new filter for collection-nft-owners you can now get owners filtered by metadata JSON file name saved in the attributes field. This is optional. If there is not provided at least one file name, the filter will be ignored.
new functionality for getting the collection NFT owners' addresses, you can filter smart contract addresses, and also you can decide if you need unique addresses in a case when one address is an owner of a couple of NFTs from the collection
this update doesn't affect the interaction with the Elven Tools smart contract in any way
fix populate indexes after changes in the Elrond's architecture, check out: #34 for more details. It results in more transactions that have to be done. But for now, it is necessary.
added allowlist support, check out the docs at especially possible workflows
Switch to public and official API endpoints instead of gateway ones for three reasons. The first one is because the gateway is lately overloaded, and the second one is that they will probably be merged soon. There were also problems fetching the smart contract results with the gateway, which will be required for future improvements.