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dompurify - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.0.8 to 2.0.9


'use strict';
function _toConsumableArray$1(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } }
function _toConsumableArray(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } }
var hasOwnProperty = Object.hasOwnProperty;
var setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf;
var isFrozen = Object.isFrozen;
var objectKeys = Object.keys;
var freeze = Object.freeze;
var seal = Object.seal; // eslint-disable-line import/no-mutable-exports
var hasOwnProperty = Object.hasOwnProperty,
setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf,
isFrozen = Object.isFrozen,
objectKeys = Object.keys;
var freeze = Object.freeze,
seal = Object.seal; // eslint-disable-line import/no-mutable-exports
var _ref = typeof Reflect !== 'undefined' && Reflect;
var apply = _ref.apply;
var construct = _ref.construct;
var _ref = typeof Reflect !== 'undefined' && Reflect,
apply = _ref.apply,
construct = _ref.construct;

@@ -36,3 +36,3 @@ if (!apply) {

construct = function construct(Func, args) {
return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(Func, [null].concat(_toConsumableArray$1(args))))();
return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(Func, [null].concat(_toConsumableArray(args))))();

@@ -134,5 +134,5 @@ }

var html$1 = freeze(['accept', 'action', 'align', 'alt', 'autocomplete', 'background', 'bgcolor', 'border', 'cellpadding', 'cellspacing', 'checked', 'cite', 'class', 'clear', 'color', 'cols', 'colspan', 'controls', 'coords', 'crossorigin', 'datetime', 'default', 'dir', 'disabled', 'download', 'enctype', 'face', 'for', 'headers', 'height', 'hidden', 'high', 'href', 'hreflang', 'id', 'integrity', 'ismap', 'label', 'lang', 'list', 'loop', 'low', 'max', 'maxlength', 'media', 'method', 'min', 'minlength', 'multiple', 'name', 'noshade', 'novalidate', 'nowrap', 'open', 'optimum', 'pattern', 'placeholder', 'poster', 'preload', 'pubdate', 'radiogroup', 'readonly', 'rel', 'required', 'rev', 'reversed', 'role', 'rows', 'rowspan', 'spellcheck', 'scope', 'selected', 'shape', 'size', 'sizes', 'span', 'srclang', 'start', 'src', 'srcset', 'step', 'style', 'summary', 'tabindex', 'title', 'type', 'usemap', 'valign', 'value', 'width', 'xmlns']);
var html$1 = freeze(['accept', 'action', 'align', 'alt', 'autocapitalize', 'autocomplete', 'autopictureinpicture', 'autoplay', 'background', 'bgcolor', 'border', 'capture', 'cellpadding', 'cellspacing', 'checked', 'cite', 'class', 'clear', 'color', 'cols', 'colspan', 'controls', 'controlslist', 'coords', 'crossorigin', 'datetime', 'decoding', 'default', 'dir', 'disabled', 'disablepictureinpicture', 'disableremoteplayback', 'download', 'draggable', 'enctype', 'enterkeyhint', 'face', 'for', 'headers', 'height', 'hidden', 'high', 'href', 'hreflang', 'id', 'inputmode', 'integrity', 'ismap', 'kind', 'label', 'lang', 'list', 'loading', 'loop', 'low', 'max', 'maxlength', 'media', 'method', 'min', 'minlength', 'multiple', 'muted', 'name', 'noshade', 'novalidate', 'nowrap', 'open', 'optimum', 'pattern', 'placeholder', 'playsinline', 'poster', 'preload', 'pubdate', 'radiogroup', 'readonly', 'rel', 'required', 'rev', 'reversed', 'role', 'rows', 'rowspan', 'spellcheck', 'scope', 'selected', 'shape', 'size', 'sizes', 'span', 'srclang', 'start', 'src', 'srcset', 'step', 'style', 'summary', 'tabindex', 'title', 'translate', 'type', 'usemap', 'valign', 'value', 'width', 'xmlns']);
var svg$1 = freeze(['accent-height', 'accumulate', 'additive', 'alignment-baseline', 'ascent', 'attributename', 'attributetype', 'azimuth', 'basefrequency', 'baseline-shift', 'begin', 'bias', 'by', 'class', 'clip', 'clip-path', 'clip-rule', 'color', 'color-interpolation', 'color-interpolation-filters', 'color-profile', 'color-rendering', 'cx', 'cy', 'd', 'dx', 'dy', 'diffuseconstant', 'direction', 'display', 'divisor', 'dur', 'edgemode', 'elevation', 'end', 'fill', 'fill-opacity', 'fill-rule', 'filter', 'filterunits', 'flood-color', 'flood-opacity', 'font-family', 'font-size', 'font-size-adjust', 'font-stretch', 'font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight', 'fx', 'fy', 'g1', 'g2', 'glyph-name', 'glyphref', 'gradientunits', 'gradienttransform', 'height', 'href', 'id', 'image-rendering', 'in', 'in2', 'k', 'k1', 'k2', 'k3', 'k4', 'kerning', 'keypoints', 'keysplines', 'keytimes', 'lang', 'lengthadjust', 'letter-spacing', 'kernelmatrix', 'kernelunitlength', 'lighting-color', 'local', 'marker-end', 'marker-mid', 'marker-start', 'markerheight', 'markerunits', 'markerwidth', 'maskcontentunits', 'maskunits', 'max', 'mask', 'media', 'method', 'mode', 'min', 'name', 'numoctaves', 'offset', 'operator', 'opacity', 'order', 'orient', 'orientation', 'origin', 'overflow', 'paint-order', 'path', 'pathlength', 'patterncontentunits', 'patterntransform', 'patternunits', 'points', 'preservealpha', 'preserveaspectratio', 'primitiveunits', 'r', 'rx', 'ry', 'radius', 'refx', 'refy', 'repeatcount', 'repeatdur', 'restart', 'result', 'rotate', 'scale', 'seed', 'shape-rendering', 'specularconstant', 'specularexponent', 'spreadmethod', 'stddeviation', 'stitchtiles', 'stop-color', 'stop-opacity', 'stroke-dasharray', 'stroke-dashoffset', 'stroke-linecap', 'stroke-linejoin', 'stroke-miterlimit', 'stroke-opacity', 'stroke', 'stroke-width', 'style', 'surfacescale', 'tabindex', 'targetx', 'targety', 'transform', 'text-anchor', 'text-decoration', 'text-rendering', 'textlength', 'type', 'u1', 'u2', 'unicode', 'values', 'viewbox', 'visibility', 'version', 'vert-adv-y', 'vert-origin-x', 'vert-origin-y', 'width', 'word-spacing', 'wrap', 'writing-mode', 'xchannelselector', 'ychannelselector', 'x', 'x1', 'x2', 'xmlns', 'y', 'y1', 'y2', 'z', 'zoomandpan']);
var svg$1 = freeze(['accent-height', 'accumulate', 'additive', 'alignment-baseline', 'ascent', 'attributename', 'attributetype', 'azimuth', 'basefrequency', 'baseline-shift', 'begin', 'bias', 'by', 'class', 'clip', 'clip-path', 'clip-rule', 'color', 'color-interpolation', 'color-interpolation-filters', 'color-profile', 'color-rendering', 'cx', 'cy', 'd', 'dx', 'dy', 'diffuseconstant', 'direction', 'display', 'divisor', 'dur', 'edgemode', 'elevation', 'end', 'fill', 'fill-opacity', 'fill-rule', 'filter', 'filterunits', 'flood-color', 'flood-opacity', 'font-family', 'font-size', 'font-size-adjust', 'font-stretch', 'font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight', 'fx', 'fy', 'g1', 'g2', 'glyph-name', 'glyphref', 'gradientunits', 'gradienttransform', 'height', 'href', 'id', 'image-rendering', 'in', 'in2', 'k', 'k1', 'k2', 'k3', 'k4', 'kerning', 'keypoints', 'keysplines', 'keytimes', 'lang', 'lengthadjust', 'letter-spacing', 'kernelmatrix', 'kernelunitlength', 'lighting-color', 'local', 'marker-end', 'marker-mid', 'marker-start', 'markerheight', 'markerunits', 'markerwidth', 'maskcontentunits', 'maskunits', 'max', 'mask', 'media', 'method', 'mode', 'min', 'name', 'numoctaves', 'offset', 'operator', 'opacity', 'order', 'orient', 'orientation', 'origin', 'overflow', 'paint-order', 'path', 'pathlength', 'patterncontentunits', 'patterntransform', 'patternunits', 'points', 'preservealpha', 'preserveaspectratio', 'primitiveunits', 'r', 'rx', 'ry', 'radius', 'refx', 'refy', 'repeatcount', 'repeatdur', 'restart', 'result', 'rotate', 'scale', 'seed', 'shape-rendering', 'specularconstant', 'specularexponent', 'spreadmethod', 'startoffset', 'stddeviation', 'stitchtiles', 'stop-color', 'stop-opacity', 'stroke-dasharray', 'stroke-dashoffset', 'stroke-linecap', 'stroke-linejoin', 'stroke-miterlimit', 'stroke-opacity', 'stroke', 'stroke-width', 'style', 'surfacescale', 'tabindex', 'targetx', 'targety', 'transform', 'text-anchor', 'text-decoration', 'text-rendering', 'textlength', 'type', 'u1', 'u2', 'unicode', 'values', 'viewbox', 'visibility', 'version', 'vert-adv-y', 'vert-origin-x', 'vert-origin-y', 'width', 'word-spacing', 'wrap', 'writing-mode', 'xchannelselector', 'ychannelselector', 'x', 'x1', 'x2', 'xmlns', 'y', 'y1', 'y2', 'z', 'zoomandpan']);

@@ -143,2 +143,3 @@ var mathMl$1 = freeze(['accent', 'accentunder', 'align', 'bevelled', 'close', 'columnsalign', 'columnlines', 'columnspan', 'denomalign', 'depth', 'dir', 'display', 'displaystyle', 'encoding', 'fence', 'frame', 'height', 'href', 'id', 'largeop', 'length', 'linethickness', 'lspace', 'lquote', 'mathbackground', 'mathcolor', 'mathsize', 'mathvariant', 'maxsize', 'minsize', 'movablelimits', 'notation', 'numalign', 'open', 'rowalign', 'rowlines', 'rowspacing', 'rowspan', 'rspace', 'rquote', 'scriptlevel', 'scriptminsize', 'scriptsizemultiplier', 'selection', 'separator', 'separators', 'stretchy', 'subscriptshift', 'supscriptshift', 'symmetric', 'voffset', 'width', 'xmlns']);

// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/better-regex
var MUSTACHE_EXPR = seal(/\{\{[\s\S]*|[\s\S]*\}\}/gm); // Specify template detection regex for SAFE_FOR_TEMPLATES mode

@@ -156,3 +157,3 @@ var ERB_EXPR = seal(/<%[\s\S]*|[\s\S]*%>/gm);

function _toConsumableArray(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } }
function _toConsumableArray$1(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } }

@@ -193,3 +194,3 @@ var getGlobal = function getGlobal() {

} catch (error) {
} catch (_) {
// Policy creation failed (most likely another DOMPurify script has

@@ -214,3 +215,3 @@ // already run). Skip creating the policy, as this will only cause errors

DOMPurify.version = '2.0.8';
DOMPurify.version = '2.0.9';

@@ -232,3 +233,2 @@ /**

var originalDocument = window.document;
var useDOMParser = false;
var removeTitle = false;

@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@

var ALLOWED_TAGS = null;
var DEFAULT_ALLOWED_TAGS = addToSet({}, [].concat(_toConsumableArray(html), _toConsumableArray(svg), _toConsumableArray(svgFilters), _toConsumableArray(mathMl), _toConsumableArray(text)));
var DEFAULT_ALLOWED_TAGS = addToSet({}, [].concat(_toConsumableArray$1(html), _toConsumableArray$1(svg), _toConsumableArray$1(svgFilters), _toConsumableArray$1(mathMl), _toConsumableArray$1(text)));
/* Allowed attribute names */
var ALLOWED_ATTR = null;
var DEFAULT_ALLOWED_ATTR = addToSet({}, [].concat(_toConsumableArray(html$1), _toConsumableArray(svg$1), _toConsumableArray(mathMl$1), _toConsumableArray(xml)));
var DEFAULT_ALLOWED_ATTR = addToSet({}, [].concat(_toConsumableArray$1(html$1), _toConsumableArray$1(svg$1), _toConsumableArray$1(mathMl$1), _toConsumableArray$1(xml)));

@@ -373,3 +373,3 @@ /* Explicitly forbidden tags (overrides ALLOWED_TAGS/ADD_TAGS) */

/* Tags that are safe for data: URIs */
var DATA_URI_TAGS = addToSet({}, ['audio', 'video', 'img', 'source', 'image']);
var DATA_URI_TAGS = addToSet({}, ['audio', 'video', 'img', 'source', 'image', 'track']);

@@ -436,3 +436,3 @@ /* Attributes safe for values like "javascript:" */

ALLOWED_TAGS = addToSet({}, [].concat(_toConsumableArray(text)));
ALLOWED_TAGS = addToSet({}, [].concat(_toConsumableArray$1(text)));

@@ -517,4 +517,5 @@ if (USE_PROFILES.html === true) {

try {
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-node-remove
} catch (error) {
} catch (_) {
node.outerHTML = emptyHTML;

@@ -536,3 +537,3 @@ }

} catch (error) {
} catch (_) {
arrayPush(DOMPurify.removed, {

@@ -562,2 +563,3 @@ attribute: null,

/* If FORCE_BODY isn't used, leading whitespace needs to be preserved manually */
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/better-regex
var matches = stringMatch(dirty, /^[\s]+/);

@@ -568,8 +570,6 @@ leadingWhitespace = matches && matches[0];

var dirtyPayload = trustedTypesPolicy ? trustedTypesPolicy.createHTML(dirty) : dirty;
/* Use DOMParser to workaround Firefox bug (see comment below) */
if (useDOMParser) {
try {
doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(dirtyPayload, 'text/html');
} catch (error) {}
/* Use the DOMParser API by default, fallback later if needs be */
try {
doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(dirtyPayload, 'text/html');
} catch (_) {}

@@ -581,4 +581,3 @@ /* Remove title to fix a mXSS bug in older MS Edge */

/* Otherwise use createHTMLDocument, because DOMParser is unsafe in
Safari (see comment below) */
/* Use createHTMLDocument in case DOMParser is not available */
if (!doc || !doc.documentElement) {

@@ -601,23 +600,6 @@ doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('');

// Firefox uses a different parser for innerHTML rather than
// DOMParser (see
// which means that you *must* use DOMParser, otherwise the output may
// not be safe if used in a document.write context later.
// So we feature detect the Firefox bug and use the DOMParser if necessary.
// Chrome 77 and other versions ship an mXSS bug that caused a bypass to
// happen. We now check for the mXSS trigger and react accordingly.
/* Here we test for a broken feature in Edge that might cause mXSS */
if (DOMPurify.isSupported) {
(function () {
try {
var doc = _initDocument('<svg><p><textarea><img src="</textarea><img src=x abc=1//">');
if (doc.querySelector('svg img')) {
useDOMParser = true;
} catch (error) {}
(function () {
try {
var doc = _initDocument('<x/><title>&lt;/title&gt;&lt;img&gt;');

@@ -627,3 +609,3 @@ if (regExpTest(/<\/title/, doc.querySelector('title').innerHTML)) {

} catch (error) {}
} catch (_) {}

@@ -668,4 +650,4 @@ }

var _isNode = function _isNode(obj) {
return (typeof Node === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(Node)) === 'object' ? obj instanceof Node : obj && (typeof obj === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(obj)) === 'object' && typeof obj.nodeType === 'number' && typeof obj.nodeName === 'string';
var _isNode = function _isNode(object) {
return (typeof Node === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(Node)) === 'object' ? object instanceof Node : object && (typeof object === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(object)) === 'object' && typeof object.nodeType === 'number' && typeof object.nodeName === 'string';

@@ -736,3 +718,3 @@

currentNode.insertAdjacentHTML('AfterEnd', trustedTypesPolicy ? trustedTypesPolicy.createHTML(htmlToInsert) : htmlToInsert);
} catch (error) {}
} catch (_) {}

@@ -802,32 +784,7 @@

We don't need to check the value; it's always URI safe. */
if (ALLOW_DATA_ATTR && regExpTest(DATA_ATTR$$1, lcName)) {
// This attribute is safe
} else if (ALLOW_ARIA_ATTR && regExpTest(ARIA_ATTR$$1, lcName)) {
// This attribute is safe
/* Otherwise, check the name is permitted */
} else if (!ALLOWED_ATTR[lcName] || FORBID_ATTR[lcName]) {
if (ALLOW_DATA_ATTR && regExpTest(DATA_ATTR$$1, lcName)) ; else if (ALLOW_ARIA_ATTR && regExpTest(ARIA_ATTR$$1, lcName)) ; else if (!ALLOWED_ATTR[lcName] || FORBID_ATTR[lcName]) {
return false;
/* Check value is safe. First, is attr inert? If so, is safe */
} else if (URI_SAFE_ATTRIBUTES[lcName]) {
// This attribute is safe
/* Check no script, data or unknown possibly unsafe URI
unless we know URI values are safe for that attribute */
} else if (regExpTest(IS_ALLOWED_URI$$1, stringReplace(value, ATTR_WHITESPACE$$1, ''))) {
// This attribute is safe
/* Keep image data URIs alive if src/xlink:href is allowed */
/* Further prevent gadget XSS for dynamically built script tags */
} else if ((lcName === 'src' || lcName === 'xlink:href' || lcName === 'href') && lcTag !== 'script' && stringIndexOf(value, 'data:') === 0 && DATA_URI_TAGS[lcTag]) {
// This attribute is safe
/* Allow unknown protocols: This provides support for links that
are handled by protocol handlers which may be unknown ahead of
time, e.g. fb:, spotify: */
} else if (ALLOW_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOLS && !regExpTest(IS_SCRIPT_OR_DATA$$1, stringReplace(value, ATTR_WHITESPACE$$1, ''))) {
// This attribute is safe
/* Check for binary attributes */
// eslint-disable-next-line no-negated-condition
} else if (!value) {
// Binary attributes are safe at this point
/* Anything else, presume unsafe, do not add it back */
} else {
} else if (URI_SAFE_ATTRIBUTES[lcName]) ; else if (regExpTest(IS_ALLOWED_URI$$1, stringReplace(value, ATTR_WHITESPACE$$1, ''))) ; else if ((lcName === 'src' || lcName === 'xlink:href' || lcName === 'href') && lcTag !== 'script' && stringIndexOf(value, 'data:') === 0 && DATA_URI_TAGS[lcTag]) ; else if (ALLOW_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOLS && !regExpTest(IS_SCRIPT_OR_DATA$$1, stringReplace(value, ATTR_WHITESPACE$$1, ''))) ; else if (!value) ; else {
return false;

@@ -964,3 +921,3 @@ }

} catch (error) {}
} catch (_) {}

@@ -1068,5 +1025,3 @@

if (IN_PLACE) {
/* No special handling necessary for in-place sanitization */
} else if (dirty instanceof Node) {
if (IN_PLACE) ; else if (dirty instanceof Node) {
/* If dirty is a DOM element, append to an empty document to avoid

@@ -1087,3 +1042,5 @@ elements being stripped by the parser */

/* Exit directly if we have nothing to do */
if (!RETURN_DOM && !SAFE_FOR_TEMPLATES && !WHOLE_DOCUMENT && RETURN_TRUSTED_TYPE && dirty.indexOf('<') === -1) {
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-includes
dirty.indexOf('<') === -1) {
return trustedTypesPolicy ? trustedTypesPolicy.createHTML(dirty) : dirty;

@@ -1153,7 +1110,9 @@ }

/* AdoptNode() is not used because internal state is not reset
(e.g. the past names map of a HTMLFormElement), this is safe
in theory but we would rather not risk another attack vector.
The state that is cloned by importNode() is explicitly defined
by the specs. */
AdoptNode() is not used because internal state is not reset
(e.g. the past names map of a HTMLFormElement), this is safe
in theory but we would rather not risk another attack vector.
The state that is cloned by importNode() is explicitly defined
by the specs.
returnNode =, returnNode, true);

@@ -1160,0 +1119,0 @@ }

@@ -1,13 +0,13 @@

function _toConsumableArray$1(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } }
function _toConsumableArray(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } }
var hasOwnProperty = Object.hasOwnProperty;
var setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf;
var isFrozen = Object.isFrozen;
var objectKeys = Object.keys;
var freeze = Object.freeze;
var seal = Object.seal; // eslint-disable-line import/no-mutable-exports
var hasOwnProperty = Object.hasOwnProperty,
setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf,
isFrozen = Object.isFrozen,
objectKeys = Object.keys;
var freeze = Object.freeze,
seal = Object.seal; // eslint-disable-line import/no-mutable-exports
var _ref = typeof Reflect !== 'undefined' && Reflect;
var apply = _ref.apply;
var construct = _ref.construct;
var _ref = typeof Reflect !== 'undefined' && Reflect,
apply = _ref.apply,
construct = _ref.construct;

@@ -34,3 +34,3 @@ if (!apply) {

construct = function construct(Func, args) {
return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(Func, [null].concat(_toConsumableArray$1(args))))();
return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(Func, [null].concat(_toConsumableArray(args))))();

@@ -132,5 +132,5 @@ }

var html$1 = freeze(['accept', 'action', 'align', 'alt', 'autocomplete', 'background', 'bgcolor', 'border', 'cellpadding', 'cellspacing', 'checked', 'cite', 'class', 'clear', 'color', 'cols', 'colspan', 'controls', 'coords', 'crossorigin', 'datetime', 'default', 'dir', 'disabled', 'download', 'enctype', 'face', 'for', 'headers', 'height', 'hidden', 'high', 'href', 'hreflang', 'id', 'integrity', 'ismap', 'label', 'lang', 'list', 'loop', 'low', 'max', 'maxlength', 'media', 'method', 'min', 'minlength', 'multiple', 'name', 'noshade', 'novalidate', 'nowrap', 'open', 'optimum', 'pattern', 'placeholder', 'poster', 'preload', 'pubdate', 'radiogroup', 'readonly', 'rel', 'required', 'rev', 'reversed', 'role', 'rows', 'rowspan', 'spellcheck', 'scope', 'selected', 'shape', 'size', 'sizes', 'span', 'srclang', 'start', 'src', 'srcset', 'step', 'style', 'summary', 'tabindex', 'title', 'type', 'usemap', 'valign', 'value', 'width', 'xmlns']);
var html$1 = freeze(['accept', 'action', 'align', 'alt', 'autocapitalize', 'autocomplete', 'autopictureinpicture', 'autoplay', 'background', 'bgcolor', 'border', 'capture', 'cellpadding', 'cellspacing', 'checked', 'cite', 'class', 'clear', 'color', 'cols', 'colspan', 'controls', 'controlslist', 'coords', 'crossorigin', 'datetime', 'decoding', 'default', 'dir', 'disabled', 'disablepictureinpicture', 'disableremoteplayback', 'download', 'draggable', 'enctype', 'enterkeyhint', 'face', 'for', 'headers', 'height', 'hidden', 'high', 'href', 'hreflang', 'id', 'inputmode', 'integrity', 'ismap', 'kind', 'label', 'lang', 'list', 'loading', 'loop', 'low', 'max', 'maxlength', 'media', 'method', 'min', 'minlength', 'multiple', 'muted', 'name', 'noshade', 'novalidate', 'nowrap', 'open', 'optimum', 'pattern', 'placeholder', 'playsinline', 'poster', 'preload', 'pubdate', 'radiogroup', 'readonly', 'rel', 'required', 'rev', 'reversed', 'role', 'rows', 'rowspan', 'spellcheck', 'scope', 'selected', 'shape', 'size', 'sizes', 'span', 'srclang', 'start', 'src', 'srcset', 'step', 'style', 'summary', 'tabindex', 'title', 'translate', 'type', 'usemap', 'valign', 'value', 'width', 'xmlns']);
var svg$1 = freeze(['accent-height', 'accumulate', 'additive', 'alignment-baseline', 'ascent', 'attributename', 'attributetype', 'azimuth', 'basefrequency', 'baseline-shift', 'begin', 'bias', 'by', 'class', 'clip', 'clip-path', 'clip-rule', 'color', 'color-interpolation', 'color-interpolation-filters', 'color-profile', 'color-rendering', 'cx', 'cy', 'd', 'dx', 'dy', 'diffuseconstant', 'direction', 'display', 'divisor', 'dur', 'edgemode', 'elevation', 'end', 'fill', 'fill-opacity', 'fill-rule', 'filter', 'filterunits', 'flood-color', 'flood-opacity', 'font-family', 'font-size', 'font-size-adjust', 'font-stretch', 'font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight', 'fx', 'fy', 'g1', 'g2', 'glyph-name', 'glyphref', 'gradientunits', 'gradienttransform', 'height', 'href', 'id', 'image-rendering', 'in', 'in2', 'k', 'k1', 'k2', 'k3', 'k4', 'kerning', 'keypoints', 'keysplines', 'keytimes', 'lang', 'lengthadjust', 'letter-spacing', 'kernelmatrix', 'kernelunitlength', 'lighting-color', 'local', 'marker-end', 'marker-mid', 'marker-start', 'markerheight', 'markerunits', 'markerwidth', 'maskcontentunits', 'maskunits', 'max', 'mask', 'media', 'method', 'mode', 'min', 'name', 'numoctaves', 'offset', 'operator', 'opacity', 'order', 'orient', 'orientation', 'origin', 'overflow', 'paint-order', 'path', 'pathlength', 'patterncontentunits', 'patterntransform', 'patternunits', 'points', 'preservealpha', 'preserveaspectratio', 'primitiveunits', 'r', 'rx', 'ry', 'radius', 'refx', 'refy', 'repeatcount', 'repeatdur', 'restart', 'result', 'rotate', 'scale', 'seed', 'shape-rendering', 'specularconstant', 'specularexponent', 'spreadmethod', 'stddeviation', 'stitchtiles', 'stop-color', 'stop-opacity', 'stroke-dasharray', 'stroke-dashoffset', 'stroke-linecap', 'stroke-linejoin', 'stroke-miterlimit', 'stroke-opacity', 'stroke', 'stroke-width', 'style', 'surfacescale', 'tabindex', 'targetx', 'targety', 'transform', 'text-anchor', 'text-decoration', 'text-rendering', 'textlength', 'type', 'u1', 'u2', 'unicode', 'values', 'viewbox', 'visibility', 'version', 'vert-adv-y', 'vert-origin-x', 'vert-origin-y', 'width', 'word-spacing', 'wrap', 'writing-mode', 'xchannelselector', 'ychannelselector', 'x', 'x1', 'x2', 'xmlns', 'y', 'y1', 'y2', 'z', 'zoomandpan']);
var svg$1 = freeze(['accent-height', 'accumulate', 'additive', 'alignment-baseline', 'ascent', 'attributename', 'attributetype', 'azimuth', 'basefrequency', 'baseline-shift', 'begin', 'bias', 'by', 'class', 'clip', 'clip-path', 'clip-rule', 'color', 'color-interpolation', 'color-interpolation-filters', 'color-profile', 'color-rendering', 'cx', 'cy', 'd', 'dx', 'dy', 'diffuseconstant', 'direction', 'display', 'divisor', 'dur', 'edgemode', 'elevation', 'end', 'fill', 'fill-opacity', 'fill-rule', 'filter', 'filterunits', 'flood-color', 'flood-opacity', 'font-family', 'font-size', 'font-size-adjust', 'font-stretch', 'font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight', 'fx', 'fy', 'g1', 'g2', 'glyph-name', 'glyphref', 'gradientunits', 'gradienttransform', 'height', 'href', 'id', 'image-rendering', 'in', 'in2', 'k', 'k1', 'k2', 'k3', 'k4', 'kerning', 'keypoints', 'keysplines', 'keytimes', 'lang', 'lengthadjust', 'letter-spacing', 'kernelmatrix', 'kernelunitlength', 'lighting-color', 'local', 'marker-end', 'marker-mid', 'marker-start', 'markerheight', 'markerunits', 'markerwidth', 'maskcontentunits', 'maskunits', 'max', 'mask', 'media', 'method', 'mode', 'min', 'name', 'numoctaves', 'offset', 'operator', 'opacity', 'order', 'orient', 'orientation', 'origin', 'overflow', 'paint-order', 'path', 'pathlength', 'patterncontentunits', 'patterntransform', 'patternunits', 'points', 'preservealpha', 'preserveaspectratio', 'primitiveunits', 'r', 'rx', 'ry', 'radius', 'refx', 'refy', 'repeatcount', 'repeatdur', 'restart', 'result', 'rotate', 'scale', 'seed', 'shape-rendering', 'specularconstant', 'specularexponent', 'spreadmethod', 'startoffset', 'stddeviation', 'stitchtiles', 'stop-color', 'stop-opacity', 'stroke-dasharray', 'stroke-dashoffset', 'stroke-linecap', 'stroke-linejoin', 'stroke-miterlimit', 'stroke-opacity', 'stroke', 'stroke-width', 'style', 'surfacescale', 'tabindex', 'targetx', 'targety', 'transform', 'text-anchor', 'text-decoration', 'text-rendering', 'textlength', 'type', 'u1', 'u2', 'unicode', 'values', 'viewbox', 'visibility', 'version', 'vert-adv-y', 'vert-origin-x', 'vert-origin-y', 'width', 'word-spacing', 'wrap', 'writing-mode', 'xchannelselector', 'ychannelselector', 'x', 'x1', 'x2', 'xmlns', 'y', 'y1', 'y2', 'z', 'zoomandpan']);

@@ -141,2 +141,3 @@ var mathMl$1 = freeze(['accent', 'accentunder', 'align', 'bevelled', 'close', 'columnsalign', 'columnlines', 'columnspan', 'denomalign', 'depth', 'dir', 'display', 'displaystyle', 'encoding', 'fence', 'frame', 'height', 'href', 'id', 'largeop', 'length', 'linethickness', 'lspace', 'lquote', 'mathbackground', 'mathcolor', 'mathsize', 'mathvariant', 'maxsize', 'minsize', 'movablelimits', 'notation', 'numalign', 'open', 'rowalign', 'rowlines', 'rowspacing', 'rowspan', 'rspace', 'rquote', 'scriptlevel', 'scriptminsize', 'scriptsizemultiplier', 'selection', 'separator', 'separators', 'stretchy', 'subscriptshift', 'supscriptshift', 'symmetric', 'voffset', 'width', 'xmlns']);

// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/better-regex
var MUSTACHE_EXPR = seal(/\{\{[\s\S]*|[\s\S]*\}\}/gm); // Specify template detection regex for SAFE_FOR_TEMPLATES mode

@@ -154,3 +155,3 @@ var ERB_EXPR = seal(/<%[\s\S]*|[\s\S]*%>/gm);

function _toConsumableArray(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } }
function _toConsumableArray$1(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } }

@@ -191,3 +192,3 @@ var getGlobal = function getGlobal() {

} catch (error) {
} catch (_) {
// Policy creation failed (most likely another DOMPurify script has

@@ -212,3 +213,3 @@ // already run). Skip creating the policy, as this will only cause errors

DOMPurify.version = '2.0.8';
DOMPurify.version = '2.0.9';

@@ -230,3 +231,2 @@ /**

var originalDocument = window.document;
var useDOMParser = false;
var removeTitle = false;

@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@

var ALLOWED_TAGS = null;
var DEFAULT_ALLOWED_TAGS = addToSet({}, [].concat(_toConsumableArray(html), _toConsumableArray(svg), _toConsumableArray(svgFilters), _toConsumableArray(mathMl), _toConsumableArray(text)));
var DEFAULT_ALLOWED_TAGS = addToSet({}, [].concat(_toConsumableArray$1(html), _toConsumableArray$1(svg), _toConsumableArray$1(svgFilters), _toConsumableArray$1(mathMl), _toConsumableArray$1(text)));
/* Allowed attribute names */
var ALLOWED_ATTR = null;
var DEFAULT_ALLOWED_ATTR = addToSet({}, [].concat(_toConsumableArray(html$1), _toConsumableArray(svg$1), _toConsumableArray(mathMl$1), _toConsumableArray(xml)));
var DEFAULT_ALLOWED_ATTR = addToSet({}, [].concat(_toConsumableArray$1(html$1), _toConsumableArray$1(svg$1), _toConsumableArray$1(mathMl$1), _toConsumableArray$1(xml)));

@@ -371,3 +371,3 @@ /* Explicitly forbidden tags (overrides ALLOWED_TAGS/ADD_TAGS) */

/* Tags that are safe for data: URIs */
var DATA_URI_TAGS = addToSet({}, ['audio', 'video', 'img', 'source', 'image']);
var DATA_URI_TAGS = addToSet({}, ['audio', 'video', 'img', 'source', 'image', 'track']);

@@ -434,3 +434,3 @@ /* Attributes safe for values like "javascript:" */

ALLOWED_TAGS = addToSet({}, [].concat(_toConsumableArray(text)));
ALLOWED_TAGS = addToSet({}, [].concat(_toConsumableArray$1(text)));

@@ -515,4 +515,5 @@ if (USE_PROFILES.html === true) {

try {
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-node-remove
} catch (error) {
} catch (_) {
node.outerHTML = emptyHTML;

@@ -534,3 +535,3 @@ }

} catch (error) {
} catch (_) {
arrayPush(DOMPurify.removed, {

@@ -560,2 +561,3 @@ attribute: null,

/* If FORCE_BODY isn't used, leading whitespace needs to be preserved manually */
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/better-regex
var matches = stringMatch(dirty, /^[\s]+/);

@@ -566,8 +568,6 @@ leadingWhitespace = matches && matches[0];

var dirtyPayload = trustedTypesPolicy ? trustedTypesPolicy.createHTML(dirty) : dirty;
/* Use DOMParser to workaround Firefox bug (see comment below) */
if (useDOMParser) {
try {
doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(dirtyPayload, 'text/html');
} catch (error) {}
/* Use the DOMParser API by default, fallback later if needs be */
try {
doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(dirtyPayload, 'text/html');
} catch (_) {}

@@ -579,4 +579,3 @@ /* Remove title to fix a mXSS bug in older MS Edge */

/* Otherwise use createHTMLDocument, because DOMParser is unsafe in
Safari (see comment below) */
/* Use createHTMLDocument in case DOMParser is not available */
if (!doc || !doc.documentElement) {

@@ -599,23 +598,6 @@ doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('');

// Firefox uses a different parser for innerHTML rather than
// DOMParser (see
// which means that you *must* use DOMParser, otherwise the output may
// not be safe if used in a document.write context later.
// So we feature detect the Firefox bug and use the DOMParser if necessary.
// Chrome 77 and other versions ship an mXSS bug that caused a bypass to
// happen. We now check for the mXSS trigger and react accordingly.
/* Here we test for a broken feature in Edge that might cause mXSS */
if (DOMPurify.isSupported) {
(function () {
try {
var doc = _initDocument('<svg><p><textarea><img src="</textarea><img src=x abc=1//">');
if (doc.querySelector('svg img')) {
useDOMParser = true;
} catch (error) {}
(function () {
try {
var doc = _initDocument('<x/><title>&lt;/title&gt;&lt;img&gt;');

@@ -625,3 +607,3 @@ if (regExpTest(/<\/title/, doc.querySelector('title').innerHTML)) {

} catch (error) {}
} catch (_) {}

@@ -666,4 +648,4 @@ }

var _isNode = function _isNode(obj) {
return (typeof Node === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(Node)) === 'object' ? obj instanceof Node : obj && (typeof obj === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(obj)) === 'object' && typeof obj.nodeType === 'number' && typeof obj.nodeName === 'string';
var _isNode = function _isNode(object) {
return (typeof Node === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(Node)) === 'object' ? object instanceof Node : object && (typeof object === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(object)) === 'object' && typeof object.nodeType === 'number' && typeof object.nodeName === 'string';

@@ -734,3 +716,3 @@

currentNode.insertAdjacentHTML('AfterEnd', trustedTypesPolicy ? trustedTypesPolicy.createHTML(htmlToInsert) : htmlToInsert);
} catch (error) {}
} catch (_) {}

@@ -800,32 +782,7 @@

We don't need to check the value; it's always URI safe. */
if (ALLOW_DATA_ATTR && regExpTest(DATA_ATTR$$1, lcName)) {
// This attribute is safe
} else if (ALLOW_ARIA_ATTR && regExpTest(ARIA_ATTR$$1, lcName)) {
// This attribute is safe
/* Otherwise, check the name is permitted */
} else if (!ALLOWED_ATTR[lcName] || FORBID_ATTR[lcName]) {
if (ALLOW_DATA_ATTR && regExpTest(DATA_ATTR$$1, lcName)) ; else if (ALLOW_ARIA_ATTR && regExpTest(ARIA_ATTR$$1, lcName)) ; else if (!ALLOWED_ATTR[lcName] || FORBID_ATTR[lcName]) {
return false;
/* Check value is safe. First, is attr inert? If so, is safe */
} else if (URI_SAFE_ATTRIBUTES[lcName]) {
// This attribute is safe
/* Check no script, data or unknown possibly unsafe URI
unless we know URI values are safe for that attribute */
} else if (regExpTest(IS_ALLOWED_URI$$1, stringReplace(value, ATTR_WHITESPACE$$1, ''))) {
// This attribute is safe
/* Keep image data URIs alive if src/xlink:href is allowed */
/* Further prevent gadget XSS for dynamically built script tags */
} else if ((lcName === 'src' || lcName === 'xlink:href' || lcName === 'href') && lcTag !== 'script' && stringIndexOf(value, 'data:') === 0 && DATA_URI_TAGS[lcTag]) {
// This attribute is safe
/* Allow unknown protocols: This provides support for links that
are handled by protocol handlers which may be unknown ahead of
time, e.g. fb:, spotify: */
} else if (ALLOW_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOLS && !regExpTest(IS_SCRIPT_OR_DATA$$1, stringReplace(value, ATTR_WHITESPACE$$1, ''))) {
// This attribute is safe
/* Check for binary attributes */
// eslint-disable-next-line no-negated-condition
} else if (!value) {
// Binary attributes are safe at this point
/* Anything else, presume unsafe, do not add it back */
} else {
} else if (URI_SAFE_ATTRIBUTES[lcName]) ; else if (regExpTest(IS_ALLOWED_URI$$1, stringReplace(value, ATTR_WHITESPACE$$1, ''))) ; else if ((lcName === 'src' || lcName === 'xlink:href' || lcName === 'href') && lcTag !== 'script' && stringIndexOf(value, 'data:') === 0 && DATA_URI_TAGS[lcTag]) ; else if (ALLOW_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOLS && !regExpTest(IS_SCRIPT_OR_DATA$$1, stringReplace(value, ATTR_WHITESPACE$$1, ''))) ; else if (!value) ; else {
return false;

@@ -962,3 +919,3 @@ }

} catch (error) {}
} catch (_) {}

@@ -1066,5 +1023,3 @@

if (IN_PLACE) {
/* No special handling necessary for in-place sanitization */
} else if (dirty instanceof Node) {
if (IN_PLACE) ; else if (dirty instanceof Node) {
/* If dirty is a DOM element, append to an empty document to avoid

@@ -1085,3 +1040,5 @@ elements being stripped by the parser */

/* Exit directly if we have nothing to do */
if (!RETURN_DOM && !SAFE_FOR_TEMPLATES && !WHOLE_DOCUMENT && RETURN_TRUSTED_TYPE && dirty.indexOf('<') === -1) {
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-includes
dirty.indexOf('<') === -1) {
return trustedTypesPolicy ? trustedTypesPolicy.createHTML(dirty) : dirty;

@@ -1151,7 +1108,9 @@ }

/* AdoptNode() is not used because internal state is not reset
(e.g. the past names map of a HTMLFormElement), this is safe
in theory but we would rather not risk another attack vector.
The state that is cloned by importNode() is explicitly defined
by the specs. */
AdoptNode() is not used because internal state is not reset
(e.g. the past names map of a HTMLFormElement), this is safe
in theory but we would rather not risk another attack vector.
The state that is cloned by importNode() is explicitly defined
by the specs.
returnNode =, returnNode, true);

@@ -1158,0 +1117,0 @@ }

(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
(global.DOMPurify = factory());
}(this, (function () { 'use strict';
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
(global = global || self, global.DOMPurify = factory());
}(this, function () { 'use strict';
function _toConsumableArray$1(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } }
function _toConsumableArray(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } }
var hasOwnProperty = Object.hasOwnProperty;
var setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf;
var isFrozen = Object.isFrozen;
var objectKeys = Object.keys;
var freeze = Object.freeze;
var seal = Object.seal; // eslint-disable-line import/no-mutable-exports
var hasOwnProperty = Object.hasOwnProperty,
setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf,
isFrozen = Object.isFrozen,
objectKeys = Object.keys;
var freeze = Object.freeze,
seal = Object.seal; // eslint-disable-line import/no-mutable-exports
var _ref = typeof Reflect !== 'undefined' && Reflect;
var apply = _ref.apply;
var construct = _ref.construct;
var _ref = typeof Reflect !== 'undefined' && Reflect,
apply = _ref.apply,
construct = _ref.construct;
if (!apply) {
apply = function apply(fun, thisValue, args) {
return fun.apply(thisValue, args);
if (!apply) {
apply = function apply(fun, thisValue, args) {
return fun.apply(thisValue, args);
if (!freeze) {
freeze = function freeze(x) {
return x;
if (!freeze) {
freeze = function freeze(x) {
return x;
if (!seal) {
seal = function seal(x) {
return x;
if (!seal) {
seal = function seal(x) {
return x;
if (!construct) {
construct = function construct(Func, args) {
return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(Func, [null].concat(_toConsumableArray$1(args))))();
if (!construct) {
construct = function construct(Func, args) {
return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(Func, [null].concat(_toConsumableArray(args))))();
var arrayForEach = unapply(Array.prototype.forEach);
var arrayIndexOf = unapply(Array.prototype.indexOf);
var arrayJoin = unapply(Array.prototype.join);
var arrayPop = unapply(Array.prototype.pop);
var arrayPush = unapply(Array.prototype.push);
var arraySlice = unapply(Array.prototype.slice);
var arrayForEach = unapply(Array.prototype.forEach);
var arrayIndexOf = unapply(Array.prototype.indexOf);
var arrayJoin = unapply(Array.prototype.join);
var arrayPop = unapply(Array.prototype.pop);
var arrayPush = unapply(Array.prototype.push);
var arraySlice = unapply(Array.prototype.slice);
var stringToLowerCase = unapply(String.prototype.toLowerCase);
var stringMatch = unapply(String.prototype.match);
var stringReplace = unapply(String.prototype.replace);
var stringIndexOf = unapply(String.prototype.indexOf);
var stringTrim = unapply(String.prototype.trim);
var stringToLowerCase = unapply(String.prototype.toLowerCase);
var stringMatch = unapply(String.prototype.match);
var stringReplace = unapply(String.prototype.replace);
var stringIndexOf = unapply(String.prototype.indexOf);
var stringTrim = unapply(String.prototype.trim);
var regExpTest = unapply(RegExp.prototype.test);
var regExpCreate = unconstruct(RegExp);
var regExpTest = unapply(RegExp.prototype.test);
var regExpCreate = unconstruct(RegExp);
var typeErrorCreate = unconstruct(TypeError);
var typeErrorCreate = unconstruct(TypeError);
function unapply(func) {
return function (thisArg) {
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
function unapply(func) {
return function (thisArg) {
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
return apply(func, thisArg, args);
function unconstruct(func) {
return function () {
for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
args[_key2] = arguments[_key2];
return construct(func, args);
/* Add properties to a lookup table */
function addToSet(set, array) {
if (setPrototypeOf) {
// Make 'in' and truthy checks like Boolean(set.constructor)
// independent of any properties defined on Object.prototype.
// Prevent prototype setters from intercepting set as a this value.
setPrototypeOf(set, null);
return apply(func, thisArg, args);
var l = array.length;
while (l--) {
var element = array[l];
if (typeof element === 'string') {
var lcElement = stringToLowerCase(element);
if (lcElement !== element) {
// Config presets (e.g. tags.js, attrs.js) are immutable.
if (!isFrozen(array)) {
array[l] = lcElement;
element = lcElement;
function unconstruct(func) {
return function () {
for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
args[_key2] = arguments[_key2];
set[element] = true;
return construct(func, args);
return set;
/* Shallow clone an object */
function clone(object) {
var newObject = {};
var property = void 0;
for (property in object) {
if (apply(hasOwnProperty, object, [property])) {
newObject[property] = object[property];
/* Add properties to a lookup table */
function addToSet(set, array) {
if (setPrototypeOf) {
// Make 'in' and truthy checks like Boolean(set.constructor)
// independent of any properties defined on Object.prototype.
// Prevent prototype setters from intercepting set as a this value.
setPrototypeOf(set, null);
return newObject;
var l = array.length;
while (l--) {
var element = array[l];
if (typeof element === 'string') {
var lcElement = stringToLowerCase(element);
if (lcElement !== element) {
// Config presets (e.g. tags.js, attrs.js) are immutable.
if (!isFrozen(array)) {
array[l] = lcElement;
var html = freeze(['a', 'abbr', 'acronym', 'address', 'area', 'article', 'aside', 'audio', 'b', 'bdi', 'bdo', 'big', 'blink', 'blockquote', 'body', 'br', 'button', 'canvas', 'caption', 'center', 'cite', 'code', 'col', 'colgroup', 'content', 'data', 'datalist', 'dd', 'decorator', 'del', 'details', 'dfn', 'dir', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'element', 'em', 'fieldset', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'font', 'footer', 'form', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'head', 'header', 'hgroup', 'hr', 'html', 'i', 'img', 'input', 'ins', 'kbd', 'label', 'legend', 'li', 'main', 'map', 'mark', 'marquee', 'menu', 'menuitem', 'meter', 'nav', 'nobr', 'ol', 'optgroup', 'option', 'output', 'p', 'picture', 'pre', 'progress', 'q', 'rp', 'rt', 'ruby', 's', 'samp', 'section', 'select', 'shadow', 'small', 'source', 'spacer', 'span', 'strike', 'strong', 'style', 'sub', 'summary', 'sup', 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'template', 'textarea', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'time', 'tr', 'track', 'tt', 'u', 'ul', 'var', 'video', 'wbr']);
element = lcElement;
// SVG
var svg = freeze(['svg', 'a', 'altglyph', 'altglyphdef', 'altglyphitem', 'animatecolor', 'animatemotion', 'animatetransform', 'audio', 'canvas', 'circle', 'clippath', 'defs', 'desc', 'ellipse', 'filter', 'font', 'g', 'glyph', 'glyphref', 'hkern', 'image', 'line', 'lineargradient', 'marker', 'mask', 'metadata', 'mpath', 'path', 'pattern', 'polygon', 'polyline', 'radialgradient', 'rect', 'stop', 'style', 'switch', 'symbol', 'text', 'textpath', 'title', 'tref', 'tspan', 'video', 'view', 'vkern']);
set[element] = true;
var svgFilters = freeze(['feBlend', 'feColorMatrix', 'feComponentTransfer', 'feComposite', 'feConvolveMatrix', 'feDiffuseLighting', 'feDisplacementMap', 'feDistantLight', 'feFlood', 'feFuncA', 'feFuncB', 'feFuncG', 'feFuncR', 'feGaussianBlur', 'feMerge', 'feMergeNode', 'feMorphology', 'feOffset', 'fePointLight', 'feSpecularLighting', 'feSpotLight', 'feTile', 'feTurbulence']);
return set;
var mathMl = freeze(['math', 'menclose', 'merror', 'mfenced', 'mfrac', 'mglyph', 'mi', 'mlabeledtr', 'mmultiscripts', 'mn', 'mo', 'mover', 'mpadded', 'mphantom', 'mroot', 'mrow', 'ms', 'mspace', 'msqrt', 'mstyle', 'msub', 'msup', 'msubsup', 'mtable', 'mtd', 'mtext', 'mtr', 'munder', 'munderover']);
/* Shallow clone an object */
function clone(object) {
var newObject = {};
var text = freeze(['#text']);
var property = void 0;
for (property in object) {
if (apply(hasOwnProperty, object, [property])) {
newObject[property] = object[property];
var html$1 = freeze(['accept', 'action', 'align', 'alt', 'autocomplete', 'background', 'bgcolor', 'border', 'cellpadding', 'cellspacing', 'checked', 'cite', 'class', 'clear', 'color', 'cols', 'colspan', 'controls', 'coords', 'crossorigin', 'datetime', 'default', 'dir', 'disabled', 'download', 'enctype', 'face', 'for', 'headers', 'height', 'hidden', 'high', 'href', 'hreflang', 'id', 'integrity', 'ismap', 'label', 'lang', 'list', 'loop', 'low', 'max', 'maxlength', 'media', 'method', 'min', 'minlength', 'multiple', 'name', 'noshade', 'novalidate', 'nowrap', 'open', 'optimum', 'pattern', 'placeholder', 'poster', 'preload', 'pubdate', 'radiogroup', 'readonly', 'rel', 'required', 'rev', 'reversed', 'role', 'rows', 'rowspan', 'spellcheck', 'scope', 'selected', 'shape', 'size', 'sizes', 'span', 'srclang', 'start', 'src', 'srcset', 'step', 'style', 'summary', 'tabindex', 'title', 'type', 'usemap', 'valign', 'value', 'width', 'xmlns']);
return newObject;
var svg$1 = freeze(['accent-height', 'accumulate', 'additive', 'alignment-baseline', 'ascent', 'attributename', 'attributetype', 'azimuth', 'basefrequency', 'baseline-shift', 'begin', 'bias', 'by', 'class', 'clip', 'clip-path', 'clip-rule', 'color', 'color-interpolation', 'color-interpolation-filters', 'color-profile', 'color-rendering', 'cx', 'cy', 'd', 'dx', 'dy', 'diffuseconstant', 'direction', 'display', 'divisor', 'dur', 'edgemode', 'elevation', 'end', 'fill', 'fill-opacity', 'fill-rule', 'filter', 'filterunits', 'flood-color', 'flood-opacity', 'font-family', 'font-size', 'font-size-adjust', 'font-stretch', 'font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight', 'fx', 'fy', 'g1', 'g2', 'glyph-name', 'glyphref', 'gradientunits', 'gradienttransform', 'height', 'href', 'id', 'image-rendering', 'in', 'in2', 'k', 'k1', 'k2', 'k3', 'k4', 'kerning', 'keypoints', 'keysplines', 'keytimes', 'lang', 'lengthadjust', 'letter-spacing', 'kernelmatrix', 'kernelunitlength', 'lighting-color', 'local', 'marker-end', 'marker-mid', 'marker-start', 'markerheight', 'markerunits', 'markerwidth', 'maskcontentunits', 'maskunits', 'max', 'mask', 'media', 'method', 'mode', 'min', 'name', 'numoctaves', 'offset', 'operator', 'opacity', 'order', 'orient', 'orientation', 'origin', 'overflow', 'paint-order', 'path', 'pathlength', 'patterncontentunits', 'patterntransform', 'patternunits', 'points', 'preservealpha', 'preserveaspectratio', 'primitiveunits', 'r', 'rx', 'ry', 'radius', 'refx', 'refy', 'repeatcount', 'repeatdur', 'restart', 'result', 'rotate', 'scale', 'seed', 'shape-rendering', 'specularconstant', 'specularexponent', 'spreadmethod', 'stddeviation', 'stitchtiles', 'stop-color', 'stop-opacity', 'stroke-dasharray', 'stroke-dashoffset', 'stroke-linecap', 'stroke-linejoin', 'stroke-miterlimit', 'stroke-opacity', 'stroke', 'stroke-width', 'style', 'surfacescale', 'tabindex', 'targetx', 'targety', 'transform', 'text-anchor', 'text-decoration', 'text-rendering', 'textlength', 'type', 'u1', 'u2', 'unicode', 'values', 'viewbox', 'visibility', 'version', 'vert-adv-y', 'vert-origin-x', 'vert-origin-y', 'width', 'word-spacing', 'wrap', 'writing-mode', 'xchannelselector', 'ychannelselector', 'x', 'x1', 'x2', 'xmlns', 'y', 'y1', 'y2', 'z', 'zoomandpan']);
var html = freeze(['a', 'abbr', 'acronym', 'address', 'area', 'article', 'aside', 'audio', 'b', 'bdi', 'bdo', 'big', 'blink', 'blockquote', 'body', 'br', 'button', 'canvas', 'caption', 'center', 'cite', 'code', 'col', 'colgroup', 'content', 'data', 'datalist', 'dd', 'decorator', 'del', 'details', 'dfn', 'dir', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'element', 'em', 'fieldset', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'font', 'footer', 'form', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'head', 'header', 'hgroup', 'hr', 'html', 'i', 'img', 'input', 'ins', 'kbd', 'label', 'legend', 'li', 'main', 'map', 'mark', 'marquee', 'menu', 'menuitem', 'meter', 'nav', 'nobr', 'ol', 'optgroup', 'option', 'output', 'p', 'picture', 'pre', 'progress', 'q', 'rp', 'rt', 'ruby', 's', 'samp', 'section', 'select', 'shadow', 'small', 'source', 'spacer', 'span', 'strike', 'strong', 'style', 'sub', 'summary', 'sup', 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'template', 'textarea', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'time', 'tr', 'track', 'tt', 'u', 'ul', 'var', 'video', 'wbr']);
var mathMl$1 = freeze(['accent', 'accentunder', 'align', 'bevelled', 'close', 'columnsalign', 'columnlines', 'columnspan', 'denomalign', 'depth', 'dir', 'display', 'displaystyle', 'encoding', 'fence', 'frame', 'height', 'href', 'id', 'largeop', 'length', 'linethickness', 'lspace', 'lquote', 'mathbackground', 'mathcolor', 'mathsize', 'mathvariant', 'maxsize', 'minsize', 'movablelimits', 'notation', 'numalign', 'open', 'rowalign', 'rowlines', 'rowspacing', 'rowspan', 'rspace', 'rquote', 'scriptlevel', 'scriptminsize', 'scriptsizemultiplier', 'selection', 'separator', 'separators', 'stretchy', 'subscriptshift', 'supscriptshift', 'symmetric', 'voffset', 'width', 'xmlns']);
// SVG
var svg = freeze(['svg', 'a', 'altglyph', 'altglyphdef', 'altglyphitem', 'animatecolor', 'animatemotion', 'animatetransform', 'audio', 'canvas', 'circle', 'clippath', 'defs', 'desc', 'ellipse', 'filter', 'font', 'g', 'glyph', 'glyphref', 'hkern', 'image', 'line', 'lineargradient', 'marker', 'mask', 'metadata', 'mpath', 'path', 'pattern', 'polygon', 'polyline', 'radialgradient', 'rect', 'stop', 'style', 'switch', 'symbol', 'text', 'textpath', 'title', 'tref', 'tspan', 'video', 'view', 'vkern']);
var xml = freeze(['xlink:href', 'xml:id', 'xlink:title', 'xml:space', 'xmlns:xlink']);
var svgFilters = freeze(['feBlend', 'feColorMatrix', 'feComponentTransfer', 'feComposite', 'feConvolveMatrix', 'feDiffuseLighting', 'feDisplacementMap', 'feDistantLight', 'feFlood', 'feFuncA', 'feFuncB', 'feFuncG', 'feFuncR', 'feGaussianBlur', 'feMerge', 'feMergeNode', 'feMorphology', 'feOffset', 'fePointLight', 'feSpecularLighting', 'feSpotLight', 'feTile', 'feTurbulence']);
var MUSTACHE_EXPR = seal(/\{\{[\s\S]*|[\s\S]*\}\}/gm); // Specify template detection regex for SAFE_FOR_TEMPLATES mode
var ERB_EXPR = seal(/<%[\s\S]*|[\s\S]*%>/gm);
var DATA_ATTR = seal(/^data-[\-\w.\u00B7-\uFFFF]/); // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
var ARIA_ATTR = seal(/^aria-[\-\w]+$/); // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
var IS_ALLOWED_URI = seal(/^(?:(?:(?:f|ht)tps?|mailto|tel|callto|cid|xmpp):|[^a-z]|[a-z+.\-]+(?:[^a-z+.\-:]|$))/i // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
var IS_SCRIPT_OR_DATA = seal(/^(?:\w+script|data):/i);
var ATTR_WHITESPACE = seal(/[\u0000-\u0020\u00A0\u1680\u180E\u2000-\u2029\u205f\u3000]/g // eslint-disable-line no-control-regex
var mathMl = freeze(['math', 'menclose', 'merror', 'mfenced', 'mfrac', 'mglyph', 'mi', 'mlabeledtr', 'mmultiscripts', 'mn', 'mo', 'mover', 'mpadded', 'mphantom', 'mroot', 'mrow', 'ms', 'mspace', 'msqrt', 'mstyle', 'msub', 'msup', 'msubsup', 'mtable', 'mtd', 'mtext', 'mtr', 'munder', 'munderover']);
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
var text = freeze(['#text']);
function _toConsumableArray(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } }
var html$1 = freeze(['accept', 'action', 'align', 'alt', 'autocapitalize', 'autocomplete', 'autopictureinpicture', 'autoplay', 'background', 'bgcolor', 'border', 'capture', 'cellpadding', 'cellspacing', 'checked', 'cite', 'class', 'clear', 'color', 'cols', 'colspan', 'controls', 'controlslist', 'coords', 'crossorigin', 'datetime', 'decoding', 'default', 'dir', 'disabled', 'disablepictureinpicture', 'disableremoteplayback', 'download', 'draggable', 'enctype', 'enterkeyhint', 'face', 'for', 'headers', 'height', 'hidden', 'high', 'href', 'hreflang', 'id', 'inputmode', 'integrity', 'ismap', 'kind', 'label', 'lang', 'list', 'loading', 'loop', 'low', 'max', 'maxlength', 'media', 'method', 'min', 'minlength', 'multiple', 'muted', 'name', 'noshade', 'novalidate', 'nowrap', 'open', 'optimum', 'pattern', 'placeholder', 'playsinline', 'poster', 'preload', 'pubdate', 'radiogroup', 'readonly', 'rel', 'required', 'rev', 'reversed', 'role', 'rows', 'rowspan', 'spellcheck', 'scope', 'selected', 'shape', 'size', 'sizes', 'span', 'srclang', 'start', 'src', 'srcset', 'step', 'style', 'summary', 'tabindex', 'title', 'translate', 'type', 'usemap', 'valign', 'value', 'width', 'xmlns']);
var getGlobal = function getGlobal() {
return typeof window === 'undefined' ? null : window;
var svg$1 = freeze(['accent-height', 'accumulate', 'additive', 'alignment-baseline', 'ascent', 'attributename', 'attributetype', 'azimuth', 'basefrequency', 'baseline-shift', 'begin', 'bias', 'by', 'class', 'clip', 'clip-path', 'clip-rule', 'color', 'color-interpolation', 'color-interpolation-filters', 'color-profile', 'color-rendering', 'cx', 'cy', 'd', 'dx', 'dy', 'diffuseconstant', 'direction', 'display', 'divisor', 'dur', 'edgemode', 'elevation', 'end', 'fill', 'fill-opacity', 'fill-rule', 'filter', 'filterunits', 'flood-color', 'flood-opacity', 'font-family', 'font-size', 'font-size-adjust', 'font-stretch', 'font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight', 'fx', 'fy', 'g1', 'g2', 'glyph-name', 'glyphref', 'gradientunits', 'gradienttransform', 'height', 'href', 'id', 'image-rendering', 'in', 'in2', 'k', 'k1', 'k2', 'k3', 'k4', 'kerning', 'keypoints', 'keysplines', 'keytimes', 'lang', 'lengthadjust', 'letter-spacing', 'kernelmatrix', 'kernelunitlength', 'lighting-color', 'local', 'marker-end', 'marker-mid', 'marker-start', 'markerheight', 'markerunits', 'markerwidth', 'maskcontentunits', 'maskunits', 'max', 'mask', 'media', 'method', 'mode', 'min', 'name', 'numoctaves', 'offset', 'operator', 'opacity', 'order', 'orient', 'orientation', 'origin', 'overflow', 'paint-order', 'path', 'pathlength', 'patterncontentunits', 'patterntransform', 'patternunits', 'points', 'preservealpha', 'preserveaspectratio', 'primitiveunits', 'r', 'rx', 'ry', 'radius', 'refx', 'refy', 'repeatcount', 'repeatdur', 'restart', 'result', 'rotate', 'scale', 'seed', 'shape-rendering', 'specularconstant', 'specularexponent', 'spreadmethod', 'startoffset', 'stddeviation', 'stitchtiles', 'stop-color', 'stop-opacity', 'stroke-dasharray', 'stroke-dashoffset', 'stroke-linecap', 'stroke-linejoin', 'stroke-miterlimit', 'stroke-opacity', 'stroke', 'stroke-width', 'style', 'surfacescale', 'tabindex', 'targetx', 'targety', 'transform', 'text-anchor', 'text-decoration', 'text-rendering', 'textlength', 'type', 'u1', 'u2', 'unicode', 'values', 'viewbox', 'visibility', 'version', 'vert-adv-y', 'vert-origin-x', 'vert-origin-y', 'width', 'word-spacing', 'wrap', 'writing-mode', 'xchannelselector', 'ychannelselector', 'x', 'x1', 'x2', 'xmlns', 'y', 'y1', 'y2', 'z', 'zoomandpan']);
* Creates a no-op policy for internal use only.
* Don't export this function outside this module!
* @param {?TrustedTypePolicyFactory} trustedTypes The policy factory.
* @param {Document} document The document object (to determine policy name suffix)
* @return {?TrustedTypePolicy} The policy created (or null, if Trusted Types
* are not supported).
var _createTrustedTypesPolicy = function _createTrustedTypesPolicy(trustedTypes, document) {
if ((typeof trustedTypes === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(trustedTypes)) !== 'object' || typeof trustedTypes.createPolicy !== 'function') {
return null;
var mathMl$1 = freeze(['accent', 'accentunder', 'align', 'bevelled', 'close', 'columnsalign', 'columnlines', 'columnspan', 'denomalign', 'depth', 'dir', 'display', 'displaystyle', 'encoding', 'fence', 'frame', 'height', 'href', 'id', 'largeop', 'length', 'linethickness', 'lspace', 'lquote', 'mathbackground', 'mathcolor', 'mathsize', 'mathvariant', 'maxsize', 'minsize', 'movablelimits', 'notation', 'numalign', 'open', 'rowalign', 'rowlines', 'rowspacing', 'rowspan', 'rspace', 'rquote', 'scriptlevel', 'scriptminsize', 'scriptsizemultiplier', 'selection', 'separator', 'separators', 'stretchy', 'subscriptshift', 'supscriptshift', 'symmetric', 'voffset', 'width', 'xmlns']);
// Allow the callers to control the unique policy name
// by adding a data-tt-policy-suffix to the script element with the DOMPurify.
// Policy creation with duplicate names throws in Trusted Types.
var suffix = null;
var ATTR_NAME = 'data-tt-policy-suffix';
if (document.currentScript && document.currentScript.hasAttribute(ATTR_NAME)) {
suffix = document.currentScript.getAttribute(ATTR_NAME);
var xml = freeze(['xlink:href', 'xml:id', 'xlink:title', 'xml:space', 'xmlns:xlink']);
var policyName = 'dompurify' + (suffix ? '#' + suffix : '');
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/better-regex
var MUSTACHE_EXPR = seal(/\{\{[\s\S]*|[\s\S]*\}\}/gm); // Specify template detection regex for SAFE_FOR_TEMPLATES mode
var ERB_EXPR = seal(/<%[\s\S]*|[\s\S]*%>/gm);
var DATA_ATTR = seal(/^data-[\-\w.\u00B7-\uFFFF]/); // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
var ARIA_ATTR = seal(/^aria-[\-\w]+$/); // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
var IS_ALLOWED_URI = seal(/^(?:(?:(?:f|ht)tps?|mailto|tel|callto|cid|xmpp):|[^a-z]|[a-z+.\-]+(?:[^a-z+.\-:]|$))/i // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
var IS_SCRIPT_OR_DATA = seal(/^(?:\w+script|data):/i);
var ATTR_WHITESPACE = seal(/[\u0000-\u0020\u00A0\u1680\u180E\u2000-\u2029\u205f\u3000]/g // eslint-disable-line no-control-regex
try {
return trustedTypes.createPolicy(policyName, {
createHTML: function createHTML(html$$1) {
return html$$1;
} catch (error) {
// Policy creation failed (most likely another DOMPurify script has
// already run). Skip creating the policy, as this will only cause errors
// if TT are enforced.
console.warn('TrustedTypes policy ' + policyName + ' could not be created.');
return null;
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
function createDOMPurify() {
var window = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : getGlobal();
function _toConsumableArray$1(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } }
var DOMPurify = function DOMPurify(root) {
return createDOMPurify(root);
var getGlobal = function getGlobal() {
return typeof window === 'undefined' ? null : window;
* Version label, exposed for easier checks
* if DOMPurify is up to date or not
* Creates a no-op policy for internal use only.
* Don't export this function outside this module!
* @param {?TrustedTypePolicyFactory} trustedTypes The policy factory.
* @param {Document} document The document object (to determine policy name suffix)
* @return {?TrustedTypePolicy} The policy created (or null, if Trusted Types
* are not supported).
DOMPurify.version = '2.0.8';
var _createTrustedTypesPolicy = function _createTrustedTypesPolicy(trustedTypes, document) {
if ((typeof trustedTypes === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(trustedTypes)) !== 'object' || typeof trustedTypes.createPolicy !== 'function') {
return null;
* Array of elements that DOMPurify removed during sanitation.
* Empty if nothing was removed.
DOMPurify.removed = [];
// Allow the callers to control the unique policy name
// by adding a data-tt-policy-suffix to the script element with the DOMPurify.
// Policy creation with duplicate names throws in Trusted Types.
var suffix = null;
var ATTR_NAME = 'data-tt-policy-suffix';
if (document.currentScript && document.currentScript.hasAttribute(ATTR_NAME)) {
suffix = document.currentScript.getAttribute(ATTR_NAME);
if (!window || !window.document || window.document.nodeType !== 9) {
// Not running in a browser, provide a factory function
// so that you can pass your own Window
DOMPurify.isSupported = false;
var policyName = 'dompurify' + (suffix ? '#' + suffix : '');
return DOMPurify;
try {
return trustedTypes.createPolicy(policyName, {
createHTML: function createHTML(html$$1) {
return html$$1;
} catch (_) {
// Policy creation failed (most likely another DOMPurify script has
// already run). Skip creating the policy, as this will only cause errors
// if TT are enforced.
console.warn('TrustedTypes policy ' + policyName + ' could not be created.');
return null;
var originalDocument = window.document;
var useDOMParser = false;
var removeTitle = false;
function createDOMPurify() {
var window = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : getGlobal();
var document = window.document;
var DocumentFragment = window.DocumentFragment,
HTMLTemplateElement = window.HTMLTemplateElement,
Node = window.Node,
NodeFilter = window.NodeFilter,
_window$NamedNodeMap = window.NamedNodeMap,
NamedNodeMap = _window$NamedNodeMap === undefined ? window.NamedNodeMap || window.MozNamedAttrMap : _window$NamedNodeMap,
Text = window.Text,
Comment = window.Comment,
DOMParser = window.DOMParser,
trustedTypes = window.trustedTypes;
var DOMPurify = function DOMPurify(root) {
return createDOMPurify(root);
// As per issue #47, the web-components registry is inherited by a
// new document created via createHTMLDocument. As per the spec
// (
// a new empty registry is used when creating a template contents owner
// document, so we use that as our parent document to ensure nothing
// is inherited.
* Version label, exposed for easier checks
* if DOMPurify is up to date or not
DOMPurify.version = '2.0.9';
if (typeof HTMLTemplateElement === 'function') {
var template = document.createElement('template');
if (template.content && template.content.ownerDocument) {
document = template.content.ownerDocument;
* Array of elements that DOMPurify removed during sanitation.
* Empty if nothing was removed.
DOMPurify.removed = [];
if (!window || !window.document || window.document.nodeType !== 9) {
// Not running in a browser, provide a factory function
// so that you can pass your own Window
DOMPurify.isSupported = false;
return DOMPurify;
var trustedTypesPolicy = _createTrustedTypesPolicy(trustedTypes, originalDocument);
var emptyHTML = trustedTypesPolicy ? trustedTypesPolicy.createHTML('') : '';
var originalDocument = window.document;
var removeTitle = false;
var _document = document,
implementation = _document.implementation,
createNodeIterator = _document.createNodeIterator,
getElementsByTagName = _document.getElementsByTagName,
createDocumentFragment = _document.createDocumentFragment;
var importNode = originalDocument.importNode;
var document = window.document;
var DocumentFragment = window.DocumentFragment,
HTMLTemplateElement = window.HTMLTemplateElement,
Node = window.Node,
NodeFilter = window.NodeFilter,
_window$NamedNodeMap = window.NamedNodeMap,
NamedNodeMap = _window$NamedNodeMap === undefined ? window.NamedNodeMap || window.MozNamedAttrMap : _window$NamedNodeMap,
Text = window.Text,
Comment = window.Comment,
DOMParser = window.DOMParser,
trustedTypes = window.trustedTypes;
// As per issue #47, the web-components registry is inherited by a
// new document created via createHTMLDocument. As per the spec
// (
// a new empty registry is used when creating a template contents owner
// document, so we use that as our parent document to ensure nothing
// is inherited.
var hooks = {};
if (typeof HTMLTemplateElement === 'function') {
var template = document.createElement('template');
if (template.content && template.content.ownerDocument) {
document = template.content.ownerDocument;
* Expose whether this browser supports running the full DOMPurify.
DOMPurify.isSupported = implementation && typeof implementation.createHTMLDocument !== 'undefined' && document.documentMode !== 9;
var trustedTypesPolicy = _createTrustedTypesPolicy(trustedTypes, originalDocument);
var emptyHTML = trustedTypesPolicy ? trustedTypesPolicy.createHTML('') : '';
var _document = document,
implementation = _document.implementation,
createNodeIterator = _document.createNodeIterator,
getElementsByTagName = _document.getElementsByTagName,
createDocumentFragment = _document.createDocumentFragment;
var importNode = originalDocument.importNode;
* We consider the elements and attributes below to be safe. Ideally
* don't add any new ones but feel free to remove unwanted ones.
/* allowed element names */
var hooks = {};
var ALLOWED_TAGS = null;
var DEFAULT_ALLOWED_TAGS = addToSet({}, [].concat(_toConsumableArray(html), _toConsumableArray(svg), _toConsumableArray(svgFilters), _toConsumableArray(mathMl), _toConsumableArray(text)));
* Expose whether this browser supports running the full DOMPurify.
DOMPurify.isSupported = implementation && typeof implementation.createHTMLDocument !== 'undefined' && document.documentMode !== 9;
/* Allowed attribute names */
var ALLOWED_ATTR = null;
var DEFAULT_ALLOWED_ATTR = addToSet({}, [].concat(_toConsumableArray(html$1), _toConsumableArray(svg$1), _toConsumableArray(mathMl$1), _toConsumableArray(xml)));
/* Explicitly forbidden tags (overrides ALLOWED_TAGS/ADD_TAGS) */
var FORBID_TAGS = null;
* We consider the elements and attributes below to be safe. Ideally
* don't add any new ones but feel free to remove unwanted ones.
/* Explicitly forbidden attributes (overrides ALLOWED_ATTR/ADD_ATTR) */
var FORBID_ATTR = null;
/* allowed element names */
/* Decide if ARIA attributes are okay */
var ALLOW_ARIA_ATTR = true;
var ALLOWED_TAGS = null;
var DEFAULT_ALLOWED_TAGS = addToSet({}, [].concat(_toConsumableArray$1(html), _toConsumableArray$1(svg), _toConsumableArray$1(svgFilters), _toConsumableArray$1(mathMl), _toConsumableArray$1(text)));
/* Decide if custom data attributes are okay */
var ALLOW_DATA_ATTR = true;
/* Allowed attribute names */
var ALLOWED_ATTR = null;
var DEFAULT_ALLOWED_ATTR = addToSet({}, [].concat(_toConsumableArray$1(html$1), _toConsumableArray$1(svg$1), _toConsumableArray$1(mathMl$1), _toConsumableArray$1(xml)));
/* Decide if unknown protocols are okay */
/* Explicitly forbidden tags (overrides ALLOWED_TAGS/ADD_TAGS) */
var FORBID_TAGS = null;
/* Output should be safe for jQuery's $() factory? */
var SAFE_FOR_JQUERY = false;
/* Explicitly forbidden attributes (overrides ALLOWED_ATTR/ADD_ATTR) */
var FORBID_ATTR = null;
/* Output should be safe for common template engines.
* This means, DOMPurify removes data attributes, mustaches and ERB
/* Decide if ARIA attributes are okay */
var ALLOW_ARIA_ATTR = true;
/* Decide if document with <html>... should be returned */
var WHOLE_DOCUMENT = false;
/* Decide if custom data attributes are okay */
var ALLOW_DATA_ATTR = true;
/* Track whether config is already set on this instance of DOMPurify. */
var SET_CONFIG = false;
/* Decide if unknown protocols are okay */
/* Decide if all elements (e.g. style, script) must be children of
* document.body. By default, browsers might move them to document.head */
var FORCE_BODY = false;
/* Output should be safe for jQuery's $() factory? */
var SAFE_FOR_JQUERY = false;
/* Decide if a DOM `HTMLBodyElement` should be returned, instead of a html
* string (or a TrustedHTML object if Trusted Types are supported).
* If `WHOLE_DOCUMENT` is enabled a `HTMLHtmlElement` will be returned instead
var RETURN_DOM = false;
/* Output should be safe for common template engines.
* This means, DOMPurify removes data attributes, mustaches and ERB
/* Decide if a DOM `DocumentFragment` should be returned, instead of a html
* string (or a TrustedHTML object if Trusted Types are supported) */
/* Decide if document with <html>... should be returned */
var WHOLE_DOCUMENT = false;
/* If `RETURN_DOM` or `RETURN_DOM_FRAGMENT` is enabled, decide if the returned DOM
* `Node` is imported into the current `Document`. If this flag is not enabled the
* `Node` will belong (its ownerDocument) to a fresh `HTMLDocument`, created by
* DOMPurify. */
var RETURN_DOM_IMPORT = false;
/* Track whether config is already set on this instance of DOMPurify. */
var SET_CONFIG = false;
/* Try to return a Trusted Type object instead of a string, retrun a string in
* case Trusted Types are not supported */
/* Decide if all elements (e.g. style, script) must be children of
* document.body. By default, browsers might move them to document.head */
var FORCE_BODY = false;
/* Output should be free from DOM clobbering attacks? */
var SANITIZE_DOM = true;
/* Decide if a DOM `HTMLBodyElement` should be returned, instead of a html
* string (or a TrustedHTML object if Trusted Types are supported).
* If `WHOLE_DOCUMENT` is enabled a `HTMLHtmlElement` will be returned instead
var RETURN_DOM = false;
/* Keep element content when removing element? */
var KEEP_CONTENT = true;
/* Decide if a DOM `DocumentFragment` should be returned, instead of a html
* string (or a TrustedHTML object if Trusted Types are supported) */
/* If a `Node` is passed to sanitize(), then performs sanitization in-place instead
* of importing it into a new Document and returning a sanitized copy */
var IN_PLACE = false;
/* If `RETURN_DOM` or `RETURN_DOM_FRAGMENT` is enabled, decide if the returned DOM
* `Node` is imported into the current `Document`. If this flag is not enabled the
* `Node` will belong (its ownerDocument) to a fresh `HTMLDocument`, created by
* DOMPurify. */
var RETURN_DOM_IMPORT = false;
/* Allow usage of profiles like html, svg and mathMl */
var USE_PROFILES = {};
/* Try to return a Trusted Type object instead of a string, retrun a string in
* case Trusted Types are not supported */
/* Tags to ignore content of when KEEP_CONTENT is true */
var FORBID_CONTENTS = addToSet({}, ['annotation-xml', 'audio', 'colgroup', 'desc', 'foreignobject', 'head', 'iframe', 'math', 'mi', 'mn', 'mo', 'ms', 'mtext', 'noembed', 'noframes', 'plaintext', 'script', 'style', 'svg', 'template', 'thead', 'title', 'video', 'xmp']);
/* Output should be free from DOM clobbering attacks? */
var SANITIZE_DOM = true;
/* Tags that are safe for data: URIs */
var DATA_URI_TAGS = addToSet({}, ['audio', 'video', 'img', 'source', 'image']);
/* Keep element content when removing element? */
var KEEP_CONTENT = true;
/* Attributes safe for values like "javascript:" */
var DEFAULT_URI_SAFE_ATTRIBUTES = addToSet({}, ['alt', 'class', 'for', 'id', 'label', 'name', 'pattern', 'placeholder', 'summary', 'title', 'value', 'style', 'xmlns']);
/* If a `Node` is passed to sanitize(), then performs sanitization in-place instead
* of importing it into a new Document and returning a sanitized copy */
var IN_PLACE = false;
/* Keep a reference to config to pass to hooks */
var CONFIG = null;
/* Allow usage of profiles like html, svg and mathMl */
var USE_PROFILES = {};
/* Ideally, do not touch anything below this line */
/* ______________________________________________ */
/* Tags to ignore content of when KEEP_CONTENT is true */
var FORBID_CONTENTS = addToSet({}, ['annotation-xml', 'audio', 'colgroup', 'desc', 'foreignobject', 'head', 'iframe', 'math', 'mi', 'mn', 'mo', 'ms', 'mtext', 'noembed', 'noframes', 'plaintext', 'script', 'style', 'svg', 'template', 'thead', 'title', 'video', 'xmp']);
var formElement = document.createElement('form');
/* Tags that are safe for data: URIs */
var DATA_URI_TAGS = addToSet({}, ['audio', 'video', 'img', 'source', 'image', 'track']);
* _parseConfig
* @param {Object} cfg optional config literal
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
var _parseConfig = function _parseConfig(cfg) {
if (CONFIG && CONFIG === cfg) {
/* Attributes safe for values like "javascript:" */
var DEFAULT_URI_SAFE_ATTRIBUTES = addToSet({}, ['alt', 'class', 'for', 'id', 'label', 'name', 'pattern', 'placeholder', 'summary', 'title', 'value', 'style', 'xmlns']);
/* Shield configuration object from tampering */
if (!cfg || (typeof cfg === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(cfg)) !== 'object') {
cfg = {};
/* Keep a reference to config to pass to hooks */
var CONFIG = null;
/* Set configuration parameters */
FORBID_TAGS = 'FORBID_TAGS' in cfg ? addToSet({}, cfg.FORBID_TAGS) : {};
FORBID_ATTR = 'FORBID_ATTR' in cfg ? addToSet({}, cfg.FORBID_ATTR) : {};
ALLOW_ARIA_ATTR = cfg.ALLOW_ARIA_ATTR !== false; // Default true
ALLOW_DATA_ATTR = cfg.ALLOW_DATA_ATTR !== false; // Default true
SAFE_FOR_JQUERY = cfg.SAFE_FOR_JQUERY || false; // Default false
SAFE_FOR_TEMPLATES = cfg.SAFE_FOR_TEMPLATES || false; // Default false
WHOLE_DOCUMENT = cfg.WHOLE_DOCUMENT || false; // Default false
RETURN_DOM = cfg.RETURN_DOM || false; // Default false
RETURN_DOM_FRAGMENT = cfg.RETURN_DOM_FRAGMENT || false; // Default false
RETURN_DOM_IMPORT = cfg.RETURN_DOM_IMPORT || false; // Default false
RETURN_TRUSTED_TYPE = cfg.RETURN_TRUSTED_TYPE || false; // Default false
FORCE_BODY = cfg.FORCE_BODY || false; // Default false
SANITIZE_DOM = cfg.SANITIZE_DOM !== false; // Default true
KEEP_CONTENT = cfg.KEEP_CONTENT !== false; // Default true
IN_PLACE = cfg.IN_PLACE || false; // Default false
/* Ideally, do not touch anything below this line */
/* ______________________________________________ */
RETURN_DOM = true;
var formElement = document.createElement('form');
/* Parse profile info */
ALLOWED_TAGS = addToSet({}, [].concat(_toConsumableArray(text)));
if (USE_PROFILES.html === true) {
addToSet(ALLOWED_TAGS, html);
addToSet(ALLOWED_ATTR, html$1);
* _parseConfig
* @param {Object} cfg optional config literal
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
var _parseConfig = function _parseConfig(cfg) {
if (CONFIG && CONFIG === cfg) {
if (USE_PROFILES.svg === true) {
addToSet(ALLOWED_TAGS, svg);
addToSet(ALLOWED_ATTR, svg$1);
addToSet(ALLOWED_ATTR, xml);
/* Shield configuration object from tampering */
if (!cfg || (typeof cfg === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(cfg)) !== 'object') {
cfg = {};
if (USE_PROFILES.svgFilters === true) {
addToSet(ALLOWED_TAGS, svgFilters);
addToSet(ALLOWED_ATTR, svg$1);
addToSet(ALLOWED_ATTR, xml);
/* Set configuration parameters */
FORBID_TAGS = 'FORBID_TAGS' in cfg ? addToSet({}, cfg.FORBID_TAGS) : {};
FORBID_ATTR = 'FORBID_ATTR' in cfg ? addToSet({}, cfg.FORBID_ATTR) : {};
ALLOW_ARIA_ATTR = cfg.ALLOW_ARIA_ATTR !== false; // Default true
ALLOW_DATA_ATTR = cfg.ALLOW_DATA_ATTR !== false; // Default true
SAFE_FOR_JQUERY = cfg.SAFE_FOR_JQUERY || false; // Default false
SAFE_FOR_TEMPLATES = cfg.SAFE_FOR_TEMPLATES || false; // Default false
WHOLE_DOCUMENT = cfg.WHOLE_DOCUMENT || false; // Default false
RETURN_DOM = cfg.RETURN_DOM || false; // Default false
RETURN_DOM_FRAGMENT = cfg.RETURN_DOM_FRAGMENT || false; // Default false
RETURN_DOM_IMPORT = cfg.RETURN_DOM_IMPORT || false; // Default false
RETURN_TRUSTED_TYPE = cfg.RETURN_TRUSTED_TYPE || false; // Default false
FORCE_BODY = cfg.FORCE_BODY || false; // Default false
SANITIZE_DOM = cfg.SANITIZE_DOM !== false; // Default true
KEEP_CONTENT = cfg.KEEP_CONTENT !== false; // Default true
IN_PLACE = cfg.IN_PLACE || false; // Default false
if (USE_PROFILES.mathMl === true) {
addToSet(ALLOWED_TAGS, mathMl);
addToSet(ALLOWED_ATTR, mathMl$1);
addToSet(ALLOWED_ATTR, xml);
RETURN_DOM = true;
/* Merge configuration parameters */
if (cfg.ADD_TAGS) {
/* Parse profile info */
ALLOWED_TAGS = addToSet({}, [].concat(_toConsumableArray$1(text)));
if (USE_PROFILES.html === true) {
addToSet(ALLOWED_TAGS, html);
addToSet(ALLOWED_ATTR, html$1);
if (USE_PROFILES.svg === true) {
addToSet(ALLOWED_TAGS, svg);
addToSet(ALLOWED_ATTR, svg$1);
addToSet(ALLOWED_ATTR, xml);
if (USE_PROFILES.svgFilters === true) {
addToSet(ALLOWED_TAGS, svgFilters);
addToSet(ALLOWED_ATTR, svg$1);
addToSet(ALLOWED_ATTR, xml);
if (USE_PROFILES.mathMl === true) {
addToSet(ALLOWED_TAGS, mathMl);
addToSet(ALLOWED_ATTR, mathMl$1);
addToSet(ALLOWED_ATTR, xml);
/* Merge configuration parameters */
if (cfg.ADD_TAGS) {
if (cfg.ADD_ATTR) {
if (cfg.ADD_ATTR) {
if (cfg.ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR) {
/* Add #text in case KEEP_CONTENT is set to true */
ALLOWED_TAGS['#text'] = true;
if (cfg.ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR) {
/* Add html, head and body to ALLOWED_TAGS in case WHOLE_DOCUMENT is true */
addToSet(ALLOWED_TAGS, ['html', 'head', 'body']);
/* Add #text in case KEEP_CONTENT is set to true */
ALLOWED_TAGS['#text'] = true;
/* Add tbody to ALLOWED_TAGS in case tables are permitted, see #286, #365 */
if (ALLOWED_TAGS.table) {
addToSet(ALLOWED_TAGS, ['tbody']);
delete FORBID_TAGS.tbody;
/* Add html, head and body to ALLOWED_TAGS in case WHOLE_DOCUMENT is true */
addToSet(ALLOWED_TAGS, ['html', 'head', 'body']);
// Prevent further manipulation of configuration.
// Not available in IE8, Safari 5, etc.
if (freeze) {
/* Add tbody to ALLOWED_TAGS in case tables are permitted, see #286, #365 */
if (ALLOWED_TAGS.table) {
addToSet(ALLOWED_TAGS, ['tbody']);
delete FORBID_TAGS.tbody;
CONFIG = cfg;
// Prevent further manipulation of configuration.
// Not available in IE8, Safari 5, etc.
if (freeze) {
* _forceRemove
* @param {Node} node a DOM node
var _forceRemove = function _forceRemove(node) {
arrayPush(DOMPurify.removed, { element: node });
try {
} catch (error) {
node.outerHTML = emptyHTML;
CONFIG = cfg;
* _removeAttribute
* @param {String} name an Attribute name
* @param {Node} node a DOM node
var _removeAttribute = function _removeAttribute(name, node) {
try {
arrayPush(DOMPurify.removed, {
attribute: node.getAttributeNode(name),
from: node
} catch (error) {
arrayPush(DOMPurify.removed, {
attribute: null,
from: node
* _forceRemove
* @param {Node} node a DOM node
var _forceRemove = function _forceRemove(node) {
arrayPush(DOMPurify.removed, { element: node });
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-node-remove
} catch (_) {
node.outerHTML = emptyHTML;
* _removeAttribute
* @param {String} name an Attribute name
* @param {Node} node a DOM node
var _removeAttribute = function _removeAttribute(name, node) {
try {
arrayPush(DOMPurify.removed, {
attribute: node.getAttributeNode(name),
from: node
} catch (_) {
arrayPush(DOMPurify.removed, {
attribute: null,
from: node
* _initDocument
* @param {String} dirty a string of dirty markup
* @return {Document} a DOM, filled with the dirty markup
var _initDocument = function _initDocument(dirty) {
/* Create a HTML document */
var doc = void 0;
var leadingWhitespace = void 0;
dirty = '<remove></remove>' + dirty;
} else {
/* If FORCE_BODY isn't used, leading whitespace needs to be preserved manually */
var matches = stringMatch(dirty, /^[\s]+/);
leadingWhitespace = matches && matches[0];
* _initDocument
* @param {String} dirty a string of dirty markup
* @return {Document} a DOM, filled with the dirty markup
var _initDocument = function _initDocument(dirty) {
/* Create a HTML document */
var doc = void 0;
var leadingWhitespace = void 0;
var dirtyPayload = trustedTypesPolicy ? trustedTypesPolicy.createHTML(dirty) : dirty;
/* Use DOMParser to workaround Firefox bug (see comment below) */
if (useDOMParser) {
dirty = '<remove></remove>' + dirty;
} else {
/* If FORCE_BODY isn't used, leading whitespace needs to be preserved manually */
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/better-regex
var matches = stringMatch(dirty, /^[\s]+/);
leadingWhitespace = matches && matches[0];
var dirtyPayload = trustedTypesPolicy ? trustedTypesPolicy.createHTML(dirty) : dirty;
/* Use the DOMParser API by default, fallback later if needs be */
try {
doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(dirtyPayload, 'text/html');
} catch (error) {}
} catch (_) {}
/* Remove title to fix a mXSS bug in older MS Edge */
if (removeTitle) {
addToSet(FORBID_TAGS, ['title']);
/* Remove title to fix a mXSS bug in older MS Edge */
if (removeTitle) {
addToSet(FORBID_TAGS, ['title']);
/* Otherwise use createHTMLDocument, because DOMParser is unsafe in
Safari (see comment below) */
if (!doc || !doc.documentElement) {
doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('');
var _doc = doc,
body = _doc.body;
/* Use createHTMLDocument in case DOMParser is not available */
if (!doc || !doc.documentElement) {
doc = implementation.createHTMLDocument('');
var _doc = doc,
body = _doc.body;
body.outerHTML = dirtyPayload;
body.outerHTML = dirtyPayload;
if (dirty && leadingWhitespace) {
doc.body.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(leadingWhitespace), doc.body.childNodes[0] || null);
if (dirty && leadingWhitespace) {
doc.body.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(leadingWhitespace), doc.body.childNodes[0] || null);
/* Work on whole document or just its body */
return, WHOLE_DOCUMENT ? 'html' : 'body')[0];
/* Here we test for a broken feature in Edge that might cause mXSS */
if (DOMPurify.isSupported) {
(function () {
try {
var doc = _initDocument('<x/><title>&lt;/title&gt;&lt;img&gt;');
if (regExpTest(/<\/title/, doc.querySelector('title').innerHTML)) {
removeTitle = true;
} catch (_) {}
/* Work on whole document or just its body */
return, WHOLE_DOCUMENT ? 'html' : 'body')[0];
* _createIterator
* @param {Document} root document/fragment to create iterator for
* @return {Iterator} iterator instance
var _createIterator = function _createIterator(root) {
return || root, root, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT | NodeFilter.SHOW_COMMENT | NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, function () {
return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
}, false);
// Firefox uses a different parser for innerHTML rather than
// DOMParser (see
// which means that you *must* use DOMParser, otherwise the output may
// not be safe if used in a document.write context later.
// So we feature detect the Firefox bug and use the DOMParser if necessary.
// Chrome 77 and other versions ship an mXSS bug that caused a bypass to
// happen. We now check for the mXSS trigger and react accordingly.
if (DOMPurify.isSupported) {
(function () {
try {
var doc = _initDocument('<svg><p><textarea><img src="</textarea><img src=x abc=1//">');
if (doc.querySelector('svg img')) {
useDOMParser = true;
} catch (error) {}
* _isClobbered
* @param {Node} elm element to check for clobbering attacks
* @return {Boolean} true if clobbered, false if safe
var _isClobbered = function _isClobbered(elm) {
if (elm instanceof Text || elm instanceof Comment) {
return false;
(function () {
try {
var doc = _initDocument('<x/><title>&lt;/title&gt;&lt;img&gt;');
if (regExpTest(/<\/title/, doc.querySelector('title').innerHTML)) {
removeTitle = true;
} catch (error) {}
if (typeof elm.nodeName !== 'string' || typeof elm.textContent !== 'string' || typeof elm.removeChild !== 'function' || !(elm.attributes instanceof NamedNodeMap) || typeof elm.removeAttribute !== 'function' || typeof elm.setAttribute !== 'function' || typeof elm.namespaceURI !== 'string') {
return true;
* _createIterator
* @param {Document} root document/fragment to create iterator for
* @return {Iterator} iterator instance
var _createIterator = function _createIterator(root) {
return || root, root, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT | NodeFilter.SHOW_COMMENT | NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, function () {
return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
}, false);
* _isClobbered
* @param {Node} elm element to check for clobbering attacks
* @return {Boolean} true if clobbered, false if safe
var _isClobbered = function _isClobbered(elm) {
if (elm instanceof Text || elm instanceof Comment) {
return false;
if (typeof elm.nodeName !== 'string' || typeof elm.textContent !== 'string' || typeof elm.removeChild !== 'function' || !(elm.attributes instanceof NamedNodeMap) || typeof elm.removeAttribute !== 'function' || typeof elm.setAttribute !== 'function' || typeof elm.namespaceURI !== 'string') {
return true;
* _isNode
* @param {Node} obj object to check whether it's a DOM node
* @return {Boolean} true is object is a DOM node
var _isNode = function _isNode(object) {
return (typeof Node === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(Node)) === 'object' ? object instanceof Node : object && (typeof object === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(object)) === 'object' && typeof object.nodeType === 'number' && typeof object.nodeName === 'string';
return false;
* _executeHook
* Execute user configurable hooks
* @param {String} entryPoint Name of the hook's entry point
* @param {Node} currentNode node to work on with the hook
* @param {Object} data additional hook parameters
var _executeHook = function _executeHook(entryPoint, currentNode, data) {
if (!hooks[entryPoint]) {
* _isNode
* @param {Node} obj object to check whether it's a DOM node
* @return {Boolean} true is object is a DOM node
var _isNode = function _isNode(obj) {
return (typeof Node === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(Node)) === 'object' ? obj instanceof Node : obj && (typeof obj === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(obj)) === 'object' && typeof obj.nodeType === 'number' && typeof obj.nodeName === 'string';
arrayForEach(hooks[entryPoint], function (hook) {, currentNode, data, CONFIG);
* _executeHook
* Execute user configurable hooks
* @param {String} entryPoint Name of the hook's entry point
* @param {Node} currentNode node to work on with the hook
* @param {Object} data additional hook parameters
var _executeHook = function _executeHook(entryPoint, currentNode, data) {
if (!hooks[entryPoint]) {
* _sanitizeElements
* @protect nodeName
* @protect textContent
* @protect removeChild
* @param {Node} currentNode to check for permission to exist
* @return {Boolean} true if node was killed, false if left alive
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
var _sanitizeElements = function _sanitizeElements(currentNode) {
var content = void 0;
arrayForEach(hooks[entryPoint], function (hook) {, currentNode, data, CONFIG);
/* Execute a hook if present */
_executeHook('beforeSanitizeElements', currentNode, null);
* _sanitizeElements
* @protect nodeName
* @protect textContent
* @protect removeChild
* @param {Node} currentNode to check for permission to exist
* @return {Boolean} true if node was killed, false if left alive
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
var _sanitizeElements = function _sanitizeElements(currentNode) {
var content = void 0;
/* Check if element is clobbered or can clobber */
if (_isClobbered(currentNode)) {
return true;
/* Execute a hook if present */
_executeHook('beforeSanitizeElements', currentNode, null);
/* Now let's check the element's type and name */
var tagName = stringToLowerCase(currentNode.nodeName);
/* Check if element is clobbered or can clobber */
if (_isClobbered(currentNode)) {
return true;
/* Execute a hook if present */
_executeHook('uponSanitizeElement', currentNode, {
tagName: tagName,
allowedTags: ALLOWED_TAGS
/* Now let's check the element's type and name */
var tagName = stringToLowerCase(currentNode.nodeName);
/* Take care of an mXSS pattern using p, br inside svg, math */
if ((tagName === 'svg' || tagName === 'math') && currentNode.querySelectorAll('p, br').length !== 0) {
return true;
/* Execute a hook if present */
_executeHook('uponSanitizeElement', currentNode, {
tagName: tagName,
allowedTags: ALLOWED_TAGS
/* Remove element if anything forbids its presence */
if (!ALLOWED_TAGS[tagName] || FORBID_TAGS[tagName]) {
/* Keep content except for black-listed elements */
if (KEEP_CONTENT && !FORBID_CONTENTS[tagName] && typeof currentNode.insertAdjacentHTML === 'function') {
try {
var htmlToInsert = currentNode.innerHTML;
currentNode.insertAdjacentHTML('AfterEnd', trustedTypesPolicy ? trustedTypesPolicy.createHTML(htmlToInsert) : htmlToInsert);
} catch (_) {}
/* Take care of an mXSS pattern using p, br inside svg, math */
if ((tagName === 'svg' || tagName === 'math') && currentNode.querySelectorAll('p, br').length !== 0) {
return true;
return true;
/* Remove element if anything forbids its presence */
if (!ALLOWED_TAGS[tagName] || FORBID_TAGS[tagName]) {
/* Keep content except for black-listed elements */
if (KEEP_CONTENT && !FORBID_CONTENTS[tagName] && typeof currentNode.insertAdjacentHTML === 'function') {
try {
var htmlToInsert = currentNode.innerHTML;
currentNode.insertAdjacentHTML('AfterEnd', trustedTypesPolicy ? trustedTypesPolicy.createHTML(htmlToInsert) : htmlToInsert);
} catch (error) {}
/* Remove in case a noscript/noembed XSS is suspected */
if (tagName === 'noscript' && regExpTest(/<\/noscript/i, currentNode.innerHTML)) {
return true;
return true;
/* Remove in case a noscript/noembed XSS is suspected */
if (tagName === 'noscript' && regExpTest(/<\/noscript/i, currentNode.innerHTML)) {
return true;
if (tagName === 'noembed' && regExpTest(/<\/noembed/i, currentNode.innerHTML)) {
return true;
/* Convert markup to cover jQuery behavior */
if (SAFE_FOR_JQUERY && !currentNode.firstElementChild && (!currentNode.content || !currentNode.content.firstElementChild) && regExpTest(/</g, currentNode.textContent)) {
arrayPush(DOMPurify.removed, { element: currentNode.cloneNode() });
if (currentNode.innerHTML) {
currentNode.innerHTML = stringReplace(currentNode.innerHTML, /</g, '&lt;');
} else {
currentNode.innerHTML = stringReplace(currentNode.textContent, /</g, '&lt;');
if (tagName === 'noembed' && regExpTest(/<\/noembed/i, currentNode.innerHTML)) {
return true;
/* Sanitize element content to be template-safe */
if (SAFE_FOR_TEMPLATES && currentNode.nodeType === 3) {
/* Get the element's text content */
content = currentNode.textContent;
content = stringReplace(content, MUSTACHE_EXPR$$1, ' ');
content = stringReplace(content, ERB_EXPR$$1, ' ');
if (currentNode.textContent !== content) {
/* Convert markup to cover jQuery behavior */
if (SAFE_FOR_JQUERY && !currentNode.firstElementChild && (!currentNode.content || !currentNode.content.firstElementChild) && regExpTest(/</g, currentNode.textContent)) {
arrayPush(DOMPurify.removed, { element: currentNode.cloneNode() });
currentNode.textContent = content;
if (currentNode.innerHTML) {
currentNode.innerHTML = stringReplace(currentNode.innerHTML, /</g, '&lt;');
} else {
currentNode.innerHTML = stringReplace(currentNode.textContent, /</g, '&lt;');
/* Execute a hook if present */
_executeHook('afterSanitizeElements', currentNode, null);
/* Sanitize element content to be template-safe */
if (SAFE_FOR_TEMPLATES && currentNode.nodeType === 3) {
/* Get the element's text content */
content = currentNode.textContent;
content = stringReplace(content, MUSTACHE_EXPR$$1, ' ');
content = stringReplace(content, ERB_EXPR$$1, ' ');
if (currentNode.textContent !== content) {
arrayPush(DOMPurify.removed, { element: currentNode.cloneNode() });
currentNode.textContent = content;
return false;
/* Execute a hook if present */
_executeHook('afterSanitizeElements', currentNode, null);
* _isValidAttribute
* @param {string} lcTag Lowercase tag name of containing element.
* @param {string} lcName Lowercase attribute name.
* @param {string} value Attribute value.
* @return {Boolean} Returns true if `value` is valid, otherwise false.
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
var _isValidAttribute = function _isValidAttribute(lcTag, lcName, value) {
/* Make sure attribute cannot clobber */
if (SANITIZE_DOM && (lcName === 'id' || lcName === 'name') && (value in document || value in formElement)) {
return false;
/* Allow valid data-* attributes: At least one character after "-"
XML-compatible ( and
We don't need to check the value; it's always URI safe. */
if (ALLOW_DATA_ATTR && regExpTest(DATA_ATTR$$1, lcName)) {
// This attribute is safe
} else if (ALLOW_ARIA_ATTR && regExpTest(ARIA_ATTR$$1, lcName)) {
// This attribute is safe
/* Otherwise, check the name is permitted */
} else if (!ALLOWED_ATTR[lcName] || FORBID_ATTR[lcName]) {
return false;
* _isValidAttribute
* @param {string} lcTag Lowercase tag name of containing element.
* @param {string} lcName Lowercase attribute name.
* @param {string} value Attribute value.
* @return {Boolean} Returns true if `value` is valid, otherwise false.
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
var _isValidAttribute = function _isValidAttribute(lcTag, lcName, value) {
/* Make sure attribute cannot clobber */
if (SANITIZE_DOM && (lcName === 'id' || lcName === 'name') && (value in document || value in formElement)) {
return false;
/* Check value is safe. First, is attr inert? If so, is safe */
} else if (URI_SAFE_ATTRIBUTES[lcName]) {
// This attribute is safe
/* Check no script, data or unknown possibly unsafe URI
unless we know URI values are safe for that attribute */
} else if (regExpTest(IS_ALLOWED_URI$$1, stringReplace(value, ATTR_WHITESPACE$$1, ''))) {
// This attribute is safe
/* Keep image data URIs alive if src/xlink:href is allowed */
/* Further prevent gadget XSS for dynamically built script tags */
} else if ((lcName === 'src' || lcName === 'xlink:href' || lcName === 'href') && lcTag !== 'script' && stringIndexOf(value, 'data:') === 0 && DATA_URI_TAGS[lcTag]) {
// This attribute is safe
/* Allow unknown protocols: This provides support for links that
are handled by protocol handlers which may be unknown ahead of
time, e.g. fb:, spotify: */
} else if (ALLOW_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOLS && !regExpTest(IS_SCRIPT_OR_DATA$$1, stringReplace(value, ATTR_WHITESPACE$$1, ''))) {
// This attribute is safe
/* Check for binary attributes */
// eslint-disable-next-line no-negated-condition
} else if (!value) {
// Binary attributes are safe at this point
/* Anything else, presume unsafe, do not add it back */
} else {
return false;
/* Allow valid data-* attributes: At least one character after "-"
XML-compatible ( and
We don't need to check the value; it's always URI safe. */
if (ALLOW_DATA_ATTR && regExpTest(DATA_ATTR$$1, lcName)) ; else if (ALLOW_ARIA_ATTR && regExpTest(ARIA_ATTR$$1, lcName)) ; else if (!ALLOWED_ATTR[lcName] || FORBID_ATTR[lcName]) {
return false;
return true;
/* Check value is safe. First, is attr inert? If so, is safe */
} else if (URI_SAFE_ATTRIBUTES[lcName]) ; else if (regExpTest(IS_ALLOWED_URI$$1, stringReplace(value, ATTR_WHITESPACE$$1, ''))) ; else if ((lcName === 'src' || lcName === 'xlink:href' || lcName === 'href') && lcTag !== 'script' && stringIndexOf(value, 'data:') === 0 && DATA_URI_TAGS[lcTag]) ; else if (ALLOW_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOLS && !regExpTest(IS_SCRIPT_OR_DATA$$1, stringReplace(value, ATTR_WHITESPACE$$1, ''))) ; else if (!value) ; else {
return false;
* _sanitizeAttributes
* @protect attributes
* @protect nodeName
* @protect removeAttribute
* @protect setAttribute
* @param {Node} currentNode to sanitize
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
var _sanitizeAttributes = function _sanitizeAttributes(currentNode) {
var attr = void 0;
var value = void 0;
var lcName = void 0;
var idAttr = void 0;
var l = void 0;
/* Execute a hook if present */
_executeHook('beforeSanitizeAttributes', currentNode, null);
return true;
var attributes = currentNode.attributes;
* _sanitizeAttributes
* @protect attributes
* @protect nodeName
* @protect removeAttribute
* @protect setAttribute
* @param {Node} currentNode to sanitize
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
var _sanitizeAttributes = function _sanitizeAttributes(currentNode) {
var attr = void 0;
var value = void 0;
var lcName = void 0;
var idAttr = void 0;
var l = void 0;
/* Execute a hook if present */
_executeHook('beforeSanitizeAttributes', currentNode, null);
/* Check if we have attributes; if not we might have a text node */
var attributes = currentNode.attributes;
if (!attributes) {
/* Check if we have attributes; if not we might have a text node */
var hookEvent = {
attrName: '',
attrValue: '',
keepAttr: true,
allowedAttributes: ALLOWED_ATTR
l = attributes.length;
if (!attributes) {
/* Go backwards over all attributes; safely remove bad ones */
while (l--) {
attr = attributes[l];
var _attr = attr,
name =,
namespaceURI = _attr.namespaceURI;
var hookEvent = {
attrName: '',
attrValue: '',
keepAttr: true,
allowedAttributes: ALLOWED_ATTR
l = attributes.length;
value = stringTrim(attr.value);
lcName = stringToLowerCase(name);
/* Go backwards over all attributes; safely remove bad ones */
while (l--) {
attr = attributes[l];
var _attr = attr,
name =,
namespaceURI = _attr.namespaceURI;
/* Execute a hook if present */
hookEvent.attrName = lcName;
hookEvent.attrValue = value;
hookEvent.keepAttr = true;
hookEvent.forceKeepAttr = undefined; // Allows developers to see this is a property they can set
_executeHook('uponSanitizeAttribute', currentNode, hookEvent);
value = hookEvent.attrValue;
/* Did the hooks approve of the attribute? */
if (hookEvent.forceKeepAttr) {
value = stringTrim(attr.value);
lcName = stringToLowerCase(name);
/* Remove attribute */
// Safari (iOS + Mac), last tested v8.0.5, crashes if you try to
// remove a "name" attribute from an <img> tag that has an "id"
// attribute at the time.
if (lcName === 'name' && currentNode.nodeName === 'IMG' && {
idAttr =;
attributes = arraySlice(attributes, []);
_removeAttribute('id', currentNode);
_removeAttribute(name, currentNode);
if (arrayIndexOf(attributes, idAttr) > l) {
currentNode.setAttribute('id', idAttr.value);
/* Execute a hook if present */
hookEvent.attrName = lcName;
hookEvent.attrValue = value;
hookEvent.keepAttr = true;
hookEvent.forceKeepAttr = undefined; // Allows developers to see this is a property they can set
_executeHook('uponSanitizeAttribute', currentNode, hookEvent);
value = hookEvent.attrValue;
/* Did the hooks approve of the attribute? */
if (hookEvent.forceKeepAttr) {
} else if (
// This works around a bug in Safari, where input[type=file]
// cannot be dynamically set after type has been removed
currentNode.nodeName === 'INPUT' && lcName === 'type' && value === 'file' && hookEvent.keepAttr && (ALLOWED_ATTR[lcName] || !FORBID_ATTR[lcName])) {
} else {
// This avoids a crash in Safari v9.0 with double-ids.
// The trick is to first set the id to be empty and then to
// remove the attribute
if (name === 'id') {
currentNode.setAttribute(name, '');
_removeAttribute(name, currentNode);
/* Remove attribute */
// Safari (iOS + Mac), last tested v8.0.5, crashes if you try to
// remove a "name" attribute from an <img> tag that has an "id"
// attribute at the time.
if (lcName === 'name' && currentNode.nodeName === 'IMG' && {
idAttr =;
attributes = arraySlice(attributes, []);
_removeAttribute('id', currentNode);
_removeAttribute(name, currentNode);
if (arrayIndexOf(attributes, idAttr) > l) {
currentNode.setAttribute('id', idAttr.value);
} else if (
// This works around a bug in Safari, where input[type=file]
// cannot be dynamically set after type has been removed
currentNode.nodeName === 'INPUT' && lcName === 'type' && value === 'file' && hookEvent.keepAttr && (ALLOWED_ATTR[lcName] || !FORBID_ATTR[lcName])) {
} else {
// This avoids a crash in Safari v9.0 with double-ids.
// The trick is to first set the id to be empty and then to
// remove the attribute
if (name === 'id') {
currentNode.setAttribute(name, '');
/* Did the hooks approve of the attribute? */
if (!hookEvent.keepAttr) {
_removeAttribute(name, currentNode);
/* Work around a security issue in jQuery 3.0 */
if (SAFE_FOR_JQUERY && regExpTest(/\/>/i, value)) {
_removeAttribute(name, currentNode);
/* Did the hooks approve of the attribute? */
if (!hookEvent.keepAttr) {
/* Take care of an mXSS pattern using namespace switches */
if (regExpTest(/svg|math/i, currentNode.namespaceURI) && regExpTest(regExpCreate('</(' + arrayJoin(objectKeys(FORBID_CONTENTS), '|') + ')', 'i'), value)) {
_removeAttribute(name, currentNode);
/* Work around a security issue in jQuery 3.0 */
if (SAFE_FOR_JQUERY && regExpTest(/\/>/i, value)) {
_removeAttribute(name, currentNode);
/* Sanitize attribute content to be template-safe */
value = stringReplace(value, MUSTACHE_EXPR$$1, ' ');
value = stringReplace(value, ERB_EXPR$$1, ' ');
/* Take care of an mXSS pattern using namespace switches */
if (regExpTest(/svg|math/i, currentNode.namespaceURI) && regExpTest(regExpCreate('</(' + arrayJoin(objectKeys(FORBID_CONTENTS), '|') + ')', 'i'), value)) {
_removeAttribute(name, currentNode);
/* Is `value` valid for this attribute? */
var lcTag = currentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (!_isValidAttribute(lcTag, lcName, value)) {
/* Sanitize attribute content to be template-safe */
value = stringReplace(value, MUSTACHE_EXPR$$1, ' ');
value = stringReplace(value, ERB_EXPR$$1, ' ');
/* Handle invalid data-* attribute set by try-catching it */
try {
if (namespaceURI) {
currentNode.setAttributeNS(namespaceURI, name, value);
} else {
/* Fallback to setAttribute() for browser-unrecognized namespaces e.g. "x-schema". */
currentNode.setAttribute(name, value);
/* Is `value` valid for this attribute? */
var lcTag = currentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (!_isValidAttribute(lcTag, lcName, value)) {
} catch (error) {}
/* Handle invalid data-* attribute set by try-catching it */
try {
if (namespaceURI) {
currentNode.setAttributeNS(namespaceURI, name, value);
} else {
/* Fallback to setAttribute() for browser-unrecognized namespaces e.g. "x-schema". */
currentNode.setAttribute(name, value);
/* Execute a hook if present */
_executeHook('afterSanitizeAttributes', currentNode, null);
} catch (_) {}
* _sanitizeShadowDOM
* @param {DocumentFragment} fragment to iterate over recursively
var _sanitizeShadowDOM = function _sanitizeShadowDOM(fragment) {
var shadowNode = void 0;
var shadowIterator = _createIterator(fragment);
/* Execute a hook if present */
_executeHook('afterSanitizeAttributes', currentNode, null);
/* Execute a hook if present */
_executeHook('beforeSanitizeShadowDOM', fragment, null);
* _sanitizeShadowDOM
* @param {DocumentFragment} fragment to iterate over recursively
var _sanitizeShadowDOM = function _sanitizeShadowDOM(fragment) {
var shadowNode = void 0;
var shadowIterator = _createIterator(fragment);
while (shadowNode = shadowIterator.nextNode()) {
/* Execute a hook if present */
_executeHook('uponSanitizeShadowNode', shadowNode, null);
_executeHook('beforeSanitizeShadowDOM', fragment, null);
/* Sanitize tags and elements */
if (_sanitizeElements(shadowNode)) {
while (shadowNode = shadowIterator.nextNode()) {
/* Execute a hook if present */
_executeHook('uponSanitizeShadowNode', shadowNode, null);
/* Deep shadow DOM detected */
if (shadowNode.content instanceof DocumentFragment) {
/* Sanitize tags and elements */
if (_sanitizeElements(shadowNode)) {
/* Check attributes, sanitize if necessary */
/* Deep shadow DOM detected */
if (shadowNode.content instanceof DocumentFragment) {
/* Execute a hook if present */
_executeHook('afterSanitizeShadowDOM', fragment, null);
/* Check attributes, sanitize if necessary */
* Sanitize
* Public method providing core sanitation functionality
* @param {String|Node} dirty string or DOM node
* @param {Object} configuration object
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
DOMPurify.sanitize = function (dirty, cfg) {
var body = void 0;
var importedNode = void 0;
var currentNode = void 0;
var oldNode = void 0;
var returnNode = void 0;
/* Make sure we have a string to sanitize.
DO NOT return early, as this will return the wrong type if
the user has requested a DOM object rather than a string */
if (!dirty) {
dirty = '<!-->';
/* Execute a hook if present */
_executeHook('afterSanitizeShadowDOM', fragment, null);
/* Stringify, in case dirty is an object */
if (typeof dirty !== 'string' && !_isNode(dirty)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-negated-condition
if (typeof dirty.toString !== 'function') {
throw typeErrorCreate('toString is not a function');
} else {
dirty = dirty.toString();
if (typeof dirty !== 'string') {
throw typeErrorCreate('dirty is not a string, aborting');
* Sanitize
* Public method providing core sanitation functionality
* @param {String|Node} dirty string or DOM node
* @param {Object} configuration object
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
DOMPurify.sanitize = function (dirty, cfg) {
var body = void 0;
var importedNode = void 0;
var currentNode = void 0;
var oldNode = void 0;
var returnNode = void 0;
/* Make sure we have a string to sanitize.
DO NOT return early, as this will return the wrong type if
the user has requested a DOM object rather than a string */
if (!dirty) {
dirty = '<!-->';
/* Check we can run. Otherwise fall back or ignore */
if (!DOMPurify.isSupported) {
if (_typeof(window.toStaticHTML) === 'object' || typeof window.toStaticHTML === 'function') {
if (typeof dirty === 'string') {
return window.toStaticHTML(dirty);
/* Stringify, in case dirty is an object */
if (typeof dirty !== 'string' && !_isNode(dirty)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-negated-condition
if (typeof dirty.toString !== 'function') {
throw typeErrorCreate('toString is not a function');
} else {
dirty = dirty.toString();
if (typeof dirty !== 'string') {
throw typeErrorCreate('dirty is not a string, aborting');
if (_isNode(dirty)) {
return window.toStaticHTML(dirty.outerHTML);
return dirty;
/* Check we can run. Otherwise fall back or ignore */
if (!DOMPurify.isSupported) {
if (_typeof(window.toStaticHTML) === 'object' || typeof window.toStaticHTML === 'function') {
if (typeof dirty === 'string') {
return window.toStaticHTML(dirty);
/* Assign config vars */
if (!SET_CONFIG) {
if (_isNode(dirty)) {
return window.toStaticHTML(dirty.outerHTML);
/* Clean up removed elements */
DOMPurify.removed = [];
return dirty;
/* Check if dirty is correctly typed for IN_PLACE */
if (typeof dirty === 'string') {
IN_PLACE = false;
if (IN_PLACE) {
/* No special handling necessary for in-place sanitization */
} else if (dirty instanceof Node) {
/* If dirty is a DOM element, append to an empty document to avoid
elements being stripped by the parser */
body = _initDocument('<!-->');
importedNode = body.ownerDocument.importNode(dirty, true);
if (importedNode.nodeType === 1 && importedNode.nodeName === 'BODY') {
/* Node is already a body, use as is */
body = importedNode;
} else if (importedNode.nodeName === 'HTML') {
body = importedNode;
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-node-append
/* Assign config vars */
if (!SET_CONFIG) {
} else {
/* Exit directly if we have nothing to do */
if (!RETURN_DOM && !SAFE_FOR_TEMPLATES && !WHOLE_DOCUMENT && RETURN_TRUSTED_TYPE && dirty.indexOf('<') === -1) {
return trustedTypesPolicy ? trustedTypesPolicy.createHTML(dirty) : dirty;
/* Initialize the document to work on */
body = _initDocument(dirty);
/* Clean up removed elements */
DOMPurify.removed = [];
/* Check we have a DOM node from the data */
if (!body) {
return RETURN_DOM ? null : emptyHTML;
/* Check if dirty is correctly typed for IN_PLACE */
if (typeof dirty === 'string') {
IN_PLACE = false;
/* Remove first element node (ours) if FORCE_BODY is set */
if (body && FORCE_BODY) {
if (IN_PLACE) ; else if (dirty instanceof Node) {
/* If dirty is a DOM element, append to an empty document to avoid
elements being stripped by the parser */
body = _initDocument('<!-->');
importedNode = body.ownerDocument.importNode(dirty, true);
if (importedNode.nodeType === 1 && importedNode.nodeName === 'BODY') {
/* Node is already a body, use as is */
body = importedNode;
} else if (importedNode.nodeName === 'HTML') {
body = importedNode;
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-node-append
} else {
/* Exit directly if we have nothing to do */
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-includes
dirty.indexOf('<') === -1) {
return trustedTypesPolicy ? trustedTypesPolicy.createHTML(dirty) : dirty;
/* Get node iterator */
var nodeIterator = _createIterator(IN_PLACE ? dirty : body);
/* Initialize the document to work on */
body = _initDocument(dirty);
/* Now start iterating over the created document */
while (currentNode = nodeIterator.nextNode()) {
/* Fix IE's strange behavior with manipulated textNodes #89 */
if (currentNode.nodeType === 3 && currentNode === oldNode) {
/* Check we have a DOM node from the data */
if (!body) {
return RETURN_DOM ? null : emptyHTML;
/* Sanitize tags and elements */
if (_sanitizeElements(currentNode)) {
/* Remove first element node (ours) if FORCE_BODY is set */
if (body && FORCE_BODY) {
/* Shadow DOM detected, sanitize it */
if (currentNode.content instanceof DocumentFragment) {
/* Get node iterator */
var nodeIterator = _createIterator(IN_PLACE ? dirty : body);
/* Check attributes, sanitize if necessary */
/* Now start iterating over the created document */
while (currentNode = nodeIterator.nextNode()) {
/* Fix IE's strange behavior with manipulated textNodes #89 */
if (currentNode.nodeType === 3 && currentNode === oldNode) {
oldNode = currentNode;
/* Sanitize tags and elements */
if (_sanitizeElements(currentNode)) {
oldNode = null;
/* Shadow DOM detected, sanitize it */
if (currentNode.content instanceof DocumentFragment) {
/* If we sanitized `dirty` in-place, return it. */
if (IN_PLACE) {
return dirty;
/* Check attributes, sanitize if necessary */
/* Return sanitized string or DOM */
returnNode =;
oldNode = currentNode;
while (body.firstChild) {
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-node-append
} else {
returnNode = body;
oldNode = null;
/* If we sanitized `dirty` in-place, return it. */
if (IN_PLACE) {
return dirty;
/* AdoptNode() is not used because internal state is not reset
(e.g. the past names map of a HTMLFormElement), this is safe
in theory but we would rather not risk another attack vector.
The state that is cloned by importNode() is explicitly defined
by the specs. */
returnNode =, returnNode, true);
/* Return sanitized string or DOM */
returnNode =;
while (body.firstChild) {
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-node-append
} else {
returnNode = body;
AdoptNode() is not used because internal state is not reset
(e.g. the past names map of a HTMLFormElement), this is safe
in theory but we would rather not risk another attack vector.
The state that is cloned by importNode() is explicitly defined
by the specs.
returnNode =, returnNode, true);
return returnNode;
return returnNode;
var serializedHTML = WHOLE_DOCUMENT ? body.outerHTML : body.innerHTML;
var serializedHTML = WHOLE_DOCUMENT ? body.outerHTML : body.innerHTML;
/* Sanitize final string template-safe */
serializedHTML = stringReplace(serializedHTML, MUSTACHE_EXPR$$1, ' ');
serializedHTML = stringReplace(serializedHTML, ERB_EXPR$$1, ' ');
/* Sanitize final string template-safe */
serializedHTML = stringReplace(serializedHTML, MUSTACHE_EXPR$$1, ' ');
serializedHTML = stringReplace(serializedHTML, ERB_EXPR$$1, ' ');
return trustedTypesPolicy && RETURN_TRUSTED_TYPE ? trustedTypesPolicy.createHTML(serializedHTML) : serializedHTML;
return trustedTypesPolicy && RETURN_TRUSTED_TYPE ? trustedTypesPolicy.createHTML(serializedHTML) : serializedHTML;
* Public method to set the configuration once
* setConfig
* @param {Object} cfg configuration object
DOMPurify.setConfig = function (cfg) {
SET_CONFIG = true;
* Public method to set the configuration once
* setConfig
* @param {Object} cfg configuration object
DOMPurify.setConfig = function (cfg) {
SET_CONFIG = true;
* Public method to remove the configuration
* clearConfig
DOMPurify.clearConfig = function () {
CONFIG = null;
SET_CONFIG = false;
* Public method to remove the configuration
* clearConfig
DOMPurify.clearConfig = function () {
CONFIG = null;
SET_CONFIG = false;
* Public method to check if an attribute value is valid.
* Uses last set config, if any. Otherwise, uses config defaults.
* isValidAttribute
* @param {string} tag Tag name of containing element.
* @param {string} attr Attribute name.
* @param {string} value Attribute value.
* @return {Boolean} Returns true if `value` is valid. Otherwise, returns false.
DOMPurify.isValidAttribute = function (tag, attr, value) {
/* Initialize shared config vars if necessary. */
if (!CONFIG) {
* Public method to check if an attribute value is valid.
* Uses last set config, if any. Otherwise, uses config defaults.
* isValidAttribute
* @param {string} tag Tag name of containing element.
* @param {string} attr Attribute name.
* @param {string} value Attribute value.
* @return {Boolean} Returns true if `value` is valid. Otherwise, returns false.
DOMPurify.isValidAttribute = function (tag, attr, value) {
/* Initialize shared config vars if necessary. */
if (!CONFIG) {
var lcTag = stringToLowerCase(tag);
var lcName = stringToLowerCase(attr);
return _isValidAttribute(lcTag, lcName, value);
var lcTag = stringToLowerCase(tag);
var lcName = stringToLowerCase(attr);
return _isValidAttribute(lcTag, lcName, value);
* AddHook
* Public method to add DOMPurify hooks
* @param {String} entryPoint entry point for the hook to add
* @param {Function} hookFunction function to execute
DOMPurify.addHook = function (entryPoint, hookFunction) {
if (typeof hookFunction !== 'function') {
* AddHook
* Public method to add DOMPurify hooks
* @param {String} entryPoint entry point for the hook to add
* @param {Function} hookFunction function to execute
DOMPurify.addHook = function (entryPoint, hookFunction) {
if (typeof hookFunction !== 'function') {
hooks[entryPoint] = hooks[entryPoint] || [];
arrayPush(hooks[entryPoint], hookFunction);
hooks[entryPoint] = hooks[entryPoint] || [];
arrayPush(hooks[entryPoint], hookFunction);
* RemoveHook
* Public method to remove a DOMPurify hook at a given entryPoint
* (pops it from the stack of hooks if more are present)
* @param {String} entryPoint entry point for the hook to remove
DOMPurify.removeHook = function (entryPoint) {
if (hooks[entryPoint]) {
* RemoveHook
* Public method to remove a DOMPurify hook at a given entryPoint
* (pops it from the stack of hooks if more are present)
* @param {String} entryPoint entry point for the hook to remove
DOMPurify.removeHook = function (entryPoint) {
if (hooks[entryPoint]) {
* RemoveHooks
* Public method to remove all DOMPurify hooks at a given entryPoint
* @param {String} entryPoint entry point for the hooks to remove
DOMPurify.removeHooks = function (entryPoint) {
if (hooks[entryPoint]) {
hooks[entryPoint] = [];
* RemoveHooks
* Public method to remove all DOMPurify hooks at a given entryPoint
* @param {String} entryPoint entry point for the hooks to remove
DOMPurify.removeHooks = function (entryPoint) {
if (hooks[entryPoint]) {
hooks[entryPoint] = [];
* RemoveAllHooks
* Public method to remove all DOMPurify hooks
DOMPurify.removeAllHooks = function () {
hooks = {};
* RemoveAllHooks
* Public method to remove all DOMPurify hooks
DOMPurify.removeAllHooks = function () {
hooks = {};
return DOMPurify;
return DOMPurify;
var purify = createDOMPurify();
var purify = createDOMPurify();
return purify;
return purify;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=t():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(t):e.DOMPurify=t()}(this,function(){"use strict";function e(e){if(Array.isArray(e)){for(var t=0,r=Array(e.length);t<e.length;t++)r[t]=e[t];return r}return Array.from(e)}function t(e){return function(t){for(var r=arguments.length,n=Array(r>1?r-1:0),o=1;o<r;o++)n[o-1]=arguments[o];return m(e,t,n)}}function r(e){return function(){for(var t=arguments.length,r=Array(t),n=0;n<t;n++)r[n]=arguments[n];return y(e,r)}}function n(e,t){c&&c(e,null);for(var r=t.length;r--;){var n=t[r];if("string"==typeof n){var o=x(n);o!==n&&(s(t)||(t[r]=o),n=o)}e[n]=!0}return e}function o(e){var t={},r=void 0;for(r in e)m(l,e,[r])&&(t[r]=e[r]);return t}function i(e){if(Array.isArray(e)){for(var t=0,r=Array(e.length);t<e.length;t++)r[t]=e[t];return r}return Array.from(e)}function a(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:V(),t=function(e){return 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"description": "DOMPurify is a DOM-only, super-fast, uber-tolerant XSS sanitizer for HTML, MathML and SVG. It's written in JavaScript and works in all modern browsers (Safari, Opera (15+), Internet Explorer (10+), Firefox and Chrome - as well as almost anything else using Blink or WebKit). DOMPurify is written by security people who have vast background in web attacks and XSS. Fear not.",
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# DOMPurify
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@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ [![NPM](](

It's also very simple to use and get started with. DOMPurify was [started in February 2014]( and, meanwhile, has reached version 2.0.8.
It's also very simple to use and get started with. DOMPurify was [started in February 2014]( and, meanwhile, has reached version 2.0.9.
DOMPurify is written in JavaScript and works in all modern browsers (Safari, Opera (15+), Internet Explorer (10+), Edge, Firefox and Chrome - as well as almost anything else using Blink or WebKit). It doesn't break on MSIE6 or other legacy browsers. It either uses [a fall-back](#what-about-older-browsers-like-msie8) or simply does nothing.
Our automated tests cover [26 different browsers]( right now, more to come. We also cover Node.js v8.0.0, v9.0.0, v10.0.0 and v11.0.0, running DOMPurify on [jsdom](
Our automated tests cover [26 different browsers]( right now, more to come. We also cover Node.js v12.0.0 and v13.0.0, running DOMPurify on [jsdom]( Older Node.js versions are known to work as well.

@@ -40,3 +40,3 @@ DOMPurify is written by security people who have vast background in web attacks and XSS. Fear not. For more details please also read about our [Security Goals & Threat Model]( Please, read it. Like, really.

var clean = DOMPurify.sanitize(dirty);

@@ -47,13 +47,21 @@ ```

After sanitizing your markup, you can also have a look at the property `DOMPurify.removed` and find out, what elements and attributes were thrown out.
### Is there any foot-gun potential?
Well, please note, if you _first_ sanitize HTML and then modify it _afterwards_, you might easily **void the effects of sanitization**. If you feed the sanitized markup to another library _after_ sanitization, please be certain that the library doesn't mess around with the HTML on its own.
jQuery does exactly that and that is why we have this flag mentioned above.
### Okay, makes sense, let's move on
After sanitizing your markup, you can also have a look at the property `DOMPurify.removed` and find out, what elements and attributes were thrown out. Please **do not use** this property for making any security critical decisions. This is just a little helper for curious minds.
If you're using an [AMD]( module loader like [Require.js](, you can load this script asynchronously as well:
require(['dompurify'], function(DOMPurify) {
var clean = DOMPurify.sanitize(dirty);
import DOMPurify from 'dompurify';
var clean = DOMPurify.sanitize(dirty);
DOMPurify also works server-side with node.js as well as client-side via [Browserify]( or similar translators. Node.js 0.x is not supported; either [io.js]( or Node.js 4.x or newer is required.
DOMPurify also works server-side with Node.js as well as client-side via [Browserify]( or similar translators. At least Node.js 4.x or newer is required. Our support strives to follow the [Node.js release cycle]( DOMPurify intends to support any version being flagged as active. At the same time we phase out support for any version flagged as maintenance. DOMPurify might not break with all versions in maintenance immediately but stops to run tests against these older versions.

@@ -66,3 +74,3 @@ ```bash

const createDOMPurify = require('dompurify');

@@ -79,3 +87,3 @@ const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom');

const createDOMPurify = require('dompurify');

@@ -104,6 +112,6 @@ const jsdom = require('jsdom').jsdom;

DOMPurify.sanitize('<img src=x onerror=alert(1)//>'); // becomes <img src="x">
DOMPurify.sanitize('<svg><g/onload=alert(2)//<p>'); // becomes <svg><g></g></svg>
DOMPurify.sanitize('<p>abc<iframe//src=jAva&Tab;script:alert(3)>def'); // becomes <p>abcdef</p>
DOMPurify.sanitize('<p>abc<iframe//src=jAva&Tab;script:alert(3)>def</p>'); // becomes <p>abcdef</p>
DOMPurify.sanitize('<math><mi//xlink:href="data:x,<script>alert(4)</script>">'); // becomes <math><mi></mi></math>

@@ -124,2 +132,4 @@ DOMPurify.sanitize('<TABLE><tr><td>HELLO</tr></TABL>'); // becomes <table><tbody><tr><td>HELLO</td></tr></tbody></table>

DOMPurify also exposes a property called `isSupported`, which tells you whether DOMPurify will be able to do its job.
## What about DOMPurify and Trusted Types?

@@ -136,3 +146,3 @@

// make output safe for usage in jQuery's $()/html() method (default is false)

@@ -244,4 +254,4 @@ var clean = DOMPurify.sanitize(dirty, {SAFE_FOR_JQUERY: true});

DOMPurify.addHook('beforeSanitizeElements', function(
DOMPurify.addHook('beforeSanitizeElements', function (

@@ -303,4 +313,4 @@ hookEvent,

[oreoshake 💸](, [dcramer 💸](,[tdeekens](, [neilj](, [fhemberger](, [Joris-van-der-Wel](, [ydaniv](, [filedescriptor](, [ConradIrwin](, [gibson042](, [choumx](, [0xSobky](, [styfle](, [koto](, [tlau88](, [strugee](, [oparoz](, [mathiasbynens](, [edg2s](, [dnkolegov](, [dhardtke](, [wirehead](, [thorn0](, [styu](, [mozfreddyb](, [mikesamuel](, [jorangreef](, [jimmyhchan](, [jameydeorio](, [jameskraus](, [hyderali](, [hansottowirtz](, [hackvertor](, [freddyb](, [flavorjones](, [djfarrelly](, [devd](, [camerondunford](, [buu700](, [buildog](, [alabiaga](, [Vector919](, [Robbert](, [GreLI](, [FuzzySockets](, [ArtemBernatskyy](, [@garethheyes](, [@filedescriptor](, [@shafigullin](, [@mmrupp](, [@irsdl](,[ShikariSenpai](, [ansjdnakjdnajkd](, [@asutherland](, [@mathias](, [@cgvwzq](, [@robbertatwork](, [@giutro]( and especially [@masatokinugawa](
[oreoshake 💸](, [dcramer 💸](,[tdeekens ❤️](, [neilj](, [fhemberger](, [Joris-van-der-Wel](, [ydaniv](, [filedescriptor](, [ConradIrwin](, [gibson042](, [choumx](, [0xSobky](, [styfle](, [koto](, [tlau88](, [strugee](, [oparoz](, [mathiasbynens](, [edg2s](, [dnkolegov](, [dhardtke](, [wirehead](, [thorn0](, [styu](, [mozfreddyb](, [mikesamuel](, [jorangreef](, [jimmyhchan](, [jameydeorio](, [jameskraus](, [hyderali](, [hansottowirtz](, [hackvertor](, [freddyb](, [flavorjones](, [djfarrelly](, [devd](, [camerondunford](, [buu700](, [buildog](, [alabiaga](, [Vector919](, [Robbert](, [GreLI](, [FuzzySockets](, [ArtemBernatskyy](, [@garethheyes](, [@filedescriptor](, [@shafigullin](, [@mmrupp](, [@irsdl](,[ShikariSenpai](, [ansjdnakjdnajkd](, [@asutherland](, [@mathias](, [@cgvwzq](, [@robbertatwork](, [@giutro]( and especially [@masatokinugawa](
And last but not least, thanks to [BrowserStack]( for supporting this project with their services for free and delivering excellent, dedicated and very professional support on top of that.

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