Countly Cordova SDK
This repository contains the Countly Cordova SDK, which can be integrated into mobile applications. The Countly Cordova SDK is intended to be used with Countly Community Edition or Countly Enterprise Edition.
What is Countly?
Countly is a product analytics solution and innovation enabler that helps teams track product performance and customer journey and behavior across mobile, web,
and desktop applications. Ensuring privacy by design, Countly allows you to innovate and enhance your products to provide personalized and customized customer experiences, and meet key business and revenue goals.
Track, measure, and take action - all without leaving Countly.
Integrating Countly SDK in your projects
For a detailed description on how to use this SDK check out our documentation.
For information about how to add the SDK to your project, please check this section of the documentation.
You can find minimal SDK integration information for your project in this section of the documentation.
For an example integration of this SDK, you can have a look here.
This SDK supports the following features:
This SDK was initially written by Panteon Technologies (ufuk@panteon.com.tr).
From 2014 to 2020 it was maintained by Trinisoft Technologies developers (trinisofttechnologies@gmail.com).
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