npm install chatfuel
const chatfuel = require('chatfuel')
API Reference
Send Text
messages.push(chatfuel.sendText({ text: 'Hello' }))
messages.push(chatfuel.sendText({ text: 'Welcome to chatfuel' }))
Send Image
Messenger supports JPG, PNG and GIF images. If you are having issues with GIF rendering, please try to reduce the file size.
const photo = ''
Send Video
Messenger supports MP4 videos, which are up to 25MB in size.
const video = ''
Send Audio
Messenger supports MP3, OGG, WAV audios, which are up to 25MB in size
const audio = ''
Send File
Files are no larger than 25 MB
const file = ''
Send Galleries
const title = 'Title of element'
const image_url = ''
const subtitle = 'Size: M'
buttons.push(chatfuel.createButtonToURL({ url: '', title: 'Go to facebook' }))
const element = chatfuel.createElement({ title, image_url, subtitle, buttons })
const elements = []
messages.push(chatfuel.sendGalleries({ elements }))
Send List
const title = 'Title of element'
const image_url = ''
const subtitle = 'Size: M'
buttons.push(chatfuel.createButtonToURL({ url: '', title: 'Go to facebook' }))
const element = chatfuel.createElement({ title, image_url, subtitle, buttons })
const elements = []
messages.push(chatfuel.sendLists({ elements }))
Create Button To Block
const title = 'SELECT ITEM'
const block_names = ['SELECT_ITEM']
const set_attributes = { item_id: '3' }
const buttons = []
buttons.push(chatfuel.createButtonToBlock({ title, block_names, set_attributes }))
Create Button To URL
const title = 'View My Blog'
const url = ''
const buttons = []
buttons.push(chatfuel.createButtonToURL({ url, title }))
Create Call Button
const title = 'Call me maybe'
const phone_number = '0989999999'
buttons.push(chatfuel.createCallButton({ phone_number, title }))
Create Postback Button
const title = 'Back'
const url = ''
buttons.push(chatfuel.createPostBackButton({ url, title }))
Create Quick Reply Button
const title = 'Show menu'
const block_names = ['MENU']
buttons.push(chatfuel.createQuickReplyButton({ title, block_names }))
Create Share Button