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editions - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.2.1 to 1.3.1



@@ -13,124 +13,198 @@ 'use strict';

// Imports
var pathUtil = require('path');
// Helper class to display nested error in a sensible way
var NestedError = function (_Error) {
_inherits(NestedError, _Error);
function NestedError(message /* :string */, parent /* :Error */) {
_classCallCheck(this, NestedError);
var DetailedError = function (_Error) {
_inherits(DetailedError, _Error);
message += ' due to next parent error';
function DetailedError(message /* :string */, details /* :Object */) {
_classCallCheck(this, DetailedError);
var _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (NestedError.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(NestedError)).call(this, message));
_this.stack += '\n\nParent ' + (parent.stack || parent.message || parent).toString();
return _this;
Object.keys(details).forEach(function (key) {
var data = details[key];
var value = require('util').inspect(data.stack || data.message || data);
message += '\n' + key + ': ' + value;
return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (DetailedError.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(DetailedError)).call(this, message));
return NestedError;
return DetailedError;
// Cache of which syntax combinations are supported or unsupported, hash of booleans
// Always the same
// Environment fetching
var blacklist = process && process.env && process.env.EDITIONS_SYNTAX_BLACKLIST && process.env.EDITIONS_SYNTAX_BLACKLIST.split(',');
// Cache of which syntax combinations are supported or unsupported, hash of booleans
var syntaxFailedCombitions = {}; // sorted lowercase syntax combination => Error instance of failure
var syntaxSupport = {
esnext: process && process.versions && process.versions.node && Number(process.versions.node.split('.').slice(0, 2).join('.')) < EARLIST_NODE_VERSION_THAT_SUPPORTS_ESNEXT ? false : null,
import: false,
coffeescript: false,
typescript: false
var syntaxBlacklist = {};
syntaxBlacklist.import = new Error('The import syntax is skipped as the module package.json field eliminates the need for autoloader support');
syntaxBlacklist.coffeescript = new Error('The coffeescript syntax is skipped as we want to use a precompiled edition rather than compiling at runtime');
syntaxBlacklist.typescript = new Error('The typescript syntax is skipped as we want to use a precompiled edition rather than compiling at runtime');
if (process && process.versions && process.versions.node && Number(process.versions.node.split('.').slice(0, 2).join('.')) < EARLIST_NODE_VERSION_THAT_SUPPORTS_ESNEXT) {
syntaxBlacklist.esnext = new Error('The esnext syntax is skipped on early node versions as attempting to use esnext features will output debugging information on these node versions');
// Check the environment configuration for a syntax blacklist
if (blacklist) {
for (var i = 0; i < blacklist.length; ++i) {
var syntax = blacklist[i].trim().toLowerCase();
syntaxBlacklist[syntax] = new DetailedError('The EDITIONS_SYNTAX_BLACKLIST environment variable has blacklisted an edition syntax:', { syntax: syntax, blacklist: blacklist });
/* ::
type edition = {
type options = {
* Cycle through the editions for a package and require the correct one
* @param {string} cwd - the path of the package, used to load package.json:editions and handle relative edition entry points
* @param {function} _require - the require method of the calling module, used to ensure require paths remain correct
* @param {string} [customEntry] - an optional override for the entry of an edition, requires the edition to specify a `directory` property
* @returns {void}
* Cycle through the editions and require the correct one
* @protected internal function that is untested for public consumption
* @param {edition} edition - the edition entry
* @param {Object} opts - the following options
* @param {string} opts.require - the require method of the calling module, used to ensure require paths remain correct
* @param {string} [opts.cwd] - if provided, this will be the cwd for entries
* @param {string} [opts.entry] - if provided, should be a relative or absolute path to the entry point of the edition
* @param {string} [opts.package] - if provided, should be the name of the package that we are loading the editions for
* @returns {*}
module.exports.requirePackage = function requirePackage(cwd /* :string */, _require /* :function */, customEntry /* :: ?:string */) /* : void */{
// Fetch the result of the debug value
// It is here to allow the environment to change it at runtime as needed
var debug = process && process.env && process.env.DEBUG_BEVRY_EDITIONS;
// const blacklist = process && process.env && process.env.DEBUG_BEVRY_IGNORE_BLACKLIST
function requireEdition(edition /* :edition */, opts /* :options */) /* :any */{
// Prevent require from being included in debug logs
Object.defineProperty(opts, 'require', { value: opts.require, enumerable: false });
// Load the package.json file to fetch `name` for debugging and `editions` for loading
var pathUtil = require('path');
var packagePath = pathUtil.join(cwd, 'package.json');
// Get the correct entry path
// As older versions o
var cwd = opts.cwd || '';
var dir = || '';
var entry = opts.entry || edition.entry || '';
if (dir && entry && entry.indexOf(dir + '/') === 0) entry = entry.substring(dir.length + 1);
// ^ this should not be needed, but as previous versions of editions included the directory inside the entry
// it unfortunately is, as such this is a stepping stone for the new format, the new format being
// if entry is specified by itself, it is cwd => entry
// if entry is specified with a directory, it is cwd => dir => entry
// if entry is not specified but dir is, it is cwd => dir
// if neither entry nor dir are specified, we have a problem
if (!dir && !entry) {
var editionFailure = new DetailedError('Skipped edition due to no entry or directory being specified:', { edition: edition, cwd: cwd, dir: dir, entry: entry });
throw editionFailure;
var entryPath = pathUtil.resolve(cwd, dir, entry);
var _require2 = require(packagePath);
// Check syntax support
// Convert syntaxes into a sorted lowercase string
var syntaxes = edition.syntaxes && (i) {
return i.toLowerCase();
var syntaxCombination = syntaxes && syntaxes.join(', ');
if (syntaxes && syntaxCombination) {
// Check if any of the syntaxes are unsupported
var unsupportedSyntaxes = syntaxes.filter(function (i) {
return syntaxBlacklist[i.toLowerCase()];
if (unsupportedSyntaxes.length) {
var _editionFailure = new DetailedError('Skipped edition due to it containing an unsupported syntax:', { edition: edition, unsupportedSyntaxes: unsupportedSyntaxes });
throw _editionFailure;
// Is this syntax combination unsupported? If so skip it with a soft failure to try the next edition
else if (syntaxFailedCombitions[syntaxCombination]) {
var previousCombinationFailure = syntaxFailedCombitions[syntaxCombination];
var _editionFailure2 = new DetailedError('Skipped edition due to its syntax combinatiom failing previously:', { edition: edition, previousCombinationFailure: previousCombinationFailure });
throw _editionFailure2;
var name =;
var editions = _require2.editions;
// name:string, editions:array
// Try and load this syntax combination
try {
return opts.require(entryPath);
} catch (error) {
// Note the error with more details
var _editionFailure3 = new DetailedError('Failed to load the edition due to a load error:', { edition: edition, error: error.stack });
// Blacklist the combination, even if it may have worked before
// Perhaps in the future note if that if it did work previously, then we should instruct module owners to be more specific with their syntaxes
if (syntaxCombination) syntaxFailedCombitions[syntaxCombination] = _editionFailure3;
// Continue to the next edition
throw _editionFailure3;
* Cycle through the editions and require the correct one
* @protected internal function that is untested for public consumption
* @param {Array<edition>} editions - an array of edition entries
* @param {Object} opts - the following options
* @param {string} opts.require - the require method of the calling module, used to ensure require paths remain correct
* @param {string} [opts.cwd] - if provided, this will be the cwd for entries
* @param {string} [opts.entry] - if provided, should be a relative path to the entry point of the edition
* @param {string} [opts.package] - if provided, should be the name of the package that we are loading the editions for
* @returns {*}
function requireEditions(editions /* :Array<edition> */, opts /* :options */) /* :any */{
// Extract
if (opts.package == null) opts.package = 'custom runtime package';
// Check
if (!editions || editions.length === 0) {
throw new Error('No editions have been specified for the package [' + name + ']');
throw new DetailedError('No editions were specified:', { opts: opts });
// Note the last error message
var lastEditionFailure = void 0;
var editionFailures = [];
// Cycle through the editions
for (var i = 0; i < editions.length; ++i) {
// Extract relevant parts out of the edition
// and generate a lower case, sorted, and joined combination of our syntax for caching
var _editions$i = editions[i];
var syntaxes = _editions$i.syntaxes;
var entry = _editions$i.entry;
var directory = _editions$;
// syntaxes:?array, entry:?string, directory:?string
for (var _i = 0; _i < editions.length; ++_i) {
var edition = editions[_i];
try {
return requireEdition(edition, opts);
} catch (err) {
// Checks with hard failures to alert the developer
// Through the error as no edition loaded
throw new DetailedError('There are no suitable editions for this environment:', { opts: opts, editions: editions, failures: editionFailures });
if (customEntry && !directory) {
throw new Error('The package [' + name + '] has no directory property on its editions which is required when using custom entry point: ' + customEntry);
} else if (!entry) {
throw new Error('The package [' + name + '] has no entry property on its editions which is required when using default entry');
* Cycle through the editions for a package and require the correct one
* @param {string} cwd - the path of the package, used to load package.json:editions and handle relative edition entry points
* @param {function} require - the require method of the calling module, used to ensure require paths remain correct
* @param {string} [entry] - an optional override for the entry of an edition, requires the edition to specify a `directory` property
* @returns {*}
function requirePackage(cwd /* :string */, require /* :function */, entry /* :: ?:string */) /* :any */{
// Load the package.json file to fetch `name` for debugging and `editions` for loading
var packagePath = pathUtil.resolve(cwd, 'package.json');
// Get the correct entry path
var entryPath = customEntry ? pathUtil.resolve(cwd, directory, customEntry) : pathUtil.resolve(cwd, entry);
var _require = require(packagePath);
// Check syntax support
// Convert syntaxes into a sorted lowercase string
var syntaxCombination = syntaxes && (i) {
return i.toLowerCase();
}).sort().join(', ');
if (syntaxCombination) {
// Check if any of the syntaxes are unsupported
var unsupportedSyntaxes = syntaxes.filter(function (i) {
return syntaxSupport[i.toLowerCase()] === false;
if (unsupportedSyntaxes.length) {
lastEditionFailure = new Error('Skipped package [' + name + '] edition at [' + entryPath + '] with unsupported syntaxes [' + unsupportedSyntaxes + ']');
if (debug) console.error('DEBUG: ' + lastEditionFailure.stack);
// Is this syntax combination unsupported? If so skip it with a soft failure to try the next edition
else if (syntaxFailedCombitions[syntaxCombination]) {
var syntaxFailure = syntaxFailedCombitions[syntaxCombination];
lastEditionFailure = new NestedError('Skipped package [' + name + '] edition at [' + entryPath + '] with blacklisted syntax combination [' + syntaxCombination + ']', syntaxFailure);
if (debug) console.error('DEBUG: ' + lastEditionFailure.stack);
var name =;
var editions = _require.editions;
// Try and load this syntax combination
try {
return _require(entryPath);
} catch (error) {
// Note the error with more details
lastEditionFailure = new NestedError('Unable to load package [' + name + '] edition at [' + entryPath + '] with syntax [' + (syntaxCombination || 'no syntaxes specified') + ']', error);
if (debug) console.error('DEBUG: ' + lastEditionFailure.stack);
var opts /* :options */ = { cwd: cwd, require: require };
if (name) opts.package = name;
if (entry) opts.entry = entry;
return requireEditions(editions, opts);
// Blacklist the combination, even if it may have worked before
// Perhaps in the future note if that if it did work previously, then we should instruct module owners to be more specific with their syntaxes
if (syntaxCombination) syntaxFailedCombitions[syntaxCombination] = lastEditionFailure;
// No edition was returned, so there is no suitable edition
if (!lastEditionFailure) lastEditionFailure = new Error('The package [' + name + '] failed without any actual errors...');
throw new NestedError('The package [' + name + '] has no suitable edition for this environment', lastEditionFailure);
// Exports
module.exports = { requireEdition: requireEdition, requireEditions: requireEditions, requirePackage: requirePackage };
# History
## v1.3.1 2016 October 11
- Fixed failure to load editions that had the edition directory within the edition entry
- Thanks to [Jordan Harband]( for [issue #20](
## v1.3.0 2016 October 11
- Added support for `EDITIONS_SYNTAX_BLACKLIST` environment variable
- Thanks to [Damon Maria]( for [issue #10](
- Dropped need for `DEBUG_BEVRY_EDITIONS` as failures will not output all the necessary debugging information
## v1.2.1 2016 October 10

@@ -4,0 +13,0 @@ - Change `esnext` skip from v8 engines < 4 to node engines < 0.12

"name": "editions",
"version": "1.2.1",
"version": "1.3.1",
"description": "Publish multiple editions for your JavaScript packages consistently and easily (e.g. source edition, esnext edition, es2015 edition)",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "homepage": "",

@@ -5,103 +5,182 @@ /* @flow */

// Imports
const pathUtil = require('path')
// Helper class to display nested error in a sensible way
class NestedError extends Error {
constructor (message /* :string */, parent /* :Error */) {
message += ' due to next parent error'
class DetailedError extends Error {
constructor (message /* :string */, details /* :Object */) {
Object.keys(details).forEach(function (key) {
const data = details[key]
const value = require('util').inspect(data.stack || data.message || data)
message += `\n${key}: ${value}`
this.stack += '\n\nParent ' + (parent.stack || parent.message || parent).toString()
// Always the same
// Environment fetching
const blacklist = process && process.env && process.env.EDITIONS_SYNTAX_BLACKLIST && process.env.EDITIONS_SYNTAX_BLACKLIST.split(',')
// Cache of which syntax combinations are supported or unsupported, hash of booleans
const syntaxFailedCombitions = {} // sorted lowercase syntax combination => Error instance of failure
const syntaxSupport = {
esnext: (process && process.versions && process.versions.node && Number(process.versions.node.split('.').slice(0, 2).join('.')) < EARLIST_NODE_VERSION_THAT_SUPPORTS_ESNEXT) ? false : null,
import: false,
coffeescript: false,
typescript: false
const syntaxBlacklist = {}
syntaxBlacklist.import = new Error('The import syntax is skipped as the module package.json field eliminates the need for autoloader support')
syntaxBlacklist.coffeescript = new Error('The coffeescript syntax is skipped as we want to use a precompiled edition rather than compiling at runtime')
syntaxBlacklist.typescript = new Error('The typescript syntax is skipped as we want to use a precompiled edition rather than compiling at runtime')
if ( process && process.versions && process.versions.node && Number(process.versions.node.split('.').slice(0, 2).join('.')) < EARLIST_NODE_VERSION_THAT_SUPPORTS_ESNEXT ) {
syntaxBlacklist.esnext = new Error('The esnext syntax is skipped on early node versions as attempting to use esnext features will output debugging information on these node versions')
// Check the environment configuration for a syntax blacklist
if ( blacklist ) {
for ( let i = 0; i < blacklist.length; ++i ) {
const syntax = blacklist[i].trim().toLowerCase()
syntaxBlacklist[syntax] = new DetailedError('The EDITIONS_SYNTAX_BLACKLIST environment variable has blacklisted an edition syntax:', {syntax, blacklist})
/* ::
type edition = {
type options = {
* Cycle through the editions for a package and require the correct one
* @param {string} cwd - the path of the package, used to load package.json:editions and handle relative edition entry points
* @param {function} _require - the require method of the calling module, used to ensure require paths remain correct
* @param {string} [customEntry] - an optional override for the entry of an edition, requires the edition to specify a `directory` property
* @returns {void}
* Cycle through the editions and require the correct one
* @protected internal function that is untested for public consumption
* @param {edition} edition - the edition entry
* @param {Object} opts - the following options
* @param {string} opts.require - the require method of the calling module, used to ensure require paths remain correct
* @param {string} [opts.cwd] - if provided, this will be the cwd for entries
* @param {string} [opts.entry] - if provided, should be a relative or absolute path to the entry point of the edition
* @param {string} [opts.package] - if provided, should be the name of the package that we are loading the editions for
* @returns {*}
module.exports.requirePackage = function requirePackage (cwd /* :string */, _require /* :function */, customEntry /* :: ?:string */ ) /* : void */ {
// Fetch the result of the debug value
// It is here to allow the environment to change it at runtime as needed
const debug = process && process.env && process.env.DEBUG_BEVRY_EDITIONS
// const blacklist = process && process.env && process.env.DEBUG_BEVRY_IGNORE_BLACKLIST
function requireEdition ( edition /* :edition */, opts /* :options */ ) /* :any */ {
// Prevent require from being included in debug logs
Object.defineProperty(opts, 'require', {value: opts.require, enumerable: false})
// Load the package.json file to fetch `name` for debugging and `editions` for loading
const pathUtil = require('path')
const packagePath = pathUtil.join(cwd, 'package.json')
const {name, editions} = require(packagePath)
// name:string, editions:array
// Get the correct entry path
// As older versions o
const cwd = opts.cwd || ''
const dir = || ''
let entry = opts.entry || edition.entry || ''
if ( dir && entry && entry.indexOf(dir + '/') === 0 ) entry = entry.substring(dir.length + 1)
// ^ this should not be needed, but as previous versions of editions included the directory inside the entry
// it unfortunately is, as such this is a stepping stone for the new format, the new format being
// if entry is specified by itself, it is cwd => entry
// if entry is specified with a directory, it is cwd => dir => entry
// if entry is not specified but dir is, it is cwd => dir
// if neither entry nor dir are specified, we have a problem
if ( !dir && !entry ) {
const editionFailure = new DetailedError('Skipped edition due to no entry or directory being specified:', {edition, cwd, dir, entry})
throw editionFailure
const entryPath = pathUtil.resolve(cwd, dir, entry)
// Check syntax support
// Convert syntaxes into a sorted lowercase string
const syntaxes = edition.syntaxes && => i.toLowerCase()).sort()
const syntaxCombination = syntaxes && syntaxes.join(', ')
if ( syntaxes && syntaxCombination ) {
// Check if any of the syntaxes are unsupported
const unsupportedSyntaxes = syntaxes.filter((i) => syntaxBlacklist[i.toLowerCase()])
if ( unsupportedSyntaxes.length ) {
const editionFailure = new DetailedError('Skipped edition due to it containing an unsupported syntax:', {edition, unsupportedSyntaxes})
throw editionFailure
// Is this syntax combination unsupported? If so skip it with a soft failure to try the next edition
else if ( syntaxFailedCombitions[syntaxCombination] ) {
const previousCombinationFailure = syntaxFailedCombitions[syntaxCombination]
const editionFailure = new DetailedError('Skipped edition due to its syntax combinatiom failing previously:', {edition, previousCombinationFailure})
throw editionFailure
// Try and load this syntax combination
try {
return opts.require(entryPath)
catch ( error ) {
// Note the error with more details
const editionFailure = new DetailedError('Failed to load the edition due to a load error:', {edition, error: error.stack})
// Blacklist the combination, even if it may have worked before
// Perhaps in the future note if that if it did work previously, then we should instruct module owners to be more specific with their syntaxes
if ( syntaxCombination ) syntaxFailedCombitions[syntaxCombination] = editionFailure
// Continue to the next edition
throw editionFailure
* Cycle through the editions and require the correct one
* @protected internal function that is untested for public consumption
* @param {Array<edition>} editions - an array of edition entries
* @param {Object} opts - the following options
* @param {string} opts.require - the require method of the calling module, used to ensure require paths remain correct
* @param {string} [opts.cwd] - if provided, this will be the cwd for entries
* @param {string} [opts.entry] - if provided, should be a relative path to the entry point of the edition
* @param {string} [opts.package] - if provided, should be the name of the package that we are loading the editions for
* @returns {*}
function requireEditions ( editions /* :Array<edition> */, opts /* :options */ ) /* :any */ {
// Extract
if ( opts.package == null ) opts.package = 'custom runtime package'
// Check
if ( !editions || editions.length === 0 ) {
throw new Error(`No editions have been specified for the package [${name}]`)
throw new DetailedError('No editions were specified:', {opts})
// Note the last error message
let lastEditionFailure
const editionFailures = []
// Cycle through the editions
for ( let i = 0; i < editions.length; ++i ) {
// Extract relevant parts out of the edition
// and generate a lower case, sorted, and joined combination of our syntax for caching
const {syntaxes, entry, directory} = editions[i]
// syntaxes:?array, entry:?string, directory:?string
// Checks with hard failures to alert the developer
if ( customEntry && !directory ) {
throw new Error(`The package [${name}] has no directory property on its editions which is required when using custom entry point: ${customEntry}`)
else if ( !entry ) {
throw new Error(`The package [${name}] has no entry property on its editions which is required when using default entry`)
// Get the correct entry path
const entryPath = customEntry ? pathUtil.resolve(cwd, directory, customEntry) : pathUtil.resolve(cwd, entry)
// Check syntax support
// Convert syntaxes into a sorted lowercase string
const syntaxCombination = syntaxes && => i.toLowerCase()).sort().join(', ')
if ( syntaxCombination ) {
// Check if any of the syntaxes are unsupported
const unsupportedSyntaxes = syntaxes.filter((i) => syntaxSupport[i.toLowerCase()] === false)
if ( unsupportedSyntaxes.length ) {
lastEditionFailure = new Error(`Skipped package [${name}] edition at [${entryPath}] with unsupported syntaxes [${unsupportedSyntaxes}]`)
if ( debug ) console.error(`DEBUG: ${lastEditionFailure.stack}`)
// Is this syntax combination unsupported? If so skip it with a soft failure to try the next edition
else if ( syntaxFailedCombitions[syntaxCombination] ) {
const syntaxFailure = syntaxFailedCombitions[syntaxCombination]
lastEditionFailure = new NestedError(`Skipped package [${name}] edition at [${entryPath}] with blacklisted syntax combination [${syntaxCombination}]`, syntaxFailure)
if ( debug ) console.error(`DEBUG: ${lastEditionFailure.stack}`)
// Try and load this syntax combination
const edition = editions[i]
try {
return _require(entryPath)
return requireEdition(edition, opts)
catch ( error ) {
// Note the error with more details
lastEditionFailure = new NestedError(`Unable to load package [${name}] edition at [${entryPath}] with syntax [${syntaxCombination || 'no syntaxes specified'}]`, error)
if ( debug ) console.error(`DEBUG: ${lastEditionFailure.stack}`)
// Blacklist the combination, even if it may have worked before
// Perhaps in the future note if that if it did work previously, then we should instruct module owners to be more specific with their syntaxes
if ( syntaxCombination ) syntaxFailedCombitions[syntaxCombination] = lastEditionFailure
catch ( err ) {
// No edition was returned, so there is no suitable edition
if ( !lastEditionFailure ) lastEditionFailure = new Error(`The package [${name}] failed without any actual errors...`)
throw new NestedError(`The package [${name}] has no suitable edition for this environment`, lastEditionFailure)
// Through the error as no edition loaded
throw new DetailedError('There are no suitable editions for this environment:', {opts, editions, failures: editionFailures})
* Cycle through the editions for a package and require the correct one
* @param {string} cwd - the path of the package, used to load package.json:editions and handle relative edition entry points
* @param {function} require - the require method of the calling module, used to ensure require paths remain correct
* @param {string} [entry] - an optional override for the entry of an edition, requires the edition to specify a `directory` property
* @returns {*}
function requirePackage (cwd /* :string */, require /* :function */, entry /* :: ?:string */ ) /* :any */ {
// Load the package.json file to fetch `name` for debugging and `editions` for loading
const packagePath = pathUtil.resolve(cwd, 'package.json')
const {name, editions} = require(packagePath)
const opts /* :options */ = {cwd, require}
if ( name ) opts.package = name
if ( entry ) opts.entry = entry
return requireEditions(editions, opts)
// Exports
module.exports = {requireEdition, requireEditions, requirePackage}
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