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Comparing version 2.5.0 to 3.0.0



"name": "critters-webpack-plugin",
"version": "2.5.0",
"version": "3.0.0",
"description": "Webpack plugin to inline critical CSS and lazy-load the rest.",
"main": "dist/critters.js",
"main": "dist/critters-webpack-plugin.js",
"module": "dist/critters-webpack-plugin.mjs",
"source": "src/index.js",
"exports": {
"import": "./dist/critters-webpack-plugin.mjs",
"require": "./dist/critters-webpack-plugin.js",
"default": "./dist/critters-webpack-plugin.mjs"
"files": [
"license": "Apache-2.0",

@@ -13,8 +23,8 @@ "author": "The Chromium Authors",

"email": ""
"name": "Janicklas Ralph",
"email": ""
"files": [
"keywords": [

@@ -28,81 +38,27 @@ "critical css",

"repository": "GoogleChromeLabs/critters",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "",
"directory": "packages/critters-webpack-plugin"
"scripts": {
"build": "microbundle -f cjs --no-compress --external all",
"build": "microbundle --target node --no-sourcemap -f cjs,esm",
"docs": "documentation readme -q --no-markdown-toc -a public -s Usage --sort-order alpha src",
"prepare": "npm run -s build",
"release": "npm run build -s && git commit -am $npm_package_version && git tag $npm_package_version && git push && git push --tags && npm publish",
"test": "jest --coverage"
"prepare": "npm run -s build"
"babel": {
"presets": [
"jest": {
"testEnvironment": "jsdom",
"testURL": "http://localhost",
"coverageReporters": [
"collectCoverageFrom": [
"watchPathIgnorePatterns": [
"devDependencies": {
"babel-core": "^6.26.0",
"babel-jest": "^22.4.3",
"babel-preset-env": "^1.6.1",
"css-loader": "^0.28.11",
"documentation": "^6.3.2",
"eslint": "^4.19.1",
"eslint-config-standard": "^11.0.0",
"eslint-plugin-import": "^2.11.0",
"eslint-plugin-jest": "^21.15.1",
"eslint-plugin-node": "^6.0.1",
"eslint-plugin-promise": "^3.7.0",
"eslint-plugin-standard": "^3.0.1",
"file-loader": "^1.1.11",
"html-webpack-plugin": "^3.2.0",
"jest": "^22.4.3",
"microbundle": "^0.4.4",
"mini-css-extract-plugin": "^0.4.0",
"webpack": "^4.6.0"
"css-loader": "^4.2.1",
"documentation": "^13.0.2",
"file-loader": "^6.0.0",
"html-webpack-plugin": "^4.5.2",
"microbundle": "^0.12.3",
"mini-css-extract-plugin": "^0.10.0",
"webpack": "^4.46.0"
"dependencies": {
"css": "^2.2.1",
"cssnano": "^4.1.7",
"jsdom": "^12.0.0",
"critters": "^0.0.13",
"minimatch": "^3.0.4",
"parse5": "^4.0.0",
"postcss": "^7.0.5",
"pretty-bytes": "^4.0.2",
"webpack-log": "^2.0.0",
"webpack-log": "^3.0.1",
"webpack-sources": "^1.3.0"
"eslintConfig": {
"extends": [
"rules": {
"indent": [
"semi": [
"prefer-const": 1
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"DOMParser": 1
<p align="center">
<img src="" width="240" height="240" alt="critters-webpack-plugin">
<h1 align="center">Critters</h1>
<h1 align="center">Critters Webpack plugin</h1>
> Critters is a Webpack plugin that inlines your app's [critical CSS] and lazy-loads the rest.
> critters-webpack-plugin inlines your app's [critical CSS] and lazy-loads the rest.
## critters-webpack-plugin [![npm](](
It's a little different from [other options](#similar-libraries), because it **doesn't use a headless browser** to render content. This tradeoff allows Critters to be very **fast and lightweight**. It also means Critters inlines all CSS rules used by your document, rather than only those needed for above-the-fold content. For alternatives, see [Similar Libraries](#similar-libraries).
It's a little different from [other options](#similar-libraries), because it **doesn't use a headless browser** to render content. This tradeoff allows Critters to be very **fast and lightweight**. It also means Critters inlines all CSS rules used by your document, rather than only those needed for above-the-fold content. For alternatives, see [Similar Libraries](#similar-libraries).

@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ Critters' design makes it a good fit when inlining critical CSS for prerendered/SSR'd Single Page Applications. It was developed to be an excellent compliment to [prerender-loader](, combining to dramatically improve first paint time for most Single Page Applications.

- Fast - no browser, few dependencies
- Integrates with [html-webpack-plugin]
- Works with `webpack-dev-server` / `webpack serve`
- Supports preloading and/or inlining critical fonts
- Prunes unused CSS keyframes and media queries
- Removes inlined CSS rules from lazy-loaded stylesheets
* Fast - no browser, few dependencies
* Integrates with [html-webpack-plugin]
* Works with `webpack-dev-server` / `webpack serve`
* Supports preloading and/or inlining critical fonts
* Prunes unused CSS keyframes and media queries
* Removes inlined CSS rules from lazy-loaded stylesheets

@@ -53,11 +53,13 @@ ## Installation

### Critters
### CrittersWebpackPlugin
**Extends Critters**
Create a Critters plugin instance with the given options.
#### Parameters
- `options` **Options** Options to control how Critters inlines CSS.
* `options` **Options** Options to control how Critters inlines CSS. See <>
#### Examples

@@ -79,72 +81,12 @@ ```javascript

### Critters
All optional. Pass them to `new Critters({ ... })`.
- `options`
- `external` **[Boolean](** Inline styles from external stylesheets _(default: `true`)_
- `inlineThreshold` **[Number](** Inline external stylesheets smaller than a given size _(default: `0`)_
- `minimumExternalSize` **[Number](** If the non-critical external stylesheet would be below this size, just inline it _(default: `0`)_
- `pruneSource` **[Boolean](** Remove inlined rules from the external stylesheet _(default: `true`)_
- `mergeStylesheets` **[Boolean](** Merged inlined stylesheets into a
single <style> tag _(default: `true`)_
- `additionalStylesheets` **[String[]](** Glob for matching other stylesheets which should be used to evaluate critical CSS _(default: '')_
- `preload` **[String](** Which [preload strategy](#preloadstrategy) to use
- `noscriptFallback` **[Boolean](** Add `<noscript>` fallback to JS-based strategies
- `inlineFonts` **[Boolean](** Inline critical font-face rules _(default: `false`)_
- `preloadFonts` **[Boolean](** Preloads critical fonts _(default: `true`)_
- `fonts` **[Boolean](** Shorthand for setting `inlineFonts`+`preloadFonts`- Values:
- `true` to inline critical font-face rules and preload the fonts
- `false` to don't inline any font-face rules and don't preload fonts
- `keyframes` **[String](** Controls which keyframes rules are inlined.- Values:
- `"critical"`: _(default)_ inline keyframes rules used by the critical CSS
- `"all"` inline all keyframes rules
- `"none"` remove all keyframes rules
- `compress` **[Boolean](** Compress resulting critical CSS _(default: `true`)_
- `logLevel` **[String](** Controls [log level](#loglevel) of the plugin _(default: `"info"`)_
### LogLevel
Controls log level of the plugin. Specifies the level the logger should use. A logger will
not produce output for any log level beneath the specified level. Available levels and order
- **"info"** _(default)_
- **"warn"**
- **"error"**
- **"trace"**
- **"debug"**
- **"silent"**
Type: (`"info"` \| `"warn"` \| `"error"` \| `"trace"` \| `"debug"` \| `"silent"`)
### PreloadStrategy
The mechanism to use for lazy-loading stylesheets.
_[JS]_ indicates that a strategy requires JavaScript (falls back to `<noscript>`).
- **default:** Move stylesheet links to the end of the document and insert preload meta tags in their place.
- **"body":** Move all external stylesheet links to the end of the document.
- **"media":** Load stylesheets asynchronously by adding `media="not x"` and removing once loaded. _[JS]_
- **"swap":** Convert stylesheet links to preloads that swap to `rel="stylesheet"` once loaded. _[JS]_
- **"js":** Inject an asynchronous CSS loader similar to [LoadCSS]( and use it to load stylesheets. _[JS]_
- **"js-lazy":** Like `"js"`, but the stylesheet is disabled until fully loaded.
Type: (default | `"body"` \| `"media"` \| `"swap"` \| `"js"` \| `"js-lazy"`)
## Similar Libraries
There are a number of other libraries that can inline Critical CSS, each with a slightly different approach. Here are a few great options:
There are a number of other libraries that can inline Critical CSS, each with a slightly different approach. Here are a few great options:
- [Critical](
- [Penthouse](
- [webpack-critical](
- [webpack-plugin-critical](
- [html-critical-webpack-plugin](
- [react-snap](
* [Critical](
* [Penthouse](
* [webpack-critical](
* [webpack-plugin-critical](
* [html-critical-webpack-plugin](
* [react-snap](

@@ -151,0 +93,0 @@ ## License

@@ -18,10 +18,6 @@ /**

import path from 'path';
import prettyBytes from 'pretty-bytes';
import minimatch from 'minimatch';
import sources from 'webpack-sources';
import postcss from 'postcss';
import cssnano from 'cssnano';
import log from 'webpack-log';
import minimatch from 'minimatch';
import { createDocument, serializeDocument, setNodeText } from './dom';
import { parseStylesheet, serializeStylesheet, walkStyleRules, walkStyleRulesWithReverseMirror, markOnly, applyMarkedSelectors } from './css';
import Critters from 'critters';
import { tap } from './util';

@@ -32,73 +28,8 @@

* The mechanism to use for lazy-loading stylesheets.
* _[JS]_ indicates that a strategy requires JavaScript (falls back to `<noscript>`).
* - **default:** Move stylesheet links to the end of the document and insert preload meta tags in their place.
* - **"body":** Move all external stylesheet links to the end of the document.
* - **"media":** Load stylesheets asynchronously by adding `media="not x"` and removing once loaded. _[JS]_
* - **"swap":** Convert stylesheet links to preloads that swap to `rel="stylesheet"` once loaded. _[JS]_
* - **"js":** Inject an asynchronous CSS loader similar to [LoadCSS]( and use it to load stylesheets. _[JS]_
* - **"js-lazy":** Like `"js"`, but the stylesheet is disabled until fully loaded.
* @typedef {(default|'body'|'media'|'swap'|'js'|'js-lazy')} PreloadStrategy
* @public
/** @typedef {import('critters').Options} Options */
* Controls which keyframes rules are inlined.
* - **"critical":** _(default)_ inline keyframes rules that are used by the critical CSS.
* - **"all":** Inline all keyframes rules.
* - **"none":** Remove all keyframes rules.
* @typedef {('critical'|'all'|'none')} KeyframeStrategy
* @private
* @property {String} keyframes Which {@link KeyframeStrategy keyframe strategy} to use (default: `critical`)_
* Controls log level of the plugin. Specifies the level the logger should use. A logger will
* not produce output for any log level beneath the specified level. Available levels and order
* are:
* - **"info"** _(default)_
* - **"warn"**
* - **"error"**
* - **"trace"**
* - **"debug"**
* - **"silent"**
* @typedef {('info'|'warn'|'error'|'trace'|'debug'|'silent')} LogLevel
* @public
* All optional. Pass them to `new Critters({ ... })`.
* @public
* @typedef Options
* @property {Boolean} external Inline styles from external stylesheets _(default: `true`)_
* @property {Number} inlineThreshold Inline external stylesheets smaller than a given size _(default: `0`)_
* @property {Number} minimumExternalSize If the non-critical external stylesheet would be below this size, just inline it _(default: `0`)_
* @property {Boolean} pruneSource Remove inlined rules from the external stylesheet _(default: `true`)_
* @property {Boolean} mergeStylesheets Merged inlined stylesheets into a single <style> tag _(default: `true`)_
* @property {String[]} additionalStylesheets Glob for matching other stylesheets to be used while looking for critical CSS _(default: ``)_.
* @property {String} preload Which {@link PreloadStrategy preload strategy} to use
* @property {Boolean} noscriptFallback Add `<noscript>` fallback to JS-based strategies
* @property {Boolean} inlineFonts Inline critical font-face rules _(default: `false`)_
* @property {Boolean} preloadFonts Preloads critical fonts _(default: `true`)_
* @property {Boolean} fonts Shorthand for setting `inlineFonts`+`preloadFonts`
* - Values:
* - `true` to inline critical font-face rules and preload the fonts
* - `false` to don't inline any font-face rules and don't preload fonts
* @property {String} keyframes Controls which keyframes rules are inlined.
* - Values:
* - `"critical"`: _(default)_ inline keyframes rules used by the critical CSS
* - `"all"` inline all keyframes rules
* - `"none"` remove all keyframes rules
* @property {Boolean} compress Compress resulting critical CSS _(default: `true`)_
* @property {String} logLevel Controls {@link LogLevel log level} of the plugin _(default: `"info"`)_
* Create a Critters plugin instance with the given options.
* @public
* @param {Options} options Options to control how Critters inlines CSS.
* @param {Options} options Options to control how Critters inlines CSS. See
* @example

@@ -118,12 +49,12 @@ * // webpack.config.js

export default class Critters {
/** @private */
constructor (options) {
this.options = Object.assign({ logLevel: 'info', externalStylesheets: [] }, options || {});
this.options.pruneSource = this.options.pruneSource !== false;
this.urlFilter = this.options.filter;
if (this.urlFilter instanceof RegExp) {
this.urlFilter = this.urlFilter.test.bind(this.urlFilter);
this.logger = log({ name: 'Critters', unique: true, level: this.options.logLevel });
export default class CrittersWebpackPlugin extends Critters {
constructor(options) {
// TODO: Remove webpack-log
this.logger = log({
name: 'Critters',
unique: true,
level: this.options.logLevel

@@ -134,33 +65,73 @@

apply (compiler) {
apply(compiler) {
// hook into the compiler to get a Compilation instance...
tap(compiler, 'compilation', PLUGIN_NAME, false, compilation => {
// ... which is how we get an "after" hook into html-webpack-plugin's HTML generation.
if (compilation.hooks && compilation.hooks.htmlWebpackPluginAfterHtmlProcessing) {
tap(compilation, 'html-webpack-plugin-after-html-processing', PLUGIN_NAME, true, (htmlPluginData, callback) => {
this.process(compiler, compilation, htmlPluginData.html)
.then(html => { callback(null, { html }); })
tap(compiler, 'compilation', PLUGIN_NAME, false, (compilation) => {
this.options.path = compiler.options.output.path;
this.options.publicPath = compiler.options.output.publicPath;
const hasHtmlPlugin = compilation.options.plugins.find(
(p) => p.constructor && === 'HtmlWebpackPlugin'
try {
var htmlPluginHooks = require('html-webpack-plugin').getHooks(
} catch (err) {}
const handleHtmlPluginData = (htmlPluginData, callback) => {
this.fs = compilation.outputFileSystem;
this.compilation = compilation;
.then((html) => {
callback(null, { html });
// get an "after" hook into html-webpack-plugin's HTML generation.
if (
compilation.hooks &&
) {
} else if (hasHtmlPlugin && htmlPluginHooks) {
htmlPluginHooks.beforeEmit.tapAsync(PLUGIN_NAME, handleHtmlPluginData);
} else {
// If html-webpack-plugin isn't used, process the first HTML asset as an optimize step
tap(compilation, 'optimize-assets', PLUGIN_NAME, true, (assets, callback) => {
let htmlAssetName;
for (const name in assets) {
if (name.match(/\.html$/)) {
htmlAssetName = name;
(assets, callback) => {
this.fs = compilation.outputFileSystem;
this.compilation = compilation;
let htmlAssetName;
for (const name in assets) {
if (name.match(/\.html$/)) {
htmlAssetName = name;
if (!htmlAssetName) {
return callback(Error('Could not find HTML asset.'));
const html = assets[htmlAssetName].source();
if (!html) return callback(Error('Empty HTML asset.'));
.then((html) => {
assets[htmlAssetName] = new sources.RawSource(html);
if (!htmlAssetName) return callback(Error('Could not find HTML asset.'));
const html = assets[htmlAssetName].source();
if (!html) return callback(Error('Empty HTML asset.'));
this.process(compiler, compilation, String(html))
.then(html => {
assets[htmlAssetName] = new sources.RawSource(html);

@@ -171,103 +142,9 @@ });

* Read the contents of a file from Webpack's input filesystem
* Given href, find the corresponding CSS asset
readFile (compilation, filename) {
const fs = this.fs || compilation.outputFileSystem;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const callback = (err, data) => {
if (err) reject(err);
else resolve(data);
if (fs && fs.readFile) {
fs.readFile(filename, callback);
} else {
require('fs').readFile(filename, 'utf8', callback);
async getCssAsset(href, style) {
const outputPath = this.options.path;
const publicPath = this.options.publicPath;
* Apply critical CSS processing to html-webpack-plugin
async process (compiler, compilation, html) {
const outputPath = compiler.options.output.path;
const publicPath = compiler.options.output.publicPath;
// Parse the generated HTML in a DOM we can mutate
const document = createDocument(html);
if (this.options.additionalStylesheets) {
const styleSheetsIncluded = [];
(this.options.additionalStylesheets || []).forEach(cssFile => {
if (styleSheetsIncluded.includes(cssFile)) {
const webpackCssAssets = Object.keys(compilation.assets).filter(file => minimatch(file, cssFile)); => {
const tag = document.createElement('style');
tag.innerHTML = compilation.assets[asset].source();
// `external:false` skips processing of external sheets
if (this.options.external !== false) {
const externalSheets = []'link[rel="stylesheet"]'));
await Promise.all(
link => this.embedLinkedStylesheet(link, compilation, outputPath, publicPath)
// go through all the style tags in the document and reduce them to only critical CSS
const styles = []'style'));
await Promise.all(
style => this.processStyle(style, document)
if (this.options.mergeStylesheets !== false && styles.length !== 0) {
await this.mergeStylesheets(document);
// serialize the document back to HTML and we're done
return serializeDocument(document);
async mergeStylesheets (document) {
const styles = []'style'));
if (styles.length === 0) {
this.logger.warn('Merging inline stylesheets into a single <style> tag skipped, no inline stylesheets to merge');
const first = styles[0];
let sheet = first.textContent;
for (let i = 1; i < styles.length; i++) {
const node = styles[i];
sheet += node.textContent;
if (this.options.compress !== false) {
const before = sheet;
const processor = postcss([cssnano()]);
const result = await processor.process(before, { from: undefined });
// @todo sourcemap support (elsewhere first)
sheet = result.css;
setNodeText(first, sheet);
* Inline the target stylesheet referred to by a <link rel="stylesheet"> (assuming it passes `options.filter`)
async embedLinkedStylesheet (link, compilation, outputPath, publicPath) {
const href = link.getAttribute('href');
const media = link.getAttribute('media');
const document = link.ownerDocument;
const preloadMode = this.options.preload;
// skip filtered resources, or network resources if no filter is provided
if (this.urlFilter ? this.urlFilter(href) : href.match(/^(https?:)?\/\//)) return Promise.resolve();
// CHECK - the output path
// path on disk (with output.publicPath removed)

@@ -277,3 +154,5 @@ let normalizedPath = href.replace(/^\//, '');

if (normalizedPath.indexOf(pathPrefix) === 0) {
normalizedPath = normalizedPath.substring(pathPrefix.length).replace(/^\//, '');
normalizedPath = normalizedPath
.replace(/^\//, '');

@@ -283,11 +162,20 @@ const filename = path.resolve(outputPath, normalizedPath);

// try to find a matching asset by filename in webpack's output (not yet written to disk)
const relativePath = path.relative(outputPath, filename).replace(/^\.\//, '');
const asset = compilation.assets[relativePath];
const relativePath = path
.relative(outputPath, filename)
.replace(/^\.\//, '');
const asset = this.compilation.assets[relativePath]; // compilation.assets[relativePath];
// Attempt to read from assets, falling back to a disk read
let sheet = asset && asset.source();
if (!sheet) {
try {
sheet = await this.readFile(compilation, filename);
this.logger.warn(`Stylesheet "${relativePath}" not found in assets, but a file was located on disk.${this.options.pruneSource ? ' This means pruneSource will not be applied.' : ''}`);
sheet = await this.readFile(this.compilation, filename);
`Stylesheet "${relativePath}" not found in assets, but a file was located on disk.${
? ' This means pruneSource will not be applied.'
: ''
} catch (e) {

@@ -299,269 +187,80 @@ this.logger.warn(`Unable to locate stylesheet: ${relativePath}`);

// CSS loader is only injected for the first sheet, then this becomes an empty string
let cssLoaderPreamble = `function $loadcss(u,m,l){(l=document.createElement('link')).rel='stylesheet';l.href=u;document.head.appendChild(l)}`;
const lazy = preloadMode === 'js-lazy';
if (lazy) {
cssLoaderPreamble = cssLoaderPreamble.replace('l.href', `'only x';l.onload=function(){};l.href`);
// the reduced critical CSS gets injected into a new <style> tag
const style = document.createElement('style');
link.parentNode.insertBefore(style, link);
if (this.options.inlineThreshold && sheet.length < this.options.inlineThreshold) {
style.$$reduce = false;`\u001b[32mInlined all of ${href} (${sheet.length} was below the threshold of ${this.options.inlineThreshold})\u001b[39m`);
if (asset) {
delete compilation.assets[relativePath];
} else {
this.logger.warn(` > ${href} was not found in assets. the resource may still be emitted but will be unreferenced.`);
// drop references to webpack asset locations onto the tag, used for later reporting and in-place asset updates
style.$$name = href;
style.$$asset = asset;
style.$$assetName = relativePath;
style.$$assets = compilation.assets;
style.$$links = [link];
// style.$$assets = this.compilation.assets;
// Allow disabling any mutation of the stylesheet link:
if (preloadMode === false) return;
return sheet;
let noscriptFallback = false;
checkInlineThreshold(link, style, sheet) {
const inlined = super.checkInlineThreshold(link, style, sheet);
if (preloadMode === 'body') {
} else {
link.setAttribute('rel', 'preload');
link.setAttribute('as', 'style');
if (preloadMode === 'js' || preloadMode === 'js-lazy') {
const script = document.createElement('script');
const js = `${cssLoaderPreamble}$loadcss(${JSON.stringify(href)}${lazy ? (',' + JSON.stringify(media || 'all')) : ''})`;
link.parentNode.insertBefore(script, link.nextSibling);
cssLoaderPreamble = '';
noscriptFallback = true;
} else if (preloadMode === 'media') {
// @see
link.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
link.setAttribute('media', 'only x');
link.setAttribute('onload', `'${media || 'all'}'`);
noscriptFallback = true;
} else if (preloadMode === 'swap') {
link.setAttribute('onload', "this.rel='stylesheet'");
noscriptFallback = true;
if (inlined) {
const asset = style.$$asset;
if (asset) {
delete this.compilation.assets[style.$$assetName];
} else {
const bodyLink = document.createElement('link');
bodyLink.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
if (media) bodyLink.setAttribute('media', media);
bodyLink.setAttribute('href', href);
` > ${style.$$name} was not found in assets. the resource may still be emitted but will be unreferenced.`
if (this.options.noscriptFallback !== false && noscriptFallback) {
const noscript = document.createElement('noscript');
const noscriptLink = document.createElement('link');
noscriptLink.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
noscriptLink.setAttribute('href', href);
if (media) noscriptLink.setAttribute('media', media);
link.parentNode.insertBefore(noscript, link.nextSibling);
return inlined;
* Parse the stylesheet within a <style> element, then reduce it to contain only rules used by the document.
* Inline the stylesheets from options.additionalStylesheets (assuming it passes `options.filter`)
async processStyle (style) {
if (style.$$reduce === false) return;
const name = style.$$name ? style.$$name.replace(/^\//, '') : 'inline CSS';
const options = this.options;
const document = style.ownerDocument;
const head = document.querySelector('head');
let keyframesMode = options.keyframes || 'critical';
// we also accept a boolean value for options.keyframes
if (keyframesMode === true) keyframesMode = 'all';
if (keyframesMode === false) keyframesMode = 'none';
// basically `.textContent`
let sheet = style.childNodes.length > 0 && [], node => node.nodeValue).join('\n');
// store a reference to the previous serialized stylesheet for reporting stats
const before = sheet;
// Skip empty stylesheets
if (!sheet) return;
const ast = parseStylesheet(sheet);
const astInverse = options.pruneSource ? parseStylesheet(sheet) : null;
// a string to search for font names (very loose)
let criticalFonts = '';
const failedSelectors = [];
const criticalKeyframeNames = [];
// Walk all CSS rules, marking unused rules with `.$$remove=true` for removal in the second pass.
// This first pass is also used to collect font and keyframe usage used in the second pass.
walkStyleRules(ast, markOnly(rule => {
if (rule.type === 'rule') {
// Filter the selector list down to only those match
rule.filterSelectors(sel => {
// Strip pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes, since we only care that their associated elements exist.
// This means any selector for a pseudo-element or having a pseudo-class will be inlined if the rest of the selector matches.
if (sel !== ':root') {
sel = sel.replace(/(?:>\s*)?::?[a-z-]+\s*(\{|$)/gi, '$1').trim();
if (!sel) return false;
try {
return document.querySelector(sel) != null;
} catch (e) {
failedSelectors.push(sel + ' -> ' + e.message);
return false;
// If there are no matched selectors, remove the rule:
if (rule.selectors.length === 0) {
return false;
if (rule.declarations) {
for (let i = 0; i < rule.declarations.length; i++) {
const decl = rule.declarations[i];
// detect used fonts
if ( &&\bfont(-family)?\b/i)) {
criticalFonts += ' ' + decl.value;
// detect used keyframes
if ( === 'animation' || === 'animation-name') {
// @todo: parse animation declarations and extract only the name. for now we'll do a lazy match.
const names = decl.value.split(/\s+/);
for (let j = 0; j < names.length; j++) {
const name = names[j].trim();
if (name) criticalKeyframeNames.push(name);
async embedAdditionalStylesheet(document) {
const styleSheetsIncluded = [];
(this.options.additionalStylesheets || []).forEach((cssFile) => {
if (styleSheetsIncluded.includes(cssFile)) {
// keep font rules, they're handled in the second pass:
if (rule.type === 'font-face') return;
// If there are no remaining rules, remove the whole rule:
const rules = rule.rules && rule.rules.filter(rule => !rule.$$remove);
return !rules || rules.length !== 0;
if (failedSelectors.length !== 0) {
this.logger.warn(`${failedSelectors.length} rules skipped due to selector errors:\n ${failedSelectors.join('\n ')}`);
const shouldPreloadFonts = options.fonts === true || options.preloadFonts === true;
const shouldInlineFonts = options.fonts !== false && options.inlineFonts === true;
const preloadedFonts = [];
// Second pass, using data picked up from the first
walkStyleRulesWithReverseMirror(ast, astInverse, rule => {
// remove any rules marked in the first pass
if (rule.$$remove === true) return false;
// prune @keyframes rules
if (rule.type === 'keyframes') {
if (keyframesMode === 'none') return false;
if (keyframesMode === 'all') return true;
return criticalKeyframeNames.indexOf( !== -1;
// prune @font-face rules
if (rule.type === 'font-face') {
let family, src;
for (let i = 0; i < rule.declarations.length; i++) {
const decl = rule.declarations[i];
if ( === 'src') {
// @todo parse this properly and generate multiple preloads with type="font/woff2" etc
src = (decl.value.match(/url\s*\(\s*(['"]?)(.+?)\1\s*\)/) || [])[2];
} else if ( === 'font-family') {
family = decl.value;
if (src && shouldPreloadFonts && preloadedFonts.indexOf(src) === -1) {
const preload = document.createElement('link');
preload.setAttribute('rel', 'preload');
preload.setAttribute('as', 'font');
preload.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous');
preload.setAttribute('href', src.trim());
// if we're missing info, if the font is unused, or if critical font inlining is disabled, remove the rule:
if (!family || !src || criticalFonts.indexOf(family) === -1 || !shouldInlineFonts) return false;
const webpackCssAssets = Object.keys(this.compilation.assets).filter(
(file) => minimatch(file, cssFile)
); => {
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.$$external = true;
style.textContent = this.compilation.assets[asset].source();
sheet = serializeStylesheet(ast, { compress: this.options.compress !== false }).trim();
* Prune the source CSS files
pruneSource(style, before, sheetInverse) {
const isStyleInlined = super.pruneSource(style, before, sheetInverse);
const asset = style.$$asset;
const name = style.$$name;
// If all rules were removed, get rid of the style element entirely
if (sheet.trim().length === 0) {
if (style.parentNode) {
if (asset) {
// if external stylesheet would be below minimum size, just inline everything
const minSize = this.options.minimumExternalSize;
if (minSize && sheetInverse.length < minSize) {
// delete the webpack asset:
delete this.compilation.assets[style.$$assetName];
return true;
this.compilation.assets[style.$$assetName] =
new sources.LineToLineMappedSource(
} else {
'pruneSource is enabled, but a style (' +
name +
') has no corresponding Webpack asset.'
let afterText = '';
if (options.pruneSource) {
const sheetInverse = serializeStylesheet(astInverse, { compress: this.options.compress !== false });
const asset = style.$$asset;
if (asset) {
// if external stylesheet would be below minimum size, just inline everything
const minSize = this.options.minimumExternalSize;
if (minSize && sheetInverse.length < minSize) {`\u001b[32mInlined all of ${name} (non-critical external stylesheet would have been ${sheetInverse.length}b, which was below the threshold of ${minSize})\u001b[39m`);
setNodeText(style, before);
// remove any associated external resources/loaders:
if (style.$$links) {
for (const link of style.$$links) {
const parent = link.parentNode;
if (parent) parent.removeChild(link);
// delete the webpack asset:
delete style.$$assets[style.$$assetName];
const percent = sheetInverse.length / before.length * 100;
afterText = `, reducing non-inlined size ${percent | 0}% to ${prettyBytes(sheetInverse.length)}`;
style.$$assets[style.$$assetName] = new sources.LineToLineMappedSource(sheetInverse, style.$$assetName, before);
} else {
this.logger.warn('pruneSource is enabled, but a style (' + name + ') has no corresponding Webpack asset.');
// replace the inline stylesheet with its critical'd counterpart
setNodeText(style, sheet);
// output stats
const percent = sheet.length / before.length * 100 | 0;'\u001b[32mInlined ' + prettyBytes(sheet.length) + ' (' + percent + '% of original ' + prettyBytes(before.length) + ') of ' + name + afterText + '.\u001b[39m');
return isStyleInlined;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

export function tap (inst, hook, pluginName, async, callback) {
export function tap(inst, hook, pluginName, async, callback) {
if (inst.hooks) {

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ const camel = hook.replace(/-([a-z])/g, (s, i) => i.toUpperCase());

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