Figma Export SVG
This is a simple CLI tool to export SVGs from Figma. It uses the Figma API to fetch the SVGs and saves them to the local file system, then optionally optimizes them using SVGO.
npm install -g figma-export-svg
figma-export-svg -a <access-token> -f <file-id> -n <node-ids (comma-separated)> -o <output-dir>
-a, --access-token <access-token> Figma personal access token (
-c, --clear-output-dir Clear output directory before saving new SVGs
-o, --output-dir <output-dir> Output directory
-f, --file-id <file-id> Figma file ID, e.g., oQ5VCtq1r0KrPx3VpqMSX5
-n, --node-ids <node-ids> Figma node IDs (comma-separated), e.g., 5432:1234,1234:9876
--file-name-strategy <strategy> File name strategy: camel, pascal, pascalSnake, constant, kebab, snake, train. Default: kebab
--svgo-config <value> Path to SVGO config file (e.g., ./svgo.config.mjs)
-h, --help display help for command
# Figma API options (see:
--scale <value> Scale factor for the exported SVGs. Between 0.01 and 4.
--outline-text Convert text to outlines if configured
--include-id Whether to include id attributes for all SVG elements
--include-node-id Whether to include node id attributes for all SVG elements
--simplify-strokes Simplify strokes in the exported SVGs
--contents-only Whether content that overlaps the node should be excluded from rendering
--absolute-bounds Whether to use absolute bounding box for exported SVGs