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@@ -1,620 +0,24 @@

/// <reference types="node" />
import type { RequestOptions } from './request';
import type * as helpers from './helpers';
import type * as types from './types';
export declare const setDefaultRequestOptions: (options?: RequestOptions | undefined) => RequestOptions | undefined;
export declare const Channel: {
Create: (guild_id: string, params: {
name: string;
type?: helpers.ChannelTypes;
topic?: string;
bitrate?: number;
user_limit?: number;
rate_limit_per_user?: number;
position?: number;
permission_overwrites?: types.PermissionsOverwrite[];
parent_id?: string;
nsfw?: boolean;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Channel>;
Get: (channel_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Channel>;
Modify: (id: string, params: {
name?: string;
type?: helpers.ChannelTypes;
position?: number | null;
topic?: string | null;
nsfw?: boolean | null;
rate_limit_per_user?: number | null;
bitrate?: number | null;
user_limit?: number | null;
permission_overwrites?: types.PermissionsOverwrite[] | null;
parent_id?: string | null;
rtc_region?: string | null;
video_quality_mode?: helpers.VideoQualityModes;
default_auto_archive_duration?: helpers.ThreadArchiveDurations | null;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Channel>;
Delete: (channel_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Channel>;
GetMessages: (channel_id: string, params?: {
around?: string | undefined;
before?: string | undefined;
after?: string | undefined;
limit?: number | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Message[]>;
BulkDeleteMessages: (channel_id: string, params: {
messages: string[];
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
EditPermissions: (channel_id: string, overwrite_id: string, params: {
allow?: string | null;
deny?: string | null;
type: helpers.PermissionsOverwriteTypes;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
GetInvites: (channel_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<(types.Invite & types.InviteMetadata)[]>;
DeletePermission: (channel_id: string, overwrite_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
FollowNews: (channel_id: string, params: {
webhook_channel_id: string;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.FollowedChannel>;
TriggerTypingIndicator: (channel_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
GetPinnedMessages: (channel_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Message[]>;
GetWebhooks: (channel_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Webhook[]>;
ListPublicArchivedThreads: (channel_id: string, params?: {
before?: string | undefined;
limit?: number | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<{
threads: types.Thread[];
members: types.ThreadMember[];
has_more: boolean;
ListPrivateArchivedThreads: (channel_id: string, params?: {
before?: string | undefined;
limit?: number | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<{
threads: types.Thread[];
members: types.ThreadMember[];
has_more: boolean;
ListJoinedPrivateArchivedThreads: (channel_id: string, params?: {
before?: string | undefined;
limit?: number | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<{
threads: types.Thread[];
members: types.ThreadMember[];
has_more: boolean;
export declare const Message: {
Get: (channel_id: string, message_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Message>;
Create: (channel_id: string, params: {
content?: string | undefined;
nonce?: string | number | undefined;
tts?: string | undefined;
embeds?: types.Embed[] | undefined;
allowed_mentions?: types.AllowedMentions | undefined;
message_reference?: {
message_id: string;
channel_id?: string | undefined;
guild_id?: string | undefined;
fail_if_not_exists?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined;
components?: types.ActionRow[] | undefined;
flags?: helpers.MessageFlags | undefined;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Message>;
Crosspost: (channel_id: string, message_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Message>;
Delete: (channel_id: string, message_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
Edit: (channel_id: string, message_id: string, params: {
content?: string;
embeds?: types.Embed[];
flags?: helpers.MessageFlags;
allowed_mentions?: types.AllowedMentions;
components?: types.ActionRow[];
attachments?: types.Attachment[];
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Message>;
Pin: (channel_id: string, message_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
Unpin: (channel_id: string, message_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
GetReactions: (channel_id: string, message_id: string, emoji: string, params?: {
after?: string | undefined;
limit?: number | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.User[]>;
DeleteAllReactions: (channel_id: string, message_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
DeleteAllReactionsForEmoji: (channel_id: string, message_id: string, emoji: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
export declare const Reaction: {
Add: (channel_id: string, message_id: string, emoji: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
DeleteOwn: (channel_id: string, message_id: string, emoji: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
Delete: (channel_id: string, message_id: string, user_id: string, emoji: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
export declare const GroupDM: {
AddRecipient: (channel_id: string, user_id: string, params: {
access_token: string;
nick: string;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
RemoveRecipient: (channel_id: string, user_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
Modify: (id: string, params: {
name?: string;
icon?: string;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.GroupDMChannel>;
export declare const Guild: {
GetAuditLog: (guild_id: string, params?: {
user_id?: string | undefined;
action_type?: number | undefined;
before?: string | undefined;
limit?: number | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.AuditLog>;
ListEmojis: (guild_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Emoji[]>;
Create: (params: {
name: string;
icon?: string;
verification_level?: helpers.VerificationLevels;
default_message_notifications?: helpers.DefaultMessageNotificationLevels;
explicit_content_filter?: helpers.ExplicitContentFilterLevels;
roles?: types.Role[];
channels?: types.Channel[];
afk_channel_id?: string;
afk_timeout?: number;
system_channel_id?: string;
system_channel_flags?: helpers.SystemChannelFlags;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Guild>;
Get: (guild_id: string, params?: {
with_counts?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Guild>;
GetPreview: (guild_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.GuildPreview>;
Modify: (guild_id: string, params: {
name?: string;
verification_level?: helpers.VerificationLevels;
default_message_notifications?: helpers.DefaultMessageNotificationLevels;
explicit_content_filter?: helpers.ExplicitContentFilterLevels;
afk_channel_id?: string | null;
afk_timeout?: number;
icon?: string | null;
owner_id?: string;
splash?: string | null;
discovery_splash?: string | null;
banner?: string | null;
system_channel_id?: string | null;
system_channel_flags?: helpers.SystemChannelFlags;
rules_channel_id?: string | null;
public_updates_channel_id?: string | null;
preferred_locale?: string | null;
features?: helpers.GuildFeatures[];
description?: string | null;
premium_progress_bar_enabled?: boolean;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Guild>;
Delete: (guild_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
GetChannels: (guild_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Channel[]>;
ModifyChannelPositions: (guild_id: string, params: ({
id: string;
position: number | null;
})[], requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
ListActiveThreads: (guild_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<{
threads: types.Thread[];
members: types.ThreadMember[];
ListMembers: (guild_id: string, params?: {
limit?: number | undefined;
after?: string | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Member[]>;
SearchMembers: (guild_id: string, params: {
query: number;
limit?: number;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Member[]>;
GetBans: (guild_id: string, params?: {
limit?: number | undefined;
before?: string | undefined;
after?: string | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Ban[]>;
GetRoles: (guild_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Role[]>;
ModifyRolePositions: (guild_id: string, params: ({
id: string;
position?: number | null;
})[], requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Role[]>;
GetPruneCount: (guild_id: string, params?: {
days?: number | undefined;
include_roles?: string | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<{
pruned: number;
Prune: (guild_id: string, params?: {
days?: number | undefined;
compute_prune_count?: boolean | undefined;
include_roles?: string | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<{
pruned: number | null;
GetVoiceRegions: (guild_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.VoiceRegion[]>;
GetInvites: (guild_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<(types.Invite & types.InviteMetadata)[]>;
GetIntegrations: (guild_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Integration[]>;
DeleteIntegration: (guild_id: string, integration_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
GetVanityURL: (guild_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<{
code: string;
uses: number;
CreateFromTemplate: (template_code: string, params: {
name: string;
icon?: string;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Guild>;
GetTemplates: (guild_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Template[]>;
GetWebhooks: (guild_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Webhook[]>;
ListStickers: (guild_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Sticker[]>;
ListScheduledEvents: (guild_id: string, params?: {
with_user_count?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.ScheduledEvent[]>;
export declare const Emoji: {
Get: (guild_id: string, emoji_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Emoji>;
Add: (guild_id: string, params: {
name: string;
image: string;
roles?: string[];
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Emoji>;
Modify: (guild_id: string, emoji_id: string, params: {
name?: string;
roles?: string[] | null;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Emoji>;
Delete: (guild_id: string, emoji_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
export declare const Member: {
Get: (guild_id: string, user_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Member>;
Add: (guild_id: string, user_id: string, params: {
access_token: string;
nick?: string;
roles?: string[];
mute?: boolean;
deaf?: boolean;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Member | null>;
Modify: (guild_id: string, user_id: string, params: {
nick?: string | null;
roles?: string[] | null;
mute?: boolean | null;
deaf?: boolean | null;
channel_id?: string | null;
communication_disabled_until?: string | null;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Member>;
ModifyCurrent: (guild_id: string, params: {
nick?: string | null;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Member>;
AddRole: (guild_id: string, user_id: string, role_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
RemoveRole: (guild_id: string, user_id: string, role_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
Remove: (guild_id: string, user_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
export declare const Ban: {
Get: (guild_id: string, user_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Ban>;
Add: (guild_id: string, user_id: string, params?: {
delete_message_days?: number | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
Remove: (guild_id: string, user_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
export declare const Role: {
Create: (guild_id: string, params?: {
name?: string | undefined;
permissions?: string | undefined;
color?: number | undefined;
hoist?: boolean | undefined;
icon?: string | undefined;
unicode_emoji?: string | undefined;
mentionable?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Role>;
Modify: (guild_id: string, role_id: string, params?: {
name?: string | null | undefined;
permissions?: string | null | undefined;
color?: number | null | undefined;
hoist?: boolean | null | undefined;
icon?: string | null | undefined;
unicode_emoji?: string | null | undefined;
mentionable?: boolean | null | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Role>;
Delete: (guild_id: string, role_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
export declare const Widget: {
GetSettings: (guild_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.GuildWidgetSettings>;
Modify: (guild_id: string, params: types.GuildWidgetSettings, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.GuildWidgetSettings>;
Get: (guild_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.GuildWidget>;
GetImage: (guild_id: string, params?: {
style?: helpers.WidgetStyleOptions | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<Buffer>;
export declare const WelcomeScreen: {
Get: (guild_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.WelcomeScreen>;
Modify: (guild_id: string, params: {
enabled?: boolean | null;
welcome_channels?: types.WelcomeScreenChannel[] | null;
description?: string | null;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.WelcomeScreen>;
export declare const Invite: {
Create: (channel_id: string, params: {
max_age?: number;
max_uses?: number;
temporary?: boolean;
unique?: boolean;
target_type?: helpers.InviteTargetTypes;
target_user_id?: string;
target_application_id?: string;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Invite>;
Get: (invite_code: string, params?: {
with_counts?: boolean | undefined;
with_expiration?: boolean | undefined;
guild_scheduled_event_id?: string | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Invite>;
Delete: (invite_code: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Invite>;
export declare const Template: {
Get: (template_code: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Template>;
Create: (guild_id: string, params: {
name: string;
description?: string;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Template>;
Sync: (guild_id: string, template_code: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Template>;
Modify: (guild_id: string, template_code: string, params: {
name?: string;
description?: string;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Template>;
Delete: (guild_id: string, template_code: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Template>;
export declare const User: {
GetCurrent: (requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.User>;
Get: (user_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.User>;
ModifyCurrent: (params: {
username?: string;
avatar?: string | null;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.User>;
GetCurrentGuilds: (params?: {
before?: string | undefined;
after?: string | undefined;
limit?: number | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<(types.Guild & {
owner: boolean;
permissions: string;
GetCurrentMember: (guild_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Member>;
LeaveGuild: (guild_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
CreateDM: (params: {
recipient_id: string;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.DMChannel>;
GetConnections: (requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Connection[]>;
export declare const Voice: {
ListRegions: (requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.VoiceRegion[]>;
UpdateCurrentState: (guild_id: string, params: {
channel_id: string;
suppress?: boolean;
request_to_speak_timestamp?: string | null;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
UpdateUserState: (guild_id: string, user_id: string, params: {
channel_id: string;
suppress?: boolean;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
export declare const Webhook: {
Create: (channel_id: string, params: {
name: string;
avatar?: string | null;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Webhook>;
Get: (webhook_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Webhook>;
GetWithToken: (webhook_id: string, webhook_token: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Webhook>;
Modify: (webhook_id: string, params: {
name?: string;
avatar?: string | null;
channel_id?: string;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Webhook>;
ModifyWithToken: (webhook_id: string, webhook_token: string, params: {
name?: string;
avatar?: string | null;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Webhook>;
Delete: (webhook_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
DeleteWithToken: (webhook_id: string, webhook_token: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
Execute: (webhook_id: string, webhook_token: string, params1: {
content?: string;
username?: string;
avatar_url?: string;
tts?: string;
embeds?: types.Embed[];
allowed_mentions?: types.AllowedMentions;
components?: types.ActionRow[];
flags?: helpers.MessageFlags;
}, params2?: {
wait?: boolean | undefined;
thread_id?: string | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Message | null>;
ExecuteSlack: (webhook_id: string, webhook_token: string, params?: {
thread_id?: string | undefined;
wait?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
ExecuteGitHub: (webhook_id: string, webhook_token: string, params?: {
thread_id?: string | undefined;
wait?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
GetMessage: (webhook_id: string, webhook_token: string, message_id: string, params?: {
thread_id?: string | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Message>;
EditMessage: (webhook_id: string, webhook_token: string, message_id: string, params1: {
content?: string;
embeds?: types.Embed[];
allowed_mentions?: types.AllowedMentions;
components?: types.ActionRow[];
attachments?: types.Attachment[];
}, params2?: {
thread_id?: string | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Message>;
DeleteMessage: (webhook_id: string, webhook_token: string, message_id: string, params?: {
thread_id?: string | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
export declare const Application: {
GetGlobalCommands: (application_id: string, params?: {
with_localizations?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<(types.ApplicationCommand & {
name_localized?: string;
description_localized?: string;
CreateGlobalCommand: (application_id: string, params: types.ApplicationCommandBase, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.ApplicationCommand>;
GetGlobalCommand: (application_id: string, command_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.ApplicationCommand>;
EditGlobalCommand: (application_id: string, command_id: string, params: Partial<Omit<types.ApplicationCommandBase, 'type'>>, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.ApplicationCommand>;
DeleteGlobalCommand: (application_id: string, command_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
GetGuildCommands: (application_id: string, guild_id: string, params?: {
with_localizations?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<(types.ApplicationCommand & {
name_localized?: string;
description_localized?: string;
BulkOverwriteGlobalCommands: (application_id: string, params: types.ApplicationCommandBase[], requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.ApplicationCommand[]>;
CreateGuildCommand: (application_id: string, guild_id: string, params: types.ApplicationCommandBase, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.ApplicationCommand>;
GetGuildCommand: (application_id: string, guild_id: string, command_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.ApplicationCommand>;
EditGuildCommand: (application_id: string, guild_id: string, command_id: string, params: Partial<Omit<types.ApplicationCommandBase, 'type'>>, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.ApplicationCommand>;
DeleteGuildCommand: (application_id: string, guild_id: string, command_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
BulkOverwriteGuildCommands: (application_id: string, guild_id: string, params: types.ApplicationCommandBase[], requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.ApplicationCommand[]>;
GetGuildCommandPermissions: (application_id: string, guild_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.GuildApplicationCommandPermissions[]>;
GetCommandPermissions: (application_id: string, guild_id: string, command_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.GuildApplicationCommandPermissions>;
EditCommandPermissions: (application_id: string, guild_id: string, command_id: string, params: {
permissions: types.ApplicationCommandPermissions[];
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
BatchEditCommandPermissions: (application_id: string, guild_id: string, params: {
id: string;
permissions: types.ApplicationCommandPermissions[];
}[], requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.GuildApplicationCommandPermissions[]>;
CreateInteractionResponse: (interaction_id: string, interaction_token: string, params: types.InteractionResponse, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
GetOriginalInteractionResponse: (application_id: string, interaction_token: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Message>;
EditOriginalInteractionResponse: (application_id: string, interaction_token: string, params: {
content?: string;
embeds?: types.Embed[];
allowed_mentions?: types.AllowedMentions;
components?: types.ActionRow[];
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Message>;
DeleteOriginalInteractionResponse: (application_id: string, interaction_token: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
CreateFollowupMessage: (application_id: string, interaction_token: string, params: {
content?: string;
username?: string;
avatar_url?: string;
tts?: string;
embeds?: types.Embed[];
allowed_mentions?: types.AllowedMentions;
flags?: helpers.MessageFlags;
components?: types.ActionRow[];
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Message | null>;
GetFollowupMessage: (application_id: string, interaction_token: string, message_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Message>;
EditFollowupMessage: (application_id: string, interaction_token: string, message_id: string, params: {
content?: string;
embeds?: types.Embed[];
allowed_mentions?: types.AllowedMentions;
components?: types.ActionRow[];
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Message>;
DeleteFollowupMessage: (application_id: string, interaction_token: string, message_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
export declare const OAuth2: {
TokenExchange: (params: ({
client_id: string;
client_secret: string;
redirect_uri: string;
scope: helpers.OAuth2Scopes | string;
} & ({
grant_type: helpers.OAuth2GrantTypes.AUTHORIZATION_CODE;
code: string;
} | {
grant_type: helpers.OAuth2GrantTypes.REFRESH_TOKEN;
refresh_token: string;
})), requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<{
access_token: string;
token_type: helpers.TokenTypes.BEARER;
expires_in: number;
refresh_token: string;
scope: helpers.OAuth2Scopes | string;
GetCurrentApplicationInformation: (requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Application>;
GetCurrentAuthorizationInformation: (requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<{
application: types.Application;
scopes: string[];
expires: string;
user?: types.User;
export declare const Thread: {
Modify: (thread_id: string, params: {
name?: string;
archived?: boolean;
auto_archive_duration?: helpers.ThreadArchiveDurations;
locked?: boolean;
invitable?: boolean;
rate_limit_per_user?: number | null;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Thread>;
Delete: (thread_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Thread>;
StartWithMessage: (channel_id: string, message_id: string, params: {
name: string;
auto_archive_duration?: helpers.ThreadArchiveDurations;
rate_limit_per_user?: number | null;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Thread>;
Start: (channel_id: string, params: {
name: string;
auto_archive_duration?: helpers.ThreadArchiveDurations;
type?: helpers.ChannelTypes.GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD | helpers.ChannelTypes.GUILD_PUBLIC_THREAD | helpers.ChannelTypes.GUILD_NEWS_THREAD;
invitable?: boolean;
rate_limit_per_user?: number | null;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Thread>;
Join: (thread_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
AddMember: (thread_id: string, user_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
Leave: (thread_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
RemoveMember: (thread_id: string, user_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
GetMember: (thread_id: string, user_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.ThreadMember>;
ListMembers: (thread_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.ThreadMember[]>;
export declare const StageInstance: {
Create: (params: {
channel_id: string;
topic: string;
privacy_level?: helpers.PrivacyLevels;
send_start_notification?: boolean;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.StageInstance>;
Get: (channel_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.StageInstance>;
Modify: (channel_id: string, params: {
topic?: string;
privacy_level?: helpers.PrivacyLevels;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.StageInstance>;
Delete: (channel_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
export declare const Sticker: {
Get: (sticker_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Sticker>;
GetFromGuild: (guild_id: string, sticker_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Sticker>;
Modify: (guild_id: string, sticker_id: string, params: {
name?: string;
description?: string | null;
tags?: string;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.Sticker>;
Delete: (guild_id: string, sticker_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
export declare const StickerPacks: {
ListNitro: (requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<{
sticker_packs: types.StickerPack[];
export declare const ScheduledEvent: {
Create: (guild_id: string, params: {
channel_id?: string;
entity_metadata?: types.ScheduledEventEntityMetadata;
name: string;
privacy_level: helpers.PrivacyLevels;
scheduled_start_time: string;
scheduled_end_time?: string;
description?: string;
entity_type: helpers.ScheduledEventEntityTypes;
image?: string;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.ScheduledEvent>;
Get: (guild_id: string, event_id: string, params?: {
with_user_count?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.ScheduledEvent>;
Modify: (guild_id: string, event_id: string, params: {
channel_id?: string | null;
entity_metadata?: types.ScheduledEventEntityMetadata | null;
name?: string;
privacy_level?: helpers.PrivacyLevels;
scheduled_start_time?: string;
scheduled_end_time?: string;
description?: string | null;
entity_type?: helpers.ScheduledEventEntityTypes;
status?: helpers.ScheduledEventStatuses;
image?: string | null;
}, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.ScheduledEvent>;
Delete: (guild_id: string, event_id: string, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<null>;
GetUsers: (guild_id: string, event_id: string, params?: {
limit?: number | undefined;
with_member?: boolean | undefined;
before?: string | undefined;
after?: string | undefined;
} | undefined, requestOptions?: RequestOptions | undefined) => Promise<types.ScheduledEventUser[]>;
export declare const setDefaultRequestOptions: (options?: import("./request").RequestOptions | undefined) => import("./request").RequestOptions;
export * as Application from './actions/application';
export * as Ban from './actions/ban';
export * as Channel from './actions/channel';
export * as Emoji from './actions/emoji';
export * as GroupDM from './actions/groupdm';
export * as Guild from './actions/guild';
export * as Invite from './actions/invite';
export * as Member from './actions/member';
export * as Message from './actions/message';
export * as OAuth2 from './actions/oauth2';
export * as Reaction from './actions/reaction';
export * as Role from './actions/role';
export * as ScheduledEvent from './actions/scheduledevent';
export * as StageInstance from './actions/stageinstance';
export * as Sticker from './actions/sticker';
export * as StickerPacks from './actions/stickerpacks';
export * as Template from './actions/template';
export * as Thread from './actions/thread';
export * as User from './actions/user';
export * as Voice from './actions/voice';
export * as Webhook from './actions/webhook';
export * as WelcomeScreen from './actions/welcomescreen';
export * as Widget from './actions/widget';
/// <reference types="node" />
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import { Intents, ActivityTypes, StatusTypes } from './helpers.js';
import { Authorization } from './request.js';
import { Intents, ActivityTypes, StatusTypes } from './helpers';
import { Authorization } from './request';
import type { EventHandler } from './events';

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ import type { User } from './types';

@@ -71,5 +71,5 @@ /// <reference types="node" />

[Events.RESUMED]: {};
[Events.CHANNEL_CREATE]: types.Channel;
[Events.CHANNEL_UPDATE]: types.Channel;
[Events.CHANNEL_DELETE]: types.Channel;
[Events.CHANNEL_CREATE]: types.GuildChannel;
[Events.CHANNEL_UPDATE]: types.GuildChannel | types.GroupDMChannel;
[Events.CHANNEL_DELETE]: types.GuildChannel | types.GroupDMChannel;

@@ -106,3 +106,3 @@ guild_id?: string;

members: types.Member[];
channels: types.Channel[];
channels: types.GuildChannel[];
threads: types.Thread[];

@@ -109,0 +109,0 @@ presences: types.Presence[];

@@ -1,9 +0,9 @@

export { Client, ClientEvents } from './client.js';
export { Authorization } from './request.js';
export { Events } from './events.js';
export * as Actions from './actions.js';
export * as Helpers from './helpers.js';
export { Client, ClientEvents } from './client';
export { Authorization } from './request';
export { Events } from './events';
export * as Actions from './actions';
export * as Helpers from './helpers';
import type * as Types from './types';
export type { Types };
export * as Tools from './tools.js';
export { Voice, VoiceEvents } from './voice.js';
export * as Tools from './tools';
export { Voice, VoiceEvents } from './voice';

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { TokenTypes } from './helpers.js';
import { TokenTypes } from './helpers';
export declare class Authorization {

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ private _type;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import * as helpers from './helpers.js';
import * as helpers from './helpers';
import type * as types from './types';

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ declare type PermissionLike = string | number | bigint | PermissionSet;

@@ -117,3 +117,4 @@ import type * as helpers from './helpers';

export declare type Channel = (GuildTextChannel | GuildCategory | GuildVoiceChannel | DMChannel | GroupDMChannel | Thread);
export declare type Channel = (GuildChannel | DMChannel | GroupDMChannel | Thread);
export declare type GuildChannel = (GuildTextChannel | GuildCategory | GuildVoiceChannel);
export declare type GuildTextChannel = {

@@ -412,3 +413,3 @@ id: string;

instant_invite: string | null;
channels: Channel[];
channels: GuildChannel[];
members: User[];

@@ -475,3 +476,3 @@ presence_count: number;

guild?: Guild;
channel: Channel | null;
channel: GuildChannel | null;
inviter?: User;

@@ -585,3 +586,3 @@ target_type?: helpers.InviteTargetTypes;

source_guild?: Guild;
source_channel?: Channel;
source_channel?: GuildChannel;
url?: string;

@@ -596,3 +597,3 @@ } & ({

source_guild: Guild;
source_channel: Channel;
source_channel: GuildChannel;
} | {

@@ -691,3 +692,3 @@ source_guild?: undefined;

} & ({
type: (helpers.InteractionTypes.APPLICATION_COMMAND | helpers.InteractionTypes.APPLICATION_COMMAND_AUTOCOMPLETE | helpers.InteractionTypes.PING);
type: (helpers.InteractionTypes.APPLICATION_COMMAND | helpers.InteractionTypes.APPLICATION_COMMAND_AUTOCOMPLETE);
data: InteractionData;

@@ -699,3 +700,3 @@ } | {

type: helpers.InteractionTypes.MODAL_SUBMIT;
data: InteractionDataComponent;
data: InteractionDataModal;
} | {

@@ -728,8 +729,8 @@ data?: undefined;

} & ({
type: (helpers.ApplicationCommandTypes.USER | helpers.ApplicationCommandTypes.MESSAGE);
type: helpers.ApplicationCommandTypes.CHAT_INPUT;
options: InteractionDataOption[];
target_id?: undefined;
} | {
options?: undefined;
target_id: string;
} | {
options: InteractionDataOption[];
target_id?: undefined;

@@ -809,2 +810,3 @@ export declare type InteractionDataComponent = {

type: helpers.InteractionCallbackTypes;
data: (InteractionCallbackData | InteractionAutocompleteCallbackData | InteractionModalCallbackData);
} & ({

@@ -943,9 +945,8 @@ type: (helpers.InteractionCallbackTypes.CHANNEL_MESSAGE_WITH_SOURCE | helpers.InteractionCallbackTypes.DEFERRED_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_WITH_SOURCE | helpers.InteractionCallbackTypes.DEFERRED_UPDATE_MESSAGE | helpers.InteractionCallbackTypes.UPDATE_MESSAGE);

} & ({
style: Exclude<helpers.ButtonStyles, helpers.ButtonStyles.LINK>;
style: helpers.ButtonStyles.LINK;
custom_id?: undefined;
url: string;
} | {
custom_id: string;
url?: undefined;
} | {
style: Exclude<helpers.ButtonStyles, helpers.ButtonStyles.LINK>;
custom_id?: undefined;
url: string;

@@ -952,0 +953,0 @@ export declare type SelectMenu = {

/// <reference types="node" />
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import { VoiceEncryptionModes, SpeakingStates } from './helpers.js';
import { VoiceEncryptionModes, SpeakingStates } from './helpers';
export declare class Voice extends EventEmitter {

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ private _ws?;

"name": "discord-slim",
"version": "2.6.3",
"version": "2.6.4",
"description": "Lightweight Discord API library for Node.js.",

@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ "author": "Hanabishi",

"engines": {
"node": ">=14.0.0"
"node": ">=14"
"dependencies": {
"ws": "8.5.*"
"ws": "8.5"

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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