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chart.js - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.0.0-beta.5 to 3.0.0-beta.6


* Chart.js vv3.0.0-beta.5
* Chart.js v3.0.0-beta.6

@@ -7,2 +7,2 @@ * (c) 2020 Chart.js Contributors

export { Q as ActiveDataPoint, T as ActiveElement, A as Animation, F as Animations, E as Animator, au as ArcElement, B as BarController, aK as BarElement, b2 as BasePlatform, b3 as BasicPlatform, e as BubbleController, bu as CategoryScale, U as Chart, V as ChartItem, aM as Color, Y as DatasetController, z as DateAdapter, bE as DeepPartial, bQ as DefaultDataPoint, $ as Defaults, bF as DistributiveArray, b4 as DomPlatform, D as DoughnutController, a$ as EasingFunction, a1 as Element, b7 as FillTarget, b5 as Filler, G as IAnimationCommonSpec, C as IAnimationEvent, K as IAnimationOptions, H as IAnimationPropertySpec, J as IAnimationSpecContainer, at as IArcHoverOptions, as as IArcOptions, ar as IArcProps, b as IBarControllerChartOptions, a as IBarControllerDatasetOptions, aJ as IBarHoverOptions, aH as IBarOptions, aG as IBarProps, aI as IBorderRadius, c as IBubbleControllerDatasetOptions, d as IBubbleDataPoint, bs as ICartesianScaleOptions, bG as ICartesianScaleTypeRegistry, bt as ICategoryScaleOptions, M as IChartAnimationOptions, aR as IChartArea, aP as IChartComponent, ad as IChartComponentLike, bU as IChartConfiguration, bT as IChartData, bS as IChartDataset, bR as IChartDatasetProperties, N as IChartMeta, bP as IChartOptions, bL as IChartType, bK as IChartTypeRegistry, ap as ICommonHoverOptions, ao as ICommonOptions, I as IControllerDatasetOptions, a_ as ICoreChartOptions, ah as ICoreScaleOptions, bN as IDatasetChartOptions, Z as IDatasetControllerChartComponent, y as IDateAdapter, l as IDoughnutAnimationOptions, m as IDoughnutControllerChartOptions, k as IDoughnutControllerDatasetOptions, n as IDoughnutDataPoint, aL as IElementChartOptions, aZ as IElementOptions, aN as IEvent, b8 as IFillTarget, b9 as IFillerControllerDatasetOptions, b6 as IFillerOptions, b0 as IFontSpec, bq as IGridLineOptions, aY as IHoverInteractionOptions, a5 as IInteractionMode, a2 as IInteractionOptions, a9 as ILayoutItem, be as ILegendChartOptions, bb as ILegendItem, bd as ILegendOptions, g as ILineControllerChartOptions, f as ILineControllerDatasetOptions, ax as ILineHoverOptions, aw as ILineOptions, av as ILineProps, bv as ILinearScaleOptions, bx as ILogarithmicScaleOptions, aS as IPadding, O as IParsingOptions, q as IPieAnimationOptions, p as IPieControllerChartOptions, o as IPieControllerDatasetOptions, r as IPieDataPoint, ac as IPlugin, aO as IPoint, aC as IPointHoverOptions, aB as IPointOptions, aE as IPointPrefixedHoverOptions, aD as IPointPrefixedOptions, az as IPointProps, t as IPolarAreaAnimationOptions, u as IPolarAreaControllerChartOptions, s as IPolarAreaControllerDatasetOptions, x as IRadarControllerChartOptions, w as IRadarControllerDatasetOptions, bC as IRadialLinearScaleOptions, bH as IRadialScaleTypeRegistry, bO as IScaleChartOptions, bM as IScaleOptions, bJ as IScaleType, bI as IScaleTypeRegistry, j as IScatterControllerChartOptions, h as IScatterControllerDatasetOptions, i as IScatterDataPoint, aj as IScriptAbleScaleContext, aT as IScriptableContext, aq as ISegment, ag as ITick, br as ITickOptions, bz as ITimeScaleOptions, bh as ITitleChartOptions, bg as ITitleOptions, bl as ITooltipCallbacks, bo as ITooltipChartOptions, bp as ITooltipItem, bn as ITooltipOptions, bm as ITooltipPlugin, an as IVisualElement, a7 as Interaction, a3 as InteractionItem, a6 as InteractionMode, a4 as InteractionModeFunction, a8 as LayoutPosition, ba as Legend, bc as LegendElement, L as LineController, ay as LineElement, bw as LinearScale, by as LogarithmicScale, P as PieController, ab as PluginService, aF as PointElement, aA as PointStyle, v as PolarAreaController, R as RadarController, bD as RadialLinearScale, ae as Registry, ai as Scale, S as ScatterController, ak as ScriptAbleScale, aU as Scriptable, aW as ScriptableAndArray, aX as ScriptableAndArrayOptions, aV as ScriptableOptions, b1 as TextAlign, al as Ticks, bA as TimeScale, bB as TimeSeriesScale, aQ as TimeUnit, bf as Title, bk as Tooltip, bi as TooltipAlignment, bj as TooltipModel, am as TypedRegistry, X as UpdateMode, W as UpdateModeEnum, _ as _adapters, a0 as defaults, aa as layouts, af as registry } from './chunks/index';
export { J as ActiveDataPoint, K as ActiveElement, E as Animation, aW as AnimationCommonSpec, F as AnimationEvent, aZ as AnimationOptions, aX as AnimationPropertySpec, aY as AnimationSpecContainer, H as Animations, G as Animator, ap as ArcElement, ao as ArcHoverOptions, an as ArcOptions, am as ArcProps, b as BarController, a as BarControllerChartOptions, B as BarControllerDatasetOptions, aF as BarElement, aE as BarHoverOptions, aC as BarOptions, aB as BarProps, b0 as BasePlatform, b1 as BasicPlatform, aD as BorderRadius, e as BubbleController, c as BubbleControllerDatasetOptions, d as BubbleDataPoint, bs as CartesianScaleOptions, bG as CartesianScaleTypeRegistry, bu as CategoryScale, bt as CategoryScaleOptions, M as Chart, aM as ChartArea, aK as ChartComponent, a8 as ChartComponentLike, bU as ChartConfiguration, bT as ChartData, bS as ChartDataset, bR as ChartDatasetProperties, aI as ChartEvent, N as ChartItem, I as ChartMeta, bP as ChartOptions, bL as ChartType, bK as ChartTypeRegistry, aH as Color, ak as CommonHoverOptions, aj as CommonOptions, b6 as ComplexFillTarget, C as ControllerDatasetOptions, aU as CoreChartOptions, aS as CoreInteractionOptions, ac as CoreScaleOptions, bN as DatasetChartOptions, Q as DatasetController, T as DatasetControllerChartComponent, A as DateAdapter, z as DateAdapterBase, bE as DeepPartial, bQ as DefaultDataPoint, V as Defaults, bF as DistributiveArray, b2 as DomPlatform, k as DoughnutAnimationOptions, n as DoughnutController, l as DoughnutControllerChartOptions, D as DoughnutControllerDatasetOptions, m as DoughnutDataPoint, aV as EasingFunction, X as Element, aG as ElementChartOptions, b5 as FillTarget, b3 as Filler, b7 as FillerControllerDatasetOptions, b4 as FillerOptions, a_ as FontSpec, bq as GridLineOptions, aT as HoverInteractionOptions, a2 as Interaction, Z as InteractionItem, a1 as InteractionMode, $ as InteractionModeFunction, a0 as InteractionModeMap, Y as InteractionOptions, a4 as LayoutItem, a3 as LayoutPosition, b8 as Legend, bc as LegendChartOptions, ba as LegendElement, b9 as LegendItem, bb as LegendOptions, g as LineController, f as LineControllerChartOptions, L as LineControllerDatasetOptions, at as LineElement, as as LineHoverOptions, ar as LineOptions, aq as LineProps, bw as LinearScale, bv as LinearScaleOptions, by as LogarithmicScale, bx as LogarithmicScaleOptions, P as ParsingOptions, q as PieAnimationOptions, s as PieController, p as PieControllerChartOptions, o as PieControllerDatasetOptions, r as PieDataPoint, a7 as Plugin, bp as PluginChartOptions, bo as PluginOptions, a6 as PluginService, aJ as Point, aA as PointElement, ax as PointHoverOptions, aw as PointOptions, az as PointPrefixedHoverOptions, ay as PointPrefixedOptions, au as PointProps, av as PointStyle, u as PolarAreaAnimationOptions, w as PolarAreaController, v as PolarAreaControllerChartOptions, t as PolarAreaControllerDatasetOptions, y as RadarController, x as RadarControllerChartOptions, R as RadarControllerDatasetOptions, bD as RadialLinearScale, bC as RadialLinearScaleOptions, bH as RadialScaleTypeRegistry, a9 as Registry, ad as Scale, bO as ScaleChartOptions, bM as ScaleOptions, bJ as ScaleType, bI as ScaleTypeRegistry, j as ScatterController, i as ScatterControllerChartOptions, S as ScatterControllerDatasetOptions, h as ScatterDataPoint, af as ScriptAbleScale, ae as ScriptAbleScaleContext, aO as Scriptable, aQ as ScriptableAndArray, aR as ScriptableAndArrayOptions, aN as ScriptableContext, aP as ScriptableOptions, al as Segment, a$ as TextAlign, ab as Tick, br as TickOptions, ag as Ticks, bA as TimeScale, bz as TimeScaleOptions, bB as TimeSeriesScale, aL as TimeUnit, bd as Title, bf as TitleChartOptions, be as TitleOptions, bi as Tooltip, bg as TooltipAlignment, bj as TooltipCallbacks, bm as TooltipChartOptions, bn as TooltipItem, bh as TooltipModel, bl as TooltipOptions, bk as TooltipPlugin, ah as TypedRegistry, O as UpdateMode, U as UpdateModeEnum, ai as VisualElement, _ as _adapters, W as defaults, a5 as layouts, aa as registry } from './chunks/index';
* Chart.js vv3.0.0-beta.5
* Chart.js v3.0.0-beta.6

@@ -545,5 +545,4 @@ * (c) 2020 Chart.js Contributors

this.scale = undefined;
this.doughnut = undefined;
this.scales = {};
this.controllers = undefined;
this.controllers = {};

@@ -2091,2 +2090,2 @@ set(scope, values) {

export { _angleBetween as $, _isPointInArea as A, _rlookupByKey as B, toPadding as C, each as D, getMaximumSize as E, _getParentNode as F, readUsedSize as G, HALF_PI as H, throttled as I, supportsEventListenerOptions as J, log10 as K, isNumberFinite as L, callback as M, toDegrees as N, _measureText as O, PI as P, _int16Range as Q, _alignPixel as R, toFont as S, TAU as T, _factorize as U, uid as V, retinaScale as W, clear as X, _elementsEqual as Y, getAngleFromPoint as Z, _capitalize as _, resolve as a, _updateBezierControlPoints as a0, _computeSegments as a1, _boundSegments as a2, _steppedInterpolation as a3, _bezierInterpolation as a4, _pointInLine as a5, _steppedLineTo as a6, _bezierCurveTo as a7, drawPoint as a8, toTRBL as a9, QUARTER_PI as aA, TWO_THIRDS_PI as aB, _angleDiff as aC, toTRBLCorners as aa, _normalizeAngle as ab, _boundSegment as ac, INFINITY as ad, getRtlAdapter as ae, overrideTextDirection as af, restoreTextDirection as ag, distanceBetweenPoints as ah, _setMinAndMaxByKey as ai, _decimalPlaces as aj, almostEquals as ak, almostWhole as al, _longestText as am, _filterBetween as an, _lookup as ao, fontString as ap, clone as aq, _mergerIf as ar, _deprecated as as, toFontString as at, splineCurve as au, splineCurveMonotone as av, getStyle as aw, toLineHeight as ax, PITAU as ay, RAD_PER_DEG as az, isArray as b, color as c, defaults as d, effects as e, resolveObjectKey as f, getHoverColor as g, mergeIf as h, isObject as i, _merger as j, isNullOrUndef as k, listenArrayEvents as l, merge as m, noop as n, _limitValue as o, clipArea as p, unclipArea as q, requestAnimFrame as r, sign as s, _arrayUnique as t, unlistenArrayEvents as u, valueOrDefault as v, toRadians as w, isNumber as x, _lookupByKey as y, getRelativePosition as z };
export { _angleBetween as $, _isPointInArea as A, _rlookupByKey as B, toPadding as C, each as D, getMaximumSize as E, _getParentNode as F, readUsedSize as G, HALF_PI as H, throttled as I, supportsEventListenerOptions as J, log10 as K, isNumberFinite as L, callback as M, toDegrees as N, _measureText as O, PI as P, _int16Range as Q, _alignPixel as R, toFont as S, TAU as T, _factorize as U, uid as V, retinaScale as W, clear as X, _elementsEqual as Y, getAngleFromPoint as Z, _capitalize as _, resolve as a, _updateBezierControlPoints as a0, _computeSegments as a1, _boundSegments as a2, _steppedInterpolation as a3, _bezierInterpolation as a4, _pointInLine as a5, _steppedLineTo as a6, _bezierCurveTo as a7, drawPoint as a8, toTRBL as a9, QUARTER_PI as aA, TWO_THIRDS_PI as aB, _angleDiff as aC, toTRBLCorners as aa, _normalizeAngle as ab, _boundSegment as ac, INFINITY as ad, getRtlAdapter as ae, overrideTextDirection as af, restoreTextDirection as ag, distanceBetweenPoints as ah, _setMinAndMaxByKey as ai, _decimalPlaces as aj, almostEquals as ak, almostWhole as al, _longestText as am, _filterBetween as an, _lookup as ao, fontString as ap, clone as aq, _mergerIf as ar, _deprecated as as, toFontString as at, splineCurve as au, splineCurveMonotone as av, getStyle as aw, toLineHeight as ax, PITAU as ay, RAD_PER_DEG as az, isArray as b, color as c, defaults as d, effects as e, resolveObjectKey as f, getHoverColor as g, mergeIf as h, isObject as i, _merger as j, isNullOrUndef as k, listenArrayEvents as l, merge as m, noop as n, clipArea as o, unclipArea as p, _arrayUnique as q, requestAnimFrame as r, sign as s, toRadians as t, unlistenArrayEvents as u, valueOrDefault as v, isNumber as w, _limitValue as x, _lookupByKey as y, getRelativePosition as z };
* Chart.js vv3.0.0-beta.5
* Chart.js v3.0.0-beta.6

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ * (c) 2020 Chart.js Contributors

import { aR as IChartArea, aA as PointStyle, a$ as EasingFunction, b0 as IFontSpec } from './chunks/index';
import { aM as ChartArea, av as PointStyle, aV as EasingFunction, a_ as FontSpec } from './chunks/index';

@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ /**

declare function clipArea(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, area: IChartArea): void;
declare function clipArea(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, area: ChartArea): void;
declare function unclipArea(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D): void;
interface IDrawPointOptions {
interface DrawPointOptions {
pointStyle: PointStyle;

@@ -28,3 +28,3 @@ rotation?: number;

declare function drawPoint(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, options: IDrawPointOptions, x: number, y: number): void;
declare function drawPoint(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, options: DrawPointOptions, x: number, y: number): void;

@@ -38,3 +38,3 @@ /**

interface IArrayListener<T> {
interface ArrayListener<T> {
_onDataPush?(...item: T[]): void;

@@ -52,3 +52,3 @@ _onDataPop?(): void;

declare function listenArrayEvents<T>(array: T[], listener: IArrayListener<T>): void;
declare function listenArrayEvents<T>(array: T[], listener: ArrayListener<T>): void;

@@ -59,3 +59,3 @@ /**

declare function unlistenArrayEvents<T>(array: T[], listener: IArrayListener<T>): void;
declare function unlistenArrayEvents<T>(array: T[], listener: ArrayListener<T>): void;

@@ -192,3 +192,3 @@ declare function color(value: CanvasGradient): CanvasGradient;

interface IMergeOptions {
interface MergeOptions {
merger?: (key: string, target: any, source: any, options: any) => any;

@@ -205,13 +205,13 @@ }

declare function merge<T>(target: T, source: [], options?: IMergeOptions): T;
declare function merge<T, S1>(target: T, source: S1, options?: IMergeOptions): T & S1;
declare function merge<T, S1>(target: T, source: [S1], options?: IMergeOptions): T & S1;
declare function merge<T, S1, S2>(target: T, source: [S1, S2], options?: IMergeOptions): T & S1 & S2;
declare function merge<T, S1, S2, S3>(target: T, source: [S1, S2, S3], options?: IMergeOptions): T & S1 & S2 & S3;
declare function merge<T>(target: T, source: [], options?: MergeOptions): T;
declare function merge<T, S1>(target: T, source: S1, options?: MergeOptions): T & S1;
declare function merge<T, S1>(target: T, source: [S1], options?: MergeOptions): T & S1;
declare function merge<T, S1, S2>(target: T, source: [S1, S2], options?: MergeOptions): T & S1 & S2;
declare function merge<T, S1, S2, S3>(target: T, source: [S1, S2, S3], options?: MergeOptions): T & S1 & S2 & S3;
declare function merge<T, S1, S2, S3, S4>(
target: T,
source: [S1, S2, S3, S4],
options?: IMergeOptions
options?: MergeOptions
): T & S1 & S2 & S3 & S4;
declare function merge<T>(target: T, source: any[], options?: IMergeOptions): any;
declare function merge<T>(target: T, source: any[], options?: MergeOptions): any;

@@ -235,3 +235,3 @@ /**

interface ISplinePoint {
interface SplinePoint {
x: number;

@@ -246,12 +246,12 @@ y: number;

declare function splineCurve(
firstPoint: ISplinePoint & { skip?: boolean },
middlePoint: ISplinePoint,
afterPoint: ISplinePoint,
firstPoint: SplinePoint & { skip?: boolean },
middlePoint: SplinePoint,
afterPoint: SplinePoint,
t: number
): {
previous: ISplinePoint;
next: ISplinePoint;
previous: SplinePoint;
next: SplinePoint;
interface IMonotoneSplinePoint extends ISplinePoint {
interface MonotoneSplinePoint extends SplinePoint {
skip: boolean;

@@ -270,3 +270,3 @@ controlPointPreviousX?: number;

declare function splineCurveMonotone(points: readonly IMonotoneSplinePoint[]): void;
declare function splineCurveMonotone(points: readonly MonotoneSplinePoint[]): void;

@@ -318,3 +318,3 @@ declare function getMaximumSize(node: HTMLElement, width?: number, height?: number, aspectRatio?: number): { width: number, height: number };

interface ICanvasFontSpec extends IFontSpec {
interface CanvasFontSpec extends FontSpec {
string: string;

@@ -327,3 +327,3 @@ }

declare function toFont(options: Partial<IFontSpec>): ICanvasFontSpec;
declare function toFont(options: Partial<FontSpec>): CanvasFontSpec;

@@ -369,3 +369,3 @@ /**

interface IRTLAdapter {
interface RTLAdapter {
x(x: number): number;

@@ -377,3 +377,3 @@ setWidth(w: number): void;

declare function getRtlAdapter(rtl: boolean, rectX: number, width: number): IRTLAdapter;
declare function getRtlAdapter(rtl: boolean, rectX: number, width: number): RTLAdapter;

@@ -384,2 +384,2 @@ declare function overrideTextDirection(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, direction: 'ltr' | 'rtl'): void;

export { ColorModel, EasingFunctionSignature, IArrayListener, ICanvasFontSpec, IDrawPointOptions, IMergeOptions, IMonotoneSplinePoint, IRTLAdapter, ISplinePoint, almostEquals, almostWhole, callback, clear, clipArea, clone, color, distanceBetweenPoints, drawPoint, each, easingEffects, fontString, getAngleFromPoint, getHoverColor, getMaximumSize, getRelativePosition, getRtlAdapter, getStyle, isArray, isFinite, isNullOrUndef, isNumber, isObject, listenArrayEvents, log10, merge, mergeIf, noop, overrideTextDirection, requestAnimFrame, resolve, resolveObjectKey, restoreTextDirection, retinaScale, sign, splineCurve, splineCurveMonotone, toDegrees, toFont, toFontString, toLineHeight, toPadding, toRadians, uid, unclipArea, unlistenArrayEvents, valueOrDefault };
export { ArrayListener, CanvasFontSpec, ColorModel, DrawPointOptions, EasingFunctionSignature, MergeOptions, MonotoneSplinePoint, RTLAdapter, SplinePoint, almostEquals, almostWhole, callback, clear, clipArea, clone, color, distanceBetweenPoints, drawPoint, each, easingEffects, fontString, getAngleFromPoint, getHoverColor, getMaximumSize, getRelativePosition, getRtlAdapter, getStyle, isArray, isFinite, isNullOrUndef, isNumber, isObject, listenArrayEvents, log10, merge, mergeIf, noop, overrideTextDirection, requestAnimFrame, resolve, resolveObjectKey, restoreTextDirection, retinaScale, sign, splineCurve, splineCurveMonotone, toDegrees, toFont, toFontString, toLineHeight, toPadding, toRadians, uid, unclipArea, unlistenArrayEvents, valueOrDefault };
* Chart.js vv3.0.0-beta.5
* Chart.js v3.0.0-beta.6

@@ -7,2 +7,2 @@ * (c) 2020 Chart.js Contributors

export { H as HALF_PI, ad as INFINITY, P as PI, ay as PITAU, aA as QUARTER_PI, az as RAD_PER_DEG, T as TAU, aB as TWO_THIRDS_PI, R as _alignPixel, $ as _angleBetween, aC as _angleDiff, t as _arrayUnique, a7 as _bezierCurveTo, a4 as _bezierInterpolation, ac as _boundSegment, a2 as _boundSegments, _ as _capitalize, a1 as _computeSegments, aj as _decimalPlaces, as as _deprecated, Y as _elementsEqual, U as _factorize, an as _filterBetween, F as _getParentNode, Q as _int16Range, A as _isPointInArea, o as _limitValue, am as _longestText, ao as _lookup, y as _lookupByKey, O as _measureText, j as _merger, ar as _mergerIf, ab as _normalizeAngle, a5 as _pointInLine, B as _rlookupByKey, ai as _setMinAndMaxByKey, a3 as _steppedInterpolation, a6 as _steppedLineTo, a0 as _updateBezierControlPoints, ak as almostEquals, al as almostWhole, M as callback, X as clear, p as clipArea, aq as clone, c as color, ah as distanceBetweenPoints, a8 as drawPoint, D as each, e as easingEffects, ap as fontString, Z as getAngleFromPoint, g as getHoverColor, E as getMaximumSize, z as getRelativePosition, ae as getRtlAdapter, aw as getStyle, b as isArray, L as isFinite, k as isNullOrUndef, x as isNumber, i as isObject, l as listenArrayEvents, K as log10, m as merge, h as mergeIf, n as noop, af as overrideTextDirection, G as readUsedSize, r as requestAnimFrame, a as resolve, f as resolveObjectKey, ag as restoreTextDirection, W as retinaScale, s as sign, au as splineCurve, av as splineCurveMonotone, J as supportsEventListenerOptions, N as toDegrees, S as toFont, at as toFontString, ax as toLineHeight, C as toPadding, w as toRadians, a9 as toTRBL, aa as toTRBLCorners, V as uid, q as unclipArea, u as unlistenArrayEvents, v as valueOrDefault } from './chunks/helpers.segment.js';
export { H as HALF_PI, ad as INFINITY, P as PI, ay as PITAU, aA as QUARTER_PI, az as RAD_PER_DEG, T as TAU, aB as TWO_THIRDS_PI, R as _alignPixel, $ as _angleBetween, aC as _angleDiff, q as _arrayUnique, a7 as _bezierCurveTo, a4 as _bezierInterpolation, ac as _boundSegment, a2 as _boundSegments, _ as _capitalize, a1 as _computeSegments, aj as _decimalPlaces, as as _deprecated, Y as _elementsEqual, U as _factorize, an as _filterBetween, F as _getParentNode, Q as _int16Range, A as _isPointInArea, x as _limitValue, am as _longestText, ao as _lookup, y as _lookupByKey, O as _measureText, j as _merger, ar as _mergerIf, ab as _normalizeAngle, a5 as _pointInLine, B as _rlookupByKey, ai as _setMinAndMaxByKey, a3 as _steppedInterpolation, a6 as _steppedLineTo, a0 as _updateBezierControlPoints, ak as almostEquals, al as almostWhole, M as callback, X as clear, o as clipArea, aq as clone, c as color, ah as distanceBetweenPoints, a8 as drawPoint, D as each, e as easingEffects, ap as fontString, Z as getAngleFromPoint, g as getHoverColor, E as getMaximumSize, z as getRelativePosition, ae as getRtlAdapter, aw as getStyle, b as isArray, L as isFinite, k as isNullOrUndef, w as isNumber, i as isObject, l as listenArrayEvents, K as log10, m as merge, h as mergeIf, n as noop, af as overrideTextDirection, G as readUsedSize, r as requestAnimFrame, a as resolve, f as resolveObjectKey, ag as restoreTextDirection, W as retinaScale, s as sign, au as splineCurve, av as splineCurveMonotone, J as supportsEventListenerOptions, N as toDegrees, S as toFont, at as toFontString, ax as toLineHeight, C as toPadding, t as toRadians, a9 as toTRBL, aa as toTRBLCorners, V as uid, p as unclipArea, u as unlistenArrayEvents, v as valueOrDefault } from './chunks/helpers.segment.js';

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ {

"description": "Simple HTML5 charts using the canvas element.",
"version": "v3.0.0-beta.5",
"version": "3.0.0-beta.6",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -52,6 +52,6 @@ "jsdelivr": "dist/chart.min.js",

"@kurkle/color": "^0.1.9",
"@rollup/plugin-commonjs": "^15.1.0",
"@rollup/plugin-commonjs": "^16.0.0",
"@rollup/plugin-inject": "^4.0.2",
"@rollup/plugin-json": "^4.1.0",
"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "^9.0.0",
"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "^10.0.0",
"babel-plugin-istanbul": "^6.0.0",

@@ -63,3 +63,3 @@ "babel-preset-es2015-rollup": "^3.0.0",

"cross-env": "^7.0.2",
"eslint": "^7.11.0",
"eslint": "^7.12.1",
"eslint-config-chartjs": "^0.2.0",

@@ -69,3 +69,3 @@ "eslint-config-esnext": "^4.1.0",

"glob": "^7.1.6",
"jasmine": "^3.6.2",
"jasmine": "^3.6.3",
"jasmine-core": "^3.6.0",

@@ -76,3 +76,3 @@ "karma": "^5.2.3",

"karma-edge-launcher": "^0.4.2",
"karma-firefox-launcher": "^1.3.0",
"karma-firefox-launcher": "^2.1.0",
"karma-jasmine": "^4.0.1",

@@ -84,5 +84,5 @@ "karma-jasmine-html-reporter": "^1.5.4",

"pixelmatch": "^5.2.1",
"promise-polyfill": "^8.1.3",
"promise-polyfill": "^8.2.0",
"resize-observer-polyfill": "^1.5.1",
"rollup": "^2.32.0",
"rollup": "^2.33.1",
"rollup-plugin-babel": "^4.4.0",

@@ -93,6 +93,6 @@ "rollup-plugin-cleanup": "^3.2.1",

"typedoc": "^0.19.2",
"typescript": "^4.0.3",
"yargs": "^15.4.1"
"typescript": "^4.0.5",
"yargs": "^16.1.0"
"dependencies": {}

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Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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