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Package description

What is eslint-config-prettier?

The eslint-config-prettier npm package is used to disable all formatting-related ESLint rules that might conflict with Prettier. This allows developers to use both ESLint and Prettier without having to deal with conflicting formatting rules. It ensures that ESLint focuses on code-quality rules, and Prettier takes care of code formatting.

What are eslint-config-prettier's main functionalities?

Disabling conflicting rules

By extending eslint-config-prettier in your ESLint configuration file, you can turn off all rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with Prettier.

{ "extends": ["prettier"] }

Integration with other ESLint configs

eslint-config-prettier can be easily integrated with other ESLint configurations like Airbnb by placing it last in the extends array, which ensures that it will override any other formatting rules that might conflict with Prettier.

{ "extends": ["airbnb", "prettier"] }

Support for plugins

eslint-config-prettier provides support for disabling conflicting rules from various ESLint plugins, such as React or TypeScript, ensuring compatibility across different codebases.

{ "extends": ["prettier/react", "prettier/@typescript-eslint"] }

Other packages similar to eslint-config-prettier



Version 1.7.0 (2017-04-19)

  • Changed: The [no-confusing-arrow] is no longer a special rule, but simply turned off, since recent Prettier versions make it redundant.
  • Improved: The CLI helper tool now has a more helpful message for special rules, and exits with a different status code if only special rules were found. The exit codes are now documented as well.



eslint-config-prettier Build Status

Turns off all rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with Prettier.

This lets you use you favorite shareable config without letting its stylistic choices get in the way when using Prettier.

Intended to be used together with eslint-plugin-prettier.


First, install eslint-plugin-prettier. Follow the instructions over there.

Then, install eslint-config-prettier:

$ npm install --save-dev eslint-config-prettier

Finally, add eslint-config-prettier to the "extends" array in your .eslintrc.* file. Make sure to put it last, so it gets the chance to override other configs.

  "extends": [

A few ESLint plugins are supported as well:

Add extra exclusions for the plugins you use like so:

  "extends": [

CLI helper tool

eslint-config-prettier also ships with a little CLI tool to help you check if your configuration contains any rules that are unnecessary or conflict with Prettier.

First, add a script for it to package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "eslint-check": "eslint --print-config .eslintrc.js | eslint-config-prettier-check"

Then run npm run eslint-check.

(Swap out .eslintrc.js with the path to your config if needed.)

Exit codes:

  • 0: No problems found.
  • 1: Unexpected error.
  • 2: Conflicting rules found.
  • 3: Special rules only found.

Example configuration

  "extends": [
  "plugins": [
  "parserOptions": {
    "ecmaVersion": 2016,
    "sourceType": "module",
    "ecmaFeatures": {
      "jsx": true
  "env": {
    "es6": true,
    "node": true
  "rules": {
    "prettier/prettier": "error"

Special rules

There a few rules that eslint-config-prettier disables that actually can be enabled in some cases.


If a block (for example after if, else, for or while) contains only one statement, JavaScript allows omitting the curly braces around that statement. This rule enforces if or when those optional curly braces should be omitted.

If you use the "multi-line" or "multi-or-nest" option, the rule can conflict with Prettier.

For example, the "multi-line" option allows this line:

if (cart.items && cart.items[0] && cart.items[0].quantity === 0) updateCart(cart);

However, Prettier might consider the line too long and turn it into the following, which the "multi-line" option does not allow:

if (cart.items && cart.items[0] && cart.items[0].quantity === 0)

The eslint-config-airbnb config includes curly with the "multi-line" option turned on by default. Since that config is very popular, it makes sense for eslint-config-prettier to turn this rule off.

If you like this rule, it can be used just fine with Prettier as long as you don’t use the "multi-line" or "multi-or-nest" option.

Example configuration:

  "rules": {
    "curly": ["error", "all"]


Usually, Prettier takes care of following a maximum line length automatically. However, there are cases where Prettier can’t do anything, such as for long strings, regular expressions and comments. Those need to be split up by a human.

If you’d like to enforce an even stricter maximum line length policy than Prettier can provide automatically, you can enable this rule. Just remember to keep max-len’s options and Prettier’s printWidth option in sync.

Example configuration:

  "rules": {
    "max-len": ["error", {"code": 80, "ignoreUrls": true}]


This rule forbids mixing certain operators, such as && and ||.

For example, the rule could warn about this line:

var foo = a + b * c;

The rule suggests adding parentheses, like this:

var foo = a + (b * c);

However, Prettier removes many “unnecessary” parentheses, turning it back to:

var foo = a + b * c;

If you want to use this rule with Prettier, you need to split the expression into another variable:

var bar = b * c;
var foo = a + bar;

Keep in mind that Prettier prints some “unnecessary” parentheses, though:

var foo = (a && b) || c;

Example configuration:

  "rules": {
    "no-mixed-operators": "error"


If you’d like to enforce the use of backticks rather than single or double quotes for strings, you can enable this rule. Otherwise, there’s no need to. Just remember to enable the "backtick" option!

Example configuration:

  "rules": {
    "quotes": ["error", "backtick"]


eslint-config-prettier has been tested with:

  • ESLint 3.19.0
  • prettier 1.1.0
  • eslint-plugin-flowtype 2.30.4
  • eslint-plugin-react 6.10.3

Have new rules been added since those versions? Have we missed any rules? Is there a plugin you would like to see exclusions for? Open an issue or a pull request!

If you’d like to add support for eslint-plugin-foobar, this is how you’d go about it:

First, create foobar.js:

"use strict";

module.exports = {
  rules: {
    "foobar/some-rule": "off"

Then, create test-lint/foobar.js:

/* eslint-disable quotes */
"use strict";

// prettier does not want spaces before the parentheses, but
// eslint-config-foobar wants one.
console.log ();

test-lint/foobar.js must fail when used with eslint-plugin-foobar and eslint-plugin-prettier at the same time – until "prettier/foobar" is added to the "extends" property of an ESLint config.

Finally, you need to mention the plugin in several places:

  • Add "foobar.js" to the "files" field in package.json.
  • Make sure that at least one rule from eslint-plugin-foobar gets used in .eslintrc.base.js.
  • Add it to the list of supported plugins, to the example config and to Contributing section in

When you’re done, run npm test to verify that you got it all right. It runs several other npm scripts:

  • "test:lint" makes sure that the files in test-lint/ pass ESLint when the exclusions from eslint-config-prettier are used. It also lints the code of eslint-config-prettier itself.
  • "test:lint-verify-fail" is run by a test in test/lint-verify-fail.js.
  • "test:lint-rules" is run by a test in test/rules.js.
  • "test:ava" runs unit tests that check a number of things:
    • That eslint-plugin-foobar is mentioned in all the places shown above.
    • That no unknown rules are turned off. This helps catching typos, for example.
    • That the CLI works.
  • "test:cli-sanity" is a sanity check for the CLI.





Last updated on 19 Apr 2017

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