Filefog Provider Tests
A set of integration tests that can be included in you FileFog Provider module and used to test
your provider against the current FileFog API.
FileFog Interface Specification
Write a test runner
i.e. runner.js
var mocha = require('mocha');
var TestRunner = require('filefog-provider-tests');
new TestRunner({
definition: require('./relative/path/to/your/provider'),
s, while the local provider only requires a base_directory. Check the [Reference](https:
for additional interaces, or create your own.
config: {
client_key : '',
client_secret : 'mWURYHmMKZxr6aeR7DTjRu-q',
client_scope : "",
redirect_url : 'http://localhost:3000/service/callback/google'
interfaces: ["oauth", "events", "webhooks"]
Run the tests
$ node runner.js
MIT License