flow.js - a javascript flow control micro library
Flow.js is a javascript asynchronous flow-control micro library which works in
node.js and in browser. It allow to control how your
asynchronous code is executed, sequentially or in parallel.
Flow() is only 30lines.
How to use it
Let start with a basic example. 2 jobs run in sequence. The first job is a timeout
so the result is delivered asynchronously, and a second job is run only after the
completion of the first.
console.log("step 1: started, it will last 1sec");
console.log("step 1: 1sec expired. Step 1 completed");
}, 1000);
console.log("step 2: run after step1 has been completed");
It will display the following
step 1: started, it will last 1sec
step 1: 1sec expired. Step 1 completed
step 2: run after step1 has been completed
In order to keep it as simple as possible, Flow has only 2 methods.
.seq(callback) to execute job sequentially
is used to execute functions sequentially. The callback parameter
will be executed only after all previous jobs are completed.
The callback signature is callback(next, error, result)
next(error, result)
is the function to call when the job is completed. error is to notify an error
to the next job. result to notify a result. error and result may be omitted, if so they are considered
equal to undefined
is the error send by previous jobs
is the result send by previous jobs
for example
console.log("first job");
console.log("second job. run *after* first job");
.par(callback) to execute job in parallel
is used to execute functions in parallel. The callback parameter is the same as for .seq()
If multiple .par() are declared one after another, they are run in parallel. The first .seq()
after them
will receive all the error and result in Array. One array item per previous .par()
for example
console.log("job foo");
next(null, "foo");
console.log("job bar");
next(null, "bar");
}).seq(function(next, errors, results){
console.log("job run *after* the completion of foo and bar");
console.assert(errors.length == 2 && errors[0] === null && errors[1] == null)
console.assert(results.length == 2 && results[0] === 'foo' && results[1] == 'bar')
That's it
Flow.js is available on github here
under MIT license.
If you hit bugs, fill issues on github.
Feel free to fork, modify and have fun with it :)