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Standard library

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Package description

What is core-js?

The core-js npm package is a modular standard library for JavaScript, which includes polyfills for ECMAScript features. It provides reliable polyfills to ensure that code behaves consistently across different environments, including older browsers.

What are core-js's main functionalities?

Polyfilling ECMAScript features

This feature allows developers to use the latest ECMAScript features while ensuring backward compatibility with older environments that do not support these features natively.

// Now you can use ES6 features like Promise in environments that do not support them natively.

Polyfilling Web Standards

Core-js can also polyfill web standards, allowing developers to use modern web APIs in environments that have not implemented them.

// This includes polyfills for web standards like DOM collections (e.g., NodeList), timers, and more.

Polyfilling Proposals

Developers can experiment with proposed ECMAScript features before they are finalized and adopted into the standard, ensuring forward compatibility.

// This will include polyfills for ECMAScript proposals that are not yet part of the standard.

Other packages similar to core-js



0.3.1 - 2014.12.23

  • Some fixes




Alternative modular compact (max. ~23kb w/o gzip) standard library for JavaScript. Includes polyfills for ECMAScript 5, ECMAScript 6: symbols, collections, iterators, promises; setImmediate, array generics, console cap. Some additional functionality such as dictionaries, extended partial application, date formatting.


console.log(Array.from(new Set([1, 2, 3, 2, 1]))); // => [1, 2, 3]
console.log('*'.repeat(10));                       // => '**********'
Promise.resolve(32).then(console.log);             // => 32
setImmediate(console.log, 42);                     // => 42

Without extension of native objects:

var log  = core.console.log;
log(core.Array.from(new core.Set([1, 2, 3, 2, 1]))); // => [1, 2, 3]
log(core.String.repeat('*', 10));                    // => '**********'
core.Promise.resolve(32).then(log);                  // => 32
core.setImmediate(log, 42);                          // => 42


ECMAScript 5

Module es5, nothing new - without examples.

  .create(proto | null, descriptors?) -> object
  .getPrototypeOf(object) -> proto | null
  .defineProperty(target, key, desc) -> target, cap for ie8-
  .defineProperties(target, descriptors) -> target, cap for ie8-
  .getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, key) -> desc
  .getOwnPropertyNames(object) -> array
  .keys(object) -> array
  .isArray(var) -> bool
  #slice(start?, end?) -> array, fix for ie7-
  #join(string = ',') -> string, fix for ie7-
  #indexOf(var, from?) -> int
  #lastIndexOf(var, from?) -> int
  #every(fn(val, index, @), that) -> bool
  #some(fn(val, index, @), that) -> bool
  #forEach(fn(val, index, @), that) -> void
  #map(fn(val, index, @), that) -> array
  #filter(fn(val, index, @), that) -> array
  #reduce(fn(memo, val, index, @), memo?) -> var
  #reduceRight(fn(memo, val, index, @), memo?) -> var
  #bind(object, ...args) -> boundFn(...args)
  #trim() -> str
  .now() -> int

ECMAScript 6

Module es6. About iterators from this module here. Symbols, collections and promises in separate modules.

ECMAScript 6: Object
  .assign(target, ...src) -> target
  .is(a, b) -> bool
  .setPrototypeOf(target, proto | null) -> target, sham(ie10+)
  #toString() -> string, fix for @@toStringTag support


var foo = {q: 1, w: 2}
  , bar = {e: 3, r: 4}
  , baz = {t: 5, y: 6};
Object.assign(foo, bar, baz); // => foo = {q: 1, w: 2, e: 3, r: 4, t: 5, y: 6}, NaN); // => true, -0);    // => false, 42);   // => true, '42'); // => false

function Parent(){}
function Child(){}
Object.setPrototypeOf(Child.prototype, Parent.prototype);
new Child instanceof Child;  // => true
new Child instanceof Parent; // => true

var O = {};
O[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'Foo';
'' + O; // => '[object Foo]'
ECMAScript 6: Array
  .from(iterable | array-like, mapFn(val, index)?, that) -> array
  .of(...args) -> array
  #copyWithin(target = 0, start = 0, end = @length) -> @
  #fill(var, start = 0, end = @length) -> @
  #find(fn(val, index, @), that) -> var
  #findIndex(fn(val, index, @), that) -> int


Array.from(new Set([1, 2, 3, 2, 1]));      // => [1, 2, 3]
Array.from({0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, length: 3}); // => [1, 2, 3]
Array.from('123', Number);                 // => [1, 2, 3]
Array.from('123', function(it){
  return it * it;
});                                        // => [1, 4, 9]

Array.of(1);       // => [1]
Array.of(1, 2, 3); // => [1, 2, 3]

function isOdd(val){
  return val % 2;
[4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42].find(isOdd);      // => 15
[4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42].findIndex(isOdd); // => 2
[4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42].find(isNaN);      // => undefined
[4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42].findIndex(isNaN); // => -1

Array(5).fill(42); // => [42, 42, 42, 42, 42]

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].copyWithin(0, 3); // => [4, 5, 3, 4, 5]
ECMAScript 6: String & RegExp
  .fromCodePoint(...codePoints) -> str
  .raw({raw}, ...substitutions) -> str
  #includes(str, from?) -> bool
  #startsWith(str, from?) -> bool
  #endsWith(str, from?) -> bool
  #repeat(num) -> str
  #codePointAt(pos) -> uint
  #flags -> str (getter, IE9+)


'foobarbaz'.includes('bar');      // => true
'foobarbaz'.includes('bar', 4);   // => false
'foobarbaz'.startsWith('foo');    // => true
'foobarbaz'.startsWith('bar', 3); // => true
'foobarbaz'.endsWith('baz');      // => true
'foobarbaz'.endsWith('bar', 6);   // => true

'string'.repeat(3); // => 'stringstringstring'

'𠮷'.codePointAt(0); // => 134071
String.fromCodePoint(97, 134071, 98); // => 'a𠮷b'

var name = 'Bob';
String.raw`Hi\n${name}!`;           // => 'Hi\\nBob!'
String.raw({raw: 'test'}, 0, 1, 2); // => 't0e1s2t'

/foo/.flags;    // => ''
/foo/gim.flags; // => 'gim'
ECMAScript 6: Number & Math
  .EPSILON -> num
  .isFinite(num) -> bool
  .isInteger(num) -> bool
  .isNaN(num) -> bool
  .isSafeInteger(num) -> bool
  .parseFloat(str) -> num
  .parseInt(str) -> int
  .acosh(num) -> num
  .asinh(num) -> num
  .atanh(num) -> num
  .cbrt(num) -> num
  .clz32(num) -> uint
  .cosh(num) -> num
  .expm1(num) -> num
  .fround(num) -> num (IE10+)
  .hypot(...args) -> num
  .imul(num, num) -> int
  .log1p(num) -> num
  .log10(num) -> num
  .log2(num) -> num
  .sign(num) -> 1 | -1 | 0 | -0 | NaN
  .sinh(num) -> num
  .tanh(num) -> num
  .trunc(num) -> num

ECMAScript 6: Symbols

Module es6_symbol.

Symbol(description?) -> symbol
  .hasInstance -> @@hasInstance
  .isConcatSpreadable -> @@isConcatSpreadable
  .iterator -> @@iterator
  .match -> @@match
  .replace -> @@replace
  .search -> @@search
  .species -> @@species
  .split -> @@split
  .toPrimitive -> @@toPrimitive
  .toStringTag -> @@toStringTag
  .unscopables -> @@unscopables
  .for(key) -> symbol
  .keyFor(symbol) -> key
  .useSimple() -> void
  .useSetter() -> void
  .pure(description?) -> symbol || string
  .set(object, key, val) -> object
Reflect -> object
  .ownKeys(object) -> array

Basic example:

var Person = (function(){
  var NAME = Symbol('name');
  function Person(name){
    this[NAME] = name;
  Person.prototype.getName = function(){
    return this[NAME];
  return Person;

var person = new Person('Vasya');
console.log(person.getName());          // => 'Vasya'
console.log(person['name']);            // => undefined
console.log(person[Symbol('name')]);    // => undefined, symbols are uniq
for(var key in person)console.log(key); // => only 'getName', symbols are not enumerable

Symbol.for & Symbol.keyFor example:

var symbol = Symbol.for('key');
symbol === Symbol.for('key'); // true
Symbol.keyFor(symbol);        // 'key'

Reflect.ownKeys return all object keys - strings & symbols, example:

var O = {a: 1};
Object.defineProperty(O, 'b', {value: 2});
O[Symbol('c')] = 3;
Reflect.ownKeys(O); // => ['a', 'b', Symbol(c)]

By default, Symbol polyfill define setter in Object.prototype. You can disable it. Example:

var s1 = Symbol('s1')
  , o1 = {};
o1[s1] = true;
for(var key in o1)log(key); // => 'Symbol(s1)_t.qamkg9f3q', w/o native Symbol

var s2 = Symbol('s2')
  , o2 = {};
o2[s2] = true;
for(var key in o2)log(key); // nothing

ECMAScript 6: Collections

Module es6_collections. About iterators from this module here.

new Map(iterable (entries) ?) -> map
  #clear() -> void
  #delete(key) -> bool
  #forEach(fn(val, key, @), that) -> void
  #get(key) -> val
  #has(key) -> bool
  #set(key, val) -> @


var a = [1];

var map = new Map([['a', 1], [42, 2]]);
map.set(a, 3).set(true, 4);

console.log(map.size);        // => 4
console.log(map.has(a));      // => true
console.log(map.has([1]));    // => false
console.log(map.get(a));      // => 3
map.forEach(function(val, key){
  console.log(val);           // => 1, 2, 3, 4
  console.log(key);           // => 'a', 42, [1], true
console.log(map.size);        // => 3
console.log(map.get(a));      // => undefined
console.log(Array.from(map)); // => [['a', 1], [42, 2], [true, 4]]
new Set(iterable?) -> set
  #add(key) -> @
  #clear() -> void
  #delete(key) -> bool
  #forEach(fn(el, el, @), that) -> void
  #has(key) -> bool


var set = new Set(['a', 'b', 'a', 'c']);
console.log(set.size);        // => 5
console.log(set.has('b'));    // => true
  console.log(it);            // => 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'
console.log(set.size);        // => 4
console.log(set.has('b'));    // => false
console.log(Array.from(set)); // => ['a', 'c', 'd', 'e']
new WeakMap(iterable (entries) ?) -> weakmap
  #delete(key) -> bool
  #get(key) -> val
  #has(key) -> bool
  #set(key, val) -> @


var a = [1]
  , b = [2]
  , c = [3];

var wmap = new WeakMap([[a, 1], [b, 2]]);
wmap.set(c, 3).set(b, 4);
console.log(wmap.has(a));   // => true
console.log(wmap.has([1])); // => false
console.log(wmap.get(a));   // => 1
console.log(wmap.get(a));   // => undefined

// Private properties store:
var Person = (function(){
  var names = new WeakMap;
  function Person(name){
    names.set(this, name);
  Person.prototype.getName = function(){
    return names.get(this);
  return Person;

var person = new Person('Vasya');
console.log(person.getName());          // => 'Vasya'
for(var key in person)console.log(key); // => only 'getName'
new WeakSet(iterable?) -> weakset
  #add(key) -> @
  #delete(key) -> bool
  #has(key) -> bool


var a = [1]
  , b = [2]
  , c = [3];

var wset = new WeakSet([a, b, a]);
console.log(wset.has(b));   // => true
console.log(wset.has([2])); // => false
console.log(wset.has(b));   // => false

ECMAScript 6: Iterators

Module es6:

  #@@iterator() -> iterator
  #values() -> iterator
  #keys() -> iterator
  #entries() -> iterator (entries)
  #@@iterator() -> iterator
  #@@iterator() -> iterator (sham, available only in core-js methods)

Module es6_collections:

  #values() -> iterator
  #keys() -> iterator
  #entries() -> iterator (entries)
  #@@iterator() -> iterator
  #values() -> iterator
  #keys() -> iterator
  #entries() -> iterator (entries)
  #@@iterator() -> iterator (entries)


var string = 'a𠮷b';

for(var val of string)console.log(val);         // => 'a', '𠮷', 'b'

var array = ['a', 'b', 'c'];

for(var val of array)console.log(val);          // => 'a', 'b', 'c'
for(var val of array.values())console.log(val); // => 'a', 'b', 'c'
for(var key of array.keys())console.log(key);   // => 0, 1, 2
for(var [key, val] of array.entries()){
  console.log(key);                             // => 0, 1, 2
  console.log(val);                             // => 'a', 'b', 'c'

var map = new Map([['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['c', 3]]);

for(var [key, val] of map){
  console.log(key);                             // => 'a', 'b', 'c'
  console.log(val);                             // => 1, 2, 3
for(var val of map.values())console.log(val);   // => 1, 2, 3
for(var key of map.keys())console.log(key);     // => 'a', 'b', 'c'
for(var [key, val] of map.entries()){
  console.log(key);                             // => 'a', 'b', 'c'
  console.log(val);                             // => 1, 2, 3

var set = new Set([1, 2, 3, 2, 1]);

for(var val of set)console.log(val);            // => 1, 2, 3
for(var val of set.values())console.log(val);   // => 1, 2, 3
for(var key of set.keys())console.log(key);     // => 1, 2, 3
for(var [key, val] of set.entries()){
  console.log(key);                             // => 1, 2, 3
  console.log(val);                             // => 1, 2, 3

Module $for - iterators chaining - for-of and array / generator comprehensions helpers for ES5- syntax.

$for(iterable, entries) -> iterator ($for)
  #of(fn(value, key?), that) -> void
  #array(mapFn(value, key?)?, that) -> array
  #filter(fn(value, key?), that) -> iterator ($for)
  #map(fn(value, key?), that) -> iterator ($for)
  .isIterable(var) -> bool
  .getIterator(iterable) -> iterator


$for(new Set([1, 2, 3, 2, 1])).of(function(it){
  console.log(it); // => 1, 2, 3

$for([1, 2, 3].entries(), true).of(function(key, value){
  console.log(key);   // => 0, 1, 2
  console.log(value); // => 1, 2, 3

$for('abc').of(console.log, console); // => 'a', 'b', 'c'

$for([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).of(function(it){
  console.log(it); // => 1, 2, 3
  if(it == 3)return false;

var ar1 = $for([1, 2, 3]).array(function(v){
  return v * v;
}); // => [1, 4, 9]

var set = new Set([1, 2, 3, 2, 1]);
var ar1 = $for(set).filter(function(v){
  return v % 2;
  return v * v;
}); // => [1, 9]

var iter = $for(set).filter(function(v){
  return v % 2;
  return v * v;
});; // => {value: 1, done: false}; // => {value: 9, done: false}; // => {value: undefined, done: true}

var map1 = new Map([['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['c', 3]]);
var map2 = new Map($for(map1, true).filter(function(k, v){
  return v % 2;
}).map(function(k, v){
  return [k + k, v * v];
})); // => Map {aa: 1, cc: 9}

ECMAScript 6: Promises

Module es6_promise.

new Promise(executor(resolve(var), reject(var))) -> promise
  #then(resolved(var), rejected(var)) -> promise
  #catch(rejected(var)) -> promise
  .resolve(var || promise) -> promise
  .reject(var) -> promise
  .all(iterable) -> promise
  .race(iterable) -> promise

Basic example:

var log = console.log.bind(console);
function sleepRandom(time){
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
    setTimeout(resolve, time * 1e3, 0 | Math.random() * 1e3);

log('Run');                    // => Run
  log(result);                 // => 869, after 5 sec.
  return sleepRandom(10);
  log(result);                 // => 202, after 10 sec.
  log('immediately after');    // => immediately after
  throw Error('Irror!');
  log('will not be displayed');
}).catch(log);                 // => => Error: Irror!

Promise.resolve and Promise.reject example:

Promise.resolve(42).then(log); // => 42
Promise.reject(42).catch(log); // => 42

Promise.resolve($.getJSON('/data.json')); // => ES6 promise

Promise.all example:

  sleepRandom(10)  // after 15 sec:
]).then(log);      // => ['foo', 956, 85, 382]

Promise.race example:

function timeLimit(promise, time){
  return Promise.race([promise, new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
    setTimeout(reject, time * 1e3, Error('Await > ' + time + ' sec'));

timeLimit(sleepRandom(5), 10).then(log);   // => 853, after 5 sec.
timeLimit(sleepRandom(15), 10).catch(log); // Error: Await > 10 sec

ECMAScript 7 async functions example:

var delay = time => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time))

async function sleepRandom(time){
  await delay(time * 1e3);
  return 0 | Math.random() * 1e3;
async function sleepError(time, msg){
  await delay(time * 1e3);
  throw Error(msg);

(async () => {
  try {
    log('Run');                // => Run
    log(await sleepRandom(5)); // => 936, after 5 sec.
    var [a, b, c] = await Promise.all([
    log(a, b, c);              // => 210 445 71, after 15 sec.
    await sleepError(5, 'Irror!');
    log('Will not be displayed');
  } catch(e){
    log(e);                    // => Error: 'Irror!', after 5 sec.

ECMAScript 7

Module es7.

  #includes(var, from?) -> bool
  #at(index) -> string
  .values(object) -> array
  .entries(object) -> array
  .escape(str) -> str


[1, 2, 3].includes(2);        // => true
[1, 2, 3].includes(4);        // => false
[1, 2, 3].includes(2, 2);     // => false

[NaN].indexOf(NaN);           // => -1
[NaN].includes(NaN);          // => true
Array(1).indexOf(undefined);  // => -1
Array(1).includes(undefined); // => true

'a𠮷b'.at(1);        // => '𠮷'
'a𠮷b'.at(1).length; // => 2

Object.values({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3});  // => [1, 2, 3]
Object.entries({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}); // => [['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['c', 3]]

RegExp.escape('Hello -[]{}()*+?.,\\^$|'); // => 'Hello \-\[\]\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\,\\\^\$\|'

ECMAScript 7: Abstract References

Module es7_refs. Symbols and methods for abstract references. At the moment, they are supported only by several translators, such as 6to5.

  .referenceGet -> @@referenceGet
  .referenceSet -> @@referenceSet
  .referenceDelete -> @@referenceDelete
  #@@referenceGet() -> @
  #@@referenceGet ==== #get
  #@@referenceSet ==== #set
  #@@referenceDelete ==== #delete
  #@@referenceGet ==== #get
  #@@referenceSet ==== #set
  #@@referenceDelete ==== #delete

Private properties example with WeakMaps, class and basic abstract refs syntax:

var Person = (NAME => class {
    this::NAME = name;
    return this::NAME;
})(new WeakMap);

var person = new Person('Vasya');
console.log(person.getName());          // => 'Vasya'
for(var key in person)console.log(key); // => only 'getName'

Virtual methods example:

var {toString} = {};
console.log([]::toString()); // => '[object Array]'

function sum(){
  var {reduce} = [];
  return arguments::reduce((a, b)=> a + b);
console.log(sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)); // => 15

Methods from Dict module override @@referenceGet method, example:

var {filter, map} = Dict;
var dict = {q: 1, w: 2, e: 3}::filter((v, k) => k != 'w')::map(v => v * v); // => {"q":1,"e":9}

Mozilla JavaScript: Array generics

Module array_statics.

  .{...ArrayPrototype methods}
Array.slice(arguments, 1);

Array.join('abcdef', '+'); // => 'a+b+c+d+e+f'

var form = document.getElementsByClassName('form__input');
Array.reduce(form, function(memo, it){
  memo[] = it.value;
  return memo; 
}, {}); // => {name: 'Vasya', age: '42', sex: 'yes, please'}

setTimeout / setInterval

Module timers. Additional arguments fix for IE9-.

setTimeout(fn(...args), time, ...args) -> id
setInterval(fn(...args), time, ...args) -> id
// Before:
setTimeout(log.bind(null, 42), 1000);
// After:
setTimeout(log, 1000, 42);


Module immediate. setImmediate polyfill.

setImmediate(fn(...args), ...args) -> id
clearImmediate(id) -> void


Module console. Console cap for old browsers and some additional functionality.

  .{...console API}
  .enable() -> void
  .disable() -> void
// Before:
if(window.console && console.log)console.log(42);
// After:

// Before:
setTimeout(console.log.bind(console, 42), 1000);
[1, 2, 3].forEach(console.log, console);
// After:
setTimeout(console.log, 1000, 42);
[1, 2, 3].forEach(console.log);

console.warn('Console is disabled, you will not see this message.');
console.warn('Console is enabled again.');


Module object.

  .isObject(var) -> bool
  .classof(var) -> string 
  .define(target, mixin) -> target
  .make(proto | null, mixin?) -> object

Object classify examples:

Object.isObject({});    // => true
Object.isObject(isNaN); // => true
Object.isObject(null);  // => false

var classof = Object.classof;

classof(null);                 // => 'Null'
classof(undefined);            // => 'Undefined'
classof(1);                    // => 'Number'
classof(true);                 // => 'Boolean'
classof('string');             // => 'String'
classof(Symbol());             // => 'Symbol'

classof(new Number(1));        // => 'Number'
classof(new Boolean(true));    // => 'Boolean'
classof(new String('string')); // => 'String'

var fn   = function(){}
  , list = (function(){return arguments})(1, 2, 3);

classof({});                   // => 'Object'
classof(fn);                   // => 'Function'
classof([]);                   // => 'Array'
classof(list);                 // => 'Arguments'
classof(/./);                  // => 'RegExp'
classof(new TypeError);        // => 'Error'

classof(new Set);              // => 'Set'
classof(new Map);              // => 'Map'
classof(new WeakSet);          // => 'WeakSet'
classof(new WeakMap);          // => 'WeakMap'
classof(new Promise(fn));      // => 'Promise'

classof([].values());          // => 'Array Iterator'
classof(new Set().values());   // => 'Set Iterator'
classof(new Map().values());   // => 'Map Iterator'

classof(Math);                 // => 'Math'
classof(JSON);                 // => 'JSON'

function Example(){}
Example.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'Example';

classof(new Example);          // => 'Example'

Object.define and Object.make examples:

// Before:
Object.defineProperty(target, 'c', {
  enumerable: true,
  configurable: true,
  get: function(){
    return this.a + this.b;

// After:
Object.define(target, {
  get c(){
    return this.a + this.b;

// Shallow object cloning with prototype and descriptors:
var copy = Object.make(Object.getPrototypeOf(src), src);

// Simple inheritance:
function Vector2D(x, y){
  this.x = x;
  this.y = y;
Object.define(Vector2D.prototype, {
  get xy(){
    return Math.hypot(this.x, this.y);
function Vector3D(x, y, z){
  Vector2D.apply(this, arguments);
  this.z = z;
Vector3D.prototype = Object.make(Vector2D.prototype, {
  constructor: Vector3D,
  get xyz(){
    return Math.hypot(this.x, this.y, this.z);

var vector = new Vector3D(9, 12, 20);
console.log(vector.xy);  // => 15
console.log(; // => 25
console.log(vector.xy);  // => 15.811388300841896
console.log(; // => 25.495097567963924


Module dict. Based on TC39 discuss / strawman.

[new] Dict(itarable (entries) | object ?) -> dict
  .isDict(var) -> bool
  .values(object) -> iterator
  .keys(object) -> iterator
  .entries(object) -> iterator (entries)
  .has(object, key) -> bool
  .get(object, key) -> val
  .set(object, key, value) -> object
  .forEach(object, fn(val, key, @), that) -> void
  .map(object, fn(val, key, @), that) -> new @
  .mapPairs(object, fn(val, key, @), that) -> new @
  .filter(object, fn(val, key, @), that) -> new @
  .some(object, fn(val, key, @), that) -> bool
  .every(object, fn(val, key, @), that) -> bool
  .find(object, fn(val, key, @), that) -> val
  .findKey(object, fn(val, key, @), that) -> key
  .keyOf(object, var) -> key
  .includes(object, var) -> bool
  .reduce(object, fn(memo, val, key, @), memo?) -> var
  .turn(object, fn(memo, val, key, @), memo = new @) -> memo

Dict create object without prototype from iterable or simple object. Example:

var map = new Map([['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['c', 3]]);

Dict();                    // => {__proto__: null}
Dict({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3});  // => {__proto__: null, a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
Dict(map);                 // => {__proto__: null, a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
Dict([1, 2, 3].entries()); // => {__proto__: null, 0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3}

var dict = Dict({a: 42});
dict instanceof Object;   // => false
dict.a;                   // => 42
dict.toString;            // => undefined
'a' in dict;              // => true
'hasOwnProperty' in dict; // => false

Dict.isDict({});     // => false
Dict.isDict(Dict()); // => true

Dict.keys, Dict.values and Dict.entries return iterators for objects, examples:

var dict = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};

for(var key of Dict.keys(dict))console.log(key); // => 'a', 'b', 'c'

for(var [key, val] of Dict.entries(dict)){
  console.log(key); // => 'a', 'b', 'c'
  console.log(val); // => 1, 2, 3

$for(Dict.values(dict)).of(console.log); // => 1, 2, 3

new Map(Dict.entries(dict)); // => Map {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}

new Map((for([k, v] of Dict.entries(dict))if(v % 2)[k + k, v * v])); // =>  Map {aa: 1, cc: 9}

Other methods of Dict module are static equialents of Array.prototype methods for dictionaries, examples:

var dict = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};

Dict.forEach(dict, console.log, console);
// => 1, 'a', {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
// => 2, 'b', {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
// => 3, 'c', {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, function(it){
  return it * it;
}); // => {a: 1, b: 4, c: 9}

Dict.mapPairs(dict, function(val, key){
  if(key != 'b')return [key + key, val * val];
}); // => {aa: 1, cc: 9}

Dict.filter(dict, function(it){
  return it % 2;
}); // => {a: 1, c: 3}

Dict.some(dict, function(it){
  return it === 2;
}); // => true

Dict.every(dict, function(it){
  return it === 2;
}); // => false

Dict.find(dict, function(it){
  return it > 2;
}); // => 3
Dict.find(dict, function(it){
  return it > 4;
}); // => undefined

Dict.findKey(dict, function(it){
  return it > 2;
}); // => 'c'
Dict.findKey(dict, function(it){
  return it > 4;
}); // => undefined

Dict.keyOf(dict, 2);    // => 'b'
Dict.keyOf(dict, 4);    // => undefined

Dict.includes(dict, 2); // => true
Dict.includes(dict, 4); // => false

Dict.reduce(dict, function(memo, it){
  return memo + it;
});     // => 6
Dict.reduce(dict, function(memo, it){
  return memo + it;
}, ''); // => '123'

Dict.turn(dict, function(memo, it, key){
  memo[key + key] = it;
});     // => {aa: 1, bb: 2, cc: 3}
Dict.turn(dict, function(memo, it, key){
  it % 2 && memo.push(key + it);
}, []); // => ['a1', 'c3']

Partial application

Module binding.

  #part(...args | _) -> fn(...args)
  #by(object | _, ...args | _) -> boundFn(...args)
  #only(num, that /* = @ */) -> (fn | boundFn)(...args)
  #[_](key) -> boundFn

Function#part partial apply function without this binding. Uses global variable _ (core._ for builds without extension of native objects) as placeholder. Examples:

var fn1 = console.log.part(1, 2);
fn1(3, 4);    // => 1, 2, 3, 4

var fn2 = console.log.part(_, 2, _, 4);
fn2(1, 3);    // => 1, 2, 3, 4

var fn3 = console.log.part(1, _, _, 4);
fn3(2, 3);    // => 1, 2, 3, 4

fn2(1, 3, 5); // => 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
fn2(1);       // => 1, 2, undefined, 4

Method Function#by is analogue of Function#bind with the ability to use placeholder:

var fn =, _, 2, _, 4);
fn(1, 3, 5); // => 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Method Object#[_] extracts bound method from object, examples:

['foobar', 'foobaz', 'barbaz'].filter(/bar/[_]('test')); // => ['foobar', 'barbaz']

var has = {}.hasOwnProperty[_]('call');

log(has({key: 42}, 'foo')); // => false
log(has({key: 42}, 'key')); // => true

var array = []
  , push  = array[_]('push');
push(2, 3);
log(array); // => [1, 2, 3];

Method Function#only limits number of arguments. Example:

[1, 2, 3].forEach(log.only(1)); // => 1, 2, 3

Date formatting

Module date. Much more simple and compact (~60 lines with en & ru locales) than Intl or Moment.js. Use them if you need extended work with Date.

  #format(str, key?) -> str
  #formatUTC(str, key?) -> str
  .addLocale(key, object) -> core
  .locale(key?) -> key
ssSeconds, 2 digits00-59
mmMinutes, 2 digits00-59
hhHours, 2 digits00-23
DDDate, 2 digits01-31
WWeekday, stringВторник
NNMonth, 2 digits01-12
MMonth, stringНоябрь
MMOf month, stringНоября
YYear, full2014
YYYear, 2 digits14
new Date().format('W, MM D, YY, h:mm:ss');        // => 'Friday, November 28, 14, 18:47:05'
new Date().formatUTC('W, MM D, YY, h:mm:ss');     // => 'Friday, November 28, 14, 12:47:05'

new Date().format('W, D MM Y г., h:mm:ss', 'ru'); // => 'Пятница, 28 Ноября 2014 г., 18:07:25'

new Date().format('W, D MM Y г., h:mm:ss');       // => 'Пятница, 28 Ноября 2014 г., 18:07:25'

new Date().format('DD.NN.YY');         // => '28.11.14'
new Date().format('hh:mm:ss');         // => '18:47:05'
new Date().format('DD.NN.Y hh:mm:ss'); // => '28.11.2014 18:47:05'
new Date().format('W, D MM Y года');   // => 'Пятница, 28 Ноября 2014 года'
new Date().format('D MM, h:mm');       // => '28 Ноября, 16:47'
new Date().format('M Y');              // => 'Ноябрь 2014'

(typeof core != 'undefined' ? core : require('core-js/library')).addLocale('ru', {
  weekdays: 'Воскресенье,Понедельник,Вторник,Среда,Четверг,Пятница,Суббота',
  months: 'Январ:я|ь,Феврал:я|ь,Март:а|,Апрел:я|ь,Ма:я|й,Июн:я|ь,Июл:я|ь,Август:а|,Сентябр:я|ь,Октябр:я|ь,Ноябр:я|ь,Декабр:я|ь'


Module array.

  #turn(fn(memo, val, index, @), memo = []) -> memo

Method Array#turn reduce array to object, example:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].turn(function(memo, it){
  memo['key' + it] = !!(it % 2);
}, {}); // => {key1: true, key2: false, key3: true, key4: false, key5: true}

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].turn(function(memo, it){
  it % 2 && memo.push(it * it);
  if(memo.length == 3)return false;
}); // => [1, 9, 25]


Module number.

  #@@iterator() -> iterator
  #random(lim = 0) -> num

Number Iterator examples:

for(var i of 3)console.log(i); // => 0, 1, 2

$for(3).of(console.log); // => 0, 1, 2

Array.from(10, Math.random); // => [0.9817775336559862, 0.02720663254149258, ...]

Array.from(10); // => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Array.from(10, function(it){
  return this + it * it;
}, .42); // => [0.42, 1.42, 4.42, 9.42, 16.42, 25.42, 36.42, 49.42, 64.42, 81.42]

// Comprehensions:
[for(i of 10)if(i % 2)i * i]; // => [1, 9, 25, 49, 81]

Dict((for(i of 3)['key' + i, !(i % 2)])); // => {key0: true, key1: false, key2: true}

  return i % 2;
  return i * i;
});  // => [1, 9, 25, 49, 81]

  return ['key' + i, !(i % 2)];
})); // => {key0: true, key1: false, key2: true}

Math methods in Number.prototype examples:

3..pow(3);           // => 27
(-729).abs().sqrt(); // => 27

10..random(20);         // => Random number (10, 20), for example, 16.818793776910752
10..random(20).floor(); // => Random integer [10, 19], for example, 16

var array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
array[array.length.random().floor()]; // => Random element, for example, 4

Escaping characters

Module string.

  #escapeHTML() -> str
  #unescapeHTML() -> str


'<script>doSomething();</script>'.escapeHTML(); // => '&lt;script&gt;doSomething();&lt;/script&gt;'
'&lt;script&gt;doSomething();&lt;/script&gt;'.unescapeHTML(); // => '<script>doSomething();</script>'


// Node.js:
npm i core-js
// Bower:
bower install core.js

Browser builds: default, without extension of native objects, shim only.

Custom builds:

npm i -g grunt-cli
npm i core-js
cd node_modules/core-js && npm i
grunt build:date,console,library --path=custom uglify

Where date and console are module names, library is flag for not extension of native objects and custom is target file name.

Require in Node.js:

// Dafault
// Without extension of native objects
var core = require('core-js/library');
// Shim only


0.3.1 - 2014.12.23 - Some fixes

0.3.0 - 2014.12.23 - Optimize Map & `Set

  • use entries chain on hash table
  • fast & correct iteration
  • iterators moved to es6 and es6_collections modules

0.2.5 - 2014.12.20

  • console no longer shortcut for console.log (compatibility problems)
  • some fixes

0.2.4 - 2014.12.17 - Better compliance of ES6

0.2.3 - 2014.12.15 - Symbols:

  • added option to disable addition setter to Object.prototype for Symbol polyfill:
    • added Symbol.useSimple
    • added Symbol.useSetter
  • added cap for well-known Symbols:
    • added Symbol.hasInstance
    • added Symbol.isConcatSpreadable
    • added Symbol.match
    • added Symbol.replace
    • added
    • added Symbol.species
    • added Symbol.split
    • added Symbol.toPrimitive
    • added Symbol.unscopables

0.2.2 - 2014.12.13 - ES6:

0.2.1 - 2014.12.12 - Repair converting -0 to +0 in native collections

0.2.0 - 2014.12.06

  • added es7, es7_refs modules
  • added String#at
  • added real String Iterator, older versions used Array Iterator
  • added abstract references support:
    • added Symbol.referenceGet
    • added Symbol.referenceSet
    • added Symbol.referenceDelete
    • added Function#@@referenceGet
    • added Map#@@referenceGet
    • added Map#@@referenceSet
    • added Map#@@referenceDelete
    • added WeakMap#@@referenceGet
    • added WeakMap#@@referenceSet
    • added WeakMap#@@referenceDelete
    • added Dict.{...methods}[@@referenceGet]
  • removed deprecated .contains methods
  • some fixes

0.1.5 - 2014.12.01 - ES6:

0.1.4 - 2014.11.27

0.1.3 - 2014.11.20 - TC39 November meeting:

0.1.2 - 2014.11.19 - Map & Set bug fix

0.1.1 - 2014.11.18 - Public release



Last updated on 23 Dec 2014

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