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ethjs-schema - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.1.0 to 0.1.2



@@ -0,1 +1,12 @@

# 0.1.2 -- value compression
1. Breaking changes
2. Value compression
3. File size is only 4.4kb now
# 0.1.1 -- config fixes
1. webpack config updates
2. build config updates
# 0.1.0 -- docs, json files

@@ -2,0 +13,0 @@


"methods": {
"web3_clientVersion": [[], "String"],
"web3_sha3": [["String"], "DATA", 1],
"net_version": [[], "String"],
"net_peerCount": [[], "QUANTITY"],
"net_listening": [[], "Boolean"],
"eth_protocolVersion": [[], "String"],
"web3_clientVersion": [[], "S"],
"web3_sha3": [["S"], "D", 1],
"net_version": [[], "S"],
"net_peerCount": [[], "Q"],
"net_listening": [[], "B"],
"eth_protocolVersion": [[], "S"],
"eth_syncing": [[], "Boolean|EthSyncing"],
"eth_coinbase": [[], "DATA20"],
"eth_mining": [[], "Boolean"],
"eth_hashrate": [[], "QUANTITY"],
"eth_gasPrice": [[], "QUANTITY"],
"eth_accounts": [[], ["DATA20"]],
"eth_blockNumber": [[], "QUANTITY"],
"eth_getBalance": [["DATA20", "QUANTITY|TAG"], "QUANTITY", 1, 2],
"eth_getStorageAt": [["DATA20", "QUANTITY", "QUANTITY|TAG"], "DATA", 2, 2],
"eth_getTransactionCount": [["DATA20", "QUANTITY|TAG"], "QUANTITY", 1, 2],
"eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash": [["DATA32"], "QUANTITY", 1],
"eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber": [["QUANTITY|TAG"], "QUANTITY", 1],
"eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash": [["DATA32"], "QUANTITY", 1],
"eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber": [["QUANTITY"], "QUANTITY", 1],
"eth_getCode": [["DATA20", "QUANTITY|TAG"], "DATA", 1, 2],
"eth_sign": [["DATA20", "DATA32"], "DATA", 2],
"eth_sendTransaction": [["SendTransaction"], "DATA", 1],
"eth_sendRawTransaction": [["DATA"], "DATA32", 1],
"eth_call": [["CallTransaction", "QUANTITY|TAG"], "DATA", 1, 2],
"eth_estimateGas": [["EstimateTransaction", "QUANTITY|TAG"], "QUANTITY", 1],
"eth_getBlockByHash": [["DATA32", "Boolean"], "Block", 2],
"eth_getBlockByNumber": [["QUANTITY|TAG", "Boolean"], "Block", 2],
"eth_getTransactionByHash": [["DATA32"], "Transaction", 1],
"eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex": [["DATA32", "QUANTITY"], "Transaction", 2],
"eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex": [["QUANTITY|TAG", "QUANTITY"], "Transaction", 2],
"eth_getTransactionReceipt": [["DATA32"], "Receipt", 1],
"eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex": [["DATA32", "QUANTITY"], "Block", 1],
"eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex": [["QUANTITY|TAG", "QUANTITY"], "Block", 2],
"eth_getCompilers": [[], ["String"]],
"eth_compileLLL": [["String"], "DATA", 1],
"eth_compileSolidity": [["String"], "DATA", 1],
"eth_compileSerpent": [["String"], "DATA", 1],
"eth_newFilter": [["Filter"], "QUANTITY", 1],
"eth_newBlockFilter": [[], "QUANTITY"],
"eth_newPendingTransactionFilter": [[], "QUANTITY"],
"eth_uninstallFilter": [["QUANTITY"], "Boolean", 1],
"eth_getFilterChanges": [["QUANTITY"], ["FilterChange"], 1],
"eth_getFilterLogs": [["QUANTITY"], ["FilterChange"], 1],
"eth_coinbase": [[], "D20"],
"eth_mining": [[], "B"],
"eth_hashrate": [[], "Q"],
"eth_gasPrice": [[], "Q"],
"eth_accounts": [[], ["D20"]],
"eth_blockNumber": [[], "Q"],
"eth_getBalance": [["D20", "Q|T"], "Q", 1, 2],
"eth_getStorageAt": [["D20", "Q", "Q|T"], "D", 2, 2],
"eth_getTransactionCount": [["D20", "Q|T"], "Q", 1, 2],
"eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash": [["D32"], "Q", 1],
"eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber": [["Q|T"], "Q", 1],
"eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash": [["D32"], "Q", 1],
"eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber": [["Q"], "Q", 1],
"eth_getCode": [["D20", "Q|T"], "D", 1, 2],
"eth_sign": [["D20", "D32"], "D", 2],
"eth_sendTransaction": [["SendTransaction"], "D", 1],
"eth_sendRawTransaction": [["D"], "D32", 1],
"eth_call": [["CallTransaction", "Q|T"], "D", 1, 2],
"eth_estimateGas": [["EstimateTransaction", "Q|T"], "Q", 1],
"eth_getBlockByHash": [["D32", "B"], "Block", 2],
"eth_getBlockByNumber": [["Q|T", "B"], "Block", 2],
"eth_getTransactionByHash": [["D32"], "Transaction", 1],
"eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex": [["D32", "Q"], "Transaction", 2],
"eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex": [["Q|T", "Q"], "Transaction", 2],
"eth_getTransactionReceipt": [["D32"], "Receipt", 1],
"eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex": [["D32", "Q"], "Block", 1],
"eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex": [["Q|T", "Q"], "Block", 2],
"eth_getCompilers": [[], ["S"]],
"eth_compileLLL": [["S"], "D", 1],
"eth_compileSolidity": [["S"], "D", 1],
"eth_compileSerpent": [["S"], "D", 1],
"eth_newFilter": [["Filter"], "Q", 1],
"eth_newBlockFilter": [[], "Q"],
"eth_newPendingTransactionFilter": [[], "Q"],
"eth_uninstallFilter": [["Q"], "B", 1],
"eth_getFilterChanges": [["Q"], ["FilterChange"], 1],
"eth_getFilterLogs": [["Q"], ["FilterChange"], 1],
"eth_getLogs": [["Filter"], ["FilterChange"], 1],
"eth_getWork": [[], ["DATA"]],
"eth_submitWork": [["DATA", "DATA32", "DATA32"], "Boolean", 3],
"eth_submitHashrate": [["DATA", "DATA"], "Boolean", 2],
"db_putString": [["String", "String", "String"], "Boolean", 2],
"db_getString": [["String", "String"], "String", 2],
"db_putHex": [["String", "String", "DATA"], "Boolean", 2],
"db_getHex": [["String", "String"], "DATA", 2],
"shh_post": [["SHHPost"], "Boolean", 1],
"shh_version": [[], "String"],
"shh_newIdentity": [[], "DATA"],
"shh_hasIdentity": [["DATA"], "Boolean"],
"shh_newGroup": [[], "DATA"],
"shh_addToGroup": [["DATA"], "Boolean", 1],
"shh_newFilter": [["SHHFilter"], "QUANTITY", 1],
"shh_uninstallFilter": [["QUANTITY"], "Boolean", 1],
"shh_getFilterChanges": [["QUANTITY"], ["SHHFilterChange"], 1],
"shh_getMessages": [["QUANTITY"], ["SHHFilterChange"], 1]
"eth_getWork": [[], ["D"]],
"eth_submitWork": [["D", "D32", "D32"], "B", 3],
"eth_submitHashrate": [["D", "D"], "B", 2],
"db_putString": [["S", "S", "S"], "B", 2],
"db_getString": [["S", "S"], "S", 2],
"db_putHex": [["S", "S", "D"], "B", 2],
"db_getHex": [["S", "S"], "D", 2],
"shh_post": [["SHHPost"], "B", 1],
"shh_version": [[], "S"],
"shh_newIdentity": [[], "D"],
"shh_hasIdentity": [["D"], "B"],
"shh_newGroup": [[], "D"],
"shh_addToGroup": [["D"], "B", 1],
"shh_newFilter": [["SHHFilter"], "Q", 1],
"shh_uninstallFilter": [["Q"], "B", 1],
"shh_getFilterChanges": [["Q"], ["SHHFilterChange"], 1],
"shh_getMessages": [["Q"], ["SHHFilterChange"], 1]

@@ -70,81 +70,81 @@ "tags": ["latest", "earliest", "pending"],

"__required": [],
"startingBlock": "QUANTITY",
"currentBlock": "QUANTITY",
"highestBlock": "QUANTITY"
"startingBlock": "Q",
"currentBlock": "Q",
"highestBlock": "Q"
"SendTransaction": {
"__required": ["from", "data"],
"from": "DATA20",
"to": "DATA20",
"gas": "QUANTITY",
"gasPrice": "QUANTITY",
"value": "QUANTITY",
"data": "DATA",
"nonce": "QUANTITY"
"__required": ["from", "D"],
"from": "D20",
"to": "D20",
"gas": "Q",
"gasPrice": "Q",
"value": "Q",
"D": "D",
"nonce": "Q"
"EstimateTransaction": {
"__required": [],
"from": "DATA20",
"to": "DATA20",
"gas": "QUANTITY",
"gasPrice": "QUANTITY",
"value": "QUANTITY",
"data": "DATA",
"nonce": "QUANTITY"
"from": "D20",
"to": "D20",
"gas": "Q",
"gasPrice": "Q",
"value": "Q",
"D": "D",
"nonce": "Q"
"CallTransaction": {
"__required": ["to"],
"from": "DATA20",
"to": "DATA20",
"gas": "QUANTITY",
"gasPrice": "QUANTITY",
"value": "QUANTITY",
"data": "DATA",
"nonce": "QUANTITY"
"from": "D20",
"to": "D20",
"gas": "Q",
"gasPrice": "Q",
"value": "Q",
"D": "D",
"nonce": "Q"
"Block": {
"__required": [],
"number": "QUANTITY",
"hash": "DATA32",
"parentHash": "DATA32",
"nonce": "DATA",
"sha3Uncles": "DATA",
"logsBloom": "DATA",
"transactionsRoot": "DATA",
"stateRoot": "DATA",
"receiptRoot": "DATA",
"miner": "DATA",
"difficulty": "QUANTITY",
"totalDifficulty": "QUANTITY",
"extraData": "DATA",
"size": "QUANTITY",
"gasLimit": "QUANTITY",
"gasUsed": "QUANTITY",
"timestamp": "QUANTITY",
"number": "Q",
"hash": "D32",
"parentHash": "D32",
"nonce": "D",
"sha3Uncles": "D",
"logsBloom": "D",
"transactionsRoot": "D",
"stateRoot": "D",
"receiptRoot": "D",
"miner": "D",
"difficulty": "Q",
"totalDifficulty": "Q",
"extraData": "D",
"size": "Q",
"gasLimit": "Q",
"gasUsed": "Q",
"timestamp": "Q",
"transactions": ["DATA|Transaction"],
"uncles": ["DATA"]
"uncles": ["D"]
"Transaction": {
"__required": [],
"hash": "DATA32",
"nonce": "QUANTITY",
"blockHash": "DATA32",
"blockNumber": "QUANTITY",
"transactionIndex": "QUANTITY",
"from": "DATA20",
"to": "DATA20",
"value": "QUANTITY",
"gasPrice": "QUANTITY",
"gas": "QUANTITY",
"input": "DATA"
"hash": "D32",
"nonce": "Q",
"blockHash": "D32",
"blockNumber": "Q",
"transactionIndex": "Q",
"from": "D20",
"to": "D20",
"value": "Q",
"gasPrice": "Q",
"gas": "Q",
"input": "D"
"Receipt": {
"__required": [],
"transactionHash": "DATA32",
"transactionIndex": "QUANTITY",
"blockHash": "DATA32",
"blockNumber": "QUANTITY",
"cumulativeGasUsed": "QUANTITY",
"gasUsed": "QUANTITY",
"contractAddress": "DATA20",
"transactionHash": "D32",
"transactionIndex": "Q",
"blockHash": "D32",
"blockNumber": "Q",
"cumulativeGasUsed": "Q",
"gasUsed": "Q",
"contractAddress": "D20",
"logs": ["FilterChange"]

@@ -154,58 +154,58 @@ },

"__required": [],
"fromBlock": "QUANTITY|TAG",
"toBlock": "QUANTITY|TAG",
"fromBlock": "Q|T",
"toBlock": "Q|T",
"address": "Array|Data",
"topics": ["DATA"]
"topics": ["D"]
"FilterChange": {
"__required": [],
"removed": "Boolean",
"logIndex": "QUANTITY",
"transactionIndex": "QUANTITY",
"transactionHash": "DATA32",
"blockHash": "DATA32",
"blockNumber": "QUANTITY",
"address": "DATA20",
"data": "Array|DATA",
"topics": ["DATA"]
"removed": "B",
"logIndex": "Q",
"transactionIndex": "Q",
"transactionHash": "D32",
"blockHash": "D32",
"blockNumber": "Q",
"address": "D20",
"D": "Array|DATA",
"topics": ["D"]
"SHHPost": {
"__required": ["topics", "payload", "priority", "ttl"],
"from": "DATA",
"to": "DATA",
"topics": ["DATA"],
"payload": "DATA",
"priority": "QUANTITY",
"ttl": "QUANTITY"
"from": "D",
"to": "D",
"topics": ["D"],
"payload": "D",
"priority": "Q",
"ttl": "Q"
"SHHFilter": {
"__required": ["topics"],
"to": "DATA",
"topics": ["DATA"]
"to": "D",
"topics": ["D"]
"SHHFilterChange": {
"__required": [],
"hash": "DATA",
"from": "DATA",
"to": "DATA",
"expiry": "QUANTITY",
"ttl": "QUANTITY",
"sent": "QUANTITY",
"topics": ["DATA"],
"payload": "DATA",
"workProved": "QUANTITY"
"hash": "D",
"from": "D",
"to": "D",
"expiry": "Q",
"ttl": "Q",
"sent": "Q",
"topics": ["D"],
"payload": "D",
"workProved": "Q"
"SHHMessage": {
"__required": [],
"hash": "DATA",
"from": "DATA",
"to": "DATA",
"expiry": "QUANTITY",
"ttl": "QUANTITY",
"sent": "QUANTITY",
"topics": ["DATA"],
"payload": "DATA",
"workProved": "QUANTITY"
"hash": "D",
"from": "D",
"to": "D",
"expiry": "Q",
"ttl": "Q",
"sent": "Q",
"topics": ["D"],
"payload": "D",
"workProved": "Q"
"name": "ethjs-schema",
"version": "0.1.0",
"version": "0.1.2",
"description": "A complete Ethereum RPC specification as a JSON object export.",
"main": "src/schema.json",
"browser": "dist/ethjs-schema.json",
"files": [

@@ -8,0 +7,0 @@ "dist",

@@ -68,3 +68,3 @@ ## ethjs-schema

methods: {
"eth_getBalance": [["DATA20", "QUANTITY|TAG"], "QUANTITY", 1, 2],
"eth_getBalance": [["D20", "Q|T"], "Q", 1, 2],

@@ -78,11 +78,13 @@ },

- "DATA" : bytes data
- "DATA20" : bytes data, length 20
- "DATA32" : bytes data, length 32
- "Boolean" : boolean true or false
- "String" : string data
- "D" : bytes data
- "D20" : bytes data, length 20
- "D32" : bytes data, length 32
- "B" : boolean true or false
- "S" : string data
- "Array|DATA" : either an array of DATA or a single bytes DATA
- "QUANTITY" : a number quantity
- "QUANTITY|TAG" : a number quantity or a tag (e.g. 'latest', 'earliest' ...)
- "Q" : a number quantity
- "Q|T" : a number quantity or a tag (e.g. 'latest', 'earliest' ...)
Note, post version 0.1.1 value primitives have been compressed.
### Tags:

@@ -121,9 +123,9 @@

"__required": ["from", "data"],
"from": "DATA20",
"to": "DATA20",
"gas": "QUANTITY",
"gasPrice": "QUANTITY",
"value": "QUANTITY",
"data": "DATA",
"nonce": "QUANTITY"
"from": "D20",
"to": "D20",
"gas": "Q",
"gasPrice": "Q",
"value": "Q",
"data": "D",
"nonce": "Q"

@@ -130,0 +132,0 @@ ...

"methods": {
"web3_clientVersion": [[], "String"],
"web3_sha3": [["String"], "DATA", 1],
"net_version": [[], "String"],
"net_peerCount": [[], "QUANTITY"],
"net_listening": [[], "Boolean"],
"eth_protocolVersion": [[], "String"],
"web3_clientVersion": [[], "S"],
"web3_sha3": [["S"], "D", 1],
"net_version": [[], "S"],
"net_peerCount": [[], "Q"],
"net_listening": [[], "B"],
"eth_protocolVersion": [[], "S"],
"eth_syncing": [[], "Boolean|EthSyncing"],
"eth_coinbase": [[], "DATA20"],
"eth_mining": [[], "Boolean"],
"eth_hashrate": [[], "QUANTITY"],
"eth_gasPrice": [[], "QUANTITY"],
"eth_accounts": [[], ["DATA20"]],
"eth_blockNumber": [[], "QUANTITY"],
"eth_getBalance": [["DATA20", "QUANTITY|TAG"], "QUANTITY", 1, 2],
"eth_getStorageAt": [["DATA20", "QUANTITY", "QUANTITY|TAG"], "DATA", 2, 2],
"eth_getTransactionCount": [["DATA20", "QUANTITY|TAG"], "QUANTITY", 1, 2],
"eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash": [["DATA32"], "QUANTITY", 1],
"eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber": [["QUANTITY|TAG"], "QUANTITY", 1],
"eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash": [["DATA32"], "QUANTITY", 1],
"eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber": [["QUANTITY"], "QUANTITY", 1],
"eth_getCode": [["DATA20", "QUANTITY|TAG"], "DATA", 1, 2],
"eth_sign": [["DATA20", "DATA32"], "DATA", 2],
"eth_sendTransaction": [["SendTransaction"], "DATA", 1],
"eth_sendRawTransaction": [["DATA"], "DATA32", 1],
"eth_call": [["CallTransaction", "QUANTITY|TAG"], "DATA", 1, 2],
"eth_estimateGas": [["EstimateTransaction", "QUANTITY|TAG"], "QUANTITY", 1],
"eth_getBlockByHash": [["DATA32", "Boolean"], "Block", 2],
"eth_getBlockByNumber": [["QUANTITY|TAG", "Boolean"], "Block", 2],
"eth_getTransactionByHash": [["DATA32"], "Transaction", 1],
"eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex": [["DATA32", "QUANTITY"], "Transaction", 2],
"eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex": [["QUANTITY|TAG", "QUANTITY"], "Transaction", 2],
"eth_getTransactionReceipt": [["DATA32"], "Receipt", 1],
"eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex": [["DATA32", "QUANTITY"], "Block", 1],
"eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex": [["QUANTITY|TAG", "QUANTITY"], "Block", 2],
"eth_getCompilers": [[], ["String"]],
"eth_compileLLL": [["String"], "DATA", 1],
"eth_compileSolidity": [["String"], "DATA", 1],
"eth_compileSerpent": [["String"], "DATA", 1],
"eth_newFilter": [["Filter"], "QUANTITY", 1],
"eth_newBlockFilter": [[], "QUANTITY"],
"eth_newPendingTransactionFilter": [[], "QUANTITY"],
"eth_uninstallFilter": [["QUANTITY"], "Boolean", 1],
"eth_getFilterChanges": [["QUANTITY"], ["FilterChange"], 1],
"eth_getFilterLogs": [["QUANTITY"], ["FilterChange"], 1],
"eth_coinbase": [[], "D20"],
"eth_mining": [[], "B"],
"eth_hashrate": [[], "Q"],
"eth_gasPrice": [[], "Q"],
"eth_accounts": [[], ["D20"]],
"eth_blockNumber": [[], "Q"],
"eth_getBalance": [["D20", "Q|T"], "Q", 1, 2],
"eth_getStorageAt": [["D20", "Q", "Q|T"], "D", 2, 2],
"eth_getTransactionCount": [["D20", "Q|T"], "Q", 1, 2],
"eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash": [["D32"], "Q", 1],
"eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber": [["Q|T"], "Q", 1],
"eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash": [["D32"], "Q", 1],
"eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber": [["Q"], "Q", 1],
"eth_getCode": [["D20", "Q|T"], "D", 1, 2],
"eth_sign": [["D20", "D32"], "D", 2],
"eth_sendTransaction": [["SendTransaction"], "D", 1],
"eth_sendRawTransaction": [["D"], "D32", 1],
"eth_call": [["CallTransaction", "Q|T"], "D", 1, 2],
"eth_estimateGas": [["EstimateTransaction", "Q|T"], "Q", 1],
"eth_getBlockByHash": [["D32", "B"], "Block", 2],
"eth_getBlockByNumber": [["Q|T", "B"], "Block", 2],
"eth_getTransactionByHash": [["D32"], "Transaction", 1],
"eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex": [["D32", "Q"], "Transaction", 2],
"eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex": [["Q|T", "Q"], "Transaction", 2],
"eth_getTransactionReceipt": [["D32"], "Receipt", 1],
"eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex": [["D32", "Q"], "Block", 1],
"eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex": [["Q|T", "Q"], "Block", 2],
"eth_getCompilers": [[], ["S"]],
"eth_compileLLL": [["S"], "D", 1],
"eth_compileSolidity": [["S"], "D", 1],
"eth_compileSerpent": [["S"], "D", 1],
"eth_newFilter": [["Filter"], "Q", 1],
"eth_newBlockFilter": [[], "Q"],
"eth_newPendingTransactionFilter": [[], "Q"],
"eth_uninstallFilter": [["Q"], "B", 1],
"eth_getFilterChanges": [["Q"], ["FilterChange"], 1],
"eth_getFilterLogs": [["Q"], ["FilterChange"], 1],
"eth_getLogs": [["Filter"], ["FilterChange"], 1],
"eth_getWork": [[], ["DATA"]],
"eth_submitWork": [["DATA", "DATA32", "DATA32"], "Boolean", 3],
"eth_submitHashrate": [["DATA", "DATA"], "Boolean", 2],
"db_putString": [["String", "String", "String"], "Boolean", 2],
"db_getString": [["String", "String"], "String", 2],
"db_putHex": [["String", "String", "DATA"], "Boolean", 2],
"db_getHex": [["String", "String"], "DATA", 2],
"shh_post": [["SHHPost"], "Boolean", 1],
"shh_version": [[], "String"],
"shh_newIdentity": [[], "DATA"],
"shh_hasIdentity": [["DATA"], "Boolean"],
"shh_newGroup": [[], "DATA"],
"shh_addToGroup": [["DATA"], "Boolean", 1],
"shh_newFilter": [["SHHFilter"], "QUANTITY", 1],
"shh_uninstallFilter": [["QUANTITY"], "Boolean", 1],
"shh_getFilterChanges": [["QUANTITY"], ["SHHFilterChange"], 1],
"shh_getMessages": [["QUANTITY"], ["SHHFilterChange"], 1]
"eth_getWork": [[], ["D"]],
"eth_submitWork": [["D", "D32", "D32"], "B", 3],
"eth_submitHashrate": [["D", "D"], "B", 2],
"db_putString": [["S", "S", "S"], "B", 2],
"db_getString": [["S", "S"], "S", 2],
"db_putHex": [["S", "S", "D"], "B", 2],
"db_getHex": [["S", "S"], "D", 2],
"shh_post": [["SHHPost"], "B", 1],
"shh_version": [[], "S"],
"shh_newIdentity": [[], "D"],
"shh_hasIdentity": [["D"], "B"],
"shh_newGroup": [[], "D"],
"shh_addToGroup": [["D"], "B", 1],
"shh_newFilter": [["SHHFilter"], "Q", 1],
"shh_uninstallFilter": [["Q"], "B", 1],
"shh_getFilterChanges": [["Q"], ["SHHFilterChange"], 1],
"shh_getMessages": [["Q"], ["SHHFilterChange"], 1]

@@ -70,81 +70,81 @@ "tags": ["latest", "earliest", "pending"],

"__required": [],
"startingBlock": "QUANTITY",
"currentBlock": "QUANTITY",
"highestBlock": "QUANTITY"
"startingBlock": "Q",
"currentBlock": "Q",
"highestBlock": "Q"
"SendTransaction": {
"__required": ["from", "data"],
"from": "DATA20",
"to": "DATA20",
"gas": "QUANTITY",
"gasPrice": "QUANTITY",
"value": "QUANTITY",
"data": "DATA",
"nonce": "QUANTITY"
"__required": ["from", "D"],
"from": "D20",
"to": "D20",
"gas": "Q",
"gasPrice": "Q",
"value": "Q",
"D": "D",
"nonce": "Q"
"EstimateTransaction": {
"__required": [],
"from": "DATA20",
"to": "DATA20",
"gas": "QUANTITY",
"gasPrice": "QUANTITY",
"value": "QUANTITY",
"data": "DATA",
"nonce": "QUANTITY"
"from": "D20",
"to": "D20",
"gas": "Q",
"gasPrice": "Q",
"value": "Q",
"D": "D",
"nonce": "Q"
"CallTransaction": {
"__required": ["to"],
"from": "DATA20",
"to": "DATA20",
"gas": "QUANTITY",
"gasPrice": "QUANTITY",
"value": "QUANTITY",
"data": "DATA",
"nonce": "QUANTITY"
"from": "D20",
"to": "D20",
"gas": "Q",
"gasPrice": "Q",
"value": "Q",
"D": "D",
"nonce": "Q"
"Block": {
"__required": [],
"number": "QUANTITY",
"hash": "DATA32",
"parentHash": "DATA32",
"nonce": "DATA",
"sha3Uncles": "DATA",
"logsBloom": "DATA",
"transactionsRoot": "DATA",
"stateRoot": "DATA",
"receiptRoot": "DATA",
"miner": "DATA",
"difficulty": "QUANTITY",
"totalDifficulty": "QUANTITY",
"extraData": "DATA",
"size": "QUANTITY",
"gasLimit": "QUANTITY",
"gasUsed": "QUANTITY",
"timestamp": "QUANTITY",
"number": "Q",
"hash": "D32",
"parentHash": "D32",
"nonce": "D",
"sha3Uncles": "D",
"logsBloom": "D",
"transactionsRoot": "D",
"stateRoot": "D",
"receiptRoot": "D",
"miner": "D",
"difficulty": "Q",
"totalDifficulty": "Q",
"extraData": "D",
"size": "Q",
"gasLimit": "Q",
"gasUsed": "Q",
"timestamp": "Q",
"transactions": ["DATA|Transaction"],
"uncles": ["DATA"]
"uncles": ["D"]
"Transaction": {
"__required": [],
"hash": "DATA32",
"nonce": "QUANTITY",
"blockHash": "DATA32",
"blockNumber": "QUANTITY",
"transactionIndex": "QUANTITY",
"from": "DATA20",
"to": "DATA20",
"value": "QUANTITY",
"gasPrice": "QUANTITY",
"gas": "QUANTITY",
"input": "DATA"
"hash": "D32",
"nonce": "Q",
"blockHash": "D32",
"blockNumber": "Q",
"transactionIndex": "Q",
"from": "D20",
"to": "D20",
"value": "Q",
"gasPrice": "Q",
"gas": "Q",
"input": "D"
"Receipt": {
"__required": [],
"transactionHash": "DATA32",
"transactionIndex": "QUANTITY",
"blockHash": "DATA32",
"blockNumber": "QUANTITY",
"cumulativeGasUsed": "QUANTITY",
"gasUsed": "QUANTITY",
"contractAddress": "DATA20",
"transactionHash": "D32",
"transactionIndex": "Q",
"blockHash": "D32",
"blockNumber": "Q",
"cumulativeGasUsed": "Q",
"gasUsed": "Q",
"contractAddress": "D20",
"logs": ["FilterChange"]

@@ -154,58 +154,58 @@ },

"__required": [],
"fromBlock": "QUANTITY|TAG",
"toBlock": "QUANTITY|TAG",
"fromBlock": "Q|T",
"toBlock": "Q|T",
"address": "Array|Data",
"topics": ["DATA"]
"topics": ["D"]
"FilterChange": {
"__required": [],
"removed": "Boolean",
"logIndex": "QUANTITY",
"transactionIndex": "QUANTITY",
"transactionHash": "DATA32",
"blockHash": "DATA32",
"blockNumber": "QUANTITY",
"address": "DATA20",
"data": "Array|DATA",
"topics": ["DATA"]
"removed": "B",
"logIndex": "Q",
"transactionIndex": "Q",
"transactionHash": "D32",
"blockHash": "D32",
"blockNumber": "Q",
"address": "D20",
"D": "Array|DATA",
"topics": ["D"]
"SHHPost": {
"__required": ["topics", "payload", "priority", "ttl"],
"from": "DATA",
"to": "DATA",
"topics": ["DATA"],
"payload": "DATA",
"priority": "QUANTITY",
"ttl": "QUANTITY"
"from": "D",
"to": "D",
"topics": ["D"],
"payload": "D",
"priority": "Q",
"ttl": "Q"
"SHHFilter": {
"__required": ["topics"],
"to": "DATA",
"topics": ["DATA"]
"to": "D",
"topics": ["D"]
"SHHFilterChange": {
"__required": [],
"hash": "DATA",
"from": "DATA",
"to": "DATA",
"expiry": "QUANTITY",
"ttl": "QUANTITY",
"sent": "QUANTITY",
"topics": ["DATA"],
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"from": "D",
"to": "D",
"expiry": "Q",
"ttl": "Q",
"sent": "Q",
"topics": ["D"],
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"workProved": "Q"
"SHHMessage": {
"__required": [],
"hash": "DATA",
"from": "DATA",
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"ttl": "QUANTITY",
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"topics": ["DATA"],
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"from": "D",
"to": "D",
"expiry": "Q",
"ttl": "Q",
"sent": "Q",
"topics": ["D"],
"payload": "D",
"workProved": "Q"
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