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Node & Browser tested, Non-JSON DNS over HTTPS fetching with minimal dependencies.

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Node & Browser tested, Non-JSON DNS over HTTPS (and DNS) fetching with minimal dependencies.

DNS over HTTPS (DoH) is protocol designed for performing remote Domain Name System resolution over HTTPS. Requests are made of HTTP to increase user security and privacy. See DNS over HTTPS for more information.

This package provides simple function to make DoH queries both in node and the browser.

Important Note before getting started

By default dns-query uses well-known public dns-over-https servers to execute queries automatically compiled by the data from the DNSCrypt project.

The npm package comes with the list that was/is current on the time of the publication. It will will try to automatically download the list from the dns-query website unless you set the .update property on a Session object.

These servers come with caveats that you should be aware of:

  • A server may filter, log or limit the requests it receives!
  • Filtering can be useful in case you want to avoid malware/ads/adult-content.
  • Logging may be required in some countries and limiting may be part of a business model.
  • Furthermore the different endpoints may or may not be distributed around the globe, making requests slower/faster depending on the client's location.
  • Not all endpoints supply CORS headers which means that the list is severly reduced if you use this library in the browser.

If you are presenting this library to an end-user, you may want to allow them to decide what endpoint they want to use as it has privacy and usage implications!

DNS support

Node.js's dns support is limited, primary example being: lookupTXT does not support ttl results. For that reason, when using dns-query in node you can also specify dns endpoints.

JavaScript API

const { query, endpoints: defaultEndpoints } = require('dns-query')
const { cloudflare, google, opendns } = defaultEndpoints

let endpoints // If undefined endpoints will be assumed to use one of the dns or doh endpoints!
endpoints = 'doh' // Use any of the given defaultEndpoints to resolve
endpoints = 'dns' // Use the system default dns servers to resolve (Node.js only!)
endpoints = [cloudflare, google, opendns] // Use predefined, well-known endpoints
endpoints = ['cloudflare', 'google', 'opendns'] // Use predefined, well-known endpoints by their name
endpoints = [''] // Use a custom endpoint
endpoints = [{ host: '' }] // Specify using properties
endpoints = (endpoint) => endpoint.protocol === 'https:' // Use a filter against the well-known endpoints
endpoints = Promise.resolve('doh') // The endpoints can also be a promise
try {
  const { answers } = await query({
    question: {type: 'A', name: ''}
  }, {
    /* Options (optional) */
    endpoints: endpoints,
    retry: 3, // (optional) retries if a given endpoint fails; -1 = infinite retries; 0 = no retry
    timeout: 4000, // (optional, default=30000) timeout for single requests
    signal, // (optional) an AbortSignal to abort the request
} catch (error) {
  switch (error.code) {
    case 'HTTP_STATUS': // request failed, http status error
    case 'RESPONSE_ERR': // request failed, invalid response
    case 'ABORT_ERR': // request aborted
    default: // Unexpected error


You can install dns-query as a command-line tool using npm i dns-query -g or by running npx dns-query.

$ dns-query <options> <input>

dns-query - Execute a dns query over https.


  dns-query <Options> <Input>


  # Fetch from the google dns-over-https endpoint the A-name of
  $ dns-query --json -e google \
      '{ "question": { "type": "A", "name": "" } }'

  # Fetch TXT entries for through regular dns
  $ dns-query --json --dns \
      '{ "question": { "type": "TXT", "name": "" } }'

  # Pass the query through stdin
  $ echo '{ "question": { "type": "A", "name": "" } }' \
      | dns-query --stdin --endpoint cloudflare


  --help, -h ....... Show this help
  --version, -v .... Show the version
  --json ........... --type=json
  --base64 ......... --type=base64
  --binary ......... --type=binary
  --type ........... Input type. Options: json, base64, binary; Default: json
  --out ............ Output type. Defaults to the input --type.
  --stdin .......... Get <input> from stdin instead of cli arguments
  --dns ............ Use dns endpoints
  --doh ............ Use doh endpoints
  --endpoint, -e ... Use a specific endpoint. Can be either the name of a known
      endpoint, a json object or an url. By default uses one of the known endpoints.
      If multiple are provided, one at random will be used.
  --endpoints ...... Lists all known endpoints as json.
  --resolvers ...... List all known resolvers as json.
  --response ....... Show the http response in the result.
  --retries ........ Number of retries to do in case requests fails, default: 5
  --timeout ........ Timeout for the request in milliseconds, default: 30000 (5 sec)
  --max-age ........ Max age of the persisted data, default: 300000 (5 min)
  --no-persist ..... Dont persist the the latest resolvers
  --offline ........ Do not update the resolver list


For an endpoint to work, it needs to satisfy this interface:

type EndpointProps = {
  /* https is the default for DoH endpoints and http for debug only! If you don't specify a protocol, https is assumed */
  protocol: 'https:' | 'http:'
  /* https port, defaults to 443 for https, 80 for http */
  port?: number | string | null
  /* Host to look up */
  host: string
  /* Known IPV4 address that can be used for the lookup */
  ipv4?: string
  /* Known IPV6 address that can be used for the lookup */
  ipv6?: string
  /* true, if endpoint supports http/https CORS headers, defaults to false */
  cors?: boolean
  /* Path, prefixed with /, defaults to /dns-query for the http/https protocol */
  path?: string
  /* Method to request in case of http/https, defaults to GET */
  method?: 'POST' | 'GET'
} | {
  protocol: 'udp4:'
  /* ipv4 endpoint to connect-to */
  ipv4: string
  /* https port, defaults to 53; 443 if pk is present */
  port?: number | string | null
  /* dnscrypt public key */
  pk?: string | null
} | {
  protocol: 'udp6:'
  /* ipv4 endpoint to connect-to */
  ipv6: string
  /* https port, defaults to 53; 443 if pk is present */
  port?: number | string | null
  /* dnscrypt public key */
  pk?: string | null

String endpoints

Instead of passing an object you can also pass a string. If the string matches the name of one of the endpoints, that endpoint will be used. If it doesnt match any endpoint, then it will be parsed using the parseEndpoint method understands an URL like structure with additional properties defined like flags ([<name>]).

Examples:{ host: '' } [post]{ host: '', path: '/query', port: 81, method: 'post', protocol: 'http:' }

Note: If no path is given, such as, the path will be assumed as /dns-query, but if a path is given such as it will assume that path /!

To specify DNS endpoints you need to prefix them using udp: (or udp4:, udp6)

udp://{ host: '', protocol: 'udp4' }

Persisting Resolvers

Loading the latest list of resolvers from the servers will increase both the load on the server hosting the list and your application's responsiveness. dns-query comes with support for persisting the resolvers in order to ease the load.

While the CLI does that by default, you need to enable it when using the JavaScript API.

query(..., {
  persist: true

In node.js this will try to persist the list of resolvers to the node_modules directory.

In the browser it will use localStorage to store the copy of resolvers. By default it will use the localStoragePrefix = 'dnsquery_' option. You will be able to find the persisted resolvers under localStorage.getItem('dnsquery_resolvers.json').

You can change the prefix in the options.

query(..., {
  localStoragePrefix: 'my_custom_prefix'

See Also





Last updated on 31 May 2022

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