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chart.js - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.0.0-beta.3 to 3.0.0-beta.4



* Chart.js v3.0.0-beta.3
* Chart.js vv3.0.0-beta.4

@@ -7,2 +7,2 @@ * (c) 2020 Chart.js Contributors

export { A as Animation, F as Animations, E as Animator, as as Arc, B as BarController, a$ as BasePlatform, b0 as BasicPlatform, e as BubbleController, bq as CategoryScale, Q as Chart, T as ChartItem, bH as ChartTypeEnum, aJ as Color, W as DatasetController, z as DateAdapter, bA as DeepPartial, bO as DefaultDataPoint, Y as Defaults, bB as DistributiveArray, b1 as DomPlatform, D as DoughnutController, aY as EasingFunction, $ as Element, b4 as FillTarget, b2 as Filler, G as IAnimationCommonSpec, C as IAnimationEvent, K as IAnimationOptions, H as IAnimationPropertySpec, J as IAnimationSpecContainer, ar as IArcHoverOptions, aq as IArcOptions, ap as IArcProps, b as IBarControllerChartOptions, a as IBarControllerDatasetOptions, c as IBubbleControllerDatasetOptions, d as IBubbleDataPoint, bo as ICartesianScaleOptions, bE as ICartesianScaleTypeRegistry, bp as ICategoryScaleOptions, M as IChartAnimationOptions, aO as IChartArea, aM as IChartComponent, ab as IChartComponentLike, bS as IChartConfiguration, bR as IChartData, bQ as IChartDataset, bP as IChartDatasetProperties, N as IChartMeta, bN as IChartOptions, bI as IChartType, bJ as IChartTypeRegistry, an as ICommonHoverOptions, am as ICommonOptions, I as IControllerDatasetOptions, aX as ICoreChartOptions, af as ICoreScaleOptions, bL as IDatasetChartOptions, X as IDatasetControllerChartComponent, y as IDateAdapter, l as IDoughnutAnimationOptions, m as IDoughnutControllerChartOptions, k as IDoughnutControllerDatasetOptions, n as IDoughnutDataPoint, aI as IElementChartOptions, aW as IElementOptions, aK as IEvent, b5 as IFillTarget, b6 as IFillerControllerDatasetOptions, b3 as IFillerOptions, aZ as IFontSpec, bm as IGridLineOptions, aV as IHoverInteractionOptions, a3 as IInteractionMode, a0 as IInteractionOptions, a7 as ILayoutItem, bb as ILegendChartOptions, b8 as ILegendItem, ba as ILegendOptions, g as ILineControllerChartOptions, f as ILineControllerDatasetOptions, av as ILineHoverOptions, au as ILineOptions, at as ILineProps, br as ILinearScaleOptions, bt as ILogarithmicScaleOptions, aP as IPadding, O as IParsingOptions, q as IPieAnimationOptions, p as IPieControllerChartOptions, o as IPieControllerDatasetOptions, r as IPieDataPoint, aa as IPlugin, aL as IPoint, aA as IPointHoverOptions, az as IPointOptions, aC as IPointPrefixedHoverOptions, aB as IPointPrefixedOptions, ax as IPointProps, t as IPolarAreaAnimationOptions, u as IPolarAreaControllerChartOptions, s as IPolarAreaControllerDatasetOptions, x as IRadarControllerChartOptions, w as IRadarControllerDatasetOptions, by as IRadialLinearScaleOptions, bF as IRadialScaleTypeRegistry, aG as IRectangleHoverOptions, aF as IRectangleOptions, aE as IRectangleProps, bM as IScaleChartOptions, bK as IScaleOptions, bD as IScaleType, bG as IScaleTypeRegistry, j as IScatterControllerChartOptions, h as IScatterControllerDatasetOptions, i as IScatterDataPoint, ah as IScriptAbleScaleContext, aQ as IScriptableContext, ao as ISegment, ae as ITick, bn as ITickOptions, bv as ITimeScaleOptions, be as ITitleChartOptions, bd as ITitleOptions, bh as ITooltipCallbacks, bk as ITooltipChartOptions, bl as ITooltipItem, bj as ITooltipOptions, bi as ITooltipPlugin, al as IVisualElement, a5 as Interaction, a1 as InteractionItem, a4 as InteractionMode, a2 as InteractionModeFunction, a6 as LayoutPosition, b7 as Legend, b9 as LegendElement, aw as Line, L as LineController, bs as LinearScale, bu as LogarithmicScale, P as PieController, a9 as PluginService, aD as Point, ay as PointStyle, v as PolarAreaController, R as RadarController, bz as RadialLinearScale, aH as Rectangle, ac as Registry, ag as Scale, bC as ScaleTypeEnum, S as ScatterController, ai as ScriptAbleScale, aR as Scriptable, aT as ScriptableAndArray, aU as ScriptableAndArrayOptions, aS as ScriptableOptions, a_ as TextAlign, aj as Ticks, bw as TimeScale, bx as TimeSeriesScale, aN as TimeUnit, bc as Title, bg as Tooltip, bf as TooltipModel, ak as TypedRegistry, V as UpdateMode, U as UpdateModeEnum, _ as _adapters, Z as defaults, a8 as layouts, ad as registry } from './chunks/index';
export { Q as ActiveDataPoint, T as ActiveElement, A as Animation, F as Animations, E as Animator, au as Arc, B as BarController, b1 as BasePlatform, b2 as BasicPlatform, e as BubbleController, bs as CategoryScale, U as Chart, V as ChartItem, aL as Color, Y as DatasetController, z as DateAdapter, bC as DeepPartial, bO as DefaultDataPoint, $ as Defaults, bD as DistributiveArray, b3 as DomPlatform, D as DoughnutController, a_ as EasingFunction, a1 as Element, b6 as FillTarget, b4 as Filler, G as IAnimationCommonSpec, C as IAnimationEvent, K as IAnimationOptions, H as IAnimationPropertySpec, J as IAnimationSpecContainer, at as IArcHoverOptions, as as IArcOptions, ar as IArcProps, b as IBarControllerChartOptions, a as IBarControllerDatasetOptions, c as IBubbleControllerDatasetOptions, d as IBubbleDataPoint, bq as ICartesianScaleOptions, bE as ICartesianScaleTypeRegistry, br as ICategoryScaleOptions, M as IChartAnimationOptions, aQ as IChartArea, aO as IChartComponent, ad as IChartComponentLike, bS as IChartConfiguration, bR as IChartData, bQ as IChartDataset, bP as IChartDatasetProperties, N as IChartMeta, bN as IChartOptions, bJ as IChartType, bI as IChartTypeRegistry, ap as ICommonHoverOptions, ao as ICommonOptions, I as IControllerDatasetOptions, aZ as ICoreChartOptions, ah as ICoreScaleOptions, bL as IDatasetChartOptions, Z as IDatasetControllerChartComponent, y as IDateAdapter, l as IDoughnutAnimationOptions, m as IDoughnutControllerChartOptions, k as IDoughnutControllerDatasetOptions, n as IDoughnutDataPoint, aK as IElementChartOptions, aY as IElementOptions, aM as IEvent, b7 as IFillTarget, b8 as IFillerControllerDatasetOptions, b5 as IFillerOptions, a$ as IFontSpec, bo as IGridLineOptions, aX as IHoverInteractionOptions, a5 as IInteractionMode, a2 as IInteractionOptions, a9 as ILayoutItem, bd as ILegendChartOptions, ba as ILegendItem, bc as ILegendOptions, g as ILineControllerChartOptions, f as ILineControllerDatasetOptions, ax as ILineHoverOptions, aw as ILineOptions, av as ILineProps, bt as ILinearScaleOptions, bv as ILogarithmicScaleOptions, aR as IPadding, O as IParsingOptions, q as IPieAnimationOptions, p as IPieControllerChartOptions, o as IPieControllerDatasetOptions, r as IPieDataPoint, ac as IPlugin, aN as IPoint, aC as IPointHoverOptions, aB as IPointOptions, aE as IPointPrefixedHoverOptions, aD as IPointPrefixedOptions, az as IPointProps, t as IPolarAreaAnimationOptions, u as IPolarAreaControllerChartOptions, s as IPolarAreaControllerDatasetOptions, x as IRadarControllerChartOptions, w as IRadarControllerDatasetOptions, bA as IRadialLinearScaleOptions, bF as IRadialScaleTypeRegistry, aI as IRectangleHoverOptions, aH as IRectangleOptions, aG as IRectangleProps, bM as IScaleChartOptions, bK as IScaleOptions, bH as IScaleType, bG as IScaleTypeRegistry, j as IScatterControllerChartOptions, h as IScatterControllerDatasetOptions, i as IScatterDataPoint, aj as IScriptAbleScaleContext, aS as IScriptableContext, aq as ISegment, ag as ITick, bp as ITickOptions, bx as ITimeScaleOptions, bg as ITitleChartOptions, bf as ITitleOptions, bj as ITooltipCallbacks, bm as ITooltipChartOptions, bn as ITooltipItem, bl as ITooltipOptions, bk as ITooltipPlugin, an as IVisualElement, a7 as Interaction, a3 as InteractionItem, a6 as InteractionMode, a4 as InteractionModeFunction, a8 as LayoutPosition, b9 as Legend, bb as LegendElement, ay as Line, L as LineController, bu as LinearScale, bw as LogarithmicScale, P as PieController, ab as PluginService, aF as Point, aA as PointStyle, v as PolarAreaController, R as RadarController, bB as RadialLinearScale, aJ as Rectangle, ae as Registry, ai as Scale, S as ScatterController, ak as ScriptAbleScale, aT as Scriptable, aV as ScriptableAndArray, aW as ScriptableAndArrayOptions, aU as ScriptableOptions, b0 as TextAlign, al as Ticks, by as TimeScale, bz as TimeSeriesScale, aP as TimeUnit, be as Title, bi as Tooltip, bh as TooltipModel, am as TypedRegistry, X as UpdateMode, W as UpdateModeEnum, _ as _adapters, a0 as defaults, aa as layouts, af as registry } from './chunks/index';
* Chart.js v3.0.0-beta.3
* Chart.js vv3.0.0-beta.4

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ * (c) 2020 Chart.js Contributors

import { aO as IChartArea, ay as PointStyle, aY as EasingFunction, aZ as IFontSpec } from './chunks/index';
import { aQ as IChartArea, aA as PointStyle, a_ as EasingFunction, a$ as IFontSpec } from './chunks/index';

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@ /**

* Chart.js v3.0.0-beta.3
* Chart.js vv3.0.0-beta.4

@@ -7,2 +7,2 @@ * (c) 2020 Chart.js Contributors

export { O as _alignPixel, W as _angleBetween, at as _angleDiff, ai as _arrayUnique, a3 as _bezierCurveTo, a0 as _bezierInterpolation, a7 as _boundSegment, Z as _boundSegments, _ as _capitalize, Y as _computeSegments, ad as _decimalPlaces, an as _deprecated, U as _elementsEqual, Q as _factorize, ah as _filterBetween, E as _getParentNode, N as _int32Range, z as _isPointInArea, k as _limitValue, ag as _longestText, aj as _lookup, w as _lookupByKey, M as _measureText, j as _merger, am as _mergerIf, a6 as _normalizeAngle, a1 as _pointInLine, A as _rlookupByKey, ac as _setMinAndMaxByKey, $ as _steppedInterpolation, a2 as _steppedLineTo, X as _updateBezierControlPoints, ae as almostEquals, af as almostWhole, K as callback, T as clear, o as clipArea, al as clone, c as color, ab as distanceBetweenPoints, a4 as drawPoint, C as each, e as easingEffects, ak as fontString, V as getAngleFromPoint, g as getHoverColor, D as getMaximumSize, y as getRelativePosition, a8 as getRtlAdapter, ar as getStyle, b as isArray, J as isFinite, q as isNullOrUndef, t as isNumber, i as isObject, l as listenArrayEvents, I as log10, m as merge, h as mergeIf, n as noop, a9 as overrideTextDirection, F as readUsedSize, r as requestAnimFrame, a as resolve, f as resolveObjectKey, aa as restoreTextDirection, S as retinaScale, s as sign, ap as splineCurve, aq as splineCurveMonotone, H as supportsEventListenerOptions, L as toDegrees, P as toFont, ao as toFontString, as as toLineHeight, B as toPadding, x as toRadians, a5 as toTRBL, R as uid, p as unclipArea, u as unlistenArrayEvents, v as valueOrDefault } from './chunks/helpers.rtl.js';
export { H as HALF_PI, ab as INFINITY, P as PI, ax as PITAU, az as QUARTER_PI, ay as RAD_PER_DEG, T as TAU, aA as TWO_THIRDS_PI, Q as _alignPixel, Z as _angleBetween, aB as _angleDiff, am as _arrayUnique, a6 as _bezierCurveTo, a3 as _bezierInterpolation, aa as _boundSegment, a1 as _boundSegments, _ as _capitalize, a0 as _computeSegments, ah as _decimalPlaces, ar as _deprecated, X as _elementsEqual, S as _factorize, al as _filterBetween, E as _getParentNode, O as _int16Range, z as _isPointInArea, o as _limitValue, ak as _longestText, an as _lookup, x as _lookupByKey, N as _measureText, j as _merger, aq as _mergerIf, a9 as _normalizeAngle, a4 as _pointInLine, A as _rlookupByKey, ag as _setMinAndMaxByKey, a2 as _steppedInterpolation, a5 as _steppedLineTo, $ as _updateBezierControlPoints, ai as almostEquals, aj as almostWhole, L as callback, W as clear, p as clipArea, ap as clone, c as color, af as distanceBetweenPoints, a7 as drawPoint, C as each, e as easingEffects, ao as fontString, Y as getAngleFromPoint, g as getHoverColor, D as getMaximumSize, y as getRelativePosition, ac as getRtlAdapter, av as getStyle, b as isArray, K as isFinite, k as isNullOrUndef, w as isNumber, i as isObject, l as listenArrayEvents, J as log10, m as merge, h as mergeIf, n as noop, ad as overrideTextDirection, F as readUsedSize, r as requestAnimFrame, a as resolve, f as resolveObjectKey, ae as restoreTextDirection, V as retinaScale, s as sign, at as splineCurve, au as splineCurveMonotone, I as supportsEventListenerOptions, M as toDegrees, R as toFont, as as toFontString, aw as toLineHeight, B as toPadding, t as toRadians, a8 as toTRBL, U as uid, q as unclipArea, u as unlistenArrayEvents, v as valueOrDefault } from './chunks/helpers.easing.js';

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ {

"description": "Simple HTML5 charts using the canvas element.",
"version": "3.0.0-beta.3",
"version": "v3.0.0-beta.4",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -8,0 +8,0 @@ "jsdelivr": "dist/chart.min.js",

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ <p align="center">

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@@ -11,0 +11,0 @@ <a href=""><img src="" alt="Awesome"></a>

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