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Comparing version 0.1.3 to 0.1.4


"name": "ethereum-web3-plus",
"version": "0.1.3",
"version": "0.1.4",
"description": "Adds some simplifications to the web3 package such as compilation, instance creation, call sequencing",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "index.js",

@@ -52,3 +52,3 @@ # Documentation page for ethereum-web3-plus

compiler.addDeployedLib("MapAddressWithProps", "0x87614301dd92d49447b926941940c85533b7e147");
compiler.compile("./sources/solidity.sol"); // path either absolute or relative to geth running node.
compiler.compile("./sources/example.sol"); // path either absolute or relative to geth running node.

@@ -76,5 +76,6 @@ compiler.displaySizes(); // display all contract found and compiled and their code size (important to check they are as small as possible)

function(tx, p1, contract, err) {
console.log("callback:", tx, p1, contract, err);
if(contract) E = web3.instanceAt("Example", contract);
}, {canonicalAfter:1, dropAfter:5} );
console.log("callback:", tx, p1, contract, err);
if(contract) E = web3.instanceAt("Example", contract);
{canonicalAfter:2, dropAfter:5} );

@@ -85,6 +86,7 @@

waitFor takes the following parameters
1 : a valid tx hash returned by any of the web3 calls
2..N: any parameters to be passed to the callback
N+1 : a callback in the form function(txHash, p2, ..., pN, contractAddress, error)
waitFor takes the following parameters:
- 1 : a valid tx hash returned by any of the web3 calls
- 2..N: any parameters to be passed to the callback
- N+1 : a callback in the form function(txHash, p2, ..., pN, contractAddress, error)
where txHash is the hash of the transaction that was waited to be executed

@@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ p2, ..., pN the custom paramters passed to the waitFor

or the address of the contract (or account) to which the transaction was made
N+2 : (optional) an object with the following attributes
- N+2 : (optional) an object with the following attributes
- canonicalAfter: <number>, default=0. tells the watcher to call the callback only canonicalAfter blocks after the transaction has been mined. This allow to control possible small soft forks and be sure to get valid transactions.
- dropAfter: <number>, default=99999999. tells the watcher to drop this transaction if not mined after dropAfter blocks. This in case the local node has been killed before sending the tx to other nodes and/or the watcher loosing the events listener.

@@ -101,0 +103,0 @@ [npm-url]:

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