
I will not be focusing on backward compatibility with older ember-cli versions
as it's moving too fast and the API is constantly changing. I will always have
this working with the latest stable release of ember-cli.
To provide a toolchain tightly integrated with ember-cli to make developing hybrid
apps with cordova and ember as simple as possible.
Supported Platforms
Android and iOS. While we don't plan on actively supporting other platforms,
feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
Required Ember Versions
Releases as of 0.1.0 require Ember 2.x and ember-cli 2.3.0.
The lastest release for Ember 1.x is 0.0.19 and requires at least ember-cli >= 0.1.1
Getting Started
Please see our Getting Started guide
ember g cordova-init com.reverse.domain --platform=android
Required generator
that sets up the cordova project with a few tweaks to the ember app
- (optional)
ember g cordova-starter-kit
Adds some packages and files that makes up the
base setup for projects I develop.
ember cordova:open
open xcode project
ember cordova:build --environment=production --platform=ios
build cordova project
ember cordova:archive 0.0.2 --environment=staging --commit --tag
archive ios project with xcode
ember cordova:prepare
needs to be run after cloning a project
ember cordova
Passes commands(plugin(s), platform(s), run, emulate) and arguments to the cordova command
ember help
ember cli help with a section for addon provided commands as well
Documentation can be found found in the docs directory here.
Dependency Docs
Working with master
git clone https://github.com/poetic/ember-cli-cordova.git
cd ember-cli-cordova
npm i && bower i
npm link
ember new CordovaTest
cd CordovaTest
npm install --save-dev ember-cli-cordova
npm link ember-cli-cordova
After this, any changes you make to the cloned repo will be instantly reflected
in the test app you generated. It just symlinks the node_modules folder.
Example App
You can find an example app using this here: