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Tired of writing complex code for simple WhatsApp bots? This Node.js module simplifies bot creation, making it accessible to all levels of developers. Harness the power of @whiskeysockets/baileys without the hassle.

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easy-baileys is a Node.js package designed to streamline WhatsApp connectivity and automate message handling, offering robust flexibility. It leverages the powerful capabilities of @whiskeysockets/baileys.





Installation πŸ“¦

npm install easy-baileys

Usage πŸ› οΈ

1. Importing the Module

const { WhatsAppClient } = require('easy-baileys');

2. Creating a Client Instance with MongoDB Authentication (+ Multiple Session βœ…)

const { WhatsAppClient } = require('easy-baileys');

const customOptions = {
    browser: ["Ubuntu", "Chrome", "20.0.04"],
    printQRInTerminal: true, // Set to true for QR code in terminal
    mobile: false,

async function main() {
    try {
        // Initialize WhatsAppClient with MongoDB authentication
        const clientMongo = await WhatsAppClient.create("mongo", 'YOUR MONGO DB URI', customOptions);
        const sockMongo = await clientMongo.getSocket();

        // Example event listener for incoming messages
        sockMongo.ev.on("messages.upsert", async ({ messages }) => {
            for (const m of messages) {
                if (m.message?.conversation.toLowerCase() === 'hi') {
                    await sockMongo.reply(m, 'Hello! πŸ‘‹');

    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error initializing WhatsApp client with MongoDB authentication:', error.message);


3. Creating a Client Instance with MySQL Authentication (+ Multiple Session βœ…)

const { WhatsAppClient } = require('easy-baileys');

// Example MySQL configuration
const mysqlConfig = {
    session: 'session1', // Required
    host: 'localhost', // Required
    port: 3306, // Optional
    user: 'your_mysql_user', // Optional
    password: 'your_mysql_password', // Optional
    database: 'your_database_name', // Optional
    tableName: 'auth' // Optional

const customOptions = {
  browser: ["Ubuntu", "Chrome", "20.0.04"],
  printQRInTerminal: false, // Set to true for QR code in terminal
  mobile: false,

(async () => {
  try {
    // Initialize WhatsAppClient with MySQL authentication
    const client = await WhatsAppClient.create("mysql", mysqlConfig, customOptions);
    const sockMySQL = await client.getSocket();

    // Example event listener for incoming messages
    sockMySQL.ev.on("messages.upsert", async ({ messages }) => {
      for (const m of messages) {
        if (m.message?.conversation.toLowerCase() === 'hi') {
          await sockMySQL.reply(m, 'Hello! πŸ‘‹');

  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error initializing WhatsApp client with MySQL authentication:', error.message);

4. Creating a Client Instance with MultiFile Authentication

const { WhatsAppClient } = require('easy-baileys');

const customOptions = {
  browser: ["Ubuntu", "Chrome", "20.0.04"],
  printQRInTerminal: false, // Set to true for QR code in terminal
  mobile: false,

(async () => {
  try {
    // Initialize WhatsAppClient with MultiFile authentication
    const clientMulti = await WhatsAppClient.create("multi", './authFiles', customOptions);
    const sockMulti = await clientMulti.getSocket();

    // Example event listener for incoming messages
    sockMulti.ev.on("messages.upsert", async ({ messages }) => {
      for (const m of messages) {
        if (m.message?.conversation.toLowerCase() === 'hi') {
          await sockMulti.reply(m, 'Hello! πŸ‘‹');

  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error initializing WhatsApp client with MultiFile authentication:', error.message);


  • MongoDB Authentication Example: Initializes the WhatsAppClient instance using MongoDB credentials and sets up event listeners to respond to messages.
  • MultiFile Authentication Example: Initializes the WhatsAppClient instance using authentication files stored locally and handles incoming messages similarly.

5. Obtain a pairing code (Optional)

const sock = client.getSocket();
const code = await client.getPairingCode(123456789); // Your WhatsApp number (Without +)

Example: Pairing Code with Validated Phone Number πŸ“ž

const { WhatsAppClient } = require('easy-baileys');

(async () => {
  try {
    const customOptions = {
        browser: ["Ubuntu", "Chrome", "20.0.04"],
        printQRInTerminal: false, // Set to true for QR code in terminal
        mobile: false,

    const client = await WhatsAppClient.createMultiAuth('./auth', customOptions);
    const sock = await client.getSocket();
    const code = await client.getPairingCode(123456789); // Your WhatsApp number (Without +)
    console.log(code); // Outputs code with validated phone number
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error initializing WhatsApp client:', error.message);

Example: Display QR Code in Terminal πŸ“±

(async () => {
  try {
    const customOptions = {
      // ... other options
      printQRInTerminal: true, 
    const client = await WhatsAppClient.createMultiAuth('./auth', customOptions);
    const sock = await client.getSocket();
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error initializing WhatsApp client:', error.message);

The QR code will be printed directly in your terminal.

Simple Example Code

const { WhatsAppClient } = require('easy-baileys');

(async () => {
    try {
        const customOptions = {
            browser: ["Ubuntu", "Chrome", "20.0.04"],
            printQRInTerminal: true,
            mobile: false,

        const client = await WhatsAppClient.createMultiAuth('./hacxk', customOptions);
        const conn = await client.getSocket();

        conn.ev.on("messages.upsert", async ({ messages }) => {
            for (const m of messages) {
                if (m.message?.conversation.toLowerCase() === 'hi') {
                    await conn.reply(m, 'Hello! πŸ‘‹');

    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error initializing WhatsApp client:', error.message);

Handling Message Upserts

One of the key features of @whiskeysockets/baileys is the ability to handle incoming messages. The library provides an event called messages.upsert that you can listen to for new messages. Here’s how you can set up a listener for this event:

sock.ev.on("messages.upsert", async ({ messages }) => {
    for (const m of messages) {

Real-World Use Case

In a real-world scenario, you might want to do more than just log the messages. Here's an extended example that checks if the message contains text and replies to the sender:

sock.ev.on("messages.upsert", async ({ messages }) => {
    for (const m of messages) {
        if (m.message && m.message.conversation) {
            const sender = m.key.remoteJid;
            const messageText = m.message.conversation; 
            console.log(`Message from ${sender}: ${messageText}`);        

Overview: πŸ“±πŸ’¬

The connMessage class provides methods to interact with WhatsApp messages, including sending various media types, replying, reacting, editing, and deleting messages.

sendStickerm, bufferOrUrlSends a sticker message.
sendStickerReplym, bufferOrUrlSends a sticker as a reply to a message.
sendImagem, bufferOrUrl, captionSends an image message with an optional caption.
sendImageReplym, bufferOrUrl, captionSends an image as a reply to a message.
sendVideom, bufferOrUrl, captionSends a video message with an optional caption.
sendVideoReplym, bufferOrUrl, captionSends a video as a reply to a message.
sendDocumentm, bufferOrUrl, mimetype, fileName, captionSends a document message.
sendDocumentReplym, bufferOrUrl, mimetype, fileName, captionSends a document as a reply to a message.
sendAudiom, bufferOrUrl, pttSends an audio message, optionally as push-to-talk.
sendAudioReplym, bufferOrUrl, pttSends an audio message as a reply, optionally as push-to-talk.
sendGifm, bufferOrUrl, playbackSends a GIF message.
sendGifReplym, bufferOrUrl, playbackSends a GIF as a reply to a message.
replym, textReplies to a message with text.
sendm, textSends a text message.
reactm, emojiReacts to a message with an emoji.
editMsgm, sentMessage, newMessageEdits a sent message.
deleteMsgGroupmDeletes a message in a group chat.
deleteMsgmDeletes a message.
findValueobj, targetValue, currentPathRecursively finds a path to a value in an object.
findObjectobj, targetValueRecursively finds an object containing a specific value.
addgroupJid, participantJidAdds a participant to a group.
removegroupJid, participantJidRemoves a participant from a group.
isAdmingroupJidChecks if the bot is an admin in a group.
updateParticipantStatusgroupJid, participantJid, actionPromotes or demotes a participant in a group.
updateGroupSettingsgroupJid, settingsUpdates group settings.
banUsergroupJid, userJidBans a user from joining a group.
unbanUsergroupJid, userJidUnbans a user from a group.
generateInviteLinkgroupJidGenerates a new invite link for a group.
revokeInviteLinkgroupJidRevokes the current invite link for a group.
updateGroupSubjectgroupJid, newSubjectUpdates the group subject (name).
updateGroupDescriptiongroupJid, newDescriptionUpdates the group description.
updateGroupMessagesSettingsgroupJid, settingUpdates who can send messages in the group.
scheduleMessagejid, content, sendTimeSchedules a message to be sent at a specific time.
cancelScheduledMessageindexCancels a scheduled message.
sendBulkMessagejids, contentSends a message to multiple recipients.
downloadMediamDownloads media from a message.
createPollgroupJid, question, optionsCreates a poll in a group chat.
updateStatusstatusUpdates the bot's status.


See API Documentation for detailed method explanations.


  • sendSticker(m, bufferOrUrl) 🎨

    • Description: Sends a sticker message to the given chat.
    • Parameters:
      • m (object): Message object containing chat information.
      • bufferOrUrl (string, Buffer, or filepath): URL, buffer, or filepath containing the sticker data.
    • Usage Example:
      await conn.sendSticker(m, '');
  • sendStickerReply(m, bufferOrUrl) πŸŽ‰

    • Description: Sends a sticker as a reply to a specific message.
    • Parameters: Same as sendSticker.
    • Usage Example:
      await conn.sendStickerReply(m, '');
  • sendImage(m, bufferOrUrl, caption) πŸ–ΌοΈ

    • Description: Sends an image message with an optional caption.
    • Parameters:
      • m (object): Message object containing chat information.
      • bufferOrUrl (string, Buffer, or filepath): URL, buffer, or filepath containing the image data.
      • caption (string): Optional caption for the image.
    • Usage Example:
      await conn.sendImage(m, '', 'Beautiful scenery!');
  • sendImageReply(m, bufferOrUrl, caption) πŸŒ„

    • Description: Sends an image as a reply to a specific message.
    • Parameters: Same as sendImage.
    • Usage Example:
      await conn.sendImageReply(m, '', 'Replying with an image.');
  • sendVideo(m, bufferOrUrl, caption) πŸ“Ή

    • Description: Sends a video message with an optional caption.
    • Parameters: Same as sendImage.
    • Usage Example:
      await conn.sendVideo(m, '', 'Check out this video!');
  • sendVideoReply(m, bufferOrUrl, caption) πŸŽ₯

    • Description: Sends a video as a reply to a specific message.
    • Parameters: Same as sendVideo.
    • Usage Example:
      await conn.sendVideoReply(m, '', 'Replying with a video.');
  • sendDocument(m, bufferOrUrl, mimetype, fileName, caption) πŸ“„

    • Description: Sends a document (file) message with an optional caption.
    • Parameters:
      • m (object): Message object containing chat information.
      • bufferOrUrl (string, Buffer, or filepath): URL, buffer, or filepath containing the document data.
      • mimetype (string): MIME type of the document.
      • fileName (string): Name of the file.
      • caption (string): Optional caption for the document.
    • Usage Example:
      await conn.sendDocument(m, '', 'application/pdf', 'document.pdf', 'Check out this document!');
  • sendDocumentReply(m, bufferOrUrl, mimetype, fileName, caption) πŸ“

    • Description: Sends a document as a reply to a specific message.
    • Parameters: Same as sendDocument.
    • Usage Example:
      await conn.sendDocumentReply(m, '', 'application/pdf', 'document.pdf', 'Replying with a document.');
  • sendAudio(m, bufferOrUrl, ptt) 🎡

    • Description: Sends an audio message or voice note.
    • Parameters:
      • m (object): Message object containing chat information.
      • bufferOrUrl (string, Buffer, or filepath): URL, buffer, or filepath containing the audio data.
      • ptt (boolean): Whether the audio is a voice note (push-to-talk).
    • Usage Example:
      await conn.sendAudio(m, '', true);
  • sendAudioReply(m, bufferOrUrl, ptt) 🎀

    • Description: Sends an audio message as a reply to a specific message.
    • Parameters: Same as sendAudio.
    • Usage Example:
      await conn.sendAudioReply(m, '', true);
  • sendGif(m, bufferOrUrl, playback) 🎬

    • Description: Sends a GIF message.
    • Parameters:
      • m (object): Message object containing chat information.
      • bufferOrUrl (string, Buffer, or filepath): URL, buffer, or filepath containing the GIF data.
      • playback (boolean): Whether to enable GIF playback.
    • Usage Example:
      await conn.sendGif(m, '', true);
  • sendGifReply(m, bufferOrUrl, playback) 🎞️

    • Description: Sends a GIF as a reply to a specific message.
    • Parameters: Same as sendGif.
    • Usage Example:
      await conn.sendGifReply(m, '', true);
  • reply(m, text) πŸ’¬

    • Description: Replies to a message with text.
    • Parameters:
      • m (object): Message object containing chat information.
      • text (string): Text message to reply with.
    • Usage Example:
      await conn.reply(m, 'Your reply message.');
  • send(m, text) βœ‰οΈ

    • Description: Sends a text message to a chat.
    • Parameters: Same as reply.
    • Usage Example:
      await conn.send(m, 'Your message.');
  • react(m, emoji) 🎭

    • Description: Reacts to a message with an emoji.
    • Parameters:
      • m (object): Message object containing chat information.
      • emoji (string): Emoji reaction.
    • Usage Example:
      await conn.react(m, 'πŸ˜„');
  • editMsg(m, sentMessage, newMessage) πŸ“

    • Description: Edits a previously sent message with a new message.
    • Parameters:
      • m (object): Message object containing chat information.
      • sentMessage (object): Previously sent message object.
      • newMessage (string): New message content.
    • Usage Example:
      await conn.editMsg(m, sentMessage, 'Updated message.');
  • deleteMsgGroup(m) πŸ—‘οΈ

    • Description: Deletes a message in a group chat (requires admin privileges).
    • Parameters:
      • m (object): Message object containing chat information.
    • Usage Example:
      await conn.deleteMsgGroup(m);
  • deleteMsg(m) 🚫

    • Description: finds a path in an object where a specified value is located.
    • Parameters: Same as deleteMsgGroup.
    • Usage Example:
      await conn.deleteMsg(m);
  • findValue(m, theValue) 🚫

    • Description: Deletes a message (self-message or sent to you).
    • Usage Example:
      await conn.findValue(m, 'image/jpeg'); // This will find current object path that value is image/jpeg

add(groupJid, participantJid) βž•

Description: Invites a specified participant to join a WhatsApp group. Requires admin privileges.


  • groupJid (string): The group's JID (e.g.,
  • participantJid (string): The participant's JID (e.g.,


ConnMessage Class Documentation Typescript

The ConnMessage class extends the functionality of the WASocket class from the @whiskeysockets/baileys library, providing a variety of methods for sending different types of messages in a WhatsApp chat application.

Table of Contents

Method Descriptions


Sends a simple text message to a specified JID (WhatsApp ID).


  • jid: string - The recipient's WhatsApp ID
  • text: string - The message text to send

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const result = await sock.sendTextMessage("", "Hello, World!");


Replies to a received message with a text message.


  • m: proto.IWebMessageInfo - The received message to reply to
  • text: string - The reply text

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const result = await sock.reply(receivedMessage, "Thanks for your message!");


Sends a reaction to a message using an emoji.


  • m: proto.IWebMessageInfo - The message to react to
  • emoji: string - The emoji to use as a reaction

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const result = await sock.react(receivedMessage, "πŸ‘");


A generic method to send any type of content to a specified JID.


  • jid: string - The recipient's WhatsApp ID
  • content: AnyMessageContent - The content to send
  • options?: MiscMessageGenerationOptions - Optional message generation options

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const result = await sock.send("", { text: "Hello" }, { ephemeralExpiration: 86400 });


Sends an image to a specified JID.


  • jid: string - The recipient's WhatsApp ID
  • image: WAMediaUpload - The image to send
  • caption?: string - Optional caption for the image
  • options?: MiscMessageGenerationOptions - Optional message generation options

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const result = await sock.sendImage("", "./image.jpg", "Check out this picture!");


Sends an image as a reply to a received message.


  • m: proto.IWebMessageInfo - The received message to reply to
  • image: WAMediaUpload - The image to send
  • caption?: string - Optional caption for the image
  • options?: MiscMessageGenerationOptions - Optional message generation options

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const result = await sock.sendImageReply(receivedMessage, "./image.jpg", "Here's the image you requested.");


Sends a video to a specified JID.


  • jid: string - The recipient's WhatsApp ID
  • video: WAMediaUpload - The video to send
  • caption?: string - Optional caption for the video
  • options?: MiscMessageGenerationOptions - Optional message generation options

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const result = await sock.sendVideo("", "./video.mp4", "Check out this video!");


Sends a video as a reply to a received message.


  • m: proto.IWebMessageInfo - The received message to reply to
  • video: WAMediaUpload - The video to send
  • caption?: string - Optional caption for the video
  • options?: MiscMessageGenerationOptions - Optional message generation options

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const result = await sock.sendVideoReply(receivedMessage, "./video.mp4", "Here's the video you asked for.");


Sends a document to a specified JID.


  • jid: string - The recipient's WhatsApp ID
  • document: WAMediaUpload - The document to send
  • filename: string - The filename for the document
  • mimeType: string - The MIME type of the document
  • caption?: string - Optional caption for the document
  • options?: MiscMessageGenerationOptions - Optional message generation options

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const result = await sock.sendDocument("", "./document.pdf", "report.pdf", "application/pdf", "Monthly Report");


Sends a document as a reply to a received message.


  • m: proto.IWebMessageInfo - The received message to reply to
  • document: WAMediaUpload - The document to send
  • filename: string - The filename for the document
  • mimeType: string - The MIME type of the document
  • caption?: string - Optional caption for the document
  • options?: MiscMessageGenerationOptions - Optional message generation options

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const result = await sock.sendDocumentReply(receivedMessage, "./document.pdf", "report.pdf", "application/pdf", "Here's the report you requested.");


Sends a sticker to a specified JID.


  • jid: string - The recipient's WhatsApp ID
  • sticker: WAMediaUpload - The sticker to send
  • options?: MiscMessageGenerationOptions - Optional message generation options

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const result = await sock.sendSticker("", "./sticker.webp");


Sends a sticker as a reply to a received message.


  • m: proto.IWebMessageInfo - The received message to reply to
  • sticker: WAMediaUpload - The sticker to send
  • options?: MiscMessageGenerationOptions - Optional message generation options

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const result = await sock.sendStickerReply(receivedMessage, "./sticker.webp");


Sends a GIF to a specified JID.


  • jid: string - The recipient's WhatsApp ID
  • gif: WAMediaUpload - The GIF to send
  • caption?: string - Optional caption for the GIF
  • options?: MiscMessageGenerationOptions - Optional message generation options

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const result = await sock.sendGIF("", "./animation.gif", "Check out this cool GIF!");


Sends a GIF as a reply to a received message.


  • m: proto.IWebMessageInfo - The received message to reply to
  • gif: WAMediaUpload - The GIF to send
  • caption?: string - Optional caption for the GIF
  • options?: MiscMessageGenerationOptions - Optional message generation options

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const result = await sock.sendGIFReply(receivedMessage, "./animation.gif", "Here's a funny GIF for you!");


Sends an audio file to a specified JID.


  • jid: string - The recipient's WhatsApp ID
  • audio: WAMediaUpload - The audio file to send
  • options?: MiscMessageGenerationOptions - Optional message generation options

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const result = await sock.sendAudio("", "./audio.mp3");


Sends an audio file as a reply to a received message.


  • m: proto.IWebMessageInfo - The received message to reply to
  • audio: WAMediaUpload - The audio file to send
  • options?: MiscMessageGenerationOptions - Optional message generation options

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const result = await sock.sendAudioReply(receivedMessage, "./audio.mp3");


Sends a contact card to a specified JID.


  • jid: string - The recipient's WhatsApp ID
  • contact: { name: string, number: string } - The contact information
  • options?: MiscMessageGenerationOptions - Optional message generation options

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const result = await sock.sendContact("", { name: "John Doe", number: "+1234567890" });


Sends a contact card as a reply to a received message.


  • m: proto.IWebMessageInfo - The received message to reply to
  • contact: { name: string, number: string } - The contact information
  • options?: MiscMessageGenerationOptions - Optional message generation options

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const result = await sock.sendContactReply(receivedMessage, { name: "Jane Doe", number: "+9876543210" });


Sends a poll to a specified JID.


  • jid: string - The recipient's WhatsApp ID
  • name: string - The question or title of the poll
  • values: string[] - An array of poll options
  • selectableCount?: number - Optional number of selectable options

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const result = await sock.sendPoll("", "What's your favorite color?", ["Red", "Blue", "Green"], 1);


Sends a poll as a reply to a received message.


  • m: proto.IWebMessageInfo - The received message to reply to
  • name: string - The question or title of the poll
  • values: string[] - An array of poll options
  • selectableCount?: number - Optional number of selectable options

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const result = await sock.sendPollReply(receivedMessage, "What's your favorite fruit?", ["Apple", "Banana", "Orange"], 2);


Edits a previously sent message.


  • jid: string - The chat's WhatsApp ID
  • m: proto.IWebMessageInfo - The message to edit
  • newContent: string | { text?: string, caption?: string } - The new content for the message

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const result = await sock.editMessage("", sentMessage, "Updated message content");


Deletes a message.


  • jid: string - The chat's WhatsApp ID
  • m: proto.IWebMessageInfo - The message to delete

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const result = await sock.deleteMessage("", messageToDelete);


Sends a location to a specified JID.


  • jid: string - The recipient's WhatsApp ID
  • latitude: number - The latitude of the location
  • longitude: number - The longitude of the location
  • options?: MiscMessageGenerationOptions - Optional message generation options

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const result = await sock.sendLocation("", 40.7128, -74.0060);


Sends a location as a reply to a received message.


  • m: proto.IWebMessageInfo - The received message to reply to
  • latitude: number - The latitude of the location
  • longitude: number - The longitude of the location
  • options?: MiscMessageGenerationOptions - Optional message generation options

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const result = await sock.sendLocationReply(receivedMessage, 51.5074, -0.1278);


Sends a live location to a specified JID.


  • jid: string - The recipient's WhatsApp ID
  • latitude: number - The latitude of the location
  • longitude: number - The longitude of the location
  • durationMs: number - The duration of the live location in milliseconds
  • options?: MiscMessageGenerationOptions & { comment?: string } - Optional message generation options and comment

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const result = await sock.sendLiveLocation("", 40.7128, -74.0060, 3600000, { comment: "I'm here!" });


Sends a message with buttons to a specified JID.


  • jid: string - The recipient's WhatsApp ID
  • contentText: string - The main text content of the message
  • buttons: proto.Message.ButtonsMessage.IButton[] - An array of button objects
  • options?: MiscMessageGenerationOptions - Optional message generation options

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const buttons = [
  { buttonId: '1', buttonText: { displayText: 'Button 1' }, type: 1 },
  { buttonId: '2', buttonText: { displayText: 'Button 2' }, type: 1 },
const result = await sock.sendButton("", "Please choose an option:", buttons);


Sends a list message to a specified JID.


  • jid: string - The recipient's WhatsApp ID
  • message: proto.Message.ListMessage - The list message object
  • options?: MiscMessageGenerationOptions - Optional message generation options

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const listMessage: proto.Message.ListMessage = {
  title: "Menu",
  description: "Please select an item",
  buttonText: "View Menu",
  listType: 1,
  sections: [
      title: "Section 1",
      rows: [
        { title: "Option 1", description: "Description for Option 1" },
        { title: "Option 2", description: "Description for Option 2" },
const result = await sock.sendListMessage("", listMessage);


Sends a template message with buttons to a specified JID.


  • jid: string - The recipient's WhatsApp ID
  • content: Templatable - The content object containing text, footer, and template buttons
  • options?: MiscMessageGenerationOptions - Optional message generation options

Returns: Promise<proto.WebMessageInfo | undefined>


const templateContent: Templatable = {
  text: "Hello! Please choose an option:",
  footer: "Footer text",
  templateButtons: [
    { index: 1, urlButton: { displayText: "Visit Website", url: "" } },
    { index: 2, callButton: { displayText: "Call us", phoneNumber: "+1234567890" } },
    { index: 3, quickReplyButton: { displayText: "Quick Reply", id: "quick-reply-id" } },
const result = await sock.sendTemplateMessage("", templateContent);


try {
    await conn.add('', '');
    console.log('Participant added successfully!');
} catch (err) {
    console.error(`Failed to add participant: ${err.message}`);

remove(groupJid, participantJid) βž–

Description: Removes a specified participant from a WhatsApp group. Requires admin privileges.


  • groupJid (string): The group's JID (e.g.,
  • participantJid (string): The participant's JID (e.g.,


try {
    await conn.remove('', '');
    console.log('Participant removed successfully!');
} catch (err) {
    console.error(`Failed to remove participant: ${err.message}`);

Setting Up Commands with easy-baileys

To create and manage commands for your WhatsApp bot using easy-baileys, follow these steps:

  • Import loadCommands and getCommand from easy-baileys to manage your bot commands:

    const { loadCommands, getCommand } = require('easy-baileys');
  • Loading Commands:

    Use loadCommands to load commands from a specified directory. Example:

    // Load commands from the specified directory
    await loadCommands('./commands');
  • Handling Commands:

    Use getCommand to retrieve and execute commands based on incoming messages. Example:

    // Listen for new messages
    sock.ev.on("messages.upsert", async ({ messages }) => {
        for (const m of messages) {
            const { message } = m;
            const messageTypes = ['extendedTextMessage', 'conversation', 'imageMessage', 'videoMessage'];
            // Extract text from the message if it matches any of the specified types
            let text = messageTypes.reduce((acc, type) =>
                acc || (message[type] && (message[type].text || message[type].caption || message[type])) || '', '');
            // Convert the extracted text to lowercase for processing
            const response = text.toLowerCase();
            const prefix = ['!']; // Prefixes to identify commands
            // Check if the message starts with the prefix
            if (!prefix.some(p => response.startsWith(p))) {
            // Parse command name and arguments
            const [commandName, ...args] = response.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(/\s+/);
            // Get the corresponding command handler
            const command = await getCommand(commandName);
            // If the command is not found, log and continue
            if (!command) {
                console.log(`Command not found: ${commandName}`);
            // Execute the command
            try {
                await command.execute(sock, m, args);
            } catch (cmdError) {
                console.error(`Error executing command '${commandName}':`, cmdError.message);

Example Command File Structure

Here's an example structure for a Ping command (command/Ping.js):

module.exports = {
    usage: ["ping"],
    desc: "Checks the bot's response time.",
    commandType: "Bot",
    isGroupOnly: false,
    isAdminOnly: false,
    isPrivateOnly: false,
    emoji: 'πŸ“', // Ping pong emoji for fun

    async execute(sock, m) {
        try {
            // Get the timestamp before sending the message
            const startTime =;
            const latency = - startTime;
            await sock.reply(m, `πŸš€ Pong! ${latency}ms`);
        } catch (error) {
            await sock.reply(m, "❌ An error occurred while checking the ping: " + error);

Command Metadata Explanation:

  • usage: Array of strings defining how users can invoke the command.
  • desc: Brief description of what the command does.
  • commandType: Type of command (e.g., Bot, Admin).
  • isGroupOnly: Whether the command works only in group chats.
  • isAdminOnly: Whether the command is restricted to admins.
  • isPrivateOnly: Whether the command can only be used in private chats.
  • emoji: Emoji associated with the command for visual appeal.

Now you're all set to create and manage commands for your WhatsApp bot using easy-baileys! πŸš€βœ¨

Configuration Options βš™οΈ

  • browser: An array specifying the browser information (e.g., ["Ubuntu", "Chrome", "20.0.04"]).
  • printQRInTerminal: (Boolean) Display the QR code in the terminal (default: false).
  • mobile: (Boolean) Set to true if connecting from a mobile device.
  • Refer to the @whiskeysockets/baileys documentation for additional options.

Contributing 🀝

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit issues and pull requests.

Thanks to

WhiskeySockets bobslavtriev

License πŸ“„

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.




Package last updated on 20 Aug 2024

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