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fastestsmallesttextencoderdecoder - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.20 to 1.0.21



@@ -1,5 +0,6 @@

'use strict';(function(n){function x(){}function z(b){var a=b.charCodeAt(0)|0;if(55296<=a&&56319>=a)if(b=b.charCodeAt(1)|0,56320<=b&&57343>=b){if(a=(a<<10)+b-56613888|0,65535<a)return r(240|a>>>18,128|a>>>12&63,128|a>>>6&63,128|a&63)}else a=65533;return 2047>=a?r(192|a>>>6,128|a&63):r(224|a>>>12,128|a>>>6&63,128|a&63)}function y(){}var r=String.fromCharCode,t={}.toString,,B=t(),q=n.Uint8Array,u=q||Array,v=q?ArrayBuffer:u,C=v.isView||function(b){return b&&"length"in b},;v=y.prototype;var E=n.TextEncoder,F=/[\x80-\uD7ff\uDC00-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]?/g,l=new (q?Uint16Array:u)(8192);x.prototype.decode=function(b){if(!C(b)){var;if(a!==D&&a!==A&&a!==B)throw TypeError("Failed to execute 'decode' on 'TextDecoder': The provided value is not of type '(ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView)'");b=q?new u(b):b||[]}a="";for(var c=0,p=b.length|0,g,d=0,w=31,h=0,m=0,f,e=0,k=0;c<p;){for(;c<p&&8192>e;c=c+1|0,e=e+1|0)switch(g=b[c]&255,g>>>
4){case 15:w>>>=1,f=b[c=c+1|0]&255,d=f&63,m=2===f>>>6&&248>g?5:20,h=6;case 14:w>>>=1,f=b[c=c+1|0]&255,d<<=6,d|=f&63,m=2===f>>>6?m+4|0:24,h=h+6|0;case 13:case 12:f=b[c=c+1|0]&255,d<<=6,d|=f&63,m=2===f>>>6?m+7|0:31,h=h+6|0,d|=(g&w)<<h,c<p&&d>>>m&&1114112>d?(g=d,65535<d&&(d=d-65536|0,k=(d>>>10)+55296|0,g=(d&1023)+56320|0,8191>e?(l[e]=k,e=e+1|0,k=-1):(f=k,k=g,g=f))):(c=c-(h/6|0)|0,g=65533),w=31,d=m=h=0;case 7:case 6:case 5:case 4:case 3:case 2:case 1:case 0:l[e]=g;continue;case 8:case 9:case 10:case 11:l[e]=
65533}a+=r.apply(null,2048===e?l:q?l.subarray(0,e):l.slice(0,e));l[0]=k;e=-1!==k?1:0;k=-1}return a};n.TextDecoder||(n.TextDecoder=x);v.encode=function(b){var a;b=(void 0===b?"":""+b).replace(F,z);var c=b.length|0;var p=new u(c);for(a=0;a<c;a=a+1|0)p[a]=b.charCodeAt(a);return p};E||(n.TextEncoder=y)})(""+void 0==typeof global?""+void 0==typeof self?this:self:global);//AnonyCo
'use strict';(function(q){function x(){}function y(){}var z=String.fromCharCode,v={}.toString,,B=v(),r=q.Uint8Array,t=r||Array,w=r?ArrayBuffer:t,C=w.isView||function(g){return g&&"length"in g},;w=y.prototype;var E=q.TextEncoder,a=new (r?Uint16Array:t)(32);x.prototype.decode=function(g){if(!C(g)){var;if(l!==D&&l!==A&&l!==B)throw TypeError("Failed to execute 'decode' on 'TextDecoder': The provided value is not of type '(ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView)'");
g=r?new t(g):g||[]}for(var e=l="",b=0,c=g.length|0,u=c-32|0,f,d,h=0,p=0,m,k=0,n=-1;b<c;){for(f=b<=u?32:c-b|0;k<f;b=b+1|0,k=k+1|0){d=g[b]&255;switch(d>>4){case 15:m=g[b=b+1|0]&255;if(2!==m>>6||247<d){b=b-1|0;break}h=(d&7)<<6|m&63;p=5;d=256;case 14:m=g[b=b+1|0]&255,h<<=6,h|=(d&15)<<6|m&63,p=2===m>>6?p+4|0:24,d=d+256&768;case 13:case 12:m=g[b=b+1|0]&255,h<<=6,h|=(d&31)<<6|m&63,p=p+7|0,b<c&&2===m>>6&&h>>p&&1114112>h?(d=h,h=h-65536|0,0<=h&&(n=(h>>10)+55296|0,d=(h&1023)+56320|0,31>k?(a[k]=n,k=k+1|0,n=-1):
(m=n,n=d,d=m))):(d>>=8,b=b-d-1|0,d=65533),h=p=0,f=b<=u?32:c-b|0;default:a[k]=d;continue;case 11:case 10:case 9:case 8:}a[k]=65533}e+=z(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4],a[5],a[6],a[7],a[8],a[9],a[10],a[11],a[12],a[13],a[14],a[15],a[16],a[17],a[18],a[19],a[20],a[21],a[22],a[23],a[24],a[25],a[26],a[27],a[28],a[29],a[30],a[31]);32>k&&(e=e.slice(0,k-32|0));if(b<c){if(a[0]=n,k=~n>>>31,n=-1,e.length<l.length)continue}else-1!==n&&(e+=z(n));l+=e;e=""}return l};q.TextDecoder||(q.TextDecoder=x);w.encode=function(g){g=
void 0===g?"":""+g;var l=g.length|0,e=new t((l<<1)+9|0),b,c=0,u=!r;for(b=0;b<l;b=b+1|0,c=c+1|0){var f=g.charCodeAt(b)|0;if(127>=f)e[c]=f;else{if(2047>=f)e[c]=192|f>>6;else{if(55296<=f&&56319>=f){var d=g.charCodeAt(b=b+1|0)|0;if(56320<=d&&57343>=d){if(f=(f<<10)+d-56613888|0,65535<f){e[c]=240|f>>18;e[c=c+1|0]=128|f>>12&63;e[c=c+1|0]=128|f>>6&63;e[c=c+1|0]=128|f&63;continue}}else f=65533}else!u&&b<<1<c&&b<<1<(c-9|0)&&(u=!0,d=new t(3*l),d.set(e),e=d);e[c]=224|f>>12;e[c=c+1|0]=128|f>>6&63}e[c=c+1|0]=128|
f&63}}return r?e.subarray(0,c):e.slice(0,c)};E||(q.TextEncoder=y)})(""+void 0==typeof global?""+void 0==typeof self?this:self:global);//AnonyCo
//# sourceMappingURL=

@@ -1,6 +0,7 @@

'use strict';(function(k){var t=String.fromCharCode,u={}.toString,v=k.SharedArrayBuffer,H=v?"",q=k.Uint8Array,I=q?"",g=k.Buffer,J=/[\x80-\uD7ff\uDC00-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]?/g,r=new Uint16Array(8192);try{!g&&k.require&&(g=k.require("Buffer"));var A=g.prototype;var K=g?""}catch(a){}var B=!!q&&!g,L=!g||!!q&&q.prototype.isPrototypeOf(A),y=k.TextEncoder,z=k.TextDecoder;if(B||g){var w=function(a){a.TextDecoder=z||C;a.TextEncoder=y||D;a!==
k&&(a.decode=z?E(new z,"decode"):F,a.encode=y?E(new y,"encode"):G);return a},E=function(a,b,c){c=a[b];return function(){return c.apply(a,arguments)}},G=function(a){a=void 0===a?"":(""+a).replace(J,M);for(var b=a.length|0,c=B?new q(b):g.allocUnsafe?g.allocUnsafe(b):new g(b),l=0;l<b;l=l+1|0)c[l]=a.charCodeAt(l)|0;return c},D=function(){},M=function(a){var b=a.charCodeAt(0)|0;if(55296<=b&&56319>=b)if(a=a.charCodeAt(1)|0,56320<=a&&57343>=a){if(b=(b<<10)+a-56613888|0,65535<b)return t(240|b>>>18,128|b>>>
12&63,128|b>>>6&63,128|b&63)}else b=65533;return 2047>=b?t(192|b>>>6,128|b&63):t(224|b>>>12,128|b>>>6&63,128|b&63)},F=function(a){var b=a&&a.buffer||a,;if(c!==I&&c!==K&&c!==H&&"[object ArrayBuffer]"!==c&&void 0!==a)throw TypeError("Failed to execute 'decode' on 'TextDecoder': The provided value is not of type '(ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView)'");a=L?new q(b):b||[];b="";c=0;for(var l=a.length|0,h,d=0,x=31,m=0,p=0,f,e=0,n=0;c<l;){for(;c<l&&8192>e;c=c+1|0,e=e+1|0)switch(h=a[c]&255,h>>>4){case 15:x>>>=
1,f=a[c=c+1|0]&255,d=f&63,p=2===f>>>6&&248>h?5:20,m=6;case 14:x>>>=1,f=a[c=c+1|0]&255,d<<=6,d|=f&63,p=2===f>>>6?p+4|0:24,m=m+6|0;case 13:case 12:f=a[c=c+1|0]&255,d<<=6,d|=f&63,p=2===f>>>6?p+7|0:31,m=m+6|0,d|=(h&x)<<m,c<l&&d>>>p&&1114112>d?(h=d,65535<d&&(d=d-65536|0,n=(d>>>10)+55296|0,h=(d&1023)+56320|0,8191>e?(r[e]=n,e=e+1|0,n=-1):(f=n,n=h,h=f))):(c=c-(m/6|0)|0,h=65533),x=31,d=p=m=0;case 7:case 6:case 5:case 4:case 3:case 2:case 1:case 0:r[e]=h;continue;case 8:case 9:case 10:case 11:r[e]=65533}b+=
t.apply(null,8192===e?r:r.subarray(0,e));r[0]=n;e=-1!==n?1:0;n=-1}return b},C=function(){};C.prototype.decode=F;v=D.prototype;v.encode=G;"object"===typeof exports&&"undefined"!==typeof module?w(module.exports):typeof define==typeof w&&"function"===typeof define&&define.amd?define(function(){return w({})}):w(k)}})("undefined"==typeof global?"undefined"==typeof self?this||{}:self:global);//AnonyCo
'use strict';(function(n){var t=String.fromCharCode,u={}.toString,v=n.SharedArrayBuffer,I=v?"",q=n.Uint8Array,J=q?"",l=n.Buffer,K=/[\x80-\uD7ff\uDC00-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]?/g,a=new Uint16Array(32);try{!l&&n.require&&(l=n.require("Buffer"));var A=l.prototype;var L=l?""}catch(b){}var B=!!q&&!l,M=!l||!!q&&q.prototype.isPrototypeOf(A),x=n.TextEncoder,y=n.TextDecoder;if(B||l){var w=function(b){b.TextDecoder=y||C;b.TextEncoder=x||D;b!==
n&&(b.decode=y?E(new y,"decode"):F,b.encode=x?E(new x,"encode"):G);return b},E=function(b,c,e){e=b[c];return function(){return e.apply(b,arguments)}},G=function(b){b=void 0===b?"":(""+b).replace(K,N);for(var c=b.length|0,e=B?new q(c):l.allocUnsafe?l.allocUnsafe(c):new l(c),d=0;d<c;d=d+1|0)e[d]=b.charCodeAt(d)|0;return e},D=function(){},N=function(b){var c=b.charCodeAt(0)|0;if(55296<=c&&56319>=c)if(b=b.charCodeAt(1)|0,56320<=b&&57343>=b){if(c=(c<<10)+b-56613888|0,65535<c)return t(240|c>>18,128|c>>
12&63,128|c>>6&63,128|c&63)}else c=65533;return 2047>=c?t(192|c>>6,128|c&63):t(224|c>>12,128|c>>6&63,128|c&63)},F=function(b){var c=b&&b.buffer||b,;if(e!==J&&e!==L&&e!==I&&"[object ArrayBuffer]"!==e&&void 0!==b)throw TypeError("Failed to execute 'decode' on 'TextDecoder': The provided value is not of type '(ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView)'");b=M?new q(c):c||[];e=c="";for(var d=0,r=b.length|0,H=r-32|0,z,f,g=0,p=0,k,h=0,m=-1;d<r;){for(z=d<=H?32:r-d|0;h<z;d=d+1|0,h=h+1|0){f=b[d]&255;switch(f>>
4){case 15:k=b[d=d+1|0]&255;if(2!==k>>6||247<f){d=d-1|0;break}g=(f&7)<<6|k&63;p=5;f=256;case 14:k=b[d=d+1|0]&255,g<<=6,g|=(f&15)<<6|k&63,p=2===k>>6?p+4|0:24,f=f+256&768;case 13:case 12:k=b[d=d+1|0]&255,g<<=6,g|=(f&31)<<6|k&63,p=p+7|0,d<r&&2===k>>6&&g>>p&&1114112>g?(f=g,g=g-65536|0,0<=g&&(m=(g>>10)+55296|0,f=(g&1023)+56320|0,31>h?(a[h]=m,h=h+1|0,m=-1):(k=m,m=f,f=k))):(f>>=8,d=d-f-1|0,f=65533),g=p=0,z=d<=H?32:r-d|0;default:a[h]=f;continue;case 11:case 10:case 9:case 8:}a[h]=65533}e+=t(a[0],a[1],a[2],
a[3],a[4],a[5],a[6],a[7],a[8],a[9],a[10],a[11],a[12],a[13],a[14],a[15],a[16],a[17],a[18],a[19],a[20],a[21],a[22],a[23],a[24],a[25],a[26],a[27],a[28],a[29],a[30],a[31]);32>h&&(e=e.slice(0,h-32|0));if(d<r){if(a[0]=m,h=~m>>>31,m=-1,e.length<c.length)continue}else-1!==m&&(e+=t(m));c+=e;e=""}return c},C=function(){};C.prototype.decode=F;v=D.prototype;v.encode=G;"object"===typeof exports&&"undefined"!==typeof module?w(module.exports):typeof define==typeof w&&"function"===typeof define&&define.amd?define(function(){return w({})}):
w(n)}})("undefined"==typeof global?"undefined"==typeof self?this||{}:self:global);//AnonyCo
//# sourceMappingURL=
"name": "fastestsmallesttextencoderdecoder",
"version": "1.0.20",
"version": "1.0.21",
"description": "The fastest smallest Javascript polyfill for the encode of TextEncoder and decode of TextDecoder for UTF-8 only. Made by AnonyCo with ❤️ from 🐕s.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "keywords": [

@@ -8,4 +8,4 @@

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@@ -34,4 +34,8 @@ This Javascript library provides the most performant tiny polyfill for [`window.TextEncoder`](, [`TextEncoder.prototype.encodeInto`](, and [`window.TextDecoder`]( for use in [the browser](, in [NodeJS](, in [RequireJS](, in web [Worker](, in [SharedWorker](, and in [ServiceWorker](

See the [MDN here]( for documentation. For the TextEncoder.prototype.encodeInto polyfill, please use `` for the full package, `` for only TextEncoder and TextEncoder.prototype.encodeInto, and `npm i fastestsmallesttextencoderdecoder-encodeinto` for NodeJS, es6 modules, RequireJS, AngularJS, or whatever it is that floats your boat. The [encodeInto]( folder of this repository contains the auto-generated encodeInto build of the main project.
See the [MDN here]( for documentation. For the TextEncoder.prototype.encodeInto polyfill, please use `` for the full package, `` for only TextEncoder and TextEncoder.prototype.encodeInto, and `npm i fastestsmallesttextencoderdecoder-encodeinto` for NodeJS, es6 modules, RequireJS, AngularJS, or whatever it is that floats your boat. The [encodeInto]( folder of this repository contains the auto-generated encodeInto build of the main project. The npm project is [fastestsmallesttextencoderdecoder-encodeinto](
npm install fastestsmallesttextencoderdecoder-encodeinto
## RequireJS and NodeJS

@@ -70,13 +74,13 @@

The tests below were performed on an ascii file. To ensure consistancy, all test results are the mean of the IQR of many many trials.
The tests below were performed on an ascii file. To ensure consistancy, all test results are the mean of the IQR of many many trials. The checkmark "✔" means that the encoder/decoder implementation gave the correct output, whereas a bold "**✗**" indicates an incorrect output. This extra check is signifigant because relying on a faulty encoder/decoder can lead to inconsistant behaviors in code that defaults to using the native implementation where available.
| Library | Decode 32 bytes | Decode 32768 | Decode 16777216 | Encode 32 bytes | Encode 32768 | Encode 16777216 |
| ------- | --------------- | ------------ | --------------- | --------------- | ------------ | --------------- |
| [fast-text-encoding]( | 44247 Kb/sec | 73765 Kb/sec | 99360 Kb/sec | 11135 Kb/sec | 20393 Kb/sec | 27898 Kb/sec |
| [text-encoding]( | 5483 Kb/sec | 6718 Kb/sec | 7982 Kb/sec | 6001 Kb/sec | 5198 Kb/sec | 7950 Kb/sec |
| [TextEncoderTextDecoder.js]( | 5989 Kb/sec | 5240 Kb/sec | 6376 Kb/sec | 8608 Kb/sec | 7815 Kb/sec | 12733 Kb/sec |
| [TextEncoderLite]( | 19731 Kb/sec | 24746 Kb/sec | 13843 Kb/sec | 10357 Kb/sec | 8690 Kb/sec | 13093 Kb/sec |
| [text-encoding-shim]( | 15415 Kb/sec | 17477 Kb/sec | 26779 Kb/sec | 6692 Kb/sec | 9431 Kb/sec | 15477 Kb/sec |
| FastestSmallestTextEncoderDecoder | 48268 Kb/sec | 106573 Kb/sec | 193986 Kb/sec | 14203 Kb/sec | 21734 Kb/sec | 31994 Kb/sec |
| <i>Native</i> | 20248 Kb/sec | 895592 Kb/sec | 886559 Kb/sec | 17925 Kb/sec | 26714 Kb/sec | 36302 Kb/sec |
| <i>Native</i> | 10201 KB/sec ✔ | 806451 KB/sec ✔ | 907381 KB/sec ✔ | 53415 KB/sec ✔ | 4661211 KB/sec ✔ | 1150916 KB/sec ✔ |
| FastestSmallestTextEncoderDecoder | 18038 KB/sec ✔ | 154839 KB/sec ✔ | 168984 KB/sec ✔ | 21667 KB/sec ✔ | 404279 KB/sec ✔ | 681429 KB/sec ✔ |
| [fast-text-encoding]( | 17518 KB/sec ✔ | 71806 KB/sec ✔ | 99017 KB/sec ✔ | 22713 KB/sec ✔ | 240880 KB/sec ✔ | 445137 KB/sec ✔ |
| [text-encoding-shim]( | 10205 KB/sec ✔ | 17503 KB/sec ✔ | 27971 KB/sec ✔ | 14044 KB/sec ✔ | 50007 KB/sec ✔ | 88687 KB/sec ✔ |
| [TextEncoderLite]( | 12433 KB/sec ✔ | 23456 KB/sec ✔ | 13929 KB/sec ✔ | 24013 KB/sec ✔ | 57034 KB/sec ✔ | 62119 KB/sec ✔ |
| [TextEncoderTextDecoder.js]( | 4469 KB/sec ✔ | 5956 KB/sec ✔ | 5626 KB/sec ✔ | 13576 KB/sec ✔ | 37667 KB/sec ✔ | 57916 KB/sec ✔ |
| [text-encoding]( | 3084 KB/sec ✔ | 6762 KB/sec ✔ | 7925 KB/sec ✔ | 8621 KB/sec ✔ | 26699 KB/sec ✔ | 35755 KB/sec ✔ |

@@ -87,21 +91,21 @@ Needless to say, FastestSmallestTextEncoderDecoder outperformed every other polyfill out there. Infact, it is so fast that it outperformed the native implementation on a set of 32 ascii bytes. The tests below were performed on a mixed ascii-utf8 file.

| ------- | --------------- | ------------ | --------------- | --------------- | ------------ | --------------- |
| [fast-text-encoding]( | 39218 Kb/sec | 65368 Kb/sec | 93653 Kb/sec | 12144 Kb/sec | 20309 Kb/sec | 29522 Kb/sec |
| [text-encoding]( | 4931 Kb/sec | 6405 Kb/sec | 8323 Kb/sec | 6906 Kb/sec | 4352 Kb/sec | 8077 Kb/sec |
| [TextEncoderTextDecoder.js]( | 7675 Kb/sec | 5423 Kb/sec | 7264 Kb/sec | 8946 Kb/sec | 6816 Kb/sec | 12716 Kb/sec |
| [TextEncoderLite]( | 9034 Kb/sec | 10380 Kb/sec | 10372 Kb/sec | 10771 Kb/sec | 7452 Kb/sec | 12727 Kb/sec |
| [text-encoding-shim]( | 13735 Kb/sec | 14886 Kb/sec | 24207 Kb/sec | 7634 Kb/sec | 9097 Kb/sec | 15349 Kb/sec |
| FastestSmallestTextEncoderDecoder | 42538 Kb/sec | 65701 Kb/sec | 118350 Kb/sec | 14834 Kb/sec | 21717 Kb/sec | 31811 Kb/sec |
| <i>Native</i> | 23929 Kb/sec | 364062 Kb/sec | 512951 Kb/sec | 19296 Kb/sec | 26902 Kb/sec | 37260 Kb/sec |
| <i>Native</i> | 24140 KB/sec ✔ | 365043 KB/sec ✔ | 512133 KB/sec ✔ | 54183 KB/sec ✔ | 293455 KB/sec ✔ | 535203 KB/sec ✔ |
| FastestSmallestTextEncoderDecoder | 13932 KB/sec ✔ | 113823 KB/sec ✔ | 141706 KB/sec ✔ | 20755 KB/sec ✔ | 212100 KB/sec ✔ | 443344 KB/sec ✔ |
| [fast-text-encoding]( | 10738 KB/sec ✔ | 62851 KB/sec ✔ | 94031 KB/sec ✔ | 15105 KB/sec ✔ | 104843 KB/sec ✔ | 320778 KB/sec ✔ |
| [TextEncoderLite]( | 6594 KB/sec ✔ | 9893 KB/sec ✔ | 10470 KB/sec ✔ | 17660 KB/sec **✗** | 53905 KB/sec **✗** | 57862 KB/sec **✗** |
| [text-encoding-shim]( | 10778 KB/sec ✔ | 15063 KB/sec ✔ | 24373 KB/sec ✔ | 27296 KB/sec ✔ | 31496 KB/sec ✔ | 42497 KB/sec ✔ |
| [TextEncoderTextDecoder.js]( | 5558 KB/sec ✔ | 5121 KB/sec ✔ | 6580 KB/sec ✔ | 14583 KB/sec ✔ | 32261 KB/sec ✔ | 60183 KB/sec ✔ |
| [text-encoding]( | 3531 KB/sec ✔ | 6669 KB/sec ✔ | 7983 KB/sec ✔ | 7233 KB/sec ✔ | 20343 KB/sec ✔ | 29136 KB/sec ✔ |
Suprisingly, FastestSmallestTextEncoderDecoded once again beats the native implementation by a wide margin on a set of 32 characters. In the next test, let's examine a more real world example&mdash;the [1876 The Russian Synodal Bible.txt]( It's a whoping 4.4MB rat's-nest of complex Russian UTF-8, sure to give any encoder/decoder a bad day. Let's see how they perform at their worst.
FastestSmallestTextEncoderDecoder excells at encoding lots of complex unicode and runs at 83% the speed of the native implementation. In the next test, let's examine a more real world example&mdash;the [1876 The Russian Synodal Bible.txt]( It's a whoping 4.4MB rat's-nest of complex Russian UTF-8, sure to give any encoder/decoder a bad day. Let's see how they perform at their worst.
| Library | Decode Russian Bible | Encode Russian Bible |
| ------- | -------------------- | -------------------- |
| [fast-text-encoding]( | 93174 Kb/sec | 34207 Kb/sec |
| [text-encoding]( | 8120 Kb/sec | 8026 Kb/sec |
| [TextEncoderTextDecoder.js]( | 6102 Kb/sec | 12512 Kb/sec |
| [TextEncoderLite]( | 15564 Kb/sec | 12650 Kb/sec |
| [text-encoding-shim]( | 28146 Kb/sec | 17437 Kb/sec |
| FastestSmallestTextEncoderDecoder | 106154 Kb/sec | 35684 Kb/sec |
| <i>Native</i> | 870569 Kb/sec | 43547 Kb/sec |
| <i>Native</i> | 626273 KB/sec ✔ | 951538 KB/sec ✔ |
| FastestSmallestTextEncoderDecoder | 228360 KB/sec ✔ | 428625 KB/sec ✔ |
| [fast-text-encoding]( | 94666 KB/sec ✔ | 289109 KB/sec ✔ |
| [text-encoding-shim]( | 29335 KB/sec ✔ | 60508 KB/sec ✔ |
| [TextEncoderLite]( | 14079 KB/sec ✔ | 61648 KB/sec ✔ |
| [TextEncoderTextDecoder.js]( | 5989 KB/sec ✔ | 54741 KB/sec ✔ |
| [text-encoding]( | 7919 KB/sec ✔ | 28043 KB/sec ✔ |

@@ -217,3 +221,3 @@

I try my best to be a realist, and what's more realistic than death? I am going to die someday and it may be tomorrow in a car crash. You never know. As I have no coder freinds to look out for my projects, I'm looking for anyone who wants to be a collaborator on this project in the event of the unforseen. Reach out to me at If issues/pulls start piling up over the course of months, assume the worst. As I am trying my best to do my part to help the community, I encourage every developer to share their projects with other people to ensure continuity.
Feel free to reach out to me at I am fairly attentive to my github account, but in the unlikely event that issues/pulls start piling up, I of course welcome others to step in and contribute. I am widely open to input and collaboration from anyone on all of my projects.

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