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Comparing version 1.2.0 to 1.3.0


* This module has been designed to be a drop-in replacement for extending built-in elements. It is supposed to be
* 1. More widely supported. Safari does not support 'is' attribute.
* 2. More concise and flexible. You can register and unregister components and you can attach multiple components to the same element..
* 3. Easier to pass down props in markup without creating ugly markup.
* Actributes lets you attach components to HTML elements within markup. 2
* use cases we have found include implementing reactivity (Actribution) and
* 'extending' built-in elements.
* The attributes here name the components and the values
* are the names of props to pass to them along with the element.
* The attributes here name the components and any values
* are passed to the components along with the element. Components can use the
* values in any appropriate to their operations. Simple components will typically
* call the props function on them to extract properties from objects which they
* then use for their operation. More complex components could interprete the values
* as code.
* @example
* import { Actribute } from 'deleight/actribute';
* import { Actribute, props } from 'deleight/actribute';
* // initialize:

@@ -17,10 +20,10 @@ * const fallbackProps = {

* };
* const act = new Actribute(fallbackProps);
* const act = new Actribute();
* // register components:
* act.register('comp1', (node, prop1) => node.textContent = prop1);
* act.register('comp2', (node, prop2) => = prop2);
* act.register('comp1', (element, attr, ...context) => element.textContent = props(attr.value, context)[0]);
* act.register('comp2', (element, attr) => = attr.value);
* // use in markup:
* // <section c-comp1="prop1" c-comp2="prop2" >
* // <section c-comp1="prop1" c-comp2="100px" >
* // First section

@@ -30,3 +33,3 @@ * // </section>

* / process components:
* act.process(document.body, {prop2: 1, prop3: 2});
* act.process({el: document.body, ctx: [{prop1: 2, prop3: 2}, fallbackProps]});

@@ -38,7 +41,7 @@ * // unregister a component:

* Represents a component function. The function takes an element
* as its first argument. It may optionally receive further props
* arguments. It can return anything.
* as its first argument and the attribute as its second argument. It may
* optionally receive further context arguments. It can return anything.
interface IComponent {
(element: Element, ...props: any[]): any;
(element: Element, attr: Attr, ...context: any[]): any;

@@ -53,4 +56,13 @@ /**

interface IActributeInit {
open?: string;
closed?: string;
type IProcessOptions = {
el?: Element;
attr?: string;
ctx?: any[];
} | Element | string | any[];
* An Actribute class. Similar to a custom elements registry 'class'.
* An Actribute class. This is almost like a custom elements registry 'class'.

@@ -66,22 +78,14 @@ declare class Actribute {

* This object holds any fallback props which can be referenced
* in the markup, in the values of component attributes. Property names
* can be referenced similarly to CSS classes.
* The attribute used to specify that the tree of an element with
* components is open to nested processing.
props: any;
openAttr: string;
* This is the attribute prefix that denotes component specifiers in
* markup. A component specifier is an attribute where the name (after
* the prefix) refers to a component name (in the registery) and the
* optional value is a space-separated list of property names.
* The attribute used to specify that the tree of an element with
* components is not open to nested processing.
attrPrefix: string;
closedAttr: string;
* Construct a new Actribute instance with the fallback props and
* attribute prefix.
* Construct a new Actribute instance.
* It is similar to a Custom Element registry. When used to process
* markup, attributes with names starting with `attrPrefix` are treated
* as component specifiers.
* A component specifier is of the form [attrPrefix][componentName]="[propertyName] [propertyName] ..."

@@ -106,14 +110,10 @@ *

* @param {any} props The value to assign to the props member.
* @param {string} attrPrefix The value to assign to attrPrefix. Defaults to 'c-'
* @param {IActributeInit} init The value to assign to attrPrefix. Defaults to 'c-'
* @constructor
constructor(props: any, attrPrefix: string);
constructor(init?: IActributeInit);
* Registers a function as a component bearing the given name.
* The component can be referenced in processed markup using
* the name.
* Registers multiple components at once using an object that maps
* component names to component functions.
* Returns the same actribute to support chaining.
* @example

@@ -125,21 +125,3 @@ * import { Actribute } from 'deleight/actribute';

* const act = new Actribute(fallbackProps);
* act.register('comp1', (element, prop1) => element.textContent = prop1);
* act.register('comp2', (element, prop2) => = prop2);
* @param {string} name The component name
* @param {Function} component The component function
* @returns {Actribute}
register(name: string, component: IComponent): Actribute;
* Registers multiple components at once using an object that maps
* component names to component functions. This is more succint than
* repeated calls to `this.register()`.
* @example
* import { Actribute } from 'deleight/actribute';
* const fallbackProps = {
* prop1: 'Fallback', prop4: 'Last resort'
* };
* const act = new Actribute(fallbackProps);
* act.registerAll({
* act.register({
* comp1: (element, prop1) => element.textContent = prop1,

@@ -152,33 +134,49 @@ * comp2: (element, prop2) => = prop2

registerAll(registerMap: IRegisterMap): this;
register(registerMap: IRegisterMap): this;
* Recursively processes the node to identify and apply components.
* Recursively processes `options.el` (or `document.body` by default) to
* identify and apply components. Attributes with names starting with
* `options.attr` (or `c-` by default) are treated as component specifiers.
* At elements where any components are encountered, the components
* are called with the element and any specified props. The decendants
* are not processed.
* are called with the element, the attribute value and any specified
* context objects (`...(options.context || [])`).
* At elements without a component, the descendants are processed
* recursively.
* Where a component is encountered, decendants are not processed unless ``
* attribute is present on the element. At elements without a component, the descendants
* are processed recursively, except `this.closed` boolean attribute is
* specified. These are supposed to echo the semantics of the Shadow DOM API.
* If a component is not found and a wild-card component is registered (with '*'),
* the widcard component is called instead with the whole attribute passed as the second
* argument.
* Returns the same actribute to support call chaining.
* @example
* import { Actribute } from 'deleight/actribute';
* const fallbackProps = {
* prop1: 'Fallback', prop4: 'Last resort'
* };
* const act = new Actribute(fallbackProps);
* act.register('comp1', (node, prop1) => node.textContent = prop1);
* act.register('comp2', (node, prop2) => = prop2);
* act.process(document.body, {prop2: 1, prop3: 2});
* import { Actribute, props } from 'deleight/actribute';
* const act = new Actribute();
* act.register({
* comp1: (element, attr, singleContext) => element.textContent = attr.value,
* comp2: (element, attr, singleContext) => = props(attr.value, [singleContext])
* });
* act.process([{prop2: 1, prop3: 2}]);
* @param {HTMLElement} element
* @param {any} [props]
* @param {string} [propSep]
* @param {IProcessOptions} [options]
* @returns {Actribute}
process(element: Element, props?: any, propSep?: string): Actribute;
process(options?: IProcessOptions): Actribute;
* Obtain properties from the specified sources. Specify the property names
* separated by a separator (`" "` by default).
* @example
* @param names
* @param sources
* @param sep
* @returns
declare function props(names: string, sources: any[], sep?: string): any[];
export { Actribute, type IRegisterMap };
export { Actribute, type IActributeInit, type IComponent, type IProcessOptions, type IRegisterMap, props };

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

"use strict";function t(t,r){const e=r.split(".");let i=t[e[0].trim()];for(let r=1;r<e.length&&("object"==typeof i||"function"==typeof i);r++)i=(t=i)[e[r].trim()];return i}exports.Actribute=class{registry={};props;attrPrefix;constructor(t,r){this.props=t||{},this.attrPrefix=r||"c-"}register(t,r){return(this.registry[t]=r)&&this}registerAll(t){return Object.assign(this.registry,t)&&this}process(r,e,i){e||(e={}),void 0===i&&(i=" ");let s,o,n,f=[],h=!1;for(let{name:p,value:c}of Array.from(r.attributes))if(p.startsWith(this.attrPrefix)){if(h=!0,s=p.substring(this.attrPrefix.length),!this.registry.hasOwnProperty(s))throw new Error(`The component "${s}" was not found in the registry.`);if(f=[],c=c.trim(),c)for(o of c.split(i))if(o=o.trim(),""!==o){if(n=t(e,o)||t(this.props,o),void 0===n)throw new Error(`The property "${o}" was not found for the component "${s}" in the element "${r.toString()}"."`);f.push(n)}this.registry[s](r,...f)}if(!h)for(let t of Array.from(r.children))this.process(t,e,i);return this}};
"use strict";function t(t,r){const e=r.split(".");let s=t[e[0].trim()];for(let r=1;r<e.length&&("object"==typeof s||"function"==typeof s);r++)s=(t=s)[e[r].trim()];return s}exports.Actribute=class{registry={};openAttr;closedAttr;constructor(t){this.openAttr=t?.open||"o-pen",this.closedAttr=t?.closed||"c-losed"}register(t){return Object.assign(this.registry,t)&&this}process(t){let r,e,s;"string"==typeof t?e=t:t instanceof Element?r=t:t instanceof Array?s=t:"object"==typeof t&&(r=t.el,e=t.attr,s=t.ctx),r||(r=document.body),e||(e="c-"),s||(s=[]);const o=r.attributes,i=o.length;let n,c,h,f=!1,p=r.hasAttribute(this.openAttr);for(c=0;c<i;c++)if(n=o[c],!0,,this.registry.hasOwnProperty(h))this.registry[h](r,n,...s);else{if(!this.registry.hasOwnProperty("*"))throw new Error(`The component "${h}" was not found in the registry.`);this.registry["*"](r,n,...s)}if(!f||p)for(let t of Array.from(r.children))t.hasAttribute(this.closedAttr)||this.process({el:t,attr:e,ctx:s});return this}},exports.props=function(r,e,s){const o=[],i=e.length;let n,c,h;for(n of(r=r.trim()).split(s||" "))if(n=n.trim(),""!==n){for(c=void 0,h=-1;void 0===c&&++h<i;)c=t(e[h],n);if(void 0===c)throw new TypeError(`The property "${n}" was not found in any of the sources.`);o.push(c)}return o};
* This module has been designed to be a drop-in replacement for extending built-in elements. It is supposed to be
* 1. More widely supported. Safari does not support 'is' attribute.
* 2. More concise and flexible. You can register and unregister components and you can attach multiple components to the same element..
* 3. Easier to pass down props in markup without creating ugly markup.
* Actributes lets you attach components to HTML elements within markup. 2
* use cases we have found include implementing reactivity (Actribution) and
* 'extending' built-in elements.
* The attributes here name the components and the values
* are the names of props to pass to them along with the element.
* The attributes here name the components and any values
* are passed to the components along with the element. Components can use the
* values in any appropriate to their operations. Simple components will typically
* call the props function on them to extract properties from objects which they
* then use for their operation. More complex components could interprete the values
* as code.
* @example
* import { Actribute } from 'deleight/actribute';
* import { Actribute, props } from 'deleight/actribute';
* // initialize:

@@ -17,10 +20,10 @@ * const fallbackProps = {

* };
* const act = new Actribute(fallbackProps);
* const act = new Actribute();
* // register components:
* act.register('comp1', (node, prop1) => node.textContent = prop1);
* act.register('comp2', (node, prop2) => = prop2);
* act.register('comp1', (element, attr, ...context) => element.textContent = props(attr.value, context)[0]);
* act.register('comp2', (element, attr) => = attr.value);
* // use in markup:
* // &lt;section c-comp1="prop1" c-comp2="prop2" &gt;
* // &lt;section c-comp1="prop1" c-comp2="100px" &gt;
* // First section

@@ -30,3 +33,3 @@ * // &lt;/section&gt;

* / process components:
* act.process(document.body, {prop2: 1, prop3: 2});
* act.process({el: document.body, ctx: [{prop1: 2, prop3: 2}, fallbackProps]});

@@ -38,7 +41,7 @@ * // unregister a component:

* Represents a component function. The function takes an element
* as its first argument. It may optionally receive further props
* arguments. It can return anything.
* as its first argument and the attribute as its second argument. It may
* optionally receive further context arguments. It can return anything.
interface IComponent {
(element: Element, ...props: any[]): any;
(element: Element, attr: Attr, ...context: any[]): any;

@@ -53,4 +56,13 @@ /**

interface IActributeInit {
open?: string;
closed?: string;
type IProcessOptions = {
el?: Element;
attr?: string;
ctx?: any[];
} | Element | string | any[];
* An Actribute class. Similar to a custom elements registry 'class'.
* An Actribute class. This is almost like a custom elements registry 'class'.

@@ -66,22 +78,14 @@ declare class Actribute {

* This object holds any fallback props which can be referenced
* in the markup, in the values of component attributes. Property names
* can be referenced similarly to CSS classes.
* The attribute used to specify that the tree of an element with
* components is open to nested processing.
props: any;
openAttr: string;
* This is the attribute prefix that denotes component specifiers in
* markup. A component specifier is an attribute where the name (after
* the prefix) refers to a component name (in the registery) and the
* optional value is a space-separated list of property names.
* The attribute used to specify that the tree of an element with
* components is not open to nested processing.
attrPrefix: string;
closedAttr: string;
* Construct a new Actribute instance with the fallback props and
* attribute prefix.
* Construct a new Actribute instance.
* It is similar to a Custom Element registry. When used to process
* markup, attributes with names starting with `attrPrefix` are treated
* as component specifiers.
* A component specifier is of the form [attrPrefix][componentName]="[propertyName] [propertyName] ..."

@@ -106,14 +110,10 @@ *

* @param {any} props The value to assign to the props member.
* @param {string} attrPrefix The value to assign to attrPrefix. Defaults to 'c-'
* @param {IActributeInit} init The value to assign to attrPrefix. Defaults to 'c-'
* @constructor
constructor(props: any, attrPrefix: string);
constructor(init?: IActributeInit);
* Registers a function as a component bearing the given name.
* The component can be referenced in processed markup using
* the name.
* Registers multiple components at once using an object that maps
* component names to component functions.
* Returns the same actribute to support chaining.
* @example

@@ -125,21 +125,3 @@ * import { Actribute } from 'deleight/actribute';

* const act = new Actribute(fallbackProps);
* act.register('comp1', (element, prop1) => element.textContent = prop1);
* act.register('comp2', (element, prop2) => = prop2);
* @param {string} name The component name
* @param {Function} component The component function
* @returns {Actribute}
register(name: string, component: IComponent): Actribute;
* Registers multiple components at once using an object that maps
* component names to component functions. This is more succint than
* repeated calls to `this.register()`.
* @example
* import { Actribute } from 'deleight/actribute';
* const fallbackProps = {
* prop1: 'Fallback', prop4: 'Last resort'
* };
* const act = new Actribute(fallbackProps);
* act.registerAll({
* act.register({
* comp1: (element, prop1) => element.textContent = prop1,

@@ -152,33 +134,49 @@ * comp2: (element, prop2) => = prop2

registerAll(registerMap: IRegisterMap): this;
register(registerMap: IRegisterMap): this;
* Recursively processes the node to identify and apply components.
* Recursively processes `options.el` (or `document.body` by default) to
* identify and apply components. Attributes with names starting with
* `options.attr` (or `c-` by default) are treated as component specifiers.
* At elements where any components are encountered, the components
* are called with the element and any specified props. The decendants
* are not processed.
* are called with the element, the attribute value and any specified
* context objects (`...(options.context || [])`).
* At elements without a component, the descendants are processed
* recursively.
* Where a component is encountered, decendants are not processed unless ``
* attribute is present on the element. At elements without a component, the descendants
* are processed recursively, except `this.closed` boolean attribute is
* specified. These are supposed to echo the semantics of the Shadow DOM API.
* If a component is not found and a wild-card component is registered (with '*'),
* the widcard component is called instead with the whole attribute passed as the second
* argument.
* Returns the same actribute to support call chaining.
* @example
* import { Actribute } from 'deleight/actribute';
* const fallbackProps = {
* prop1: 'Fallback', prop4: 'Last resort'
* };
* const act = new Actribute(fallbackProps);
* act.register('comp1', (node, prop1) => node.textContent = prop1);
* act.register('comp2', (node, prop2) => = prop2);
* act.process(document.body, {prop2: 1, prop3: 2});
* import { Actribute, props } from 'deleight/actribute';
* const act = new Actribute();
* act.register({
* comp1: (element, attr, singleContext) => element.textContent = attr.value,
* comp2: (element, attr, singleContext) => = props(attr.value, [singleContext])
* });
* act.process([{prop2: 1, prop3: 2}]);
* @param {HTMLElement} element
* @param {any} [props]
* @param {string} [propSep]
* @param {IProcessOptions} [options]
* @returns {Actribute}
process(element: Element, props?: any, propSep?: string): Actribute;
process(options?: IProcessOptions): Actribute;
* Obtain properties from the specified sources. Specify the property names
* separated by a separator (`" "` by default).
* @example
* @param names
* @param sources
* @param sep
* @returns
declare function props(names: string, sources: any[], sep?: string): any[];
export { Actribute, type IRegisterMap };
export { Actribute, type IActributeInit, type IComponent, type IProcessOptions, type IRegisterMap, props };

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

class t{registry={};props;attrPrefix;constructor(t,r){this.props=t||{},this.attrPrefix=r||"c-"}register(t,r){return(this.registry[t]=r)&&this}registerAll(t){return Object.assign(this.registry,t)&&this}process(t,e,i){e||(e={}),void 0===i&&(i=" ");let s,o,n,f=[],h=!1;for(let{name:p,value:a}of Array.from(t.attributes))if(p.startsWith(this.attrPrefix)){if(h=!0,s=p.substring(this.attrPrefix.length),!this.registry.hasOwnProperty(s))throw new Error(`The component "${s}" was not found in the registry.`);if(f=[],a=a.trim(),a)for(o of a.split(i))if(o=o.trim(),""!==o){if(n=r(e,o)||r(this.props,o),void 0===n)throw new Error(`The property "${o}" was not found for the component "${s}" in the element "${t.toString()}"."`);f.push(n)}this.registry[s](t,...f)}if(!h)for(let r of Array.from(t.children))this.process(r,e,i);return this}}function r(t,r){const e=r.split(".");let i=t[e[0].trim()];for(let r=1;r<e.length&&("object"==typeof i||"function"==typeof i);r++)i=(t=i)[e[r].trim()];return i}export{t as Actribute};
class t{registry={};openAttr;closedAttr;constructor(t){this.openAttr=t?.open||"o-pen",this.closedAttr=t?.closed||"c-losed"}register(t){return Object.assign(this.registry,t)&&this}process(t){let r,e,o;"string"==typeof t?e=t:t instanceof Element?r=t:t instanceof Array?o=t:"object"==typeof t&&(r=t.el,e=t.attr,o=t.ctx),r||(r=document.body),e||(e="c-"),o||(o=[]);const s=r.attributes,i=s.length;let n,h,c,f=!1,l=r.hasAttribute(this.openAttr);for(h=0;h<i;h++)if(n=s[h],!0,,this.registry.hasOwnProperty(c))this.registry[c](r,n,...o);else{if(!this.registry.hasOwnProperty("*"))throw new Error(`The component "${c}" was not found in the registry.`);this.registry["*"](r,n,...o)}if(!f||l)for(let t of Array.from(r.children))t.hasAttribute(this.closedAttr)||this.process({el:t,attr:e,ctx:o});return this}}function r(t,r){const e=r.split(".");let o=t[e[0].trim()];for(let r=1;r<e.length&&("object"==typeof o||"function"==typeof o);r++)o=(t=o)[e[r].trim()];return o}function e(t,e,o){const s=[],i=e.length;let n,h,c;for(n of(t=t.trim()).split(o||" "))if(n=n.trim(),""!==n){for(h=void 0,c=-1;void 0===h&&++c<i;)h=r(e[c],n);if(void 0===h)throw new TypeError(`The property "${n}" was not found in any of the sources.`);s.push(h)}return s}export{t as Actribute,e as props};

@@ -28,6 +28,23 @@ /**

* @param {any[]} [context] Shared context for the 'many' functions or object methods
* @param {number} [mainItem] Set a main item (like 0 for the first item) if the one must behave
* like it. This way the main item can be simply replaced with the one in existing code.
* @returns
declare function one(many: any[], recursive?: boolean, context?: any[]): One;
declare function one(many: any[], recursive?: boolean, context?: any[], mainItem?: number): One;
* Return a wrapped (proxied) One from a pure One.
* @example
* import { One, wrap } from 'deleight/onetomany';
* const o = new One([{a: 1}, {a: 2}])
* o.set('a', [4, 7]);
* const a = wrap(o).a // [4, 7]
* @param o
* @param {number} [mainItem] Set a main item (like 0 for the first item) if the one must behave
* like it. This way the main item can be simply replaced with the one in existing code.
* @returns
declare function wrap(o: One, mainItem?: number): One;
* Return a 'pure' One from a proxied One.

@@ -49,3 +66,3 @@ *

interface IOneConstructor {
(many: any[], recursive?: boolean, context?: any[], ctor?: IOneConstructor): One;
(many: any[], recursive?: boolean, context?: any[]): One;

@@ -67,2 +84,7 @@ /**

* Optionally set main item interpreted specially when the one is
* proxied.
mainItem?: number;
* Whether this One will return other 'One's in calls to `get`.

@@ -88,4 +110,2 @@ */

* This is an array of objects passed as the final arguments in calls. Empty array by default.
* @param {IOneConstructor} [ctor] The constructor used to create the `get` Ones. This parameter is used internally;
* no need to supply an argument.

@@ -99,3 +119,3 @@ * @example

constructor(many: any[], recursive?: boolean, context?: any[], ctor?: IOneConstructor);
constructor(many: any[], recursive?: boolean, context?: any[]);

@@ -179,2 +199,2 @@ * Gets corresponding properties from all the objects in many. If this is

export { type IOneConstructor, One, one, unWrap };
export { type IOneConstructor, One, one, unWrap, wrap };

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

"use strict";const t=Symbol();const e={get(e,s){if(s===t)return e;let r=e.get(s,!0);return r.length&&"function"==typeof r[0]?(...t)=>,s):e.recursive?e.ctor?e.ctor(r,!0,e.context,e.ctor):new n(r,!0,e.context):r},set:(t,e,n)=>(t.set(e,n),!0)};class n{many;recursive;ctor;context;constructor(t,e,n,s){this.many=t,this.recursive=e,this.ctor=s,this.context=n||[]}get(t,e){const s=[],r=this.many.length;if(null!=t)for(let e=0;e<r;e++)s.push(this.many[e][t]);else for(let t=0;t<r;t++)s.push(this.many[t]);const i=[s,this.recursive,this.context];return this.recursive&&!e?this.ctor?this.ctor(...i,this.ctor):new n(...i):s}set(t,e){if(void 0===e)return this.set(t,this.get(t,!0));const n=this.many.length,s=e.length;if(null!=t)for(let r=0;r<n;r++)this.many[r][t]=e[Math.min(r,s-1)];else for(let t=0;t<n;t++)this.many[t]=e[Math.min(t,s-1)]}delete(t){for(let e of this.many)delete e[t]}call(t,e){void 0!==t&&t.length||(t=[[]]);const n=[],s=this.many.length,r=t.length;let i,o;if(void 0!==e)for(let h=0;h<s;h++)i=t[Math.min(h,r-1)]||[],o=this.many[h][e](...i,...this.context),n.push(o);else for(let e=0;e<s;e++)i=t[Math.min(e,r-1)]||[],o=this.many[e](...i,...this.context),n.push(o);return n}}exports.One=n, t(s,r,i){return new Proxy(new n(s,r,i,t),e)},exports.unWrap=function(e){return e[t]||e};
"use strict";function t(e,i,s,o){const c=new r(e,i,s);return c.ctor=t,void 0!==o&&(c.mainItem=o),new Proxy(c,n)}const e=Symbol();const n={get(t,n){if(n===e)return t;let i=t.get(n,!0);if(i.length&&"function"==typeof i[0])return void 0!==t.mainItem?(...e)=>[e],n)[t.mainItem]:(...e)=>,n);if(t.recursive){if(t.ctor){const n=t.ctor(i,!0,t.context);return(n[e]||n).ctor=t.ctor,n}return new r(i,!0,t.context)}return void 0!==t.mainItem?i[t.mainItem]:i},set:(t,e,n)=>(t.set(e,n),!0)};class r{many;mainItem;recursive;ctor;context;constructor(t,e,n){this.many=t,this.recursive=e,this.context=n||[]}get(t,n){const i=[],s=this.many.length;if(null!=t)for(let e=0;e<s;e++)i.push(this.many[e][t]);else for(let t=0;t<s;t++)i.push(this.many[t]);if(!this.recursive||n)return i;if(!this.ctor)return new r(i,this.recursive,this.context);{const t=this.ctor(i,this.recursive,this.context);(t[e]||t).ctor=this.ctor}}set(t,e){if(void 0===e)return this.set(t,this.get(t,!0));e instanceof Array||(e=[e]);const n=this.many.length,r=e.length;if(null!=t)for(let i=0;i<n;i++)this.many[i][t]=e[Math.min(i,r-1)];else for(let t=0;t<n;t++)this.many[t]=e[Math.min(t,r-1)]}delete(t){for(let e of this.many)delete e[t]}call(t,e){void 0!==t&&t.length||(t=[[]]);const n=[],r=this.many.length,i=t.length;let s,o;if(void 0!==e)for(let c=0;c<r;c++)s=t[Math.min(c,i-1)]||[],o=this.many[c][e](...s,...this.context),n.push(o);else for(let e=0;e<r;e++)s=t[Math.min(e,i-1)]||[],o=this.many[e](...s,...this.context),n.push(o);return n}}exports.One=r,,exports.unWrap=function(t){return t[e]||t},exports.wrap=function(e,r){return e.ctor=t,void 0!==r&&(e.mainItem=r),new Proxy(e,n)};

@@ -28,6 +28,23 @@ /**

* @param {any[]} [context] Shared context for the 'many' functions or object methods
* @param {number} [mainItem] Set a main item (like 0 for the first item) if the one must behave
* like it. This way the main item can be simply replaced with the one in existing code.
* @returns
declare function one(many: any[], recursive?: boolean, context?: any[]): One;
declare function one(many: any[], recursive?: boolean, context?: any[], mainItem?: number): One;
* Return a wrapped (proxied) One from a pure One.
* @example
* import { One, wrap } from 'deleight/onetomany';
* const o = new One([{a: 1}, {a: 2}])
* o.set('a', [4, 7]);
* const a = wrap(o).a // [4, 7]
* @param o
* @param {number} [mainItem] Set a main item (like 0 for the first item) if the one must behave
* like it. This way the main item can be simply replaced with the one in existing code.
* @returns
declare function wrap(o: One, mainItem?: number): One;
* Return a 'pure' One from a proxied One.

@@ -49,3 +66,3 @@ *

interface IOneConstructor {
(many: any[], recursive?: boolean, context?: any[], ctor?: IOneConstructor): One;
(many: any[], recursive?: boolean, context?: any[]): One;

@@ -67,2 +84,7 @@ /**

* Optionally set main item interpreted specially when the one is
* proxied.
mainItem?: number;
* Whether this One will return other 'One's in calls to `get`.

@@ -88,4 +110,2 @@ */

* This is an array of objects passed as the final arguments in calls. Empty array by default.
* @param {IOneConstructor} [ctor] The constructor used to create the `get` Ones. This parameter is used internally;
* no need to supply an argument.

@@ -99,3 +119,3 @@ * @example

constructor(many: any[], recursive?: boolean, context?: any[], ctor?: IOneConstructor);
constructor(many: any[], recursive?: boolean, context?: any[]);

@@ -179,2 +199,2 @@ * Gets corresponding properties from all the objects in many. If this is

export { type IOneConstructor, One, one, unWrap };
export { type IOneConstructor, One, one, unWrap, wrap };

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

function t(e,n,r){return new Proxy(new i(e,n,r,t),s)}const e=Symbol();function n(t){return t[e]||t}const s={get(t,n){if(n===e)return t;let s=t.get(n,!0);return s.length&&"function"==typeof s[0]?(...e)=>,n):t.recursive?t.ctor?t.ctor(s,!0,t.context,t.ctor):new i(s,!0,t.context):s},set:(t,e,n)=>(t.set(e,n),!0)};class i{many;recursive;ctor;context;constructor(t,e,n,s){this.many=t,this.recursive=e,this.ctor=s,this.context=n||[]}get(t,e){const n=[],s=this.many.length;if(null!=t)for(let e=0;e<s;e++)n.push(this.many[e][t]);else for(let t=0;t<s;t++)n.push(this.many[t]);const r=[n,this.recursive,this.context];return this.recursive&&!e?this.ctor?this.ctor(...r,this.ctor):new i(...r):n}set(t,e){if(void 0===e)return this.set(t,this.get(t,!0));const n=this.many.length,s=e.length;if(null!=t)for(let i=0;i<n;i++)this.many[i][t]=e[Math.min(i,s-1)];else for(let t=0;t<n;t++)this.many[t]=e[Math.min(t,s-1)]}delete(t){for(let e of this.many)delete e[t]}call(t,e){void 0!==t&&t.length||(t=[[]]);const n=[],s=this.many.length,i=t.length;let r,o;if(void 0!==e)for(let h=0;h<s;h++)r=t[Math.min(h,i-1)]||[],o=this.many[h][e](...r,...this.context),n.push(o);else for(let e=0;e<s;e++)r=t[Math.min(e,i-1)]||[],o=this.many[e](...r,...this.context),n.push(o);return n}}export{i as One,t as one,n as unWrap};
function t(e,n,i,s){const c=new o(e,n,i);return c.ctor=t,void 0!==s&&(c.mainItem=s),new Proxy(c,r)}const e=Symbol();function n(e,n){return e.ctor=t,void 0!==n&&(e.mainItem=n),new Proxy(e,r)}function i(t){return t[e]||t}const r={get(t,n){if(n===e)return t;let i=t.get(n,!0);if(i.length&&"function"==typeof i[0])return void 0!==t.mainItem?(...e)=>[e],n)[t.mainItem]:(...e)=>,n);if(t.recursive){if(t.ctor){const n=t.ctor(i,!0,t.context);return(n[e]||n).ctor=t.ctor,n}return new o(i,!0,t.context)}return void 0!==t.mainItem?i[t.mainItem]:i},set:(t,e,n)=>(t.set(e,n),!0)};class o{many;mainItem;recursive;ctor;context;constructor(t,e,n){this.many=t,this.recursive=e,this.context=n||[]}get(t,n){const i=[],r=this.many.length;if(null!=t)for(let e=0;e<r;e++)i.push(this.many[e][t]);else for(let t=0;t<r;t++)i.push(this.many[t]);if(!this.recursive||n)return i;if(!this.ctor)return new o(i,this.recursive,this.context);{const t=this.ctor(i,this.recursive,this.context);(t[e]||t).ctor=this.ctor}}set(t,e){if(void 0===e)return this.set(t,this.get(t,!0));e instanceof Array||(e=[e]);const n=this.many.length,i=e.length;if(null!=t)for(let r=0;r<n;r++)this.many[r][t]=e[Math.min(r,i-1)];else for(let t=0;t<n;t++)this.many[t]=e[Math.min(t,i-1)]}delete(t){for(let e of this.many)delete e[t]}call(t,e){void 0!==t&&t.length||(t=[[]]);const n=[],i=this.many.length,r=t.length;let o,s;if(void 0!==e)for(let c=0;c<i;c++)o=t[Math.min(c,r-1)]||[],s=this.many[c][e](...o,...this.context),n.push(s);else for(let e=0;e<i;e++)o=t[Math.min(e,r-1)]||[],s=this.many[e](...o,...this.context),n.push(s);return n}}export{o as One,t as one,i as unWrap,n as wrap};
"name": "deleight",
"version": "1.2.0",
"version": "1.3.0",
"description": "A group of 8 libraries for writing accessible and joyfully interactive web applications with traditional HTML, CSS and JavaScript.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "type": "module",

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