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Package description

What is ember-cli-htmlbars?

The ember-cli-htmlbars package is an Ember CLI addon that provides a precompiler for Handlebars templates. It allows you to write Handlebars templates in your Ember.js applications and have them compiled into JavaScript functions that can be rendered efficiently.

What are ember-cli-htmlbars's main functionalities?

Precompiling Handlebars Templates

This feature allows you to precompile Handlebars templates into JavaScript functions. The `hbs` tagged template literal is used to define a Handlebars template, which is then compiled by ember-cli-htmlbars.

import { hbs } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars';

export default hbs`<div>{{yield}}</div>`;

Integration with Ember CLI

The package integrates seamlessly with Ember CLI, allowing you to easily add it to your Ember.js project using the Ember CLI command line tool.

ember install ember-cli-htmlbars

Template Compilation

This feature provides a function to compile Handlebars templates into JavaScript functions programmatically. The `compileTemplate` function takes a Handlebars template string and returns a compiled template function.

import { compileTemplate } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars';

const template = compileTemplate('<div>{{yield}}</div>');

Other packages similar to ember-cli-htmlbars



Ember CLI HTMLBars

Build Status Build status

Handlebars 2.0 Support

Handlebars 2.0 support has been removed. If you are using ember-cli-htmlbars with a 1.9.x project please continue to use ember-cli-htmlbars@0.6.x.

Using as a Broccoli Plugin

var HtmlbarsCompiler = require('ember-cli-htmlbars');

var templateTree = new HtmlbarsCompiler('app/templates', {
  isHTMLBars: true,

  // provide the templateCompiler that is paired with your Ember version
  templateCompiler: require('./bower_components/ember/ember-template-compiler')

Registering a Plugin

var SomeTransform = require('./some-path/transform');

module.exports = {
  name: 'my-addon-name',

  included: function() {
    // we have to wrap these in an object so the ember-cli
    // registry doesn't try to call `new` on them (new is actually
    // called within htmlbars when compiling a given template).'htmlbars-ast-plugin', {
      name: 'some-transform',
      plugin: SomeTransform
Options for registering a htmlbars-ast-plugin
  • name - String. The name of the AST transform for debugging purposes.
  • plugin - A function of type ASTPluginBuilder.
  • dependencyInvalidation - Boolean. A flag that indicates the AST Plugin may, on a per-template basis, depend on other files that affect its output.
  • cacheKey - function that returns any JSON-compatible value - The value returned is used to invalidate the persistent cache across restarts, usually in the case of a dependency or configuration change.
  • baseDir - () => string. A function that returns the directory on disk of the npm module for the plugin. If provided, a basic cache invalidation is performed if any of the dependencies change (e.g. due to a npm install/upgrade).
Implementing Dependency Invalidation in an AST Plugin

Plugins that set the dependencyInvalidation option to true can provide function for the plugin of type ASTDependencyPlugin as given below.

Note: the plugin function is invoked without a value for this in context.

import {ASTPluginBuilder, ASTPlugin} from "@glimmer/syntax/dist/types/lib/parser/tokenizer-event-handlers";

export type ASTDependencyPlugin = ASTPluginWithDepsBuilder | ASTPluginBuilderWithDeps;

export interface ASTPluginWithDepsBuilder {
  (env: ASTPluginEnvironment): ASTPluginWithDeps;

export interface ASTPluginBuilderWithDeps extends ASTPluginBuilder {
   * @see {ASTPluginWithDeps.dependencies} below.
  dependencies(relativePath): string[];

export interface ASTPluginWithDeps extends ASTPlugin {
   * If this method exists, it is called with the relative path to the current
   * file just before processing starts. Use this method to reset the
   * dependency tracking state associated with the file.
  resetDependencies?(relativePath: string): void;
   * This method is called just as the template finishes being processed.
   * @param relativePath {string} A relative path to the file that may have dependencies.
   * @return {string[]} paths to files that are a dependency for the given
   * file. Any relative paths returned by this method are taken to be relative
   * to the file that was processed.
  dependencies(relativePath: string): string[];

Precompile HTMLBars template strings within other addons

module.exports = {
  name: 'my-addon-name',

  setupPreprocessorRegistry: function(type, registry) {
    var htmlbarsPlugin = registry.load('template').find(function(plugin) {
      return === 'ember-cli-htmlbars';

    // precompile any htmlbars template string via the precompile method on the
    // ember-cli-htmlbars plugin wrapper; `precompiled` will be a string of the
    // form:
    //   Ember.HTMLBars.template(function() {...})
    var precompiled = htmlbarsPlugin.precompile("{{my-component}}");



Last updated on 28 Jun 2019

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