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@@ -1,99 +0,248 @@

var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
'use strict';
var SimpleDOM = require('simple-dom');
var najax = require('najax');
var debug = require('debug')('ember-cli-fastboot:ember-app');
var FastBootInfo = require('./fastboot-info');
var Sandbox = require('./sandbox');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
var HTMLSerializer = new SimpleDOM.HTMLSerializer(SimpleDOM.voidMap);
const najax = require('najax');
const SimpleDOM = require('simple-dom');
const existsSync = require('exists-sync');
const debug = require('debug')('fastboot:ember-app');
function EmberApp(options) {
var distPath = options.distPath;
const FastBootInfo = require('./fastboot-info');
const Result = require('./result');
var appFilePath = options.appFile;
var vendorFilePath = options.vendorFile;
var moduleWhitelist = options.moduleWhitelist;
this._hostWhitelist = options.hostWhitelist;
* @private
* The `EmberApp` class serves as a non-sandboxed wrapper around a sandboxed
* `Ember.Application`. This bridge allows the FastBoot to quickly spin up new
* `ApplicationInstances` initialized at a particular route, then destroy them
* once the route has finished rendering.
class EmberApp {
* Create a new EmberApp.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.distPath - path to the built Ember application
* @param {Sandbox} [options.sandbox=VMSandbox] - sandbox to use
constructor(options) {
let distPath = path.resolve(options.distPath);
let config = this.readPackageJSON(distPath);
debug("app created; app=%s; vendor=%s", appFilePath, vendorFilePath);
this.appFilePath = config.appFile;
this.vendorFilePath = config.vendorFile;
this.moduleWhitelist = config.moduleWhitelist;
this.hostWhitelist = config.hostWhitelist;
moduleWhitelist.forEach(function(whitelistedModule) {
debug("module whitelisted; module=%s", whitelistedModule);
this.html = fs.readFileSync(config.htmlFile, 'utf8');
// Create the sandbox, giving it the resolver to resolve once the app
// has booted.
var sandboxRequire = buildWhitelistedRequire(moduleWhitelist, distPath);
var sandbox = new Sandbox({
globals: {
najax: najax,
FastBoot: { require: sandboxRequire }
this.sandbox = this.buildSandbox(distPath, options.sandbox); = this.retrieveSandboxedApp();
* @private
* Builds and initializes a new sandbox to run the Ember application in.
* @param {string} distPath path to the built Ember app to load
* @param {Sandbox} [sandboxClass=VMSandbox] sandbox class to use
buildSandbox(distPath, sandboxClass) {
let Sandbox = sandboxClass || require('./vm-sandbox');
let sandboxRequire = this.buildWhitelistedRequire(this.moduleWhitelist, distPath);
var appFile = fs.readFileSync(appFilePath, 'utf8');
var vendorFile = fs.readFileSync(vendorFilePath, 'utf8');
return new Sandbox({
globals: {
najax: najax,
FastBoot: { require: sandboxRequire }
sandbox.eval(vendorFile, vendorFilePath);
debug("vendor file evaluated");
* @private
* The Ember app runs inside a sandbox that doesn't have access to the normal
* Node.js environment, including the `require` function. Instead, we provide
* our own `require` method that only allows whitelisted packages to be
* requested.
* This method takes an array of whitelisted package names and the path to the
* built Ember app and constructs this "fake" `require` function that gets made
* available globally inside the sandbox.
* @param {string[]} whitelist array of whitelisted package names
* @param {string} distPath path to the built Ember app
buildWhitelistedRequire(whitelist, distPath) {
whitelist.forEach(function(whitelistedModule) {
debug("module whitelisted; module=%s", whitelistedModule);
sandbox.eval(appFile, appFilePath);
debug("app file evaluated");
return function(moduleName) {
if (whitelist.indexOf(moduleName) > -1) {
let nodeModulesPath = path.join(distPath, 'node_modules', moduleName);
var AppFactory = {
return ctx.require('~fastboot/app-factory');
if (existsSync(nodeModulesPath)) {
return require(nodeModulesPath);
} else {
// If it's not on disk, assume it's a built-in node package
return require(moduleName);
} else {
throw new Error("Unable to require module '" + moduleName + "' because it was not in the whitelist.");
if (!AppFactory || typeof AppFactory['default'] !== 'function') {
throw new Error('Failed to load Ember app from ' + appFilePath + ', make sure it was built for FastBoot with the `ember fastboot:build` command.');
* @private
* Initializes the sandbox by evaluating the Ember app's JavaScript
* code, then retrieves the application factory from the sandbox and creates a new
* `Ember.Application`.
* @returns {Ember.Application} the Ember application from the sandbox
retrieveSandboxedApp() {
let sandbox = this.sandbox;
let appFilePath = this.appFilePath;
let vendorFilePath = this.vendorFilePath;
let appFile = fs.readFileSync(appFilePath, 'utf8');
let vendorFile = fs.readFileSync(vendorFilePath, 'utf8');
debug("evaluating app; app=%s; vendor=%s", appFilePath, vendorFilePath);
sandbox.eval(vendorFile, vendorFilePath);
debug("vendor file evaluated");
sandbox.eval(appFile, appFilePath);
debug("app file evaluated");
// Retrieve the application factory from within the sandbox
let AppFactory = {
return ctx.require('~fastboot/app-factory');
// If the application factory couldn't be found, throw an error
if (!AppFactory || typeof AppFactory['default'] !== 'function') {
throw new Error('Failed to load Ember app from ' + appFilePath + ', make sure it was built for FastBoot with the `ember fastboot:build` command.');
// Otherwise, return a new `Ember.Application` instance
return AppFactory['default']();
this._app = AppFactory['default']();
* Destroys the app and its sandbox.
destroy() {
if ( {;
EmberApp.prototype.destroy = function() {
if (this._app) {
this.sandbox = null;
EmberApp.prototype.buildApp = function() {
return this._app.boot().then(function(app) {
return app.buildInstance();
* @private
* Creates a new `ApplicationInstance` from the sandboxed `Application`.
* @returns {Promise<Ember.ApplicationInstance>} instance
buildAppInstance() {
return {
debug('building instance');
return app.buildInstance();
* Called by an HTTP server to render the app at a specific URL.
EmberApp.prototype.visit = function(path, options) {
var req = options.request;
var res = options.response;
* Creates a new application instance and renders the instance at a specific
* URL, returning a promise that resolves to a {@link Result}. The `Result`
* givesg you access to the rendered HTML as well as metadata about the
* request such as the HTTP status code.
* If this call to `visit()` is to service an incoming HTTP request, you may
* provide Node's `ClientRequest` and `ServerResponse` objects as options
* (e.g., the `res` and `req` arguments passed to Express middleware). These
* are provided to the Ember application via the FastBoot service.
* @param {string} path the URL path to render, like `/photos/1`
* @param {Object} options
* @param {ClientRequest}
* @returns {Promise<Result>} result
visit(path, options) {
let req = options.request;
let res = options.response;
let html = options.html || this.html;
var bootOptions = buildBootOptions();
var doc = bootOptions.document;
var rootElement = bootOptions.rootElement;
let bootOptions = buildBootOptions();
let fastbootInfo = new FastBootInfo(req, res, this.hostWhitelist);
let doc = bootOptions.document;
return this.buildApp()
.then(registerFastBootInfo(req, res, this._hostWhitelist))
.then(function(instance) {
return instance.boot(bootOptions);
.then(function(instance) {
return instance.visit(path, bootOptions);
.then(function(instance) {
var fastbootInfo = instance.lookup('info:-fastboot');
let instance;
return fastbootInfo.deferredPromise.then(function() {
return instance;
.then(serializeHTML(doc, rootElement));
let result = new Result({
doc: doc,
html: html,
fastbootInfo: fastbootInfo
return this.buildAppInstance()
.then(appInstance => {
instance = appInstance;
result.instance = instance;
registerFastBootInfo(fastbootInfo, instance);
return instance.boot(bootOptions);
.then(() => instance.visit(path, bootOptions))
.then(() => waitForApp(instance))
.catch(error => result.error = error)
.then(() => result._finalize())
.finally(() => instance.destroy());
* Given the path to a built Ember app, reads the FastBoot manifest
* information from its `package.json` file.
readPackageJSON(distPath) {
let pkgPath = path.join(distPath, 'package.json');
let file;
try {
file = fs.readFileSync(pkgPath);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`Couldn't find ${pkgPath}. You may need to update your version of ember-cli-fastboot.`);
let manifest;
let pkg;
try {
pkg = JSON.parse(file);
manifest = pkg.fastboot.manifest;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`${pkgPath} was malformed or did not contain a manifest. Ensure that you have a compatible version of ember-cli-fastboot.`);
return {
appFile: path.join(distPath, manifest.appFile),
vendorFile: path.join(distPath, manifest.vendorFile),
htmlFile: path.join(distPath, manifest.htmlFile),
moduleWhitelist: pkg.fastboot.moduleWhitelist,
hostWhitelist: pkg.fastboot.hostWhitelist

@@ -104,4 +253,4 @@ * Builds an object with the options required to boot an ApplicationInstance in

function buildBootOptions() {
var doc = new SimpleDOM.Document();
var rootElement = doc.body;
let doc = new SimpleDOM.Document();
let rootElement = doc.body;

@@ -116,49 +265,22 @@ return {

* Builds a new FastBootInfo instance with the request and response and injects
* it into the application instance.
* Ember apps can manually defer rendering in FastBoot mode if they're waiting
* on something async the router doesn't know about. This function fetches
* that promise for deferred rendering from the app.
function registerFastBootInfo(req, res, hostWhitelist) {
return function(instance) {
var info = new FastBootInfo(req, res, hostWhitelist);
function waitForApp(instance) {
let fastbootInfo = instance.lookup('info:-fastboot');
return fastbootInfo.deferredPromise.then(function() {
return instance;
* After the ApplicationInstance has finished rendering, serializes the
* resulting DOM element into HTML to be transmitted back to the user agent.
* Builds a new FastBootInfo instance with the request and response and injects
* it into the application instance.
function serializeHTML(doc, rootElement) {
return function(instance) {
var head;
if (doc.head) {
head = HTMLSerializer.serializeChildren(doc.head);
try {
return {
url: instance.getURL(), // TODO: use this to determine whether to 200 or redirect
title: doc.title,
head: head,
body: HTMLSerializer.serializeChildren(rootElement)
} finally {
function registerFastBootInfo(info, instance) {
function buildWhitelistedRequire(whitelist, distPath) {
return function(moduleName) {
if (whitelist.indexOf(moduleName) > -1) {
return require(path.join(distPath, 'node_modules', moduleName));
} else {
throw new Error("Unable to require module '" + moduleName + "' because it was not in the whitelist.");
module.exports = EmberApp;
// Partially implements Headers from the Fetch API
function FastBootHeaders(headers) {
this.headers = headers
headers = headers || {};
this.headers = {};
for (var header in headers) {
this.headers[header] = headers[header].split(', ');
FastBootHeaders.prototype.append = function(header, value) {
header = header.toLowerCase();
if (!this.has(header)) {
this.headers[header] = [];
FastBootHeaders.prototype.delete = function(header) {
delete this.headers[header.toLowerCase()];
FastBootHeaders.prototype.entries = function() {
var entries = [];
for(var key in this.headers) {
var values = this.headers[key];
for(var index = 0; index < values.length; ++index ) {
entries.push([key, values[index]]);
return entries[Symbol.iterator]();
FastBootHeaders.prototype.get = function(header) {
return this.getAll(header)[0] || null;
FastBootHeaders.prototype.getAll = function(header) {
var headerValue = this.headers[header.toLowerCase()];
return this.headers[header.toLowerCase()] || [];
if (headerValue) {
return headerValue.split(', ');
FastBootHeaders.prototype.has = function(header) {
return this.headers[header.toLowerCase()] !== undefined;
FastBootHeaders.prototype.keys = function() {
var entries = [];
for(var key in this.headers) {
var values = this.headers[key];
for(var index = 0; index < values.length; ++index ) {
return [];
return entries[Symbol.iterator]();
FastBootHeaders.prototype.has = function(header) {
return this.headers[header.toLowerCase()] !== undefined;
FastBootHeaders.prototype.set = function(header, value) {
header = header.toLowerCase();
this.headers[header] = [value];
FastBootHeaders.prototype.values = function() {
var entries = [];
for(var key in this.headers) {
var values = this.headers[key];
for(var index = 0; index < values.length; ++index ) {
return entries[Symbol.iterator]();
module.exports = FastBootHeaders;
var RSVP = require('rsvp');
var FastBootRequest = require('./fastboot-request');
var FastBootResponse = require('./fastboot-response');

@@ -10,5 +11,8 @@ /*

function FastBootInfo(request, response, hostWhitelist) {
this.response = response;
this.deferredPromise = RSVP.resolve();
this.request = new FastBootRequest(request, hostWhitelist);
if (request) {
this.request = new FastBootRequest(request, hostWhitelist);
this.response = new FastBootResponse(response || {});

@@ -20,3 +24,3 @@


@@ -23,0 +27,0 @@ /*

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ var cookie = require('cookie');

this.protocol = request.protocol
this.protocol = request.protocol;
this.headers = new FastBootHeaders(request.headers);

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@ this.queryParams = request.query;

@@ -22,2 +22,2 @@ var sourceMapSupport = require('source-map-support');

install: install
var chalk = require('chalk');
function isLegacyVM() {
return require('vm').isContext === undefined;
function Sandbox() {
function Sandbox(options) {
var klass;
if (isLegacyVM()) {
klass = require('./sandboxes/contextify');
} else {
klass = require('./sandboxes/vm');
return new klass(options);
Sandbox.prototype.init = function(options) {

@@ -63,4 +50,2 @@ this.globals = options.globals;

Sandbox.isLegacyVM = isLegacyVM;
module.exports = Sandbox;
"name": "fastboot",
"version": "0.0.1",
"version": "0.0.2",
"description": "Library for rendering Ember apps in node.js",
"main": "./lib/server",
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "scripts/is-not-legacy-vm || npm install contextify@^0.1.11",
"test": "mocha"

@@ -23,5 +21,2 @@ },

"bin": {
"ember-fastboot": "./bin/ember-fastboot"
"homepage": "",

@@ -32,2 +27,3 @@ "dependencies": {

"debug": "^2.1.0",
"exists-sync": "0.0.3",
"express": "^4.13.3",

@@ -47,2 +43,3 @@ "express-cluster": "0.0.4",

"mocha": "^2.4.5",
"mocha-jshint": "^2.3.1",
"request-promise": "^2.0.1",

@@ -49,0 +46,0 @@ "temp": "^0.8.3"

@@ -1,8 +0,6 @@

# Ember FastBoot Server
# FastBoot
[![Build Status](](
The Ember FastBoot Server is used to render Ember.js applications on the
server and deliver them to clients over HTTP. This server is meant to be
run in a production environment.
FastBoot is a library for rendering Ember.js applications in Node.js.

@@ -15,14 +13,26 @@ For more information about FastBoot, see

The FastBoot server requires Node 0.12 or later.
To serve server-rendered versions of your Ember app over HTTP, see the
[FastBoot App
FastBoot requires Node.js v4 or later.
## Usage
The FastBoot server supports two modes of usage:
const FastBoot = require('fastboot');
1. Running as a binary from the command line.
2. Running programmatically as an Express middleware.
let app = new FastBoot({
distPath: 'path/to/dist'
In both cases, you will first need to build your Ember application,
which packages it up for using in both the browser and in Node.js.
.then(result => result.html())
.then(html => res.send(html));
In order to get a `dist` directory, you will first need to build your
Ember application, which packages it up for using in both the browser
and in Node.js.
### Build Your App

@@ -56,33 +66,5 @@

### Middleware
### Debugging
Alternatively, you can integrate the FastBoot server into an existing
Node.js application by constructing a `FastBootServer` and using it as a
var server = new FastBootServer({
distPath: 'path/to/dist'
var app = express();
app.get('/*', server.middleware());
var listener = app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000, function() {
var host = listener.address().address;
var port = listener.address().port;
console.log('FastBoot running at http://' + host + ":" + port);
You can also serve Ember's static assets (compiled JavaScript and CSS files) or public
files (like images or fonts) without using a CDN by adding extra routes:
app.use('/assets', express.static('dist/assets'));
app.use('/images', express.static('dist/images'));
app.use('/fonts', express.static('dist/fonts'));
app.get('/*', server.middleware());
Run `fastboot` with the `DEBUG` environment variable set to `fastboot:*`
for detailed logging.

@@ -0,1 +1,3 @@

/* jshint expr:true */
var expect = require('chai').expect;

@@ -12,3 +14,3 @@ var path = require('path');

var headers = new FastBootHeaders(headers);
headers = new FastBootHeaders(headers);

@@ -25,3 +27,3 @@ expect(headers.getAll('X-Test-Header')).to.deep.equal(['value1', 'value2']);

var headers = new FastBootHeaders(headers);
headers = new FastBootHeaders(headers);

@@ -38,3 +40,3 @@ expect(headers.getAll('Host')).to.deep.equal([]);

var headers = new FastBootHeaders(headers);
headers = new FastBootHeaders(headers);

@@ -51,3 +53,3 @@ expect(headers.get('X-Test-Header')).to.equal('value1');

var headers = new FastBootHeaders(headers);
headers = new FastBootHeaders(headers);

@@ -58,3 +60,3 @@ expect(headers.get('Host'));

it('returns whether or not a header is present via has, regardless of case', function() {
it('returns whether or not a header is present via has, regardless of casing', function() {
var headers = {

@@ -65,3 +67,3 @@ // Express concatenates repeated keys with ', '

var headers = new FastBootHeaders(headers);
headers = new FastBootHeaders(headers);

@@ -73,3 +75,84 @@ expect(headers.has('X-Test-Header'));

it('appends entries onto a header, regardless of casing', function() {
var headers = new FastBootHeaders();
headers.append('X-Foo', 'bar');
headers.append('X-Foo', 'baz');
expect(headers.getAll('x-foo')).to.deep.equal(['bar', 'baz']);
it('deletes entries onto a header, regardless of casing', function() {
var headers = new FastBootHeaders();
headers.append('X-Foo', 'bar');
it('returns an iterator for the header/value pairs when calling entries', function() {
var headers = new FastBootHeaders();
headers.append('X-Foo', 'foo');
headers.append('X-Foo', 'baz');
headers.append('x-bar', 'bar');
var entriesIterator = headers.entries();
expect({ value: ['x-foo', 'foo'], done: false });
expect({ value: ['x-foo', 'baz'], done: false });
expect({ value: ['x-bar', 'bar'], done: false });
expect({ value: undefined, done: true });
it('returns an iterator for keys containing all the keys', function() {
var headers = new FastBootHeaders();
headers.append('X-Foo', 'foo');
headers.append('X-Foo', 'baz');
headers.append('x-bar', 'bar');
var entriesIterator = headers.keys();
expect({ value: 'x-foo', done: false });
expect({ value: 'x-foo', done: false });
expect({ value: 'x-bar', done: false });
expect({ value: undefined, done: true });
it('sets a header, overwriting existing values, regardless of casing', function() {
var headers = new FastBootHeaders();
headers.append('X-Foo', 'foo');
headers.set('x-foo', 'bar');
headers.set('X-Bar', 'baz');
it('returns an iterator for values containing all the values', function() {
var headers = new FastBootHeaders();
headers.append('X-Foo', 'foo');
headers.append('X-Foo', 'baz');
headers.append('x-bar', 'bar');
var entriesIterator = headers.values();
expect({ value: 'foo', done: false });
expect({ value: 'baz', done: false });
expect({ value: 'bar', done: false });
expect({ value: undefined, done: true });
var expect = require('chai').expect;
var path = require('path');
var FastBootInfo = require('../lib/fastboot-info.js');
var FastBootResponse = require('../lib/fastboot-response.js');
var FastBootRequest = require('../lib/fastboot-request.js');
describe("FastBootInfo", function() {
it("has a FastBootRequest", function() {
var response = {};
var request = {
var response;
var request;
var fastbootInfo;
beforeEach(function () {
response = {};
request = {
cookie: "",

@@ -17,7 +23,14 @@ protocol: "http",

var fastbootInfo = new FastBootInfo(request, response);
fastbootInfo = new FastBootInfo(request, response);
it("has a FastBootRequest", function() {
it("has a FastBootResponse", function() {

@@ -35,3 +35,3 @@ var expect = require('chai').expect;

var hostWhitelist = ["", "localhost:4200"]
var hostWhitelist = ["", "localhost:4200"];
var fastbootRequest = new FastBootRequest(request, hostWhitelist);

@@ -56,3 +56,3 @@

var hostWhitelist = ["", "localhost:4200"]
var hostWhitelist = ["", "localhost:4200"];
var fastbootRequest = new FastBootRequest(request, hostWhitelist);

@@ -75,3 +75,3 @@

var hostWhitelist = ["", "/localhost:\\d+/"]
var hostWhitelist = ["", "/localhost:\\d+/"];
var fastbootRequest = new FastBootRequest(request, hostWhitelist);

@@ -78,0 +78,0 @@

var express = require('express');
var RSVP = require('rsvp');
var FastBootServer = require('../../lib/server.js');
var FastBoot = require('../../index');

@@ -17,3 +17,3 @@ function TestHTTPServer(options) {

var options = this.options;
var server = new FastBootServer(options);
var server = new FastBoot(options);
var self = this;

@@ -23,3 +23,3 @@

return {
return server._app.buildAppInstance().then(function() {
var app = express();

@@ -48,3 +48,3 @@

TestHTTPServer.prototype.withFastBootServer = function(cb) {
TestHTTPServer.prototype.withFastBoot = function(cb) {
return cb(this.server);

@@ -51,0 +51,0 @@ };

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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