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emotion-utils - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 8.0.10 to 8.0.11



@@ -6,3 +6,2 @@ 'use strict';

// murmurhash2 via
function hashString(str) {

@@ -21,10 +20,7 @@ return hash(str, str.length).toString(36);

var k = UInt32(str, currentIndex);
k = Umul32(k, m);
k ^= k >>> r;
k = Umul32(k, m);
h = Umul32(h, m);
h ^= k;
currentIndex += 4;

@@ -55,3 +51,2 @@ length -= 4;

h ^= h >>> 15;
return h >>> 0;

@@ -77,250 +72,880 @@ }

var pa = function fa(ha) {
function V(b, c, d, h, l) {
for (var a = 0, f = 0, m = 0, e = 0, r, q, k, w = 0, B = 0, C = 0, z = 0, n = r = 0, G = 0, p = 0, y = q = 0, L = 0, t = 0, D = d.length, M = D - 1, v, g = "", u = "", S = "", N = "", H; p < D;) {
k = d.charCodeAt(p);if (0 === f + e + m + a) {
if (p === M && (0 < q && (g = g.replace(P, "")), 0 < g.trim().length)) {
switch (k) {case 32:case 9:case 59:case 13:case 10:
g += d.charAt(p);}k = 59;
}if (1 === y) switch (k) {case 123:case 44:
y = 0;break;case 9:case 13:case 10:case 32:
p--, k = 59;}switch (k) {case 123:
g = g.trim();r = g.charCodeAt(0);z = 1;for (t = ++p; p < D;) {
k = d.charCodeAt(p);switch (k) {case 123:
z++;break;case 125:
z--;}if (0 === z) break;p++;
}n = d.substring(t, p);0 === r && (r = (g = g.replace(qa, "").trim()).charCodeAt(0));switch (r) {case 64:
0 < q && (g = g.replace(P, ""));q = g.charCodeAt(1);switch (q) {case 100:case 109:case 115:
k = c;break;default:
k = W;}n = V(c, k, n, q, l + 1);t = n.length;0 < X && 0 === t && (t = g.length);0 < E && (k = ia(W, g, L), H = O(3, n, k, c, I, A, t, q, l), g = k.join(""), void 0 !== H && 0 === (t = (n = H.trim()).length) && (q = 0, n = ""));if (0 < t) switch (q) {case 115:
g = g.replace(ra, sa);case 100:case 109:
n = g + "{" + n + "}";break;case 107:
g = g.replace(ta, "$1 $2" + (0 < Q ? T : ""));n = g + "{" + n + "}";n = 1 === x || 2 === x && U("@" + n, 3) ? "@-webkit-" + n + "@" + n : "@" + n;break;default:
n = g + n;} else n = "";break;default:
n = V(c, ia(c, g, L), n, h, l + 1);}S += n;n = L = q = G = y = r = 0;g = "";k = d.charCodeAt(++p);break;case 125:case 59:
g = (0 < q ? g.replace(P, "") : g).trim();if (1 < (t = g.length)) switch (0 === G && (r = g.charCodeAt(0), 45 === r || 96 < r && 123 > r) && (t = (g = g.replace(" ", ":")).length), 0 < E && void 0 !== (H = O(1, g, c, b, I, A, u.length, h, l)) && 0 === (t = (g = H.trim()).length) && (g = "\x00\x00"), r = g.charCodeAt(0), q = g.charCodeAt(1), r + q) {case 0:
break;case 169:case 163:
N += g + d.charAt(p);break;default:
58 !== g.charCodeAt(t - 1) && (u += ja(g, r, q, g.charCodeAt(2)));}L = q = G = y = r = 0;g = "";k = d.charCodeAt(++p);}
}switch (k) {case 13:case 10:
if (0 === f + e + m + a + ka) switch (C) {case 41:case 39:case 34:case 64:case 126:case 62:case 42:case 43:case 47:case 45:case 58:case 44:case 59:case 123:case 125:
0 < G && (y = 1);}47 === f && (f = 0);0 < E * la && O(0, g, c, b, I, A, u.length, h, l);A = 1;I++;break;case 59:case 125:
var oa = function ea(fa) {
function V(b, c, d, k, l) {
for (var a = 0, f = 0, m = 0, e = 0, q, p, h, w = 0, C = 0, D = 0, z = 0, n = q = 0, F = 0, r = 0, y = p = 0, K = 0, u = 0, L = d.length, M = L - 1, v, g = "", t = "", S = "", N = "", G; r < L;) {
h = d.charCodeAt(r);
r === M && 0 !== f + e + m + a && (0 !== f && (h = 47 === f ? 10 : 47), e = m = a = 0, L++, M++);
if (0 === f + e + m + a) {
if (r === M && (0 < p && (g = g.replace(P, "")), 0 < g.trim().length)) {
switch (h) {
case 32:
case 9:
case 59:
case 13:
case 10:
g += d.charAt(r);
h = 59;
if (1 === y) switch (h) {
case 123:
case 44:
y = 0;
case 9:
case 13:
case 10:
case 32:
r--, h = 59;
switch (h) {
case 123:
g = g.trim();
q = g.charCodeAt(0);
z = 1;
for (u = ++r; r < L;) {
h = d.charCodeAt(r);
switch (h) {
case 123:
case 125:
if (0 === z) break;
n = d.substring(u, r);
0 === q && (q = (g = g.replace(pa, "").trim()).charCodeAt(0));
switch (q) {
case 64:
0 < p && (g = g.replace(P, ""));
p = g.charCodeAt(1);
switch (p) {
case 100:
case 109:
case 115:
case 45:
h = c;
h = W;
n = V(c, h, n, p, l + 1);
u = n.length;
0 < X && 0 === u && (u = g.length);
0 < E && (h = ha(W, g, K), G = O(3, n, h, c, H, A, u, p, l), g = h.join(""), void 0 !== G && 0 === (u = (n = G.trim()).length) && (p = 0, n = ""));
if (0 < u) switch (p) {
case 115:
g = g.replace(qa, ra);
case 100:
case 109:
case 45:
n = g + "{" + n + "}";
case 107:
g = g.replace(sa, "$1 $2" + (0 < Q ? T : ""));
n = g + "{" + n + "}";
n = 1 === x || 2 === x && U("@" + n, 3) ? "@-webkit-" + n + "@" + n : "@" + n;
n = g + n, 112 === k && (n = (t += n, ""));
} else n = "";
n = V(c, ha(c, g, K), n, k, l + 1);
S += n;
n = K = p = F = y = q = 0;
g = "";
h = d.charCodeAt(++r);
case 125:
case 59:
g = (0 < p ? g.replace(P, "") : g).trim();
if (1 < (u = g.length)) switch (0 === F && (q = g.charCodeAt(0), 45 === q || 96 < q && 123 > q) && (u = (g = g.replace(" ", ":")).length), 0 < E && void 0 !== (G = O(1, g, c, b, H, A, t.length, k, l)) && 0 === (u = (g = G.trim()).length) && (g = "\x00\x00"), q = g.charCodeAt(0), p = g.charCodeAt(1), q + p) {
case 0:
case 169:
case 163:
N += g + d.charAt(r);
58 !== g.charCodeAt(u - 1) && (t += ia(g, q, p, g.charCodeAt(2)));
K = p = F = y = q = 0;
g = "";
h = d.charCodeAt(++r);
switch (h) {
case 13:
case 10:
if (0 === f + e + m + a + ja) switch (D) {
case 41:
case 39:
case 34:
case 64:
case 126:
case 62:
case 42:
case 43:
case 47:
case 45:
case 58:
case 44:
case 59:
case 123:
case 125:
0 < F && (y = 1);
47 === f ? f = 0 : 0 === B + q && (p = 1, g += "\x00");
0 < E * ka && O(0, g, c, b, H, A, t.length, k, l);
A = 1;
case 59:
case 125:
if (0 === f + e + m + a) {
A++;v = d.charAt(p);switch (k) {case 9:case 32:
if (0 === e + a) switch (w) {case 44:case 58:case 9:case 32:
v = "";break;default:
32 !== k && (v = " ");}break;case 0:
v = "\\0";break;case 12:
v = "\\f";break;case 11:
v = "\\v";break;case 38:
0 === e + f + a && 0 < F && (q = L = 1, v = "\f" + v);break;case 108:
if (0 === e + f + a + J && 0 < G) switch (p - G) {case 2:
112 === w && 58 === d.charCodeAt(p - 3) && (J = w);case 8:
111 === B && (J = B);}break;case 58:
0 === e + f + a && (G = p);break;case 44:
0 === f + m + e + a && (q = 1, v += "\r");break;case 34:
0 === f && (e = e === k ? 0 : 0 === e ? k : e, p === M && (M++, D++));break;case 39:
0 === f && (e = e === k ? 0 : 0 === e ? k : e, p === M && (M++, D++));break;case 91:
0 === e + f + m && a++;break;case 93:
0 === e + f + m && a--;break;case 41:
0 === e + f + a && (p === M && (M++, D++), m--);break;case 40:
v = d.charAt(r);
switch (h) {
case 9:
case 32:
if (0 === e + a + f) switch (w) {
case 44:
case 58:
case 9:
case 32:
v = "";
32 !== h && (v = " ");
case 0:
v = "\\0";
case 12:
v = "\\f";
case 11:
v = "\\v";
case 38:
0 === e + f + a && 0 < B && (p = K = 1, v = "\f" + v);
case 108:
if (0 === e + f + a + I && 0 < F) switch (r - F) {
case 2:
112 === w && 58 === d.charCodeAt(r - 3) && (I = w);
case 8:
111 === C && (I = C);
case 58:
0 === e + f + a && (F = r);
case 44:
0 === f + m + e + a && (p = 1, v += "\r");
case 34:
0 === f && (e = e === h ? 0 : 0 === e ? h : e);
case 39:
0 === f && (e = e === h ? 0 : 0 === e ? h : e);
case 91:
0 === e + f + m && a++;
case 93:
0 === e + f + m && a--;
case 41:
0 === e + f + a && m--;
case 40:
if (0 === e + f + a) {
if (0 === r) switch (2 * w + 3 * B) {case 533:
z = 0, r = 1;}m++;
}break;case 64:
0 === f + m + e + a + G + n && (n = 1);break;case 42:case 47:
if (!(0 < e + a + m)) switch (f) {case 0:
switch (2 * k + 3 * d.charCodeAt(p + 1)) {case 235:
f = 47;break;case 220:
t = p, f = 42;}break;case 42:
47 === k && 42 === w && (33 === d.charCodeAt(t + 2) && (u += d.substring(t, p + 1)), v = "", f = 0);}}if (0 === f) {
if (0 === F + e + a + n && 107 !== h && 59 !== k) switch (k) {case 44:case 126:case 62:case 43:case 41:case 40:
if (0 === r) {
switch (w) {case 9:case 32:case 10:case 13:
v += "\x00";break;default:
v = "\x00" + v + (44 === k ? "" : "\x00");}q = 1;
} else switch (k) {case 40:
r = ++z;break;case 41:
0 === (r = --z) && (q = 1, v += "\x00");}break;case 32:
switch (w) {case 0:case 123:case 125:case 59:case 44:case 12:case 9:case 32:case 10:case 13:
0 === r && (q = 1, v += "\x00");}}g += v;32 !== k && (C = k);
}}B = w;w = k;p++;
}t = u.length;0 < X && 0 === t && 0 === S.length && 0 === c[0].length === !1 && (109 !== h || 1 === c.length && (0 < F ? K : R) === c[0]) && (t = c.join(",").length + 2);if (0 < t) {
if (0 === F && 107 !== h) {
d = 0;a = c.length;for (f = Array(a); d < a; ++d) {
w = c[d].split(ua);B = "";C = 0;for (D = w.length; C < D; ++C) {
if (!(0 === (z = (e = w[C]).length) && 1 < D)) {
p = B.charCodeAt(B.length - 1);L = e.charCodeAt(0);m = "";if (0 !== C) switch (p) {case 42:case 126:case 62:case 43:case 32:case 40:
m = " ";}switch (L) {case 38:
e = m + K;case 126:case 62:case 43:case 32:case 41:case 40:
break;case 91:
e = m + e + K;break;case 58:
switch (2 * e.charCodeAt(1) + 3 * e.charCodeAt(2)) {case 530:
if (0 === q) switch (2 * w + 3 * C) {
case 533:
z = 0, q = 1;
case 64:
0 === f + m + e + a + F + n && (n = 1);
case 42:
case 47:
if (!(0 < e + a + m)) switch (f) {
case 0:
switch (2 * h + 3 * d.charCodeAt(r + 1)) {
case 235:
f = 47;
case 220:
u = r, f = 42;
case 42:
47 === h && 42 === w && (33 === d.charCodeAt(u + 2) && (t += d.substring(u, r + 1)), v = "", f = 0);
if (0 === f) {
if (0 === B + e + a + n && 107 !== k && 59 !== h) switch (h) {
case 44:
case 126:
case 62:
case 43:
case 41:
case 40:
if (0 === q) {
switch (w) {
case 9:
case 32:
case 10:
case 13:
v += "\x00";
v = "\x00" + v + (44 === h ? "" : "\x00");
p = 1;
} else switch (h) {
case 40:
q = ++z;
case 41:
0 === (q = --z) && (p = 1, v += "\x00");
case 9:
case 32:
switch (w) {
case 0:
case 123:
case 125:
case 59:
case 44:
case 12:
case 9:
case 32:
case 10:
case 13:
0 === q && (p = 1, v += "\x00");
g += v;
32 !== h && 9 !== h && (D = h);
C = w;
w = h;
u = t.length;
0 < X && 0 === u && 0 === S.length && 0 === c[0].length === !1 && (109 !== k || 1 === c.length && (0 < B ? J : R) === c[0]) && (u = c.join(",").length + 2);
if (0 < u) {
if (0 === B && 107 !== k) {
d = 0;
a = c.length;
for (f = Array(a); d < a; ++d) {
w = c[d].split(ta);
C = "";
D = 0;
for (L = w.length; D < L; ++D) {
if (!(0 === (z = (e = w[D]).length) && 1 < L)) {
r = C.charCodeAt(C.length - 1);
K = e.charCodeAt(0);
m = "";
if (0 !== D) switch (r) {
case 42:
case 126:
case 62:
case 43:
case 32:
case 40:
m = " ";
switch (K) {
case 38:
e = m + J;
case 126:
case 62:
case 43:
case 32:
case 41:
case 40:
case 91:
e = m + e + J;
case 58:
switch (2 * e.charCodeAt(1) + 3 * e.charCodeAt(2)) {
case 530:
if (0 < Y) {
e = m + e.substring(8, z - 1);break;
if (1 > C || 1 > w[C - 1].length) e = m + K + e;}break;case 44:
m = "";default:
e = 1 < z && 0 < e.indexOf(":") ? m + e.replace(va, "$1" + K + "$2") : m + e + K;}B += e;
e = m + e.substring(8, z - 1);
if (1 > D || 1 > w[D - 1].length) e = m + J + e;
case 44:
m = "";
e = 1 < z && 0 < e.indexOf(":") ? m + e.replace(ua, "$1" + J + "$2") : m + e + J;
C += e;
}f[d] = B.replace(P, "").trim();
}c = f;
}k = c;if (0 < E && (H = O(2, u, k, b, I, A, t, h, l), void 0 !== H && 0 === (u = H).length)) return N + u + S;u = k.join(",") + "{" + u + "}";if (0 !== x * J) {
2 !== x || U(u, 2) || (J = 0);switch (J) {case 111:
u = u.replace(wa, ":-moz-$1") + u;break;case 112:
u = u.replace(Z, "::-webkit-input-$1") + u.replace(Z, "::-moz-$1") + u.replace(Z, ":-ms-input-$1") + u;}J = 0;
f[d] = C.replace(P, "").trim();
c = f;
}return N + u + S;
}function ia(b, c, d) {
var h = c.trim().split(xa);c = h;var l = h.length,
a = b.length;switch (a) {case 0:case 1:
var f = 0;for (b = 0 === a ? "" : b[0] + " "; f < l; ++f) {
c[f] = ma(b, c[f], d, a).trim();
var m = f = 0;for (c = []; f < l; ++f) {
h = c;
if (0 < E && (G = O(2, t, h, b, H, A, u, k, l), void 0 !== G && 0 === (t = G).length)) return N + t + S;
t = h.join(",") + "{" + t + "}";
if (0 !== x * I) {
2 !== x || U(t, 2) || (I = 0);
switch (I) {
case 111:
t = t.replace(va, ":-moz-$1") + t;
case 112:
t = t.replace(Z, "::-webkit-input-$1") + t.replace(Z, "::-moz-$1") + t.replace(Z, ":-ms-input-$1") + t;
I = 0;
return N + t + S;
function ha(b, c, d) {
var k = c.trim().split(wa);
c = k;
var l = k.length,
a = b.length;
switch (a) {
case 0:
case 1:
var f = 0;
for (b = 0 === a ? "" : b[0] + " "; f < l; ++f) {
c[f] = la(b, c[f], d, a).trim();
var m = f = 0;
for (c = []; f < l; ++f) {
for (var e = 0; e < a; ++e) {
c[m++] = ma(b[e] + " ", h[f], d, a).trim();
c[m++] = la(b[e] + " ", k[f], d, a).trim();
}}return c;
}function ma(b, c, d, h) {
var l = c.charCodeAt(0);33 > l && (l = (c = c.trim()).charCodeAt(0));switch (l) {case 38:
switch (F + h) {case 0:case 1:
if (0 === b.trim().length) break;default:
return c.replace(N, "$1" + b.trim());}break;case 58:
switch (c.charCodeAt(1)) {case 103:
if (0 < Y && 0 < F) return c.replace(ya, "$1").replace(N, "$1" + R);break;default:
return b.trim() + c;}default:
if (0 < d * F && 0 < c.indexOf("\f")) return c.replace(N, (58 === b.charCodeAt(0) ? "" : "$1") + b.trim());}return b + c;
}function ja(b, c, d, h) {
return c;
function la(b, c, d, k) {
var l = c.charCodeAt(0);
33 > l && (l = (c = c.trim()).charCodeAt(0));
switch (l) {
case 38:
switch (B + k) {
case 0:
case 1:
if (0 === b.trim().length) break;
return c.replace(M, "$1" + b.trim());
case 58:
switch (c.charCodeAt(1)) {
case 103:
if (0 < Y && 0 < B) return c.replace(xa, "$1").replace(M, "$1" + R);
return b.trim() + c;
if (0 < d * B && 0 < c.indexOf("\f")) return c.replace(M, (58 === b.charCodeAt(0) ? "" : "$1") + b.trim());
return b + c;
function ia(b, c, d, k) {
var l = 0,
a = b + ";";c = 2 * c + 3 * d + 4 * h;if (944 === c) {
l = a.length;b = a.indexOf(":", 9) + 1;d = a.substring(0, b).trim();h = a.substring(b, l - 1).trim();switch (a.charCodeAt(9) * Q) {case 0:
break;case 45:
if (110 !== a.charCodeAt(10)) break;default:
for (a = h.split((h = "", za)), b = c = 0, l = a.length; c < l; b = 0, ++c) {
for (var f = a[c], m = f.split(Aa); f = m[b];) {
var e = f.charCodeAt(0);if (1 === Q && (64 < e && 90 > e || 96 < e && 123 > e || 95 === e || 45 === e && 45 !== f.charCodeAt(1))) switch (isNaN(parseFloat(f)) + (-1 !== f.indexOf("("))) {case 1:
switch (f) {case "infinite":case "alternate":case "backwards":case "running":case "normal":case "forwards":case "both":case "none":case "linear":case "ease":case "ease-in":case "ease-out":case "ease-in-out":case "paused":case "reverse":case "alternate-reverse":case "inherit":case "initial":case "unset":case "step-start":case "step-end":
a = b + ";";
c = 2 * c + 3 * d + 4 * k;
if (944 === c) {
l = a.length;
b = a.indexOf(":", 9) + 1;
d = a.substring(0, b).trim();
k = a.substring(b, l - 1).trim();
switch (a.charCodeAt(9) * Q) {
case 0:
case 45:
if (110 !== a.charCodeAt(10)) break;
for (a = k.split((k = "", ya)), b = c = 0, l = a.length; c < l; b = 0, ++c) {
for (var f = a[c], m = f.split(za); f = m[b];) {
var e = f.charCodeAt(0);
if (1 === Q && (64 < e && 90 > e || 96 < e && 123 > e || 95 === e || 45 === e && 45 !== f.charCodeAt(1))) switch (isNaN(parseFloat(f)) + (-1 !== f.indexOf("("))) {
case 1:
switch (f) {
case "infinite":
case "alternate":
case "backwards":
case "running":
case "normal":
case "forwards":
case "both":
case "none":
case "linear":
case "ease":
case "ease-in":
case "ease-out":
case "ease-in-out":
case "paused":
case "reverse":
case "alternate-reverse":
case "inherit":
case "initial":
case "unset":
case "step-start":
case "step-end":
f += T;}}m[b++] = f;
}h += (0 === c ? "" : ",") + m.join(" ");
}}h = d + h + ";";return 1 === x || 2 === x && U(h, 1) ? "-webkit-" + h + h : h;
}if (0 === x || 2 === x && !U(a, 1)) return a;switch (c) {case 1015:
return 45 === a.charCodeAt(9) ? "-webkit-" + a + a : a;case 951:
return 116 === a.charCodeAt(3) ? "-webkit-" + a + a : a;case 963:
return 110 === a.charCodeAt(5) ? "-webkit-" + a + a : a;case 969:case 942:
return "-webkit-" + a + a;case 978:
return "-webkit-" + a + "-moz-" + a + a;case 1019:case 983:
return "-webkit-" + a + "-moz-" + a + "-ms-" + a + a;case 883:
return 45 === a.charCodeAt(8) ? "-webkit-" + a + a : a;case 932:
return "-webkit-" + a + "-ms-" + a + a;case 964:
return "-webkit-" + a + "-ms-flex-" + a + a;case 1023:
if (99 !== a.charCodeAt(8)) break;b = a.substring(a.indexOf(":", 15)).replace("flex-", "").replace("space-between", "justify");return "-webkit-box-pack" + b + "-webkit-" + a + "-ms-flex-pack" + b + a;case 1005:
return Ba.test(a) ? a.replace(na, ":-webkit-") + a.replace(na, ":-moz-") + a : a;case 1E3:
b = a.substring(13).trim();l = b.indexOf("-") + 1;switch (b.charCodeAt(0) + b.charCodeAt(l)) {case 226:
b = a.replace(aa, "tb");break;case 232:
b = a.replace(aa, "tb-rl");break;case 220:
b = a.replace(aa, "lr");break;default:
return a;}return "-webkit-" + a + "-ms-" + b + a;case 1017:
if (-1 === a.indexOf("sticky", 9)) break;case 975:
l = (a = b).length - 10;b = (33 === a.charCodeAt(l) ? a.substring(0, l) : a).substring(b.indexOf(":", 7) + 1).trim();switch (c = b.charCodeAt(0) + (b.charCodeAt(7) | 0)) {case 203:
if (111 > b.charCodeAt(8)) break;case 115:
a = a.replace(b, "-webkit-" + b) + ";" + a;break;case 207:case 102:
a = a.replace(b, "-webkit-" + (102 < c ? "inline-" : "") + "box") + ";" + a.replace(b, "-webkit-" + b) + ";" + a.replace(b, "-ms-" + b + "box") + ";" + a;}return a + ";";case 938:
if (45 === a.charCodeAt(5)) switch (a.charCodeAt(6)) {case 105:
return b = a.replace("-items", ""), "-webkit-" + a + "-webkit-box-" + b + "-ms-flex-" + b + a;case 115:
return "-webkit-" + a + "-ms-flex-item-" + a.replace(Ca, "") + a;default:
return "-webkit-" + a + "-ms-flex-line-pack" + a.replace("align-content", "") + a;}break;case 953:
if (0 < (l = a.indexOf("-content", 9)) && 109 === a.charCodeAt(l - 3) && 45 !== a.charCodeAt(l - 4)) return b = a.substring(l - 3), "width:-webkit-" + b + "width:-moz-" + b + "width:" + b;break;case 962:
if (a = "-webkit-" + a + (102 === a.charCodeAt(5) ? "-ms-" + a : "") + a, 211 === d + h && 105 === a.charCodeAt(13) && 0 < a.indexOf("transform", 10)) return a.substring(0, a.indexOf(";", 27) + 1).replace(Da, "$1-webkit-$2") + a;}return a;
}function U(b, c) {
f += T;
m[b++] = f;
k += (0 === c ? "" : ",") + m.join(" ");
k = d + k + ";";
return 1 === x || 2 === x && U(k, 1) ? "-webkit-" + k + k : k;
if (0 === x || 2 === x && !U(a, 1)) return a;
switch (c) {
case 1015:
return 45 === a.charCodeAt(9) ? "-webkit-" + a + a : a;
case 951:
return 116 === a.charCodeAt(3) ? "-webkit-" + a + a : a;
case 963:
return 110 === a.charCodeAt(5) ? "-webkit-" + a + a : a;
case 1009:
if (100 !== a.charCodeAt(4)) break;
case 969:
case 942:
return "-webkit-" + a + a;
case 978:
return "-webkit-" + a + "-moz-" + a + a;
case 1019:
case 983:
return "-webkit-" + a + "-moz-" + a + "-ms-" + a + a;
case 883:
return 45 === a.charCodeAt(8) ? "-webkit-" + a + a : a;
case 932:
if (45 === a.charCodeAt(4)) switch (a.charCodeAt(5)) {
case 103:
return "-webkit-box-" + a.replace("-grow", "") + "-ms-" + a.replace("grow", "positive") + a;
case 115:
return "-ms-" + a.replace("shrink", "negative") + a;
case 98:
return "-ms-" + a.replace("basis", "preferred-size") + a;
return "-webkit-" + a + "-ms-" + a + a;
case 964:
return "-webkit-" + a + "-ms-flex-" + a + a;
case 1023:
if (99 !== a.charCodeAt(8)) break;
b = a.substring(a.indexOf(":", 15)).replace("flex-", "").replace("space-between", "justify");
return "-webkit-box-pack" + b + "-webkit-" + a + "-ms-flex-pack" + b + a;
case 1005:
return Aa.test(a) ? a.replace(ma, ":-webkit-") + a.replace(ma, ":-moz-") + a : a;
case 1E3:
b = a.substring(13).trim();
l = b.indexOf("-") + 1;
switch (b.charCodeAt(0) + b.charCodeAt(l)) {
case 226:
b = a.replace(N, "tb");
case 232:
b = a.replace(N, "tb-rl");
case 220:
b = a.replace(N, "lr");
return a;
return "-webkit-" + a + "-ms-" + b + a;
case 1017:
if (-1 === a.indexOf("sticky", 9)) break;
case 975:
l = (a = b).length - 10;
b = (33 === a.charCodeAt(l) ? a.substring(0, l) : a).substring(b.indexOf(":", 7) + 1).trim();
switch (c = b.charCodeAt(0) + (b.charCodeAt(7) | 0)) {
case 203:
if (111 > b.charCodeAt(8)) break;
case 115:
a = a.replace(b, "-webkit-" + b) + ";" + a;
case 207:
case 102:
a = a.replace(b, "-webkit-" + (102 < c ? "inline-" : "") + "box") + ";" + a.replace(b, "-webkit-" + b) + ";" + a.replace(b, "-ms-" + b + "box") + ";" + a;
return a + ";";
case 938:
if (45 === a.charCodeAt(5)) switch (a.charCodeAt(6)) {
case 105:
return b = a.replace("-items", ""), "-webkit-" + a + "-webkit-box-" + b + "-ms-flex-" + b + a;
case 115:
return "-webkit-" + a + "-ms-flex-item-" + a.replace(Ba, "") + a;
return "-webkit-" + a + "-ms-flex-line-pack" + a.replace("align-content", "") + a;
case 953:
if (0 < (l = a.indexOf("-content", 9)) && 109 === a.charCodeAt(l - 3) && 45 !== a.charCodeAt(l - 4)) return b = a.substring(l - 3), "width:-webkit-" + b + "width:-moz-" + b + "width:" + b;
case 962:
if (a = "-webkit-" + a + (102 === a.charCodeAt(5) ? "-ms-" + a : "") + a, 211 === d + k && 105 === a.charCodeAt(13) && 0 < a.indexOf("transform", 10)) return a.substring(0, a.indexOf(";", 27) + 1).replace(Ca, "$1-webkit-$2") + a;
return a;
function U(b, c) {
var d = b.indexOf(1 === c ? ":" : "{"),
h = b.substring(0, 3 !== c ? d : 10);d = b.substring(d + 1, b.length - 1);return ba(2 !== c ? h : h.replace(Ea, "$1"), d, c);
}function sa(b, c) {
var d = ja(c, c.charCodeAt(0), c.charCodeAt(1), c.charCodeAt(2));return d !== c + ";" ? d.replace(Fa, " or ($1)").substring(4) : "(" + c + ")";
}function O(b, c, d, h, l, a, f, m, e) {
for (var r = 0, q = c, k; r < E; ++r) {
switch (k = ca[r].call(y, b, q, d, h, l, a, f, m, e)) {case void 0:case !1:case !0:case null:
q = k;}
}switch (q) {case void 0:case !1:case !0:case null:case c:
return q;}
}function da(b) {
switch (b) {case void 0:case null:
E = ca.length = 0;break;default:
switch (b.constructor) {case Array:
k = b.substring(0, 3 !== c ? d : 10);
d = b.substring(d + 1, b.length - 1);
return aa(2 !== c ? k : k.replace(Da, "$1"), d, c);
function ra(b, c) {
var d = ia(c, c.charCodeAt(0), c.charCodeAt(1), c.charCodeAt(2));
return d !== c + ";" ? d.replace(Ea, " or ($1)").substring(4) : "(" + c + ")";
function O(b, c, d, k, l, a, f, m, e) {
for (var q = 0, p = c, h; q < E; ++q) {
switch (h = ba[q].call(y, b, p, d, k, l, a, f, m, e)) {
case void 0:
case !1:
case !0:
case null:
p = h;
switch (p) {
case void 0:
case !1:
case !0:
case null:
case c:
return p;
function ca(b) {
switch (b) {
case void 0:
case null:
E = ba.length = 0;
switch (b.constructor) {
case Array:
for (var c = 0, d = b.length; c < d; ++c) {
}break;case Function:
ca[E++] = b;break;case Boolean:
la = !!b | 0;}}return da;
}function ea(b) {
case Function:
ba[E++] = b;
case Boolean:
ka = !!b | 0;
return ca;
function da(b) {
for (var c in b) {
var d = b[c];switch (c) {case "keyframe":
Q = d | 0;break;case "global":
Y = d | 0;break;case "cascade":
F = d | 0;break;case "compress":
oa = d | 0;break;case "semicolon":
ka = d | 0;break;case "preserve":
X = d | 0;break;case "prefix":
ba = null, d ? "function" !== typeof d ? x = 1 : (x = 2, ba = d) : x = 0;}
}return ea;
}function y(b, c) {
if (void 0 !== this && this.constructor === y) return fa(b);var d = b,
h = d.charCodeAt(0);33 > h && (h = (d = d.trim()).charCodeAt(0));0 < Q && (T = d.replace(Ga, 91 === h ? "" : "-"));h = 1;1 === F ? R = d : K = d;d = [R];if (0 < E) {
var l = O(-1, c, d, d, I, A, 0, 0, 0);void 0 !== l && "string" === typeof l && (c = l);
}var a = V(W, d, c, 0, 0);0 < E && (l = O(-2, a, d, d, I, A, a.length, 0, 0), void 0 !== l && "string" !== typeof (a = l) && (h = 0));K = R = T = "";J = 0;A = I = 1;return 0 === oa * h ? a : a.replace(P, "").replace(Ha, "").replace(Ia, "$1").replace(Ja, "$1").replace(Ka, " ");
}var qa = /^\0+/g,
var d = b[c];
switch (c) {
case "keyframe":
Q = d | 0;
case "global":
Y = d | 0;
case "cascade":
B = d | 0;
case "compress":
na = d | 0;
case "semicolon":
ja = d | 0;
case "preserve":
X = d | 0;
case "prefix":
aa = null, d ? "function" !== typeof d ? x = 1 : (x = 2, aa = d) : x = 0;
return da;
function y(b, c) {
if (void 0 !== this && this.constructor === y) return ea(b);
var d = b,
k = d.charCodeAt(0);
33 > k && (k = (d = d.trim()).charCodeAt(0));
0 < Q && (T = d.replace(Fa, 91 === k ? "" : "-"));
k = 1;
1 === B ? R = d : J = d;
d = [R];
if (0 < E) {
var l = O(-1, c, d, d, H, A, 0, 0, 0);
void 0 !== l && "string" === typeof l && (c = l);
var a = V(W, d, c, 0, 0);
0 < E && (l = O(-2, a, d, d, H, A, a.length, 0, 0), void 0 !== l && "string" !== typeof (a = l) && (k = 0));
J = R = T = "";
I = 0;
A = H = 1;
return 0 === na * k ? a : a.replace(P, "").replace(Ga, "").replace(Ha, "$1").replace(Ia, "$1").replace(Ja, " ");
var pa = /^\0+/g,
P = /[\0\r\f]/g,
na = /: */g,
Ba = /zoo|gra/,
Da = /([,: ])(transform)/g,
za = /,+\s*(?![^(]*[)])/g,
Aa = / +\s*(?![^(]*[)])/g,
ua = / *[\0] */g,
xa = /,\r+?/g,
N = /([\t\r\n ])*\f?&/g,
ya = /:global\(((?:[^\(\)\[\]]*|\[.*\]|\([^\(\)]*\))*)\)/g,
Ga = /\W+/g,
ta = /@(k\w+)\s*(\S*)\s*/,
ma = /: */g,
Aa = /zoo|gra/,
Ca = /([,: ])(transform)/g,
ya = /,+\s*(?![^(]*[)])/g,
za = / +\s*(?![^(]*[)])/g,
ta = / *[\0] */g,
wa = /,\r+?/g,
M = /([\t\r\n ])*\f?&/g,
xa = /:global\(((?:[^\(\)\[\]]*|\[.*\]|\([^\(\)]*\))*)\)/g,
Fa = /\W+/g,
sa = /@(k\w+)\s*(\S*)\s*/,
Z = /::(place)/g,
wa = /:(read-only)/g,
Ha = /\s+(?=[{\];=:>])/g,
Ia = /([[}=:>])\s+/g,
Ja = /(\{[^{]+?);(?=\})/g,
Ka = /\s{2,}/g,
va = /([^\(])(:+) */g,
aa = /[svh]\w+-[tblr]{2}/,
ra = /\(\s*([^]*?)\s*\)/g,
Fa = /([^]*?);/g,
Ca = /-self|flex-/g,
Ea = /[^]*?(:[rp][el]a[\w-]+)[^]*/,
va = /:(read-only)/g,
Ga = /\s+(?=[{\];=:>])/g,
Ha = /([[}=:>])\s+/g,
Ia = /(\{[^{]+?);(?=\})/g,
Ja = /\s{2,}/g,
ua = /([^\(])(:+) */g,
N = /[svh]\w+-[tblr]{2}/,
qa = /\(\s*(.*)\s*\)/g,
Ea = /([^]*?);/g,
Ba = /-self|flex-/g,
Da = /[^]*?(:[rp][el]a[\w-]+)[^]*/,
A = 1,
I = 1,
J = 0,
F = 1,
H = 1,
I = 0,
B = 1,
x = 1,
Y = 1,
oa = 0,
ka = 0,
na = 0,
ja = 0,
X = 0,
W = [],
ca = [],
ba = [],
E = 0,
ba = null,
la = 0,
aa = null,
ka = 0,
Q = 1,
T = "",
K = "",
R = "";y.use = da;y.set = ea;void 0 !== ha && ea(ha);return y;
J = "",
R = "";
y.use = ca;
y.set = da;
void 0 !== fa && da(fa);
return y;

@@ -336,3 +961,2 @@

var unitless = {

@@ -372,3 +996,2 @@ animationIterationCount: 1,

zoom: 1,
// SVG-related properties

@@ -388,3 +1011,3 @@ fillOpacity: 1,

exports.hashString = hashString;
exports.Stylis = pa;
exports.Stylis = oa;
// murmurhash2 via
function hashString(str) {

@@ -16,10 +15,7 @@ return hash(str, str.length).toString(36);

var k = UInt32(str, currentIndex);
k = Umul32(k, m);
k ^= k >>> r;
k = Umul32(k, m);
h = Umul32(h, m);
h ^= k;
currentIndex += 4;

@@ -50,3 +46,2 @@ length -= 4;

h ^= h >>> 15;
return h >>> 0;

@@ -72,250 +67,880 @@ }

var pa = function fa(ha) {
function V(b, c, d, h, l) {
for (var a = 0, f = 0, m = 0, e = 0, r, q, k, w = 0, B = 0, C = 0, z = 0, n = r = 0, G = 0, p = 0, y = q = 0, L = 0, t = 0, D = d.length, M = D - 1, v, g = "", u = "", S = "", N = "", H; p < D;) {
k = d.charCodeAt(p);if (0 === f + e + m + a) {
if (p === M && (0 < q && (g = g.replace(P, "")), 0 < g.trim().length)) {
switch (k) {case 32:case 9:case 59:case 13:case 10:
g += d.charAt(p);}k = 59;
}if (1 === y) switch (k) {case 123:case 44:
y = 0;break;case 9:case 13:case 10:case 32:
p--, k = 59;}switch (k) {case 123:
g = g.trim();r = g.charCodeAt(0);z = 1;for (t = ++p; p < D;) {
k = d.charCodeAt(p);switch (k) {case 123:
z++;break;case 125:
z--;}if (0 === z) break;p++;
}n = d.substring(t, p);0 === r && (r = (g = g.replace(qa, "").trim()).charCodeAt(0));switch (r) {case 64:
0 < q && (g = g.replace(P, ""));q = g.charCodeAt(1);switch (q) {case 100:case 109:case 115:
k = c;break;default:
k = W;}n = V(c, k, n, q, l + 1);t = n.length;0 < X && 0 === t && (t = g.length);0 < E && (k = ia(W, g, L), H = O(3, n, k, c, I, A, t, q, l), g = k.join(""), void 0 !== H && 0 === (t = (n = H.trim()).length) && (q = 0, n = ""));if (0 < t) switch (q) {case 115:
g = g.replace(ra, sa);case 100:case 109:
n = g + "{" + n + "}";break;case 107:
g = g.replace(ta, "$1 $2" + (0 < Q ? T : ""));n = g + "{" + n + "}";n = 1 === x || 2 === x && U("@" + n, 3) ? "@-webkit-" + n + "@" + n : "@" + n;break;default:
n = g + n;} else n = "";break;default:
n = V(c, ia(c, g, L), n, h, l + 1);}S += n;n = L = q = G = y = r = 0;g = "";k = d.charCodeAt(++p);break;case 125:case 59:
g = (0 < q ? g.replace(P, "") : g).trim();if (1 < (t = g.length)) switch (0 === G && (r = g.charCodeAt(0), 45 === r || 96 < r && 123 > r) && (t = (g = g.replace(" ", ":")).length), 0 < E && void 0 !== (H = O(1, g, c, b, I, A, u.length, h, l)) && 0 === (t = (g = H.trim()).length) && (g = "\x00\x00"), r = g.charCodeAt(0), q = g.charCodeAt(1), r + q) {case 0:
break;case 169:case 163:
N += g + d.charAt(p);break;default:
58 !== g.charCodeAt(t - 1) && (u += ja(g, r, q, g.charCodeAt(2)));}L = q = G = y = r = 0;g = "";k = d.charCodeAt(++p);}
}switch (k) {case 13:case 10:
if (0 === f + e + m + a + ka) switch (C) {case 41:case 39:case 34:case 64:case 126:case 62:case 42:case 43:case 47:case 45:case 58:case 44:case 59:case 123:case 125:
0 < G && (y = 1);}47 === f && (f = 0);0 < E * la && O(0, g, c, b, I, A, u.length, h, l);A = 1;I++;break;case 59:case 125:
var oa = function ea(fa) {
function V(b, c, d, k, l) {
for (var a = 0, f = 0, m = 0, e = 0, q, p, h, w = 0, C = 0, D = 0, z = 0, n = q = 0, F = 0, r = 0, y = p = 0, K = 0, u = 0, L = d.length, M = L - 1, v, g = "", t = "", S = "", N = "", G; r < L;) {
h = d.charCodeAt(r);
r === M && 0 !== f + e + m + a && (0 !== f && (h = 47 === f ? 10 : 47), e = m = a = 0, L++, M++);
if (0 === f + e + m + a) {
if (r === M && (0 < p && (g = g.replace(P, "")), 0 < g.trim().length)) {
switch (h) {
case 32:
case 9:
case 59:
case 13:
case 10:
g += d.charAt(r);
h = 59;
if (1 === y) switch (h) {
case 123:
case 44:
y = 0;
case 9:
case 13:
case 10:
case 32:
r--, h = 59;
switch (h) {
case 123:
g = g.trim();
q = g.charCodeAt(0);
z = 1;
for (u = ++r; r < L;) {
h = d.charCodeAt(r);
switch (h) {
case 123:
case 125:
if (0 === z) break;
n = d.substring(u, r);
0 === q && (q = (g = g.replace(pa, "").trim()).charCodeAt(0));
switch (q) {
case 64:
0 < p && (g = g.replace(P, ""));
p = g.charCodeAt(1);
switch (p) {
case 100:
case 109:
case 115:
case 45:
h = c;
h = W;
n = V(c, h, n, p, l + 1);
u = n.length;
0 < X && 0 === u && (u = g.length);
0 < E && (h = ha(W, g, K), G = O(3, n, h, c, H, A, u, p, l), g = h.join(""), void 0 !== G && 0 === (u = (n = G.trim()).length) && (p = 0, n = ""));
if (0 < u) switch (p) {
case 115:
g = g.replace(qa, ra);
case 100:
case 109:
case 45:
n = g + "{" + n + "}";
case 107:
g = g.replace(sa, "$1 $2" + (0 < Q ? T : ""));
n = g + "{" + n + "}";
n = 1 === x || 2 === x && U("@" + n, 3) ? "@-webkit-" + n + "@" + n : "@" + n;
n = g + n, 112 === k && (n = (t += n, ""));
} else n = "";
n = V(c, ha(c, g, K), n, k, l + 1);
S += n;
n = K = p = F = y = q = 0;
g = "";
h = d.charCodeAt(++r);
case 125:
case 59:
g = (0 < p ? g.replace(P, "") : g).trim();
if (1 < (u = g.length)) switch (0 === F && (q = g.charCodeAt(0), 45 === q || 96 < q && 123 > q) && (u = (g = g.replace(" ", ":")).length), 0 < E && void 0 !== (G = O(1, g, c, b, H, A, t.length, k, l)) && 0 === (u = (g = G.trim()).length) && (g = "\x00\x00"), q = g.charCodeAt(0), p = g.charCodeAt(1), q + p) {
case 0:
case 169:
case 163:
N += g + d.charAt(r);
58 !== g.charCodeAt(u - 1) && (t += ia(g, q, p, g.charCodeAt(2)));
K = p = F = y = q = 0;
g = "";
h = d.charCodeAt(++r);
switch (h) {
case 13:
case 10:
if (0 === f + e + m + a + ja) switch (D) {
case 41:
case 39:
case 34:
case 64:
case 126:
case 62:
case 42:
case 43:
case 47:
case 45:
case 58:
case 44:
case 59:
case 123:
case 125:
0 < F && (y = 1);
47 === f ? f = 0 : 0 === B + q && (p = 1, g += "\x00");
0 < E * ka && O(0, g, c, b, H, A, t.length, k, l);
A = 1;
case 59:
case 125:
if (0 === f + e + m + a) {
A++;v = d.charAt(p);switch (k) {case 9:case 32:
if (0 === e + a) switch (w) {case 44:case 58:case 9:case 32:
v = "";break;default:
32 !== k && (v = " ");}break;case 0:
v = "\\0";break;case 12:
v = "\\f";break;case 11:
v = "\\v";break;case 38:
0 === e + f + a && 0 < F && (q = L = 1, v = "\f" + v);break;case 108:
if (0 === e + f + a + J && 0 < G) switch (p - G) {case 2:
112 === w && 58 === d.charCodeAt(p - 3) && (J = w);case 8:
111 === B && (J = B);}break;case 58:
0 === e + f + a && (G = p);break;case 44:
0 === f + m + e + a && (q = 1, v += "\r");break;case 34:
0 === f && (e = e === k ? 0 : 0 === e ? k : e, p === M && (M++, D++));break;case 39:
0 === f && (e = e === k ? 0 : 0 === e ? k : e, p === M && (M++, D++));break;case 91:
0 === e + f + m && a++;break;case 93:
0 === e + f + m && a--;break;case 41:
0 === e + f + a && (p === M && (M++, D++), m--);break;case 40:
v = d.charAt(r);
switch (h) {
case 9:
case 32:
if (0 === e + a + f) switch (w) {
case 44:
case 58:
case 9:
case 32:
v = "";
32 !== h && (v = " ");
case 0:
v = "\\0";
case 12:
v = "\\f";
case 11:
v = "\\v";
case 38:
0 === e + f + a && 0 < B && (p = K = 1, v = "\f" + v);
case 108:
if (0 === e + f + a + I && 0 < F) switch (r - F) {
case 2:
112 === w && 58 === d.charCodeAt(r - 3) && (I = w);
case 8:
111 === C && (I = C);
case 58:
0 === e + f + a && (F = r);
case 44:
0 === f + m + e + a && (p = 1, v += "\r");
case 34:
0 === f && (e = e === h ? 0 : 0 === e ? h : e);
case 39:
0 === f && (e = e === h ? 0 : 0 === e ? h : e);
case 91:
0 === e + f + m && a++;
case 93:
0 === e + f + m && a--;
case 41:
0 === e + f + a && m--;
case 40:
if (0 === e + f + a) {
if (0 === r) switch (2 * w + 3 * B) {case 533:
z = 0, r = 1;}m++;
}break;case 64:
0 === f + m + e + a + G + n && (n = 1);break;case 42:case 47:
if (!(0 < e + a + m)) switch (f) {case 0:
switch (2 * k + 3 * d.charCodeAt(p + 1)) {case 235:
f = 47;break;case 220:
t = p, f = 42;}break;case 42:
47 === k && 42 === w && (33 === d.charCodeAt(t + 2) && (u += d.substring(t, p + 1)), v = "", f = 0);}}if (0 === f) {
if (0 === F + e + a + n && 107 !== h && 59 !== k) switch (k) {case 44:case 126:case 62:case 43:case 41:case 40:
if (0 === r) {
switch (w) {case 9:case 32:case 10:case 13:
v += "\x00";break;default:
v = "\x00" + v + (44 === k ? "" : "\x00");}q = 1;
} else switch (k) {case 40:
r = ++z;break;case 41:
0 === (r = --z) && (q = 1, v += "\x00");}break;case 32:
switch (w) {case 0:case 123:case 125:case 59:case 44:case 12:case 9:case 32:case 10:case 13:
0 === r && (q = 1, v += "\x00");}}g += v;32 !== k && (C = k);
}}B = w;w = k;p++;
}t = u.length;0 < X && 0 === t && 0 === S.length && 0 === c[0].length === !1 && (109 !== h || 1 === c.length && (0 < F ? K : R) === c[0]) && (t = c.join(",").length + 2);if (0 < t) {
if (0 === F && 107 !== h) {
d = 0;a = c.length;for (f = Array(a); d < a; ++d) {
w = c[d].split(ua);B = "";C = 0;for (D = w.length; C < D; ++C) {
if (!(0 === (z = (e = w[C]).length) && 1 < D)) {
p = B.charCodeAt(B.length - 1);L = e.charCodeAt(0);m = "";if (0 !== C) switch (p) {case 42:case 126:case 62:case 43:case 32:case 40:
m = " ";}switch (L) {case 38:
e = m + K;case 126:case 62:case 43:case 32:case 41:case 40:
break;case 91:
e = m + e + K;break;case 58:
switch (2 * e.charCodeAt(1) + 3 * e.charCodeAt(2)) {case 530:
if (0 === q) switch (2 * w + 3 * C) {
case 533:
z = 0, q = 1;
case 64:
0 === f + m + e + a + F + n && (n = 1);
case 42:
case 47:
if (!(0 < e + a + m)) switch (f) {
case 0:
switch (2 * h + 3 * d.charCodeAt(r + 1)) {
case 235:
f = 47;
case 220:
u = r, f = 42;
case 42:
47 === h && 42 === w && (33 === d.charCodeAt(u + 2) && (t += d.substring(u, r + 1)), v = "", f = 0);
if (0 === f) {
if (0 === B + e + a + n && 107 !== k && 59 !== h) switch (h) {
case 44:
case 126:
case 62:
case 43:
case 41:
case 40:
if (0 === q) {
switch (w) {
case 9:
case 32:
case 10:
case 13:
v += "\x00";
v = "\x00" + v + (44 === h ? "" : "\x00");
p = 1;
} else switch (h) {
case 40:
q = ++z;
case 41:
0 === (q = --z) && (p = 1, v += "\x00");
case 9:
case 32:
switch (w) {
case 0:
case 123:
case 125:
case 59:
case 44:
case 12:
case 9:
case 32:
case 10:
case 13:
0 === q && (p = 1, v += "\x00");
g += v;
32 !== h && 9 !== h && (D = h);
C = w;
w = h;
u = t.length;
0 < X && 0 === u && 0 === S.length && 0 === c[0].length === !1 && (109 !== k || 1 === c.length && (0 < B ? J : R) === c[0]) && (u = c.join(",").length + 2);
if (0 < u) {
if (0 === B && 107 !== k) {
d = 0;
a = c.length;
for (f = Array(a); d < a; ++d) {
w = c[d].split(ta);
C = "";
D = 0;
for (L = w.length; D < L; ++D) {
if (!(0 === (z = (e = w[D]).length) && 1 < L)) {
r = C.charCodeAt(C.length - 1);
K = e.charCodeAt(0);
m = "";
if (0 !== D) switch (r) {
case 42:
case 126:
case 62:
case 43:
case 32:
case 40:
m = " ";
switch (K) {
case 38:
e = m + J;
case 126:
case 62:
case 43:
case 32:
case 41:
case 40:
case 91:
e = m + e + J;
case 58:
switch (2 * e.charCodeAt(1) + 3 * e.charCodeAt(2)) {
case 530:
if (0 < Y) {
e = m + e.substring(8, z - 1);break;
if (1 > C || 1 > w[C - 1].length) e = m + K + e;}break;case 44:
m = "";default:
e = 1 < z && 0 < e.indexOf(":") ? m + e.replace(va, "$1" + K + "$2") : m + e + K;}B += e;
e = m + e.substring(8, z - 1);
if (1 > D || 1 > w[D - 1].length) e = m + J + e;
case 44:
m = "";
e = 1 < z && 0 < e.indexOf(":") ? m + e.replace(ua, "$1" + J + "$2") : m + e + J;
C += e;
}f[d] = B.replace(P, "").trim();
}c = f;
}k = c;if (0 < E && (H = O(2, u, k, b, I, A, t, h, l), void 0 !== H && 0 === (u = H).length)) return N + u + S;u = k.join(",") + "{" + u + "}";if (0 !== x * J) {
2 !== x || U(u, 2) || (J = 0);switch (J) {case 111:
u = u.replace(wa, ":-moz-$1") + u;break;case 112:
u = u.replace(Z, "::-webkit-input-$1") + u.replace(Z, "::-moz-$1") + u.replace(Z, ":-ms-input-$1") + u;}J = 0;
f[d] = C.replace(P, "").trim();
c = f;
}return N + u + S;
}function ia(b, c, d) {
var h = c.trim().split(xa);c = h;var l = h.length,
a = b.length;switch (a) {case 0:case 1:
var f = 0;for (b = 0 === a ? "" : b[0] + " "; f < l; ++f) {
c[f] = ma(b, c[f], d, a).trim();
var m = f = 0;for (c = []; f < l; ++f) {
h = c;
if (0 < E && (G = O(2, t, h, b, H, A, u, k, l), void 0 !== G && 0 === (t = G).length)) return N + t + S;
t = h.join(",") + "{" + t + "}";
if (0 !== x * I) {
2 !== x || U(t, 2) || (I = 0);
switch (I) {
case 111:
t = t.replace(va, ":-moz-$1") + t;
case 112:
t = t.replace(Z, "::-webkit-input-$1") + t.replace(Z, "::-moz-$1") + t.replace(Z, ":-ms-input-$1") + t;
I = 0;
return N + t + S;
function ha(b, c, d) {
var k = c.trim().split(wa);
c = k;
var l = k.length,
a = b.length;
switch (a) {
case 0:
case 1:
var f = 0;
for (b = 0 === a ? "" : b[0] + " "; f < l; ++f) {
c[f] = la(b, c[f], d, a).trim();
var m = f = 0;
for (c = []; f < l; ++f) {
for (var e = 0; e < a; ++e) {
c[m++] = ma(b[e] + " ", h[f], d, a).trim();
c[m++] = la(b[e] + " ", k[f], d, a).trim();
}}return c;
}function ma(b, c, d, h) {
var l = c.charCodeAt(0);33 > l && (l = (c = c.trim()).charCodeAt(0));switch (l) {case 38:
switch (F + h) {case 0:case 1:
if (0 === b.trim().length) break;default:
return c.replace(N, "$1" + b.trim());}break;case 58:
switch (c.charCodeAt(1)) {case 103:
if (0 < Y && 0 < F) return c.replace(ya, "$1").replace(N, "$1" + R);break;default:
return b.trim() + c;}default:
if (0 < d * F && 0 < c.indexOf("\f")) return c.replace(N, (58 === b.charCodeAt(0) ? "" : "$1") + b.trim());}return b + c;
}function ja(b, c, d, h) {
return c;
function la(b, c, d, k) {
var l = c.charCodeAt(0);
33 > l && (l = (c = c.trim()).charCodeAt(0));
switch (l) {
case 38:
switch (B + k) {
case 0:
case 1:
if (0 === b.trim().length) break;
return c.replace(M, "$1" + b.trim());
case 58:
switch (c.charCodeAt(1)) {
case 103:
if (0 < Y && 0 < B) return c.replace(xa, "$1").replace(M, "$1" + R);
return b.trim() + c;
if (0 < d * B && 0 < c.indexOf("\f")) return c.replace(M, (58 === b.charCodeAt(0) ? "" : "$1") + b.trim());
return b + c;
function ia(b, c, d, k) {
var l = 0,
a = b + ";";c = 2 * c + 3 * d + 4 * h;if (944 === c) {
l = a.length;b = a.indexOf(":", 9) + 1;d = a.substring(0, b).trim();h = a.substring(b, l - 1).trim();switch (a.charCodeAt(9) * Q) {case 0:
break;case 45:
if (110 !== a.charCodeAt(10)) break;default:
for (a = h.split((h = "", za)), b = c = 0, l = a.length; c < l; b = 0, ++c) {
for (var f = a[c], m = f.split(Aa); f = m[b];) {
var e = f.charCodeAt(0);if (1 === Q && (64 < e && 90 > e || 96 < e && 123 > e || 95 === e || 45 === e && 45 !== f.charCodeAt(1))) switch (isNaN(parseFloat(f)) + (-1 !== f.indexOf("("))) {case 1:
switch (f) {case "infinite":case "alternate":case "backwards":case "running":case "normal":case "forwards":case "both":case "none":case "linear":case "ease":case "ease-in":case "ease-out":case "ease-in-out":case "paused":case "reverse":case "alternate-reverse":case "inherit":case "initial":case "unset":case "step-start":case "step-end":
a = b + ";";
c = 2 * c + 3 * d + 4 * k;
if (944 === c) {
l = a.length;
b = a.indexOf(":", 9) + 1;
d = a.substring(0, b).trim();
k = a.substring(b, l - 1).trim();
switch (a.charCodeAt(9) * Q) {
case 0:
case 45:
if (110 !== a.charCodeAt(10)) break;
for (a = k.split((k = "", ya)), b = c = 0, l = a.length; c < l; b = 0, ++c) {
for (var f = a[c], m = f.split(za); f = m[b];) {
var e = f.charCodeAt(0);
if (1 === Q && (64 < e && 90 > e || 96 < e && 123 > e || 95 === e || 45 === e && 45 !== f.charCodeAt(1))) switch (isNaN(parseFloat(f)) + (-1 !== f.indexOf("("))) {
case 1:
switch (f) {
case "infinite":
case "alternate":
case "backwards":
case "running":
case "normal":
case "forwards":
case "both":
case "none":
case "linear":
case "ease":
case "ease-in":
case "ease-out":
case "ease-in-out":
case "paused":
case "reverse":
case "alternate-reverse":
case "inherit":
case "initial":
case "unset":
case "step-start":
case "step-end":
f += T;}}m[b++] = f;
}h += (0 === c ? "" : ",") + m.join(" ");
}}h = d + h + ";";return 1 === x || 2 === x && U(h, 1) ? "-webkit-" + h + h : h;
}if (0 === x || 2 === x && !U(a, 1)) return a;switch (c) {case 1015:
return 45 === a.charCodeAt(9) ? "-webkit-" + a + a : a;case 951:
return 116 === a.charCodeAt(3) ? "-webkit-" + a + a : a;case 963:
return 110 === a.charCodeAt(5) ? "-webkit-" + a + a : a;case 969:case 942:
return "-webkit-" + a + a;case 978:
return "-webkit-" + a + "-moz-" + a + a;case 1019:case 983:
return "-webkit-" + a + "-moz-" + a + "-ms-" + a + a;case 883:
return 45 === a.charCodeAt(8) ? "-webkit-" + a + a : a;case 932:
return "-webkit-" + a + "-ms-" + a + a;case 964:
return "-webkit-" + a + "-ms-flex-" + a + a;case 1023:
if (99 !== a.charCodeAt(8)) break;b = a.substring(a.indexOf(":", 15)).replace("flex-", "").replace("space-between", "justify");return "-webkit-box-pack" + b + "-webkit-" + a + "-ms-flex-pack" + b + a;case 1005:
return Ba.test(a) ? a.replace(na, ":-webkit-") + a.replace(na, ":-moz-") + a : a;case 1E3:
b = a.substring(13).trim();l = b.indexOf("-") + 1;switch (b.charCodeAt(0) + b.charCodeAt(l)) {case 226:
b = a.replace(aa, "tb");break;case 232:
b = a.replace(aa, "tb-rl");break;case 220:
b = a.replace(aa, "lr");break;default:
return a;}return "-webkit-" + a + "-ms-" + b + a;case 1017:
if (-1 === a.indexOf("sticky", 9)) break;case 975:
l = (a = b).length - 10;b = (33 === a.charCodeAt(l) ? a.substring(0, l) : a).substring(b.indexOf(":", 7) + 1).trim();switch (c = b.charCodeAt(0) + (b.charCodeAt(7) | 0)) {case 203:
if (111 > b.charCodeAt(8)) break;case 115:
a = a.replace(b, "-webkit-" + b) + ";" + a;break;case 207:case 102:
a = a.replace(b, "-webkit-" + (102 < c ? "inline-" : "") + "box") + ";" + a.replace(b, "-webkit-" + b) + ";" + a.replace(b, "-ms-" + b + "box") + ";" + a;}return a + ";";case 938:
if (45 === a.charCodeAt(5)) switch (a.charCodeAt(6)) {case 105:
return b = a.replace("-items", ""), "-webkit-" + a + "-webkit-box-" + b + "-ms-flex-" + b + a;case 115:
return "-webkit-" + a + "-ms-flex-item-" + a.replace(Ca, "") + a;default:
return "-webkit-" + a + "-ms-flex-line-pack" + a.replace("align-content", "") + a;}break;case 953:
if (0 < (l = a.indexOf("-content", 9)) && 109 === a.charCodeAt(l - 3) && 45 !== a.charCodeAt(l - 4)) return b = a.substring(l - 3), "width:-webkit-" + b + "width:-moz-" + b + "width:" + b;break;case 962:
if (a = "-webkit-" + a + (102 === a.charCodeAt(5) ? "-ms-" + a : "") + a, 211 === d + h && 105 === a.charCodeAt(13) && 0 < a.indexOf("transform", 10)) return a.substring(0, a.indexOf(";", 27) + 1).replace(Da, "$1-webkit-$2") + a;}return a;
}function U(b, c) {
f += T;
m[b++] = f;
k += (0 === c ? "" : ",") + m.join(" ");
k = d + k + ";";
return 1 === x || 2 === x && U(k, 1) ? "-webkit-" + k + k : k;
if (0 === x || 2 === x && !U(a, 1)) return a;
switch (c) {
case 1015:
return 45 === a.charCodeAt(9) ? "-webkit-" + a + a : a;
case 951:
return 116 === a.charCodeAt(3) ? "-webkit-" + a + a : a;
case 963:
return 110 === a.charCodeAt(5) ? "-webkit-" + a + a : a;
case 1009:
if (100 !== a.charCodeAt(4)) break;
case 969:
case 942:
return "-webkit-" + a + a;
case 978:
return "-webkit-" + a + "-moz-" + a + a;
case 1019:
case 983:
return "-webkit-" + a + "-moz-" + a + "-ms-" + a + a;
case 883:
return 45 === a.charCodeAt(8) ? "-webkit-" + a + a : a;
case 932:
if (45 === a.charCodeAt(4)) switch (a.charCodeAt(5)) {
case 103:
return "-webkit-box-" + a.replace("-grow", "") + "-ms-" + a.replace("grow", "positive") + a;
case 115:
return "-ms-" + a.replace("shrink", "negative") + a;
case 98:
return "-ms-" + a.replace("basis", "preferred-size") + a;
return "-webkit-" + a + "-ms-" + a + a;
case 964:
return "-webkit-" + a + "-ms-flex-" + a + a;
case 1023:
if (99 !== a.charCodeAt(8)) break;
b = a.substring(a.indexOf(":", 15)).replace("flex-", "").replace("space-between", "justify");
return "-webkit-box-pack" + b + "-webkit-" + a + "-ms-flex-pack" + b + a;
case 1005:
return Aa.test(a) ? a.replace(ma, ":-webkit-") + a.replace(ma, ":-moz-") + a : a;
case 1E3:
b = a.substring(13).trim();
l = b.indexOf("-") + 1;
switch (b.charCodeAt(0) + b.charCodeAt(l)) {
case 226:
b = a.replace(N, "tb");
case 232:
b = a.replace(N, "tb-rl");
case 220:
b = a.replace(N, "lr");
return a;
return "-webkit-" + a + "-ms-" + b + a;
case 1017:
if (-1 === a.indexOf("sticky", 9)) break;
case 975:
l = (a = b).length - 10;
b = (33 === a.charCodeAt(l) ? a.substring(0, l) : a).substring(b.indexOf(":", 7) + 1).trim();
switch (c = b.charCodeAt(0) + (b.charCodeAt(7) | 0)) {
case 203:
if (111 > b.charCodeAt(8)) break;
case 115:
a = a.replace(b, "-webkit-" + b) + ";" + a;
case 207:
case 102:
a = a.replace(b, "-webkit-" + (102 < c ? "inline-" : "") + "box") + ";" + a.replace(b, "-webkit-" + b) + ";" + a.replace(b, "-ms-" + b + "box") + ";" + a;
return a + ";";
case 938:
if (45 === a.charCodeAt(5)) switch (a.charCodeAt(6)) {
case 105:
return b = a.replace("-items", ""), "-webkit-" + a + "-webkit-box-" + b + "-ms-flex-" + b + a;
case 115:
return "-webkit-" + a + "-ms-flex-item-" + a.replace(Ba, "") + a;
return "-webkit-" + a + "-ms-flex-line-pack" + a.replace("align-content", "") + a;
case 953:
if (0 < (l = a.indexOf("-content", 9)) && 109 === a.charCodeAt(l - 3) && 45 !== a.charCodeAt(l - 4)) return b = a.substring(l - 3), "width:-webkit-" + b + "width:-moz-" + b + "width:" + b;
case 962:
if (a = "-webkit-" + a + (102 === a.charCodeAt(5) ? "-ms-" + a : "") + a, 211 === d + k && 105 === a.charCodeAt(13) && 0 < a.indexOf("transform", 10)) return a.substring(0, a.indexOf(";", 27) + 1).replace(Ca, "$1-webkit-$2") + a;
return a;
function U(b, c) {
var d = b.indexOf(1 === c ? ":" : "{"),
h = b.substring(0, 3 !== c ? d : 10);d = b.substring(d + 1, b.length - 1);return ba(2 !== c ? h : h.replace(Ea, "$1"), d, c);
}function sa(b, c) {
var d = ja(c, c.charCodeAt(0), c.charCodeAt(1), c.charCodeAt(2));return d !== c + ";" ? d.replace(Fa, " or ($1)").substring(4) : "(" + c + ")";
}function O(b, c, d, h, l, a, f, m, e) {
for (var r = 0, q = c, k; r < E; ++r) {
switch (k = ca[r].call(y, b, q, d, h, l, a, f, m, e)) {case void 0:case !1:case !0:case null:
q = k;}
}switch (q) {case void 0:case !1:case !0:case null:case c:
return q;}
}function da(b) {
switch (b) {case void 0:case null:
E = ca.length = 0;break;default:
switch (b.constructor) {case Array:
k = b.substring(0, 3 !== c ? d : 10);
d = b.substring(d + 1, b.length - 1);
return aa(2 !== c ? k : k.replace(Da, "$1"), d, c);
function ra(b, c) {
var d = ia(c, c.charCodeAt(0), c.charCodeAt(1), c.charCodeAt(2));
return d !== c + ";" ? d.replace(Ea, " or ($1)").substring(4) : "(" + c + ")";
function O(b, c, d, k, l, a, f, m, e) {
for (var q = 0, p = c, h; q < E; ++q) {
switch (h = ba[q].call(y, b, p, d, k, l, a, f, m, e)) {
case void 0:
case !1:
case !0:
case null:
p = h;
switch (p) {
case void 0:
case !1:
case !0:
case null:
case c:
return p;
function ca(b) {
switch (b) {
case void 0:
case null:
E = ba.length = 0;
switch (b.constructor) {
case Array:
for (var c = 0, d = b.length; c < d; ++c) {
}break;case Function:
ca[E++] = b;break;case Boolean:
la = !!b | 0;}}return da;
}function ea(b) {
case Function:
ba[E++] = b;
case Boolean:
ka = !!b | 0;
return ca;
function da(b) {
for (var c in b) {
var d = b[c];switch (c) {case "keyframe":
Q = d | 0;break;case "global":
Y = d | 0;break;case "cascade":
F = d | 0;break;case "compress":
oa = d | 0;break;case "semicolon":
ka = d | 0;break;case "preserve":
X = d | 0;break;case "prefix":
ba = null, d ? "function" !== typeof d ? x = 1 : (x = 2, ba = d) : x = 0;}
}return ea;
}function y(b, c) {
if (void 0 !== this && this.constructor === y) return fa(b);var d = b,
h = d.charCodeAt(0);33 > h && (h = (d = d.trim()).charCodeAt(0));0 < Q && (T = d.replace(Ga, 91 === h ? "" : "-"));h = 1;1 === F ? R = d : K = d;d = [R];if (0 < E) {
var l = O(-1, c, d, d, I, A, 0, 0, 0);void 0 !== l && "string" === typeof l && (c = l);
}var a = V(W, d, c, 0, 0);0 < E && (l = O(-2, a, d, d, I, A, a.length, 0, 0), void 0 !== l && "string" !== typeof (a = l) && (h = 0));K = R = T = "";J = 0;A = I = 1;return 0 === oa * h ? a : a.replace(P, "").replace(Ha, "").replace(Ia, "$1").replace(Ja, "$1").replace(Ka, " ");
}var qa = /^\0+/g,
var d = b[c];
switch (c) {
case "keyframe":
Q = d | 0;
case "global":
Y = d | 0;
case "cascade":
B = d | 0;
case "compress":
na = d | 0;
case "semicolon":
ja = d | 0;
case "preserve":
X = d | 0;
case "prefix":
aa = null, d ? "function" !== typeof d ? x = 1 : (x = 2, aa = d) : x = 0;
return da;
function y(b, c) {
if (void 0 !== this && this.constructor === y) return ea(b);
var d = b,
k = d.charCodeAt(0);
33 > k && (k = (d = d.trim()).charCodeAt(0));
0 < Q && (T = d.replace(Fa, 91 === k ? "" : "-"));
k = 1;
1 === B ? R = d : J = d;
d = [R];
if (0 < E) {
var l = O(-1, c, d, d, H, A, 0, 0, 0);
void 0 !== l && "string" === typeof l && (c = l);
var a = V(W, d, c, 0, 0);
0 < E && (l = O(-2, a, d, d, H, A, a.length, 0, 0), void 0 !== l && "string" !== typeof (a = l) && (k = 0));
J = R = T = "";
I = 0;
A = H = 1;
return 0 === na * k ? a : a.replace(P, "").replace(Ga, "").replace(Ha, "$1").replace(Ia, "$1").replace(Ja, " ");
var pa = /^\0+/g,
P = /[\0\r\f]/g,
na = /: */g,
Ba = /zoo|gra/,
Da = /([,: ])(transform)/g,
za = /,+\s*(?![^(]*[)])/g,
Aa = / +\s*(?![^(]*[)])/g,
ua = / *[\0] */g,
xa = /,\r+?/g,
N = /([\t\r\n ])*\f?&/g,
ya = /:global\(((?:[^\(\)\[\]]*|\[.*\]|\([^\(\)]*\))*)\)/g,
Ga = /\W+/g,
ta = /@(k\w+)\s*(\S*)\s*/,
ma = /: */g,
Aa = /zoo|gra/,
Ca = /([,: ])(transform)/g,
ya = /,+\s*(?![^(]*[)])/g,
za = / +\s*(?![^(]*[)])/g,
ta = / *[\0] */g,
wa = /,\r+?/g,
M = /([\t\r\n ])*\f?&/g,
xa = /:global\(((?:[^\(\)\[\]]*|\[.*\]|\([^\(\)]*\))*)\)/g,
Fa = /\W+/g,
sa = /@(k\w+)\s*(\S*)\s*/,
Z = /::(place)/g,
wa = /:(read-only)/g,
Ha = /\s+(?=[{\];=:>])/g,
Ia = /([[}=:>])\s+/g,
Ja = /(\{[^{]+?);(?=\})/g,
Ka = /\s{2,}/g,
va = /([^\(])(:+) */g,
aa = /[svh]\w+-[tblr]{2}/,
ra = /\(\s*([^]*?)\s*\)/g,
Fa = /([^]*?);/g,
Ca = /-self|flex-/g,
Ea = /[^]*?(:[rp][el]a[\w-]+)[^]*/,
va = /:(read-only)/g,
Ga = /\s+(?=[{\];=:>])/g,
Ha = /([[}=:>])\s+/g,
Ia = /(\{[^{]+?);(?=\})/g,
Ja = /\s{2,}/g,
ua = /([^\(])(:+) */g,
N = /[svh]\w+-[tblr]{2}/,
qa = /\(\s*(.*)\s*\)/g,
Ea = /([^]*?);/g,
Ba = /-self|flex-/g,
Da = /[^]*?(:[rp][el]a[\w-]+)[^]*/,
A = 1,
I = 1,
J = 0,
F = 1,
H = 1,
I = 0,
B = 1,
x = 1,
Y = 1,
oa = 0,
ka = 0,
na = 0,
ja = 0,
X = 0,
W = [],
ca = [],
ba = [],
E = 0,
ba = null,
la = 0,
aa = null,
ka = 0,
Q = 1,
T = "",
K = "",
R = "";y.use = da;y.set = ea;void 0 !== ha && ea(ha);return y;
J = "",
R = "";
y.use = ca;
y.set = da;
void 0 !== fa && da(fa);
return y;

@@ -331,3 +956,2 @@

var unitless = {

@@ -367,3 +991,2 @@ animationIterationCount: 1,

zoom: 1,
// SVG-related properties

@@ -380,3 +1003,3 @@ fillOpacity: 1,

export { memoize, unitless, hashString, pa as Stylis };
export { memoize, unitless, hashString, oa as Stylis };
"name": "emotion-utils",
"version": "8.0.10",
"version": "8.0.11",
"description": "Shared utilities used by emotion, The Next Generation of CSS-in-JS.",

@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ "main": "dist/index.cjs.js",

"rimraf": "^2.6.1",
"rollup": "^0.47.2"
"rollup": "^0.51.3"

@@ -1,22 +0,23 @@

var pa=function fa(ha){function V(b,c,d,h,l){for(var a=0,f=0,m=0,e=0,r,q,k,w=0,B=0,C=0,z=0,n=r=0,G=0,p=0,y=q=0,L=0,t=0,D=d.length,M=D-1,v,g="",u="",S="",N="",H;p<D;){k=d.charCodeAt(p);if(0===f+e+m+a){if(p===M&&(0<q&&(g=g.replace(P,"")),0<g.trim().length)){switch(k){case 32:case 9:case 59:case 13:case 10:break;default:g+=d.charAt(p)}k=59}if(1===y)switch(k){case 123:case 44:y=0;break;case 9:case 13:case 10:case 32:break;default:p--,k=59}switch(k){case 123:g=g.trim();r=g.charCodeAt(0);z=1;for(t=++p;p<
D;){k=d.charCodeAt(p);switch(k){case 123:z++;break;case 125:z--}if(0===z)break;p++}n=d.substring(t,p);0===r&&(r=(g=g.replace(qa,"").trim()).charCodeAt(0));switch(r){case 64:0<q&&(g=g.replace(P,""));q=g.charCodeAt(1);switch(q){case 100:case 109:case 115:k=c;break;default:k=W}n=V(c,k,n,q,l+1);t=n.length;0<X&&0===t&&(t=g.length);0<E&&(k=ia(W,g,L),H=O(3,n,k,c,I,A,t,q,l),g=k.join(""),void 0!==H&&0===(t=(n=H.trim()).length)&&(q=0,n=""));if(0<t)switch(q){case 115:g=g.replace(ra,sa);case 100:case 109:n=g+
"{"+n+"}";break;case 107:g=g.replace(ta,"$1 $2"+(0<Q?T:""));n=g+"{"+n+"}";n=1===x||2===x&&U("@"+n,3)?"@-webkit-"+n+"@"+n:"@"+n;break;default:n=g+n}else n="";break;default:n=V(c,ia(c,g,L),n,h,l+1)}S+=n;n=L=q=G=y=r=0;g="";k=d.charCodeAt(++p);break;case 125:case 59:g=(0<q?g.replace(P,""):g).trim();if(1<(t=g.length))switch(0===G&&(r=g.charCodeAt(0),45===r||96<r&&123>r)&&(t=(g=g.replace(" ",":")).length),0<E&&void 0!==(H=O(1,g,c,b,I,A,u.length,h,l))&&0===(t=(g=H.trim()).length)&&(g="\x00\x00"),r=g.charCodeAt(0),
q=g.charCodeAt(1),r+q){case 0:break;case 169:case 163:N+=g+d.charAt(p);break;default:58!==g.charCodeAt(t-1)&&(u+=ja(g,r,q,g.charCodeAt(2)))}L=q=G=y=r=0;g="";k=d.charCodeAt(++p)}}switch(k){case 13:case 10:if(0===f+e+m+a+ka)switch(C){case 41:case 39:case 34:case 64:case 126:case 62:case 42:case 43:case 47:case 45:case 58:case 44:case 59:case 123:case 125:break;default:0<G&&(y=1)}47===f&&(f=0);0<E*la&&O(0,g,c,b,I,A,u.length,h,l);A=1;I++;break;case 59:case 125:if(0===f+e+m+a){A++;break}default:A++;v=
d.charAt(p);switch(k){case 9:case 32:if(0===e+a)switch(w){case 44:case 58:case 9:case 32:v="";break;default:32!==k&&(v=" ")}break;case 0:v="\\0";break;case 12:v="\\f";break;case 11:v="\\v";break;case 38:0===e+f+a&&0<F&&(q=L=1,v="\f"+v);break;case 108:if(0===e+f+a+J&&0<G)switch(p-G){case 2:112===w&&58===d.charCodeAt(p-3)&&(J=w);case 8:111===B&&(J=B)}break;case 58:0===e+f+a&&(G=p);break;case 44:0===f+m+e+a&&(q=1,v+="\r");break;case 34:0===f&&(e=e===k?0:0===e?k:e,p===M&&(M++,D++));break;case 39:0===
f&&(e=e===k?0:0===e?k:e,p===M&&(M++,D++));break;case 91:0===e+f+m&&a++;break;case 93:0===e+f+m&&a--;break;case 41:0===e+f+a&&(p===M&&(M++,D++),m--);break;case 40:if(0===e+f+a){if(0===r)switch(2*w+3*B){case 533:break;default:z=0,r=1}m++}break;case 64:0===f+m+e+a+G+n&&(n=1);break;case 42:case 47:if(!(0<e+a+m))switch(f){case 0:switch(2*k+3*d.charCodeAt(p+1)){case 235:f=47;break;case 220:t=p,f=42}break;case 42:47===k&&42===w&&(33===d.charCodeAt(t+2)&&(u+=d.substring(t,p+1)),v="",f=0)}}if(0===f){if(0===
F+e+a+n&&107!==h&&59!==k)switch(k){case 44:case 126:case 62:case 43:case 41:case 40:if(0===r){switch(w){case 9:case 32:case 10:case 13:v+="\x00";break;default:v="\x00"+v+(44===k?"":"\x00")}q=1}else switch(k){case 40:r=++z;break;case 41:0===(r=--z)&&(q=1,v+="\x00")}break;case 32:switch(w){case 0:case 123:case 125:case 59:case 44:case 12:case 9:case 32:case 10:case 13:break;default:0===r&&(q=1,v+="\x00")}}g+=v;32!==k&&(C=k)}}B=w;w=k;p++}t=u.length;0<X&&0===t&&0===S.length&&0===c[0].length===!1&&(109!==
h||1===c.length&&(0<F?K:R)===c[0])&&(t=c.join(",").length+2);if(0<t){if(0===F&&107!==h){d=0;a=c.length;for(f=Array(a);d<a;++d){w=c[d].split(ua);B="";C=0;for(D=w.length;C<D;++C)if(!(0===(z=(e=w[C]).length)&&1<D)){p=B.charCodeAt(B.length-1);L=e.charCodeAt(0);m="";if(0!==C)switch(p){case 42:case 126:case 62:case 43:case 32:case 40:break;default:m=" "}switch(L){case 38:e=m+K;case 126:case 62:case 43:case 32:case 41:case 40:break;case 91:e=m+e+K;break;case 58:switch(2*e.charCodeAt(1)+3*e.charCodeAt(2)){case 530:if(0<
Y){e=m+e.substring(8,z-1);break}default:if(1>C||1>w[C-1].length)e=m+K+e}break;case 44:m="";default:e=1<z&&0<e.indexOf(":")?m+e.replace(va,"$1"+K+"$2"):m+e+K}B+=e}f[d]=B.replace(P,"").trim()}c=f}k=c;if(0<E&&(H=O(2,u,k,b,I,A,t,h,l),void 0!==H&&0===(u=H).length))return N+u+S;u=k.join(",")+"{"+u+"}";if(0!==x*J){2!==x||U(u,2)||(J=0);switch(J){case 111:u=u.replace(wa,":-moz-$1")+u;break;case 112:u=u.replace(Z,"::-webkit-input-$1")+u.replace(Z,"::-moz-$1")+u.replace(Z,":-ms-input-$1")+u}J=0}}return N+u+
S}function ia(b,c,d){var h=c.trim().split(xa);c=h;var l=h.length,a=b.length;switch(a){case 0:case 1:var f=0;for(b=0===a?"":b[0]+" ";f<l;++f)c[f]=ma(b,c[f],d,a).trim();break;default:var m=f=0;for(c=[];f<l;++f)for(var e=0;e<a;++e)c[m++]=ma(b[e]+" ",h[f],d,a).trim()}return c}function ma(b,c,d,h){var l=c.charCodeAt(0);33>l&&(l=(c=c.trim()).charCodeAt(0));switch(l){case 38:switch(F+h){case 0:case 1:if(0===b.trim().length)break;default:return c.replace(N,"$1"+b.trim())}break;case 58:switch(c.charCodeAt(1)){case 103:if(0<
Y&&0<F)return c.replace(ya,"$1").replace(N,"$1"+R);break;default:return b.trim()+c}default:if(0<d*F&&0<c.indexOf("\f"))return c.replace(N,(58===b.charCodeAt(0)?"":"$1")+b.trim())}return b+c}function ja(b,c,d,h){var l=0,a=b+";";c=2*c+3*d+4*h;if(944===c){l=a.length;b=a.indexOf(":",9)+1;d=a.substring(0,b).trim();h=a.substring(b,l-1).trim();switch(a.charCodeAt(9)*Q){case 0:break;case 45:if(110!==a.charCodeAt(10))break;default:for(a=h.split((h="",za)),b=c=0,l=a.length;c<l;b=0,++c){for(var f=a[c],m=f.split(Aa);f=
m[b];){var e=f.charCodeAt(0);if(1===Q&&(64<e&&90>e||96<e&&123>e||95===e||45===e&&45!==f.charCodeAt(1)))switch(isNaN(parseFloat(f))+(-1!==f.indexOf("("))){case 1:switch(f){case "infinite":case "alternate":case "backwards":case "running":case "normal":case "forwards":case "both":case "none":case "linear":case "ease":case "ease-in":case "ease-out":case "ease-in-out":case "paused":case "reverse":case "alternate-reverse":case "inherit":case "initial":case "unset":case "step-start":case "step-end":break;
default:f+=T}}m[b++]=f}h+=(0===c?"":",")+m.join(" ")}}h=d+h+";";return 1===x||2===x&&U(h,1)?"-webkit-"+h+h:h}if(0===x||2===x&&!U(a,1))return a;switch(c){case 1015:return 45===a.charCodeAt(9)?"-webkit-"+a+a:a;case 951:return 116===a.charCodeAt(3)?"-webkit-"+a+a:a;case 963:return 110===a.charCodeAt(5)?"-webkit-"+a+a:a;case 969:case 942:return"-webkit-"+a+a;case 978:return"-webkit-"+a+"-moz-"+a+a;case 1019:case 983:return"-webkit-"+a+"-moz-"+a+"-ms-"+a+a;case 883:return 45===a.charCodeAt(8)?"-webkit-"+
a+a:a;case 932:return"-webkit-"+a+"-ms-"+a+a;case 964:return"-webkit-"+a+"-ms-flex-"+a+a;case 1023:if(99!==a.charCodeAt(8))break;b=a.substring(a.indexOf(":",15)).replace("flex-","").replace("space-between","justify");return"-webkit-box-pack"+b+"-webkit-"+a+"-ms-flex-pack"+b+a;case 1005:return Ba.test(a)?a.replace(na,":-webkit-")+a.replace(na,":-moz-")+a:a;case 1E3:b=a.substring(13).trim();l=b.indexOf("-")+1;switch(b.charCodeAt(0)+b.charCodeAt(l)){case 226:b=a.replace(aa,"tb");break;case 232:b=a.replace(aa,
"tb-rl");break;case 220:b=a.replace(aa,"lr");break;default:return a}return"-webkit-"+a+"-ms-"+b+a;case 1017:if(-1===a.indexOf("sticky",9))break;case 975:l=(a=b).length-10;b=(33===a.charCodeAt(l)?a.substring(0,l):a).substring(b.indexOf(":",7)+1).trim();switch(c=b.charCodeAt(0)+(b.charCodeAt(7)|0)){case 203:if(111>b.charCodeAt(8))break;case 115:a=a.replace(b,"-webkit-"+b)+";"+a;break;case 207:case 102:a=a.replace(b,"-webkit-"+(102<c?"inline-":"")+"box")+";"+a.replace(b,"-webkit-"+b)+";"+a.replace(b,
"-ms-"+b+"box")+";"+a}return a+";";case 938:if(45===a.charCodeAt(5))switch(a.charCodeAt(6)){case 105:return b=a.replace("-items",""),"-webkit-"+a+"-webkit-box-"+b+"-ms-flex-"+b+a;case 115:return"-webkit-"+a+"-ms-flex-item-"+a.replace(Ca,"")+a;default:return"-webkit-"+a+"-ms-flex-line-pack"+a.replace("align-content","")+a}break;case 953:if(0<(l=a.indexOf("-content",9))&&109===a.charCodeAt(l-3)&&45!==a.charCodeAt(l-4))return b=a.substring(l-3),"width:-webkit-"+b+"width:-moz-"+b+"width:"+b;break;case 962:if(a=
"-webkit-"+a+(102===a.charCodeAt(5)?"-ms-"+a:"")+a,211===d+h&&105===a.charCodeAt(13)&&0<a.indexOf("transform",10))return a.substring(0,a.indexOf(";",27)+1).replace(Da,"$1-webkit-$2")+a}return a}function U(b,c){var d=b.indexOf(1===c?":":"{"),h=b.substring(0,3!==c?d:10);d=b.substring(d+1,b.length-1);return ba(2!==c?h:h.replace(Ea,"$1"),d,c)}function sa(b,c){var d=ja(c,c.charCodeAt(0),c.charCodeAt(1),c.charCodeAt(2));return d!==c+";"?d.replace(Fa," or ($1)").substring(4):"("+c+")"}function O(b,c,d,h,
l,a,f,m,e){for(var r=0,q=c,k;r<E;++r)switch(k=ca[r].call(y,b,q,d,h,l,a,f,m,e)){case void 0:case !1:case !0:case null:break;default:q=k}switch(q){case void 0:case !1:case !0:case null:case c:break;default:return q}}function da(b){switch(b){case void 0:case null:E=ca.length=0;break;default:switch(b.constructor){case Array:for(var c=0,d=b.length;c<d;++c)da(b[c]);break;case Function:ca[E++]=b;break;case Boolean:la=!!b|0}}return da}function ea(b){for(var c in b){var d=b[c];switch(c){case "keyframe":Q=
d|0;break;case "global":Y=d|0;break;case "cascade":F=d|0;break;case "compress":oa=d|0;break;case "semicolon":ka=d|0;break;case "preserve":X=d|0;break;case "prefix":ba=null,d?"function"!==typeof d?x=1:(x=2,ba=d):x=0}}return ea}function y(b,c){if(void 0!==this&&this.constructor===y)return fa(b);var d=b,h=d.charCodeAt(0);33>h&&(h=(d=d.trim()).charCodeAt(0));0<Q&&(T=d.replace(Ga,91===h?"":"-"));h=1;1===F?R=d:K=d;d=[R];if(0<E){var l=O(-1,c,d,d,I,A,0,0,0);void 0!==l&&"string"===typeof l&&(c=l)}var a=V(W,
d,c,0,0);0<E&&(l=O(-2,a,d,d,I,A,a.length,0,0),void 0!==l&&"string"!==typeof(a=l)&&(h=0));K=R=T="";J=0;A=I=1;return 0===oa*h?a:a.replace(P,"").replace(Ha,"").replace(Ia,"$1").replace(Ja,"$1").replace(Ka," ")}var qa=/^\0+/g,P=/[\0\r\f]/g,na=/: */g,Ba=/zoo|gra/,Da=/([,: ])(transform)/g,za=/,+\s*(?![^(]*[)])/g,Aa=/ +\s*(?![^(]*[)])/g,ua=/ *[\0] */g,xa=/,\r+?/g,N=/([\t\r\n ])*\f?&/g,ya=/:global\(((?:[^\(\)\[\]]*|\[.*\]|\([^\(\)]*\))*)\)/g,Ga=/\W+/g,ta=/@(k\w+)\s*(\S*)\s*/,Z=/::(place)/g,wa=/:(read-only)/g,
Ha=/\s+(?=[{\];=:>])/g,Ia=/([[}=:>])\s+/g,Ja=/(\{[^{]+?);(?=\})/g,Ka=/\s{2,}/g,va=/([^\(])(:+) */g,aa=/[svh]\w+-[tblr]{2}/,ra=/\(\s*([^]*?)\s*\)/g,Fa=/([^]*?);/g,Ca=/-self|flex-/g,Ea=/[^]*?(:[rp][el]a[\w-]+)[^]*/,A=1,I=1,J=0,F=1,x=1,Y=1,oa=0,ka=0,X=0,W=[],ca=[],E=0,ba=null,la=0,Q=1,T="",K="",R="";y.use=da;y.set=ea;void 0!==ha&&ea(ha);return y};
export default pa
var oa=function ea(fa){function V(b,c,d,k,l){for(var a=0,f=0,m=0,e=0,q,p,h,w=0,C=0,D=0,z=0,n=q=0,F=0,r=0,y=p=0,K=0,u=0,L=d.length,M=L-1,v,g="",t="",S="",N="",G;r<L;){h=d.charCodeAt(r);r===M&&0!==f+e+m+a&&(0!==f&&(h=47===f?10:47),e=m=a=0,L++,M++);if(0===f+e+m+a){if(r===M&&(0<p&&(g=g.replace(P,"")),0<g.trim().length)){switch(h){case 32:case 9:case 59:case 13:case 10:break;default:g+=d.charAt(r)}h=59}if(1===y)switch(h){case 123:case 44:y=0;break;case 9:case 13:case 10:case 32:break;default:r--,h=59}switch(h){case 123:g=
g.trim();q=g.charCodeAt(0);z=1;for(u=++r;r<L;){h=d.charCodeAt(r);switch(h){case 123:z++;break;case 125:z--}if(0===z)break;r++}n=d.substring(u,r);0===q&&(q=(g=g.replace(pa,"").trim()).charCodeAt(0));switch(q){case 64:0<p&&(g=g.replace(P,""));p=g.charCodeAt(1);switch(p){case 100:case 109:case 115:case 45:h=c;break;default:h=W}n=V(c,h,n,p,l+1);u=n.length;0<X&&0===u&&(u=g.length);0<E&&(h=ha(W,g,K),G=O(3,n,h,c,H,A,u,p,l),g=h.join(""),void 0!==G&&0===(u=(n=G.trim()).length)&&(p=0,n=""));if(0<u)switch(p){case 115:g=
g.replace(qa,ra);case 100:case 109:case 45:n=g+"{"+n+"}";break;case 107:g=g.replace(sa,"$1 $2"+(0<Q?T:""));n=g+"{"+n+"}";n=1===x||2===x&&U("@"+n,3)?"@-webkit-"+n+"@"+n:"@"+n;break;default:n=g+n,112===k&&(n=(t+=n,""))}else n="";break;default:n=V(c,ha(c,g,K),n,k,l+1)}S+=n;n=K=p=F=y=q=0;g="";h=d.charCodeAt(++r);break;case 125:case 59:g=(0<p?g.replace(P,""):g).trim();if(1<(u=g.length))switch(0===F&&(q=g.charCodeAt(0),45===q||96<q&&123>q)&&(u=(g=g.replace(" ",":")).length),0<E&&void 0!==(G=O(1,g,c,b,H,
A,t.length,k,l))&&0===(u=(g=G.trim()).length)&&(g="\x00\x00"),q=g.charCodeAt(0),p=g.charCodeAt(1),q+p){case 0:break;case 169:case 163:N+=g+d.charAt(r);break;default:58!==g.charCodeAt(u-1)&&(t+=ia(g,q,p,g.charCodeAt(2)))}K=p=F=y=q=0;g="";h=d.charCodeAt(++r)}}switch(h){case 13:case 10:if(0===f+e+m+a+ja)switch(D){case 41:case 39:case 34:case 64:case 126:case 62:case 42:case 43:case 47:case 45:case 58:case 44:case 59:case 123:case 125:break;default:0<F&&(y=1)}47===f?f=0:0===B+q&&(p=1,g+="\x00");0<E*ka&&
O(0,g,c,b,H,A,t.length,k,l);A=1;H++;break;case 59:case 125:if(0===f+e+m+a){A++;break}default:A++;v=d.charAt(r);switch(h){case 9:case 32:if(0===e+a+f)switch(w){case 44:case 58:case 9:case 32:v="";break;default:32!==h&&(v=" ")}break;case 0:v="\\0";break;case 12:v="\\f";break;case 11:v="\\v";break;case 38:0===e+f+a&&0<B&&(p=K=1,v="\f"+v);break;case 108:if(0===e+f+a+I&&0<F)switch(r-F){case 2:112===w&&58===d.charCodeAt(r-3)&&(I=w);case 8:111===C&&(I=C)}break;case 58:0===e+f+a&&(F=r);break;case 44:0===
f+m+e+a&&(p=1,v+="\r");break;case 34:0===f&&(e=e===h?0:0===e?h:e);break;case 39:0===f&&(e=e===h?0:0===e?h:e);break;case 91:0===e+f+m&&a++;break;case 93:0===e+f+m&&a--;break;case 41:0===e+f+a&&m--;break;case 40:if(0===e+f+a){if(0===q)switch(2*w+3*C){case 533:break;default:z=0,q=1}m++}break;case 64:0===f+m+e+a+F+n&&(n=1);break;case 42:case 47:if(!(0<e+a+m))switch(f){case 0:switch(2*h+3*d.charCodeAt(r+1)){case 235:f=47;break;case 220:u=r,f=42}break;case 42:47===h&&42===w&&(33===d.charCodeAt(u+2)&&(t+=
d.substring(u,r+1)),v="",f=0)}}if(0===f){if(0===B+e+a+n&&107!==k&&59!==h)switch(h){case 44:case 126:case 62:case 43:case 41:case 40:if(0===q){switch(w){case 9:case 32:case 10:case 13:v+="\x00";break;default:v="\x00"+v+(44===h?"":"\x00")}p=1}else switch(h){case 40:q=++z;break;case 41:0===(q=--z)&&(p=1,v+="\x00")}break;case 9:case 32:switch(w){case 0:case 123:case 125:case 59:case 44:case 12:case 9:case 32:case 10:case 13:break;default:0===q&&(p=1,v+="\x00")}}g+=v;32!==h&&9!==h&&(D=h)}}C=w;w=h;r++}u=
t.length;0<X&&0===u&&0===S.length&&0===c[0].length===!1&&(109!==k||1===c.length&&(0<B?J:R)===c[0])&&(u=c.join(",").length+2);if(0<u){if(0===B&&107!==k){d=0;a=c.length;for(f=Array(a);d<a;++d){w=c[d].split(ta);C="";D=0;for(L=w.length;D<L;++D)if(!(0===(z=(e=w[D]).length)&&1<L)){r=C.charCodeAt(C.length-1);K=e.charCodeAt(0);m="";if(0!==D)switch(r){case 42:case 126:case 62:case 43:case 32:case 40:break;default:m=" "}switch(K){case 38:e=m+J;case 126:case 62:case 43:case 32:case 41:case 40:break;case 91:e=
m+e+J;break;case 58:switch(2*e.charCodeAt(1)+3*e.charCodeAt(2)){case 530:if(0<Y){e=m+e.substring(8,z-1);break}default:if(1>D||1>w[D-1].length)e=m+J+e}break;case 44:m="";default:e=1<z&&0<e.indexOf(":")?m+e.replace(ua,"$1"+J+"$2"):m+e+J}C+=e}f[d]=C.replace(P,"").trim()}c=f}h=c;if(0<E&&(G=O(2,t,h,b,H,A,u,k,l),void 0!==G&&0===(t=G).length))return N+t+S;t=h.join(",")+"{"+t+"}";if(0!==x*I){2!==x||U(t,2)||(I=0);switch(I){case 111:t=t.replace(va,":-moz-$1")+t;break;case 112:t=t.replace(Z,"::-webkit-input-$1")+
t.replace(Z,"::-moz-$1")+t.replace(Z,":-ms-input-$1")+t}I=0}}return N+t+S}function ha(b,c,d){var k=c.trim().split(wa);c=k;var l=k.length,a=b.length;switch(a){case 0:case 1:var f=0;for(b=0===a?"":b[0]+" ";f<l;++f)c[f]=la(b,c[f],d,a).trim();break;default:var m=f=0;for(c=[];f<l;++f)for(var e=0;e<a;++e)c[m++]=la(b[e]+" ",k[f],d,a).trim()}return c}function la(b,c,d,k){var l=c.charCodeAt(0);33>l&&(l=(c=c.trim()).charCodeAt(0));switch(l){case 38:switch(B+k){case 0:case 1:if(0===b.trim().length)break;default:return c.replace(M,
"$1"+b.trim())}break;case 58:switch(c.charCodeAt(1)){case 103:if(0<Y&&0<B)return c.replace(xa,"$1").replace(M,"$1"+R);break;default:return b.trim()+c}default:if(0<d*B&&0<c.indexOf("\f"))return c.replace(M,(58===b.charCodeAt(0)?"":"$1")+b.trim())}return b+c}function ia(b,c,d,k){var l=0,a=b+";";c=2*c+3*d+4*k;if(944===c){l=a.length;b=a.indexOf(":",9)+1;d=a.substring(0,b).trim();k=a.substring(b,l-1).trim();switch(a.charCodeAt(9)*Q){case 0:break;case 45:if(110!==a.charCodeAt(10))break;default:for(a=k.split((k=
"",ya)),b=c=0,l=a.length;c<l;b=0,++c){for(var f=a[c],m=f.split(za);f=m[b];){var e=f.charCodeAt(0);if(1===Q&&(64<e&&90>e||96<e&&123>e||95===e||45===e&&45!==f.charCodeAt(1)))switch(isNaN(parseFloat(f))+(-1!==f.indexOf("("))){case 1:switch(f){case "infinite":case "alternate":case "backwards":case "running":case "normal":case "forwards":case "both":case "none":case "linear":case "ease":case "ease-in":case "ease-out":case "ease-in-out":case "paused":case "reverse":case "alternate-reverse":case "inherit":case "initial":case "unset":case "step-start":case "step-end":break;
default:f+=T}}m[b++]=f}k+=(0===c?"":",")+m.join(" ")}}k=d+k+";";return 1===x||2===x&&U(k,1)?"-webkit-"+k+k:k}if(0===x||2===x&&!U(a,1))return a;switch(c){case 1015:return 45===a.charCodeAt(9)?"-webkit-"+a+a:a;case 951:return 116===a.charCodeAt(3)?"-webkit-"+a+a:a;case 963:return 110===a.charCodeAt(5)?"-webkit-"+a+a:a;case 1009:if(100!==a.charCodeAt(4))break;case 969:case 942:return"-webkit-"+a+a;case 978:return"-webkit-"+a+"-moz-"+a+a;case 1019:case 983:return"-webkit-"+a+"-moz-"+a+"-ms-"+a+a;case 883:return 45===
a.charCodeAt(8)?"-webkit-"+a+a:a;case 932:if(45===a.charCodeAt(4))switch(a.charCodeAt(5)){case 103:return"-webkit-box-"+a.replace("-grow","")+"-ms-"+a.replace("grow","positive")+a;case 115:return"-ms-"+a.replace("shrink","negative")+a;case 98:return"-ms-"+a.replace("basis","preferred-size")+a}return"-webkit-"+a+"-ms-"+a+a;case 964:return"-webkit-"+a+"-ms-flex-"+a+a;case 1023:if(99!==a.charCodeAt(8))break;b=a.substring(a.indexOf(":",15)).replace("flex-","").replace("space-between","justify");return"-webkit-box-pack"+
b+"-webkit-"+a+"-ms-flex-pack"+b+a;case 1005:return Aa.test(a)?a.replace(ma,":-webkit-")+a.replace(ma,":-moz-")+a:a;case 1E3:b=a.substring(13).trim();l=b.indexOf("-")+1;switch(b.charCodeAt(0)+b.charCodeAt(l)){case 226:b=a.replace(N,"tb");break;case 232:b=a.replace(N,"tb-rl");break;case 220:b=a.replace(N,"lr");break;default:return a}return"-webkit-"+a+"-ms-"+b+a;case 1017:if(-1===a.indexOf("sticky",9))break;case 975:l=(a=b).length-10;b=(33===a.charCodeAt(l)?a.substring(0,l):a).substring(b.indexOf(":",
7)+1).trim();switch(c=b.charCodeAt(0)+(b.charCodeAt(7)|0)){case 203:if(111>b.charCodeAt(8))break;case 115:a=a.replace(b,"-webkit-"+b)+";"+a;break;case 207:case 102:a=a.replace(b,"-webkit-"+(102<c?"inline-":"")+"box")+";"+a.replace(b,"-webkit-"+b)+";"+a.replace(b,"-ms-"+b+"box")+";"+a}return a+";";case 938:if(45===a.charCodeAt(5))switch(a.charCodeAt(6)){case 105:return b=a.replace("-items",""),"-webkit-"+a+"-webkit-box-"+b+"-ms-flex-"+b+a;case 115:return"-webkit-"+a+"-ms-flex-item-"+a.replace(Ba,"")+
a;default:return"-webkit-"+a+"-ms-flex-line-pack"+a.replace("align-content","")+a}break;case 953:if(0<(l=a.indexOf("-content",9))&&109===a.charCodeAt(l-3)&&45!==a.charCodeAt(l-4))return b=a.substring(l-3),"width:-webkit-"+b+"width:-moz-"+b+"width:"+b;break;case 962:if(a="-webkit-"+a+(102===a.charCodeAt(5)?"-ms-"+a:"")+a,211===d+k&&105===a.charCodeAt(13)&&0<a.indexOf("transform",10))return a.substring(0,a.indexOf(";",27)+1).replace(Ca,"$1-webkit-$2")+a}return a}function U(b,c){var d=b.indexOf(1===
c?":":"{"),k=b.substring(0,3!==c?d:10);d=b.substring(d+1,b.length-1);return aa(2!==c?k:k.replace(Da,"$1"),d,c)}function ra(b,c){var d=ia(c,c.charCodeAt(0),c.charCodeAt(1),c.charCodeAt(2));return d!==c+";"?d.replace(Ea," or ($1)").substring(4):"("+c+")"}function O(b,c,d,k,l,a,f,m,e){for(var q=0,p=c,h;q<E;++q)switch(h=ba[q].call(y,b,p,d,k,l,a,f,m,e)){case void 0:case !1:case !0:case null:break;default:p=h}switch(p){case void 0:case !1:case !0:case null:case c:break;default:return p}}function ca(b){switch(b){case void 0:case null:E=
ba.length=0;break;default:switch(b.constructor){case Array:for(var c=0,d=b.length;c<d;++c)ca(b[c]);break;case Function:ba[E++]=b;break;case Boolean:ka=!!b|0}}return ca}function da(b){for(var c in b){var d=b[c];switch(c){case "keyframe":Q=d|0;break;case "global":Y=d|0;break;case "cascade":B=d|0;break;case "compress":na=d|0;break;case "semicolon":ja=d|0;break;case "preserve":X=d|0;break;case "prefix":aa=null,d?"function"!==typeof d?x=1:(x=2,aa=d):x=0}}return da}function y(b,c){if(void 0!==this&&this.constructor===
y)return ea(b);var d=b,k=d.charCodeAt(0);33>k&&(k=(d=d.trim()).charCodeAt(0));0<Q&&(T=d.replace(Fa,91===k?"":"-"));k=1;1===B?R=d:J=d;d=[R];if(0<E){var l=O(-1,c,d,d,H,A,0,0,0);void 0!==l&&"string"===typeof l&&(c=l)}var a=V(W,d,c,0,0);0<E&&(l=O(-2,a,d,d,H,A,a.length,0,0),void 0!==l&&"string"!==typeof(a=l)&&(k=0));J=R=T="";I=0;A=H=1;return 0===na*k?a:a.replace(P,"").replace(Ga,"").replace(Ha,"$1").replace(Ia,"$1").replace(Ja," ")}var pa=/^\0+/g,P=/[\0\r\f]/g,ma=/: */g,Aa=/zoo|gra/,Ca=/([,: ])(transform)/g,
ya=/,+\s*(?![^(]*[)])/g,za=/ +\s*(?![^(]*[)])/g,ta=/ *[\0] */g,wa=/,\r+?/g,M=/([\t\r\n ])*\f?&/g,xa=/:global\(((?:[^\(\)\[\]]*|\[.*\]|\([^\(\)]*\))*)\)/g,Fa=/\W+/g,sa=/@(k\w+)\s*(\S*)\s*/,Z=/::(place)/g,va=/:(read-only)/g,Ga=/\s+(?=[{\];=:>])/g,Ha=/([[}=:>])\s+/g,Ia=/(\{[^{]+?);(?=\})/g,Ja=/\s{2,}/g,ua=/([^\(])(:+) */g,N=/[svh]\w+-[tblr]{2}/,qa=/\(\s*(.*)\s*\)/g,Ea=/([^]*?);/g,Ba=/-self|flex-/g,Da=/[^]*?(:[rp][el]a[\w-]+)[^]*/,A=1,H=1,I=0,B=1,x=1,Y=1,na=0,ja=0,X=0,W=[],ba=[],E=0,aa=null,ka=0,Q=1,
T="",J="",R="";y.use=ca;y.set=da;void 0!==fa&&da(fa);return y};
export default oa

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