target.length);
safeEnd = target.length - 10;
position$1 = 0;
start = position$1;
referenceMap = encoder.structuredClone ? new Map() : null;
sharedStructures = encoder.structures;
if (sharedStructures) {
if (sharedStructures.uninitialized)
encoder.structures = sharedStructures = encoder.getStructures();
let sharedStructuresLength = sharedStructures.length;
if (sharedStructuresLength > maxSharedStructures && !isSequential)
sharedStructuresLength = maxSharedStructures;
if (!sharedStructures.transitions) {
// rebuild our structure transitions
sharedStructures.transitions = Object.create(null);
for (let i = 0; i < sharedStructuresLength; i++) {
let keys = sharedStructures[i];
if (!keys)
let nextTransition, transition = sharedStructures.transitions;
for (let i =0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
let key = keys[i];
nextTransition = transition[key];
if (!nextTransition) {
nextTransition = transition[key] = Object.create(null);
transition = nextTransition;
transition[RECORD_SYMBOL] = i;
lastSharedStructuresLength = sharedStructures.length;
if (!isSequential)
sharedStructures.nextId = sharedStructuresLength;
if (hasSharedUpdate)
hasSharedUpdate = false;
structures = sharedStructures || [];
try {
encoder.offset = position$1; // update the offset so next serialization doesn't write over our buffer, but can continue writing to same buffer sequentially
if (referenceMap && referenceMap.idsToInsert) {
position$1 += referenceMap.idsToInsert.length * 8;
if (position$1 > safeEnd)
encoder.offset = position$1;
let serialized = insertIds(target.subarray(start, position$1), referenceMap.idsToInsert);
referenceMap = null;
return serialized
return target.subarray(start, position$1) // position can change if we call encode again in saveStructures, so we get the buffer now
} finally {
if (sharedStructures) {
if (serializationsSinceTransitionRebuild < 10)
if (transitionsCount > 10000) {
// force a rebuild occasionally after a lot of transitions so it can get cleaned up
sharedStructures.transitions = null;
serializationsSinceTransitionRebuild = 0;
transitionsCount = 0;
if (recordIdsToRemove.length > 0)
recordIdsToRemove = [];
} else if (recordIdsToRemove.length > 0 && !isSequential) {
for (let i = 0, l = recordIdsToRemove.length; i < l; i++) {
recordIdsToRemove[i][RECORD_SYMBOL] = 0;
recordIdsToRemove = [];
if (hasSharedUpdate && encoder.saveStructures) {
if (encoder.structures.length > maxSharedStructures) {
encoder.structures = encoder.structures.slice(0, maxSharedStructures);
if (encoder.saveStructures(encoder.structures, lastSharedStructuresLength) === false) {
// get updated structures and try again if the update failed
encoder.structures = encoder.getStructures() || [];
return encoder.encode(value)
lastSharedStructuresLength = encoder.structures.length;
const encode = (value) => {
if (position$1 > safeEnd)
target = makeRoom(position$1);
var type = typeof value;
var length;
if (type === 'string') {
let strLength = value.length;
let headerSize;
// first we estimate the header size, so we can write to the correct location
if (strLength < 0x20) {
headerSize = 1;
} else if (strLength < 0x100) {
headerSize = 2;
} else if (strLength < 0x10000) {
headerSize = 3;
} else {
headerSize = 5;
let maxBytes = strLength * 3;
if (position$1 + maxBytes > safeEnd)
target = makeRoom(position$1 + maxBytes);
if (strLength < 0x40 || !encodeUtf8) {
let i, c1, c2, strPosition = position$1 + headerSize;
for (i = 0; i < strLength; i++) {
c1 = value.charCodeAt(i);
if (c1 < 0x80) {
target[strPosition++] = c1;
} else if (c1 < 0x800) {
target[strPosition++] = c1 >> 6 | 0xc0;
target[strPosition++] = c1 & 0x3f | 0x80;
} else if (
(c1 & 0xfc00) === 0xd800 &&
((c2 = value.charCodeAt(i + 1)) & 0xfc00) === 0xdc00
) {
c1 = 0x10000 + ((c1 & 0x03ff) << 10) + (c2 & 0x03ff);
target[strPosition++] = c1 >> 18 | 0xf0;
target[strPosition++] = c1 >> 12 & 0x3f | 0x80;
target[strPosition++] = c1 >> 6 & 0x3f | 0x80;
target[strPosition++] = c1 & 0x3f | 0x80;
} else {
target[strPosition++] = c1 >> 12 | 0xe0;
target[strPosition++] = c1 >> 6 & 0x3f | 0x80;
target[strPosition++] = c1 & 0x3f | 0x80;
length = strPosition - position$1 - headerSize;
} else {
length = encodeUtf8(value, position$1 + headerSize, maxBytes);
if (length < 0x18) {
target[position$1++] = 0x60 | length;
} else if (length < 0x100) {
if (headerSize < 2) {
target.copyWithin(position$1 + 2, position$1 + 1, position$1 + 1 + length);
target[position$1++] = 0x78;
target[position$1++] = length;
} else if (length < 0x10000) {
if (headerSize < 3) {
target.copyWithin(position$1 + 3, position$1 + 2, position$1 + 2 + length);
target[position$1++] = 0x79;
target[position$1++] = length >> 8;
target[position$1++] = length & 0xff;
} else {
if (headerSize < 5) {
target.copyWithin(position$1 + 5, position$1 + 3, position$1 + 3 + length);
target[position$1++] = 0x7a;
targetView.setUint32(position$1, length);
position$1 += 4;
position$1 += length;
} else if (type === 'number') {
if (value >>> 0 === value) {// positive integer, 32-bit or less
// positive uint
if (value < 0x18) {
target[position$1++] = value;
} else if (value < 0x100) {
target[position$1++] = 0x18;
target[position$1++] = value;
} else if (value < 0x10000) {
target[position$1++] = 0x19;
target[position$1++] = value >> 8;
target[position$1++] = value & 0xff;
} else {
target[position$1++] = 0x1a;
targetView.setUint32(position$1, value);
position$1 += 4;
} else if (value >> 0 === value) { // negative integer
if (value >= -0x18) {
target[position$1++] = 0x1f - value;
} else if (value >= -0x100) {
target[position$1++] = 0x38;
target[position$1++] = ~value;
} else if (value >= -0x10000) {
target[position$1++] = 0x39;
targetView.setUint16(position$1, ~value);
position$1 += 2;
} else {
target[position$1++] = 0x3a;
targetView.setUint32(position$1, ~value);
position$1 += 4;
} else {
let useFloat32;
if ((useFloat32 = this.useFloat32) > 0 && value < 0x100000000 && value >= -0x80000000) {
target[position$1++] = 0xfa;
targetView.setFloat32(position$1, value);
let xShifted;
if (useFloat32 < 4 ||
// this checks for rounding of numbers that were encoded in 32-bit float to nearest significant decimal digit that could be preserved
((xShifted = value * mult10[((target[position$1] & 0x7f) << 1) | (target[position$1 + 1] >> 7)]) >> 0) === xShifted) {
position$1 += 4;
} else
position$1--; // move back into position for writing a double
target[position$1++] = 0xfb;
targetView.setFloat64(position$1, value);
position$1 += 8;
} else if (type === 'object') {
if (!value)
target[position$1++] = 0xf6;
else {
if (referenceMap) {
let referee = referenceMap.get(value);
if (referee) {
if (! {
let idsToInsert = referenceMap.idsToInsert || (referenceMap.idsToInsert = []); = idsToInsert.push(referee);
target[position$1++] = 0xd9;
target[position$1++] = 40010 >> 8;
target[position$1++] = 40010 & 0xff;
target[position$1++] = 0x1a; // uint32
position$1 += 4;
} else
referenceMap.set(value, { offset: position$1 - start });
let constructor = value.constructor;
if (constructor === Object) {
writeObject(value, true);
} else if (constructor === Array) {
length = value.length;
if (length < 0x18) {
target[position$1++] = 0x80 | length;
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
} else if (constructor === Map) {
length = value.size;
if (length < 0x18) {
target[position$1++] = 0xa0 | length;
} else if (length < 0x100) {
target[position$1++] = 0xb8;
target[position$1++] = length;
} else if (length < 0x10000) {
target[position$1++] = 0xb9;
target[position$1++] = length >> 8;
target[position$1++] = length & 0xff;
} else {
target[position$1++] = 0xba;
targetView.setUint32(position$1, length);
position$1 += 4;
for (let [ key, entryValue ] of value) {
} else {
for (let i = 0, l = extensions.length; i < l; i++) {
let extensionClass = extensionClasses[i];
if (value instanceof extensionClass) {
let extension = extensions[i];
let tag = extension.tag;
if (tag < 0x18) {
target[position$1++] = 0xc0 | tag;
} else if (tag < 0x100) {
target[position$1++] = 0xd8;
target[position$1++] = tag;
} else if (tag < 0x10000) {
target[position$1++] = 0xd9;
target[position$1++] = tag >> 8;
target[position$1++] = tag & 0xff;
} else if (tag > -1) {
target[position$1++] = 0xda;
targetView.setUint32(position$1, tag);
position$1 += 4;
} // else undefined, don't write tag, value, encode, makeRoom);
if (value[Symbol.iterator]) {
target[position$1++] = 0x9f; // indefinite length array
for (let entry of value) {
target[position$1++] = 0xff; // stop-code
// no extension found, write as object
writeObject(value, !value.hasOwnProperty); // if it doesn't have hasOwnProperty, don't do hasOwnProperty checks
} else if (type === 'boolean') {
target[position$1++] = value ? 0xf5 : 0xf4;
} else if (type === 'bigint') {
if (value < (BigInt(1)<<BigInt(64)) && value >= 0) {
// use an unsigned int as long as it fits
target[position$1++] = 0x1b;
targetView.setBigUint64(position$1, value);
} else if (value > -(BigInt(1)<<BigInt(64)) && value < 0) {
// if we can fit an unsigned int, use that
target[position$1++] = 0x3b;
targetView.setBigUint64(position$1, -value - BigInt(1));
} else {
// overflow
if (this.largeBigIntToFloat) {
target[position$1++] = 0xfb;
targetView.setFloat64(position$1, Number(value));
} else {
throw new RangeError(value + ' was too large to fit in CBOR 64-bit integer format, set largeBigIntToFloat to convert to float-64')
position$1 += 8;
} else if (type === 'undefined') {
//target[position++] = 0xc1 // this is the "never-used" byte
target[position$1++] = 0xf7;
} else {
throw new Error('Unknown type ' + type)
const writeObject = this.useRecords === false ? this.variableMapSize ? (object) => {
// this method is slightly slower, but generates "preferred serialization" (optimally small for smaller objects)
let keys = Object.keys(object);
let length = keys.length;
if (length < 0x18) {
target[position$1++] = 0xa0 | length;
} else if (length < 0x100) {
target[position$1++] = 0xb8;
target[position$1++] = length;
} else if (length < 0x10000) {
target[position$1++] = 0xb9;
target[position$1++] = length >> 8;
target[position$1++] = length & 0xff;
} else {
target[position$1++] = 0xba;
targetView.setUint32(position$1, length);
position$1 += 4;
let key;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
encode(key = keys[i]);
} :
(object, safePrototype) => {
target[position$1++] = 0xb9; // always use map 16, so we can preallocate and set the length afterwards
let objectOffset = position$1 - start;
position$1 += 2;
let size = 0;
for (let key in object) {
if (safePrototype || object.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
target[objectOffset++ + start] = size >> 8;
target[objectOffset + start] = size & 0xff;
} :
/* sharedStructures ? // For highly stable structures, using for-in can a little bit faster
(object, safePrototype) => {
let nextTransition, transition = structures.transitions || (structures.transitions = Object.create(null))
let objectOffset = position++ - start
let wroteKeys
for (let key in object) {
if (safePrototype || object.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
nextTransition = transition[key]
if (!nextTransition) {
nextTransition = transition[key] = Object.create(null)
nextTransition.__keys__ = (transition.__keys__ || []).concat([key])
/*let keys = Object.keys(object)
let size = 0
let startBranch = transition.__keys__ ? transition.__keys__.length : 0
for (let i = 0, l = keys.length; i++) {
let key = keys[i]
size += key.length << 2
if (i >= startBranch) {
nextTransition = nextTransition[key] = Object.create(null)
nextTransition.__keys__ = keys.slice(0, i + 1)
makeRoom(position + size)
nextTransition = transition[key]
target.copy(target, )
transition = nextTransition
let id =
if (!id) {
id = = structures.push(transition.__keys__) + 63
if (sharedStructures.onUpdate)
sharedStructures.onUpdate(id, transition.__keys__)
target[objectOffset + start] = id
(object) => {
let keys = Object.keys(object);
let nextTransition, transition = structures.transitions || (structures.transitions = Object.create(null));
let newTransitions = 0;
let length = keys.length;
for (let i =0; i < length; i++) {
let key = keys[i];
nextTransition = transition[key];
if (!nextTransition) {
nextTransition = transition[key] = Object.create(null);
transition = nextTransition;
let recordId = transition[RECORD_SYMBOL];
if (recordId) {
target[position$1++] = 0xd9; // tag two byte
target[position$1++] = RECORD_STARTING_ID_PREFIX;
target[position$1++] = recordId;
} else {
recordId = structures.nextId++;
if (!recordId) {
recordId = 0;
structures.nextId = 1;
if (recordId >= MAX_STRUCTURES) {// cycle back around
structures.nextId = (recordId = maxSharedStructures) + 1;
transition[RECORD_SYMBOL] = recordId;
structures[recordId] = keys;
if (sharedStructures && sharedStructures.length <= maxSharedStructures) {
target[position$1++] = 0xd9; // tag two byte
target[position$1++] = RECORD_STARTING_ID_PREFIX;
target[position$1++] = recordId; // tag number
hasSharedUpdate = true;
} else {
target[position$1++] = 0xd8;
target[position$1++] = RECORD_STARTING_ID_PREFIX;
if (newTransitions)
transitionsCount += serializationsSinceTransitionRebuild * newTransitions;
// record the removal of the id, we can maintain our shared structure
if (recordIdsToRemove.length >= MAX_STRUCTURES - maxSharedStructures)
recordIdsToRemove.shift()[RECORD_SYMBOL] = 0; // we are cycling back through, and have to remove old ones
if (length < 0x16)
target[position$1++] = 0x82 + length; // array header, length of values + 2
writeArrayHeader(length + 2);
target[position$1++] = 0x19; // uint16
target[position$1++] = RECORD_STARTING_ID_PREFIX;
target[position$1++] = recordId;
// now write the values
for (let i =0; i < length; i++)
if (length < 0x18) { // write the array header
target[position$1++] = 0x80 | length;
} else {
for (let i =0; i < length; i++)
const makeRoom = (end) => {
let newSize;
if (end > 0x1000000) {
// special handling for really large buffers
if ((end - start) > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)
throw new Error('Encoded buffer would be larger than maximum buffer size')
newSize = Math.min(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE,
Math.round(Math.max((end - start) * (end > 0x4000000 ? 1.25 : 2), 0x1000000) / 0x1000) * 0x1000);
} else // faster handling for smaller buffers
newSize = ((Math.max((end - start) << 2, target.length - 1) >> 12) + 1) << 12;
let newBuffer = new ByteArrayAllocate(newSize);
targetView = new DataView(newBuffer.buffer, 0, newSize);
if (target.copy)
target.copy(newBuffer, 0, start, end);
newBuffer.set(target.slice(start, end));
position$1 -= start;
start = 0;
safeEnd = newBuffer.length - 10;
return target = newBuffer
useBuffer(buffer) {
// this means we are finished using our own buffer and we can write over it safely
target = buffer;
targetView = new DataView(target.buffer, target.byteOffset, target.byteLength);
position$1 = 0;
function writeArrayHeader(length) {
if (length < 0x100) {
target[position$1++] = 0x98;
target[position$1++] = length;
} else if (length < 0x10000) {
target[position$1++] = 0x99;
target[position$1++] = length >> 8;
target[position$1++] = length & 0xff;
} else {
target[position$1++] = 0x9a;
targetView.setUint32(position$1, length);
position$1 += 4;
extensionClasses = [ Date, Set, Error, RegExp, ArrayBuffer, ByteArray,
Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, Uint16Array, Uint32Array, BigUint64Array, Int8Array, Int16Array, Int32Array, BigInt64Array,
Float32Array, Float64Array];
//Object.getPrototypeOf(Uint8Array.prototype).constructor /*TypedArray*/
extensions = [{
tag: 1,
encode(date, encode) {
let seconds = date.getTime() / 1000;
if ((this.useTimestamp32 || date.getMilliseconds() === 0) && seconds >= 0 && seconds < 0x100000000) {
// Timestamp 32
target[position$1++] = 0x1a;
targetView.setUint32(position$1, seconds);
position$1 += 4;
} else {
// Timestamp float64
target[position$1++] = 0xfb;
targetView.setFloat64(position$1, seconds);
position$1 += 8;
}, {
tag: 258, //
encode(set, encode) {
let array = Array.from(set);
}, {
tag: 27, //
encode(error, encode) {
encode([, error.message ]);
}, {
tag: 27, //
encode(regex, encode) {
encode([ 'RegExp', regex.source, regex.flags ]);
}, {
encode(arrayBuffer, encode, makeRoom) {
writeBuffer(arrayBuffer, makeRoom);
}, {
encode(arrayBuffer, encode, makeRoom) {
writeBuffer(arrayBuffer, makeRoom);
}, typedArrayEncoder(64),
function typedArrayEncoder(tag) {
return {
tag: tag,
encode: function writeExtBuffer(typedArray, encode) {
let length = typedArray.byteLength;
let offset = typedArray.byteOffset || 0;
let buffer = typedArray.buffer || typedArray;
encode(hasNodeBuffer ? Buffer.from(buffer, offset, length) :
new Uint8Array(buffer, offset, length));
function writeBuffer(buffer, makeRoom) {
let length = buffer.byteLength;
if (length < 0x100) {
target[position$1++] = 0x58;
target[position$1++] = length;
} else if (length < 0x10000) {
target[position$1++] = 0x59;
target[position$1++] = length >> 8;
target[position$1++] = length & 0xff;
} else {
target[position$1++] = 0x5a;
targetView.setUint32(position$1, length);
position$1 += 4;
if (position$1 + length >= target.length) {
makeRoom(position$1 + length);
target.set(buffer, position$1);
position$1 += length;
function insertIds(serialized, idsToInsert) {
// insert the ids that need to be referenced for structured clones
let nextId;
let distanceToMove = idsToInsert.length * 8;
let lastEnd = serialized.length - distanceToMove;
idsToInsert.sort((a, b) => a.offset > b.offset ? 1 : -1);
while (nextId = idsToInsert.pop()) {
let offset = nextId.offset;
let id =;
serialized.copyWithin(offset + distanceToMove, offset, lastEnd);
distanceToMove -= 8;
let position = offset + distanceToMove;
serialized[position++] = 0xd9;
serialized[position++] = 40009 >> 8;
serialized[position++] = 40009 & 0xff;
serialized[position++] = 0x1a; // uint32
serialized[position++] = id >> 24;
serialized[position++] = (id >> 16) & 0xff;
serialized[position++] = (id >> 8) & 0xff;
serialized[position++] = id & 0xff;
lastEnd = offset;
return serialized
function addExtension$1(extension) {
if (extension.Class) {
if (!extension.encode)
throw new Error('Extension has no encode function')
let defaultEncoder = new Encoder({ useRecords: false });
const encode = defaultEncoder.encode;
const useRecords = false;
const mapsAsObjects = true;
exports.ALWAYS = ALWAYS;
exports.Decoder = Decoder;
exports.Encoder = Encoder;
exports.NEVER = NEVER;
exports.Tag = Tag;
exports.addExtension = addExtension$1;
exports.decode = decode;
exports.decodeMultiple = decodeMultiple;
exports.encode = encode;
exports.mapsAsObjects = mapsAsObjects;
exports.useRecords = useRecords;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });

@@ -1,6 +0,2 @@

"use strict"
let decoderModule = require('./decode')
let Decoder = decoderModule.Decoder
let mult10 = decoderModule.mult10
const typedArrays = decoderModule.typedArrays
import { Decoder, mult10, Tag, typedArrays, addExtension as decodeAddExtension } from './decode.js'
let textEncoder

@@ -14,4 +10,5 @@ try {

const ByteArray = hasNodeBuffer ? Buffer : Uint8Array
const RECORD_STARTING_ID_PREFIX = 0x69 // tag 105/0x69
const MAX_STRUCTURES = 0x100
const MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = hasNodeBuffer ? 0x100000000 : 0x7fd00000
let target

@@ -22,3 +19,3 @@ let targetView

const RECORD_SYMBOL = Symbol('record-id')
class Encoder extends Decoder {
export class Encoder extends Decoder {
constructor(options) {

@@ -350,3 +347,3 @@ super(options)

} // else undefined, don't write tag, value, encode), value, encode, makeRoom)

@@ -364,3 +361,3 @@ }

// no extension found, write as object
writeObject(value, false)
writeObject(value, !value.hasOwnProperty) // if it doesn't have hasOwnProperty, don't do hasOwnProperty checks

@@ -371,7 +368,19 @@ }

} else if (type === 'bigint') {
target[position++] = 0xfb
/*if (value < 9223372036854776000 && value > -9223372036854776000)
targetView.setBigInt64(position, value)
targetView.setFloat64(position, value)
if (value < (BigInt(1)<<BigInt(64)) && value >= 0) {
// use an unsigned int as long as it fits
target[position++] = 0x1b
targetView.setBigUint64(position, value)
} else if (value > -(BigInt(1)<<BigInt(64)) && value < 0) {
// if we can fit an unsigned int, use that
target[position++] = 0x3b
targetView.setBigUint64(position, -value - BigInt(1))
} else {
// overflow
if (this.largeBigIntToFloat) {
target[position++] = 0xfb
targetView.setFloat64(position, Number(value))
} else {
throw new RangeError(value + ' was too large to fit in CBOR 64-bit integer format, set largeBigIntToFloat to convert to float-64')
position += 8

@@ -502,5 +511,4 @@ } else if (type === 'undefined') {

} else {
target[position++] = 0xd9
target[position++] = 40006 >> 8
target[position++] = 40006 & 0xff
target[position++] = 0xd8
target[position++] = RECORD_STARTING_ID_PREFIX
if (newTransitions)

@@ -512,7 +520,14 @@ transitionsCount += serializationsSinceTransitionRebuild * newTransitions

target[position++] = 0x83 // array header, length 3
if (length < 0x16)
target[position++] = 0x82 + length // array header, length of values + 2
writeArrayHeader(length + 2)
target[position++] = 0x19 // uint16
target[position++] = RECORD_STARTING_ID_PREFIX
target[position++] = recordId
// now write the values
for (let i =0; i < length; i++)

@@ -525,3 +540,2 @@ }

// now write the values
for (let i =0; i < length; i++)

@@ -531,3 +545,11 @@ encode(object[keys[i]])

const makeRoom = (end) => {
let newSize = ((Math.max((end - start) << 2, target.length - 1) >> 12) + 1) << 12
let newSize
if (end > 0x1000000) {
// special handling for really large buffers
if ((end - start) > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)
throw new Error('Encoded buffer would be larger than maximum buffer size')
newSize = Math.min(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE,
Math.round(Math.max((end - start) * (end > 0x4000000 ? 1.25 : 2), 0x1000000) / 0x1000) * 0x1000)
} else // faster handling for smaller buffers
newSize = ((Math.max((end - start) << 2, target.length - 1) >> 12) + 1) << 12
let newBuffer = new ByteArrayAllocate(newSize)

@@ -538,3 +560,3 @@ targetView = new DataView(newBuffer.buffer, 0, newSize)

copyBinary(target, newBuffer, 0, start, end)
newBuffer.set(target.slice(start, end))
position -= start

@@ -553,3 +575,2 @@ start = 0

exports.Encoder = Encoder

@@ -615,8 +636,8 @@ function copyBinary(source, target, targetOffset, offset, endOffset) {

}, {
encode(arrayBuffer, encode) {
encode(arrayBuffer, encode, makeRoom) {
writeBuffer(arrayBuffer, makeRoom)
}, {
encode(arrayBuffer, encode) {
encode(arrayBuffer, encode, makeRoom) {
writeBuffer(arrayBuffer, makeRoom)

@@ -647,3 +668,3 @@ }, typedArrayEncoder(64),

function writeBuffer(buffer) {
function writeBuffer(buffer, makeRoom) {
let length = buffer.byteLength

@@ -662,6 +683,6 @@ if (length < 0x100) {

if (buffer.copy)
buffer.copy(target, position)
copyBinary(buffer, target, position, 0, length)
if (position + length >= target.length) {
makeRoom(position + length)
target.set(buffer, position)
position += length

@@ -695,3 +716,3 @@ }

exports.addExtension = function(extension) {
export function addExtension(extension) {
if (extension.Class) {

@@ -703,3 +724,8 @@ if (!extension.encode)

let defaultEncoder = new Encoder({ useRecords: false })
export const encode = defaultEncoder.encode
export { FLOAT32_OPTIONS } from './decode.js'
import { FLOAT32_OPTIONS } from './decode.js'

@@ -1,44 +0,10 @@

declare module 'cbor-x' {
interface Options {
useFloat32?: 0 | typeof ALWAYS | typeof DECIMAL_ROUND | typeof DECIMAL_FIT
useRecords?: boolean
structures?: {}[]
structuredClone?: boolean
mapsAsObjects?: boolean
variableMapSize?: boolean
copyBuffers?: boolean
useTimestamp32?: boolean
getStructures?(): {}[]
saveStructures?(structures: {}[]): boolean | void
export class Decoder {
constructor(options?: Options)
decode(messagePack: Buffer): any
export class Encoder extends Decoder {
encode(value: any): Buffer
resetMemory(): void
export { Decoder, decode, addExtension, FLOAT32_OPTIONS } from './decode.js'
export { Encoder, encode } from './encode.js'
interface Extension {
Class: Function
type: number
encode(value: any): Buffer
decode(messagePack: Buffer): any
export function decode(messagePack: Buffer): any
export function encode(value: any): Buffer
export function addExtension(extension: Extension)
export const ALWAYS = 1
export const DECIMAL_ROUND = 3
export const DECIMAL_FIT = 4
export class DecoderStream {
export class EncoderStream {
export class Tag {
value: any
export as namespace msgpackr;
export class DecoderStream {
export class EncoderStream {
write(value: any): void
end(value?: any): void

@@ -1,31 +0,5 @@

exports.Encoder = require('./encode').Encoder
exports.addExtension = require('./encode').addExtension
let decodeModule = require('./decode')
let extractor = tryRequire('cbor-extract')
if (extractor)
exports.Decoder = decodeModule.Decoder
exports.EncoderStream = require('./stream').EncoderStream
exports.DecoderStream = require('./stream').DecoderStream
let encoder = new exports.Encoder({ useRecords: false })
exports.decode = encoder.decode
exports.encode = encoder.encode
exports.Tag = decodeModule.Tag
exports.useRecords = false
exports.mapsAsObjects = true
Object.assign(exports, {
export { Encoder, addExtension, encode, NEVER, ALWAYS, DECIMAL_ROUND, DECIMAL_FIT } from './encode.js'
export { Tag, Decoder, decodeMultiple, decode, FLOAT32_OPTIONS } from './decode.js'
export const useRecords = false
export const mapsAsObjects = true
function tryRequire(moduleId) {
try {
return require(moduleId)
} catch (error) {
if (typeof window == 'undefined')
console.warn('Native extraction module not loaded, cbor-x will still run, but with decreased performance. ' + error.message)
console.warn('For browser usage, directly use encode/decode modules. ' + error.message.split('\n')[0])
"name": "cbor-x",
"author": "Kris Zyp",
"version": "0.6.4",
"version": "0.8.0",
"description": "Ultra-fast CBOR implementation with tag extensions for records and structured cloning",

@@ -20,13 +20,39 @@ "license": "MIT",

"benchmark": "node ./tests/benchmark.js",
"test": "./node_modules/.bin/mocha tests/test*.js -u tdd"
"build": "rollup -c",
"prepare": "npm run build",
"test": "./node_modules/.bin/mocha --experimental-json-modules tests/test.js -u tdd"
"type": "commonjs",
"module": "./index.mjs",
"main": "./index.js",
"type": "module",
"main": "./dist/node.cjs",
"exports": {
"import": "./index.mjs",
"require": "./index.js"
".": {
"node": {
"require": "./dist/node.cjs",
"import": "./node.js"
"default": {
"import": "./index.js"
"./pack": {
"node": {
"import": "./index.js",
"require": "./dist/node.cjs"
"default": {
"import": "./pack.js"
"./unpack": {
"node": {
"import": "./index.js",
"require": "./dist/node.cjs"
"default": {
"import": "./unpack.js"
"optionalDependencies": {
"cbor-extract": "^0.2.1"
"cbor-extract": "^0.2.2"

@@ -39,7 +65,8 @@ "devDependencies": {

"chai": "^4",
"mocha": "^4",
"webpack": "^4.44.1",
"webpack-cli": "^3.3.2",
"webpack-command": "^0.4.1"
"esm": "^3.2.25",
"mocha": "^8.1.3",
"rollup": "^1.20.3",
"rollup-plugin-babel-minify": "^9.0.0",
"@rollup/plugin-json": "^4.1.0"

@@ -43,3 +43,3 @@ # cbor-x

let receivingStream = new DecoderStream();
// we just piping to our own stream, but normally you would send and
// we are just piping to our own stream, but normally you would send and
// receive over some type of inter-process or network connection.

@@ -54,2 +54,5 @@ sendingStream.pipe(receivingStream);

## Deno Usage
Msgpackr modules are standard ESM modules and can be loaded directly from github ( or downloaded and used directly in Deno. The standard pack/encode and unpack/decode functionality is available on Deno, like other platforms.
## Browser Usage

@@ -92,3 +95,2 @@ Cbor-x works as standalone JavaScript as well, and runs on modern browsers. It includes a bundled script, at `dist/index.js` for ease of direct loading:


@@ -101,3 +103,3 @@

### Shared Record Structures
Another useful way of using cbor-x, and the record extension, is for storing data in a databases, files, or other storage systems. If a number of objects with common data structures are being stored, a shared structure can be used to greatly improve data storage and deserialization efficiency. We just need to provide a way to store the generated shared structure so it is available to deserialize stored data in the future:
Another useful way of using cbor-x, and the record extension, is for storing data in a databases, files, or other storage systems. If a number of objects with common data structures are being stored, a shared structure can be used to greatly improve data storage and deserialization efficiency. In the simplest form, provide a `structures` array, which is updated if any new object structure is encountered:

@@ -126,2 +128,17 @@ ```

### Reading Multiple Values
If you have a buffer with multiple values sequentially encoded, you can choose to parse and read multiple values. This can be done using the `unpackMultiple` function/method, which can return an array of all the values it can sequentially parse within the provided buffer. For example:
let data = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]) // encodings of values 1, 2, and 3
let values = unpackMultiple(data) // [1, 2, 3]
Alternately, you can provide a callback function that is called as the parsing occurs with each value, and can optionally terminate the parsing by returning `false`:
let data = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]) // encodings of values 1, 2, and 3
unpackMultiple(data, (value) => {
// called for each value
// return false if you wish to end the parsing
## Options

@@ -138,2 +155,3 @@ The following options properties can be provided to the Encoder or Decoder constructor:

* `useTimestamp32` - Encode JS `Date`s in 32-bit format when possible by dropping the milliseconds. This is a more efficient encoding of dates. You can also cause dates to use 32-bit format by manually setting the milliseconds to zero (`date.setMilliseconds(0)`).
* `largeBigIntToFloat` - If a bigint needs to be encoded that is larger than will fit in 64-bit integers, it will be encoded as a float-64 (otherwise will throw a RangeError).

@@ -217,3 +235,26 @@ ### 32-bit Float Options

If you want to use msgpackr to encode and decode the data within your extensions, you can use the `read` and `write` functions and read and write data/objects that will be encoded and decoded by msgpackr, which can be easier and faster than creating and receiving separate buffers (note that you can't just return the instance from `write` or msgpackr will recursively try to use extension infinitely):
import { addExtension, Packr } from 'msgpackr';
class MyCustomClass {...}
let extPackr = new Packr();
Class: MyCustomClass,
type: 11, // register your own extension code (a type code from 1-100)
write(instance) {
// define how your custom class should be encoded
return instance.myData; // return some data to be encoded
read(data) {
// define how your custom class should be decoded,
// data will already be unpacked/decoded
let instance = new MyCustomClass();
instance.myData = data;
return instance; // return decoded value
## Unknown Tags

@@ -253,3 +294,3 @@ If no extension is registered for a tag, the decoder will return an instance of the `Tag` class, where the value provided for the tag will be available in the `value` property of the `Tag` instance. The `Tag` class is an export of the package and decode module.

### Browser Consideration
It is worth noting that while cbor-x works well in modern browsers, the CBOR format itself is often not an ideal format for web use. If you want compact data, brotli or gzip are most effective in compressing, and CBOR's character frequency tends to defeat Huffman encoding used by these standard compression algorithms, resulting in less compact data than compressed JSON. The modern browser architecture is heavily optimized for parsing JSON from HTTP traffic, and it is difficult to achieve the same level of overall efficiency and ease with CBOR.
CBOR can be a great choice for high-performance data delivery to browsers, as reasonable data size is possible without compression. And msgpackr works very well in modern browsers. However, it is worth noting that if you want highly compact data, brotli or gzip are most effective in compressing, and CBOR's character frequency tends to defeat Huffman encoding used by these standard compression algorithms, resulting in less compact data than compressed JSON.

@@ -256,0 +297,0 @@ ### Credits

@@ -1,8 +0,7 @@

"use strict"
var Transform = require('stream').Transform
var Encoder = require('./encode').Encoder
const { read, getPosition, Decoder, clearSource } = require('./decode')
import { Transform } from 'stream'
import { Encoder } from './encode.js'
import { read, getPosition, Decoder, clearSource } from './decode.js'
var DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {objectMode: true}
class EncoderStream extends Transform {
export class EncoderStream extends Transform {
constructor(options) {

@@ -26,3 +25,3 @@ if (!options)

class DecoderStream extends Transform {
export class DecoderStream extends Transform {
constructor(options) {

@@ -62,4 +61,1 @@ if (!options)

exports.EncoderStream = EncoderStream
exports.DecoderStream = DecoderStream

@@ -1,4 +0,6 @@

var data = require('./example4.json');
import * as data from './example4.json';
import * as msgpackr from '..'
import * as chai from 'chai'
function tryRequire(module) {
/*function tryRequire(module) {
try {

@@ -9,3 +11,3 @@ return require(module)

if (typeof chai === 'undefined') { chai = require('chai') }
//if (typeof chai === 'undefined') { chai = require('chai') }
assert = chai.assert

@@ -16,2 +18,7 @@ if (typeof cborX === 'undefined') { cborX = require('..') }

var encode = cborX.encode
//if (typeof msgpackr === 'undefined') { msgpackr = require('..') }
var msgpack_msgpack = tryRequire('@msgpack/msgpack');
var msgpack_lite = tryRequire('msgpack-lite');*/
var unpack = msgpackr.unpack
var pack = msgpackr.pack

@@ -18,0 +25,0 @@ addCompatibilitySuite = (data) => () => {

@@ -1,4 +0,6 @@

//var inspector = require('inspector')
//, null, true)
import * as CBOR from '../index.js'
import chai from 'chai'
import sampleData from './example4.json'
//import inspector from 'inspector';, null, true); debugger
function tryRequire(module) {

@@ -11,5 +13,4 @@ try {

if (typeof chai === 'undefined') { chai = require('chai') }
assert = chai.assert
if (typeof CBOR === 'undefined') { CBOR = require('..') }
var assert = chai.assert
var Encoder = CBOR.Encoder

@@ -30,3 +31,2 @@ var EncoderStream = CBOR.EncoderStream

var constants = zlib.constants
try {

@@ -36,12 +36,3 @@ // var { decode, encode } = require('msgencode-lite')

if (typeof XMLHttpRequest === 'undefined') {
var fs = require('fs')
var sampleData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/example5.json'))
} else {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()'GET', 'example4.json', false)
var sampleData = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)
var ITERATIONS = 10000
var ITERATIONS = 4000

@@ -117,4 +108,36 @@ suite('CBOR basic tests', function(){

if (typeof Buffer != 'undefined')
test('replace data', function(){
var data1 = {
data: [
{ a: 1, name: 'one', type: 'odd', isOdd: true, a: '13 characters' },
{ a: 2, name: 'two', type: 'even', a: '11 characte' },
{ a: 3, name: 'three', type: 'odd', isOdd: true, a: '12 character' },
{ a: 4, name: 'four', type: 'even', a: '9 charact'},
{ a: 5, name: 'five', type: 'odd', isOdd: true, a: '14 characters!' },
{ a: 6, name: 'six', type: 'even', isOdd: null }
var data2 = {
data: [
{ foo: 7, name: 'one', type: 'odd', isOdd: true },
{ foo: 8, name: 'two', type: 'even'},
{ foo: 9, name: 'three', type: 'odd', isOdd: true },
{ foo: 10, name: 'four', type: 'even'},
{ foo: 11, name: 'five', type: 'odd', isOdd: true },
{ foo: 12, name: 'six', type: 'even', isOdd: null }
var serialized1 = encode(data1)
var serialized2 = encode(data2)
var b = Buffer.alloc(8000)
var deserialized1 = decode(b, serialized1.length)
var deserialized2 = decode(b, serialized2.length)
assert.deepEqual(deserialized1, data1)
assert.deepEqual(deserialized2, data2)
test('extended class', function(){
test('extended class encode/decode', function(){
function Extended() {

@@ -154,2 +177,3 @@

test.skip('text decoder', function() {

@@ -195,3 +219,3 @@ let td = new TextDecoder('ISO-8859-15')

test('structured cloning: types', function() {
let b = Buffer.alloc(20)
let b = typeof Buffer != 'undefined' ? Buffer.alloc(20) : new Uint8Array(20)
let fa = new Float32Array(b.buffer, 8, 2)

@@ -223,2 +247,32 @@ fa[0] = 2.25

test('object without prototype', function(){
var data = Object.create(null)
data.test = 3
var serialized = encode(data)
var deserialized = decode(serialized)
assert.deepEqual(deserialized, data)
test('big buffer', function() {
var size = 100000000
var data = new Uint8Array(size).fill(1)
var encoded = encode(data)
var decoded = decode(encoded)
assert.equal(decoded.length, size)
test('random strings', function(){
var data = []
for (var i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
var str = 'test'
while (Math.random() < 0.7 && str.length < 0x100000) {
str = str + String.fromCharCode(90/(Math.random() + 0.01)) + str
var serialized = encode(data)
var deserialized = decode(serialized)
assert.deepEqual(deserialized, data)
test('map/date', function(){

@@ -282,2 +336,20 @@ var map = new Map()

test('strings', function() {
var data = ['']
var serialized = encode(data)
var deserialized = decode(serialized)
assert.deepEqual(deserialized, data)
// do multiple times
var serialized = encode(data)
var deserialized = decode(serialized)
assert.deepEqual(deserialized, data)
data = 'decode this: ᾜ'
var serialized = encode(data)
var deserialized = decode(serialized)
assert.deepEqual(deserialized, data)
data = 'decode this that is longer but without any non-latin characters'
var serialized = encode(data)
var deserialized = decode(serialized)
assert.deepEqual(deserialized, data)
test('decimal float32', function() {

@@ -294,3 +366,3 @@ var data = {

var serialized = encoder.encode(data)
assert.equal(serialized.length, 37)
assert.equal(serialized.length, 35)
var deserialized = encoder.decode(serialized)

@@ -327,2 +399,24 @@ assert.deepEqual(deserialized, data)

test('bigint', function(){
var data = {
bigintSmall: 352n,
bigintSmallNegative: -333335252n,
bigintBig: 2n**64n - 1n, // biggest possible
bigintBigNegative: -(2n**63n), // largest negative
mixedWithNormal: 44,
var serialized = encode(data)
var deserialized = decode(serialized)
assert.deepEqual(deserialized, data)
var tooBigInt = {
tooBig: 2n**66n
assert.throws(function(){ serialized = encode(tooBigInt) })
let encoder = new Encoder({
largeBigIntToFloat: true
serialized = encoder.encode(tooBigInt)
deserialized = decode(serialized)
assert.isTrue(deserialized.tooBig > 2n**65n)

@@ -364,35 +458,12 @@ test('buffers', function() {

var serialized = encode(data)
deserialized = decode(serialized)
var deserialized = decode(serialized)
assert.deepEqual(deserialized, data)
if (EncoderStream) {
test('serialize/parse stream', () => {
const serializeStream = new EncoderStream({
const parseStream = new DecoderStream()
const received = []
parseStream.on('data', data => {
const messages = [{
name: 'first'
}, {
name: 'second'
}, {
name: 'third'
}, {
name: 'third',
extra: [1, 3, { foo: 'hi'}, 'bye']
for (const message of messages)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
assert.deepEqual(received, messages)
}, 10)
test('decodeMultiple', () => {
let values = CBOR.decodeMultiple(new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4]))
assert.deepEqual(values, [1, 2, 3, 4])
values = []
CBOR.decodeMultiple(new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4]), value => values.push(value))
assert.deepEqual(values, [1, 2, 3, 4])

@@ -436,3 +507,3 @@ })

let encoder = new Encoder({ structures })
let buffer = Buffer.alloc(0x10000)
let buffer = typeof Buffer != 'undefined' ? Buffer.alloc(0x10000) : new Uint8Array(0x10000)

@@ -439,0 +510,0 @@ for (var i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) {

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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